Milling Machines - Lect. 1 Introduction

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Computer Numerical Control (CNC)


Numerical control (NC)

❖ NC has been used in industry for more than 40 years.

❖ NC is a method of automatically operating a manufacturing machine based
on a code of letters, numbers, and special characters.
❖ Program is complete set of coded instructions for executing an operation, It
is translated into corresponding electrical signals for input to motors that run
the machine.
❖ NC systems offer some advantages over manual production methods:
▪ Better control of tool motions under optimum cutting conditions.
▪ Improved part quality and repeatability.
▪ Reduced tooling costs, tool wear, and job setup time.
▪ Reduced time to manufacture parts.
▪ Reduced scrap.
▪ Better production planning


Numerical control (NC)

❖ NC systems have been composed of the following components:

▪ Tape punch: converts written instructions into a corresponding hole pattern. The
hole pattern is punched into tape which is passed through the tape punch.
▪ Tape reader: reads the hole pattern on the tape and converts the pattern to a
corresponding electrical signal code.
▪ Controller: receives the electrical signal code from the tape reader and
subsequently causes the NC machine to respond.
▪ NC machine: responds to programmed signals from the controller and executes
the required motions to manufacture a part

Numerical control (NC)


Components found in CNC systems

❖ Machine control unit: generates, stores, and processes CNC programs,

contains the motion controller in the form of software program.
❖ NC machine: responds to programmed signals from the MCU and
manufactures the part

CNC input and storage media

❖ A CNC machine is
a NC machine
with the added
feature of an
onboard computer
or the Machine
Control Unit
❖ They can be
played back,
edited, and


Advantages of CNC compared with NC

❖ Reduction in the hardware necessary to add a machine function.

❖ CNC program can be written, stored, and executed directly.
❖ Any portion of an entered CNC program can be played back and edited.
❖ Many different CNC programs can be stored in the MCU.
❖ Several CNC machines can be linked together to a main computer. Programs
written via the main computer can be downloaded to any CNC machine in the
network (Direct Numerical Control or DNC).
❖ Several DNC systems can also be networked to form a large distributive
numerical control system.
❖ The CNC program can be input from flash or floppy disks or downloaded
from local area networks.

Advantages of CNC compared with NC


Financial rewards of CNC investment

❖ Savings in direct labor.

❖ Savings in operator training expenses.
❖ Savings in shop supervisory costs.
❖ Savings due to tighter, more predictable production scheduling.
❖ Savings in real estate, since fewer CNC machines are needed.
❖ Savings in power consumption, due to production with a min motor idle time.
❖ Savings from improved cost estimation and pricing.
❖ Elimination of construction of precision jigs and special fixtures.
❖ Reduced inspection time due to the CNC machine’s ability to produce parts
with superior accuracy and repeatability.


❖ Machining centers are the latest development in CNC technology. They are
equipped with:
▪ automatic tool changers capable of
changing 90 or more tools.
▪ Many are also fitted with movable
rectangular worktables called pallets
which are automatically load and unload
❖ At a single setup, machining centers can
perform such operations as milling,
drilling, tapping, boring, counterboring,
and so on.


The Positional Control Modes

❖ Point-to-Point Controlled Machines

▪ Used in processes: drill and tap.
▪ The tool moves to a point to execute the
process without continuous contact
▪ Controller is Less sophisticated, fast response,
▪ Motion is produced through needle roller, linear
bearing types, or indeed using air bearings.
❖ Continuous Path Control
▪ Used for processes: milling turning where the
tool is contacted continuously with the
▪ The control path must have an interpolator, so
that it can calculate continuous path positions
until the target point is reached.

Tool location via cartesian coordination

❖ The CNC tool location is controlled by XYZ coordinates, the point of intersection
is the origin. Y
❖ Indicate the location of points
▪ A (3,-2)
▪ B (1.4)
▪ C (-2,-3)
▪ D(-3,4)


Machine Tool Control Systems: Open-loop System

❖ Open-loop systems do not use any form of feedback control for the slide
movement or velocity.
❖ The motor will simply drive the slideway to the desired position by means of a
pulse count electrically generated.
❖ A command signal is sent to the stepper motor and it assumes that when the
required count of pulses has occurred, the machine slide has moved a
certain distance.
❖ This method of control is relatively cheap to
construct; however its errors are accumulated.
❖ This system uses lead screw which generate
friction and backslash which can cause
positioning error.

Closed loop systems

❖ Servo motors are used in this system, motors types are AC, DC and hydraulic
❖ In servo motors, the speed is variable depends on the amount of input AC or
DC current or amount of fluid in hydraulic
❖ Tachometer is mounted on the backside to measure and feed back the angular
❖ This feedback is sent to the Motor Derive Unit which compares the motion with
and tachometer feedback and correct the error.
❖ Ball lead screw are used to reduce the friction and backlash
❖ A device called encoder (resolver) monitors the distance by the table and
spindle and sends information to MCU, which adjust its signal to the table or


The Designation of Machine Tool Axes

❖ CNC machine axes are X, Y and Z

using upper case letters. The direction
of movement along each axis is
denoted by a plus (+) or minus (-) sign
❖ Rotational notation around each linear
axis and this is specified by A, B and C
in upper case.
❖ The figure shows the standard CNC
axis and directions according to the
right hand rule


The Designation of Machine Tool Axes

❖ The spindle primary

movement in Z-axis,
movement into the
workpiece is the negative
(-Z) and movement away
from the workpiece is the
positive (+Z)
❖ In most of milling machine,
movement in X-axis is the
largest and in Y-axis is the

Tool position modes

❖ Incremental: is the operating mode in which the new tool position is defined
relative to the last tool position
❖ Absolute: the machine determines the new tool position from fixed home or
specified origin (0,0)
❖ Both incremental and absolute can be used in the same program by using
the code for changing
Tool Incremental Absolute
position X Y X Y
A 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
B 0.5 0 1 0.5
C 0.75 0.25 1.75 0.75


Feed direction for milling operation

❖ Climb (down) milling: the tool makes the maximum thickness at the start of
the cut and the minimum at the end.
▪ The tool pushes down the workpiece so less clamping needed.
▪ Chips are pushed behind and away from the cutter which reduce the tool wear.
▪ It is recommended for machining thin parts that hard to clamp
▪ High impact loads causes excessive tool wear
❖ conventional (up) milling: no chip
thickness at start and max at the end
▪ Chips are pushed up in front of the cutting
▪ More fixture are required to hold-down the
▪ Is recommended for finishing operations

Feed direction for milling operation


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