Electronic Components: Electronics

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Schools Division of Cabanatuan City
Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City

Electronic Components

Project EL AR:
Enhance Learning
thru Adequate Resources

To You, Learner:

Welcome to Electronics Self-Learning Module (SLM) on Electronics Components! This

module was made to give you with fun and meaningful time for guided and independent learning
at your convenience. You will be able to process the contents of this Module while being an
active learner.

To You, Parent/s, Guardian/s and Learning Facilitator/s:

This Module was collaboratively developed and reviewed by the teachers, school heads
and supervisors of DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City to assist you in helping the learners meet
the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their different constraints in
schooling. As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.

This Module is about the impact of electronic gadgets which has affect the way we live
today. It is useful in different fields such as medicine, education, manufacturing, agriculture,
communication and even in entertainment.

You have seen what comprises these electronic gadgets. These gadgets were made
because of electronic components, some of which are discussed in this module.

There are numerous basic electronic components that are used for building electronic
circuits. Without these components, circuit designs are never complete or didn’t function well.
These components include resistors, diodes, capacitors, integrated circuits, and so on. Some of
these components consists of two or more terminals which are soldered to circuit boards. Some
may be packaged type like integrated circuits in which different semiconductor devices are


1. To explain the uses and applications of different passive electronic components.

2. To explain the uses and applications of different active electronic components.


Explain the uses and applications of different electronic components.


Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is considered an active component?

a. Capacitors b.Transistor
c. Resistor d. Inductor

2. Which of these convert electricity to a magnetic field?

a. Transistor b. Transistor
c. Resistor d. Inductor

3. Capacitors are electronic components capable of storing and delivering electrical charges. They
are classified accordingly to the material used on their manufacturing process. From the options
below, which one ISN’T a type of capacitor:
a. Electrolytic b. Tantalum
c. Polyester d. Ceramic

4. Regarding diodes, we CANNOT state that:

a. They allow electrical current to flow on only direction, blocking currents coming from the opposite
b. Every diode has polarity.
c. The positive pole is called anode and the negative pole is called cathode.
d. They can only work as conductors

5. The term IC, used in electronics, denotes

a. Integrated Circuit b. Industrial Control
c. Internal Combustion d. Internal Circuit

6. A resistor has a color band sequence of Red-Red-Black-Gold. Its value is

a. 22Ω ±10% b. 0.22Ω ±10%
c. 2.2Ω ±5% d. 22Ω ±5%

7. The resistance of a resistor is 32 kΩ. What are the first two colors in the color bands
of the resistor?
a. Orange, Red c. Red, Brown
b. Red, Orange d. Yellow, Green

8. If you are to allow current to flow in one direction, which of the following should you
a. inductors c. diodes
b. transistors d. IC’s

9. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Passive components operate even without power source
II. A diode is a passive component
a. I only c. Both I and II
b. II only d. Neither I and II

10. If you want to store electrical charges for future use, which of the following should you
a. Resistor c. Capacitor
b. Inductor d. Diode



The impact of electronic gadgets has affect the way we live today. It is useful in different fields
such as medicine, education, manufacturing, agriculture, communication and even in entertainment.

Now, have you seen what comprises these electronic gadgets? If not, these gadgets were made
because of electronic components, some of which are discussed in this module.

There are numerous basic electronic components that are used for building electronic circuits.
Without these components, circuit designs are never complete or didn’t function well. These components
include resistors, diodes, capacitors, integrated circuits, and so on. Some of these components consists
of two or more terminals which are soldered to circuit boards. Some may be packaged type like
integrated circuits in which different semiconductor devices are integrated. Here is a brief overview on
each of these basic electronic components and you can get in depth information by clicking links
attached to each component.

Major Electronic Components

Basic Electronics Components

An electronic circuit comprises of various types of components, which are classified into two
types: active components like transistors, diodes, IC’s; and passive components like capacitors,
resistors, inductors, etc.

In designing of an electronic circuit following are taken into consideration:

 Basic electronic components: capacitors, resistors, diodes, transistors, etc.
 Power sources: Signal generators and DC power supplies.
 Measurement and analysis instruments: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope CRO), multimeters, etc.

Passive Electronic Components

These components can store or maintains energy either in the form of current or voltage. Some of
these components are discussed below.

A resistor is a two-terminal passive electronic component, used to oppose or limit the current.
Resistor works based on the principle of Ohm’s law which states that “voltage applied across the
terminals of a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it” V=IR The units of the
resistance is ohms
Where R is the constant called resistance

Types of Resistors

1. Fixed resistors. This type of resistor is used to set the right conditions in an electronic circuit. The
values of resistance in fixed resistors are determined during the design phase of the circuit, based on
this there is no need to adjust the circuit.

2. Variable resistors. A device that is used to change the resistance according to our requirements in
an electronic circuit is known as a variable resistor. These resistors comprise of a fixed resistor element
and a slider which taps on to the resistor element. Variable resistors are commonly used as a three
terminal device for calibration of the device.

3. Light-dependent and Temperature-dependent Resistors. Some resistors are used in electronic

circuits as sensors. These sensors are either light-sensitive, as in the case of the photocell, or
temperature-sensitive, like the thermistor. The photocell is sometimes referred to as light-dependent
resistor I-DR and the thermistor as a temperature-dependent resistor TDR. The LDR and the TDR, just
like the ordinary resistors, are used to limit the current in a circuit. By limiting the current, these
components can be used as a switch.

Color Coded Resistors

What are the colored stripes on small resistors for? The colored stripe of the resistors give the
resistance value through a code. By memorizing the color code of resistors, one can readily know the
resistance of a color-coded resistor.
Commonly there are three colored stripes in a color-coded resistor. The first two gives the
significant digits while the third stripe gives the power of ten with which to multiply the significant digits.
A fourth stripe which is spaced further away from the first three stripes indicates the tolerance or the
accuracy of the indicated value of resistance. The table below shows the color code to determine the
resistance of the resistors.

Color Code
Black 0
Brown 1
Red 2
Orange 3
Yellow 4
Green 5
Blue 6
Violet 7
Gray 8
White 9
Silver 10%
Gold 5%

Color Coded Resistor


The capacitor is another important component of an electronic circuit; it stores electric charges.
The simplest capacitor is made of two metal plates with a small gap between them. The small gap can
just be air or any insulating material such as ceramic, mica, paper, plastic, or electrolyte. Capacitors are
named according to the insulating material used between the parallel conductors. Hence, there are
papers, mica, or electrolytic capacitors.

A capacitor is charged as soon as a capacitor is connected to a battery: The potential difference

of the battery causes charges to move along the wires. Electrons from the negative terminal of the
battery move towards one plate of the capacitor. At the same time, electrons on the other plate move
towards the battery. As a result, one plate becomes positively charged and the other negatively

A capacitor has the ability to store the amount of charge necessary to provide a potential
difference equal to the charging value. If 220 V were applied, the capacitor would charge to 220 V. if 20
V were applied, it would charge to 20 V- The capacitor would also discharge the same amount of
potential difference that was charged.

Charge can be stored on a capacitor from less than a thousandth of a second to many hours.
That is why even when the television set is switched off; many of the capacitors inside the television set
which store charges at very high voltages remain charged. If you put your hand even just close to one of
them, the capacitor will discharge through your body and you will receive an electric shock. Discharging a
capacitor is achieved by having a second circuit connected to the capacitor

A capacitor blocks the DC signals and allows the AC signals and also used with a resistor in a
timing circuit. The stored charge is Q=CV Where C is the capacitance of a capacitor and V is the applied


An inductor is an electromagnet. Whereas a capacitor stores energy in the electric field in the
space between the plates, an inductor stores energy in the magnetic field around its coil.

While a resistor opposes (restricts) the passage of current through it, an inductor opposes a
change in current in the circuit. Although it allows current to pass through freely, it delays the increase or
decrease of current in the circuit. So, it allows the current to pass freely, but it will not let the current
change rapidly. Change occurs more slowly than it would if the inductor were not in the circuit.

To give an example on an inductor works in circuit, let us use the circuit below. The circuit
consists of a battery, an inductor (coil of wire), a bulb, and a switch. You will notice that without the
inductor, this is a flashlight circuit.

Without an inductor in the circuit, when the switch closes, the bulb lights steadily. But with an
inductor in the circuit, when the switch closes, the bulb glows brightly at first and then becomes dimmer.
When the switch opens, the bulb glows brightly and then quickly goes out. Why?

Light bulb is a resistor. It has a resistance much higher than that of a coil of wire (the inductor). So
when the switch closes, most of the current would follow the low-resistance path through the coil. As
current increases in the coil, magnetic field around the coil builds up too. While magnetic field is building
up, the coil prevents the flow of current to the bulb. Once the magnetic field is built, current can flow
normally through the wire. Thus, when the switch opens, the magnetic field around the coil enables
current to flow in the coil until the magnetic field is gone. This current keeps the bulb lit for a period of
time even though the switch is open. In other words, an inductor can store energy in its magnetic field,
and tends to resist any change in the amount of current passing through it. The capacity of inductors to
store energy is its inductance. The standard unit of inductance, L is the henry (H).

Active Electronic Components

These components rely on a source of energy and are able to control the electron flow through
them. Some of these components are semiconductors like diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, various
displays like LCD, LED, CRTs and power sources like batteries, PV cells and other AC and DC supply


A diode is a device that allows current to flow in one direction and usually made with
semiconductor material. It has two terminals, anode and cathode terminals. These are mostly used in
converting circuits like AC to DC circuits. These are of different types like PN diodes, Zener diodes,
LEDs, photo diodes, etc.



A transistor is a three terminal semiconductor device. Mostly it is used as switching device and
also as an amplifier. This switching device can be a voltage or current controlled. By controlling the
voltage applied to the one terminal controls the current flow through the other two terminals. Transistors
are of two types, namely bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and field effect transistors (FET). And further
these can be PNP and NPN transistors.


Integrated Circuits

An Integrated circuit is a special component which is fabricated with thousands of transistors, resistors,
diodes and other electronic components on a tiny silicon chip. These are the building blocks of current
electronic devices like cell phones, computers, etc. These can be analog or digital integrated circuits.
Mostly used ICs in electronic circuits are Op-amps, timers, comparators, switches ICs and so on. These
can be classified as linear and nonlinear ICs depending on its application.

Integrated Circuits
Display Devices

LCD: A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat display technology, which is mostly used in applications like
computer monitors, cell phone display, calculators, etc. This technology uses two polarized filters and
electrodes for selectively disable or enable the light to pass from reflective backing to the eyes of the



Cathode ray tube display technology is mostly used in televisions and computer screens that works on
the movement of an electron beam back and forth on the back of the screen. This tube is an elongated
vacuum tube in which flattened surface has external components as electron gun, electron beam and a
phosphorescent screen.

Cathode Ray Tube

Batteries are most common power source for standalone industrial, domestic and handheld device
applications. It converts chemical energy into electrical energy through electrochemical discharge
reactions. These consist of one or more cells and each cell contains an anode, cathode and the
electrolyte. The battery cells are classified into two types namely primary cells and secondary cells. The
primary cells are not of rechargeable type but the secondary cells can be rechargeable.


These are the few basic electronic components with a brief explanation on attached links. Along
with electronic components symbols, reader might have got a basic idea about these components. We
are pioneers in developing electronics projects using these basic components with advanced controllers.
Therefore, readers can comment below regarding any help for testing these components and
practical assembling into electronic circuits.


Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. The term IC, used in electronics, denotes

a. Internal Combustion b. Industrial Control
c. Integrated Circuit d. Internal Circuit

2. If you want to store electrical charges for future use, which of the following should you
a. Resistor c. Capacitor
b. Inductor d. Diode

3. Capacitors are electronic components capable of storing and delivering electrical charges. They
are classified accordingly to the material used on their manufacturing process. From the options
below, which one ISN’T a type of capacitor:
a. Electrolytic b. Tantalum
c. Polyester d. Ceramic

4. If you are to allow current to flow in one direction, which of the following should you
a. inductors c. diodes
b. transistors d. IC’s

5. Which of the following is considered an active component?

a. Capacitors b.Transistor
c. Resistor d. Inductor

6. A resistor has a color band sequence of Blue-Yellow-Red-Silver. Its value is

a. 64 x 102 Ω ±5% b. 64 x 102 Ω ±10%
c. 6.4 x 10 Ω ±5% d. 6.4 x 102 Ω ±10%

7. The resistance of a resistor is 59 MΩ. What are the first two colors in the color bands
of the resistor?
a. Orange, Red c. Red, Brown
b. Red, Orange d. Green, White

8. Regarding diodes, we CANNOT state that:

a. They allow electrical current to flow on only direction, blocking currents coming from the
opposite direction.
b. Every diode has polarity.
c. The positive pole is called anode and the negative pole is called cathode.
d. They can only work as conductors

9. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Passive components operate even without power source
II. A diode is a passive component
a. I only c. Both I and II
b. II only d. Neither I and II

10. Which of these convert electricity to a magnetic field?

a. Inductor b. Transistor
c. Resistor d. Capacitor


Encircle ten words that is related to electronic components.


Complete the table below by identifying the electronic component

being described.


Complete the table by supplying the necessary number using color

coded resistor.




1. Science and Technology IV: Physics Textbook (Quezon City, Philippines: Book Media Press,
2004), page/s 414-430

1. https://www.elprocus.com/major-electronic-components/ July1. 2020

Online Sources
Electronic Components
This Module is about the impact of electronic gadgets which has affect the way we live today. It
is useful in different fields such as medicine, education, manufacturing, agriculture, communication and
even in entertainment.

At the end of the lesson, you will learn what comprises your electronic gadgets like cellphones,
TV, computers and the like. You will also learn, the numerous basic electronic components that are
used for building electronic circuits which when combined together is very useful part of electronic
devices. Also, you will learn about each components characteristics and importance to electronics.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region 3 Division of Cabanatuan City

Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
This self-learning module (SLM) is developed by the SDO Cabanatuan City CID-LRMDS Team under
18 Project EL AR: Enhanced Learning thru Adequate Resources. 17
Cover and page elements illustrations by Jan Carl B. Briones ● Project EL AR logo by Gemmarie G. Rivas

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