Soal PTs Kelas IV

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Name : ....................................
TAHUN AJARAN : 2020/2021
I. Berilah tanda silang pada huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang dianggap
paling benar!

Deni : “What is Andra’s hobby?

Rika : “Andra’s hobby is …..”
a. Reading
b. Painting
c. Fishing
d. Dancing

2.Raka  : “ Do you like playing football?”

Bagus : “No, …….”
a. I do b. I like too. c. I does not d. I do not

3. Selamat siang in English is ….

a. Good morning b. Good afternoon c. Good night d. Good evening

4. Mrs. Ani : “Good night, dear.”

Ani : “ …………….., mom.”
Mrs. Ani : “ Have a nice dream.”
Ani  : “ Thank you, mom.”

a. Good evening c. Thank you

b. How are you d. Good night
5. How are you today? In indonesian is ….
a. Siapa namamu? c. Bagaiamana kabarmu hari ini?
b. Selamat pagi teman? d. Apakah kegiatanmu hari ini?

6. Saya punya pensil biru. The English sentence is ….

a. I have blue pencil c. I have white pencil
b. I have red pencil d. I have brown pencil

7. Riko : “ Is that banana?”

Sinta : “ Yes, it is.

Riko : “ What colour is it?”

Sinta : “ …………………….?”
a. It is purple c. Is is grey
b. It is yellow d. It is pink

8. What colour is this book? The Indonesian sentence is ….

a. Apakah warna buku ini? c. Warna apakah buku itu?
b. Apakah buku ini punya warna? d. Warna buku ini sangat indah?

9. I) Blue in Indonesian is biru

II) Yellow in Indonesian is putih
III) Putih in English is white
IV) Hitam in English is purple
The correct statements above is number ….
a. I and II c. I and IV
b. II and IV d. I and III

10. Today is sunday, tomorrow will be ….

a. Tuesday c. Friday
b. Holyday d. Monday

11. Yesterday was friday, today is ….

a. Sunday c. Saturday
b. Wednesday d. Thursday

12. We celebrate the independent day on ….

a. November 10th c. August 17th
b. May 1st d. April 21th

13. This month is March, next month will be ….

a. April c. May
b. August d. January

13. It is a knife, it is for ….

a. Write on the book
b. Cutting the vegetables
c. Cutting the wood
d. Watering the plant
14. Dina : “Where we can find the plate and spoon?”
Sintia : “ We can find its in the ……”
a. Bathroom c. Bedroom
b. Living room d. Kitchen

15. We can find a …… in the bathroom

a. Toothpaste c. Toothbrush
b. Sponge d. Soap

II. Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang benar!

1. My mother fries chicken using a ….

2. One thousand in indonesian is …

3. Their hobby are ….

4. I have purple rose. Purple in Indonesian is ….

5. The colour this leave is green. Green in Indonesian is ….

6. Selamat sore in English is ….

7. Last month was December, this month is …

8. We need a spoon, plate and fork to ….

9. Triangle in Indonesia is.....

10. What colour of the triangle....

III. Uraian!

1. Translate the words below into Indonesian!

a. Swimming b. Camping c. Painting d. Playing kite
Answer :
2. Translate the colours below into Indonesian!
a. Kuning b. Hijau. c. Biru d. Putih
Answer :

3. Write the English !

 Selasa _____________

 Rabu_____________

 Minggu____________

 Sabtu_____________

4. Answer the questions below!

 What is the color of the sky? ______________________________________

 What is the color of milk? ________________________________________

 What is the color of grass? _______________________________________

5. Complete the personal information form below according to your personal


Personal information form

 Full name : __________________________________________

 Age : __________________________________________

 Date of birth : __________________________________________

 Nationality : __________________________________________

 Address : __________________________________________

 Phone number : __________________________________________

 School : __________________________________________

 Hobby : __________________________________________

----------------Good Luck------------------
Kunci jawaban kelas IV tes bahasa Inggris :

PG :

1. C (fishing)

2. D (no, i do not)

3. B (good afternoon)

4. D (good night)

5. C. (Bagaimana kabarmu hari ini)

6. A (i have blue pencil)

7. B (it is yellow)

8. A (apakah warna buku ini)

9. D (I dan III)

10. D (Monday)

11. C (Saturday)

12. C. (Agustus 17th)

13. B (cutting for the vagetables)

14. D (kitchen)

15. C (toothbrush)

Isian :

1. Kitchen

2. 1000

3. Studing

4. Purple : ungu

5. Green : hijau

6. Good evening
7. January

8. Eat (makan)

9. Segitiga

10. Blue : biru

Uraian :

1. Swimming : berenang, camping : berkemah, painting : menggambar, playing kite :

bermain layang-layang

2. Kuning : yellow, hijau : green, biru : blue, putih : white

3. Selasa : Tuesday, rabu : Wednesday, minggu : Sunday , sabtu : Saturday

4. Blue, white, green

5. Full name ( nama lengkap siswa), age (umur siswa), dateng of birth (tanggal lahir),
nationality : ( kebangsaan apa), address (alamat siswa), phone number (nomor telepon
siswa), school (nama sekolah), hobby  hobby/minat siswa).

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