Dremel 571

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DREMEL MOTO-SsHOP WARNING: For your own SAFETY, read your OWNERS MANUAL before operating your DREMEL MOTO-SHOP Feem no. 300237 1/88 | owner's manual 15” SCROLL SAW/SANDER/ FLEXIBLE SHAFT & ACCESSORIES Deluxe Shop Cat. No. 572 © Basic Shop Cat. No. 571 assembly * operation * repair parts DREMEL DIV. OF EMERSON ELECTRIC CO 4915-21st St. Racine, Wisconsin 63406 Ped USL _ RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION ‘eep guards in place and in working order. 2. Remove adjusting keys andurencnes. Form abit of check Jeaitintaystne scbostng wronchorare removed rom tool bere turning ten 2 Keep work area clean, Civtieved areas and benches invite eden Soap chaaren away A vfors shoud be kop sae cetance 6 Make: kid-proal with padlocks, master switches, orby ‘onovey ster Bays 7. Dom’ fores took It wil o tne job beter anc ster atthe ate for sine it was on ne ight tak Bor ore lol or atachednt edo aj it was fat designed for. 9, Wear proper apparel No loose clothing. gloves, neckties, Braun ofstnarhouny to got caugrt fs moving part Non {eotaeasrecormanced Weereroncireaiconerg oeoomh 410. Always use atety glasses. Also uae face or ustmask il cuting ‘Speratote dusty © jegiassen oniy havelmpectesiatant ‘Gree, ey are Po! sate ft, Seture work, Use clams ora vine 1 Nols work whan py acical Messier than uting your hand ara rece both ranaa to oparate “12 Dom’ overreach. Keep proper footing ans ualance at altos. 43. Maintain tools with eare, Keep tools sharp and clean for best Anglastest perorranee: Fellow instuctons lor Kbsieang and sarge absense e a "1 Disconnect tots botore servicing. when changing accessor ae Sie tc. s 2 cof iniatentionslstating, Make sure switch iin SSrB Eesti bere phagalog 16, Use recommended neewasories. Consult the owner's manus {sr satemmenoed secussortes, The use ot improper ‘Ray cause nak of ijuryto persons 1. Newer stand on ta0k. Serious injury could oceus il the tol ia ‘ibped or i te caring tol unintentionally contacted” 18. Check damaged paris. Sefore furineruso.ofthaioo.a guard or oth mee ee tise cay acces eer - inti srt te oat an, — ciig hte Sens ere asa fear eaea rot nati oa ale direction af rotation of the blade or cutter only, = sine ene 7090 aw Get ewDED, rye Bai Sit BE ETE I AIM ee aoe a ely {bios ame sees GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS In the event of amalfunction or breakdown. grounding provides a ath of leat resistance for wectne current to reauce the 1X ot ict racials ecppos wna ost or ing fn equipment-grounaing conductor and a grounding plug. Posen an pepueg nach Sctiet mat fe property yourned in accordance win si toca! Codes an ercinances. Bo not modity the plus provided — iit wil nat ithe outa, have the proper outlet insalled by a qualified electrician improper connsct.on ol theequipment-grouncing coneuctos ean renuitin nt of electric shack. The conauetor with insulation Check with a qualiies electrician or serviceman if the grownaing ‘natractona ara not completely unoerstoog, or if nour ws 1S {ool ts property groundea Use only Swe ektension coves that have 3-pron9 grounding pluot aa ee ‘ecoptacies that accept te tools b Repair oF ropiace damaged or worn core immaciatly “ns too nnd for ute on «clu tat han an out at ‘oks tke tho ane ihustratedn gure A. The tool has. ground ‘plug that }ooks like the plug illustrated in Figure A. "A temporary Sethi wnicookaine ienoapte tusirtsa nrigue ae be Used to connect this pl to a pole receptacte as nown PT felipe ctomcetly ah oa wnsaled by 2 quaimed ciectnian, Yte grown Solored rigid ear Wg, ete: extending trom the Sonnacted to a permbnent grouna such ‘The operation of any power fool can result im foreign objects. Being thrown into the eyes. whicn can result in severe eye damage Always wear Safely ‘lasses or eye shields before ‘commencing power tool operation. NOTE: The adapta usted ato use only il you lea haven probaly grounded 2prarg receplase,Adkpter not alowed in nada by the Canadian Electrical Code. ‘The use of any extension cord will cause some loss of power. To 10.8 minimam and to prevent overheating and motor ine the minimum wire size grounding ype plugs and three ook ‘lugs and three pol [rol plug. Replace or repair damaged or worn cord ExtensienCord Length Wire Size AWG. ‘Sat orlens No. 16 300" orless Nowe tension cords that have three-prong receptacios that accep! the wneedatly. DREMEL LIMITED WARRANTY Your Orne products warranted agains gefective tenor workmansha or wpariod of one rear from date of purenae. the evert of a failure of a ‘conform to thus writlen warranty. you should return i product, along with proof ‘atemenk about the nature oe prove. ‘Dremel Service Center S018 2181 Street Racine, Wi 3406 No employes, agent dealer oF oinar person ig authorized 19 give any warranties on tchalf ol Dremel If Dremetinspection shows thatthe provam wat eauted by Setectve material or workmanship within Uve imitations ot he product tree of charge and return product prepaid. ty, Drarsel wil ropa oF ra mage necessary by normal wea OF abuse or top preguct ouge to warranty, thay ean be mace, wil be charged at regular factory prices. DREMEL MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHATEVER, EXPRESSED OF IMPLIED, ANO ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPO! SE WHICH EXCEED THE ABOVE MENTIONED OBLIGATION ARE HEREBY DISCLAINED BY DREMEL AND EXGLUDED FROM THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ‘This warranty gives you specific egal the warrantor& solely to,repair or feplace the product Fights and you may also have other which vary fromstateto state. The obligation of notable oc any incidental or conseauenialamageto ‘such defect Some staies do not alow the exclusion or limitation of incisental Or consequential Garages: therefore the imitations or exclusions may nt apply to you. For prices and warranty fulfillment eutsige the Continental United States, contact your local Dremel distributor , ASSEMBLY For the most pleasure from your Scroll Saw/ i Sander follow these instructions carefully: DO NOT CONNECT PLUG a TO OUTLET UNTIL MACHINE ead 1S COMPLETELY ASSEMBLED “ o ATTACHING SAW TABLE o 4. Push lever (A) down as illustrated — to remove blade. ——t-tovsen (C) upward about 1% inches from bottom. and tighten. 3. Remove top wing nut (B) and washer — leaving bolt in position — and attach table by inserting bolt through curved slat (0) with holeattop posi- tioned over pivot. 7 o ‘4. Place washer on outside of bracket and tighten wing nut. a) ik a i i a 5. Loosen bottom wing nut — let slide bracket (C) drop into original position and tighten wing nut, ae 6. Replace saw blade (be sure teeth are pointing: downward) by inserting blade into lower blade holder — then push lever down and insert into ‘vpper blade holder. shop. By connecting different attachments to the power takeoff, the unit is converted from the basic 7. Attach blade guard with side arms on each side __—s¢roll saw "0 a sander, buffing wnee!, and a flex- of blade and pointing upward, Insert one guard, ible shaft machi:ie. Then you arg able to saw, drill, pivot pin in the matching hole in the bow arm. lish, rout, sharpen, sand, buff, carve, engrave Spring pivot arms of guard slightly and snap «. * Berform many other hobby. home or shop other guard pivot pin into matching hole on the « -ations. Use with 5780 and 5731 acces- ‘other side of the bow arm. soigAhacks. MAINTENANCE/OPERATION Motor — Runs on 110-120 Volt, 60 Hz, AC, and produces 3450 R.P.M. It is equipped with two sealed ball bearings. No oiling is needed. Char- acteristically, this shaded pole-type motor runs a bit warm. However, this will not affect overall ‘operation. (Olling — A few drops of ordinary motor oil should ‘occasionally be placed on the connecting link bearing through the hole on the left side of the frame. For oiling, lay unit on its side, Use SAE3O mator oil. Cutting Capacity—Soft wood up to 1” and hardwood up to %” in thickness can be cut. FEED WOOD SLOWLY. DO NOT FORCE. ‘Saw Is not recommended for cutting metals. Blade Guard — The blade guard is considered one of the safest. It functions.as a hold-down. Increasing Blade Lie — When blade teeth be- come dull in one spot simply loosen the lower wing nut, and raise the table to a section of new, unused teeth Tilting Table — For angle sawing, the table can be tilted in either direction. Loosen the top wing nut located just beneath the saw table, and tilt to the desired angle following the calibrated scale. Making Inside Cuts — First, use the flexible shaft to drill two overlapping 1/8” holes in the area to be sawed out. Then, remove the blade, thread it through ‘the hole,-and return it to the cutting position. Holding Scroll Saw In Place — On a fairly smooth table or bench, the rubber suction cups will keep it from sliding. Otherwise, set the machine on a 1%” thick rubber pad, such as a household kneel- ing pad or typewriter cushion. Attaching Accessories —The round extension on the motor housing is the power take-off for driving the sander, buffing wheel, and flexible shaft These are mounted on special adapters which fit into the powertake- off. BE SURE THE MOTOR IS TURNED OFF. Line up pin in the motor shaft with the slot in the adapter and press for- ward as far as it will go. Turn the wheel slowly until the adapter set screw comes into view. Then tighten lightly. This screw does not drive the shaft, it merely minimizes-vibration and wheel drifting. It,does not have to be too tight. ee war (olga PW oa Ges ae Recommended Accessories Sanding Discs 8028—Fine Tooth blades, 4227—{fine) 8030—Coarse Tooth blades. 4228—(mediuen) 5730—Flexible-Shaft 23 Pc. Set. 4229—(coarse) 5731—Saw/Sander 30 Pr. Set. 4235—Butfing Whee I's a seroll saw — Handles everytning trom smau scroll work to full size furniture work. Cuts soft wood up to 1%", hard wood up to %4" and soft metals, CUT LONG LENGTHS lis a Disc Sander — For shaping small pieces, Sanding rough edges, trueing up uneven sur- faces. Three disc grits permit fine, medium, ‘coarse sanding. BEVEL CUT ‘SAND BEVELS: CONTOUR FLEXIBLE SHAFT &ACCESSORIES DRILLING ROUTING Ataching Flexible Shaft — Be sure MOTOR |S RUNNING before the cable is engaged. DO NOT REMOVE OR LOOSEN SCREW IN NYLON COUPLING. Insert the black nylon coupling over the power take-off, Push the coupling on as faras it will go, and hold in place by turning the coupling, counterclockwise. To prevent the cable from becoming disconnected while the machine Is. running, simply grasp the handpiece and twist the cable one-half turn counterclockwise. Flexible Shaft Handpiece — The handpiece is equipped with a chuck that will accommodate 4 collet sizes: 1/8", 3/32", 1/16" and 1/32". ‘Chuck — Chuck consists of a chuck cap and collet. ‘To change or insertbits use the two chuck wrenches furnished. Slip the short end of the angle wrench is on the shaft and hold the long portion of ware against the handpiece with one hand. With the shaft secured by the angle wrench, use tho straight wrench to loosen or tighten the chuck cap. Bee—tHivetration—With the-chuckcap_loose,an accessory should be inserted a3 deeply as possible to avoid wobble during use. Now, tighten chuck cap — avoid excessive tightening. For best results, use the flexible shatt with adelicate DEBURRING CARVING touch. To prevent stalling the motor, press the tool lightly against the work, and never force the tool beyond its capacity. Use of any accessories or attac! =~ ether than those supplied by be hazardous. Use attachments and accessor proper and intended manner. only in their CONTENTS OF ACCESSORY PACKS 871 (Basic) 4211 Arbor Adapter azer 029 Fine Blade az8 8030 Goarse Blades (2) 28 4214 Rubber Backing Fad 572 (Deluxe) 408 Coares Sander Bands (3) 4238 Cloth Butling Wheel 5029 Fine Blaces (2) 8030 Coarse Blade 4227 Sand. Disc — 1/2 grit 4228 Sand. Dise — 2/0 gnit 4225 Sand. Disc — 4/0 grit 90199 Flexible Shaft "980184 Gore w/Spring "900195 Casing w/Drive Connector “e601 Chuck Cap 150 1/8" Dell Bit 404 Cup Brush 405 Paste Brush 407 Drum Sanger 421 Polishing Compound 428 Wire Brush 194 High Speea Cutter 952 Mounted Wneal Point ‘8202, Plain Shaped Wheel Point 183702. Silicon Gringing Whee! Point 990862 Chuck Weench 700125 Wrench, Bent * Parts included in 980199 NOTE: We reserve the right to substitute accessories of equal value DREMEL or MODEL 571-5... PARTS LIST Suction Guse Long B2 Serta. ‘Suction Cups Short & 2 Screws Housing Extension & Screws Cord abla Slide Bracket Assembly, 445030 | Table w/Quadrant ‘Motsr Complete wiMousing & Cord 2 2 = 23, | 290888 | screw #10 Sheet Motal 2 2 26 oi Huis 18 ‘Lett Frame Sice (Small Hole) Hardware "6 Screws and Washers ‘Gian Bushing 1 Pr. (4 ProReeia) ‘58 Long Local Hewe. (5) aait_| Arbor Adapter ‘Rubber Backing Pad aie Seed [Bb - Five pope] Tt Sew Blade = Coarse per pac 7006 | Catia iam 13 | eeca7s | Bom Pivot Screw 70-82% 13/4 Local Hdwe. (4) _ 28 Cord Stain Ral 14_[200%64 | Motor Mount Serena (2 Lower, 1 UpPEN 20 Frame Cover, Upper 15 [4asara | Base w'o Feet 1 WRITE FOR CURRENT PRICES - NO C.0.0.s UNITED STATES OUTSIDE OF CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES Dremel Service Center, 4915 Twenty-first St, Racine, WIS3406 ‘See your local distributor or write to Dremel, ‘Dremel Service Center 4631 €. Sunny Dunes, Paim Springs, CA 4915 Twenty-tirst St, Racine, Wi 53406, U.S.A 92264 DREMEL” 4915 21st STREET RACINE, WISCONSIN 53406 U.S.A. iv. OF EMERBON ELECTRIC C0 PreTEO MUSA

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