Name: Wiwaksa Waskita Theme: Why Does Indonesia Need C-130 Hercules School: Senior High School 1 Purwokerto

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Name : Wiwaksa Waskita

Theme: Why Does Indonesia Need C-130 Hercules

School : Senior High School 1 Purwokerto

The Importance of C-130 Hercules For Indonesia

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, good morning the honourable judges

and distinguished participants. First of all, let’s praise our thank to Allah SWT who gives us
many blesses so we can join this competition in a beautiful vibes. My name is Wiwaksa
Waskita, you can call me Aksa. I come from Purwokerto, precisely Senior High School 1
Purwokerto. In this honourable moment, I’m going to deliver my speech entitled “The
Importance of C-130 Hercules For Indonesia.” Ladies and gentlemen, do you guys know
what C-130 Hercules is? Do you guys ever being inside this great Indonesia’s air transporter?
Honestly, I’ve never been inside that amazing plane also, yet I hope I could be there. Then I
will give a definition of C-130 Hercules which quoted from Wikipedia. C-130 Hercules is
a plane four-engine turboprop wings (high wing), which served as a military transport
aircraft main military forces in many parts of the world. It was originally an army carrier
and cargo aircraft that is now also used for a wide variety of roles. Serving more than 50
years, the C-130 family has set great records for its reliability and durability, participating in
military, civilian, and humanitarian aid.

Could you imagine how great that plane is? I guess you guys have already figured it
out. Indonesia has complex topography with its massive citizens, makes this country also
could has complex problem too. When Indonesia is facing a problem, then it needs to be
solved quickly. Especially for a problem like natural disaster. Ladies and gentlemen, I do
believe that you realized that Indonesia also has many vulcanic mountain. Can you imagine
how hard the effects are towards the civilian if the mountain explodes? If this kind of disaster
happens, it would destroy any public facilities and makes human activities stopped. Of course
it needs a fast, massive, and right measurement by the role of our great air transportation and
the crew. The C-130 Hercules could give humanitarian aids in a big amounts, also it could
move the citizens to a safer areas. Saving people’s lives also a part of contributing to our
country. I do believe that, people’s lives are the most important asset of country, and above
anything. I think you guys are also in favour to me.
Ladies and gentlemen, with its large areas, many citizen, and a natural disaster which
potentially happens, by C-130 Hercules it could be solved overall. The C-130 Hercules has
proved its contribution from the past missions, like humanitarian mission when tsunami
attacked Aceh, flood in South Borneo, and etc. In the other hand, to strengthen our military
power, we need C-130 Hercules to transport military personel and supplies. The fact is,
Indonesia is the first country besides United States who owned this aircraft in 1980s. Are you
proud of that? Iam really proud of that. Ladies and gentlemen, the conclusion is we need C-
130 Hercules because this plane could help us to solve any problems wether it is related to
military things or others. This aircraft delivering you to the most awful places in the world
since 1954. So the durability and the capacity of this plane are the main answer towards the
question why does Indonesia need C-130 Hercules. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s all from me,
I hope my speech could give positives insight to you. If there are some mistakes, I do really
apologize, thank you. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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