Leviathan Project Review Apr23 2019

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Prepared for:

Homeland Guards
Box 4452
4 Ha-Shezif Street
30900 Zichron Yaacov

Prepared by:
Amnon Bar-Ilan, Shari Libicki
Ramboll US Corporation
7250 Redwood Blvd., Suite 105
Novato, California 94945

April 2019

Leviathan Gas Platform

Emission Permit Review
Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................1
1.1 Leviathan Platform Overview ........................................................................ 1
1.2 Emissions Permit Review .............................................................................. 2
1.3 Ramboll Company Profile ............................................................................. 3

2.0 Comments on the Request for Emission Permit ...............................................4

2.1 Specific Comments ...................................................................................... 4
2.2 Comments on Quantitative Emissions .......................................................... 11
2.3 Review of Offshore Platform Emissions in the Gulf of Mexico ........................... 12

3.0 Reporting Requirements in the U.S. ...............................................................15

Table 1. Summary comparison of LDAR requirements for TCEQ 28VHP and NSPS
Subpart OOOOa (VVa). ............................................................................. 8
Table 2. Summary of Leviathan platform annual emissions. ..................................... 11
Table 3. List of data reporting requirements by equipment type in GOADS................. 16

Figure 1. Cumulative distribution of annual NOx emissions for offshore platforms in the
Gulf of Mexico. ....................................................................................... 13
Figure 2. Cumulative distribution of annual VOC emissions for offshore platforms in the
Gulf of Mexico. ....................................................................................... 13

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

1.0 Introduction
Noble Energy Inc. has proposed to build an offshore natural gas production platform in the
Mediterranean Sea, located approximately 9.7 km west of the coast of Israel near the city of
Haifa. The platform is designed to initially produce approximately 1,200 standard million
cubic feet of natural gas per day (approximately 1.4 million cubic meters per hour) during
Phase I of operation, with an additional 900 standard million cubic feet of natural gas per
day (approximately 1 million cubic meters per hour) during Phase II of operation. In
addition the platform will produce approximately 570 cubic meters per day of condensate
during Phase I of operation, increasing to approximately 1,000 cubic meters per day of
condensate during Phase II of operation. The proposed Leviathan platform will produce
from the Leviathan Gas Field in the Mediterranean Basin, located 125 km east of Haifa and
35 km east of the "Tamar" gas field. The depth of the water is between 1600 -1750 meters.

Noble Energy submitted a “Request for Emission Permit” to the Israel Ministry of
Environmental Protection in the fall of 2018, and subsequently submitted a revised Request
for Emission Permit in January 2019. This report refers only to the revised Request for
Emission Permit submitted in January 2019.

Homeland Guards, a non-profit organization based in Zichron Yaacov Israel, contracted with
Ramboll Corp. to review the revised Request for Emission Permit and provide comments on
the accuracy, completeness and reasonableness of the permit request.

1.1 Leviathan Platform Overview

The Leviathan Platform is proposed to be situated 9.7km east of the Israeli shore in the
Mediterranean Sea, where the depth of the water is 86 meters. The platform will be
constructed such that a jacket will be bolted into the sea floor, upon which the remainder of
the platform will rest. The platform is proposed to be 9,216 m2 in area, rising in three
levels to an upper deck height of 57 m above sea level. The platform will consist of thermal
power systems providing more than 50 megawatts of heat and electricity to power the
platform and its associated systems. Processes on the platform will include separation of
gas and liquids, drying and compression of natural gas, stabilization of condensate liquids,
reclamation of venting/waste gas streams, treatment of produced water, and various
systems to produce electricity, and transport of hazardous waste products. As noted above,
the proposed project would initially produce approximately 1,200 standard million cubic feet
of natural gas per day and 570 cubic meters of condensate per day in Phase I, rising to
2,100 standard million cubic feet of natural gas per day and 1,000 cubic meters of
condensate per day in Phase II.

Emissions from the platform consist of combustion sources and venting/fugitive sources.
Primary combustion sources include gas turbines for power and heat, heaters for separation
and treatment, and flares/combustors for waste gas destruction. Primary venting/fugitive
sources include fugitive emissions from pipeline components, venting from pipelines and
from storage tanks. Emissions of NOx, VOC, SOx, and CO (“criteria pollutants”) are
expected, as well as emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) such as benzene. The
primary focus of this review is on emissions of VOCs, although emissions of other pollutants
are discussed.

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

1.2 Emissions Permit Review

Homeland Guards requested that Ramboll conduct a review of the request for emissions
permit, with a focus on reviewing the reasonableness, accuracy and completeness of
information in the permit with a focus on emissions of VOCs. Ramboll’s review includes
reviewing the facility and equipment list, schematics and flow diagrams of the operation of
the facility, assumptions, inputs and modeling tools used to estimate emissions from
facilities and equipment on the platform, and the quantitative estimates of these emissions

In conducting this review, Ramboll reviewed the following documents associated with the
request for emission permit:

CH-1.docx Methanol Storage Vessel Emissions

CH-2.docx 4Dec2018.pdf
2.1.6 Discharge Block Diagram.pdf TANKS SOFTWARE RESULTS.pdf
4501.5 – Expected Emissions_Efficiency.pdf Form NR.pdf
LPP-TS-FDE-PRS-PFD-0050.pdf Form
LPP-TS-FLP-MEC-DAS-4000.pdf Form 3.2.1.pdf
LPP-TS-PER-PRS-DBK-0005.pdf Form 3.2.2 NR.pdf
LPP-TS-PER-PRS-PFD-0010.pdf Form 3.2.3 NR.pdf
LPP-TS-PER-PRS-PFD-0020.pdf Form 3.3 Condensate.pdf
Form 2.1.1.pdf Form 3.3 Methanol.pdf
Form 2.1.2.pdf Form 3.4.pdf
Form 2.1.3.pdf Form 3.5.pdf
Form – NR.pdf Form 3.12 am.pdf
Form BAT tables ENE BREF.pdf
Form BAT tables ESB BREF.pdf
Form – NR.pdf BAT tables LCP BREF.pdf
Form – NR.pdf BAT tables REF BREF.pdf
Form Leviathan Valve Standards Letter.pdf
Form – NR.pdf Summary table of standards.pdf
Form 2.1.7 OD.pdf Form 4.3.1.pdf
Form 2.1.7 PW.pdf Form 4.3.2.pdf
Form 2.1.8.pdf CH7 (1).docx
Form - NR.pdf Form
Form Form 7.1.2.xlsx
Form 2.1.10.pdf Form
Form 2.2.1.pdf Form 7.2.4.xlsx
Form 2.2.2 – NR.pdf Form 7.2.6.xlsx
Form 2.3.pdf Form 7.2.10.xlsx
Chapter 3-6.docx Form 7.3.2 NO2.xlsx
API-2516 Evaporation Loss from Low- Form 7.3.2 NOx.xlsx
Pressure Tanks.pdf Form 7.3.2 PM.xlsx
LEV – Benzene JAN2019.pdf Form 7.3.2 PM10.xlsx
LPP-TS-FDE-PRS-RPT-0020 1-7.pdf Form 7.3.2 SO2.xlsx
Form 7.3.3.xlsx

In addition, Ramboll reviewed CALPUFF dispersion modeling results for NO2 (Hourly, Yearly,
Max Yearly), NOx (Hourly, Daily), PM10 (Daily, Yearly), SO2 (Hourly, Daily, Yearly), and TSP
(3-Hour, Daily, Yearly).

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

1.3 Ramboll Company Profile

Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company employing 13,000
experts. Our presence is global with especially strong representation in the Nordics, UK,
North America, Continental Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific.

Ramboll’s Environment & Health practice is globally recognized, with 2,100 expert who have
earned a reputation for technical and scientific excellence, innovation, and client service.
Advances in science and technology and evolving regulatory, legal and social pressures
create increasingly complex challenges for Ramboll’s clients. Ramboll evolves to keep pace
with these changes – by adding new services, contributing to scientific advances and
expanding geographically.

Ramboll offers a comprehensive array of air quality management services in the oil and gas
sector, including facility-based services, strategic planning, and litigation support. Ramboll’s
principal and senior air sciences staff is internationally recognized in all areas relevant to
comprehensive air quality practices. Senior staff members are supported by scientists and
engineers with capabilities that encompass the entire range of air quality services.

Ramboll’s project experience ranges from site-specific monitoring and permitting to

regional-scale air quality modeling and evaluation of critical oil and gas industry air quality
issues. These projects have provided the basis for facility permitting programs, worker
safety evaluations and litigation. Ramboll’s regional-scale air modeling efforts form a critical
basis for the current understanding regarding potential air quality impacts associated with
some of the more active unconventional oil and gas basins. Ramboll has performed recent
basin wide assessments in the Haynesville, Eagleford and the Western Regional shale oil
and gas producing basins. Ramboll has conducted a wide range of projects in the oil and
gas industry, including:

• Ramboll staff participated in the development of an Exploration Plan & Environmental

Impact Assessment, for Arctic offshore oil and gas development project. Staff was
responsible for overall quality and control of draft EIA and EP, working as a team
member with nationwide subject matter experts, facilitating preparation of the Draft
EP and EIA, and conducting senior technical review. The work also included
researching oil spill response logistics and techniques in remote arctic environment,
and hazardous waste management options in remote camps and support vessels.
• Ramboll staff served in Program Management for the Alaska Pipeline Project,
ExxonMobil Development Co. (EMDC) (2009-present). This 48-in. pipeline was
proposed for export of Alaska North Slope natural gas from Prudhoe Bay through
Canada to the Lower-48, or to tidewater Alaska for shipment as LNG. Staff served
as Program Manager for Environmental & Regulatory Support Services for the Alaska
portion of the pipeline. Staff was retained by EMDC to evaluate environmental study
plans and to develop strategies for environmental permitting and compliance.
• Since 2009, Ramboll has provided technical support to Chesapeake Energy on a
variety of air quality issues of importance to the industry. This work includes
advising Chesapeake on how to model reciprocating internal combustion engines for
comparison of impacts to the US 1-hour NO2 ambient air quality standard.

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

2.0 Comments on the Request for Emission Permit

As noted above, Ramboll reviewed the request for emission permit from the standpoint of
reasonableness of assumptions, accuracy and completeness. Ramboll also reviewed the
overall quantitative emission inventory for the Leviathan platform in comparison to other
major offshore platforms in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. We first note specific comments on
various aspects of the request for emission permit, and then discuss the overall platform
emissions in the context of other major offshore oil and gas platforms.

2.1 Specific Comments

Specific comments on various aspects of the request for emission permit are summarized
below. These comments are based on a review of the documents described in Section 1.2

1. The provided process description and process diagrams, Chapter 2, included "LP Fuel
Gas and LP Flare Systems" which describes the lines going to the fuel gas or flare
system. We recommend the Ministry of Environmental Protection or other regulatory
agency to closely monitor the Fuel Gas Recovery Unit system reliability. Although we
have seen systems like this work for oil treatment systems, we have never seen
them deployed for gas systems. This system is critical to the destruction of
pollutants and the processing of waste gas throughout the life of the project;
therefore, particularly during the initial phase of operation of the platform, it is
recommended that such a system be instrumented to provide continuous monitoring
of its operation and any upset conditions be addressed immediately. Upset
conditions could include overpressurization of a vessel or a line, unlit or non-
operational flare, operational errors such as hatches left open, or other similar
conditions. In the U.S. recent research has been focusing on these abnormal or
upset conditions as a major source of emissions, and likely to drive the uneven
distribution of emissions from well sites1,2,3. We note that the fuel gas system is
designed to treat a number of waste gas streams. The request for emission permit
includes a simulated composition of the fuel gas system, indicating that the fuel gas
is suitable for combustion. However, no supporting information or backup
documentation is provided for this simulated composition. It is recommended that
such documentation be provided to confirm the suitability of the fuel gas for
combustion. In addition, once in operation the flare should be monitored as per

Zavala-Araiza, D., et al. (2015), Reconciling divergent estimates of oil and gas methane
emissions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, 51, 15597-15602, doi:

Schade, G. W., and G. Roest (2016), Analysis of non-methane hydrocarbon data from a
monitoring station affected by oil and gas development in the Eagle Ford shale, Texas,
Elem. Sci. Anth., 4, 000,096, doi:10.12952/journal.elementa.000096.

Lyon, D.R., et al. (2016), Aerial Surveys of Elevated Hydrocarbon Emissions from Oil and Gas
Production Sites, Environmental Science & Technology,2016, 50, 4877-4886, doi:

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

European Best Available Technology (BAT) requirements. These include monitoring

of the mass flow rate and lower calorific value of the flare gas, and comparing of
these measured values to the design requirements of the flare to guarantee the
minimum combustion efficiency. The flare gas composition should be analyzed by
periodic sampling, and records of this sampling taken and stored.
2. Maintenance, Startup and Shutdown (MSS) activity is increasingly being included in
permits for oil and gas facilities in the U.S. MSS activities are not described in the
request for emission permit, and we strongly recommend that such activities –
including pipeline, vessel and compressor blowdowns – be included. Typically these
types of MSS events are vented without routing to a control system, depending on
the equipment type being vented, or the location of a piping component that needs
to be removed. If not routed to a flaring or other control system, these would be
considered “cold vents” and should be called out as such. These could include:

a. Recompressor No. 1/2/3 blowdown activities – it is unclear from the

description of processes in the request for emission permit where the gases
and/or liquids are routed when blowing down any or all of the compressor
stages. The request for emission permit should be revised to describe
whether the gases and/or liquids are routed to lower pressure systems for
recovery by pipeline, or whether the gases and/or liquids are routed to a flare
for destruction.
b. Line clearing and pigging – in Chapters 3-6, the request for emission permit
explains that the well-to-platform and platform-to-shore pipelines will be
purged with nitrogen prior to operational startup. However, no similar
description is provided for pigging activities. It is recommended that the
request for emission permit be revised to include nitrogen purging of the pig
traps prior to pigging activities to eliminate VOC and HAP emissions from
pigging activities. Gas and condensate pig launching activities are typically
vented to atmosphere. It is important to identify where emissions from
launching activities are routed, frequency of the activities (number of times
per week or month), the size, pressure and temperature of the launcher. If
not purged with nitrogen, there can be significant VOC and HAP emissions
from pigging activities.
c. Other vessel blowdown activities – it is unclear from the request for emission
permit the frequency and types of other platform vessels that may need to be
blown down for routine maintenance and cleaning. As noted above for
pipeline components and pigging activities, vessel blowdowns may be
significant VOC and HAP emissions sources.
We note that the request for emission permit estimates various volumes of possible
release rates, but does not provide documentation on how these release rates were
determined. There is insufficient information for us to verify the release rate
described in the request for emission permit.

3. Flaring efficiency for the fuel gas system has been described in the request for
emission permit as 99% which is not a control efficiency value used in permitting in
the U.S. Flare destruction efficiency is typically cited as either 95% or 98%. EPA’s
AP-42 compendium of emission factors references 98% destruction efficiency:
“Properly operated flares achieve at least 98% destruction efficiency in the flare
plume, meaning that hydrocarbon emissions amount to less than 2 percent of the

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

hydrocarbons in the gas stream.4” In the state of Colorado, the Colorado

Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE) requires that sources
control emissions with at least a 95% control efficiency: “Sources are required to
control emissions under Section XVII with a least a 95% control efficiency but also to
use a combustion device designed to have a destruction efficiency of 98%. Why
does the Division distinguish between the two percentages? Sources are required to
meet a 95% control efficiency. The division requires that the combustion device
used be designed to have a 98% destruction efficiency, because it recognizes that
combustion devices designed to meet a 98% control efficiency may not actually meet
this percentage in practice, given the variability of field conditions, downtime, etc.5”
We recommend that the request for emission permit use at most a 98% destruction
efficiency for the flare, consistent with most U.S. permits.
4. Support vessel activity has not been included in the request for emission permit.
Support vessels could include marine vessels used to transport crew, barges used to
transport crew and/or equipment, marine tankers, and helicopters. Individually
these may not represent large sources of NOx, VOC, SOx, CO and HAPs, but without
knowledge of support vessel activity (number of vessels, size, and frequency of
visits) it is impossible to determine the potential magnitude of the collective
emissions from these sources. In particular, Chapter 3-6 mentions that the platform
is equipped for loading condensate to marine tankers but the emissions are not
accounted for. The process diagrams in the request for emission permit do not show
any lines for vapor recovery coming from marine tanker loading. These emissions
should be included as part of the emissions quantification in the request for emission
permit. Marine tanker loading short-term emissions can be substantial for VOC and
5. Produced water treatment can produce VOC and HAPs emissions which need to be
identified. Although concentrations of VOC in produced water can be low, the
volume of water produced can result in significant emissions. The process diagrams
in the request for emission permit do not indicate where emissions from produced
water would be routed.
6. Gas and liquid composition data provided in the request for emission permit are not
sufficiently detailed for us to conduct a full analysis. More information, including the
point of sampling, pressure, temperature, heat content of the gas, specific gravity of
the gas, molecular weight of the gas and compressibility factor, and C10+ properties
of the liquid sample would need to be provided for a full analysis. This is a
requirement in the U.S. for sampling that is submitted as part of any emissions
permit6. In addition, any sample submitted in the U.S. for an emission permit must
also include the date of the sample and the sampling company and contact.
7. However, we note that the gas and liquid composition do not seem to agree with
each other: a much heavier gas sample is expected for a liquid sample with greater
than 90% C8+. Nevertheless, both samples show presence of VOCs and VOC
emissions would be expected from any gas vented to atmosphere.
8. Miscellaneous tank emissions were calculated with the software model Tanks 4.0 for
tanks only storing chemicals needing to be used in the process (e.g. nafta as
demulsifier, and isopropyl alcohol as coagulant), but flashing emissions are not
calculated for these tanks. Flashing emissions occur when a rapid change of

AP-42, Section 13.5 https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42/ch13/final/C13S05_02-05-18.pdf
CDPHE https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/AP-Memo-15-03-AirPollutionControlEquipment.pdf
See Appendix B, pages 6 and 7. https://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/permitting/air/Guidance/NewSourceReview/guidance_flashemission.pdf

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

pressure is experienced by a semi-volatile liquid, in which volatile species may

evolve out of the liquid phase and into the gas phase. If these tanks are being filled
at near-atmospheric conditions, then flashing should not be much of a problem for
nafta but could be for alcohol. There is no proposed control for these atmospheric
9. The request for emission permit indicates that no glycol-based dehydration system
would be used. Rather the platform will use a turboexpander refrigeration system to
separate light ends, methane and ethane, from natural gas liquids (NGL) such as
propane and butane. The system may use a compressor to increase the pressure of
the inlet stream through a choke valve (or simply use the high pressure of the whole
system) and then allowing the gas to expand through a turbine. The resulting
expansion moves the turbine converting energy to mechanical work and cools the
gas selectively condensing NGLs. The methane and ethane would not condense and
the overhead gas is sent for further treatment. Typically, such a system is used in a
natural gas treatment plant on a high calorific stream (rich in C3+) gas stream to
separate NGL from natural gas. Although some water is incidentally removed, it is
not a primary technology for dehydration. We also note that the gas compositions
provided in the request for emission permit do not indicate that the gas would be
particularly suitable for the turboexpander refrigeration system, as the gas is mainly
composed of methane.

In order for such a system to function properly, it is likely that the operator expects
the gas to be dry (low water content) and dehydration is not required. This
information should be confirmed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection upon
startup of the project. If the gas is insufficiently dry for the use of a turboexpander
refrigeration system as described, a dehydration system (either a glycol contact
system or a molecular sieve) may be needed and emissions for such a system would
need to be estimated. Note that a molecular sieve system is a closed system that
does not generate continuous emissions.

10. The request for emission permit indicates that a number of large turbines will be
used to provide power to the platform. We note that turbines for this purpose are
meant to operate at a “sweet spot” of constant load. In the event that they are
operated at a load substantially lower or higher than this normal load condition,
substantially higher emissions of NOx can occur. The manufacturer test data will be
very specific in mapping the NOx emissions as a function of load. It is difficult to
know without seeing these specifications how high the NOx emissions can be.
11. Chapter 2 of the request for emission permit proposes to use TCEQ Method 28VHP –
instrument LDAR monitoring. USEPA standards would reference 40 CFR Part 60,
Subpart OOOOa which references Subpart VVa, “Standards of Performance for
Equipment Leaks of VOC in SOCMI.” Table 1 below provides a summary comparison
of the requirements of TCEQ 28VHP and NSPS OOOOa (VVa).

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

Table 1. Summary comparison of LDAR requirements for TCEQ 28VHP and NSPS Subpart OOOOa (VVa).
Leak Definition
Monitoring Frequency Maintenance/Repair Requirements
Equipment NSPS NSPS
(VVa) (VVa)
Compressors GV N/A Quarterlya N/A 2,000 Compressor are not an LDAR Under 28VHP, Periodic monitoring
equipment type under NSPS OOOOa. requirements do not apply to
They are regulated separately. equipment where the VOC has an
Pumps LL Monthly Quarterlya 2,000 2,000 - For M21 leak: 1st attempt at aggregate partial pressure of less
M21 & repair within 5 days and repair than 0.044 psia at 68°F (i.e.,
Weekly within 15 days definition of "HL components" under
Visual - For visual inspection: monitor NSPS regulations).
within 5 days to determine whether
For pumps, compressors, valves, or
there is a leak OR designate the
connectors emitting VOC in excess
visual indications of liquid dripping
of their respective leak threshold
as a leak.
OR found by visual inspection (e.g.,
HL N/A N/A 10,000 2,000 - For M21 leak: 1st attempt at dripping process fluids):
repair within 5 days and repair - First attempt at repair within 5
within 15 days days; and
- For visual inspection: monitor - Repaired within 15 days
within 5 days to determine whether
there is a leak OR eliminate the For pumps and compressors, seal
visual, audible, olfactory, or other systems designed and operated to
indication of a potential leak within 5 prevent emissions or seals equipped
days. with an automatic seal failure
- For HL equipment, no periodic detection and alarm system need
monitoring required (see HL valves) not be monitored.
Valves GV Monthly or Quarterlyb 500 500 - Any valve for which a leak is not For pressure relief valves equipped
LL Quarterly 500 500 detected for 2 successive months with a rupture disc upstream or
may be monitored the first month of venting to a control device, they are
every quarter, beginning with the not required to be monitored
next quarter, until a leak is detected.
- For M21 leak: 1st attempt at
repair within 5 days and repair
within 15 days
- No requirements for visual
indications of leaks

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

Leak Definition
Monitoring Frequency Maintenance/Repair Requirements
Equipment NSPS NSPS
(VVa) (VVa)
HL N/A N/A 10,000 500 - For M21 leak: 1st attempt at
repair within 5 days and repair
within 15 days
- For visual inspection: monitor
within 5 days to determine whether
there is a leak OR eliminate the
visual, audible, olfactory, or other
indication of a potential leak within 5
Pressure GV Quarterly Quarterlyb 500 500 - For M21 leak: 1st attempt at repair
Relief Valves and within within 5 days and repair within 15
5 days of days
pressure - No requirements for visual
release indications of leaks
LL N/A 10,000 500 - For M21 leak: 1st attempt at
HL N/A N/A 10,000 500 repair within 5 days and repair
within 15 days
- For visual inspection: monitor
within 5 days to determine whether
there is a leak OR eliminate the
visual, audible, olfactory, or other
indication of a potential leak within 5
Connectors GV Within 12 Weekly 500 500 - For M21 leak: 1st attempt at
(e.g., months of Visualc repair within 5 days, repair within 15
LL 500 500
flanges) the days, and follow-up monitoring
compliance within 90 days of repair
date and - No requirements for visual
every 1-8 indications of leaks (except for
years inaccessible, ceramic, or ceramic-
thereafter lined connectors)

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

Leak Definition
Monitoring Frequency Maintenance/Repair Requirements
Equipment NSPS NSPS
(VVa) (VVa)
HL N/A 10,000 500 - For M21 leak: 1st attempt at
repair within 5 days and repair
within 15 days
- For visual inspection: monitor
within 5 days to determine whether
there is a leak OR eliminate the
visual, audible, olfactory, or other
indication of a potential leak within 5
Open-Ended All N/A N/A - No N/A 500 Each open-ended valve or line shall If a cap, blind flange, plug, or
Lines periodic be equipped with a cap, blind flange, second valve is not installed within
monitoring plug, or second valve at all times 72 hours of creating an open-ended
unless except during operations requiring line:
certain process fluid flow through the open- - Repair the open-ended line
conditions ended valve or line. Each open- within 24 hours; or
are metd ended valve or line equipped with a - Install a cap, blind flange, plug,
second valve shall be operated in a or second valve.
manner such that the valve on the
process fluid end is closed before the
second valve is closed.

Valves that begin operation must also be monitored within 30 days after the end of its startup period to ensure proper installation.
Pumps and compressors must be equipped with a shaft sealing system that prevents or detects emissions of VOC from the seal.
Replacements for leaking valves shall be re-monitored within 15 days of being placed back into VOC service.

Connectors must also have pressure testing OR gas analyzer monitoring performed within 15 days for new or reworked piping connections.
If an open-ended line is created (e.g., during isolation of equipment for hot work or the removal of a component for repair which results in an open-
ended line), the permittee must either:
Install a cap, blind flange, plug, or second valve on the line within 72 hours; or
Monitor once for leaks for a plant/unit turnaround lasting up to 45 days. For all other scenarios, monitor once within 72 hours of creating the
open-ended line and monthly thereafter.

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

12. Chapter 3-6 of the request for emission permit indicates that two emergency diesel
generators would be on site for backup power. However, no emissions are assigned
to these generators. For safety purposes, emergency generators must typically be
operated for a specific number of hours per month or year to ensure they function
adequately. It is recommended that combustion emissions associated with minimal
safety firing of the emergency generators be included in the emissions totals for the
13. Forms provided in Chapter 3 were reviewed for the accuracy of specific quantitative
a. Forms,, – the “name of material” entry for
different sources is “Nitrogen oxides (NOx/ NO2)” and “Sulphur oxides
(SOx/SO2)” with the same emission rate. Different agencies provide different
guidance for the ratios of NOx to NO2 and SOx to o2. SOx would be 100%
SO2; however, NOx from combustion can be a mixture of NO and NO2, of
which only NO2 has an established air quality standard (in the U.S.). We
would suggest that the request for emission permit include the ratios of NO to
NO2 for specific combustion units based on manufacturer’s specifications. The
request for emission permit should specify what the ratios need to be per
source as it can significantly impact predicted short-term ambient
concentrations of NO2.
b. Forms and and 3.5 – we note that HAPs, specifically
formaldehyde (HCHO), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX) and n-
hexane, have not been speciated. Particular to gas-fired engines, HCHO is
considered a HAP and can constitute 50% of the total engine VOC emissions.
BTEX and n-hexane tend to be present in larger concentrations in gas
treatment systems. USEPA designates a source as “major” for HAPs if any
single HAP (like HCHO) equals or exceeds 10 tons per year. Based on current
emission estimates of NMVOC from engines in the request for emission
permit, the proposed project would exceed USEPA major source standards if
30% or more of NMVOC is HCHO. Therefore it is critical that the HAP
speciation be indicated.
c. Form 3.3 C – fugitive emissions have been updated in the January 2019
revised request for emission permit, relative to the earlier version released in
fall 2018. However, we note that gas lines are still not included for fugitive
emissions based on the documents “Leviathan Valve Standards Letter” and
“LPP-T-FDE-PRS-RPT-0020 1-7” included in Appendix 14.

2.2 Comments on Quantitative Emissions

Specific comments on various aspects of the request for emission permit are summarized
below. These comments Table 2 below summarizes the total emissions of criteria pollutants
as provided in Form 3.5 in the request for emission permit.

Table 2. Summary of Leviathan platform annual emissions.

Pollutant Annual Emissions Units
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx/NO2) 422.56 metric ton/yr
Carbon monoxide (CO) 477.43 metric ton/yr
Dust or particulate matter (PM) 33.67 metric ton/yr
Sulfur oxides (SOx/SO2) 36.47 metric ton/yr
NMVOC 26.83 metric ton/yr

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

Emissions of NOx and CO would lead the facility to be considered a “major source” under
USEPA designation, and would be subject to New Source Review (NSR) 7 and Prevention of
Significant Deterioration (PSD)8. If the platform were located in an attainment area in the
U.S., the facility would have to undertake PSD review per 40 CFR 52.21. In addition, a
project that is major for at least one criteria pollutant would be considered major for all
criteria pollutants and would be subject to PSD review for those pollutants that exceed
significant emission rates. In this case, the proposed Leviathan platform would trigger PSD
review for all criteria pollutants. In this case, the project would require:

• Preconstruction monitoring of these pollutants;

• Implementation of Best Available Control Technology (BACT);
• Modeling demonstration that the project would not adversely impact National
Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS);
• Evaluation of Air Quality Related Values (AQRVs) such as pollutant deposition, and
visibility impacts.

Finally, sources that are major for criteria pollutants would trigger PSD for greenhouse
gases if the potential to emit exceeds 100,000 tons per year of carbon dioxide equivalent
(CO2e). This would require a Best Available Control Technology (BACT) evaluation for GHG
emissions. Such an evaluation would include a thorough review of technology options for
reducing emissions of GHGs, including aftertreatment systems, carbon capture systems, or
other available technologies.

2.3 Review of Offshore Platform Emissions in the Gulf of Mexico

Ramboll conducted a review and summary of emissions from offshore platforms located in
the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico. These platforms are permitted and
monitored by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The emissions of the
proposed Leviathan platform as disclosed in the request for emission permit were reviewed
in the context of emissions from other offshore platforms in BOEM’s GOADS database.
Figure 1 shows the cumulative distribution of annual NOx emissions (tons per year) from
individual platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, and Figure 2 shows the cumulative distribution of
annual VOC emissions (tons per year) from these platforms.


Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

Cumulative Distribution:
Platform-wide NOx Emissions (Logarithmic Scale)
(source: BOEM 2014 GOADS Emission Inventory)
BOEM Platform Emissions Leviathan Platform Emissions
NOx Emissions (annual metric tons/platform)









0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Note: Thi s graph i s not normalized to platform hydrocarbon output; platforms i n the bottom
ha l f of the graph produce no or very s mall quantities of hydrocarbons

Figure 1. Cumulative distribution of annual NOx emissions for offshore platforms in the
Gulf of Mexico.

Cumulative Distribution:
Platform-wide VOC Emissions (Logarithmic Scale)
(source: BOEM 2014 GOADS Emission Inventory)
BOEM Platform Emissions Leviathan Platform Emissions
VOC Emissions (annual metric tons/platform)









0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Note: This graph is not normalized to platform hydrocarbon output; platforms in the bottom
half of the graph produce no or very small quantities of hydrocarbons

Figure 2. Cumulative distribution of annual VOC emissions for offshore platforms in the
Gulf of Mexico.

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

Figure 1 suggests that the Leviathan platform would be near the very highest percentile for
NOx emissions, similar to the less than 5% of the highest-emitting platforms in the Gulf of
Mexico. By comparison, Figure 2 suggests that approximately 30% of platforms in the Gulf
of Mexico would have higher VOC emissions than the Leviathan platform.

This suggests that NOx emissions from the Leviathan platform, as described in the request
for emission permit, are similar to the largest, highest-emitting platforms in the U.S. Gulf of
Mexico development area. Similarly, VOC emissions are comparable to the largest 30% of
platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Based on discussions with BOEM, the VOC emissions from
the 70% of platforms below those of the Leviathan platform in the GOADS database are
from platforms with very little gas production or that are otherwise out of operation or
idled9. This suggests that for a high gas production platform such as the Leviathan
platform, much larger VOC emissions would be expected than those described in the
request for emission permit. Some of the comments made in section 2.1 above, if
addressed properly in the request for emission permit, would lead to an increase in the VOC
emission inventory for the proposed platform. We also note that the control system
proposed here is novel and its operation has not been demonstrated for such a large scale
operation. As noted above, close monitoring of this system is strongly recommended,
particularly in the initial phase of operation of the platform, to ensure that the control
efficiency as described in the request for emission permit is actually achieved.

Personal communication – John Filostrat, BOEM Public Affairs, March 2019.

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

3.0 Reporting Requirements in the U.S.

At the request of Homeland Guards, Ramboll summarized the reporting requirements for
offshore oil and gas platforms in the OCS in the Gulf of Mexico, subject to reporting to
BOEM’s GOADS system. GOADS is an electronic database which owners and operators of
offshore oil and gas platforms in the OCS are required to use to report on activity and
emissions from these platforms (including Noble Energy). BOEM has collected emission
information related to offshore oil and gas operations to establish emission inventories for
the Gulf of Mexico for calendar years 2000, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014 and are currently
collecting data for a 2017 emission inventory. GOADs is a calendar year survey program.
Monthly surveys of air emissions-related activities that are associated with the platforms
must be completed if new information is available. For example, if production or throughput
volumes change from month to month, this new information is entered in each monthly
survey. Parameters that remain constant do not need to be entered monthly. At the very
least, GOADS tracks the following general data:

• General information about the company

• Structure information
○ Structure ID
○ BOEM complex ID
○ Geographic area name
○ Block number
○ Latitude/longitude of the structure
○ Lease number
○ Distance to shore
○ Water depth
○ Production data (volume of natural gas or oil products that were extracted at this
structure during the specific survey period)
○ Throughput data (total volume of natural gas or oil products handled at the
current structure during the survey period, including production volumes and
volumes transferred by pipeline from another location)
○ Fuel usage
• Sales gas composition
• Source category data requirements

For source categories, an extensive list of data is required for each structure. Table 3 below
summarizes the basic data for each source category (more detailed information is available
through the GOADS system):

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

Table 3. List of data reporting requirements by equipment type in GOADS.

Equipment No. Equipment Type Equipment Information
1. Amine Gas Sweetening Processed throughput Hours operated
Unit Unprocessed natural Amine type
gas concentration (%
by volume)
Equipped with a flash Disposition of flash
tank (y/n) gas
Vented into low- Gases vented or
presssure system flared
2. Boiler/heater/burner Fuel type Maximum rated
heat input
Hours operated Average heat
3. Diesel or gasoline engine Fuel type Maximum rated
Hours operated Operating
Maximum rated fuel Average fuel
usage usage
4. Drilling equipment Hours operated Total diesel fuel
Total gasoline usage Total natural gas
fuel usage
5. Combustion flare Volume flared Continous pilot
reported for
continuous and
episodic flaring
Pilot fuel feed rate
6. Fugitives Stream type (gas, Average VOC
heavy oil, light oil, or weight %
Number of
components that
handle the stream
7. Glycol dehydrator unit Processed throughput Equipped with a
flash tank (y/n)
Disposition of flash
8. Loading operation Volume loaded to Tank color
ships and barges
Tank condition
9. Losses from flashing Type of vessel API gravity of
stored oil
Operating pressure of Operating
each vessel temperature of
each vessel
Operating pressure Operating
upstream of vessel temperature
upstream of vessel
Oil/condensate Disposition of flash
throughput for each gas
10. Natural gas engine Engine stroke Engine burn

Ramboll – Leviathan Gas Platform Emission Permit Review

Equipment No. Equipment Type Equipment Information

Hours operated Maximum rated
fuel usage
Average fuel usage
11. Natural gas, diesel, or Hours operated Operating
dual-fuel turbine horsepwoer
Maximum rated fuel Average fuel
usage usage
12. Mud degassing Number of drilling Mud type used
days (with mud) (water-based,
synthetic, oil-
13. Pneumatic pumps Manufacturer Model
Hour operated
14. Pneumatic controllers Manufacturer Model
Bleed rate Hours operated
Service type
15. Storage tank Product throughput Product type
Tank color Tank condition
Tank shape Tank orientation
Tank shell height Tank shell
Tank shell width Roof shape
Roof height above Equipped with a
shell flash tank (y/n)
16. Cold vent Hours operated, Volume vented,
including upsets including upsets
Control device Average vent feed

As shown in Table 3, the reporting requirements in the GOADS system are extensive and
include a number of categories (e.g. vessel loading at platforms, cold vents associated with
upsets) that are not currently evaluated in the Leviathan request for emission permit.


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