Javabeginner Tutorial
Javabeginner Tutorial
Table of Contents
Introduction to Java
About Java
Platform Independence
Java Virtual Machine
Object Oriented Programming
Java Features
Java Applications
Java Operators
Java Operators
Assignment operators
Arithmetic operators
Relational operators
Logical operators
Bitwise operators
Compound operators
Conditional operators
Operator Precedence
Java Control Statements
Introduction to Control Statements
Selection Statements
Iteration Statements
Transfer Statements
Java Constructors
Overloaded Constructors
Constructor Chaining
Object Serialization
Introduction to Object Serialization
Transient Fields and Serialization
Input and Output Object Streams
Java StringBuffer
StringBuffer Class
Creation of StringBuffer's
StringBuffer Functions
Platform independent
Unlike many other programming languages including C and C++ when Java is compiled, it is
not compiled into platform specific machine, rather into platform independent byte code.
This byte code is distributed over the web and interpreted by virtual Machine (JVM) on
whichever platform it is being run.
Java was designed with a concept of ‗write once and run everywhere‘. Java Virtual Machine
plays the central role in this concept. The JVM is the environment in which Java programs
execute. It is a software that is implemented on top of real hardware and operating system.
When the source code (.java files) is compiled, it is translated into byte codes and then
placed into (.class) files. The JVM executes these bytecodes. So Java byte codes can be
thought of as the machine language of the JVM. A JVM can either interpret the bytecode one
instruction at a time or the bytecode can be compiled further for the real microprocessor
using what is called a just-in-time compiler. The JVM must be implemented on a particular
platform before compiled programs can run on that platform.
Reusability of Code
Emphasis on data rather than procedure
Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions
Objects can communicate with each other through functions
New data and functions can be easily addedJava has powerful features. The
following are some of them:-
Portable (Platform Independent)
High Performance
OOP Concepts
Abstraction denotes the essential characteristics of an object that distinguish it from all
other kinds of objects and thus provide crisply defined conceptual boundaries, relative to
the perspective of the viewer.
Inheritance is the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object.
Polymorphism is the existence of the classes or methods in different forms or single name
denoting different
Java is Distributed
With extensive set of routines to handle TCP/IP protocols like HTTP and FTP java can open
and access the objects across net via URLs.
Java is Multithreaded
One of the powerful aspects of the Java language is that it allows multiple threads of
execution to run concurrently within the same program A single Java program can have
many different threads executing independently and continuously. Multiple Java applets can
run on the browser at the same time sharing the CPU time.
Java is Secure
Java was designed to allow secure execution of code across network. To make Java secure
many of the features of C and C++ were eliminated. Java does not use Pointers. Java
programs cannot access arbitrary addresses in memory.
Garbage collection
Automatic garbage collection is another great feature of Java with which it prevents
inadvertent corruption of memory. Similar to C++, Java has a new operator to allocate
memory on the heap for a new object. But it does not use delete operator to free the
memory as it is done in C++ to free the memory if the object is no longer needed. It is
done automatically with garbage collector.
Java Applications
Java has evolved from a simple language providing interactive dynamic content for web
pages to a predominant enterprise-enabled programming language suitable for developing
significant and critical applications. Today, It is used for many types of applications
including Web based applications, Financial applications, Gaming applications, embedded
systems, Distributed enterprise applications, mobile applications, Image processors, desktop
applications and many more. This site outlines the building blocks of java by stating few
java examples along with some java tutorials.
After going through all the tutorials in this site, you would have learnt the essential concepts
and features of the Java Programming Language which include exceptions, Swing GUI
programming, Collections framework etc. A lot of code examples are used through out
tutorial to make you understand the language better.
All the listings and programs in the website are compiled and run using the JDK 1.5.
Download : JDK and JRE 1.5
Java Architecture
The Java environment is composed of a number of system components. You use these
components at compile time to create the Java program and at run time to execute the
program. Java achieves its independence by creating programs designed to run on the Java
Virtual Machine rather than any specific computer system.
After you write a Java program, you use a compiler that reads the statements in the
program and translates them into a machine independent format called bytecode.
Bytecode files, which are very compact, are easily transported through a distributed
system like the Internet.
The compiled Java code (resulting byte code) will be executed at run time.
Below is a java sample code for the traditional Hello World program. Basically, the idea
behind this Hello World program is to learn how to create a program, compile and run it. To
create your java source code you can use any editor( Text pad/Edit plus are my favorites)
or you can use an IDE like Eclipse.
Hello World
I created a class named ―HelloWorld‖ containing a simple main function within it. The
keyword class specifies that we are defining a class. The name of a public class is spelled
exactly as the name of the file (Case Sensitive). All java programs begin execution with the
method named main(). main method that gets executed has the following signature : public
static void main(String args[]).Declaring this method as public means that it is accessible
from outside the class so that the JVM can find it when it looks for the program to start it. It
is necessary that the method is declared with return type void (i.e. no arguments are
returned from the method). The main method contains a String argument array that can
contain the command line arguments. The brackets { and } mark the beginning and ending
of the class. The program contains a line ‗System.out.println(‖Hello World‖);‘ that tells the
computer to print out on one line of text namely ‗Hello World‘. The semi-colon ‗;‘ ends the
line of code. The double slashes ‗//‘ are used for comments that can be used to describe
what a source code is doing. Everything to the right of the slashes on the same line does
not get compiled, as they are simply the comments in a program.
All the 3 valid main method‘s shown above accepts a single String array argument.
The javadoc tool provided by Sun is used to produce documentation for an application or
Jar Files
A jar file is used to group together related class files into a single file for more compact
storage, distribution, and transmission.
When you get this error, you should conclude that your operating system cannot find the
compiler (javac). To solve this error you need to set the PATH variable.
Firstly the PATH variable is set so that we can compile and execute programs from any
directory without having to type the full path of the command. To set the PATH of jdk on
your system (Windows XP), add the full path of the jdk<version>\bin directory to the PATH
variable. Set the PATH as follows on a Windows machine:
a. Click Start > Right Click ―My Computer‖ and click on ―Properties‖
b. Click Advanced > Environment Variables.
c. Add the location of bin folder of JDK installation for PATH in User Variables and System
Variables. A typical value for PATH is:
C:\jdk<version>\bin (jdk<version is nothing but the name of the directory where jdk is
If there are already some entries in the PATH variable then you must add a semicolon and
then add the above value (Version being replaced with the version of JDK). The new path
takes effect in each new command prompt window you open after setting the PATH
If you receive this error, java cannot find your compiled byte code file, HelloWorld.class.If
both your class files and source code are in the same working directory and if you try
running your program from the current working directory than, your program must get
executed without any problems as, java tries to find your .class file is your current
directory. If your class files are present in some other directory other than that of the java
files we must set the CLASSPATH pointing to the directory that contain your compiled class
files.CLASSPATH can be set as follows on a Windows machine:
a. Click Start > Right Click ―My Computer‖ and click on ―Properties‖
b. Click Advanced > Environment Variables.
Add the location of classes‘ folder containing all your java classes in User Variables.
If there are already some entries in the CLASSPATH variable then you must add a semicolon
and then add the new value . The new class path takes effect in each new command prompt
window you open after setting the CLASSPATH variable.
Java 1.5
The Java 1.5 released in September 2004.
New Features
This part of the java tutorial teaches you the basic language elements and syntax for the
java programming language. Once you get these basic language concepts you can continue
with the other object oriented programming language concepts.
There are certain words with a specific meaning in java which tell (help) the compiler what
the program is supposed to do. These Keywords cannot be used as variable names, class
names, or method names. Keywords in java are case sensitive, all characters being lower
Keywords are reserved words that are predefined in the language; see the table below
(Taken from Sun Java Site). All the keywords are in lowercase.
Some Tricky Observations: The words virtual, ifdef, typedef, friend, struct and union are all
words related to
the C programming language. const and goto are Java keywords. The word finalize is the
name of a method
of the Object class and hence not a keyword. enum and label are not keywords.
Comments are descriptions that are added to a program to make code easier to understand.
The compiler ignores comments and hence its only for documentation of the program.
Block style comments begin with /* and terminate with */ that spans multiple lines.
Line style comments begin with // and terminate at the end of the line. (Shown in the above
Documentation style comments begin with /** and terminate with */ that spans multiple
lines. They are generally created using the automatic documentation generation tool, such
as javadoc. (Shown in the above program)
name of this compiled file is comprised of the name of the class with .class as an extension.
Note in the above example, a compilation error results in where the variable is tried to be
accessed and not at the place where its declared without any value.
The data type indicates the attributes of the variable, such as the range of values that can
be stored and the operators that can be used to manipulate the variable. Java has four main
primitive data types built into the language. You can also create your own composite data
Java has four main primitive data types built into the language. We can also create our own
data types.
Character: char
The following chart (Taken from Sun Java Site) summarizes the default values for the java
built in data types. Since I thought Mentioning the size was not important as part of
learning Java, I have not mentioned it in the below table. The size for each Java type can be
obtained by a simple Google search.
int 0
long 0L
float 0.0f
double 0.0d
boolean false
For Example
In the above statement, String is the data type for the identifier message. If you don‘t
specify a value when the variable is declared, it will be assigned the default value for its
data type.
Can consist of upper and lower case letters, digits, dollar sign ($) and the underscore
( _ ) character.
Must begin with a letter, dollar sign, or an underscore
Are case sensitive
Keywords cannot be used as identifiers
Within a given section of your program or scope, each user defined item must have a
unique identifier
Can be of any length.
A class is nothing but a blueprint for creating different objects which defines its properties
and behaviors. An object exhibits the properties and behaviors defined by its class. A class
can contain fields and methods to describe the behavior of an object. Methods are nothing
but members of a class that provide a service for an object or perform some business logic.
An object is an instance of a class created using a new operator. The new operator returns a
reference to a new instance of a class. This reference can be assigned to a reference
variable of the class. The process of creating objects from a class is called instantiation. An
object reference provides a handle to an object that is created and stored in memory. In
Java, objects can only be manipulated via references, which can be stored in variables.
An Interface is a contract in the form of collection of method and constant declarations.
When a class implements an interface, it promises to implement all of the methods declared
in that interface.
Instance Members
Each object created will have its own copies of the fields defined in its class called instance
variables which represent an object‘s state. The methods of an object define its behaviour
called instance methods. Instance variables and instance methods, which belong to objects,
are collectively called instance members. The dot ‗.‘ notation with a object reference is used
to access Instance Members.
Static Members
Static members are those that belong to a class as a whole and not to a particular instance
(object). A static variable is initialized when the class is loaded. Similarly, a class can have
static methods. Static variables and static methods are collectively known as static
members, and are declared with a keyword static. Static members in the class can be
accessed either by using the class name or by using the object reference, but instance
members can only be accessed via object references.
Below is a program showing the various parts of the basic language syntax that were
discussed above.
/** Comment
* Displays "Hello World!" to the standard output.
public class HelloWorld {
String output = "";
static HelloWorld helloObj; //Line 1
public HelloWorld(){
output = "Hello World";
public String printMessage(){
return output;
Java operators fall into eight different categories: assignment, arithmetic, relational,
logical, bitwise,
compound assignment, conditional, and type.
Assignment Operators =
Arithmetic Operators - + * /
% ++ --
Relational Operators > < >= <=
== !=
Conditional Operator ?:
Java has eight different operator types: assignment, arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise,
compound assignment, conditional, and type.
Assignment operators
The java assignment operator statement has the following syntax:
<variable> = <expression>
If the value already exists in the variable it is overwritten by the assignment operator (=).
public AssignmentOperatorsDemo() {
// Assigning Primitive Values
int j, k;
j = 10; // j gets the value 10.
j = 5; // j gets the value 5. Previous value is overwritten.
k = j; // k gets the value 5.
System.out.println("j is : " + j);
System.out.println("k is : " + k);
// Assigning References
Integer i1 = new Integer("1");
Integer i2 = new Integer("2");
System.out.println("i1 is : " + i1);
System.out.println("i2 is : " + i2);
i1 = i2;
System.out.println("i1 is : " + i1);
System.out.println("i2 is : " + i2);
// Multiple Assignments
k = j = 10; // (k = (j = 10))
System.out.println("j is : " + j);
System.out.println("k is : " + k);
public static void main(String args[]) {
new AssignmentOperatorsDemo();
The binary operator + is overloaded in the sense that the operation performed is
determined by the type of the operands. When one of the operands is a String object, the
other operand is implicitly converted to its string representation and string concatenation is
public ArithmeticOperatorsDemo() {
int x, y = 10, z = 5;
x = y + z;
System.out.println("+ operator resulted in " + x);
x = y - z;
System.out.println("- operator resulted in " + x);
x = y * z;
System.out.println("* operator resulted in " + x);
x = y / z;
System.out.println("/ operator resulted in " + x);
x = y % z;
System.out.println("% operator resulted in " + x);
x = y++;
System.out.println("Postfix ++ operator resulted in " + x);
x = ++z;
System.out.println("Prefix ++ operator resulted in " + x);
x = -y;
System.out.println("Unary operator resulted in " + x);
// Some examples of special Cases
int tooBig = Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1; // -2147483648 which is
// Integer.MIN_VALUE.
int tooSmall = Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1; // 2147483647 which is
// Integer.MAX_VALUE.
System.out.println("tooBig becomes " + tooBig);
System.out.println("tooSmall becomes " + tooSmall);
System.out.println(4.0 / 0.0); // Prints: Infinity
System.out.println(-4.0 / 0.0); // Prints: -Infinity
System.out.println(0.0 / 0.0); // Prints: NaN
double d1 = 12 / 8; // result: 1 by integer division. d1 gets the
// 1.0.
double d2 = 12.0F / 8; // result: 1.5
System.out.println("d1 is " + d1);
System.out.println("d2 iss " + d2);
public static void main(String args[]) {
new ArithmeticOperatorsDemo();
Relational operators
Relational operators in Java are used to compare 2 or more objects. Java provides six
relational operators:
greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal (>=), less than or equal (<=), equal
(==), and not equal (!=).
All relational operators are binary operators, and their operands are numeric expressions.
Binary numeric promotion is applied to the operands of these operators. The evaluation
results in a boolean value. Relational operators have precedence lower than arithmetic
operators, but higher than that of the assignment operators. An example program is shown
below that demonstrates the different relational operators in java.
public RelationalOperatorsDemo( )
int x = 10, y = 5;
System.out.println("x > y : "+(x
> y));
System.out.println("x < y : "+(x
< y));
System.out.println("x >= y :
"+(x >= y));
System.out.println("x <= y :
"+(x <= y));
System.out.println("x == y :
"+(x == y));
System.out.println("x != y :
"+(x != y));
public LogicalOperatorsDemo() {
boolean x = true;
boolean y = false;
System.out.println("x & y : " +
(x & y));
System.out.println("x && y : " +
(x && y));
System.out.println("x | y : " +
(x | y));
System.out.println("x || y: " +
(x || y));
System.out.println("x ^ y : " +
(x ^ y));
System.out.println("!x : " +
public static void main(String args[]) {
new LogicalOperatorsDemo();
Given that x and y represent boolean expressions, the boolean logical operators are defined
in the Table below.
x y !x x & y x | y x ^ y
x && y x || y
Bitwise operators
Java provides Bit wise operators to manipulate the contents of variables at the bit level.
These variables must be of numeric data type ( char, short, int, or long). Java provides
seven bitwise
operators. They are AND, OR, Exclusive-OR, Complement, Left-shift, Signed Right-shift, and
Unsigned Right-shift. An example program is shown below that demonstrates the different
Bit wise operators in java.
public BitwiseOperatorsDemo() {
int x = 0xFAEF; //1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
int y = 0xF8E9; //1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
int z;
System.out.println("x & y : " + (x & y));
System.out.println("x | y : " + (x | y));
System.out.println("x ^ y : " + (x ^ y));
System.out.println("~x : " + (~x));
System.out.println("x << y : " + (x << y));
System.out.println("x >> y : " + (x >> y));
System.out.println("x >>> y : " + (x >>> y));
//There is no unsigned left shift operator
public static void main(String args[]) {
new BitwiseOperatorsDemo();
The result of applying bitwise operators between two corresponding bits in the operands is
shown in the Table below.
A B ~A A & B A | B A ^ B
1 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 0
* The below program demonstrates bitwise operators keeping in mind operator
* Operator Precedence starting with the highest is -> |, ^, &
Compound operators
The compound operators perform shortcuts in common programming operations. Java has
eleven compound assignment operators.
The above statement is the same as, argument1 = argument1 operator argument2. An
example program is shown below that demonstrates the different Compound operators in
public CompoundOperatorsDemo() {
int x = 0, y = 5;
x += 3;
System.out.println("x : " + x);
y *= x;
System.out.println("y : " + y);
/*Similarly other operators can be applied as shortcuts.
Conditional operators
The Conditional operator is the only ternary (operator takes three arguments) operator in
Java. The operator evaluates the first argument and, if true, evaluates the second
argument. If the first argument evaluates to false, then the third argument is evaluated.
The conditional operator is the expression equivalent of the if-else statement. The
conditional expression can be nested and the conditional operator associates from right to
left: (a?b?c?d:e:f:g) evaluates as (a?(b?(c?d:e):f):g)
An example program is shown below that demonstrates the Ternary operator in java.
public TernaryOperatorsDemo() {
int x = 10, y = 12, z = 0;
z = x > y ? x : y;
System.out.println("z : " + z);
public static void main(String args[]) {
new TernaryOperatorsDemo();
* The following programs shows that when no explicit parenthesis
is used then the
conditional operator
* evaluation is from right to left
Type conversion allows a value to be changed from one primitive data type to another.
Conversion can occur explicitly, as specified in
the program, or implicitly, by Java itself. Java allows both type widening and type narrowing
Operator Precedence
The order in which operators are applied is known as precedence. Operators with a higher
precedence are applied before operators with a lower precedence. The operator precedence
order of Java is shown below. Operators at the top of the table are applied before operators
lower down in the table. If two operators have the same precedence, they are applied in the
order they appear in a statement.
That is, from left to right. You can use parentheses to override the default precedence.
multiplicative */%
additive +-
equality == !=
bitwise exclusive OR ^
bitwise inclusive OR |
logical OR ||
ternary ?:
assignment = “op=”
result = 4 + 5 * 3
First (5 * 3) is evaluated and the result is added to 4 giving the Final Result value as 19.
Note that ‗*‘ takes higher precedence than ‗+‘ according to chart shown above. This kind of
precedence of one operator over another applies to all the operators.
We use control statements when we want to change the default sequential order of
Selection Statements
The If Statement
The if statement executes a block of code only if the specified expression is true. If the
value is false, then the if block is skipped and execution continues with the rest of the
program. You can either have a single statement or a block of code within an if statement.
Note that the conditional expression must be a Boolean expression.
if (<conditional expression>)
<statement action>
Switch Case Statement The switch case statement, also called a case
statement is a multi-way branch with several choices. A switch is easier to
implement than a series of if/else statements. The switch statement begins
with a keyword, followed by an expression that equates to a no long integral
value. Following the controlling expression is a code block that contains zero
or more labeled cases. Each label must equate to an integer constant and
each must be unique. When the switch statement executes, it compares the
value of the controlling expression to the values of each case label. The
program will select the value of the case label that equals the value of the
controlling expression and branch down that path to the end of the code
block. If none of the case label values match, then none of the codes within
the switch statement code block will be executed. Java includes a default
label to use in cases where there are no matches. We can have a nested
switch within a case block of an outer switch.
When executing a switch statement, the program falls through to the next
case. Therefore, if you want to exit in the middle of the switch statement
code block, you must insert a break statement, which causes the program to
continue executing after the current code block.
Below is a java example that demonstrates conditional execution based on nested if else
statement condition to find the greatest of 3 numbers.
c is the greatest
Control statements control the order of execution in a java program, based on data values
and conditional logic.
There are three main categories of control flow statements;
We use control statements when we want to change the default sequential order of
Iteration Statements
While Statement
The while statement is a looping construct control statement that executes a block of code
while a condition is true. You can either have a single statement or a block of code within
the while loop. The loop will never be executed if the testing expression evaluates to false.
The loop condition must be a boolean expression.
Below is an example that demonstrates the looping construct namely while loop used to
print numbers from 1 to 10.
The do-while loop is similar to the while loop, except that the test is performed at the end of
the loop instead of at the beginning. This ensures that the loop will be executed at least
once. A do-while loop begins with the keyword do, followed by the statements that make up
the body of the loop. Finally, the keyword while and the test expression completes the do-
while loop. When the loop condition becomes false, the loop is terminated and execution
continues with the statement immediately following the loop. You can either have a single
statement or a block of code within the do-while loop.
<loop body>
while (<loop condition>);
Below is an example that demonstrates the looping construct namely do-while loop used to
print numbers from 1 to 10.
For Loops
The for loop is a looping construct which can execute a set of instructions a specified
number of times. It‘s a counter controlled loop.
The first part of a for statement is a starting initialization, which executes once before the
loop begins. The <initialization> section can also be a comma-separated list of expression
statements. The second part of a for statement is a test expression. As long as the
expression is true, the loop will continue. If this expression is evaluated as false the first
time, the loop will never be executed. The third part of the for statement is the body of the
loop. These are the instructions that are repeated each time the program executes the loop.
The final part of the for statement is an increment expression that automatically executes
after each repetition of the loop body. Typically, this statement changes the value of the
counter, which is then tested to see if the loop should continue.
All the sections in the for-header are optional. Any one of them can be left empty, but the
two semicolons are mandatory. In particular, leaving out the <loop condition> signifies that
the loop condition is true. The (;;) form of for loop is commonly used to construct an infinite
Below is an example that demonstrates the looping construct namely for loop used to print
numbers from 1 to 10.
Control statements control the order of execution in a java program, based on data values
and conditional logic. There are three main categories of control flow statements;
We use control statements when we want to change the default sequential order of
Transfer Statements
Continue Statement
A continue statement stops the iteration of a loop (while, do or for) and causes execution to
resume at the top of the nearest enclosing loop. You use a continue statement when you do
not want to execute the remaining statements in the loop, but you do not want to exit the
loop itself.
You can also provide a loop with a label and then use the label in your continue statement.
The label name is optional, and is usually only used when you wish to return to the
outermost loop in a series of nested loops.
Below is a program to demonstrate the use of continue statement to print Odd Numbers
between 1 to 10.
Odd Numbers
Break Statement
The break statement transfers control out of the enclosing loop ( for, while, do or switch
statement). You use a break statement when you want to jump immediately to the
statement following the enclosing control structure. You can also provide a loop with a label,
and then use the label in your break statement. The label name is optional, and is usually
only used when you wish to terminate the outermost loop in a series of nested loops.
Below is a program to demonstrate the use of break statement to print numbers Numbers 1
to 10.
Numbers 1 - 10
Java provides a number of access modifiers to help you set the level of access you want for
classes as well as the fields, methods and constructors in your classes. A member has
package or default accessibility when no accessibility modifier is specified.
Access Modifiers
1. private
2. protected
3. default
4. public
Fields, methods and constructors declared public (least restrictive) within a public class are
visible to any class in the Java program, whether these classes are in the same package or
in another package.
The private (most restrictive) fields or methods cannot be used for classes and Interfaces. It
also cannot be used for fields and methods within an interface. Fields, methods or
constructors declared private are strictly controlled, which means they cannot be accesses
by anywhere outside the enclosing class. A standard design strategy is to make all fields
private and provide public getter methods for them.
The protected fields or methods cannot be used for classes and Interfaces. It also cannot be
used for fields and methods within an interface. Fields, methods and constructors declared
protected in a superclass can be accessed only by subclasses in other packages. Classes in
the same package can also access protected fields, methods and constructors as well, even
if they are not a subclass of the protected member‘s class.
default access modifier
Java provides a default specifier which is used when no access modifier is present. Any
class, field, method or constructor that has no declared access modifier is accessible only by
classes in the same package. The default modifier is not used for fields and methods within
an interface.
package pckage1;
class BaseClass {
System.out.println("Value of y is :
//Access Modifiers - Protected
System.out.println("Value of z is : " +
System.out.println("Value of z is : " +
//Access Modifiers - Default
System.out.println("Value of x is : " +
System.out.println("Value of x is : " +
Value of x is : 10
Value of x is : 20
Value of z is : 10
Value of z is : 30
Value of x is : 10
Value of x is : 20
import pckage1.*;
System.out.println("Value of y is : "+subClassObj.y);*/
//Access specifiers - Protected
// If we remove the comments it would result in a
// error as the fields and methods being accessed are
/* System.out.println("Value of z is : "+subClassObj.z);
System.out.println("Value of z is : "+subClassObj.z);*/
System.out.println("Value of z is : " +
//Access Modifiers - Default
// If we remove the comments it would result in a
// error as the fields and methods being accessed are
System.out.println("Value of a is : "+subClassObj.a);
System.out.println("Value of a is : "+subClassObj.a);*/
Value of x is : 10
Value of x is : 30
Value of z is : 10
import pckage1.*;
System.out.println("Value of y is : "+subClassObj.y);*/
//Access Modifiers - Protected
// If we remove the comments it would result in a
// error as the fields and methods being accessed are
/* System.out.println("Value of z is : "+subClassObj.z);
System.out.println("Value of z is : "+subClassObj.z);*/
//Access Modifiers - Default
// If we remove the comments it would result in a
// error as the fields and methods being accessed are
/* System.out.println("Value of a is : "+subClassObj.a);
System.out.println("Value of a is : "+subClassObj.a);*/
Value of x is : 10
Value of x is : 30
A class is nothing but a blueprint or a template for creating different objects which defines
its properties and behaviors. Java class objects exhibit the properties and behaviors defined
by its class. A class can contain fields and methods to describe the behavior of an object.
Methods are nothing but members of a class that provide a service for an object or perform
some business logic. Java fields and member functions names are case sensitive. Current
states of a class‘s corresponding object are stored in the object‘s instance variables.
Methods define the operations that can be performed in java programming.
Below is an example showing the Objects and Classes of the Cube class that defines 3 fields
namely length, breadth and height. Also the class contains a member function getVolume().
int length;
int breadth;
int height;
public int getVolume() {
return (length * breadth * height);
This is accomplished by stating the name of the object reference, followed by a period (dot),
followed by the name of the member inside the object.
( objectReference.member ). You call a method for an object by naming the object followed
by a period (dot), followed by the name of the method and its argument list, like this:
objectName.methodName(arg1, arg2, arg3).
For example:
cubeObject.length = 4;
cubeObject.breadth = 4;
cubeObject.height = 4;
Instance Variables
Instance variables stores the state of the object. Each class would have its own copy of the
variable. Every object has a state that is determined by the values stored in the object. An
object is said to have changed its state when one or more data values stored in the object
have been modified. When an object responds to a message, it will usually perform an
action, change its state etc. An object that has the ability to store values is often said to
have persistence.
Consider this simple Java program showing the use of static fields and static methods
// Class and Object initialization showing the Object Oriented concepts in Java
class Cube {
Variables defined in an interface are implicitly final. You can‘t change value of a final
variable (is a constant). A final class can‘t be extended i.e., final class may not be
subclassed. This is done for security reasons with basic classes like String and Integer. It
also allows the compiler to make some optimizations, and makes thread safety a little easier
to achieve. A final method can‘t be overridden when its class is inherited. Any attempt to
override or hide a final method will result in a compiler error.
An object is an instance of a class created using a new operator. The new operator returns
a reference to a new instance of a class. This reference can be assigned to a reference
variable of the class. The process of creating objects from a class is called instantiation. An
object encapsulates state and behavior.
An object reference provides a handle to an object that is created and stored in memory. In
Java, objects can only be manipulated via references, which can be stored in variables.
Creating variables of your class type is similar to creating variables of primitive data types,
such as integer or float. Each time you create an object, a new set of instance variables
comes into existence which defines the characteristics of that object. If you want to create
an object of the class and have the reference variable associated with this object, you must
also allocate memory for the object by using the new operator. This process is called
instantiating an object or creating an object instance.
When you create a new object, you use the new operator to instantiate the object. The new
operator returns the location of the object which you assign o a reference type.
Below is an example showing the creation of Cube objects by using the new operator.
Method Overloading
Method overloading results when two or more methods in the same class have the same
name but different parameters. Methods with the same name must differ in their types or
number of parameters. This allows the compiler to match parameters and choose the
correct method when a number of choices exist. Changing just the return type is not
enough to overload a method, and will be a compile-time error. They must have a different
signature. When no method matching the input parameters is found, the compiler attempts
to convert the input parameters to types of greater precision. A match may then be found
without error. At compile time, the right implementation is chosen based on the signature of
the method call
No parameters
One parameter: 2
Two parameters: 10 , 20
Sum is 30
Below is a code snippet to show whether a Class Object Represents a Class or Interface:
Java Constructors
A java constructor has the same name as the name of the class to which it belongs.
Constructor‘s syntax does not include a return type, since constructors never return a value.
Constructors may include parameters of various types. When the constructor is invoked
using the new operator, the types must match those that are specified in the constructor
Java provides a default constructor which takes no arguments and performs no special
actions or initializations, when no explicit constructors are provided.
The only action taken by the implicit default constructor is to call the superclass constructor
using the super() call. Constructor arguments provide you with a way to provide parameters
for the initialization of an object.
Below is an example of a cube class containing 2 constructors. (one default and one
parameterized constructor).
public class Cube1 {
int length;
int breadth;
int height;
public int getVolume() {
return (length * breadth * height);
Cube1() {
length = 10;
breadth = 10;
height = 10;
Cube1(int l, int b, int h) {
length = l;
breadth = b;
height = h;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cube1 cubeObj1, cubeObj2;
cubeObj1 = new Cube1();
cubeObj2 = new Cube1(10, 20, 30);
Note: If a class defines an explicit constructor, it no longer has a default constructor to set
the state of the objects.
If such a class requires a default constructor, its implementation must be provided. Any
attempt to call the default constructor will be a compile time error if an explicit default
constructor is not provided in such a case.
Below is an example of a cube class containing 3 constructors which demostrates the this()
method in Constructors context
public class Cube2 {
int length;
int breadth;
int height;
public int getVolume() {
return (length * breadth * height);
Cube2() {
this(10, 10);
System.out.println("Finished with Default Constructor");
Cube2(int l, int b) {
this(l, b, 10);
System.out.println("Finished with Parameterized Constructor having 2
Cube2(int l, int b, int h) {
length = l;
breadth = b;
height = h;
System.out.println("Finished with Parameterized Constructor having 3
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cube2 cubeObj1, cubeObj2;
cubeObj1 = new Cube2();
cubeObj2 = new Cube2(10, 20, 30);
System.out.println("Volume of Cube1 is : " + cubeObj1.getVolume());
System.out.println("Volume of Cube2 is : " + cubeObj2.getVolume());
int length;
int breadth;
int height;
public int getVolume() {
return (length * breadth * height);
Cube2() {
this(10, 10);
System.out.println("Finished with Default Constructor");
Cube2(int l, int b) {
this(l, b, 10);
System.out.println("Finished with Parameterized Constructor having 2
Cube2(int l, int b, int h) {
length = l;
breadth = b;
height = h;
System.out.println("Finished with Parameterized Constructor having 3
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cube2 cubeObj1, cubeObj2;
cubeObj1 = new Cube2();
cubeObj2 = new Cube2(10, 20, 30);
System.out.println("Volume of Cube1 is : " + cubeObj1.getVolume());
System.out.println("Volume of Cube2 is : " + cubeObj2.getVolume());
Constructor Chaining
Every constructor calls its superclass constructor. An implied super() is therefore included in
each constructor which does not include either the this() function or an explicit super() call
as its first statement. The super() statement invokes a constructor of the super class.
The implicit super() can be replaced by an explicit super(). The super statement must be
the first statement of the constructor.
The explicit super allows parameter values to be passed to the constructor of its superclass
and must have matching parameter types A super() call in the constructor of a subclass will
result in the call of the relevant constructor from the superclass, based on the signature of
the call. This is called constructor chaining.
class Cube {
int length;
int breadth;
int height;
public int getVolume() {
return (length * breadth * height);
Cube() {
this(10, 10);
System.out.println("Finished with Default Constructor of Cube");
Cube(int l, int b) {
this(l, b, 10);
System.out.println("Finished with Parameterized Constructor having
2 params of
Cube(int l, int b, int h) {
length = l;
breadth = b;
height = h;
System.out.println("Finished with Parameterized Constructor having
3 params of
int weight;
SpecialCube() {
weight = 10;
SpecialCube(int l, int b) {
this(l, b, 10);
System.out.println("Finished with Parameterized Constructor having
2 params of
SpecialCube(int l, int b, int h) {
super(l, b, h);
weight = 20;
System.out.println("Finished with Parameterized Constructor having
3 params of
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpecialCube specialObj1 = new SpecialCube();
SpecialCube specialObj2 = new SpecialCube(10, 20);
System.out.println("Volume of SpecialCube1 is : "
+ specialObj1.getVolume());
System.out.println("Weight of SpecialCube1 is : "
+ specialObj1.weight);
System.out.println("Volume of SpecialCube2 is : "
+ specialObj2.getVolume());
System.out.println("Weight of SpecialCube2 is : "
+ specialObj2.weight);
The super() construct as with this() construct: if used, must occur as the first statement in
a constructor, and it can only be used in a constructor declaration. This implies that this()
and super() calls cannot both occur in the same constructor. Just as the this() construct
leads to chaining of constructors in the same class, the super() construct leads to chaining
of subclass constructors to superclass constructors.
if a constructor has neither a this() nor a super() construct as its first statement, then a
super() call to the default constructor in the superclass is inserted.
Note: If a class only defines non-default constructors, then its subclasses will not include an
implicit super() call. This will be flagged as a compile-time error. The subclasses must then
explicitly call a superclass constructor, using the super() construct with the right arguments
to match the appropriate constructor of the superclass.
class Cube {
int length;
int breadth;
int height;
public int getVolume() {
return (length * breadth * height);
Cube(int l, int b, int h) {
length = l;
breadth = b;
height = h;
System.out.println("Finished with Parameterized Constructor having
3 params of Cube");
int weight;
SpecialCube1() {
super(10, 20, 30); //Will Give a Compilation Error without this line
weight = 10;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpecialCube1 specialObj1 = new SpecialCube1();
System.out.println("Volume of SpecialCube1 is : "+
Finished with Parameterized Constructor having 3 params of Cube
Volume of SpecialCube1 is : 6000
Java Serialization
Introduction to Object Serialization
Java object serialization is used to persist Java objects to a file, database, network, process
or any other system. Serialization flattens objects into an ordered, or serialized stream of
bytes. The ordered stream of bytes can then be read at a later time, or in another
environment, to recreate the original objects.
Java serialization does not cannot occur for transient or static fields. Marking the field
transient prevents the state from being written to the stream and from being restored
during deserialization. Java provides classes to support writing objects to streams and
restoring objects from streams. Only objects that support the interface
or the interface can be written to streams.
public interface Serializable
You can use the transient keyword to describe temporary variables, or variables that contain
local information,
These high-level streams are each chained to a low-level stream, such as FileInputStream
or FileOutputStream.
The low-level streams handle the bytes of data. The writeObject method saves the state of
the class by writing the individual fields to the ObjectOutputStream. The readObject method
is used to deserialize the object from
the object input stream.
public class PersonDetails implements Serializable {
GetPersonDetails is the class that is used to Deserialize object from the File (person.txt).
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class GetPersonDetails {
PersonPersist is the class that is used to serialize object into the File (person.txt).
Case 2: Below is an example that demonstrates object Serialization into the database
PersonPersist is the class that is used to serialize object into the into the Database Table SerialTest.
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
public class PersonPersist {
Case 3: Below is an example that demonstrates object Serialization into the database using
Base 64 Encoder
PersonPersist is the class that is used to serialize object into the Database Table SerialTest
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
public class PersonPersist {
Java Inheritance
Java Inheritance defines an is-a relationship between a superclass and its subclasses. This
means that an object of a subclass can be used wherever an object of the superclass can be
used. Class Inheritance in java mechanism is used to build new classes from existing
classes. The inheritance relationship is transitive: if class x extends class y, then a class z,
which extends class x, will also inherit from class y.
For example a car class can inherit some properties from a General vehicle class. Here we
find that the base class is the vehicle class and the subclass is the more specific car class. A
subclass must use the extends clause to derive from a super class which must be written in
the header of the subclass definition. The subclass inherits members of the superclass and
hence promotes code reuse. The subclass itself can add its own new behavior and
properties. The java.lang.Object class is always at the top of any Class inheritance
class Box {
double width;
double height;
double depth;
Box() {
Box(double w, double h, double d) {
width = w;
height = h;
depth = d;
void getVolume() {
System.out.println("Volume is : " + width * height * depth);
double weight;
MatchBox() {
MatchBox(double w, double h, double d, double m) {
super(w, h, d);
weight = m;
public static void main(String args[]) {
MatchBox mb1 = new MatchBox(10, 10, 10, 10);
System.out.println("width of MatchBox 1 is " + mb1.width);
System.out.println("height of MatchBox 1 is " + mb1.height);
System.out.println("depth of MatchBox 1 is " + mb1.depth);
System.out.println("weight of MatchBox 1 is " + mb1.weight);
Volume is : 1000.0
width of MatchBox 1 is 10.0
height of MatchBox 1 is 10.0
depth of MatchBox 1 is 10.0
weight of MatchBox 1 is 10.0
1. Private members of the superclass are not inherited by the subclass and can only be
indirectly accessed.
2. Members that have default accessibility in the superclass are also not inherited by
subclasses in other packages, as these members are only accessible by their simple names
in subclasses within the same package as the superclass.
3. Since constructors and initializer blocks are not members of a class, they are not
inherited by a subclass.
4. A subclass can extend only one superclass
class Vehicle {
// Instance fields
int noOfTyres; // no of tyres
private boolean accessories; // check if accessorees present or not
protected String brand; // Brand of the car
// Static fields
private static int counter; // No of Vehicle objects created
// Constructor
Vehicle() {
System.out.println("Constructor of the Super class called");
noOfTyres = 5;
accessories = true;
brand = "X";
// Instance methods
public void switchOn() {
accessories = true;
public void switchOff() {
accessories = false;
public boolean isPresent() {
return accessories;
private void getBrand() {
System.out.println("Vehicle Brand: " + brand);
// Static methods
public static void getNoOfVehicles() {
System.out.println("Number of Vehicles: " + counter);
The this reference to the current object is useful in situations where a local variable hides,
or shadows, a field with the same name. If a method needs to pass the current object to
another method, it can do so using the this reference. Note that the this reference cannot
be used in a static context, as static code is not executed in the context of any object.
class Counter {
int i = 0;
Counter increment() {
return this;
void print() {
System.out.println("i = " + i);
Volume is : 1000.0
width of MatchBox 1 is 10.0
height of MatchBox 1 is 10.0
depth of MatchBox 1 is 10.0
weight of MatchBox 1 is 10.0
How to Typecast Objects with a dynamically loaded Class ? - The casting of object
references depends on the relationship of the classes involved in the same hierarchy. Any
object reference can be assigned to a reference variable of the type Object, because the
Object class is a superclass of every Java class.
There can be 2 casting java scenarios
· Upcasting
· Downcasting
When we cast a reference along the class hierarchy in a direction from the root class
towards the children or subclasses, it is a downcast. When we cast a reference along the
class hierarchy in a direction from the sub classes towards the root, it is an upcast. We need
not use a cast operator in this case.
The compile-time rules are there to catch attempted casts in cases that are simply not
possible. This happens when we try to attempt casts on objects that are totally unrelated
(that is not subclass super class relationship or a class-interface relationship) At runtime a
ClassCastException is thrown if the object being cast is not compatible with the new type it
is being cast to.
Below is an example showing when a ClassCastException can occur during object casting
* A reference variable whose type is the same as the class from which the object was
An Object as Object is a super class of every Class.
* A reference variable whose type is a super class of the class from which the object was
* A reference variable whose type is an interface that is implemented by the class from
which the object was instantiated.
* A reference variable whose type is an interface that is implemented by a super class of
the class from which the object was instantiated.
Consider an interface Vehicle, a super class Car and its subclass Ford. The following
example shows the automatic conversion of object references handled by the compiler
interface Vehicle {
class Car implements Vehicle {
Let c be a variable of type Car class and f be of class Ford and v be an vehicle interface
reference. We can assign the Ford reference to the Car variable:
I.e. we can do the following
Example 1
c = f; //Ok Compiles fine
Example 2
v = c; //Ok Compiles fine
c = v; // illegal conversion from interface type to class type results in compilation error
Sometimes we do an explicit cast in java when implicit casts don‘t work or are not helpful
for a particular scenario. The explicit cast is nothing but the name of the new ―type‖ inside a
pair of matched parentheses. As before, we consider the same Car and Ford Class
class Car {
void carMethod(){
We also have a breakingSystem() function which takes Car reference (Superclass reference)
as an input parameter.
The method will invoke carMethod() regardless of the type of object (Car or Ford Reference)
and if it is a Ford object, it will also invoke fordMethod(). We use the instanceof operator to
determine the type of object at run time.
((Ford)obj).fordMethod ();
To invoke the fordMethod(), the operation (Ford)obj tells the compiler to treat the Car
object referenced by obj as if it is a Ford object. Without the cast, the compiler will give an
error message indicating that fordMethod() cannot be found in the Car definition.
The following program shown illustrates the use of the cast operator with references.
Note: Classes Honda and Ford are Siblings in the class Hierarchy. Both these classes are
subclasses of Class Car. Both Car and HeavyVehicle Class extend Object Class. Any class
that does not explicitly extend some other class will automatically extends the Object by
default. This code instantiates an object of the class Ford and assigns the object‘s reference
to a reference variable of type Car. This assignment is allowed as Car is a superclass of
Ford. In order to use a reference of a class type to invoke a method, the method must be
defined at or above that class in the class hierarchy. Hence an object of Class Car cannot
invoke a method present in Class Ford, since the method fordMethod is not present in Class
Car or any of its superclasses. Hence this problem can be colved by a simple downcast by
casting the Car object reference to the Ford Class Object reference as done in the program.
Also an attempt to cast an object reference to its Sibling Object reference produces a
ClassCastException at runtime, although compilation happens without any error.
void carMethod() {
void fordMethod() {
System.out.println("I am fordMethod defined in Class Ford");
void fordMethod() {
System.out.println("I am fordMethod defined in Class Ford");
One common casting that is performed when dealing with collections is, you can cast an
object reference into a String.
import java.util.Vector;
Username : asdf
Username : asdf
Password : qwer
instanceof Operator
The instanceof operator is called the type comparison operator, lets you determine if an
object belongs to a specific class, or implements a specific interface. It returns true if an
object is an instance of the class or if the object implements the interface, otherwise it
returns false.
class Vehicle {
String name;
Vehicle() {
name = "Vehicle";
HeavyVehicle() {
name = "HeavyVehicle";
Truck() {
name = "Truck";
LightVehicle() {
name = "LightVehicle";
hV is an HeavyVehicle: true
T is an HeavyVehicle: true
hV is a Truck: false
hv2 is an HeavyVehicle: false
Note: hv2 does not yet reference an HeavyVehicle object, instanceof returns false. Also we
can‘t use instanceof operator with siblings
Java Abstract class and Interface
Abstract Class in java
Java Abstract classes are used to declare common characteristics of subclasses. An
abstract class cannot be instantiated. It can only be used as a superclass for other classes
that extend the abstract class. Abstract classes are declared with the abstract keyword.
Abstract classes are used to provide a template or design for concrete subclasses down the
inheritance tree.
Like any other class, an abstract class can contain fields that describe the characteristics
and methods that describe the actions that a class can perform. An abstract class can
include methods that contain no implementation. These are called abstract methods. The
abstract method declaration must then end with a semicolon rather than a block. If a class
has any abstract methods, whether declared or inherited, the entire class must be declared
abstract. Abstract methods are used to provide a template for the classes that inherit the
abstract methods.
A class abstract Vehicle might be specified as abstract to represent the general abstraction
of a vehicle, as creating instances of the class would not be meaningful.
int numofGears;
String color;
abstract boolean hasDiskBrake();
abstract int getNoofGears();
We can also implement the generic shapes class as an abstract class so that we can draw
lines, circles, triangles etc. All shapes have some common fields and methods, but each can,
of course, add more fields and methods. The abstract class guarantees that each shape will
have the same set of basic properties. We declare this class abstract because there is no
such thing as a generic shape. There can only be concrete shapes such as squares, circles,
triangles etc.
static int x, y;
public Point() {
x = 0;
y = 0;
public double area() {
return 0;
public double perimeter() {
return 0;
public static void print() {
System.out.println("point: " + x + "," + y);
public static void main(String args[]) {
Point p = new Point();
point: 0, 0
Notice that, in order to create a Point object, its class cannot be abstract. This means that
all of the abstract methods of the Shape class must be implemented by the Point class.
The subclass must define an implementation for every abstract method of the abstract
superclass, or the subclass itself will also be abstract. Similarly other shape objects can be
created using the generic Shape Abstract class.
A big Disadvantage of using abstract classes is not able to use multiple inheritance. In the
sense, when a class extends an abstract class, it can‘t extend any other class.
Java Interface
In Java, this multiple inheritance problem is solved with a powerful construct called
interfaces. Interface can be used to define a generic template and then one or more
abstract classes to define partial implementations of the interface. Interfaces just specify
the method declaration (implicitly public and abstract) and can only contain fields (which
are implicitly public static final). Interface definition begins with a keyword interface. An
interface like that of an abstract class cannot be instantiated.
Multiple Inheritance is allowed when extending interfaces i.e. one interface can extend
none, one or more interfaces. Java does not support multiple inheritance, but it allows you
to extend one class and implement many interfaces.
If a class that implements an interface does not define all the methods of the interface, then
it must be declared abstract and the method definitions must be provided by the subclass
that extends the abstract class.
interface Shape {
static int x, y;
public Point() {
x = 0;
y = 0;
public double area() {
return 0;
public double volume() {
return 0;
public static void print() {
System.out.println("point: " + x + "," + y);
public static void main(String args[]) {
Point p = new Point();
Example 2: Below is a java interfaces program showing the power of interface programming
in java
Listing below shows 2 interfaces and 4 classes one being an abstract class.
Note: The method toString in class A1 is an overridden version of the method defined in the
class named Object. The classes B1 and C1 satisfy the interface contract. But since the
class D1 does not define all the methods of the implemented interface I2, the class D1 is
declared abstract.
i1.methodI2() produces a compilation error as the method is not declared in I1 or any of its
super interfaces if present. Hence a downcast of interface reference I1 solves the problem
as shown in the program. The same problem applies to i1.methodA1(), which is again
resolved by a downcast.
When we invoke the toString() method which is a method of an Object, there does not
seem to be any problem as every interface or class extends Object and any class can
override the default toString() to suit your application needs. ((C1)o1).methodI1() compiles
successfully, but produces a ClassCastException at runtime. This is because B1 does not
have any relationship with C1 except they are ―siblings‖. You can‘t cast siblings into one
When a given interface method is invoked on a given reference, the behavior that results
will be appropriate to the class from which that particular object was instantiated. This is
runtime polymorphism based on interfaces and overridden methods.
interface I1 {
interface I2 extends I1 {
class A1 {
class C1 implements I2 {
I am in methodI1 of class B1
I am in methodI2 of class B1
I am in methodI1 of class B1
I am in methodI2 of class B1
var2 : I am in methodC1 of class A1
var3 : I am in methodC1 of class A1
var4 : toString() method of class A1
var5 : toString() method of class A1
var6 : C1@190d11
I am in methodI1 of class B1
I am in methodI1 of class B1
I am in methodI1 of class B1
Polymorphism means one name, many forms. There are 3 distinct forms of Java
interface Shape {
return (6 * x * x);
The methods area() and volume() are overridden in the implementing classes. The
invocation of the both methods area and volume is determined based on run time
polymorphism of the current object as shown in the output.
1. Abstract class is a class which contain one or more abstract methods, which has to be
implemented by sub classes. An abstract class can contain no abstract methods also i.e.
abstract class may contain concrete methods. A Java Interface can contain only method
declarations and public static final constants and doesn‘t contain their implementation. The
classes which implement the Interface must provide the method definition for all the
methods present.
2. Abstract class definition begins with the keyword ―abstract‖ keyword followed by Class
definition. An Interface definition begins with the keyword ―interface‖.
3. Abstract classes are useful in a situation when some general methods should be
implemented and specialization behavior should be implemented by subclasses. Interfaces
are useful in a situation when all its properties need to be implemented by subclasses
4. All variables in an Interface are by default - public static final while an abstract class can
have instance variables.
5. An interface is also used in situations when a class needs to extend an other class apart
from the abstract class. In such situations its not possible to have multiple inheritance of
classes. An interface on the other hand can be used when it is required to implement one or
more interfaces. Abstract class does not support Multiple Inheritance whereas an Interface
supports multiple Inheritance.
6. An Interface can only have public members whereas an abstract class can contain private
as well as protected members.
7. A class implementing an interface must implement all of the methods defined in the
interface, while a class extending an abstract class need not implement any of the methods
defined in the abstract class.
8. The problem with an interface is, if you want to add a new feature (method) in its
contract, then you MUST implement those method in all of the classes which implement that
interface. However, in the case of an abstract class, the method can be simply implemented
in the abstract class and the same can be called by its subclass
10.Interfaces are often used to describe the peripheral abilities of a class, and not its central
identity, E.g. an Automobile class might
implement the Recyclable interface, which could apply to many otherwise totally unrelated
Note: There is no difference between a fully abstract class (all methods declared as abstract
and all fields are public static final) and an interface.
Note: If the various objects are all of-a-kind, and share a common state and behavior, then
tend towards a common base class. If all they
share is a set of method signatures, then tend towards an interface.
The new method definition must have the same method signature (i.e., method name and
parameters) and return type. Only parameter types and return type are chosen as criteria
for matching method signature. So if a subclass has its method parameters as final it
doesn‘t really matter for method overriding scenarios as it still holds true. The new method
definition cannot narrow the accessibility of the method, but it can widen it. The new
method definition can only specify all or none, or a subset of the exception classes
(including their subclasses) specified in the throws clause of the overridden method in the
super class
class SuperClassWithDifferentMethods {
public static void method5() {
public void method6() throws Exception {
private void method7() {
private void method8(int x) {
public static void method9() {
private void method3() {
private final void method4() {
public static void method5() {
public void method6() throws CustomException {
public void method7() {
public void method8(final int x) {
//A static method cannot be overridden to be non-static instance method
/*public void method9() {
try {
} catch (CustomException e) {
System.out.println("oc1.field1 : " + oc1.field1);
System.out.println("oc1.field2 : " + oc1.field2);
System.out.println("sc3.field1 : " + sc3.field1);
System.out.println("sc3.field2 : " + sc3.field2);
OverridingClass overClass = new OverridingClass();
SuperClassWithDifferentMethods supClass = (SuperClassWithDifferentMethods)
oc1.field1 : 30
oc1.field2 : 40
sc3.field1 : 10
sc3.field2 : 20
The new method definitions in the subclass OverridingClass have the same signature and
the same return type as the methods in the superclass SuperClassWithDifferentMethods.
The new overridden method6 definition specifies a subset of the exceptions
(CustomException). The new overridden method7 definition also widens the accessibility to
public from private. The overriding method8 also declares the parameter to be final, which
is not a part of the method signature and Method Overriding holds good. A static method
cannot be overridden to be non-static instance method as shown in the overridden method
declaration of method9. A static method is class-specific and not part of any object, while
overriding methods are invoked on behalf of objects of the subclass. There are no such
restrictions on the fields, as for fields only the field names matter. A final method cannot be
overridden, an attempt to which will result in a compile-time error. A private method is not
accessible outside the class in which it is defined; therefore, a subclass cannot override it.
A subclass must use the ‗super‘ keyword in order to invoke an overridden method in the
superclass. A subclass cannot override fields of the superclass, but it can hide them. Code in
the subclass can use the keyword super to access members, including hidden fields.
The following distinction between invoking instance methods on an object and accessing
fields of an object must be noted. When an instance method is invoked on an object using a
reference, it is the class of the current object denoted by the reference, not the type of the
reference, that determines which method implementation will be executed. When a field of
an object is accessed using a reference, it is the type of the reference, not the class of the
current object denoted by the reference, that determines which field will actually be
accessed. This is demonstrated in the above program
class PointCoordinates {
private int x, y;
public PointCoordinates(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getX() {
return x;
public int getY() {
return y;
When you run the ToStringDemo program, the output is:
Object toString() method : PointCoordinates@119c082
PointCoordinates@119c082 testing
In the above example when we try printing PointCoordinates object, it internally calls the
Object‘s toString() method as we have not overridden the java toString() method. Since out
example has no toString method, the default one in Object is used. The format of the
default toString method of the Object is as shown below.
Class Name, ―@‖, and the hex version of the object‘s hashcode concatenated into a string.
The default hashCode method in Object is typically implemented by converting the memory
address of the object into an integer.
Below is an example shown of the same program by Overriding the default Object toString()
method. The toString() method must be descriptive and should generally cover all the
contents of the object.
class PointCoordinates {
private int x, y;
public PointCoordinates(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getX() {
return x;
public int getY() {
return y;
// Custom toString() Method.
public String toString() {
return "X=" + x + " " + "Y=" + y;
When you run the ToStringDemo2 program, the output is:
X=10 Y=10
X=10 Y=10 testing
Strings in java
Java String Class is immutable, i.e. Strings in java, once created and initialized, cannot
be changed on the same reference. A java.lang.String class is final which implies no class
and extend it. The java.lang.String class differs from other classes, one difference being
that the String objects can be used with the += and + operators for concatenation.
Two useful methods for String objects are equals( ) and substring( ). The equals( ) method
is used for testing whether two Strings contain the same value. The substring( ) method is
used to obtain a selected portion of a String.
Since a string literal is a reference, it can be manipulated like any other String reference.
The reference value of a string literal can be assigned to another String reference.
If 2 or more Strings have the same set of characters in the same sequence then they share
the same reference in memory. Below illustrates this phenomenon.
In the above code all the String references str1, str2 and str3 denote the same String
object, initialized with the character string: ―My name is bob‖. But the Strings str4 and str5
denote new String objects.
Constructing String objects can also be done from arrays of bytes, arrays of characters, or
string buffers. A simple way to convert any primitive value to its string representation is by
concatenating it with the empty string (‖"), using the string concatenation operator (+).
public class StringsDemo {
System.out.println("byteStr : "+byteStr);
System.out.println("charStr : "+charStr);
System.out.println("buffStr : "+buffStr);
byteStr :
charStr : abCD
buffStr : abcde
String Equality
public class StringsDemo2 {
1. compareTo(String anotherString)
Compares two strings lexicographically.
2. charAt(int index)
Returns the character at the specified index.
4. length()
Returns the length of this string.
5. equals(Object anObject)
Compares this string to the specified object.
6. equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString)
Compares this String to another String, ignoring case considerations.
7. toUpperCase()
Converts all of the characters in this String to upper case using the rules of the default
7. toLowerCase()
Converts all of the characters in this String to upper case using the rules of the default
9. concat(String str)
Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string.
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character.
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character,
starting the search at the specified index.
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring.
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, starting
at the specified index.
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character.
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character,
searching backward starting at the specified index.
Returns the index within this string of the rightmost occurrence of the specified substring.
Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldChar in this string with
21. trim()
Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.
22. toString()
import java.util.*;
* == Operator
* equals method
* compareTo method
The equals method is used when we need to compare the content of the text present in the
String objects. This method returns true when two String objects hold the same content
(i.e. the same values). The following Program would print ―The strings are unequal‖ In the
first case and ―The strings are equal‖ in the second case.
The compareTo method is used when we need to determine the order of Strings
lexicographically. It compares char values similar to the equals method. The compareTo
method returns a negative integer if the first String object precedes the second string. It
returns zero if the 2 strings being compared are equal. It returns a positive integer if the
first String object follows the second string. The following Program would print ―name2
follows name1‖ In the first case and ―name1 follows name3‖ in the second case.
Java StringBuffer
StringBuffer Class
StringBuffer class is a mutable class unlike the String class which is immutable. Both the
capacity and character string of a StringBuffer Class. StringBuffer can be changed
dynamically. String buffers are preferred when heavy modification of character strings is
involved (appending, inserting, deleting, modifying etc).
Strings can be obtained from string buffers. Since the StringBuffer class does not override
the equals() method from the Object class, contents of string buffers should be converted to
String objects for string comparison.
A StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if an index is not valid when using wrong
index in String Buffer manipulations
Creation of StringBuffers
StringBuffer Constructors
strBuf1 : Bob
strBuf2 capacity : 100
strBuf3 capacity : 16
StringBuffer Functions
The following program explains the usage of the some of the basic StringBuffer methods like
1. capacity()
Returns the current capacity of the String buffer.
2. length()
Returns the length (character count) of this string buffer.
3. charAt(int index)
The specified character of the sequence currently represented by the string buffer, as
indicated by the index argument, is returned.
5. toString()
Converts to a string representing the data in this string buffer
9. reverse()
The character sequence contained in this string buffer is replaced by the reverse of the
strBuf1 : Bobby
strBuf1 capacity : 21
strBuf2 capacity : 100
strBuf3 capacity : 16
strBuf1 length : 5
strBuf1 charAt 2 : b
strBuf1 after setCharAt 1 to t is : Btbby
strBuf1 toString() is : Btbby
strBuf3 when appended with a String : beginner-java-tutorial
strBuf3 when c is inserted at 1 : bceginner-java-tutorial
strBuf3 when c is deleted at 1 : b
Reversed strBuf3 : b
strBuf2 :
An exception is a subclass of the Exception/Error class, both of which are subclasses of the
Throwable class. Java exceptions are raised with the throw keyword and handled within a
catch block.
System.out.println("Computing Division.");
int average = totalSum/totalNumber;
System.out.println("Average : "+ average);
Computing Division.
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
Average : 25
Computing Division.
at DivideException.division(
at DivideException.main(
Exception in thread ―main‖
Exceptions in Java
Throwable Class
The Throwable class provides a String variable that can be set by the subclasses to provide
a detail message that provides more information of the exception occurred. All classes of
throwables define a one-parameter constructor that takes a string as the detail message.
String getMessage()
void printStackTrace()
String toString()
Class Exception
The class Exception represents exceptions that a program faces due to abnormal or special
conditions during execution. Exceptions can be of 2 types: Checked (Compile time
Exceptions)/ Unchecked (Run time Exceptions).
Class RuntimeException
Runtime exceptions represent programming errors that manifest at runtime. For example
ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, NullPointerException and so on are all subclasses of the
java.lang.RuntimeException class, which is a subclass of the Exception class. These are
basically business logic programming errors.
Class Error
Errors are irrecoverable condtions that can never be caught. Example: Memory leak,
LinkageError etc. Errors are direct subclass of Throwable class.
Unchecked exceptions are RuntimeException and any of its subclasses. Class Error and its
subclasses also are unchecked. Unchecked exceptions , however, the compiler doesn‘t force
the programmers to either catch the exception or declare it in a throws clause. In fact, the
programmers may not even know that the exception could be thrown. Example:
ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception. They are either irrecoverable (Errors) and the program
should not attempt to deal with them, or they are logical programming errors. (Runtime
Exceptions). Checked exceptions must be caught at compile time. Runtime exceptions do
not need to be. Errors often cannot be.
Exceptions are handled using a try-catch-finally construct, which has the Syntax
try {
} catch (<exception type1> <parameter1>) { // 0 or more
} finally { // finally block
try Block
The java code that you think may produce an exception is placed within a try block for a
suitable catch block to handle the error.
If no exception occurs the execution proceeds with the finally block else it will look for the
matching catch block to handle the error. Again if the matching catch handler is not found
proceeds with the finally block and the default exception handler throws an exception.. If an
exception is
generated within the try block, the remaining statements in the try block are not executed.
catch Block
Exceptions thrown during execution of the try block can be caught and handled in a catch
block. On exit from a catch block, normal execution continues and the finally block is
(Though the catch block throws an exception).
finally Block
A finally block is always executed, regardless of the cause of exit from the try block, or
whether any catch block was executed. Generally finally block is used for freeing resources,
cleaning up, closing connections etc. If the finally clock executes a control transfer
statement such as a return or a break statement, then this control
statement determines how the execution will proceed regardless of any return or control
statement present in the try or catch.
} finally { // finally block
Computing Division.
Exception : / by zero
Finally Block Executes. Exception Occurred
result : -1
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Exception : "+ e.getMessage());
if(quotient != -1){
System.out.println("Finally Block Executes");
System.out.println("Result : "+ quotient);
System.out.println("Finally Block Executes.
Exception Occurred");
return quotient;
return quotient;
Java exception handling mechanism enables you to catch exceptions in java using try,
catch, finally block. be An exception consists of a block of code called a try block, a block of
code called a catch block, and the finally block. Let‘s examine each of these in detail.
Download DivideException1.javaOutput
Computing Division.
Exception : / by zero
Finally Block Executes. Exception Occurred
Main Program Terminating
super ("Default messaeg : Hot");
TooHot(String message){
super (message);
super ("Default messaeg : Cold");
TooCold(String message){
super (message);
class TempertureObject{
int temperature;
Download ExceptionExample.javaOutput
Very Hot
Very Cold
Perfect Temperature
A program can explicitly throw an exception using the throw statement besides the implicit
exception thrown.
The Exception reference must be of type Throwable class or one of its subclasses. A detail
message can be passed to the constructor when the exception object is created.
When an exception is thrown, normal execution is suspended. The runtime system proceeds
to find a matching catch block that can handle the exception. Any associated finally block of
a try block encountered along the search path is executed. If no handler is found, then the
exception is dealt with by the default exception handler at the top level. If a handler is
found, execution resumes with the code in its catch block. Below is an example to show the
use of a throws and a throw statement.
if(quotient != -1){
System.out.println("Finally Block Executes");
System.out.println("Result : "+ quotient);
System.out.println("Finally Block Executes.
Exception Occurred");
return quotient;
Download DivideException3.javaOutput
Computing Division.
Finally Block Executes
Result : 10
Computing Division.
Finally Block Executes. Exception Occurred
Exception : Division attempt by 0
Using break and return with Exceptions
This example demonstrates the use of the break, continue and return statements with
exceptions. Note that the finally block is executed always except when the return statement
is executed.
int x = 10, y = 2;
int counter = 0;
boolean flag = true;
while (flag) {
try {
if ( y > 1 )
break start;
if ( y < 0 )
x = x / y;
System.out.println ( "x : " + x + " y : "+y
catch ( Exception e ) {
System.out.println ( e.getMessage() );
finally {
System.out.println ( "Counter : " + counter
Download ExceptionExample6.javaOutput
Counter : 1
x : 10 y : 1
Counter : 2
/ by zero
Counter : 3
Counter : 4
Handling Multiple Exceptions
It should be known by now that we can have multiple catch blocks for a particular try block
to handle many different kind of exceptions that can be generated. Below is a program to
demonstrate the use of multiple catch blocks.
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class ExceptionExample7{
static int numerator, denominator;
numerator = Integer.parseInt( num );
denominator = Integer.parseInt( denom );
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ){
System.out.println( "One of the inputs is not an
integer" );
catch ( Exception e ){
System.out.println( "Exception: " + e.getMessage( )
Introduction to Threads
Multithreading refers to two or more tasks executing concurrently within a single program. A
thread is an independent path of execution within a program. Many threads can run
concurrently within a program. Every thread in Java is created and controlled by the
java.lang.Thread class. A Java program can have many threads, and these threads can
run concurrently, either asynchronously or synchronously.
The following figure shows the methods that are members of the Object and
Thread Class.
Thread Creation
There are two ways to create thread in java;
void run();
One way to create a thread in java is to implement the Runnable Interface and then
instantiate an object of the class. We need to override the run() method into our class which
is the only method that needs to be implemented. The run() method contains the logic of
the thread.
The procedure for creating threads based on the Runnable interface is as follows:
1. A class implements the Runnable interface, providing the run() method that will be
executed by the thread. An object of this class is a Runnable object.
3. The start() method is invoked on the Thread object created in the previous step. The
start() method returns immediately after a thread has been spawned.
4. The thread ends when the run() method ends, either by normal completion or by
throwing an uncaught exception.
Below is a program that illustrates instantiation and running of threads using the runnable
interface instead of extending the Thread class. To start the thread you need to invoke the
start() method on your object.
Thread runner;
public RunnableThread() {
public RunnableThread(String threadName) {
runner = new Thread(this, threadName); // (1) Create a new thread.
runner.start(); // (2) Start the thread.
public void run() {
//Display info about this particular thread
This approach of creating a thread by implementing the Runnable Interface must be used
whenever the class being used to instantiate the thread object is required to extend some
other class.
Extending Thread Class
The procedure for creating threads based on extending the Thread is as follows:
1. A class extending the Thread class overrides the run() method from the Thread class to
define the code executed by the thread.
2. This subclass may call a Thread constructor explicitly in its constructors to initialize the
thread, using the super() call.
3. The start() method inherited from the Thread class is invoked on the object of the class
to make the thread eligible for running.
Below is a program that illustrates instantiation and running of threads by extending the
Thread class instead of implementing the Runnable interface. To start the thread you need
to invoke the start() method on your object.
XThread() {
XThread(String threadName) {
super(threadName); // Initialize thread.
public void run() {
//Display info about this particular thread
When creating threads, there are two reasons why implementing the Runnable interface
may be preferable to extending the Thread class:
Extending the Thread class means that the subclass cannot extend any other class,
whereas a class implementing the Runnable interface
has this option.
A class might only be interested in being runnable, and therefore, inheriting the full
overhead of the Thread class would be excessive.
An example of an anonymous class below shows how to create a thread and start it:
( new Thread() {
Thread Synchronization
With respect to multithreading, Synchronization is a process of controlling the access of
shared resources by the multiple threads in such a manner that only one thread can access
a particular resource at a time.
Locks are used to synchronize access to a shared resource. A lock can be associated with a
shared resource.
Threads gain access to a shared resource by first acquiring the lock associated with the
object/block of code.
At any given time, at most only one thread can hold the lock and thereby have access to
the shared resource.
A lock thus implements mutual exclusion.
A thread must acquire the object lock associated with a shared resource, before it can
enter the shared
resource. The runtime system ensures that no other thread can enter a shared resource if
another thread
already holds the object lock associated with the shared resource. If a thread cannot
immediately acquire
the object lock, it is blocked, that is, it must wait for the lock to become available.
When a thread exits a shared resource, the runtime system ensures that the object lock
is also relinquished.
If another thread is waiting for this object lock, it can proceed to acquire the lock in order to
gain access
to the shared resource.
Classes also have a class-specific lock that is analogous to the object lock. Such a lock is
actually a
lock on the java.lang.Class object associated with the class. Given a class A, the reference
denotes this unique Class object. The class lock can be used in much the same way as an
object lock to
implement mutual exclusion.
synchronized methods
synchronized blocks
Synchronized Methods
Synchronized methods are methods that are used to control access to an object. A thread
only executes a synchronized method after it has acquired the lock for the method‘s object
or class. .If the lock is already held by another thread, the calling thread waits. A thread
relinquishes the lock simply by returning from the synchronized method, allowing the next
thread waiting for this lock to proceed. Synchronized methods are useful in situations where
methods can manipulate the state of an object in ways that can corrupt the state if
executed concurrently. This is called a race condition. It occurs when two or more threads
simultaneously update the same value, and as a consequence, leave the value in an
undefined or inconsistent state. While a thread is inside a synchronized method of an object,
all other threads that wish to execute this synchronized method or any other synchronized
method of the object will have to wait until it gets the lock. This restriction does not apply to
the thread that already has the lock and is executing a synchronized method of the object.
Such a method can invoke other synchronized methods of the object without being blocked.
The non-synchronized methods of the object can of course be called at any time by any
Below is an example shows how synchronized methods and object locks are used to
coordinate access to a common object by multiple threads. If the ‟synchronized‟ keyword is
removed, the message is displayed in random fashion.
class SynchronizedOutput {
thread1: Beginner
thread1: java
thread1: tutorial,
thread1: .,
thread1: com
thread1: is
thread1: the
thread1: best
t1 is dead.
thread2: Beginner
thread2: java
thread2: tutorial,
thread2: .,
thread2: com
thread2: is
thread2: the
thread2: best
t2 is dead.
Class Locks
Synchronized Blocks
Static methods synchronize on the class lock. Acquiring and relinquishing a class lock by a
thread in order to execute a static synchronized method, proceeds analogous to that of an
object lock for a synchronized instance method. A thread acquires the class lock before it
can proceed with the execution of any static synchronized method in the class, blocking
other threads wishing to execute any such methods in the same class. This, of course, does
not apply to static, non-synchronized methods, which can be invoked at any time.
Synchronization of static methods in a class is independent from the synchronization of
instance methods on objects of the class. A subclass decides whether the new definition of
an inherited synchronized method will remain synchronized in the subclass.The
synchronized block allows execution of arbitrary code to be synchronized on the lock of an
arbitrary object.
The general form of the synchronized block is as follows:
A compile-time error occurs if the expression produces a value of any primitive type. If
execution of the block completes normally, then the lock is released. If execution of the
block completes abruptly, then the lock is released.
A thread can hold more than one lock at a time. Synchronized statements can be nested.
Synchronized statements with identical expressions can be nested. The expression must
evaluate to a non-null reference value, otherwise, a NullPointerException is thrown.
The code block is usually related to the object on which the synchronization is being done.
This is the case with synchronized methods, where the execution of the method is
synchronized on the lock of the current object:
Once a thread has entered the code block after acquiring the lock on the specified object, no
other thread will be able to execute the code block, or any other code requiring the same
object lock, until the lock is relinquished. This happens when the execution of the code block
completes normally or an uncaught exception is thrown.
class SmartClient {
BankAccount account;
// …
public void updateTransaction() {
synchronized (account) { // (1) synchronized block
account.update(); // (2)
In the previous example, the code at (2) in the synchronized block at (1) is synchronized on
the BankAccount object. If several threads were to concurrently execute the method
updateTransaction() on an object of SmartClient, the statement at (2) would be executed
by one thread at a time, only after synchronizing on the BankAccount object associated with
this particular instance of SmartClient.
Inner classes can access data in their enclosing context. An inner object might need to
synchronize on its associated outer object, in order to ensure integrity of data in the latter.
This is illustrated in the following code where the synchronized block at (5) uses the special
form of the this reference to synchronize on the outer object associated with an object of
the inner class. This setup ensures that a thread executing the method setPi() in an inner
object can only access the private double field myPi at (2) in the synchronized block at (5),
by first acquiring the lock on the associated outer object. If another thread has the lock of
the associated outer object, the thread in the inner object has to wait for the lock to be
relinquished before it can proceed with the execution of the synchronized block at (5).
However, synchronizing on an inner object and on its associated outer object are
independent of each other, unless enforced explicitly, as in the following code:
Below example shows how synchronized block and object locks are used to coordinate
access to shared objects by multiple threads.
thread1: Beginner
thread1: java
thread1: tutorial,
thread1: .,
thread1: com
thread1: is
thread1: the
thread1: best
t1 is dead.
thread2: Beginner
thread2: java
thread2: tutorial,
thread2: .,
thread2: com
thread2: is
thread2: the
thread2: best
t2 is dead.
The block synchronizes on the lock of the object denoted by the reference <class
name>.class. A static synchronized method
classAction() in class A is equivalent to the following declaration:
// …
In summary, a thread can hold a lock on an object
Thread States
A Java thread is always in one of several states which could be running, sleeping, dead, etc.
New Thread
A thread is in this state when the instantiation of a Thread object creates a new thread but
does not
start it running. A thread starts life in the Ready-to-run state. You can call only the start()
or stop()
methods when the thread is in this state. Calling any method besides start() or stop()
causes an
When the start() method is invoked on a New Thread() it gets to the runnable state or
running state by
calling the run() method. A Runnable thread may actually be running, or may be awaiting
its turn to run.
Not Runnable
A thread becomes Not Runnable when one of the following four events occurs:
When sleep() method is invoked and it sleeps for a specified amount of time
When suspend() method is invoked
When the wait() method is invoked and the thread waits for notification of a free
resource or waits for
the completion of another thread or waits to acquire a lock of an object.
The thread is blocking on I/O and waits for its completion
Example: Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000);
Here, the run() method put itself to sleep for one second and becomes Not Runnable during
that period.
A thread can be awakened abruptly by invoking the interrupt() method on the sleeping
thread object or at the end of the period of time for sleep is over. Whether or not it will
actually start running depends on its priority and the availability of the CPU.
Hence I hereby list the scenarios below to describe how a thread switches form a non
runnable to a runnable state:
If a thread has been put to sleep, then the specified number of milliseconds must elapse
(or it must be interrupted).
If a thread has been suspended, then its resume() method must be invoked
If a thread is waiting on a condition variable, whatever object owns the variable must
relinquish it by calling
either notify() or notifyAll().
If a thread is blocked on I/O, then the I/O must complete.
Dead State
A thread enters this state when the run() method has finished executing or when the
stop() method is invoked. Once in this state, the thread cannot ever run again.
Thread Priority
In Java we can specify the priority of each thread relative to other threads. Those threads
having higher
priority get greater access to available resources then lower priority threads. A Java thread
inherits its priority
from the thread that created it. Heavy reliance on thread priorities for the behavior of a
program can make the
program non portable across platforms, as thread scheduling is host platform–dependent.
You can modify a thread‘s priority at any time after its creation using the setPriority()
method and retrieve
the thread priority value using getPriority() method.
The following static final integer constants are defined in the Thread class:
MIN_PRIORITY (0) Lowest Priority
NORM_PRIORITY (5) Default Priority
MAX_PRIORITY (10) Highest Priority
The priority of an individual thread can be set to any integer value between and including
the above defined constants.
When two or more threads are ready to be executed and system resource becomes
available to execute a thread, the runtime system (the thread scheduler) chooses the
Runnable thread with the highest priority for execution.
―If two threads of the same priority are waiting for the CPU, the thread scheduler chooses
one of them to run in a > round-robin fashion. The chosen thread will run until one of the
following conditions is true:
Thread Scheduler
Schedulers in JVM implementations usually employ one of the two following strategies:
Preemptive scheduling
If a thread with a higher priority than all other Runnable threads becomes Runnable, the
scheduler will
preempt the running thread (is moved to the runnable state) and choose the new higher
priority thread for execution.
A running thread is allowed to execute for a fixed length of time (a time slot it‘s assigned
to), after which it moves to the Ready-to-run state (runnable) to await its turn to run again.
A call to the static method yield(), defined in the Thread class, will cause the current thread
in the Running state to move to the Runnable state, thus relinquishing the CPU. The thread
is then at the mercy of the thread scheduler as to when it will run again. If there are no
threads waiting in the Ready-to-run state, this thread continues execution. If there are
other threads in the Ready-to-run state, their priorities determine which thread gets to
execute. The yield() method gives other threads of the same priority a chance to run. If
there are no equal priority threads in the ―Runnable‖ state, then the yield is ignored.
Sleeping and Waking Up
The thread class contains a static method named sleep() that causes the currently running
thread to pause its execution and transit to the Sleeping state. The method does not
relinquish any lock that the thread might have. The thread will sleep for at least the time
specified in its argument, before entering the runnable state where it takes its turn to run
again. If a thread is interrupted while sleeping, it will throw an InterruptedException when it
awakes and gets to execute. The Thread class has several overloaded versions of the
sleep() method.
The wait() call can specify the time the thread should wait before being timed out. An
another thread can invoke an interrupt() method on a waiting thread resulting in an
InterruptedException. This is a checked exception and hence the code with the wait()
method must be enclosed within a try catch block.
A thread usually calls the wait() method on the object whose lock it holds because a
condition for its continued execution was not met. The thread leaves the Running state and
transits to the Waiting-for-notification state. There it waits for this condition to occur. The
thread relinquishes ownership of the object lock. The releasing of the lock of the shared
object by the thread allows other threads to run and execute synchronized code on the
same object after acquiring its lock.
The wait() method causes the current thread to wait until another thread notifies it of a
condition change.
A thread in the Waiting-for-notification state can be awakened by the occurrence of any one
of these three incidents:
1. Another thread invokes the notify() method on the object of the waiting thread, and the
waiting thread is selected as the thread to be awakened.
2. The waiting thread times out.
3. Another thread interrupts the waiting thread.
Invoking the notify() method on an object wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the
lock of this object.
A call to the notify() method has no consequences if there are no threads in the wait set of
the object.
The notifyAll() method wakes up all threads in the wait set of the shared object.
Below program shows three threads, manipulating the same stack. Two of them are pushing
elements on the stack, while the third one is popping elements off the stack. This example
illustrates how a thread waiting as a result of calling the wait() method on an object, is
notified by another thread calling the notify() method on the same object
class StackClass {
The field topOfStack in class StackClass is declared volatile, so that read and write
operations on this variable will access the master value of this variable, and not any copies,
during runtime.
Since the threads manipulate the same stack object and the push() and pop() methods in
the class StackClassare synchronized, it means that the threads synchronize on the same
How the program uses wait() and notify() for inter thread communication.
(1) The synchronized pop() method - When a thread executing this method on the
StackClass object finds that the stack is empty, it invokes the wait() method in order to wait
for some other thread to fill the stack by using the synchronized push. Once an other thread
makes a push, it invokes the notify method.
(2)The synchronized push() method - When a thread executing this method on the
StackClass object finds that the stack is full, i t invokes the wait() method to await some
other thread to remove an element to provide space for the newly to be pushed element.
Once an other thread makes a pop, it invokes the notify method.
A thread invokes the join() method on another thread in order to wait for the other thread
to complete its execution.
Consider a thread t1 invokes the method join() on a thread t2. The join() call has no effect
if thread t2 has already completed. If thread t2 is still alive, then thread t1 transits to the
Blocked-for-join-completion state.
Below is a program showing how threads invoke the overloaded thread join method.
There are situations when programs become deadlocked when each thread is waiting on a
resource that cannot become available. The simplest form of deadlock is when two threads
are each waiting on a resource that is locked by the other thread. Since each thread is
waiting for the other thread to relinquish a lock, they both remain waiting forever in the
Blocked-for-lock-acquisition state. The threads are said to be deadlocked.
Thread t1 at tries to synchronize first on string o1 and then on string o2. The thread t2 does
the opposite. It synchronizes first on string o2 then on string o1. Hence a deadlock can
occur as explained above.
Note: The following methods namely join, sleep and wait name the InterruptedException
in its throws clause and can have a timeout argument as a parameter. The following
methods namely wait, notify and notifyAll should only be called by a thread that holds
the lock of the instance on which the method is invoked. The Thread.start method causes a
new thread to get ready to run at the discretion of the thread scheduler. The Runnable
interface declares the run method. The Thread class implements the Runnable interface.
Some implementations of the Thread.yield method will not yield to a thread of lower
priority. A program will terminate only when all user threads stop running. A thread inherits
its daemon status from the thread that created it
Java Date Utility
extended by java.util.Date
The class Date represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision.
2. Subtract to a date Operation
Date is : 20-01-1999
Date roll down 1 month : 20-12-1999
Date is : 20-01-1999
Date minus 1 month : 20-12-1998
3. No of Days between 2 dates
Days Between Wed Jan 20 10:47:54 IST 1999 and Fri Jan 22 10:47:54 IST 1999 is
4. No of Days in a month for a given date
5. Validate a given date
6. Comparision of 2 dates
7. Get the day for a given date
Section 2.4
FOR SOME UNFATHOMABLE REASON, Java has never made it easy to read data typed in
by the user of a program. You've already seen that output can be displayed to the user using the
subroutine System.out.print. This subroutine is part of a pre-defined object called
System.out. The purpose of this object is precisely to display output to the user. There is a
corresponding object called that exists to read data input by the user, but it
provides only very primitive input facilities, and it requires some advanced Java programming
skills to use it effectively.
Java 5.0 finally makes input a little easier with a new Scanner class. However, it requires some
knowledge of object-oriented programming to use this class, so it's not appropriate for use here
at the beginning of this course. (Furthermore, in my opinion, Scanner still does not get things
quite right.)
There is some excuse for this lack of concern with input, since Java is meant mainly to write
programs for Graphical User Interfaces, and those programs have their own style of input/output,
which is implemented in Java. However, basic support is needed for input/output in old-
fashioned non-GUI programs. Fortunately, it is possible to extend Java by creating new classes
that provide subroutines that are not available in the standard part of the language. As soon as a
new class is available, the subroutines that it contains can be used in exactly the same way as
built-in routines.
Along these lines, I've written a class called TextIO that defines subroutines for reading values
typed by the user of a non-GUI program. The subroutines in this class make it possible to get
input from the standard input object,, without knowing about the advanced aspects
of Java that are needed to use Scanner or to use directly. TextIO also contains a set
of output subroutines. The output subroutines are similar to those provided in System.out, but
they provide a few additional features. You can use whichever set of output subroutines you
prefer, and you can even mix them in the same program.
To use the TextIO class, you must make sure that the class is available to your program. What
this means depends on the Java programming environment that you are using. In general, you
just have to add the source code file,, to the same directory that contains your main
program. See Section 2.6 for more information about how to use TextIO.
2.4.1 A First Text Input Example
The input routines in the TextIO class are static member functions. (Static member functions
were introduced in the previous section.) Let's suppose that you want your program to read an
integer typed in by the user. The TextIO class contains a static member function named
getlnInt that you can use for this purpose. Since this function is contained in the TextIO
class, you have to refer to it in your program as TextIO.getlnInt. The function has no
parameters, so a complete call to the function takes the form "TextIO.getlnInt()". This
function call represents the int value typed by the user, and you have to do something with the
returned value, such as assign it to a variable. For example, if userInput is a variable of type
int (created with a declaration statement "int userInput;"), then you could use the
assignment statement
userInput = TextIO.getlnInt();
When the computer executes this statement, it will wait for the user to type in an integer value.
The value typed will be returned by the function, and it will be stored in the variable,
userInput. Here is a complete program that uses TextIO.getlnInt to read a number
typed by the user and then prints out the square of the number that the user types:
* A program that reads an integer that is typed in by the
* user and computes and prints the square of that integer.
} // end of main()
When you run this program, it will display the message "Please type a number:" and will pause
until you type a response, including a carriage return after the number. Here is an applet that
simulates the program. (Note: If the applet does not respond to your typing, you might have to
click on it to activate it. In some browsers, you might also need to leave the mouse cursor inside
the applet for it to recognize your typing.)
2.4.2 Text Output
The TextIO class contains static member subroutines TextIO.put and TextIO.putln that
can be used in the same way as System.out.print and System.out.println. For
example, although there is no particular advantage in doing so in this case, you could replace the
two lines
For the next few chapters, I will use TextIO for input in all my examples, and I will often use it
for output. Keep in mind that TextIO can only be used in a program if it is available to that
program. It is not built into Java in the way that the System class is.
Let's look a little more closely at the built-in output subroutines System.out.print and
System.out.println. Each of these subroutines can be used with one parameter, where the
parameter can be a value of any of the primitive types byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, or
boolean. The parameter can also be a String, a value belonging to an enum type, or indeed any
object. That is, you can say "System.out.print(x);" or
"System.out.println(x);", where x is any expression whose value is of any type
whatsoever. The expression can be a constant, a variable, or even something more complicated
such as 2*distance*time. Now, in fact, the System class actually includes several different
subroutines to handle different parameter types. There is one System.out.print for printing
values of type double, one for values of type int, another for values that are objects, and so on.
These subroutines can have the same name since the computer can tell which one you mean in a
given subroutine call statement, depending on the type of parameter that you supply. Having
several subroutines of the same name that differ in the types of their parameters is called
overloading. Many programming languages do not permit overloading, but it is common in Java
As mentioned above, the TextIO subroutines TextIO.put and TextIO.putln can be used
as replacements for System.out.print and System.out.println. The TextIO
functions work in exactly the same way as the System functions, except that, as we will see
below, TextIO can also be used to write to other destinations.
The TextIO class is a little more versatile at doing output than is System.out. However, it's
input for which we really need it.
With TextIO, input is done using functions. For example, TextIO.getlnInt(), which was
discussed above, makes the user type in a value of type int and returns that input value so that
you can use it in your program. TextIO includes several functions for reading different types of
input values. Here are examples of the ones that you are most likely to use:
For these statements to be legal, the variables on the left side of each assignment statement must
already be declared and must be of the same type as that returned by the function on the right
side. Note carefully that these functions do not have parameters. The values that they return
come from outside the program, typed in by the user as the program is running. To "capture" that
data so that you can use it in your program, you have to assign the return value of the function to
a variable. You will then be able to refer to the user's input value by using the name of the
When you call one of these functions, you are guaranteed that it will return a legal value of the
correct type. If the user types in an illegal value as input -- for example, if you ask for an int and
the user types in a non-numeric character or a number that is outside the legal range of values
that can be stored in in a variable of type int -- then the computer will ask the user to re-enter the
value, and your program never sees the first, illegal value that the user entered. For
TextIO.getlnBoolean(), the user is allowed to type in any of the following: true, false, t,
f, yes, no, y, n, 1, or 0. Furthermore, they can use either upper or lower case letters. In any case,
the user's input is interpreted as a true/false value. It's convenient to use
TextIO.getlnBoolean() to read the user's response to a Yes/No question.
You'll notice that there are two input functions that return Strings. The first, getlnWord(),
returns a string consisting of non-blank characters only. When it is called, it skips over any
spaces and carriage returns typed in by the user. Then it reads non-blank characters until it gets
to the next space or carriage return. It returns a String consisting of all the non-blank characters
that it has read. The second input function, getln(), simply returns a string consisting of all
the characters typed in by the user, including spaces, up to the next carriage return. It gets an
entire line of input text. The carriage return itself is not returned as part of the input string, but it
is read and discarded by the computer. Note that the String returned by this function might be the
empty string, "", which contains no characters at all. You will get this return value if the user
simply presses return, without typing anything else first.
Furthermore, if the user types extra characters on the line after the input value, all the extra
characters will be discarded, along with the carriage return at the end of the line. If the
program executes another input function, the user will have to type in another line of input. It
might not sound like a good idea to discard any of the user's input, but it turns out to be the safest
thing to do in most programs. Sometimes, however, you do want to read more than one value
from the same line of input. TextIO provides the following alternative input functions to allow
you to do this:
The names of these functions start with "get" instead of "getln". "Getln" is short for "get line"
and should remind you that the functions whose names begin with "getln" will get an entire line
of data. A function without the "ln" will read an input value in the same way, but will then save
the rest of the input line in a chunk of internal memory called the input buffer. The next time the
computer wants to read an input value, it will look in the input buffer before prompting the user
for input. This allows the computer to read several values from one line of the user's input.
Strictly speaking, the computer actually reads only from the input buffer. The first time the
program tries to read input from the user, the computer will wait while the user types in an entire
line of input. TextIO stores that line in the input buffer until the data on the line has been read or
discarded (by one of the "getln" functions). The user only gets to type when the buffer is empty.
Clearly, the semantics of input is much more complicated than the semantics of output!
Fortunately, for the majority of applications, it's pretty straightforward in practice. You only
need to follow the details if you want to do something fancy. In particular, I strongly advise you
to use the "getln" versions of the input routines, rather than the "get" versions, unless you really
want to read several items from the same line of input, precisely because the semantics of the
"getln" versions is much simpler.
Note, by the way, that although the TextIO input functions will skip past blank spaces and
carriage returns while looking for input, they will not skip past other characters. For example, if
you try to read two ints and the user types "2,3", the computer will read the first number
correctly, but when it tries to read the second number, it will see the comma. It will regard this as
an error and will force the user to retype the number. If you want to input several numbers from
one line, you should make sure that the user knows to separate them with spaces, not commas.
Alternatively, if you want to require a comma between the numbers, use getChar() to read
the comma before reading the second number.
There is another character input function, TextIO.getAnyChar(), which does not skip past
blanks or carriage returns. It simply reads and returns the next character typed by the user, even
if it's a blank or carriage return. If the user typed a carriage return, then the char returned by
getAnyChar() is the special linefeed character '\n'. There is also a function,
TextIO.peek(), that lets you look ahead at the next character in the input without actually
reading it. After you "peek" at the next character, it will still be there when you read the next
item from input. This allows you to look ahead and see what's coming up in the input, so that you
can take different actions depending on what's there.
The TextIO class provides a number of other functions. To learn more about them, you can look
at the comments in the source code file,
(You might be wondering why there are only two output routines, print and println, which
can output data values of any type, while there is a separate input routine for each data type. As
noted above, in reality there are many print and println routines, one for each data type.
The computer can tell them apart based on the type of the parameter that you provide. However,
the input routines don't have parameters, so the different input routines can only be distinguished
by having different names.)
Using TextIO for input and output, we can now improve the program from Section 2.2 for
computing the value of an investment. We can have the user type in the initial value of the
investment and the interest rate. The result is a much more useful program -- for one thing, it
makes sense to run it more than once!
* This class implements a simple program that will compute
* the amount of interest that is earned on an investment over
* a period of one year. The initial amount of the investment
* and the interest rate are input by the user. The value of
* the investment at the end of the year is output. The
* rate must be input as a decimal, not a percentage (for
* example, 0.05 rather than 5).
} // end of main()
Try out an equivalent applet here. (If the applet does not respond to your typing, you might have
to click on it to activate it.)
By the way, the applets on this page don't actually use TextIO itself. The TextIO class is only for
use in programs, not applets. For applets, I have written a separate class that provides similar
input/output capabilities in a Graphical User Interface program. Remember that the applets are
only simulations of the programs.
If you ran the preceding Interest2 example, you might have noticed that the answer is not
always written in the format that is usually used for dollar amounts. In general, dollar amounts
are written with two digits after the decimal point. But the program's output can be a number like
1050.0 or 43.575. It would be better if these numbers were printed as 1050.00 and 43.58.
Java 5.0 introduced a formatted output capability that makes it much easier than it used to be to
control the format of output numbers. A lot of formatting options are available. I will cover just a
few of the simplest and most commonly used possibilities here.
You can use the function System.out.printf to produce formatted output. (The name
"printf," which stands for "print formatted," is copied from the C and C++ programming
languages, which have always had a similar formatting capability). System.out.printf
takes two or more parameters. The first parameter is a String that specifies the format of the
output. This parameter is called the format string. The remaining parameters specify the values
that are to be output. Here is a statement that will print a number in the proper format for a dollar
amount, where amount is a variable of type double:
TextIO can also do formatted output. The function TextIO.putf has the same functionality as
System.out.printf. Using TextIO, the above example would be:
TextIO.putf("%1.2",amount); and you could say
TextIO.putf("%1.2f",principal); instead of TextIO.putln(principal); in
the Interest2 program to get the output in the right format.
The output format of a value is specified by a format specifier. The format string (in the simple
cases that I cover here) contains one format specifier for each of the values that is to be output.
Some typical format specifiers are %d, %12d, %10s, %1.2f, %15.8e and %1.8g. Every
format specifier begins with a percent sign (%) and ends with a letter, possibly with some extra
formatting information in between. The letter specifies the type of output that is to be produced.
For example, in %d and %12d, the "d" specifies that an integer is to be written. The "12" in
%12d specifies the minimum number of spaces that should be used for the output. If the integer
that is being output takes up fewer than 12 spaces, extra blank spaces are added in front of the
integer to bring the total up to 12. We say that the output is "right-justified in a field of length
12." The value is not forced into 12 spaces; if the value has more than 12 digits, all the digits will
be printed, with no extra spaces. The specifier %d means the same as %1d; that is an integer will
be printed using just as many spaces as necessary. (The "d," by the way, stands for "decimal"
(base-10) numbers. You can use an "x" to output an integer value in hexadecimal form.)
The letter "s" at the end of a format specifier can be used with any type of value. It means that
the value should be output in its default format, just as it would be in unformatted output. A
number, such as the "10" in %10s can be added to specify the (minimum) number of characters.
The "s" stands for "string," meaning that the value is converted into a String value in the usual
The format specifiers for values of type double are even more complicated. An "f", as in %1.2f,
is used to output a number in "floating-point" form, that is with digits after the decimal point. In
%1.2f, the "2" specifies the number of digits to use after the decimal point. The "1" specifies
the (minimum) number of characters to output, which effectively means that just as many
characters as are necessary should be used. Similarly, %12.3f would specify a floating-point
format with 3 digits after the decimal point, right-justified in a field of length 12.
Very large and very small numbers should be written in exponential format, such as
6.00221415e23, representing "6.00221415 times 10 raised to the power 23." A format specifier
such as %15.8e specifies an output in exponential form, with the "8" telling how many digits to
use after the decimal point. If you use "g" instead of "e", the output will be in floating-point form
for small values and in exponential form for large values. In %1.8g, the 8 gives the total number
of digits in the answer, including both the digits before the decimal point and the digits after the
decimal point.
In addition to format specifiers, the format string in a printf statement can include other
characters. These extra characters are just copied to the output. This can be a convenient way to
insert values into the middle of an output string. For example, if x and y are variables of type int,
you could say
When this statement is executed, the value of x is substituted for the first %d in the string, the
value of y for the second %d, and the value of the expression x*y for the third, so the output
would be something like "The product of 17 and 42 is 714" (quotation marks not included in
System.out sends its output to the output destination known as "standard output." But
standard output is just one possible output destination. For example, data can be written to a file
that is stored on the user's hard drive. The advantage to this, of course, is that the data is saved in
the file even after the program ends, and the user can print the file, email it to someone else, edit
it with another program, and so on.
TextIO has the ability to write data to files and to read data from files. When you write output
using the put, putln, or putf method in TextIO, the output is sent to the current output
destination. By default, the current output destination is standard output. However, TextIO has
some subroutines that can be used to change the current output destination. To write to a file
named "result.txt", for example, you would use the statement:
After this statement is executed, any output from TextIO output statements will be sent to the file
named "result.txt" instead of to standard output. The file should be created in the same directory
that contains the program. Note that if a file with the same name already exists, its previous
contents will be erased! In many cases, you want to let the user select the file that will be used
for output. The statement
will open a typical graphical-user-interface file selection dialog where the user can specify the
output file. If you want to go back to sending output to standard output, you can say
You can also specify the input source for TextIO's various "get" functions. The default input
source is standard input. You can use the statement TextIO.readFile("data.txt") to
read from a file named "data.txt" instead, or you can let the user select the input file by saying
TextIO.readUserSelectedFile(), and you can go back to reading from standard input
with TextIO.readStandardInput().
When your program is reading from standard input, the user gets a chance to correct any errors in
the input. This is not possible when the program is reading from a file. If illegal data is found
when a program tries to read from a file, an error occurs that will crash the program. (Later, we
will see that it is possible to "catch" such errors and recover from them.) Errors can also occur,
though more rarely, when writing to files.
As a simple example, here is a program that asks the user some questions and outputs the user's
responses to a file named "profile.txt":
TextIO.putln("Thank you. Your profile has been written to
Section 2.5
Details of Expressions
THIS SECTION TAKES A CLOSER LOOK at expressions. Recall that an expression is a piece
of program code that represents or computes a value. An expression can be a literal, a variable, a
function call, or several of these things combined with operators such as + and >. The value of
an expression can be assigned to a variable, used as a parameter in a subroutine call, or combined
with other values into a more complicated expression. (The value can even, in some cases, be
ignored, if that's what you want to do; this is more common than you might think.) Expressions
are an essential part of programming. So far, these notes have dealt only informally with
expressions. This section tells you the more-or-less complete story (leaving out some of the less
commonly used operators).
The basic building blocks of expressions are literals (such as 674, 3.14, true, and 'X'),
variables, and function calls. Recall that a function is a subroutine that returns a value. You've
already seen some examples of functions, such as the input routines from the TextIO class and
the mathematical functions from the Math class.
The Math class also contains a couple of mathematical constants that are useful in mathematical
expressions: Math.PI represents π (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter),
and Math.E represents e (the base of the natural logarithms). These "constants" are actually
member variables in Math of type double. They are only approximations for the mathematical
constants, which would require an infinite number of digits to specify exactly.
Literals, variables, and function calls are simple expressions. More complex expressions can be
built up by using operators to combine simpler expressions. Operators include + for adding two
numbers, > for comparing two values, and so on. When several operators appear in an
expression, there is a question of precedence, which determines how the operators are grouped
for evaluation. For example, in the expression "A + B * C", B*C is computed first and then
the result is added to A. We say that multiplication (*) has higher precedence than addition (+).
If the default precedence is not what you want, you can use parentheses to explicitly specify the
grouping you want. For example, you could use "(A + B) * C" if you want to add A to B first
and then multiply the result by C.
The rest of this section gives details of operators in Java. The number of operators in Java is
quite large, and I will not cover them all here. Most of the important ones are here; a few will be
covered in later chapters as they become relevant.
Arithmetic operators include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They are
indicated by +, -, *, and /. These operations can be used on values of any numeric type: byte,
short, int, long, float, or double. When the computer actually calculates one of these operations,
the two values that it combines must be of the same type. If your program tells the computer to
combine two values of different types, the computer will convert one of the values from one type
to another. For example, to compute 37.4 + 10, the computer will convert the integer 10 to a real
number 10.0 and will then compute 37.4 + 10.0. This is called a type conversion. Ordinarily, you
don't have to worry about type conversion in expressions, because the computer does it
When two numerical values are combined (after doing type conversion on one of them, if
necessary), the answer will be of the same type. If you multiply two ints, you get an int; if you
multiply two doubles, you get a double. This is what you would expect, but you have to be very
careful when you use the division operator /. When you divide two integers, the answer will
always be an integer; if the quotient has a fractional part, it is discarded. For example, the value
of 7/2 is 3, not 3.5. If N is an integer variable, then N/100 is an integer, and 1/N is equal to
zero for any N greater than one! This fact is a common source of programming errors. You can
force the computer to compute a real number as the answer by making one of the operands real:
For example, when the computer evaluates 1.0/N, it first converts N to a real number in order
to match the type of 1.0, so you get a real number as the answer.
Java also has an operator for computing the remainder when one integer is divided by another.
This operator is indicated by %. If A and B are integers, then A % B represents the remainder
when A is divided by B. (However, for negative operands, % is not quite the same as the usual
mathematical "modulus" operator, since if one of A or B is negative, then the value of A % B
will be negative.) For example, 7 % 2 is 1, while 34577 % 100 is 77, and 50 % 8 is 2. A
common use of % is to test whether a given integer is even or odd. N is even if N % 2 is zero,
and it is odd if N % 2 is 1. More generally, you can check whether an integer N is evenly
divisible by an integer M by checking whether N % M is zero.
Finally, you might need the unary minus operator, which takes the negative of a number. For
example, -X has the same value as (-1)*X. For completeness, Java also has a unary plus
operator, as in +X, even though it doesn't really do anything.
By the way, recall that the + operator can also be used to concatenate a value of any type onto a
String. This is another example of type conversion. In Java, any type can be automatically
converted into type String.
counter = counter + 1;
goalsScored = goalsScored + 1;
The effect of the assignment statement x = x + 1 is to take the old value of the variable x,
compute the result of adding 1 to that value, and store the answer as the new value of x. The
same operation can be accomplished by writing x++ (or, if you prefer, ++x). This actually
changes the value of x, so that it has the same effect as writing "x = x + 1". The two
statements above could be written
Similarly, you could write x-- (or --x) to subtract 1 from x. That is, x-- performs the same
computation as x = x - 1. Adding 1 to a variable is called incrementing that variable, and
subtracting 1 is called decrementing. The operators ++ and -- are called the increment operator
and the decrement operator, respectively. These operators can be used on variables belonging to
any of the numerical types and also on variables of type char.
Usually, the operators ++ or -- are used in statements like "x++;" or "x--;". These statements
are commands to change the value of x. However, it is also legal to use x++, ++x, x--, or --x
as expressions, or as parts of larger expressions. That is, you can write things like:
y = x++;
y = ++x;
z = (++x) * (y--);
The statement "y = x++;" has the effects of adding 1 to the value of x and, in addition,
assigning some value to y. The value assigned to y is the value of the expression x++, which is
defined to be the old value of x, before the 1 is added. Thus, if the value of x is 6, the statement
"y = x++;" will change the value of x to 7, but it will change the value of y to 6 since the
value assigned to y is the old value of x. On the other hand, the value of ++x is defined to be the
new value of x, after the 1 is added. So if x is 6, then the statement "y = ++x;" changes the
values of both x and y to 7. The decrement operator, --, works in a similar way.
This can be confusing. My advice is: Don't be confused. Use ++ and -- only in stand-alone
statements, not in expressions. I will follow this advice in all the examples in these notes.
Java has boolean variables and boolean-valued expressions that can be used to express
conditions that can be either true or false. One way to form a boolean-valued expression is
to compare two values using a relational operator. Relational operators are used to test whether
two values are equal, whether one value is greater than another, and so forth. The relational
operators in Java are: ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=. The meanings of these operators are:
A == B Is A "equal to" B?
A != B Is A "not equal to" B?
A < B Is A "less than" B?
A > B Is A "greater than" B?
A <= B Is A "less than or equal to" B?
A >= B Is A "greater than or equal to" B?
These operators can be used to compare values of any of the numeric types. They can also be
used to compare values of type char. For characters, < and > are defined according the numeric
Unicode values of the characters. (This might not always be what you want. It is not the same as
alphabetical order because all the upper case letters come before all the lower case letters.)
When using boolean expressions, you should remember that as far as the computer is concerned,
there is nothing special about boolean values. In the next chapter, you will see how to use them
in loop and branch statements. But you can also assign boolean-valued expressions to boolean
variables, just as you can assign numeric values to numeric variables.
By the way, the operators == and != can be used to compare boolean values. This is
occasionally useful. For example, can you figure out what this does:
boolean sameSign;
sameSign = ((x > 0) == (y > 0));
One thing that you cannot do with the relational operators <, >, <=, and <= is to use them to
compare values of type String. You can legally use == and != to compare Strings, but
because of peculiarities in the way objects behave, they might not give the results you want. (The
== operator checks whether two objects are stored in the same memory location, rather than
whether they contain the same value. Occasionally, for some objects, you do want to make such
a check -- but rarely for strings. I'll get back to this in a later chapter.) Instead, you should use the
subroutines equals(), equalsIgnoreCase(), and compareTo(), which were described
in Section 2.3, to compare two Strings.
In English, complicated conditions can be formed using the words "and", "or", and "not." For
example, "If there is a test and you did not study for it...". "And", "or", and "not" are boolean
operators, and they exist in Java as well as in English.
In Java, the boolean operator "and" is represented by &&. The && operator is used to combine
two boolean values. The result is also a boolean value. The result is true if both of the
combined values are true, and the result is false if either of the combined values is false.
For example, "(x == 0) && (y == 0)" is true if and only if both x is equal to 0 and y is
equal to 0.
The boolean operator "or" is represented by ||. (That's supposed to be two of the vertical line
characters, |.) The expression "A || B" is true if either A is true or B is true, or if both
are true. "A || B" is false only if both A and B are false.
The operators && and || are said to be short-circuited versions of the boolean operators. This
means that the second operand of && or || is not necessarily evaluated. Consider the test
Suppose that the value of x is in fact zero. In that case, the division y/x is undefined
mathematically. However, the computer will never perform the division, since when the
computer evaluates (x != 0), it finds that the result is false, and so it knows that
((x != 0) && anything) has to be false. Therefore, it doesn't bother to evaluate the second
operand, (y/x > 1). The evaluation has been short-circuited and the division by zero is
avoided. Without the short-circuiting, there would have been a division by zero. (This may seem
like a technicality, and it is. But at times, it will make your programming life a little easier.)
The boolean operator "not" is a unary operator. In Java, it is indicated by ! and is written in front
of its single operand. For example, if test is a boolean variable, then
test = ! test;
will reverse the value of test, changing it from true to false, or from false to true.
2.5.5 Conditional Operator
Any good programming language has some nifty little features that aren't really necessary but
that let you feel cool when you use them. Java has the conditional operator. It's a ternary operator
-- that is, it has three operands -- and it comes in two pieces, ? and :, that have to be used
together. It takes the form
The computer tests the value of boolean-expression. If the value is true, it evaluates
expression1; otherwise, it evaluates expression2. For example:
will assign the value N/2 to next if N is even (that is, if N % 2 == 0 is true), and it will
assign the value (3*N+1) to next if N is odd. (The parentheses in this example are not
required, but they do make the expression easier to read.)
You are already familiar with the assignment statement, which uses the symbol "=" to assign the
value of an expression to a variable. In fact, = is really an operator in the sense that an
assignment can itself be used as an expression or as part of a more complex expression. The
value of an assignment such as A=B is the same as the value that is assigned to A. So, if you want
to assign the value of B to A and test at the same time whether that value is zero, you could say:
if ( (A=B) == 0 )...
In general, the type of the expression on the right-hand side of an assignment statement must be
the same as the type of the variable on the left-hand side. However, in some cases, the computer
will automatically convert the value computed by the expression to match the type of the
variable. Consider the list of numeric types: byte, short, int, long, float, double. A value of a type
that occurs earlier in this list can be converted automatically to a value that occurs later. For
int A;
double X;
short B;
A = 17;
X = A; // OK; A is converted to a double
B = A; // illegal; no automatic conversion
// from int to short
The idea is that conversion should only be done automatically when it can be done without
changing the semantics of the value. Any int can be converted to a double with the same numeric
value. However, there are int values that lie outside the legal range of shorts. There is simply no
way to represent the int 100000 as a short, for example, since the largest value of type short is
In some cases, you might want to force a conversion that wouldn't be done automatically. For
this, you can use what is called a type cast. A type cast is indicated by putting a type name, in
parentheses, in front of the value you want to convert. For example,
int A;
short B;
A = 17;
B = (short)A; // OK; A is explicitly type cast
// to a value of type short
You can do type casts from any numeric type to any other numeric type. However, you should
note that you might change the numeric value of a number by type-casting it. For example,
(short)100000 is -31072. (The -31072 is obtained by taking the 4-byte int 100000 and
throwing away two of those bytes to obtain a short -- you've lost the real information that was in
those two bytes.)
As another example of type casts, consider the problem of getting a random integer between 1
and 6. The function Math.random() gives a real number between 0.0 and 0.9999..., and so
6*Math.random() is between 0.0 and 5.999.... The type-cast operator, (int), can be used
to convert this to an integer: (int)(6*Math.random()). A real number is cast to an integer
by discarding the fractional part. Thus, (int)(6*Math.random()) is one of the integers 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. To get a number between 1 and 6, we can add 1:
"(int)(6*Math.random()) + 1".
You can also type-cast between the type char and the numeric types. The numeric value of a char
is its Unicode code number. For example, (char)97 is 'a', and (int)'+' is 43. (However,
a type conversion from char to int is automatic and does not have to be indicated with an explicit
type cast.)
Java has several variations on the assignment operator, which exist to save typing. For example,
"A += B" is defined to be the same as "A = A + B". Every operator in Java that applies to
two operands gives rise to a similar assignment operator. For example:
x -= y; // same as: x = x - y;
x *= y; // same as: x = x * y;
x /= y; // same as: x = x / y;
x %= y; // same as: x = x % y; (for integers x and y)
q &&= p; // same as: q = q && p; (for booleans q and p)
The combined assignment operator += even works with strings. Recall that when the + operator
is used with a string as one of the operands, it represents concatenation. Since str += x is
equivalent to str = str + x, when += is used with a string on the left-hand side, it appends
the value on the right-hand side onto the string. For example, if str has the value "tire", then the
statement str += 'd'; changes the value of str to "tired".
In addition to automatic type conversions and explicit type casts, there are some other cases
where you might want to convert a value of one type into a value of a different type. One
common example is the conversion of a String value into some other type, such as converting the
string "10" into the int value 10 or the string "17.42e-2" into the double value 0.1742. In
Java, these conversions are handled by built-in functions.
There is a standard class named Integer that contains several subroutines and variables related to
the int data type. (Recall that since int is not a class, int itself can't contain any subroutines or
variables.) In particular, if str is any expression of type String, then
Integer.parseInt(str) is a function call that attempts to convert the value of str into a
value of type int. For example, the value of Integer.parseInt("10") is the int value 10.
If the parameter to Integer.parseInt does not represent a legal int value, then an error
Similarly, the standard class named Double includes a function Double.parseDouble that
tries to convert a parameter of type String into a value of type double. For example, the value of
the function call Double.parseDouble("3.14") is the double value 3.14. (Of course, in
practice, the parameter used in Double.parseDouble or Integer.parseInt would be a
variable or expression rather than a constant string.)
Type conversion functions also exist for converting strings into enumerated type values.
(Enumerated types, or enums, were introduced in Subsection 2.3.3.) For any enum type, a
predefined function named valueOf is automatically defined for that type. This is a function
that takes a string as parameter and tries to convert it to a value belonging to the enum. The
valueOf function is part of the enum type, so the name of the enum is part of the full name of
the function. For example, if an enum Suit is defined as
then the name of the type conversion function would be Suit.valueOf. The value of the
function call Suit.valueOf("CLUB") would be the enumerated type value Suit.CLUB.
For the conversion to succeed, the string must exactly match the simple name of one of the
enumerated type constants (without the "Suit." in front).
2.5.8 Precedence Rules
If you use several operators in one expression, and if you don't use parentheses to explicitly
indicate the order of evaluation, then you have to worry about the precedence rules that
determine the order of evaluation. (Advice: don't confuse yourself or the reader of your program;
use parentheses liberally.)
Here is a listing of the operators discussed in this section, listed in order from highest precedence
(evaluated first) to lowest precedence (evaluated last):
Operators on the same line have the same precedence. When operators of the same precedence
are strung together in the absence of parentheses, unary operators and assignment operators are
evaluated right-to-left, while the remaining operators are evaluated left-to-right. For example,
A*B/C means (A*B)/C, while A=B=C means A=(B=C). (Can you see how the expression
A=B=C might be useful, given that the value of B=C as an expression is the same as the value
that is assigned to B?)
Section 2.6
Programming Environments
ALTHOUGH THE JAVA LANGUAGE is highly standardized, the procedures for creating,
compiling, and editing Java programs vary widely from one programming environment to
another. There are two basic approaches: a command line environment, where the user types
commands and the computer responds, and an integrated development environment (IDE), where
the user uses the keyboard and mouse to interact with a graphical user interface. While there is
just one common command line environment for Java programming, there is a wide variety of
One thing to keep in mind is that you do not have to pay any money to do Java programming
(aside from buying a computer, of course). Everything that you need can be downloaded for free
on the Internet.
The basic development system for Java programming is usually referred to as the JDK (Java
Development Kit). It is a part of J2SE, the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition. This book requires
J2SE version 5.0 (or higher). Confusingly, the JDK that is part of J2SE version 5.0 is sometimes
referred to as JDK 1.5 instead of 5.0. Note that J2SE comes in two versions, a Development Kit
version and a Runtime version. The Runtime can be used to run Java programs and to view Java
applets in Web pages, but it does not allow you to compile your own Java programs. The
Development Kit includes the Runtime and adds to it the JDK which lets you compile programs.
You need a JDK for use with this textbook.
Java was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc., which makes its JDK for Windows and Linux
available for free download at its Java Web site, If you have a Windows computer,
it might have come with a Java Runtime, but you might still need to download the JDK. Some
versions of Linux come with the JDK either installed by default or on the installation media. If
you need to download and install the JDK, be sure to get JDK 5.0 (or higher). As of June, 2009,
the current version of the JDK is JDK 6, and it can be downloaded from
Mac OS comes with Java. The version included with Mac OS 10.5 is 5.0, but 6.0 is installed by
recent software updates.
If a JDK is installed on your computer, you can use the command line environment to compile
and run Java programs. Some IDEs depend on the JDK, so even if you plan to use an IDE for
programming, you might still need a JDK.
Many modern computer users find the command line environment to be pretty alien and
unintuitive. It is certainly very different from the graphical user interfaces that most people are
used to. However, it takes only a little practice to learn the basics of the command line
environment and to become productive using it.
To use a command line programming environment, you will have to open a window where you
can type in commands. In Windows, you can open such a command window by running the
program named cmd. In recent versions of Windows, it can be found in the "Accessories"
submenu of the Start menu, under the name "Command Prompt". Alternatively, you can run cmd
by using the "Run Program" feature in the Start menu, and entering "cmd" as the name of the
program. In Mac OS, you want to run the Terminal program, which can be be found in the
Utilities folder inside the Applications folder. In Linux, there are several possibilities, including
Konsole, gterm, and xterm.
No matter what type of computer you are using, when you open a command window, it will
display a prompt of some sort. Type in a command at the prompt and press return. The computer
will carry out the command, displaying any output in the command window, and will then
redisplay the prompt so that you can type another command. One of the central concepts in the
command line environment is the current directory which contains the files to which commands
that you type apply. (The words "directory" and "folder" mean the same thing.) Often, the name
of the current directory is part of the command prompt. You can get a list of the files in the
current directory by typing in the command dir (on Windows) or ls (on Linux and Mac OS).
When the window first opens, the current directory is your home directory, where all your files
are stored. You can change the current directory using the cd command with the name of the
directory that you want to use. For example, to change into your Desktop directory, type in the
command cd Desktop and press return.
You should create a directory (that is, a folder) to hold your Java work. For example, create a
directory named javawork in your home directory. You can do this using your computer's
GUI; another way to do it is to open a command window and enter the command
mkdir javawork. When you want to work on programming, open a command window and
enter the command cd javawork to change into your work directory. Of course, you can have
more than one working directory for your Java work; you can organize your files any way you
The most basic commands for using Java on the command line are javac and java; javac is
used to compile Java source code, and java is used to run Java stand-alone applications. If a
JDK is correctly installed on your computer, it should recognize these commands when you type
them in on the command line. Try typing the commands java -version and javac -
version which should tell you which version of Java is installed. If you get a message such as
"Command not found," then Java is not correctly installed. If the "java" command works, but
"javac" does not, it means that a Java Runtime is installed rather than a Development Kit. (On
Windows, after installing the JDK, you need to modify the Windows PATH variable to make
this work. See the JDK installation instructions for information about how to do this.)
To test the javac command, place a copy of into your working directory. (If you
downloaded the Web site of this book, you can find it in the directory named source; you can
use your computer's GUI to copy-and-paste this file into your working directory. Alternatively,
you can navigate to on the book's Web site and use the "Save As" command in your
Web browser to save a copy of the file into your working directory.) Type the command:
This will compile and will create a bytecode file named TextIO.class in
the same directory. Note that if the command succeeds, you will not get any response from the
computer; it will just redisplay the command prompt to tell you it's ready for another command.
To test the java command, copy sample program from this book's source
directory into your working directory. First, compile the program with the command
Remember that for this to succeed, TextIO must already be in the same directory. Then you can
execute the program using the command
java Interest2
Be careful to use just the name of the program, Interest2, not the name of the Java source code
file or the name of the compiled class file. When you give this command, the program will run.
You will be asked to enter some information, and you will respond by typing your answers into
the command window, pressing return at the end of the line. When the program ends, you will
see the command prompt, and you can enter another command.
You can follow the same procedure to run all of the examples in the early sections of this book.
When you start work with applets, you will need a different command to execute the applets.
That command will be introduced later in the book.
To create your own programs, you will need a text editor. A text editor is a computer program
that allows you to create and save documents that contain plain text. It is important that the
documents be saved as plain text, that is without any special encoding or formatting information.
Word processor documents are not appropriate, unless you can get your word processor to save
as plain text. A good text editor can make programming a lot more pleasant. Linux comes with
several text editors. On Windows, you can use notepad in a pinch, but you will probably want
something better. For Mac OS, you might download the free TextWrangler application. One
possibility that will work on any platform is to use jedit, a good programmer's text editor that is
itself written in Java and that can be downloaded for free from
To create your own programs, you should open a command line window and cd into the
working directory where you will store your source code files. Start up your text editor program,
such as by double-clicking its icon or selecting it from a Start menu. Type your code into the
editor window, or open an existing source code file that you want to modify. Save the file.
Remember that the name of a Java source code file must end in ".java", and the rest of the file
name must match the name of the class that is defined in the file. Once the file is saved in your
working directory, go to the command window and use the javac command to compile it, as
discussed above. If there are syntax errors in the code, they will be listed in the command
window. Each error message contains the line number in the file where the computer found the
error. Go back to the editor and try to fix the errors, save your changes, and then try the javac
command again. (It's usually a good idea to just work on the first few errors; sometimes fixing
those will make other errors go away.) Remember that when the javac command finally
succeeds, you will get no message at all. Then you can use the java command to run your
program, as described above. Once you've compiled the program, you can run it as many times
as you like without recompiling it.
That's really all there is to it: Keep both editor and command-line window open. Edit, save, and
compile until you have eliminated all the syntax errors. (Always remember to save the file before
compiling it -- the compiler only sees the saved file, not the version in the editor window.) When
you run the program, you might find that it has semantic errors that cause it to run incorrectly. It
that case, you have to go back to the edit/save/compile loop to try to find and fix the problem.
In an Integrated Development Environment, everything you need to create, compile, and run
programs is integrated into a single package, with a graphical user interface that will be familiar
to most computer users. There are many different IDEs for Java program development, ranging
from fairly simple wrappers around the JDK to highly complex applications with a multitude of
features. For a beginning programmer, there is a danger in using an IDE, since the difficulty of
learning to use the IDE, on top of the difficulty of learning to program, can be overwhelming.
However, for my own programming, I generally use the Eclipse IDE, and I introduce my
students to it after they have had some experience with the command line. Eclipse has a variety
of features that are very useful for a beginning programmer. And even though it has many
advanced features, its design makes it possible to use Eclipse without understanding its full
complexity. Eclipse is used by many professional programmers and is probably the most
commonly used Java IDE.
Eclipse is itself written in Java. It requires Java 1.4 (or higher) to run, so it works on any
computer platform that supports Java 1.4, including Linux, Windows, and recent versions of
Mac OS. Furthermore, Eclipse requires a JDK. You should make sure that JDK 5.0 (or higher) is
installed on your computer, as described above, before you install Eclipse. Eclipse can be
downloaded for free from You can download the "Eclipse IDE for Java
Another popular choice of IDE is Netbeans, which provides many of the same capabilies as
Eclipse. Netbeans can be downloaded from, and Sun offers download
bundles that include Netbeans along with the JDK. I like Netbeans a little less than Eclipse, and I
won't say much about it here. It is, however, quite similar to Eclipse.
The first time you start Eclipse, you will be asked to specify a workspace, which is the directory
where all your work will be stored. You can accept the default name, or provide one of your
own. When startup is complete, the Eclipse window will be filled by a large "Welcome" screen
that includes links to extensive documentation and tutorials. You can close this screen, by
clicking the "X" next to the word "Welcome"; you can get back to it later by choosing
"Welcome" from the "Help" menu.
The Eclipse GUI consists of one large window that is divided into several sections. Each section
contains one or more views. If there are several views in one section, there there will be tabs at
the top of the section to select the view that is displayed in that section. Each view displays a
different type of information. The whole set of views is called a perspective. Eclipse uses
different perspectives, that is different sets of views of different types of information, for
different tasks. The only perspective that you will need is the "Java Perspective." The Java
perspective includes a large area in the center of the window where you will create and edit your
Java programs. To the left of this is the Package Explorer view, which will contain a list of your
Java projects and source code files. To the right are some other views that I don't find this very
useful, and I suggest that you close them by clicking the small "X" next to the name of each
view. Several other views that will be useful while you are compiling and running programs
appear in a section of the window below the editing area. If you accidently close one of the
important views, such as the Package Explorer, you can get it back by selecting it form the
"Show View" submenu of the "Window" menu.
To do any work in Eclipse, you need a project. To start a Java project, go to the "New" submenu
in the "File" menu, and select the "Java Project" command. (There is also a small icon in the
toolbar that you can click to start a Java project.) In the window that pops up, it is only necessary
to fill in a "Project Name" for the project and click the "Finish" button. The project name can be
anything you like. The project should appear in the "Package Explorer" view. Click on the small
triangle next to the project name to see the contents of the project. Assuming that you use the
default settings, there should be a directory named "src," which is where your Java source code
files will go. It also contains the "JRE System Library"; this is the collection of standard built-in
classes that come with Java.
To run the TextIO based examples from this textbook, you must add the source code file to your project. If you have downloaded the Web site of this book, you can find a
copy of in the source directory. Alternatively, you can navigate to the file on-line
and use the "Save As" command of your Web browser to save a copy of the file onto your
computer. The easiest way to get TextIO into your project is to locate the source code file on
your computer and drag the file icon onto the project name in the Eclipse window. If that doesn't
work, you can try using copy-and-paste: Right-click the file icon (or control-click on Mac OS),
select "Copy" from the pop-up menu, right-click the project name in the Eclipse window, and
select "Paste". If you also have trouble with that, you can try using the "Import" command in the
"File" menu; select "File system" in the window that pops up, click "Next", and provide the
necessary information in the next window. (Unfortunately, using the file import window is rather
complicated. If you find that you have to use it, you should consult the Eclipse documentation
about it.) In any case, TextIO should appear in the src dirctory of your project, inside a package
named "default package". Once a file is in this list, you can open it by double-clicking it; it will
appear in the editing area of the Eclipse window.
To run any of the Java programs from this textbook, copy the source code file into your Eclipse
Java project in the same way that you did for To run the program, right-click the
file name in the Package Explorer view (or control-click in Mac OS). In the menu that pops up,
go to the "Run As" submenu, and select "Java Application". The program will be executed. If the
program writes to standard output, the output will appear in the "Console" view, under the
editing area. If the program uses TextIO for input, you will have to type the required input into
the "Console" view -- click the "Console" view before you start typing, so that the characters that
you type will be sent to the correct part of the window. (Note that if you don't like doing I/O in
the "Console" view, you can use an alternative version of that opens a separate
window for I/O. You can find this "GUI" version of TextIO in a directory named TextIO-GUI
inside this textbook's source directory.)
You can have more than one program in the same Eclipse project, or you can create additional
projects to organize your work better. Remember to place a copy of in any project
that requires it.
To create your own Java program, you must create a new Java class. To do this, right-click the
Java project name in the "Project Explorer" view. Go to the "New" submenu of the popup menu,
and select "Class". In the window that opens, type in the name of the class, and click the "Finish"
button. The class name must be a legal Java identifier. Note that you want the name of the class,
not the name of the source code file, so don't add ".java" at the end of the name. The class should
appear inside the "default package," and it should automatically open in the editing area so that
you can start typing in your program.
Eclipse has several features that aid you as you type your code. It will underline any syntax error
with a jagged red line, and in some cases will place an error marker in the left border of the edit
window. If you hover the mouse cursor over the error marker, a description of the error will
appear. Note that you do not have to get rid of every error immediately as you type; some errors
will go away as you type in more of the program. If an error marker displays a small "light bulb,"
Eclipse is offering to try to fix the error for you. Click the light bulb to get a list of possible fixes,
then double click the fix that you want to apply. For example, if you use an undeclared variable
in your program, Eclipse will offer to declare it for you. You can actually use this error-
correcting feature to get Eclipse to write certain types of code for you! Unfortunately, you'll find
that you won't understand a lot of the proposed fixes until you learn more about the Java
language, and it is not usually a good idea to apply a fix that you don't understand.
Another nice Eclipse feature is code assist. Code assist can be invoked by typing Control-Space.
It will offer possible completions of whatever you are typing at the moment. For example, if you
type part of an identifier and hit Control-Space, you will get a list of identifiers that start with the
characters that you have typed; use the up and down arrow keys to select one of the items in the
list, and press Return or Enter. (Or hit Escape to dismiss the list.) If there is only one possible
completion when you hit Control-Space, it will be inserted automatically. By default, Code
Assist will also pop up automatically, after a short delay, when you type a period or certain other
characters. For example, if you type "TextIO." and pause for just a fraction of a second, you
will get a list of all the subroutines in the TextIO class. Personally, I find this auto-activation
annoying. You can disable it in the Eclipse Preferences. (Look under Java / Editor / Code Assist,
and turn off the "Enable auto activation" option.) You can still call up Code Assist manually with
Once you have an error-free program, you can run it as described above, by right-clicking its
name in the Package Explorer and using "Run As / Java Application". If you find a problem
when you run it, it's very easy to go back to the editor, make changes, and run it again. Note that
using Eclipse, there is no explicit "compile" command. The source code files in your project are
automatically compiled, and are re-compiled whenever you modify them.
If you use Netbeans instead of Eclipse, the procedures are similar. You still have to create new
project (of type "Java Application"). You can add an existing source code file to a project by
dragging the file onto the "Source Packages" folder in the project, and you can create your own
classes by right-clicking the project name and selecting New/Java Class. To run a program, right-
click the file that contains the main routine, and select the "Run File" command. Netbeans has a
"Code Completion" feature that is similar to Eclipse's "Code Assist." One thing that you have to
watch with Netbeans is that it might want to create classes in (non-default) packages; when you
create a New Java Class, make sure that the "Package" input box is left blank.
Every class in Java is contained in something called a package. Classes that are not explicitly put
into a different package are in the "default" package. Almost all the examples in this textbook are
in the default package, and I will not even discuss packages in any depth until Section 4.5.
However, some IDEs might force you to pay attention to packages.
When you create a class in Eclipse, you might notice a message that says that "The use of the
default package is discouraged." Although this is true, I have chosen to use it anyway, since it
seems easier for beginning programmers to avoid the whole issue of packages, at least at first.
Some IDEs, like Netbeans, might be even less willing than Eclipse to use the default package. If
you create a class in a package, the source code starts with a line that specifies which package
the class is in. For example, if the class is in a package named test.pkg, then the first line of
the source code will be
package test.pkg;
In an IDE, this will not cause any problem unless the program you are writing depends on
TextIO. You will not be able to use TextIO in a program unless TextIO is in the same package as
the program. You can put TextIO in a non-default package, as long as the source code file is modified to specify the package; just add a package statement to the beginning
of the file, using the same package name as the program. (The IDE might do this for you, if you
copy into a non-default package.) Once you've done this, the example should run in
the same way as if it were in the default package.
By the way, if you use packages in a command-line environment, other complications arise. For
example, if a class is in a package named test.pkg, then the source code file must be in a
subdirectory named pkg inside a directory named "test" that is in turn inside your main Java
working directory. Nevertheless, when you compile or execute the program, you should be in the
main directory, not in a subdirectory. When you compile the source code file, you have to
include the name of the directory in the command: Use
"javac test/pkg/" on Linux or Mac OS, or
"javac test\pkg\" on Windows. The command for executing the
program is then "java test.pkg.ClassName", with a period separating the package name
from the class name. However, you will not need to worry about any of that when working with
almost all of the examples in this book.
Section 3.1
THE ABILITY OF A COMPUTER TO PERFORM complex tasks is built on just a few ways of
combining simple commands into control structures. In Java, there are just six such structures
that are used to determine the normal flow of control in a program -- and, in fact, just three of
them would be enough to write programs to perform any task. The six control structures are: the
block, the while loop, the do..while loop, the for loop, the if statement, and the switch statement.
Each of these structures is considered to be a single "statement," but each is in fact a structured
statement that can contain one or more other statements inside itself.
3.1.1 Blocks
The block is the simplest type of structured statement. Its purpose is simply to group a sequence
of statements into a single statement. The format of a block is:
That is, it consists of a sequence of statements enclosed between a pair of braces, "{" and "}". (In
fact, it is possible for a block to contain no statements at all; such a block is called an empty
block, and can actually be useful at times. An empty block consists of nothing but an empty pair
of braces.) Block statements usually occur inside other statements, where their purpose is to
group together several statements into a unit. However, a block can be legally used wherever a
statement can occur. There is one place where a block is required: As you might have already
noticed in the case of the main subroutine of a program, the definition of a subroutine is a block,
since it is a sequence of statements enclosed inside a pair of braces.
I should probably note again at this point that Java is what is called a free-format language.
There are no syntax rules about how the language has to be arranged on a page. So, for example,
you could write an entire block on one line if you want. But as a matter of good programming
style, you should lay out your program on the page in a way that will make its structure as clear
as possible. In general, this means putting one statement per line and using indentation to
indicate statements that are contained inside control structures. This is the format that I will
generally use in my examples.
In the second example, a variable, temp, is declared inside the block. This is perfectly legal, and
it is good style to declare a variable inside a block if that variable is used nowhere else but inside
the block. A variable declared inside a block is completely inaccessible and invisible from
outside that block. When the computer executes the variable declaration statement, it allocates
memory to hold the value of the variable. When the block ends, that memory is discarded (that
is, made available for reuse). The variable is said to be local to the block. There is a general
concept called the "scope" of an identifier. The scope of an identifier is the part of the program in
which that identifier is valid. The scope of a variable defined inside a block is limited to that
block, and more specifically to the part of the block that comes after the declaration of the
The block statement by itself really doesn't affect the flow of control in a program. The five
remaining control structures do. They can be divided into two classes: loop statements and
branching statements. You really just need one control structure from each category in order to
have a completely general-purpose programming language. More than that is just convenience.
In this section, I'll introduce the while loop and the if statement. I'll give the full details of
these statements and of the other three control structures in later sections.
A while loop is used to repeat a given statement over and over. Of course, it's not likely that you
would want to keep repeating it forever. That would be an infinite loop, which is generally a bad
thing. (There is an old story about computer pioneer Grace Murray Hopper, who read
instructions on a bottle of shampoo telling her to "lather, rinse, repeat." As the story goes, she
claims that she tried to follow the directions, but she ran out of shampoo. (In case you don't get
it, this is a joke about the way that computers mindlessly follow instructions.))
To be more specific, a while loop will repeat a statement over and over, but only so long as a
specified condition remains true. A while loop has the form:
while (boolean-expression)
Since the statement can be, and usually is, a block, many while loops have the form:
while (boolean-expression) {
The semantics of this statement go like this: When the computer comes to a while statement, it
evaluates the boolean-expression, which yields either true or false as the value. If the value
is false, the computer skips over the rest of the while loop and proceeds to the next
command in the program. If the value of the expression is true, the computer executes the
statement or block of statements inside the loop. Then it returns to the beginning of the while
loop and repeats the process. That is, it re-evaluates the boolean-expression, ends the loop if the
value is false, and continues it if the value is true. This will continue over and over until the
value of the expression is false; if that never happens, then there will be an infinite loop.
Here is an example of a while loop that simply prints out the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
The variable number is initialized with the value 1. So the first time through the while loop,
when the computer evaluates the expression "number < 6", it is asking whether 1 is less than
6, which is true. The computer therefore proceeds to execute the two statements inside the
loop. The first statement prints out "1". The second statement adds 1 to number and stores the
result back into the variable number; the value of number has been changed to 2. The
computer has reached the end of the loop, so it returns to the beginning and asks again whether
number is less than 6. Once again this is true, so the computer executes the loop again, this time
printing out 2 as the value of number and then changing the value of number to 3. It continues
in this way until eventually number becomes equal to 6. At that point, the expression
"number < 6" evaluates to false. So, the computer jumps past the end of the loop to the
next statement and prints out the message "Done!". Note that when the loop ends, the value of
number is 6, but the last value that was printed was 5.
By the way, you should remember that you'll never see a while loop standing by itself in a real
program. It will always be inside a subroutine which is itself defined inside some class. As an
example of a while loop used inside a complete program, here is a little program that computes
the interest on an investment over several years. This is an improvement over examples from the
previous chapter that just reported the results for one year:
This class implements a simple program that
will compute the amount of interest that is
earned on an investment over a period of
5 years. The initial amount of the investment
and the interest rate are input by the user.
The value of the investment at the end of each
year is output.
years = 0;
while (years < 5) {
double interest; // Interest for this year.
interest = principal * rate;
principal = principal + interest; // Add it to
years = years + 1; // Count the current year.
System.out.print("The value of the investment after ");
System.out.print(" years is $");
System.out.printf("%1.2f", principal);
} // end of while loop
} // end of main()
And here is an applet which simulates this program. (Remember that for "console applets" like
this one, if the applet does not respond to your typing, you might have to click on it to activate it.
In some browsers, you might also need to leave the mouse cursor inside the applet for it to
recognize your typing.)
You should study this program, and make sure that you understand what the computer does step-
by-step as it executes the while loop.
3.1.3 The Basic If Statement
An if statement tells the computer to take one of two alternative courses of action, depending on
whether the value of a given boolean-valued expression is true or false. It is an example of a
"branching" or "decision" statement. An if statement has the form:
if ( boolean-expression )
When the computer executes an if statement, it evaluates the boolean expression. If the value is
true, the computer executes the first statement and skips the statement that follows the "else".
If the value of the expression is false, then the computer skips the first statement and executes
the second one. Note that in any case, one and only one of the two statements inside the if
statement is executed. The two statements represent alternative courses of action; the computer
decides between these courses of action based on the value of the boolean expression.
In many cases, you want the computer to choose between doing something and not doing it. You
can do this with an if statement that omits the else part:
if ( boolean-expression )
To execute this statement, the computer evaluates the expression. If the value is true, the
computer executes the statement that is contained inside the if statement; if the value is
false, the computer skips that statement.
if ( boolean-expression ) {
else {
if ( boolean-expression ) {
As an example, here is an if statement that exchanges the value of two variables, x and y, but
only if x is greater than y to begin with. After this if statement has been executed, we can be
sure that the value of x is definitely less than or equal to the value of y:
if ( x > y ) {
int temp; // A temporary variable for use in this block.
temp = x; // Save a copy of the value of x in temp.
x = y; // Copy the value of y into x.
y = temp; // Copy the value of temp into y.
Finally, here is an example of an if statement that includes an else part. See if you can figure
out what it does, and why it would be used:
I'll have more to say about control structures later in this chapter. But you already know the
essentials. If you never learned anything more about control structures, you would already know
enough to perform any possible computing task. Simple looping and branching are all you really
Section 3.2
Algorithm Development
PROGRAMMING IS DIFFICULT (like many activities that are useful and worthwhile -- and
like most of those activities, it can also be rewarding and a lot of fun). When you write a
program, you have to tell the computer every small detail of what to do. And you have to get
everything exactly right, since the computer will blindly follow your program exactly as written.
How, then, do people write any but the most simple programs? It's not a big mystery, actually.
It's a matter of learning to think in the right way.
A program is an expression of an idea. A programmer starts with a general idea of a task for the
computer to perform. Presumably, the programmer has some idea of how to perform the task by
hand, at least in general outline. The problem is to flesh out that outline into a complete,
unambiguous, step-by-step procedure for carrying out the task. Such a procedure is called an
"algorithm." (Technically, an algorithm is an unambiguous, step-by-step procedure that
terminates after a finite number of steps; we don't want to count procedures that go on forever.)
An algorithm is not the same as a program. A program is written in some particular
programming language. An algorithm is more like the idea behind the program, but it's the idea
of the steps the program will take to perform its task, not just the idea of the task itself. The
steps of the algorithm don't have to be filled in in complete detail, as long as the steps are
unambiguous and it's clear that carrying out the steps will accomplish the assigned task. An
algorithm can be expressed in any language, including English. Of course, an algorithm can only
be expressed as a program if all the details have been filled in.
So, where do algorithms come from? Usually, they have to be developed, often with a lot of
thought and hard work. Skill at algorithm development is something that comes with practice,
but there are techniques and guidelines that can help. I'll talk here about some techniques and
guidelines that are relevant to "programming in the small," and I will return to the subject several
times in later chapters.
When programming in the small, you have a few basics to work with: variables, assignment
statements, and input/output routines. You might also have some subroutines, objects, or other
building blocks that have already been written by you or someone else. (Input/output routines
fall into this class.) You can build sequences of these basic instructions, and you can also
combine them into more complex control structures such as while loops and if statements.
Suppose you have a task in mind that you want the computer to perform. One way to proceed is
to write a description of the task, and take that description as an outline of the algorithm you
want to develop. Then you can refine and elaborate that description, gradually adding steps and
detail, until you have a complete algorithm that can be translated directly into programming
language. This method is called stepwise refinement, and it is a type of top-down design. As you
proceed through the stages of stepwise refinement, you can write out descriptions of your
algorithm in pseudocode -- informal instructions that imitate the structure of programming
languages without the complete detail and perfect syntax of actual program code.
As an example, let's see how one might develop the program from the previous section, which
computes the value of an investment over five years. The task that you want the program to
perform is: "Compute and display the value of an investment for each of the next five years,
where the initial investment and interest rate are to be specified by the user." You might then
write -- or at least think -- that this can be expanded as:
Following this algorithm would certainly solve the problem, but for a computer, we'll have to be
more explicit about how to "Get the user's input," how to "Compute the value after the next
year," and what it means to say "there are more years to process." We can expand the step, "Get
the user's input" into
To fill in the details of the step "Compute the value after the next year," you have to know how
to do the computation yourself. (Maybe you need to ask your boss or professor for clarification?)
Let's say you know that the value is computed by adding some interest to the previous value.
Then we can refine the while loop to:
As for testing whether there are more years to process, the only way that we can do that is by
counting the years ourselves. This displays a very common pattern, and you should expect to use
something similar in a lot of programs: We have to start with zero years, add one each time we
process a year, and stop when we reach the desired number of years. So the while loop
years = 0
while years < 5:
years = years + 1
Compute the interest
Add the interest to the value
Display the value
We still have to know how to compute the interest. Let's say that the interest is to be computed
by multiplying the interest rate by the current value of the investment. Putting this together with
the part of the algorithm that gets the user's inputs, we have the complete algorithm:
Finally, we are at the point where we can translate pretty directly into proper programming-
language syntax. We still have to choose names for the variables, decide exactly what we want to
say to the user, and so forth. Having done this, we could express our algorithm in Java as:
This still needs to be wrapped inside a complete program, it still needs to be commented, and it
really needs to print out more information in a nicer format for the user. But it's essentially the
same program as the one in the previous section. (Note that the pseudocode algorithm uses
indentation to show which statements are inside the loop. In Java, indentation is completely
ignored by the computer, so you need a pair of braces to tell the computer which statements are
in the loop. If you leave out the braces, the only statement inside the loop would be
"years = years + 1;". The other statements would only be executed once, after the loop
ends. The nasty thing is that the computer won't notice this error for you, like it would if you left
out the parentheses around "(years < 5)". The parentheses are required by the syntax of the
while statement. The braces are only required semantically. The computer can recognize
syntax errors but not semantic errors.)
One thing you should have noticed here is that my original specification of the problem --
"Compute and display the value of an investment for each of the next five years" -- was far from
being complete. Before you start writing a program, you should make sure you have a complete
specification of exactly what the program is supposed to do. In particular, you need to know
what information the program is going to input and output and what computation it is going to
perform. Here is what a reasonably complete specification of the problem might look like in this
"Write a program that will compute and display the value of an investment for each of the next
five years. Each year, interest is added to the value. The interest is computed by multiplying the
current value by a fixed interest rate. Assume that the initial value and the rate of interest are to
be input by the user when the program is run."
3.2.2 The 3N+1 Problem
Let's do another example, working this time with a program that you haven't already seen. The
assignment here is an abstract mathematical problem that is one of my favorite programming
exercises. This time, we'll start with a more complete specification of the task to be performed:
"Given a positive integer, N, define the '3N+1' sequence starting from N as follows: If N is an
even number, then divide N by two; but if N is odd, then multiply N by 3 and add 1. Continue to
generate numbers in this way until N becomes equal to 1. For example, starting from N = 3,
which is odd, we multiply by 3 and add 1, giving N = 3*3+1 = 10. Then, since N is even, we
divide by 2, giving N = 10/2 = 5. We continue in this way, stopping when we reach 1, giving the
complete sequence: 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.
"Write a program that will read a positive integer from the user and will print out the 3N+1
sequence starting from that integer. The program should also count and print out the number of
terms in the sequence."
The bulk of the program is in the second step. We'll need a loop, since we want to keep
computing numbers until we get 1. To put this in terms appropriate for a while loop, we want
to continue as long as the number is not 1. So, we can expand our pseudocode algorithm to:
In order to compute the next term, the computer must take different actions depending on
whether N is even or odd. We need an if statement to decide between the two cases:
We still have to worry about the very first step. How can we get a positive integer from the user?
If we just read in a number, it's possible that the user might type in a negative number or zero. If
you follow what happens when the value of N is negative or zero, you'll see that the program will
go on forever, since the value of N will never become equal to 1. This is bad. In this case, the
problem is probably no big deal, but in general you should try to write programs that are
foolproof. One way to fix this is to keep reading in numbers until the user types in a positive
The first while loop will end only when N is a positive number, as required. (A common
beginning programmer's error is to use an if statement instead of a while statement here: "If N
is not positive, ask the user to input another value." The problem arises if the second number
input by the user is also non-positive. The if statement is only executed once, so the second
input number is never tested. With the while loop, after the second number is input, the
computer jumps back to the beginning of the loop and tests whether the second number is
positive. If not, it asks the user for a third number, and it will continue asking for numbers until
the user enters an acceptable input.)
Here is a Java program implementing this algorithm. It uses the operators <= to mean "is less
than or equal to" and != to mean "is not equal to." To test whether N is even, it uses
"N % 2 == 0". All the operators used here were discussed in Section 2.5.
* This program prints out a 3N+1 sequence starting from a positive
* integer specified by the user. It also counts the number of
* terms in the sequence, and prints out that number.
public class ThreeN1 {
counter = 0;
while (N != 1) {
if (N % 2 == 0)
N = N / 2;
N = 3 * N + 1;
counter = counter + 1;
TextIO.put("There were ");
TextIO.putln(" terms in the sequence.");
} // end of main()
As usual, you can try this out in an applet that simulates the program. Try different starting
values for N, including some negative values:
Two final notes on this program: First, you might have noticed that the first term of the sequence
-- the value of N input by the user -- is not printed or counted by this program. Is this an error?
It's hard to say. Was the specification of the program careful enough to decide? This is the type
of thing that might send you back to the boss/professor for clarification. The problem (if it is
one!) can be fixed easily enough. Just replace the line "counter = 0" before the while loop with
the two lines:
Second, there is the question of why this problem is at all interesting. Well, it's interesting to
mathematicians and computer scientists because of a simple question about the problem that they
haven't been able to answer: Will the process of computing the 3N+1 sequence finish after a
finite number of steps for all possible starting values of N? Although individual sequences are
easy to compute, no one has been able to answer the general question. To put this another way,
no one knows whether the process of computing 3N+1 sequences can properly be called an
algorithm, since an algorithm is required to terminate after a finite number of steps! (This
discussion assumes that the value of N can take on arbitrarily large integer values, which is not
true for a variable of type int in a Java program.)
It would be nice if, having developed an algorithm for your program, you could relax, press a
button, and get a perfectly working program. Unfortunately, the process of turning an algorithm
into Java source code doesn't always go smoothly. And when you do get to the stage of a
working program, it's often only working in the sense that it does something. Unfortunately not
what you want it to do.
After program design comes coding: translating the design into a program written in Java or
some other language. Usually, no matter how careful you are, a few syntax errors will creep in
from somewhere, and the Java compiler will reject your program with some kind of error
message. Unfortunately, while a compiler will always detect syntax errors, it's not very good
about telling you exactly what's wrong. Sometimes, it's not even good about telling you where
the real error is. A spelling error or missing "{" on line 45 might cause the compiler to choke on
line 105. You can avoid lots of errors by making sure that you really understand the syntax rules
of the language and by following some basic programming guidelines. For example, I never type
a "{" without typing the matching "}". Then I go back and fill in the statements between the
braces. A missing or extra brace can be one of the hardest errors to find in a large program.
Always, always indent your program nicely. If you change the program, change the indentation
to match. It's worth the trouble. Use a consistent naming scheme, so you don't have to struggle to
remember whether you called that variable interestrate or interestRate. In general,
when the compiler gives multiple error messages, don't try to fix the second error message from
the compiler until you've fixed the first one. Once the compiler hits an error in your program, it
can get confused, and the rest of the error messages might just be guesses. Maybe the best advice
is: Take the time to understand the error before you try to fix it. Programming is not an
experimental science.
When your program compiles without error, you are still not done. You have to test the program
to make sure it works correctly. Remember that the goal is not to get the right output for the two
sample inputs that the professor gave in class. The goal is a program that will work correctly for
all reasonable inputs. Ideally, when faced with an unreasonable input, it will respond by gently
chiding the user rather than by crashing. Test your program on a wide variety of inputs. Try to
find a set of inputs that will test the full range of functionality that you've coded into your
program. As you begin writing larger programs, write them in stages and test each stage along
the way. You might even have to write some extra code to do the testing -- for example to call a
subroutine that you've just written. You don't want to be faced, if you can avoid it, with 500
newly written lines of code that have an error in there somewhere.
The point of testing is to find bugs -- semantic errors that show up as incorrect behavior rather
than as compilation errors. And the sad fact is that you will probably find them. Again, you can
minimize bugs by careful design and careful coding, but no one has found a way to avoid them
altogether. Once you've detected a bug, it's time for debugging. You have to track down the
cause of the bug in the program's source code and eliminate it. Debugging is a skill that, like
other aspects of programming, requires practice to master. So don't be afraid of bugs. Learn from
them. One essential debugging skill is the ability to read source code -- the ability to put aside
preconceptions about what you think it does and to follow it the way the computer does --
mechanically, step-by-step -- to see what it really does. This is hard. I can still remember the
time I spent hours looking for a bug only to find that a line of code that I had looked at ten times
had a "1" where it should have had an "i", or the time when I wrote a subroutine named
WindowClosing which would have done exactly what I wanted except that the computer was
looking for windowClosing (with a lower case "w"). Sometimes it can help to have someone
who doesn't share your preconceptions look at your code.
Often, it's a problem just to find the part of the program that contains the error. Most
programming environments come with a debugger, which is a program that can help you find
bugs. Typically, your program can be run under the control of the debugger. The debugger
allows you to set "breakpoints" in your program. A breakpoint is a point in the program where
the debugger will pause the program so you can look at the values of the program's variables.
The idea is to track down exactly when things start to go wrong during the program's execution.
The debugger will also let you execute your program one line at a time, so that you can watch
what happens in detail once you know the general area in the program where the bug is lurking.
I will confess that I only rarely use debuggers myself. A more traditional approach to debugging
is to insert debugging statements into your program. These are output statements that print out
information about the state of the program. Typically, a debugging statement would say
something like
You need to be able to tell from the output where in your program the output is coming from,
and you want to know the value of important variables. Sometimes, you will find that the
computer isn't even getting to a part of the program that you think it should be executing.
Remember that the goal is to find the first point in the program where the state is not what you
expect it to be. That's where the bug is.
And finally, remember the golden rule of debugging: If you are absolutely sure that everything in
your program is right, and if it still doesn't work, then one of the things that you are absolutely
sure of is wrong.
Section 3.3
The while statement was already introduced in Section 3.1. A while loop has the form
while ( boolean-expression )
The statement can, of course, be a block statement consisting of several statements grouped
together between a pair of braces. This statement is called the body of the loop. The body of the
loop is repeated as long as the boolean-expression is true. This boolean expression is called the
continuation condition, or more simply the test, of the loop. There are a few points that might
need some clarification. What happens if the condition is false in the first place, before the body
of the loop is executed even once? In that case, the body of the loop is never executed at all. The
body of a while loop can be executed any number of times, including zero. What happens if the
condition is true, but it becomes false somewhere in the middle of the loop body? Does the loop
end as soon as this happens? It doesn't, because the computer continues executing the body of the
loop until it gets to the end. Only then does it jump back to the beginning of the loop and test the
condition, and only then can the loop end.
Let's look at a typical problem that can be solved using a while loop: finding the average of a
set of positive integers entered by the user. The average is the sum of the integers, divided by the
number of integers. The program will ask the user to enter one integer at a time. It will keep
count of the number of integers entered, and it will keep a running total of all the numbers it has
read so far. Here is a pseudocode algorithm for the program:
Let sum = 0
Let count = 0
while there are more integers to process:
Read an integer
Add it to the sum
Count it
Divide sum by count to get the average
Print out the average
But how can we test whether there are more integers to process? A typical solution is to tell the
user to type in zero after all the data have been entered. This will work because we are assuming
that all the data are positive numbers, so zero is not a legal data value. The zero is not itself part
of the data to be averaged. It's just there to mark the end of the real data. A data value used in this
way is sometimes called a sentinel value. So now the test in the while loop becomes "while the
input integer is not zero". But there is another problem! The first time the test is evaluated,
before the body of the loop has ever been executed, no integer has yet been read. There is no
"input integer" yet, so testing whether the input integer is zero doesn't make sense. So, we have
to do something before the while loop to make sure that the test makes sense. Setting things up
so that the test in a while loop makes sense the first time it is executed is called priming the
loop. In this case, we can simply read the first integer before the beginning of the loop. Here is a
revised algorithm:
Let sum = 0
Let count = 0
Read an integer
while the integer is not zero:
Add the integer to the sum
Count it
Read an integer
Divide sum by count to get the average
Print out the average
Notice that I've rearranged the body of the loop. Since an integer is read before the loop, the loop
has to begin by processing that integer. At the end of the loop, the computer reads a new integer.
The computer then jumps back to the beginning of the loop and tests the integer that it has just
read. Note that when the computer finally reads the sentinel value, the loop ends before the
sentinel value is processed. It is not added to the sum, and it is not counted. This is the way it's
supposed to work. The sentinel is not part of the data. The original algorithm, even if it could
have been made to work without priming, was incorrect since it would have summed and
counted all the integers, including the sentinel. (Since the sentinel is zero, the sum would still be
correct, but the count would be off by one. Such so-called off-by-one errors are very common.
Counting turns out to be harder than it looks!)
We can easily turn the algorithm into a complete program. Note that the program cannot use the
statement "average = sum/count;" to compute the average. Since sum and count are
both variables of type int, the value of sum/count is an integer. The average should be a real
number. We've seen this problem before: we have to convert one of the int values to a double to
force the computer to compute the quotient as a real number. This can be done by type-casting
one of the variables to type double. The type cast "(double)sum" converts the value of sum to a
real number, so in the program the average is computed as "average =
((double)sum) / count;". Another solution in this case would have been to declare sum
to be a variable of type double in the first place.
One other issue is addressed by the program: If the user enters zero as the first input value, there
are no data to process. We can test for this case by checking whether count is still equal to zero
after the while loop. This might seem like a minor point, but a careful programmer should
cover all the bases.
* This program reads a sequence of positive integers input
* by the user, and it will print out the average of those
* integers. The user is prompted to enter one integer at a
* time. The user must enter a 0 to mark the end of the
* data. (The zero is not counted as part of the data to
* be averaged.) The program does not check whether the
* user's input is positive, so it will actually work for
* both positive and negative input values.
sum = 0;
count = 0;
while (inputNumber != 0) {
sum += inputNumber; // Add inputNumber to running sum.
count++; // Count the input by adding 1 to
TextIO.put("Enter your next positive integer, or 0 to end:
inputNumber = TextIO.getlnInt();
if (count == 0) {
TextIO.putln("You didn't enter any data!");
else {
average = ((double)sum) / count;
TextIO.putln("You entered " + count + " positive
TextIO.putf("Their average is %1.3f.\n", average);
} // end main()
Sometimes it is more convenient to test the continuation condition at the end of a loop, instead of
at the beginning, as is done in the while loop. The do..while statement is very similar to the
while statement, except that the word "while," along with the condition that it tests, has been
moved to the end. The word "do" is added to mark the beginning of the loop. A do..while
statement has the form
while ( boolean-expression );
do {
} while ( boolean-expression );
Note the semicolon, ';', at the very end. This semicolon is part of the statement, just as the
semicolon at the end of an assignment statement or declaration is part of the statement. Omitting
it is a syntax error. (More generally, every statement in Java ends either with a semicolon or a
right brace, '}'.)
To execute a do loop, the computer first executes the body of the loop -- that is, the statement or
statements inside the loop -- and then it evaluates the boolean expression. If the value of the
expression is true, the computer returns to the beginning of the do loop and repeats the
process; if the value is false, it ends the loop and continues with the next part of the program.
Since the condition is not tested until the end of the loop, the body of a do loop is always
executed at least once.
For example, consider the following pseudocode for a game-playing program. The do loop
makes sense here instead of a while loop because with the do loop, you know there will be at
least one game. Also, the test that is used at the end of the loop wouldn't even make sense at the
do {
Play a Game
Ask user if he wants to play another game
Read the user's response
} while ( the user's response is yes );
Let's convert this into proper Java code. Since I don't want to talk about game playing at the
moment, let's say that we have a class named Checkers, and that the Checkers class
contains a static member subroutine named playGame() that plays one game of checkers
against the user. Then, the pseudocode "Play a game" can be expressed as the subroutine call
statement "Checkers.playGame();". We need a variable to store the user's response. The
TextIO class makes it convenient to use a boolean variable to store the answer to a yes/no
question. The input function TextIO.getlnBoolean() allows the user to enter the value as
"yes" or "no". "Yes" is considered to be true, and "no" is considered to be false. So, the
algorithm can be coded as
When the value of the boolean variable is set to false, it is a signal that the loop should end.
When a boolean variable is used in this way -- as a signal that is set in one part of the program
and tested in another part -- it is sometimes called a flag or flag variable (in the sense of a signal
do {
} while ( boolean-expression );
while ( boolean-expression ) {
while ( boolean-expression ) {
can be replaced by
if ( boolean-expression ) {
do {
} while ( boolean-expression );
The syntax of the while and do..while loops allows you to test the continuation condition at
either the beginning of a loop or at the end. Sometimes, it is more natural to have the test in the
middle of the loop, or to have several tests at different places in the same loop. Java provides a
general method for breaking out of the middle of any loop. It's called the break statement,
which takes the form
When the computer executes a break statement in a loop, it will immediately jump out of the
loop. It then continues on to whatever follows the loop in the program. Consider for example:
(The first line of this loop, "while (true)" might look a bit strange, but it's perfectly
legitimate. The condition in a while loop can be any boolean-valued expression. The computer
evaluates this expression and checks whether the value is true or false. The boolean literal
"true" is just a boolean expression that always evaluates to true. So "while (true)" can be
used to write an infinite loop, or one that will be terminated by a break statement.)
A break statement terminates the loop that immediately encloses the break statement. It is
possible to have nested loops, where one loop statement is contained inside another. If you use a
break statement inside a nested loop, it will only break out of that loop, not out of the loop that
contains the nested loop. There is something called a labeled break statement that allows you to
specify which loop you want to break. This is not very common, so I will go over it quickly.
Labels work like this: You can put a label in front of any loop. A label consists of a simple
identifier followed by a colon. For example, a while with a label might look like
"mainloop: while...". Inside this loop you can use the labeled break statement
"break mainloop;" to break out of the labeled loop. For example, here is a code segment
that checks whether two strings, s1 and s2, have a character in common. If a common character
is found, the value of the flag variable nothingInCommon is set to false, and a labeled
break is used to end the processing at that point:
boolean nothingInCommon;
nothingInCommon = true; // Assume s1 and s2 have no chars in
int i,j; // Variables for iterating through the chars in s1 and
i = 0;
bigloop: while (i < s1.length()) {
j = 0;
while (j < s2.length()) {
if (s1.charAt(i) == s2.charAt(j)) { // s1 and s2 have a
comman char.
nothingInCommon = false;
break bigloop; // break out of BOTH loops
j++; // Go on to the next char in s2.
i++; //Go on to the next char in s1.
The continue statement is related to break, but less commonly used. A continue
statement tells the computer to skip the rest of the current iteration of the loop. However, instead
of jumping out of the loop altogether, it jumps back to the beginning of the loop and continues
with the next iteration (including evaluating the loop's continuation condition to see whether any
further iterations are required). As with break, when a continue is in a nested loop, it will
continue the loop that directly contains it; a "labeled continue" can be used to continue the
containing loop instead.
break and continue can be used in while loops and do..while loops. They can also be
used in for loops, which are covered in the next section. In Section 3.6, we'll see that break
can also be used to break out of a switch statement. A break can occur inside an if
statement, but in that case, it does not mean to break out of the if. Instead, it breaks out of the
loop or switch statement that contains the if statement. If the if statement is not contained
inside a loop or switch, then the if statement cannot legally contain a break. A similar
consideration applies to continue statements inside ifs.
Section 3.4
WE TURN IN THIS SECTION to another type of loop, the for statement. Any for loop is
equivalent to some while loop, so the language doesn't get any additional power by having
for statements. But for a certain type of problem, a for loop can be easier to construct and
easier to read than the corresponding while loop. It's quite possible that in real programs, for
loops actually outnumber while loops.
The for statement makes a common type of while loop easier to write. Many while loops have
the general form:
while ( continuation-condition ) {
For example, consider this example, copied from an example in Section 3.2:
The initialization, continuation condition, and updating have all been combined in the first line of
the for loop. This keeps everything involved in the "control" of the loop in one place, which
helps makes the loop easier to read and understand. The for loop is executed in exactly the
same way as the original code: The initialization part is executed once, before the loop begins.
The continuation condition is executed before each execution of the loop, and the loop ends
when this condition is false. The update part is executed at the end of each execution of the
loop, just before jumping back to check the condition.
Usually, the initialization part of a for statement assigns a value to some variable, and the
update changes the value of that variable with an assignment statement or with an increment or
decrement operation. The value of the variable is tested in the continuation condition, and the
loop ends when this condition evaluates to false. A variable used in this way is called a loop
control variable. In the for statement given above, the loop control variable is years.
Certainly, the most common type of for loop is the counting loop, where a loop control variable
takes on all integer values between some minimum and some maximum value. A counting loop
has the form
For various reasons, Java programmers like to start counting at 0 instead of 1, and they tend to
use a "<" in the condition, rather than a "<=". The following variation of the above loop prints
out the ten numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., 9:
Using < instead of <= in the test, or vice versa, is a common source of off-by-one errors in
programs. You should always stop and think, Do I want the final value to be processed or not?
It's easy to count down from 10 to 1 instead of counting up. Just start with 10, decrement the
loop control variable instead of incrementing it, and continue as long as the variable is greater
than or equal to one.
Now, in fact, the official syntax of a for statemenent actually allows both the initialization part
and the update part to consist of several expressions, separated by commas. So we can even
count up from 1 to 10 and count down from 10 to 1 at the same time!
As a final example, let's say that we want to use a for loop that prints out just the even numbers
between 2 and 20, that is: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. There are several ways to do this. Just
to show how even a very simple problem can be solved in many ways, here are four different
solutions (three of which would get full credit):
Perhaps it is worth stressing one more time that a for statement, like any statement, never
occurs on its own in a real program. A statement must be inside the main routine of a program
or inside some other subroutine. And that subroutine must be defined inside a class. I should also
remind you that every variable must be declared before it can be used, and that includes the loop
control variable in a for statement. In all the examples that you have seen so far in this section,
the loop control variables should be declared to be of type int. It is not required that a loop
control variable be an integer. Here, for example, is a for loop in which the variable, ch, is of
type char, using the fact that the ++ operator can be applied to characters as well as to numbers:
Let's look at a less trivial problem that can be solved with a for loop. If N and D are positive
integers, we say that D is a divisor of N if the remainder when D is divided into N is zero.
(Equivalently, we could say that N is an even multiple of D.) In terms of Java programming, D is
a divisor of N if N % D is zero.
Let's write a program that inputs a positive integer, N, from the user and computes how many
different divisors N has. The numbers that could possibly be divisors of N are 1, 2, ..., N. To
compute the number of divisors of N, we can just test each possible divisor of N and count the
ones that actually do divide N evenly. In pseudocode, the algorithm takes the form
This algorithm displays a common programming pattern that is used when some, but not all, of a
sequence of items are to be processed. The general pattern is
The for loop in our divisor-counting algorithm can be translated into Java code as
On a modern computer, this loop can be executed very quickly. It is not impossible to run it even
for the largest legal int value, 2147483647. (If you wanted to run it for even larger values, you
could use variables of type long rather than int.) However, it does take a noticeable amount of
time for very large numbers. So when I implemented this algorithm, I decided to output a dot
every time the computer has tested one million possible divisors. In the improved version of the
program, there are two types of counting going on. We have to count the number of divisors and
we also have to count the number of possible divisors that have been tested. So the program
needs two counters. When the second counter reaches 1000000, the program outputs a '.' and
resets the counter to zero so that we can start counting the next group of one million. Reverting
to pseudocode, the algorithm now looks like
Finally, we can translate the algorithm into a complete Java program. Here it is, followed by an
applet that simulates it:
* This program reads a positive integer from the user.
* It counts how many divisors that number has, and
* then it prints the result.
while (true) {
TextIO.put("Enter a positive integer: ");
N = TextIO.getlnInt();
if (N > 0)
TextIO.putln("That number is not positive. Please try
divisorCount = 0;
numberTested = 0;
TextIO.putln("The number of divisors of " + N
+ " is " + divisorCount);
} // end main()
Control structures in Java are statements that contain statements. In particular, control structures
can contain control structures. You've already seen several examples of if statements inside
loops, and one example of a while loop inside another while, but any combination of one
control structure inside another is possible. We say that one structure is nested inside another.
You can even have multiple levels of nesting, such as a while loop inside an if statement
inside another while loop. The syntax of Java does not set a limit on the number of levels of
nesting. As a practical matter, though, it's difficult to understand a program that has more than a
few levels of nesting.
Nested for loops arise naturally in many algorithms, and it is important to understand how they
work. Let's look at a couple of examples. First, consider the problem of printing out a
multiplication table like this one:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144
The data in the table are arranged into 12 rows and 12 columns. The process of printing them out
can be expressed in a pseudocode algorithm as
so a refined algorithm for printing the table has one for loop nested inside another:
We want to print the output in neat columns, with each output number taking up four spaces.
This can be done using formatted output with format specifier %4d. Assuming that rowNumber
and N have been declared to be variables of type int, the algorithm can be expressed in Java as
This section has been weighed down with lots of examples of numerical processing. For our next
example, let's do some text processing. Consider the problem of finding which of the 26 letters
of the alphabet occur in a given string. For example, the letters that occur in "Hello World" are
D, E, H, L, O, R, and W. More specifically, we will write a program that will list all the letters
contained in a string and will also count the number of different letters. The string will be input
by the user. Let's start with a pseudocode algorithm for the program.
Since we want to process the entire line of text that is entered by the user, we'll use
TextIO.getln() to read it. The line of the algorithm that reads "for each letter of the
alphabet" can be expressed as "for (letter='A'; letter<='Z'; letter++)". But
the body of this for loop needs more thought. How do we check whether the given letter,
letter, occurs in str? One idea is to look at each character in the string in turn, and check
whether that character is equal to letter. We can get the i-th character of str with the
function call str.charAt(i), where i ranges from 0 to str.length() - 1. One more
difficulty: A letter such as 'A' can occur in str in either upper or lower case, 'A' or 'a'. We have
to check for both of these. But we can avoid this difficulty by converting str to upper case
before processing it. Then, we only have to check for the upper case letter. We can now flesh out
the algorithm fully. Note the use of break in the nested for loop. It is required to avoid
printing or counting a given letter more than once (in the case where it occurs more than once in
the string). The break statement breaks out of the inner for loop, but not the outer for loop.
Upon executing the break, the computer continues the outer loop with the next value of
* This program reads a line of text entered by the user.
* It prints a list of the letters that occur in the text,
* and it reports how many different letters were found.
str = str.toUpperCase();
count = 0;
TextIO.putln("Your input contains the following letters:");
TextIO.put(" ");
for ( letter = 'A'; letter <= 'Z'; letter++ ) {
int i; // Position of a character in str.
for ( i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ) {
if ( letter == str.charAt(i) ) {
TextIO.put(' ');
TextIO.putln("There were " + count + " different letters.");
} // end main()
In fact, there is actually an easier way to determine whether a given letter occurs in a string, str.
The built-in function str.indexOf(letter) will return -1 if letter does not occur in
the string. It returns a number greater than or equal to zero if it does occur. So, we could check
whether letter occurs in str simply by checking
"if (str.indexOf(letter) >= 0)". If we used this technique in the above program,
we wouldn't need a nested for loop. This gives you a preview of how subroutines can be used to
deal with complexity.
Java 5.0 introduces a new "enhanced" form of the for loop that is designed to be convenient for
processing data structures. A data structure is a collection of data items, considered as a unit. For
example, a list is a data structure that consists simply of a sequence of items. The enhanced for
loop makes it easy to apply the same processing to every element of a list or other data structure.
Data structures are a major topic in computer science, but we won't encounter them in any
serious way until Chapter 7. However, one of the applications of the enhanced for loop is to
enum types, and so we consider it briefly here. (Enums were introduced in Subsection 2.3.3.)
The enhanced for loop can be used to perform the same processing on each of the enum
constants that are the possible values of an enumerated type. The syntax for doing this is:
If MyEnum is the name of any enumerated type, then MyEnum.values() is a function call
that returns a list containing all of the values of the enum. (values() is a static member
function in MyEnum and of any other enum.) For this enumerated type, the for loop would
have the form:
The intent of this is to execute the statement once for each of the possible values of the MyEnum
type. The variable-name is the loop control variable. In the statement, it represents the
enumerated type value that is currently being processed. This variable should not be declared
before the for loop; it is essentially being declared in the loop itself.
To give a concrete example, suppose that the following enumerated type has been defined to
represent the days of the week:
Day.values() represents the list containing the seven constants that make up the enumerated
type. The first time through this loop, the value of d would be the first enumerated type value
Day.MONDAY, which has ordinal number 0, so the output would be "MONDAY is day
number 0". The second time through the loop, the value of d would be Day.TUESDAY, and so
on through Day.SUNDAY. The body of the loop is executed once for each item in the list
Day.values(), with d taking on each of those values in turn. The full output from this loop
would be:
Since the intent of the enhanced for loop is to do something "for each" item in a data structure, it
is often called a for-each loop. The syntax for this type of loop is unfortunate. It would be better
if it were written something like "foreach Day d in Day.values()", which conveys
the meaning much better and is similar to the syntax used in other programming languages for
similar types of loops. It's helpful to think of the colon (:) in the loop as meaning "in."
Section 3.5
The if Statement
THE FIRST OF THE TWO BRANCHING STATEMENTS in Java is the if statement, which
you have already seen in Section 3.1. It takes the form
if (boolean-expression)
As usual, the statements inside an if statements can be blocks. The if statement represents a
two-way branch. The else part of an if statement -- consisting of the word "else" and the
statement that follows it -- can be omitted.
Now, an if statement is, in particular, a statement. This means that either statement-1 or
statement-2 in the above if statement can itself be an if statement. A problem arises, however,
if statement-1 is an if statement that has no else part. This special case is effectively
forbidden by the syntax of Java. Suppose, for example, that you type
if ( x > 0 )
if (y > 0)
System.out.println("First case");
System.out.println("Second case");
Now, remember that the way you've indented this doesn't mean anything at all to the computer.
You might think that the else part is the second half of your "if (x > 0)" statement, but
the rule that the computer follows attaches the else to "if (y > 0)", which is closer. That
is, the computer reads your statement as if it were formatted:
if ( x > 0 )
if (y > 0)
System.out.println("First case");
System.out.println("Second case");
You can force the computer to use the other interpretation by enclosing the nested if in a block:
if ( x > 0 ) {
if (y > 0)
System.out.println("First case");
System.out.println("Second case");
These two if statements have different meanings: In the case when x <= 0, the first statement
doesn't print anything, but the second statement prints "Second case.".
Much more interesting than this technicality is the case where statement-2, the else part of the
if statement, is itself an if statement. The statement would look like this (perhaps without the
final else part):
if (boolean-expression-1)
if (boolean-expression-2)
However, since the computer doesn't care how a program is laid out on the page, this is almost
always written in the format:
if (boolean-expression-1)
else if (boolean-expression-2)
You should think of this as a single statement representing a three-way branch. When the
computer executes this, one and only one of the three statements -- statement-1, statement-2, or
statement-3 -- will be executed. The computer starts by evaluating boolean-expression-1. If it is
true, the computer executes statement-1 and then jumps all the way to the end of the outer if
statement, skipping the other two statements. If boolean-expression-1 is false, the computer
skips statement-1 and executes the second, nested if statement. To do this, it tests the value of
boolean-expression-2 and uses it to decide between statement-2 and statement-3.
Here is an example that will print out one of three different messages, depending on the value of
a variable named temperature:
If temperature is, say, 42, the first test is true. The computer prints out the message "It's
cold", and skips the rest -- without even evaluating the second condition. For a temperature of
75, the first test is false, so the computer goes on to the second test. This test is true, so the
computer prints "It's nice" and skips the rest. If the temperature is 173, both of the tests evaluate
to false, so the computer says "It's hot" (unless its circuits have been fried by the heat, that is).
You can go on stringing together "else-if's" to make multi-way branches with any number of
if (boolean-expression-1)
else if (boolean-expression-2)
else if (boolean-expression-3)
. // (more cases)
else if (boolean-expression-N)
The computer evaluates boolean expressions one after the other until it comes to one that is
true. It executes the associated statement and skips the rest. If none of the boolean expressions
evaluate to true, then the statement in the else part is executed. This statement is called a
multi-way branch because only one of the statements will be executed. The final else part can
be omitted. In that case, if all the boolean expressions are false, none of the statements is
executed. Of course, each of the statements can be a block, consisting of a number of statements
enclosed between { and }. (Admittedly, there is lot of syntax here; as you study and practice,
you'll become comfortable with it.)
As an example of using if statements, lets suppose that x, y, and z are variables of type int, and
that each variable has already been assigned a value. Consider the problem of printing out the
values of the three variables in increasing order. For examples, if the values are 42, 17, and 20,
then the output should be in the order 17, 20, 42.
One way to approach this is to ask, where does x belong in the list? It comes first if it's less than
both y and z. It comes last if it's greater than both y and z. Otherwise, it comes in the middle.
We can express this with a 3-way if statement, but we still have to worry about the order in
which y and z should be printed. In pseudocode,
if (x < y && x < z) {
output x, followed by y and z in their correct order
else if (x > y && x > z) {
output y and z in their correct order, followed by x
else {
output x in between y and z in their correct order
Determining the relative order of y and z requires another if statement, so this becomes
You might check that this code will work correctly even if some of the values are the same. If the
values of two variables are the same, it doesn't matter which order you print them in.
Note, by the way, that even though you can say in English "if x is less than y and z,", you can't
say in Java "if (x < y && z)". The && operator can only be used between boolean values,
so you have to make separate tests, x<y and x<z, and then combine the two tests with &&.
There is an alternative approach to this problem that begins by asking, "which order should x
and y be printed in?" Once that's known, you only have to decide where to stick in z. This line
of thought leads to different Java code:
Once again, we see how the same problem can be solved in many different ways. The two
approaches to this problem have not exhausted all the possibilities. For example, you might start
by testing whether x is greater than y. If so, you could swap their values. Once you've done that,
you know that x should be printed before y.
Finally, let's write a complete program that uses an if statement in an interesting way. I want a
program that will convert measurements of length from one unit of measurement to another, such
as miles to yards or inches to feet. So far, the problem is extremely under-specified. Let's say that
the program will only deal with measurements in inches, feet, yards, and miles. It would be easy
to extend it later to deal with other units. The user will type in a measurement in one of these
units, such as "17 feet" or "2.73 miles". The output will show the length in terms of each of the
four units of measure. (This is easier than asking the user which units to use in the output.) An
outline of the process is
The program can read both parts of the user's input from the same line by using
TextIO.getDouble() to read the numerical measurement and TextIO.getlnWord() to
read the unit of measure. The conversion into different units of measure can be simplified by first
converting the user's input into inches. From there, the number of inches can easily be converted
into feet, yards, and miles. Before converting into inches, we have to test the input to determine
which unit of measure the user has specified:
In my final program, I decided to make things more interesting by allowing the user to enter a
whole sequence of measurements. The program will end only when the user inputs 0. To do this,
I just have to wrap the above algorithm inside a while loop, and make sure that the loop ends
when the user inputs a 0. Here's the complete program, followed by an applet that simulates it:
* This program will convert measurements expressed in inches,
* feet, yards, or miles into each of the possible units of
* measure. The measurement is input by the user, followed by
* the unit of measure. For example: "17 feet", "1 inch",
* "2.73 mi". Abbreviations in, ft, yd, and mi are accepted.
* The program will continue to read and convert measurements
* until the user enters an input of 0.
while (true) {
/* Get the user's input, and convert units to lower case.
if (units.equals("inch") || units.equals("inches")
|| units.equals("in")) {
inches = measurement;
else if (units.equals("foot") || units.equals("feet")
|| units.equals("ft")) {
inches = measurement * 12;
else if (units.equals("yard") || units.equals("yards")
|| units.equals("yd")) {
inches = measurement * 36;
else if (units.equals("mile") || units.equals("miles")
|| units.equals("mi"))
inches = measurement * 12 * 5280;
else {
TextIO.putln("Sorry, but I don't understand \""
+ units +
continue; // back to start of while loop
TextIO.putln("That's equivalent to:");
TextIO.putf("%12.5g", inches);
TextIO.putln(" inches");
TextIO.putf("%12.5g", feet);
TextIO.putln(" feet");
TextIO.putf("%12.5g", yards);
TextIO.putln(" yards");
TextIO.putf("%12.5g", miles);
TextIO.putln(" miles");
} // end while
TextIO.putln("OK! Bye for now.");
} // end main()
(Note that this program uses formatted output with the "g" format specifier. In this program, we
have no control over how large or how small the numbers might be. It could easily make sense
for the user to enter very large or very small measurements. The "g" format will print a real
number in exponential form if it is very large or very small, and in the usual decimal form
otherwise. Remember that in the format specification %12.5g, the 5 is the total number of
significant digits that are to be printed, so we will always get the same number of significant
digits in the output, no matter what the size of the number. If we had used an "f" format specifier
such as %12.5f, the output would be in decimal form with 5 digits after the decimal point. This
would print the number 0.0000000007454 as 0.00000, with no significant digits at all! With
the "g" format specifier, the output would be 7.454e-10.)
As a final note in this section, I will mention one more type of statement in Java: the empty
statement. This is a statement that consists simply of a semicolon and which tells the computer to
do nothing. The existence of the empty statement makes the following legal, even though you
would not ordinarily see a semicolon after a } :
if (x < 0) {
x = -x;
The semicolon is legal after the }, but the computer considers it to be an empty statement, not
part of the if statement. Occasionally, you might find yourself using the empty statement when
what you mean is, in fact, "do nothing". For example, the rather contrived if statement
if ( done )
; // Empty statement
System.out.println( "Not done yet. );
does nothing when the boolean variable done is true, and prints out "Not done yet" when it is
false. You can't just leave out the semicolon in this example, since Java syntax requires an actual
statement between the if and the else. I prefer, though, to use an empty block, consisting
of { and } with nothing between, for such cases.
Occasionally, stray empty statements can cause annoying, hard-to-find errors in a program. For
example, the following program segment prints out "Hello" just once, not ten times:
Why? Because the ";" at the end of the first line is a statement, and it is this statement that is
executed ten times. The System.out.println statement is not really inside the for
statement at all, so it is executed just once, after the for loop has completed.
Section 3.6
A switch statement allows you to test the value of an expression and, depending on that value, to
jump directly to some location within the switch statement. Only expressions of certain types can
be used. The value of the expression can be one of the primitive integer types int, short, or byte.
It can be the primitive char type. Or, as we will see later in this section, it can be an enumuerated
type. In particular, the expression cannot be a String or a real number. The positions that you can
jump to are marked with case labels that take the form: "case constant:". This marks the position
the computer jumps to when the expression evaluates to the given constant. As the final case in
a switch statement you can, optionally, use the label "default:", which provides a default jump
point that is used when the value of the expression is not listed in any case label.
switch (expression) {
case constant-1:
case constant-2:
. // (more cases)
case constant-N:
default: // optional default case
} // end of switch statement
The break statements are technically optional. The effect of a break is to make the computer
jump to the end of the switch statement. If you leave out the break statement, the computer will
just forge ahead after completing one case and will execute the statements associated with the
next case label. This is rarely what you want, but it is legal. (I will note here -- although you
won't understand it until you get to the next chapter -- that inside a subroutine, the break
statement is sometimes replaced by a return statement.)
Note that you can leave out one of the groups of statements entirely (including the break). You
then have two case labels in a row, containing two different constants. This just means that the
computer will jump to the same place and perform the same action for each of the two constants.
Here is an example of a switch statement. This is not a useful example, but it should be easy for
you to follow. Note, by the way, that the constants in the case labels don't have to be in any
particular order, as long as they are all different:
The switch statement is pretty primitive as control structures go, and it's easy to make mistakes
when you use it. Java takes all its control structures directly from the older programming
languages C and C++. The switch statement is certainly one place where the designers of Java
should have introduced some improvements.
3.6.2 Menus and switch Statements
One application of switch statements is in processing menus. A menu is a list of options. The
user selects one of the options. The computer has to respond to each possible choice in a
different way. If the options are numbered 1, 2, ..., then the number of the chosen option can be
used in a switch statement to select the proper response.
In a TextIO-based program, the menu can be presented as a numbered list of options, and the
user can choose an option by typing in its number. Here is an example that could be used in a
variation of the LengthConverter example from the previous section:
switch ( optionNumber ) {
case 1:
TextIO.putln("Enter the number of inches: ");
measurement = TextIO.getlnDouble();
inches = measurement;
case 2:
TextIO.putln("Enter the number of feet: ");
measurement = TextIO.getlnDouble();
inches = measurement * 12;
case 3:
TextIO.putln("Enter the number of yards: ");
measurement = TextIO.getlnDouble();
inches = measurement * 36;
case 4:
TextIO.putln("Enter the number of miles: ");
measurement = TextIO.getlnDouble();
inches = measurement * 12 * 5280;
TextIO.putln("Error! Illegal option number! I quit!");
} // end switch
The type of the expression in a switch can be an enumerated type. In that case, the constants in
the case labels must be values from the enumerated type. For example, if the type of the
expression is the enumerated type Season defined by
then the constants in the case label must be chosen from among the values Season.SPRING,
Season.SUMMER, Season.FALL, or Season.WINTER. However, there is another quirk in
the syntax: when an enum constant is used in a case label, only the simple name, such as
"SPRING" can be used, not the full name "Season.SPRING". Of course, the computer already
knows that the value in the case label must belong to the enumerated type, since it can tell that
from the type of expression used, so there is really no need to specify the type name in the
constant. As an example, suppose that currentSeason is a variable of type Season. Then we
could have the switch statement:
switch ( currentSeason ) {
case WINTER: // ( NOT Season.WINTER ! )
System.out.println("December, January, February");
case SPRING:
System.out.println("March, April, May");
case SUMMER:
System.out.println("June, July, August");
case FALL:
System.out.println("September, October, November");
As a somewhat more realistic example, the following switch statement makes a random choice
among three possible alternatives. Recall that the value of the expression
(int)(3*Math.random()) is one of the integers 0, 1, or 2, selected at random with equal
probability, so the switch statement below will assign one of the values "Rock",
"Scissors", "Paper" to computerMove, with probability 1/3 for each case. Although the
switch statement in this example is correct, this code segment as a whole illustrates a subtle
syntax error that sometimes comes up:
String computerMove;
switch ( (int)(3*Math.random()) ) {
case 0:
computerMove = "Rock";
case 1:
computerMove = "Scissors";
case 2:
computerMove = "Paper";
System.out.println("Computer's move is " + computerMove); //
You probably haven't spotted the error, since it's not an error from a human point of view. The
computer reports the last line to be an error, because the variable computerMove might not
have been assigned a value. In Java, it is only legal to use the value of a variable if a value has
already been definitely assigned to that variable. This means that the computer must be able to
prove, just from looking at the code when the program is compiled, that the variable must have
been assigned a value. Unfortunately, the computer only has a few simple rules that it can apply
to make the determination. In this case, it sees a switch statement in which the type of
expression is int and in which the cases that are covered are 0, 1, and 2. For other values of the
expression, computerMove is never assigned a value. So, the computer thinks
computerMove might still be undefined after the switch statement. Now, in fact, this isn't
true: 0, 1, and 2 are actually the only possible values of the expression
(int)(3*Math.random()), but the computer isn't smart enough to figure that out. The
easiest way to fix the problem is to replace the case label case 2 with default. The
computer can see that a value is assigned to computerMove in all cases.
More generally, we say that a value has been definitely assigned to a variable at a given point in
a program if every execution path leading from the declaration of the variable to that point in the
code includes an assignment to the variable. This rule takes into account loops and if statements
as well as switch statements. For example, the following two if statements both do the same
thing as the switch statement given above, but only the one on the right definitely assigns a
value to computerMove:
Section 3.7
IN ADDITION TO THE CONTROL structures that determine the normal flow of control in a
program, Java has a way to deal with "exceptional" cases that throw the flow of control off its
normal track. When an error occurs during the execution of a program, the default behavior is to
terminate the program and to print an error message. However, Java makes it possible to "catch"
such errors and program a response different from simply letting the program crash. This is done
with the try..catch statement. In this section, we will take a preliminary, incomplete look at using
try..catch to handle errors. Error handling is a complex topic, which we will return to in
Chapter 8.
3.7.1 Exceptions
The term exception is used to refer to the type of error that one might want to handle with a
try..catch. An exception is an exception to the normal flow of control in the program. The
term is used in preference to "error" because in some cases, an exception might not be considered
to be an error at all. You can sometimes think of an exception as just another way to organize a
Exceptions in Java are represented as objects of type Exception. Actual exceptions are defined by
subclasses of Exception. Different subclasses represent different types of exceptions We will
look at only two types of exception in this section: NumberFormatException and
3.7.2 try..catch
When an exception occurs, we say that the exception is "thrown". For example, we say that
Integer.parseInt(str) throws an exception of type NumberFormatException when the
value of str is illegal. When an exception is thrown, it is possible to "catch" the exception and
prevent it from crashing the program. This is done with a try..catch statement. In somewhat
simplified form, the syntax for a try..catch is:
try {
catch ( exception-class-name variable-name ) {
As an example, suppose that str is a variable of type String whose value might or might not
represent a legal real number. Then we could say:
try {
double x;
x = Double.parseDouble(str);
System.out.println( "The number is " + x );
catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
System.out.println( "Not a legal number." );
It's not always a good idea to catch exceptions and continue with the program. Often that can just
lead to an even bigger mess later on, and it might be better just to let the exception crash the
program at the point where it occurs. However, sometimes it's possible to recover from an error.
For example, suppose that we have the enumerated type
and we want the user to input a value belonging to this type. TextIO does not know about this
type, so we can only read the user's response as a string. The function Day.valueOf can be
used to convert the user's response to a value of type Day. This will throw an exception of type
IllegalArgumentException if the user's response is not the name of one of the values of type Day,
but we can respond to the error easily enough by asking the user to enter another response. Here
is a code segment that does this. (Converting the user's response to upper case will allow
responses such as "Monday" or "monday" in addition to "MONDAY".)
When TextIO reads a numeric value from the user, it makes sure that the user's response is
legal, using a technique similar to the while loop and try..catch in the previous example.
However, TextIO can read data from other sources besides the user. (See Subsection 2.4.5.)
When it is reading from a file, there is no reasonable way for TextIO to recover from an illegal
value in the input, so it responds by throwing an exception. To keep things simple, TextIO only
throws exceptions of type IllegalArgumentException, no matter what type of error it encounters.
For example, an exception will occur if an attempt is made to read from a file after all the data in
the file has already been read. In TextIO, the exception is of type IllegalArgumentException. If
you have a better response to file errors than to let the program crash, you can use a
try..catch to catch exceptions of type IllegalArgumentException.
For example, suppose that a file contains nothing but real numbers, and we want a program that
will read the numbers and find their sum and their average. Since it is unknown how many
numbers are in the file, there is the question of when to stop reading. One approach is simply to
try to keep reading indefinitely. When the end of the file is reached, an exception occurs. This
exception is not really an error -- it's just a way of detecting the end of the data, so we can catch
the exception and finish up the program. We can read the data in a while (true) loop and
break out of the loop when an exception occurs. This is an example of the somewhat unusual
technique of using an exception as part of the expected flow of control in a program.
To read from the file, we need to know the file's name. To make the program more general, we
can let the user enter the file name, instead of hard-coding a fixed file name in the program.
However, it is possible that the user will enter the name of a file that does not exist. When we use
TextIO.readfile to open a file that does not exist, an exception of type
IllegalArgumentException occurs. We can catch this exception and ask the user to enter a
different file name. Here is a complete program that uses all these ideas:
* This program reads numbers from a file. It computes the sum and
* the average of the numbers that it reads. The file should
* nothing but numbers of type double; if this is not the case, the
* output will be the sum and average of however many numbers were
* successfully read from the file. The name of the file will be
* input by the user.
sum = 0;
count = 0;
try {
while (true) { // Loop ends when an exception occurs.
number = TextIO.getDouble();
count++; // This is skipped when the exception occurs
sum += number;
catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// We expect this to occur when the end-of-file is
// We don't consider this to be an error, so there is
nothing to do
// in this catch clause. Just proceed with the rest of
the program.
TextIO.putln("Number of data values read: " + count);
TextIO.putln("The sum of the data values: " + sum);
if ( count == 0 )
TextIO.putln("Can't compute an average of 0 values.");
TextIO.putln("The average of the values: " +
Section 3.8
FOR THE PAST TWO CHAPTERS, you've been learning the sort of programming that is done
inside a single subroutine. In the rest of the text, we'll be more concerned with the larger scale
structure of programs, but the material that you've already learned will be an important
foundation for everything to come.
An applet is a Java program that runs on a Web page. An applet is not a stand-alone application,
and it does not have a main() routine. In fact, an applet is an object rather than a class. When
Java first appeared on the scene, applets were one of its major appeals. Since then, they have
become less important, although they can still be very useful. When we study GUI programming
in Chapter 6, we will concentrate on stand-alone GUI programs rather than on applets, but
applets are a good place to start for our first look at the subject.
When an applet is placed on a Web page, it is assigned a rectangular area on the page. It is the
job of the applet to draw the contents of that rectangle. When the region needs to be drawn, the
Web page calls a subroutine in the applet to do so. This is not so different from what happens
with stand-alone programs. When such a program needs to be run, the system calls the main()
routine of the program. Similarly, when an applet needs to be drawn, the Web page calls the
paint() routine of the applet. The programmer specifies what happens when these routines are
called by filling in the bodies of the routines. Programming in the small! Applets can do other
things besides draw themselves, such as responding when the user clicks the mouse on the
applet. Each of the applet's behaviors is defined by a subroutine. The programmer specifies how
the applet behaves by filling in the bodies of the appropriate subroutines.
A very simple applet, which does nothing but draw itself, can be defined by a class that contains
nothing but a paint() routine. The source code for the class would then have the form:
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
where name-of-applet is an identifier that names the class, and the statements are the code that
actually draws the applet. This looks similar to the definition of a stand-alone program, but there
are a few things here that need to be explained, starting with the first two lines.
When you write a program, there are certain built-in classes that are available for you to use.
These built-in classes include System and Math. If you want to use one of these classes, you don't
have to do anything special. You just go ahead and use it. But Java also has a large number of
standard classes that are there if you want them but that are not automatically available to your
program. (There are just too many of them.) If you want to use these classes in your program,
you have to ask for them first. The standard classes are grouped into so-called "packages." Two
of these packages are called "java.awt" and "java.applet". The directive "import java.awt.*;"
makes all the classes from the package java.awt available for use in your program. The java.awt
package contains classes related to graphical user interface programming, including a class
called Graphics. The Graphics class is referred to in the paint() routine above. The
java.applet package contains classes specifically related to applets, including the class named
The first line of the class definition above says that the class "extends Applet." Applet is a
standard class that is defined in the java.applet package. It defines all the basic properties and
behaviors of applet objects. By extending the Applet class, the new class we are defining
inherits all those properties and behaviors. We only have to define the ways in which our class
differs from the basic Applet class. In our case, the only difference is that our applet will draw
itself differently, so we only have to define the paint() routine that does the drawing. This is
one of the main advantages of object-oriented programming.
(Actually, in the future, our applets will be defined to extend JApplet rather than Applet.
The JApplet class is itself an extension of Applet. The Applet class has existed since the
original version of Java, while JApplet is part of the newer "Swing" set of graphical user
interface components. For the moment, the distinction is not important.)
One more thing needs to be mentioned -- and this is a point where Java's syntax gets
unfortunately confusing. Applets are objects, not classes. Instead of being static members of a
class, the subroutines that define the applet's behavior are part of the applet object. We say that
they are "non-static" subroutines. Of course, objects are related to classes because every object is
described by a class. Now here is the part that can get confusing: Even though a non-static
subroutine is not actually part of a class (in the sense of being part of the behavior of the class), it
is nevertheless defined in a class (in the sense that the Java code that defines the subroutine is
part of the Java code that defines the class). Many objects can be described by the same class.
Each object has its own non-static subroutine. But the common definition of those subroutines --
the actual Java source code -- is physically part of the class that describes all the objects. To put
it briefly: static subroutines in a class definition say what the class does; non-static subroutines
say what all the objects described by the class do. An applet's paint() routine is an example of
a non-static subroutine. A stand-alone program's main() routine is an example of a static
subroutine. The distinction doesn't really matter too much at this point: When working with
stand-alone programs, mark everything with the reserved word, "static"; leave it out when
working with applets. However, the distinction between static and non-static will become more
important later in the course.
Let's write an applet that draws something. In order to write an applet that draws something, you
need to know what subroutines are available for drawing, just as in writing text-oriented
programs you need to know what subroutines are available for reading and writing text. In Java,
the built-in drawing subroutines are found in objects of the class Graphics, one of the classes
in the java.awt package. In an applet's paint() routine, you can use the Graphics object g
for drawing. (This object is provided as a parameter to the paint() routine when that routine is
called.) Graphics objects contain many subroutines. I'll mention just three of them here. You'll
encounter more of them in Chapter 6.
g.setColor(c), is called to set the color that is used for drawing. The parameter, c is an
object belonging to a class named Color, another one of the classes in the java.awt package.
About a dozen standard colors are available as static member variables in the Color class.
These standard colors include Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, Color.RED, Color.GREEN,
and Color.BLUE. For example, if you want to draw in red, you would say
"g.setColor(Color.RED);". The specified color is used for all subsequent drawing
operations up until the next time setColor is called.
g.drawRect(x,y,w,h) draws the outline of a rectangle. The parameters x, y, w, and h
must be integer-valued expressions. This subroutine draws the outline of the rectangle whose
top-left corner is x pixels from the left edge of the applet and y pixels down from the top of the
applet. The width of the rectangle is w pixels, and the height is h pixels.
g.fillRect(x,y,w,h) is similar to drawRect except that it fills in the inside of the
rectangle instead of just drawing an outline.
The applet first fills its entire rectangular area with red. Then it changes the drawing color to
black and draws a sequence of rectangles, where each rectangle is nested inside the previous one.
The rectangles can be drawn with a while loop. Each time through the loop, the rectangle gets
smaller and it moves down and over a bit. We'll need variables to hold the width and height of
the rectangle and a variable to record how far the top-left corner of the rectangle is inset from the
edges of the applet. The while loop ends when the rectangle shrinks to nothing. In general
outline, the algorithm for drawing the applet is
It is not hard to code this algorithm into Java and use it to define the paint() method of an
applet. I've assumed that the applet has a height of 160 pixels and a width of 300 pixels. The size
is actually set in the source code of the Web page where the applet appears. In order for an applet
to appear on a page, the source code for the page must include a command that specifies which
applet to run and how big it should be. (We'll see how to do that later.) It's not a great idea to
assume that we know how big the applet is going to be. On the other hand, it's also not a great
idea to write an applet that does nothing but draw a static picture. I'll address both these issues
before the end of this section. But for now, here is the source code for the applet:
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
g.fillRect(0,0,300,160); // Fill the entire applet with red.
inset = 0;
} // end paint()
} // end class StaticRects
(You might wonder why the initial rectWidth is set to 299, instead of to 300, since the width
of the applet is 300 pixels. It's because rectangles are drawn as if with a pen whose nib hangs
below and to the right of the point where the pen is placed. If you run the pen exactly along the
right edge of the applet, the line it draws is actually outside the applet and therefore is not seen.
So instead, we run the pen along a line one pixel to the left of the edge of the applet. The same
reasoning applies to rectHeight. Careful graphics programming demands attention to details
like these.)
When you write an applet, you get to build on the work of the people who wrote the Applet
class. The Applet class provides a framework on which you can hang your own work. Any
programmer can create additional frameworks that can be used by other programmers as a basis
for writing specific types of applets or stand-alone programs. I've written a small framework that
makes it possible to write applets that display simple animations. An example is given by the
applet at the bottom of this page, which is an animated version of the nested rectangles applet
from earlier in this section.
A computer animation is really just a sequence of still images. The computer displays the images
one after the other. Each image differs a bit from the preceding image in the sequence. If the
differences are not too big and if the sequence is displayed quickly enough, the eye is tricked into
perceiving continuous motion.
In the example, rectangles shrink continually towards the center of the applet, while new
rectangles appear at the edge. The perpetual motion is, of course, an illusion. If you think about
it, you'll see that the applet loops through the same set of images over and over. In each image,
there is a gap between the borders of the applet and the outermost rectangle. This gap gets wider
and wider until a new rectangle appears at the border. Only it's not a new rectangle. What has
really happened is that the applet has started over again with the first image in the sequence.
The problem of creating an animation is really just the problem of drawing each of the still
images that make up the animation. Each still image is called a frame. In my framework for
animation, which is based on a non-standard class called SimpleAnimationApplet2, all
you have to do is fill in the code that says how to draw one frame. The basic format is as follows:
import java.awt.*;
The "import java.awt.*;" is required to get access to graphics-related classes such as
Graphics and Color. You get to fill in any name you want for the class, and you get to fill in
the statements inside the subroutine. The drawFrame() subroutine will be called by the
system each time a frame needs to be drawn. All you have to do is say what happens when this
subroutine is called. Of course, you have to draw a different picture for each frame, and to do
that you need to know which frame you are drawing. The class SimpleAnimationApplet2
provides a function named getFrameNumber() that you can call to find out which frame to
draw. This function returns an integer value that represents the frame number. If the value
returned is 0, you are supposed to draw the first frame; if the value is 1, you are supposed to
draw the second frame, and so on.
In the sample applet, the thing that differs from one frame to another is the distance between the
edges of the applet and the outermost rectangle. Since the rectangles are 15 pixels apart, this
distance increases from 0 to 14 and then jumps back to 0 when a "new" rectangle appears. The
appropriate value can be computed very simply from the frame number, with the statement
"inset = getFrameNumber() % 15;". The value of the expression
getFrameNumber() % 15 is between 0 and 14. When the frame number reaches 15 or any
multiple of 15, the value of getFrameNumber() % 15 jumps back to 0.
Drawing one frame in the sample animated applet is very similar to drawing the single image of
the StaticRects applet, as given above. The paint() method in the StaticRects
applet becomes, with only minor modification, the drawFrame() method of my
MovingRects animation applet. I've chosen to make one improvement: The StaticRects
applet assumes that the applet is 300 by 160 pixels. The MovingRects applet will work for
any applet size. To implement this, the drawFrame() routine has to know how big the applet
is. There are two functions that can be called to get this information. The function getWidth()
returns an integer value representing the width of the applet, and the function getHeight()
returns the height. The width and height, together with the frame number, are used to compute
the size of the first rectangle that is drawn. Here is the complete source code:
import java.awt.*;
} // end drawFrame()
Section 4.2
EVERY SUBROUTINE IN JAVA must be defined inside some class. This makes Java rather
unusual among programming languages, since most languages allow free-floating, independent
subroutines. One purpose of a class is to group together related subroutines and variables.
Perhaps the designers of Java felt that everything must be related to something. As a less
philosophical motivation, Java's designers wanted to place firm controls on the ways things are
named, since a Java program potentially has access to a huge number of subroutines created by
many different programmers. The fact that those subroutines are grouped into named classes
(and classes are grouped into named "packages") helps control the confusion that might result
from so many different names.
A subroutine that is a member of a class is often called a method, and "method" is the term that
most people prefer for subroutines in Java. I will start using the term "method" occasionally;
however, I will continue to prefer the more general term "subroutine" for static subroutines. I
will use the term "method" most often to refer to non-static subroutines, which belong to objects
rather than to classes. This chapter will deal with static subroutines almost exclusively. We'll
turn to non-static methods and object-oriented programming in the next chapter.
It will take us a while -- most of the chapter -- to get through what all this means in detail. Of
course, you've already seen examples of subroutines in previous chapters, such as the main()
routine of a program and the paint() routine of an applet. So you are familiar with the general
The statements between the braces, { and }, in a subroutine definition make up the body of the
subroutine. These statements are the inside, or implementation part, of the "black box", as
discussed in the previous section. They are the instructions that the computer executes when the
method is called. Subroutines can contain any of the statements discussed in Chapter 2 and
Chapter 3.
The modifiers that can occur at the beginning of a subroutine definition are words that set
certain characteristics of the subroutine, such as whether it is static or not. The modifiers that
you've seen so far are "static" and "public". There are only about a half-dozen possible
modifiers altogether.
If the subroutine is a function, whose job is to compute some value, then the return-type is used
to specify the type of value that is returned by the function. We'll be looking at functions and
return types in some detail in Section 4.4. If the subroutine is not a function, then the return-
type is replaced by the special value void, which indicates that no value is returned. The term
"void" is meant to indicate that the return value is empty or non-existent.
Finally, we come to the parameter-list of the method. Parameters are part of the interface of a
subroutine. They represent information that is passed into the subroutine from outside, to be used
by the subroutine's internal computations. For a concrete example, imagine a class named
Television that includes a method named changeChannel(). The immediate question is:
What channel should it change to? A parameter can be used to answer this question. Since the
channel number is an integer, the type of the parameter would be int, and the declaration of the
changeChannel() method might look like
The parameter list in a subroutine can be empty, or it can consist of one or more parameter
declarations of the form type parameter-name. If there are several declarations, they are
separated by commas. Note that each declaration can name only one parameter. For example, if
you want two parameters of type double, you have to say "double x, double y", rather
than "double x, y".
Here are a few examples of subroutine definitions, leaving out the statements that define what
the subroutines do:
int getNextN(int N) {
// There are no modifiers; "int" in the return-type
// "getNextN" is the subroutine-name; the parameter-list
// includes one parameter whose name is "N" and whose
// type is "int".
. . . // Statements that define what getNextN does go here.
In the second example given here, getNextN is a non-static method, since its definition does
not include the modifier "static" -- and so it's not an example that we should be looking at in
this chapter! The other modifier shown in the examples is "public". This modifier indicates
that the method can be called from anywhere in a program, even from outside the class where the
method is defined. There is another modifier, "private", which indicates that the method can
be called only from inside the same class. The modifiers public and private are called
access specifiers. If no access specifier is given for a method, then by default, that method can be
called from anywhere in the "package" that contains the class, but not from outside that package.
(Packages were introduced in Subsection 2.6.4, and you'll learn more about them later in this
chapter, in Section 4.5.) There is one other access modifier, protected, which will only
become relevant when we turn to object-oriented programming in Chapter 5.
Note, by the way, that the main() routine of a program follows the usual syntax rules for a
subroutine. In
the modifiers are public and static, the return type is void, the subroutine name is main,
and the parameter list is "String[] args". The only question might be about "String[]",
which has to be a type if it is to match the syntax of a parameter list. In fact, String[]
represents a so-called "array type", so the syntax is valid. We will cover arrays in Chapter 7.
(The parameter, args, represents information provided to the program when the main()
routine is called by the system. In case you know the term, the information consists of any
"command-line arguments" specified in the command that the user typed to run the program.)
You've already had some experience with filling in the implementation of a subroutine. In this
chapter, you'll learn all about writing your own complete subroutine definitions, including the
interface part.
When you define a subroutine, all you are doing is telling the computer that the subroutine exists
and what it does. The subroutine doesn't actually get executed until it is called. (This is true even
for the main() routine in a class -- even though you don't call it, it is called by the system when
the system runs your program.) For example, the playGame() method given as an example
above could be called using the following subroutine call statement:
This statement could occur anywhere in the same class that includes the definition of
playGame(), whether in a main() method or in some other subroutine. Since playGame()
is a public method, it can also be called from other classes, but in that case, you have to tell
the computer which class it comes from. Since playGame() is a static method, its full
name includes the name of the class in which it is defined. Let's say, for example, that
playGame() is defined in a class named Poker. Then to call playGame() from outside the
Poker class, you would have to say
The use of the class name here tells the computer which class to look in to find the method. It
also lets you distinguish between Poker.playGame() and other potential playGame()
methods defined in other classes, such as Roulette.playGame() or
More generally, a subroutine call statement for a static subroutine takes the form
if the subroutine is defined elsewhere, in a different class. (Non-static methods belong to objects
rather than classes, and they are called using object names instead of class names. More on that
later.) Note that the parameter list can be empty, as in the playGame() example, but the
parentheses must be there even if there is nothing between them.
It's time to give an example of what a complete program looks like, when it includes other
subroutines in addition to the main() routine. Let's write a program that plays a guessing game
with the user. The computer will choose a random number between 1 and 100, and the user will
try to guess it. The computer tells the user whether the guess is high or low or correct. If the user
gets the number after six guesses or fewer, the user wins the game. After each game, the user has
the option of continuing with another game.
Since playing one game can be thought of as a single, coherent task, it makes sense to write a
subroutine that will play one guessing game with the user. The main() routine will use a loop
to call the playGame() subroutine over and over, as many times as the user wants to play. We
approach the problem of designing the playGame() subroutine the same way we write a
main() routine: Start with an outline of the algorithm and apply stepwise refinement. Here is a
short pseudocode algorithm for a guessing game program:
The test for whether the game is over is complicated, since the game ends if either the user
makes a correct guess or the number of guesses is six. As in many cases, the easiest thing to do is
to use a "while (true)" loop and use break to end the loop whenever we find a reason to
do so. Also, if we are going to end the game after six guesses, we'll have to keep track of the
number of guesses that the user has made. Filling out the algorithm gives:
Let computersNumber be a random number between 1 and 100
Let guessCount = 0
while (true):
Get the user's guess
Count the guess by adding 1 to guess count
if the user's guess equals computersNumber:
Tell the user he won
break out of the loop
if the number of guesses is 6:
Tell the user he lost
break out of the loop
if the user's guess is less than computersNumber:
Tell the user the guess was low
else if the user's guess is higher than computersNumber:
Tell the user the guess was high
With variable declarations added and translated into Java, this becomes the definition of the
playGame() routine. A random integer between 1 and 100 can be computed as
(int)(100 * Math.random()) + 1. I've cleaned up the interaction with the user to
make it flow better.
It's pretty easy to write the main routine. You've done things like this before. Here's what the
complete program looks like (except that a serious program needs more comments than I've
included here).
Take some time to read the program carefully and figure out how it works. And try to convince
yourself that even in this relatively simple case, breaking up the program into two methods
makes the program easier to understand and probably made it easier to write each piece.
A class can include other things besides subroutines. In particular, it can also include variable
declarations. Of course, you can declare variables inside subroutines. Those are called local
variables. However, you can also have variables that are not part of any subroutine. To
distinguish such variables from local variables, we call them member variables, since they are
members of a class.
Just as with subroutines, member variables can be either static or non-static. In this chapter, we'll
stick to static variables. A static member variable belongs to the class itself, and it exists as long
as the class exists. Memory is allocated for the variable when the class is first loaded by the Java
interpreter. Any assignment statement that assigns a value to the variable changes the content of
that memory, no matter where that assignment statement is located in the program. Any time the
variable is used in an expression, the value is fetched from that same memory, no matter where
the expression is located in the program. This means that the value of a static member variable
can be set in one subroutine and used in another subroutine. Static member variables are "shared"
by all the static subroutines in the class. A local variable in a subroutine, on the other hand, exists
only while that subroutine is being executed, and is completely inaccessible from outside that
one subroutine.
The declaration of a member variable looks just like the declaration of a local variable except for
two things: The member variable is declared outside any subroutine (although it still has to be
inside a class), and the declaration can be marked with modifiers such as static, public, and
private. Since we are only working with static member variables for now, every declaration
of a member variable in this chapter will include the modifier static. They might also be
marked as public or private. For example:
static String usersName;
public static int numberOfPlayers;
private static double velocity, time;
A static member variable that is not declared to be private can be accessed from outside the
class where it is defined, as well as inside. When it is used in some other class, it must be
referred to with a compound identifier of the form class-name.variable-name. For example, the
System class contains the public static member variable named out, and you use this variable in
your own classes by referring to System.out. If numberOfPlayers is a public static
member variable in a class named Poker, then subroutines in the Poker class would refer to it
simply as numberOfPlayers, while subroutines in another class would refer to it as
As an example, let's add a static member variable to the GuessingGame class that we wrote
earlier in this section. This variable will be used to keep track of how many games the user wins.
We'll call the variable gamesWon and declare it with the statement
"static int gamesWon;". In the playGame() routine, we add 1 to gamesWon if the
user wins the game. At the end of the main() routine, we print out the value of gamesWon. It
would be impossible to do the same thing with a local variable, since we need access to the same
variable from both subroutines.
When you declare a local variable in a subroutine, you have to assign a value to that variable
before you can do anything with it. Member variables, on the other hand are automatically
initialized with a default value. For numeric variables, the default value is zero. For boolean
variables, the default is false. And for char variables, it's the unprintable character that has
Unicode code number zero. (For objects, such as Strings, the default initial value is a special
value called null, which we won't encounter officially until later.)
Since it is of type int, the static member variable gamesWon automatically gets assigned an
initial value of zero. This happens to be the correct initial value for a variable that is being used
as a counter. You can, of course, assign a different value to the variable at the beginning of the
main() routine if you are not satisfied with the default initial value.
Here's a revised version of that includes the gamesWon variable. The
changes from the above version are shown in red:
As an analogy, consider a thermostat -- a black box whose task it is to keep your house at a
certain temperature. The thermostat has a parameter, namely the dial that is used to set the
desired temperature. The thermostat always performs the same task: maintaining a constant
temperature. However, the exact task that it performs -- that is, which temperature it maintains --
is customized by the setting on its dial.
As an example, let's go back to the "3N+1" problem that was discussed in Subsection 3.2.2.
(Recall that a 3N+1 sequence is computed according to the rule, "if N is odd, multiply by 3 and
add 1; if N is even, divide by 2; continue until N is equal to 1." For example, starting from N=3
we get the sequence: 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.) Suppose that we want to write a subroutine to print
out such sequences. The subroutine will always perform the same task: Print out a 3N+1
sequence. But the exact sequence it prints out depends on the starting value of N. So, the starting
value of N would be a parameter to the subroutine. The subroutine could be written like this:
* This subroutine prints a 3N+1 sequence to standard output, using
* startingValue as the initial value of N. It also prints the
* of terms in the sequence. The value of the parameter,
* must be a positive integer.
while (N > 1) {
if (N % 2 == 1) // is N odd?
N = 3 * N + 1;
N = N / 2;
count++; // count this term
System.out.println(N); // print this term
System.out.println("There were " + count + " terms in the
} // end print3NSequence
The parameter list of this subroutine, "(int startingValue)", specifies that the subroutine
has one parameter, of type int. Within the body of the subroutine, the parameter name can be
used in the same way as a variable name. However, the parameter gets its initial value from
outside the subroutine. When the subroutine is called, a value must be provided for this
parameter in the subroutine call statement. This value will be assigned to the parameter,
startingValue, before the body of the subroutine is executed. For example, the subroutine
could be called using the subroutine call statement "print3NSequence(17);". When the
computer executes this statement, the computer assigns the value 17 to startingValue and
then executes the statements in the subroutine. This prints the 3N+1 sequence starting from 17. If
K is a variable of type int, then when the computer executes the subroutine call statement
"print3NSequence(K);", it will take the value of the variable K, assign that value to
startingValue, and execute the body of the subroutine.
The class that contains print3NSequence can contain a main() routine (or other
subroutines) that call print3NSequence. For example, here is a main() program that prints
out 3N+1 sequences for various starting values specified by the user:
Note that the term "parameter" is used to refer to two different, but related, concepts. There are
parameters that are used in the definitions of subroutines, such as startingValue in the
above example. And there are parameters that are used in subroutine call statements, such as the
K in the statement "print3NSequence(K);". Parameters in a subroutine definition are
called formal parameters or dummy parameters. The parameters that are passed to a subroutine
when it is called are called actual parameters or arguments. When a subroutine is called, the
actual parameters in the subroutine call statement are evaluated and the values are assigned to the
formal parameters in the subroutine's definition. Then the body of the subroutine is executed.
A formal parameter must be a name, that is, a simple identifier. A formal parameter is very
much like a variable, and -- like a variable -- it has a specified type such as int, boolean, or
String. An actual parameter is a value, and so it can be specified by any expression, provided
that the expression computes a value of the correct type. The type of the actual parameter must
be one that could legally be assigned to the formal parameter with an assignment statement. For
example, if the formal parameter is of type double, then it would be legal to pass an int as the
actual parameter since ints can legally be assigned to doubles. When you call a subroutine, you
must provide one actual parameter for each formal parameter in the subroutine's definition.
Consider, for example, a subroutine
When the computer executes this statement, it has essentially the same effect as the block of
int N; // Allocate memory locations for the formal
double x;
boolean test;
N = 17; // Assign 17 to the first formal parameter,
x = Math.sqrt(z+1); // Compute Math.sqrt(z+1), and assign it to
// the second formal parameter, x.
test = (z >= 10); // Evaluate "z >= 10" and assign the
// true/false value to the third formal
// parameter, test.
// statements to perform the task go here
4.3.3 Overloading
In order to call a subroutine legally, you need to know its name, you need to know how many
formal parameters it has, and you need to know the type of each parameter. This information is
called the subroutine's signature. The signature of the subroutine doTask, used as an example
above, can be expressed as as: doTask(int,double,boolean). Note that the signature
does not include the names of the parameters; in fact, if you just want to use the subroutine, you
don't even need to know what the formal parameter names are, so the names are not part of the
Java is somewhat unusual in that it allows two different subroutines in the same class to have the
same name, provided that their signatures are different. (The language C++ on which Java is
based also has this feature.) When this happens, we say that the name of the subroutine is
overloaded because it has several different meanings. The computer doesn't get the subroutines
mixed up. It can tell which one you want to call by the number and types of the actual parameters
that you provide in the subroutine call statement. You have already seen overloading used in the
TextIO class. This class includes many different methods named putln, for example. These
methods all have different signatures, such as:
putln(int) putln(double)
putln(String) putln(char)
putln(boolean) putln()
The computer knows which of these subroutines you want to use based on the type of the actual
parameter that you provide. TextIO.putln(17) calls the subroutine with signature
putln(int), while TextIO.putln("Hello") calls the subroutine with signature
putln(String). Of course all these different subroutines are semantically related, which is
why it is acceptable programming style to use the same name for them all. But as far as the
computer is concerned, printing out an int is very different from printing out a String, which is
different from printing out a boolean, and so forth -- so that each of these operations requires a
different method.
Note, by the way, that the signature does not include the subroutine's return type. It is illegal to
have two subroutines in the same class that have the same signature but that have different return
types. For example, it would be a syntax error for a class to contain two methods defined as:
So it should be no surprise that in the TextIO class, the methods for reading different types are
not all named getln(). In a given class, there can only be one routine that has the name
getln and has no parameters. So, the input routines in TextIO are distinguished by having
different names, such as getlnInt() and getlnDouble().
Java 5.0 introduced another complication: It is possible to have a single subroutine that takes a
variable number of actual parameters. You have already used subroutines that do this -- the
formatted output routines System.out.printf and TextIO.putf. When you call these
subroutines, the number of parameters in the subroutine call can be arbitrarily large, so it would
be impossible to have different subroutines to handle each case. Unfortunately, writing the
definition of such a subroutine requires some knowledge of arrays, which will not be covered
until Chapter 7. When we get to that chapter, you'll learn how to write subroutines with a
variable number of parameters. For now, we will ignore this complication.
Let's do a few examples of writing small subroutines to perform assigned tasks. Of course, this is
only one side of programming with subroutines. The task performed by a subroutine is always a
subtask in a larger program. The art of designing those programs -- of deciding how to break
them up into subtasks -- is the other side of programming with subroutines. We'll return to the
question of program design in Section 4.6.
As a first example, let's write a subroutine to compute and print out all the divisors of a given
positive integer. The integer will be a parameter to the subroutine. Remember that the syntax of
any subroutine is:
Writing a subroutine always means filling out this format. In this case, the statement of the
problem tells us that there is one parameter, of type int, and it tells us what the statements in the
body of the subroutine should do. Since we are only working with static subroutines for now,
we'll need to use static as a modifier. We could add an access modifier (public or
private), but in the absence of any instructions, I'll leave it out. Since we are not told to return
a value, the return type is void. Since no names are specified, we'll have to make up names for
the formal parameter and for the subroutine itself. I'll use N for the parameter and
printDivisors for the subroutine name. The subroutine will look like
and all we have left to do is to write the statements that make up the body of the routine. This is
not difficult. Just remember that you have to write the body assuming that N already has a value!
The algorithm is: "For each possible divisor D in the range from 1 to N, if D evenly divides N,
then print D." Written in Java, this becomes:
* Print all the divisors of N.
* We assume that N is a positive integer.
I've added a comment before the subroutine definition indicating the contract of the subroutine --
that is, what it does and what assumptions it makes. The contract includes the assumption that N
is a positive integer. It is up to the caller of the subroutine to make sure that this assumption is
As a second short example, consider the problem: Write a subroutine named printRow. It
should have a parameter ch of type char and a parameter N of type int. The subroutine should
print out a line of text containing N copies of the character ch.
Here, we are told the name of the subroutine and the names of the two parameters, so we don't
have much choice about the first line of the subroutine definition. The task in this case is pretty
simple, so the body of the subroutine is easy to write. The complete subroutine is given by
* Write one line of output containing N copies of the
* character ch. If N <= 0, an empty line is output.
Note that in this case, the contract makes no assumption about N, but it makes it clear what will
happen in all cases, including the unexpected case that N < 0.
Finally, let's do an example that shows how one subroutine can build on another. Let's write a
subroutine that takes a String as a parameter. For each character in the string, it will print a line
of output containing 25 copies of that character. It should use the printRow() subroutine to
produce the output.
Again, we get to choose a name for the subroutine and a name for the parameter. I'll call the
subroutine printRowsFromString and the parameter str. The algorithm is pretty clear:
For each position i in the string str, call printRow(str.charAt(i),25) to print one
line of the output. So, we get:
* For each character in str, write a line of output
* containing 25 copies of that character.
I have been talking about the "contract" of a subroutine. The contract says what the subroutine
will do, provided that the caller of the subroutine provides acceptable values for subroutine's
parameters. The question arises, though, what should the subroutine do when the caller violates
the contract by providing bad parameter values?
We've already seen that some subroutines respond to bad parameter values by throwing
exceptions. (See Section 3.7.) For example, the contract of the built-in subroutine
Double.parseDouble says that the parameter should be a string representation of a number
of type double; if this is true, then the subroutine will convert the string into the equivalent
numeric value. If the caller violates the contract by passing an invalid string as the actual
parameter, the subroutine responds by throwing an exception of type NumberFormatException.
where error-message is a string that describes the error that has been detected. (The word "new"
in this statement is what creates the object.) To use this statement in a subroutine, you would
check whether the values of the parameters are legal. If not, you would throw the exception. For
example, consider the print3NSequence subroutine from the beginning of this section. The
parameter of print3NSequence is supposed to be a positive integer. We can modify the
subroutine definition to make it throw an exception when this condition is violated:
If the start value is bad, the computer executes the throw statement. This will immediately
terminate the subroutine, without executing the rest of the body of the subroutine. Furthermore,
the program as a whole will crash unless the exception is "caught" and handled elsewhere in the
program by a try..catch statement, as discussed in Section 3.7.
4.3.6 Global and Local Variables
I'll finish this section on parameters by noting that we now have three different sorts of variables
that can be used inside a subroutine: local variables declared in the subroutine, formal parameter
names, and static member variables that are declared outside the subroutine but inside the same
class as the subroutine.
Local variables have no connection to the outside world; they are purely part of the internal
working of the subroutine. Parameters are used to "drop" values into the subroutine when it is
called, but once the subroutine starts executing, parameters act much like local variables.
Changes made inside a subroutine to a formal parameter have no effect on the rest of the
program (at least if the type of the parameter is one of the primitive types -- things are more
complicated in the case of objects, as we'll see later).
Things are different when a subroutine uses a variable that is defined outside the subroutine. That
variable exists independently of the subroutine, and it is accessible to other parts of the program,
as well as to the subroutine. Such a variable is said to be global to the subroutine, as opposed to
the local variables defined inside the subroutine. The scope of a global variable includes the
entire class in which it is defined. Changes made to a global variable can have effects that extend
outside the subroutine where the changes are made. You've seen how this works in the last
example in the previous section, where the value of the global variable, gamesWon, is computed
inside a subroutine and is used in the main() routine.
It's not always bad to use global variables in subroutines, but you should realize that the global
variable then has to be considered part of the subroutine's interface. The subroutine uses the
global variable to communicate with the rest of the program. This is a kind of sneaky, back-door
communication that is less visible than communication done through parameters, and it risks
violating the rule that the interface of a black box should be straightforward and easy to
understand. So before you use a global variable in a subroutine, you should consider whether it's
really necessary.
I don't advise you to take an absolute stand against using global variables inside subroutines.
There is at least one good reason to do it: If you think of the class as a whole as being a kind of
black box, it can be very reasonable to let the subroutines inside that box be a little sneaky about
communicating with each other, if that will make the class as a whole look simpler from the
Section 4.4
Return Values
A SUBROUTINE THAT RETURNS A VALUE is called a function. A given function can only
return a value of a specified type, called the return type of the function. A function call generally
occurs in a position where the computer is expecting to find a value, such as the right side of an
assignment statement, as an actual parameter in a subroutine call, or in the middle of some larger
expression. A boolean-valued function can even be used as the test condition in an if, while,
for or do..while statement.
(It is also legal to use a function call as a stand-alone statement, just as if it were a regular
subroutine. In this case, the computer ignores the value computed by the subroutine. Sometimes
this makes sense. For example, the function TextIO.getln(), with a return type of String,
reads and returns a line of input typed in by the user. Usually, the line that is returned is assigned
to a variable to be used later in the program, as in the statement "name =
TextIO.getln();". However, this function is also useful as a subroutine call statement
"TextIO.getln();", which still reads all input up to and including the next carriage return.
Since the return value is not assigned to a variable or used in an expression, it is simply
discarded. So, the effect of the subroutine call is to read and discard some input. Sometimes,
discarding unwanted input is exactly what you need to do.)
You've already seen how functions such as Math.sqrt() and TextIO.getInt() can be
used. What you haven't seen is how to write functions of your own. A function takes the same
form as a regular subroutine, except that you have to specify the value that is to be returned by
the subroutine. This is done with a return statement, which has the following syntax:
return expression ;
Such a return statement can only occur inside the definition of a function, and the type of the
expression must match the return type that was specified for the function. (More exactly, it must
be legal to assign the expression to a variable whose type is specified by the return type.) When
the computer executes this return statement, it evaluates the expression, terminates execution
of the function, and uses the value of the expression as the returned value of the function.
Note that a return statement does not have to be the last statement in the function definition.
At any point in the function where you know the value that you want to return, you can return it.
Returning a value will end the function immediately, skipping any subsequent statements in the
function. However, it must be the case that the function definitely does return some value, no
matter what path the execution of the function takes through the code.
You can use a return statement inside an ordinary subroutine, one with declared return type
"void". Since a void subroutine does not return a value, the return statement does not include
an expression; it simply takes the form "return;". The effect of this statement is to terminate
execution of the subroutine and return control back to the point in the program from which the
subroutine was called. This can be convenient if you want to terminate execution somewhere in
the middle of the subroutine, but return statements are optional in non-function subroutines.
In a function, on the other hand, a return statement, with expression, is always required.
Here is a very simple function that could be used in a program to compute 3N+1 sequences. (The
3N+1 sequence problem is one we've looked at several times already, including in the previous
section). Given one term in a 3N+1 sequence, this function computes the next term of the
This function has two return statements. Exactly one of the two return statements is
executed to give the value of the function. Some people prefer to use a single return statement
at the very end of the function when possible. This allows the reader to find the return
statement easily. You might choose to write nextN() like this, for example:
while (N > 1) {
N = nextN( N ); // Compute next term, using the function
count++; // Count this term.
TextIO.putln(N); // Print this term.
TextIO.putln("There were " + count + " terms in the sequence.");
Here are a few more examples of functions. The first one computes a letter grade corresponding
to a given numerical grade, on a typical grading scale:
* Returns the letter grade corresponding to the numerical
* grade that is passed to this function as a parameter.
* The function returns true if N is a prime number. A prime
* is an integer greater than 1 that is not divisible by any
* integer, except itself and 1. If N has any divisor, D, in the
* 1 < D < N, then it has a divisor in the range 2 to Math.sqrt(N),
* either D itself or N/D. So we only test possible divisors from
2 to
* Math.sqrt(N).
if (N <= 1)
return false; // No number <= 1 is a prime.
maxToTry = (int)Math.sqrt(N);
// We will try to divide N by numbers between 2 and
// If N is not evenly divisible by any of these numbers,
// N is prime. (Note that since Math.sqrt(N) is defined to
// return a value of type double, the value must be
// to type int before it can be assigned to maxToTry.)
Finally, here is a function with return type String. This function has a String as parameter. The
returned value is a reversed copy of the parameter. For example, the reverse of "Hello World" is
"dlroW olleH". The algorithm for computing the reverse of a string, str, is to start with an
empty string and then to append each character from str, starting from the last character of str
and working backwards to the first:
A palindrome is a string that reads the same backwards and forwards, such as "radar". The
reverse() function could be used to check whether a string, word, is a palindrome by testing
"if (word.equals(reverse(word)))".
By the way, a typical beginner's error in writing functions is to print out the answer, instead of
returning it. This represents a fundamental misunderstanding. The task of a function is to
compute a value and return it to the point in the program where the function was called. That's
where the value is used. Maybe it will be printed out. Maybe it will be assigned to a variable.
Maybe it will be used in an expression. But it's not for the function to decide.
I'll finish this section with a complete new version of the 3N+1 program. This will give me a
chance to show the function nextN(), which was defined above, used in a complete program.
I'll also take the opportunity to improve the program by getting it to print the terms of the
sequence in columns, with five terms on each line. This will make the output more presentable.
This idea is this: Keep track of how many terms have been printed on the current line; when that
number gets up to 5, start a new line of output. To make the terms line up into neat columns, I
use formatted output.
* A program that computes and displays several 3N+1 sequences.
* values for the sequences are input by the user. Terms in the
* are printed in columns, with five terms on each line of output.
* After a sequence has been displayed, the number of terms in that
* sequence is reported to the user.
} // end main
* print3NSequence prints a 3N+1 sequence to standard output,
* startingValue as the initial value of N. It also prints the
* of terms in the sequence. The value of the parameter,
* must be a positive integer.
static void print3NSequence(int startingValue) {
while (N > 1) {
N = nextN(N); // compute next term
count++; // count this term
if (onLine == 5) { // If current output line is full
TextIO.putln(); // ...then output a carriage return
onLine = 0; // ...and note that there are no
// on the new line.
TextIO.putf("%8d", N); // Print this term in an 8-char
onLine++; // Add 1 to the number of terms on this line.
} // end of Print3NSequence
* nextN computes and returns the next term in a 3N+1 sequence,
* given that the current term is currentN.
static int nextN(int currentN) {
if (currentN % 2 == 1)
return 3 * currentN + 1;
return currentN / 2;
} // end of nextN()
Section 4.5
AS COMPUTERS AND THEIR USER INTERFACES have become easier to use, they have
also become more complex for programmers to deal with. You can write programs for a simple
console-style user interface using just a few subroutines that write output to the console and read
the user's typed replies. A modern graphical user interface, with windows, buttons, scroll bars,
menus, text-input boxes, and so on, might make things easier for the user, but it forces the
programmer to cope with a hugely expanded array of possibilities. The programmer sees this
increased complexity in the form of great numbers of subroutines that are provided for managing
the user interface, as well as for other purposes.
4.5.1 Toolboxes
Someone who wants to program for Macintosh computers -- and to produce programs that look
and behave the way users expect them to -- must deal with the Macintosh Toolbox, a collection
of well over a thousand different subroutines. There are routines for opening and closing
windows, for drawing geometric figures and text to windows, for adding buttons to windows,
and for responding to mouse clicks on the window. There are other routines for creating menus
and for reacting to user selections from menus. Aside from the user interface, there are routines
for opening files and reading data from them, for communicating over a network, for sending
output to a printer, for handling communication between programs, and in general for doing all
the standard things that a computer has to do. Microsoft Windows provides its own set of
subroutines for programmers to use, and they are quite a bit different from the subroutines used
on the Mac. Linux has several different GUI toolboxes for the programmer to choose from.
The analogy of a "toolbox" is a good one to keep in mind. Every programming project involves a
mixture of innovation and reuse of existing tools. A programmer is given a set of tools to work
with, starting with the set of basic tools that are built into the language: things like variables,
assignment statements, if statements, and loops. To these, the programmer can add existing
toolboxes full of routines that have already been written for performing certain tasks. These
tools, if they are well-designed, can be used as true black boxes: They can be called to perform
their assigned tasks without worrying about the particular steps they go through to accomplish
those tasks. The innovative part of programming is to take all these tools and apply them to some
particular project or problem (word-processing, keeping track of bank accounts, processing
image data from a space probe, Web browsing, computer games, ...). This is called applications
A software toolbox is a kind of black box, and it presents a certain interface to the programmer.
This interface is a specification of what routines are in the toolbox, what parameters they use,
and what tasks they perform. This information constitutes the API, or Applications Programming
Interface, associated with the toolbox. The Macintosh API is a specification of all the routines
available in the Macintosh Toolbox. A company that makes some hardware device -- say a card
for connecting a computer to a network -- might publish an API for that device consisting of a
list of routines that programmers can call in order to communicate with and control the device.
Scientists who write a set of routines for doing some kind of complex computation -- such as
solving "differential equations," say -- would provide an API to allow others to use those
routines without understanding the details of the computations they perform.
The Java programming language is supplemented by a large, standard API. You've seen part of
this API already, in the form of mathematical subroutines such as Math.sqrt(), the String
data type and its associated routines, and the System.out.print() routines. The standard
Java API includes routines for working with graphical user interfaces, for network
communication, for reading and writing files, and more. It's tempting to think of these routines as
being built into the Java language, but they are technically subroutines that have been written and
made available for use in Java programs.
Java is platform-independent. That is, the same program can run on platforms as diverse as
Macintosh, Windows, Linux, and others. The same Java API must work on all these platforms.
But notice that it is the interface that is platform-independent; the implementation varies from
one platform to another. A Java system on a particular computer includes implementations of all
the standard API routines. A Java program includes only calls to those routines. When the Java
interpreter executes a program and encounters a call to one of the standard routines, it will pull
up and execute the implementation of that routine which is appropriate for the particular platform
on which it is running. This is a very powerful idea. It means that you only need to learn one API
to program for a wide variety of platforms.
Like all subroutines in Java, the routines in the standard API are grouped into classes. To provide
larger-scale organization, classes in Java can be grouped into packages, which were introduced
briefly in Subsection 2.6.4. You can have even higher levels of grouping, since packages can
also contain other packages. In fact, the entire standard Java API is implemented in several
packages. One of these, which is named "java", contains several non-GUI packages as well as
the original AWT graphics user interface classes. Another package, "javax", was added in Java
version 1.2 and contains the classes used by the Swing graphical user interface and other
additions to the API.
A package can contain both classes and other packages. A package that is contained in another
package is sometimes called a "sub-package." Both the java package and the javax package
contain sub-packages. One of the sub-packages of java, for example, is called "awt". Since
awt is contained within java, its full name is actually java.awt. This package contains
classes that represent GUI components such as buttons and menus in the AWT, the older of the
two Java GUI toolboxes, which is no longer widely used. However, java.awt also contains a
number of classes that form the foundation for all GUI programming, such as the Graphics
class which provides routines for drawing on the screen, the Color class which represents
colors, and the Font class which represents the fonts that are used to display characters on the
screen. Since these classes are contained in the package java.awt, their full names are actually
java.awt.Graphics, java.awt.Color, and java.awt.Font. (I hope that by now
you've gotten the hang of how this naming thing works in Java.) Similarly, javax contains a
sub-package named javax.swing, which includes such classes as
javax.swing.JButton, javax.swing.JMenu, and javax.swing.JFrame. The
GUI classes in javax.swing, together with the foundational classes in java.awt, are all
part of the API that makes it possible to program graphical user interfaces in Java.
The java package includes several other sub-packages, such as, which provides
facilities for input/output,, which deals with network communication, and
java.util, which provides a variety of "utility" classes. The most basic package is called
java.lang. This package contains fundamental classes such as String, Math, Integer, and
It might be helpful to look at a graphical representation of the levels of nesting in the java
package, its sub-packages, the classes in those sub-packages, and the subroutines in those
classes. This is not a complete picture, since it shows only a very few of the many items in each
The official documentation for the standard Java 5.0 API lists 165 different packages, including
sub-packages, and it lists 3278 classes in these packages. Many of these are rather obscure or
very specialized, but you might want to browse through the documentation to see what is
available. As I write this, the documentation for the complete API can be found at
Even an expert programmer won't be familiar with the entire API, or even a majority of it. In this
book, you'll only encounter several dozen classes, and those will be sufficient for writing a wide
variety of programs.
Let's say that you want to use the class java.awt.Color in a program that you are writing.
Like any class, java.awt.Color is a type, which means that you can use it to declare
variables and parameters and to specify the return type of a function. One way to do this is to use
the full name of the class as the name of the type. For example, suppose that you want to declare
a variable named rectColor of type java.awt.Color. You could say:
java.awt.Color rectColor;
import java.awt.Color;
at the beginning of a Java source code file, then, in the rest of the file, you can abbreviate the full
name java.awt.Color to just the simple name of the class, Color. Note that the import
line comes at the start of a file and is not inside any class. Although it is sometimes referred to as
a statement, it is more properly called an import directive since it is not a statement in the usual
sense. Using this import directive would allow you to say
Color rectColor;
to declare the variable. Note that the only effect of the import directive is to allow you to use
simple class names instead of full "package.class" names; you aren't really importing anything
substantial. If you leave out the import directive, you can still access the class -- you just have
to use its full name. There is a shortcut for importing all the classes from a given package. You
can import all the classes from java.awt by saying
import java.awt.*;
The "*" is a wildcard that matches every class in the package. (However, it does not match sub-
packages; you cannot import the entire contents of all the sub-packages of the java package by
saying import java.*.)
Some programmers think that using a wildcard in an import statement is bad style, since it can
make a large number of class names available that you are not going to use and might not even
know about. They think it is better to explicitly import each individual class that you want to use.
In my own programming, I often use wildcards to import all the classes from the most relevant
packages, and use individual imports when I am using just one or two classes from a given
In fact, any Java program that uses a graphical user interface is likely to use many classes from
the java.awt and javax.swing packages as well as from another package named
java.awt.event, and I usually begin such programs with
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
A program that works with networking might include the line "import*;",
while one that reads or writes files might use "import*;". (But when you start
importing lots of packages in this way, you have to be careful about one thing: It's possible for
two classes that are in different packages to have the same name. For example, both the
java.awt package and the java.util package contain classes named List. If you import
both java.awt.* and java.util.*, the simple name List will be ambiguous. If you try
to declare a variable of type List, you will get a compiler error message about an ambiguous
class name. The solution is simple: Use the full name of the class, either java.awt.List or
java.util.List. Another solution, of course, is to use import to import the individual
classes you need, instead of importing entire packages.)
Because the package java.lang is so fundamental, all the classes in java.lang are
automatically imported into every program. It's as if every program began with the statement
"import java.lang.*;". This is why we have been able to use the class name String
instead of java.lang.String, and Math.sqrt() instead of
java.lang.Math.sqrt(). It would still, however, be perfectly legal to use the longer
forms of the names.
Programmers can create new packages. Suppose that you want some classes that you are writing
to be in a package named utilities. Then the source code file that defines those classes must
begin with the line
package utilities;
This would come even before any import directive in that file. Furthermore, as mentioned in
Subsection 2.6.4, the source code file would be placed in a folder with the same name as the
package. A class that is in a package automatically has access to other classes in the same
package; that is, a class doesn't have to import the package in which it is defined.
In projects that define large numbers of classes, it makes sense to organize those classes into
packages. It also makes sense for programmers to create new packages as toolboxes that provide
functionality and APIs for dealing with areas not covered in the standard Java API. (And in fact
such "toolmaking" programmers often have more prestige than the applications programmers
who use their tools.)
However, I will not be creating any packages in this textbook. For the purposes of this book, you
need to know about packages mainly so that you will be able to import the standard packages.
These packages are always available to the programs that you write. You might wonder where
the standard classes are actually located. Again, that can depend to some extent on the version of
Java that you are using, but in the standard Java 5.0, they are stored in jar files in a subdirectory
of the main Java installation directory. A jar (or "Java archive") file is a single file that can
contain many classes. Most of the standard classes can be found in a jar file named
classes.jar. In fact, Java programs are generally distributed in the form of jar files, instead
of as individual class files.
Although we won't be creating packages explicitly, every class is actually part of a package. If a
class is not specifically placed in a package, then it is put in something called the default
package, which has no name. All the examples that you see in this book are in the default
4.5.4 Javadoc
To use an API effectively, you need good documentation for it. The documentation for most Java
APIs is prepared using a system called Javadoc. For example, this system is used to prepare the
documentation for Java's standard packages. And almost everyone who creates a toolbox in Java
publishes Javadoc documentation for it.
Javadoc documentation is prepared from special comments that are placed in the Java source
code file. Recall that one type of Java comment begins with /* and ends with */. A Javadoc
comment takes the same form, but it begins with /** rather than simply /*. You have already
seen comments of this form in some of the examples in this book, such as this subroutine from
Section 4.3:
* This subroutine prints a 3N+1 sequence to standard output, using
* startingValue as the initial value of N. It also prints the
* of terms in the sequence. The value of the parameter,
* must be a positive integer.
Note that the Javadoc comment is placed just before the subroutine that it is commenting on.
This rule is always followed. You can have Javadoc comments for subroutines, for member
variables, and for classes. The Javadoc comment always immediately precedes the thing it is
commenting on.
Like any comment, a Javadoc comment is ignored by the computer when the file is compiled.
But there is a tool called javadoc that reads Java source code files, extracts any Javadoc
comments that it finds, and creates a set of Web pages containing the comments in a nicely
formatted, interlinked form. By default, javadoc will only collect information about public
classes, subroutines, and member variables, but it allows the option of creating documentation
for non-public things as well. If javadoc doesn't find any Javadoc comment for something, it
will construct one, but the comment will contain only basic information such as the name and
type of a member variable or the name, return type, and parameter list of a subroutine. This is
syntactic information. To add information about semantics and pragmatics, you have to write a
Javadoc comment.
As an example, you can look at the documentation Web page for TextIO by following this link:
TextIO Javadoc documentation. The documentation page was created by applying the javadoc
tool to the source code file, If you have downloaded the on-line version of this
book, the documentation can be found in the TextIO_Javadoc directory.
In a Javadoc comment, the *'s at the start of each line are optional. The javadoc tool will
remove them. In addition to normal text, the comment can contain certain special codes. For one
thing, the comment can contain HTML mark-up commands. HTML is the language that is used
to create web pages, and Javadoc comments are meant to be shown on web pages. The
javadoc tool will copy any HTML commands in the comments to the web pages that it creates.
You'll learn some basic HTML in Section 6.2, but as an example, you can add <p> to indicate
the start of a new paragraph. (Generally, in the absence of HTML commands, blank lines and
extra spaces in the comment are ignored.)
In addition to HTML commands, Javadoc comments can include doc tags, which are processed
as commands by the javadoc tool. A doc tag has a name that begins with the character @. I will
only discuss three tags: @param, @return, and @throws. These tags are used in Javadoc
comments for subroutines to provide information about its parameters, its return value, and the
exceptions that it might throw. These tags are always placed at the end of the comment, after any
description of the subroutine itself. The syntax for using them is:
@return description-of-return-value
The descriptions can extend over several lines. The description ends at the next tag or at the end
of the comment. You can include a @param tag for every parameter of the subroutine and a
@throws for as many types of exception as you want to document. You should have a
@return tag only for a non-void subroutine. These tags do not have to be given in any
particular order.
Here is an example that doesn't do anything exciting but that does use all three types of doc tag:
* This subroutine computes the area of a rectangle, given its
* and its height. The length and the width should be positive
* @param width the length of one side of the rectangle
* @param height the length the second side of the rectangle
* @return the area of the rectangle
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the width or the
* is a negative number.
public static double areaOfRectangle( double length, double width )
if ( width < 0 || height < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sides must have positive
double area;
area = width * height;
return area;
I will use Javadoc comments for some of my examples. I encourage you to use them in your own
code, even if you don't plan to generate Web page documentation of your work, since it's a
standard format that other Java programmers will be familiar with.
If you do want to create Web-page documentation, you need to run the javadoc tool. This tool
is available as a command in the Java Development Kit that was discussed in Section 2.6. You
can use javadoc in a command line interface similarly to the way that the javac and java
commands are used. Javadoc can also be applied in the Eclipse integrated development
environment that was also discussed in Section 2.6: Just right-click the class or package that you
want to document in the Package Explorer, select "Export," and select "Javadoc" in the window
that pops up. I won't go into any of the details here; see the documentation.
Section 4.6
Stepwise refinement is inherently a top-down process, but the process does have a "bottom," that
is, a point at which you stop refining the pseudocode algorithm and translate what you have
directly into proper programming language. In the absence of subroutines, the process would not
bottom out until you get down to the level of assignment statements and very primitive
input/output operations. But if you have subroutines lying around to perform certain useful tasks,
you can stop refining as soon as you've managed to express your algorithm in terms of those
This allows you to add a bottom-up element to the top-down approach of stepwise refinement.
Given a problem, you might start by writing some subroutines that perform tasks relevant to the
problem domain. The subroutines become a toolbox of ready-made tools that you can integrate
into your algorithm as you develop it. (Alternatively, you might be able to buy or find a software
toolbox written by someone else, containing subroutines that you can use in your project as black
Subroutines can also be helpful even in a strict top-down approach. As you refine your
algorithm, you are free at any point to take any sub-task in the algorithm and make it into a
subroutine. Developing that subroutine then becomes a separate problem, which you can work
on separately. Your main algorithm will merely call the subroutine. This, of course, is just a way
of breaking your problem down into separate, smaller problems. It is still a top-down approach
because the top-down analysis of the problem tells you what subroutines to write. In the bottom-
up approach, you start by writing or obtaining subroutines that are relevant to the problem
domain, and you build your solution to the problem on top of that foundation of subroutines.
4.6.1 Preconditions and Postconditions
When working with subroutines as building blocks, it is important to be clear about how a
subroutine interacts with the rest of the program. This interaction is specified by the contract of
the subroutine, as discussed in Section 4.1. A convenient way to express the contract of a
subroutine is in terms of preconditions and postconditions.
The precondition of a subroutine is something that must be true when the subroutine is called, if
the subroutine is to work correctly. For example, for the built-in function Math.sqrt(x), a
precondition is that the parameter, x, is greater than or equal to zero, since it is not possible to
take the square root of a negative number. In terms of a contract, a precondition represents an
obligation of the caller of the subroutine. If you call a subroutine without meeting its
precondition, then there is no reason to expect it to work properly. The program might crash or
give incorrect results, but you can only blame yourself, not the subroutine.
A postcondition of a subroutine represents the other side of the contract. It is something that will
be true after the subroutine has run (assuming that its preconditions were met -- and that there are
no bugs in the subroutine). The postcondition of the function Math.sqrt() is that the square
of the value that is returned by this function is equal to the parameter that is provided when the
subroutine is called. Of course, this will only be true if the precondition -- that the parameter is
greater than or equal to zero -- is met. A postcondition of the built-in subroutine
System.out.print() is that the value of the parameter has been displayed on the screen.
Preconditions most often give restrictions on the acceptable values of parameters, as in the
example of Math.sqrt(x). However, they can also refer to global variables that are used in
the subroutine. The postcondition of a subroutine specifies the task that it performs. For a
function, the postcondition should specify the value that the function returns.
Subroutines are often described by comments that explicitly specify their preconditions and
postconditions. When you are given a pre-written subroutine, a statement of its preconditions and
postconditions tells you how to use it and what it does. When you are assigned to write a
subroutine, the preconditions and postconditions give you an exact specification of what the
subroutine is expected to do. I will use this approach in the example that constitutes the rest of
this section. The comments are given in the form of Javadoc comments, but I will explicitly label
the preconditions and postconditions. (Many computer scientists think that new doc tags
@precondition and @postcondition should be added to the Javadoc system for explicit
labeling of preconditions and postconditions, but that has not yet been done.)
Let's work through an example of program design using subroutines. In this example, we will use
prewritten subroutines as building blocks and we will also design new subroutines that we need
to complete the project.
Suppose that I have found an already-written class called Mosaic. This class allows a program
to work with a window that displays little colored rectangles arranged in rows and columns. The
window can be opened, closed, and otherwise manipulated with static member subroutines
defined in the Mosaic class. In fact, the class defines a toolbox or API that can be used for
working with such windows. Here are some of the available routines in the API, with Javadoc-
style comments:
* Opens a "mosaic" window on the screen.
* Precondition: The parameters rows, cols, w, and h are positive
* Postcondition: A window is open on the screen that can display
rows and
* columns of colored rectangles. Each rectangle
is w pixels
* wide and h pixels high. The number of rows is
given by
* the first parameter and the number of columns
by the
* second. Initially, all rectangles are black.
* Note: The rows are numbered from 0 to rows - 1, and the columns
* numbered from 0 to cols - 1.
public static void open(int rows, int cols, int w, int h)
* Sets the color of one of the rectangles in the window.
* Precondition: row and col are in the valid range of row and
column numbers,
* and r, g, and b are in the range 0 to 255,
* Postcondition: The color of the rectangle in row number row and
* number col has been set to the color specified
by r, g,
* and b. r gives the amount of red in the color
with 0
* representing no red and 255 representing the
* possible amount of red. The larger the value
of r, the
* more red in the color. g and b work similarly
for the
* green and blue color components.
public static void setColor(int row, int col, int r, int g, int b)
* Gets the red component of the color of one of the rectangles.
* Precondition: row and col are in the valid range of row and
column numbers.
* Postcondition: The red component of the color of the specified
rectangle is
* returned as an integer in the range 0 to 255
public static int getRed(int row, int col)
* Like getRed, but returns the green component of the color.
public static int getGreen(int row, int col)
* Like getRed, but returns the blue component of the color.
public static int getBlue(int row, int col)
* Tests whether the mosaic window is currently open.
* Precondition: None.
* Postcondition: The return value is true if the window is open
when this
* function is called, and it is false if the
window is
* closed.
public static boolean isOpen()
* Inserts a delay in the program (to regulate the speed at which
the colors
* are changed, for example).
* Precondition: milliseconds is a positive integer.
* Postcondition: The program has paused for at least the
specified number
* of milliseconds, where one second is equal to
* milliseconds.
public static void delay(int milliseconds)
Remember that these subroutines are members of the Mosaic class, so when they are called
from outside Mosaic, the name of the class must be included as part of the name of the routine.
For example, we'll have to use the name Mosaic.isOpen() rather than simply isOpen().
My idea is to use the Mosaic class as the basis for a neat animation. I want to fill the window
with randomly colored squares, and then randomly change the colors in a loop that continues as
long as the window is open. "Randomly change the colors" could mean a lot of different things,
but after thinking for a while, I decide it would be interesting to have a "disturbance" that
wanders randomly around the window, changing the color of each square that it encounters.
Here's an applet that shows what the program will do:
With basic routines for manipulating the window as a foundation, I can turn to the specific
problem at hand. A basic outline for my program is
Filling the window with random colors seems like a nice coherent task that I can work on
separately, so let's decide to write a separate subroutine to do it. The third step can be expanded a
bit more, into the steps: Start in the middle of the window, then keep moving to a new square and
changing the color of that square. This should continue as long as the mosaic window is still
open. Thus we can refine the algorithm to:
I need to represent the current position in some way. That can be done with two int variables
named currentRow and currentColumn that hold the row number and the column number
of the square where the disturbance is currently located. I'll use 10 rows and 20 columns of
squares in my mosaic, so setting the current position to be in the center means setting
currentRow to 5 and currentColumn to 10. I already have a subroutine,, to open the window, and I have a function, Mosaic.isOpen(), to test
whether the window is open. To keep the main routine simple, I decide that I will write two more
subroutines of my own to carry out the two tasks in the while loop. The algorithm can then be
written in Java as:,20,10,10)
currentRow = 5; // Middle row, halfway down the window.
currentColumn = 10; // Middle column.
while ( Mosaic.isOpen() ) {
changeToRandomColor(currentRow, currentColumn);
With the proper wrapper, this is essentially the main() routine of my program. It turns out I
have to make one small modification: To prevent the animation from running too fast, the line
"Mosaic.delay(20);" is added to the while loop.
The main() routine is taken care of, but to complete the program, I still have to write the
subroutines fillWithRandomColors(), changeToRandomColor(int,int), and
randomMove(). Writing each of these subroutines is a separate, small task. The
fillWithRandomColors() routine is defined by the postcondition that "each of the
rectangles in the mosaic has been changed to a random color." Pseudocode for an algorithm to
accomplish this task can be given as:
"For each row" and "for each column" can be implemented as for loops. We've already planned
to write a subroutine changeToRandomColor that can be used to set the color. (The
possibility of reusing subroutines in several places is one of the big payoffs of using them!) So,
fillWithRandomColors() can be written in proper Java as:
Finally, consider the randomMove subroutine, which is supposed to randomly move the
disturbance up, down, left, or right. To make a random choice among four directions, we can
choose a random integer in the range 0 to 3. If the integer is 0, move in one direction; if it is 1,
move in another direction; and so on. The position of the disturbance is given by the variables
currentRow and currentColumn. To "move up" means to subtract 1 from currentRow.
This leaves open the question of what to do if currentRow becomes -1, which would put the
disturbance above the window. Rather than let this happen, I decide to move the disturbance to
the opposite edge of the applet by setting currentRow to 9. (Remember that the 10 rows are
numbered from 0 to 9.) Moving the disturbance down, left, or right is handled similarly. If we
use a switch statement to decide which direction to move, the code for randomMove
int directionNum;
directionNum = (int)(4*Math.random());
switch (directionNum) {
case 0: // move up
if (currentRow < 0) // CurrentRow is outside the mosaic;
currentRow = 9; // move it to the opposite edge.
case 1: // move right
if (currentColumn >= 20)
currentColumn = 0;
case 2: // move down
if (currentRow >= 10)
currentRow = 0;
case 3: // move left
if (currentColumn < 0)
currentColumn = 19;
Putting this all together, we get the following complete program. Note that I've added Javadoc-
style comments for the class itself and for each of the subroutines. The variables currentRow
and currentColumn are defined as static members of the class, rather than local variables,
because each of them is used in several different subroutines. This program actually depends on
two other classes, Mosaic and another class called MosaicCanvas that is used by Mosaic.
If you want to compile and run this program, both of these classes must be available to the
* This program opens a window full of randomly colored squares. A
* moves randomly around in the window, randomly changing the color
of each
* square that it visits. The program runs until the user closes
the window.
* The main program creates the window, fills it with random
* and then moves the disturbances in a random walk around the
* as long as the window is open.
public static void main(String[] args) {,20,10,10);
currentRow = 5; // start at center of window
currentColumn = 10;
while (Mosaic.isOpen()) {
changeToRandomColor(currentRow, currentColumn);
} // end main
* Fills the window with randomly colored squares.
* Precondition: The mosaic window is open.
* Postcondition: Each square has been set to a random color.
static void fillWithRandomColors() {
for (int row=0; row < 10; row++) {
for (int column=0; column < 20; column++) {
changeToRandomColor(row, column);
} // end fillWithRandomColors
* Changes one square to a new randomly selected color.
* Precondition: The specified rowNum and colNum are in the
valid range
* of row and column numbers.
* Postcondition: The square in the specified row and column
* been set to a random color.
* @param rowNum the row number of the square, counting rows
* from 0 at the top
* @param colNum the column number of the square, counting
columns over
* from 0 at the left
static void changeToRandomColor(int rowNum, int colNum) {
int red = (int)(256*Math.random()); // Choose random
levels in range
int green = (int)(256*Math.random()); // 0 to 255 for
red, green,
int blue = (int)(256*Math.random()); // and blue
color components.
} // end of changeToRandomColor()
* Move the disturbance.
* Precondition: The global variables currentRow and
* are within the legal range of row and
column numbers.
* Postcondition: currentRow or currentColumn is changed to
one of the
* neighboring positions in the grid -- up,
down, left, or
* right from the current position. If this
moves the
* position outside of the grid, then it is
moved to the
* opposite edge of the grid.
static void randomMove() {
int directionNum; // Randomly set to 0, 1, 2, or 3 to
choose direction.
directionNum = (int)(4*Math.random());
switch (directionNum) {
case 0: // move up
if (currentRow < 0)
currentRow = 9;
case 1: // move right
if (currentColumn >= 20)
currentColumn = 0;
case 2: // move down
if (currentRow >= 10)
currentRow = 0;
case 3: // move left
if (currentColumn < 0)
currentColumn = 19;
} // end randomMove
NAMES ARE FUNDAMENTAL TO PROGRAMMING, as I said a few chapters ago. There are
a lot of details involved in declaring and using names. I have been avoiding some of those
details. In this section, I'll reveal most of the truth (although still not the full truth) about
declaring and using variables in Java. The material in the subsections "Initialization in
Declarations" and "Named Constants" is particularly important, since I will be using it regularly
in future chapters.
When a variable declaration is executed, memory is allocated for the variable. This memory must
be initialized to contain some definite value before the variable can be used in an expression. In
the case of a local variable, the declaration is often followed closely by an assignment statement
that does the initialization. For example,
However, the truth about declaration statements is that it is legal to include the initialization of
the variable in the declaration statement. The two statements above can therefore be abbreviated
The computer still executes this statement in two steps: Declare the variable count, then assign
the value 0 to the newly created variable. The initial value does not have to be a constant. It can
be any expression. It is legal to initialize several variables in one declaration statement. For
This feature is especially common in for loops, since it makes it possible to declare a loop
control variable at the same point in the loop where it is initialized. Since the loop control
variable generally has nothing to do with the rest of the program outside the loop, it's reasonable
to have its declaration in the part of the program where it's actually used. For example:
Again, you should remember that this is simply an abbreviation for the following, where I've
added an extra pair of braces to show that i is considered to be local to the for statement and no
longer exists after the for loop ends:
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
(You might recall, by the way, that for "for-each" loops, the special type of for statement that is
used with enumerated types, declaring the variable in the for is required. See
Subsection 3.4.4.)
A member variable can also be initialized at the point where it is declared, just as for a local
variable. For example:
A static member variable is created as soon as the class is loaded by the Java interpreter, and the
initialization is also done at that time. In the case of member variables, this is not simply an
abbreviation for a declaration followed by an assignment statement. Declaration statements are
the only type of statement that can occur outside of a subroutine. Assignment statements cannot,
so the following is illegal:
Because of this, declarations of member variables often include initial values. In fact, as
mentioned in Subsection 4.2.4, if no initial value is provided for a member variable, then a
default initial value is used. For example, when declaring an integer member variable, count,
"static int count;" is equivalent to "static int count = 0;".
4.7.2 Named Constants
Sometimes, the value of a variable is not supposed to change after it is initialized. For example,
in the above example where interestRate is initialized to the value 0.05, it's quite possible
that that is meant to be the value throughout the entire program. In this case, the programmer is
probably defining the variable, interestRate, to give a meaningful name to the otherwise
meaningless number, 0.05. It's easier to understand what's going on when a program says
"principal += principal*interestRate;" rather than "principal +=
In Java, the modifier "final" can be applied to a variable declaration to ensure that the value
stored in the variable cannot be changed after the variable has been initialized. For example, if
the member variable interestRate is declared with
then it would be impossible for the value of interestRate to change anywhere else in the
program. Any assignment statement that tries to assign a value to interestRate will be
rejected by the computer as a syntax error when the program is compiled.
It is legal to apply the final modifier to local variables and even to formal parameters, but it is
most useful for member variables. I will often refer to a static member variable that is declared to
be final as a named constant, since its value remains constant for the whole time that the
program is running. The readability of a program can be greatly enhanced by using named
constants to give meaningful names to important quantities in the program. A recommended
style rule for named constants is to give them names that consist entirely of upper case letters,
with underscore characters to separate words if necessary. For example, the preferred style for
the interest rate constant would be
This is the style that is generally used in Java's standard classes, which define many named
constants. For example, we have already seen that the Math class contains a variable Math.PI.
This variable is declared in the Math class as a "public final static" variable of type double.
Similarly, the Color class contains named constants such as Color.RED and
Color.YELLOW which are public final static variables of type Color. Many named constants
are created just to give meaningful names to be used as parameters in subroutine calls. For
example, the standard class named Font contains named constants Font.PLAIN,
Font.BOLD, and Font.ITALIC. These constants are used for specifying different styles of
text when calling various subroutines in the Font class.
Enumerated type constants (See Subsection 2.3.3.) are also examples of named constants. The
enumerated type definition
enum Alignment { LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER }
In fact, this is how things were generally done before the introduction of enumerated types in
Java 5.0, and it is what is done with the constants Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD, and
Font.ITALIC mentioned above. Using the integer constants, you could define a variable of
type int and assign it the values ALIGNMENT_LEFT, ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, or
ALIGNMENT_CENTER to represent different types of alignment. The only problem with this is
that the computer has no way of knowing that you intend the value of the variable to represent an
alignment, and it will not raise any objection if the value that is assigned to the variable is not
one of the three valid alignment values.
With the enumerated type, on the other hand, the only values that can be assigned to a variable of
type Alignment are the constant values that are listed in the definition of the enumerated type.
Any attempt to assign an invalid value to the variable is a syntax error which the computer will
detect when the program is compiled. This extra safety is one of the major advantages of
enumerated types.
Curiously enough, one of the major reasons to use named constants is that it's easy to change the
value of a named constant. Of course, the value can't change while the program is running. But
between runs of the program, it's easy to change the value in the source code and recompile the
program. Consider the interest rate example. It's quite possible that the value of the interest rate
is used many times throughout the program. Suppose that the bank changes the interest rate and
the program has to be modified. If the literal number 0.05 were used throughout the program, the
programmer would have to track down each place where the interest rate is used in the program
and change the rate to the new value. (This is made even harder by the fact that the number 0.05
might occur in the program with other meanings besides the interest rate, as well as by the fact
that someone might have used 0.025 to represent half the interest rate.) On the other hand, if the
named constant INTEREST_RATE is declared and used consistently throughout the program,
then only the single line where the constant is initialized needs to be changed.
As an extended example, I will give a new version of the RandomMosaicWalk program from
the previous section. This version uses named constants to represent the number of rows in the
mosaic, the number of columns, and the size of each little square. The three constants are
declared as final static member variables with the lines:
The rest of the program is carefully modified to use the named constants. For example, in the
new version of the program, the Mosaic window is opened with the statement
Sometimes, it's not easy to find all the places where a named constant needs to be used. If you
don't use the named constant consistently, you've more or less defeated the purpose. It's always a
good idea to run a program using several different values for any named constants, to test that it
works properly in all cases.
Here is the complete new program, RandomMosaicWalk2, with all modifications from the
previous version shown in red. I've left out some of the comments to save space.
When a variable declaration is executed, memory is allocated for that variable. The variable
name can be used in at least some part of the program source code to refer to that memory or to
the data that is stored in the memory. The portion of the program source code where the variable
name is valid is called the scope of the variable. Similarly, we can refer to the scope of
subroutine names and formal parameter names.
For static member subroutines, scope is straightforward. The scope of a static subroutine is the
entire source code of the class in which it is defined. That is, it is possible to call the subroutine
from any point in the class, including at a point in the source code before the point where the
definition of the subroutine appears. It is even possible to call a subroutine from within itself.
This is an example of something called "recursion," a fairly advanced topic that we will return to
For a variable that is declared as a static member variable in a class, the situation is similar, but
with one complication. It is legal to have a local variable or a formal parameter that has the same
name as a member variable. In that case, within the scope of the local variable or parameter, the
member variable is hidden. Consider, for example, a class named Game that has the form:
. // More variables and subroutines.
} // end Game
In the statements that make up the body of the playGame() subroutine, the name "count"
refers to the local variable. In the rest of the Game class, "count" refers to the member variable,
unless hidden by other local variables or parameters named count. However, there is one
further complication. The member variable named count can also be referred to by the full
name Game.count. Usually, the full name is only used outside the class where count is
defined. However, there is no rule against using it inside the class. The full name,
Game.count, can be used inside the playGame() subroutine to refer to the member variable.
So, the full scope rule is that the scope of a static member variable includes the entire class in
which it is defined, but where the simple name of the member variable is hidden by a local
variable or formal parameter name, the member variable must be referred to by its full name of
the form className.variableName. (Scope rules for non-static members are similar to those for
static members, except that, as we shall see, non-static members cannot be used in static
The scope of a formal parameter of a subroutine is the block that makes up the body of the
subroutine. The scope of a local variable extends from the declaration statement that defines the
variable to the end of the block in which the declaration occurs. As noted above, it is possible to
declare a loop control variable of a for loop in the for statement, as in "for (int i=0; i
< 10; i++)". The scope of such a declaration is considered as a special case: It is valid only
within the for statement and does not extend to the remainder of the block that contains the
for statement.
It is not legal to redefine the name of a formal parameter or local variable within its scope, even
in a nested block. For example, this is not allowed:
void badSub(int y) {
int x;
while (y > 0) {
int x; // ERROR: x is already defined.
In many languages, this would be legal; the declaration of x in the while loop would hide the
original declaration. It is not legal in Java; however, once the block in which a variable is
declared ends, its name does become available for reuse in Java. For example:
void goodSub(int y) {
while (y > 10) {
int x;
// The scope of x ends here.
while (y > 0) {
int x; // OK: Previous declaration of x has expired.
You might wonder whether local variable names can hide subroutine names. This can't happen,
for a reason that might be surprising. There is no rule that variables and subroutines have to have
different names. The computer can always tell whether a name refers to a variable or to a
subroutine, because a subroutine name is always followed by a left parenthesis. It's perfectly
legal to have a variable called count and a subroutine called count in the same class. (This is
one reason why I often write subroutine names with parentheses, as when I talk about the
main() routine. It's a good idea to think of the parentheses as part of the name.) Even more is
true: It's legal to reuse class names to name variables and subroutines. The syntax rules of Java
guarantee that the computer can always tell when a name is being used as a class name. A class
name is a type, and so it can be used to declare variables and formal parameters and to specify
the return type of a function. This means that you could legally have a class called Insanity in
which you declare a function
The first Insanity is the return type of the function. The second is the function name, the third
is the type of the formal parameter, and the fourth is a formal parameter name. However, please
remember that not everything that is possible is a good idea!
Section 5.1
To some extent, OOP is just a change in point of view. We can think of an object in standard
programming terms as nothing more than a set of variables together with some subroutines for
manipulating those variables. In fact, it is possible to use object-oriented techniques in any
programming language. However, there is a big difference between a language that makes OOP
possible and one that actively supports it. An object-oriented programming language such as
Java includes a number of features that make it very different from a standard language. In order
to make effective use of those features, you have to "orient" your thinking correctly.
Objects are closely related to classes. We have already been working with classes for several
chapters, and we have seen that a class can contain variables and subroutines. If an object is also
a collection of variables and subroutines, how do they differ from classes? And why does it
require a different type of thinking to understand and use them effectively? In the one section
where we worked with objects rather than classes, Section 3.8, it didn't seem to make much
difference: We just left the word "static" out of the subroutine definitions!
I have said that classes "describe" objects, or more exactly that the non-static portions of classes
describe objects. But it's probably not very clear what this means. The more usual terminology is
to say that objects belong to classes, but this might not be much clearer. (There is a real shortage
of English words to properly distinguish all the concepts involved. An object certainly doesn't
"belong" to a class in the same way that a member variable "belongs" to a class.) From the point
of view of programming, it is more exact to say that classes are used to create objects. A class is
a kind of factory for constructing objects. The non-static parts of the class specify, or describe,
what variables and subroutines the objects will contain. This is part of the explanation of how
objects differ from classes: Objects are created and destroyed as the program runs, and there can
be many objects with the same structure, if they are created using the same class.
Consider a simple class whose job is to group together a few static member variables. For
example, the following class could be used to store information about the person who is using
the program:
class UserData {
static String name;
static int age;
In a program that uses this class, there is only one copy of each of the variables and UserData.age. There can only be one "user," since we only have
memory space to store data about one user. The class, UserData, and the variables it contains
exist as long as the program runs. Now, consider a similar class that includes non-static
class PlayerData {
String name;
int age;
In Section 3.8, we worked with applets, which are objects. The reason they didn't seem to be any
different from classes is because we were only working with one applet in each class that we
looked at. But one class can be used to make many applets. Think of an applet that scrolls a
message across a Web page. There could be several such applets on the same page, all created
from the same class. If the scrolling message in the applet is stored in a non-static variable, then
each applet will have its own variable, and each applet can show a different message. The
situation is even clearer if you think about windows, which, like applets, are objects. As a
program runs, many windows might be opened and closed, but all those windows can belong to
the same class. Here again, we have a dynamic situation where multiple objects are created and
destroyed as a program runs.
An object that belongs to a class is said to be an instance of that class. The variables that the
object contains are called instance variables. The subroutines that the object contains are called
instance methods. (Recall that in the context of object-oriented programming, method is a
synonym for "subroutine". From now on, since we are doing object-oriented programming, I will
prefer the term "method.") For example, if the PlayerData class, as defined above, is used to
create an object, then that object is an instance of the PlayerData class, and name and age
are instance variables in the object. It is important to remember that the class of an object
determines the types of the instance variables; however, the actual data is contained inside the
individual objects, not the class. Thus, each object has its own set of data.
An applet that scrolls a message across a Web page might include a subroutine named
scroll(). Since the applet is an object, this subroutine is an instance method of the applet.
The source code for the method is in the class that is used to create the applet. Still, it's better to
think of the instance method as belonging to the object, not to the class. The non-static
subroutines in the class merely specify the instance methods that every object created from the
class will contain. The scroll() methods in two different applets do the same thing in the
sense that they both scroll messages across the screen. But there is a real difference between the
two scroll() methods. The messages that they scroll can be different. You might say that the
method definition in the class specifies what type of behavior the objects will have, but the
specific behavior can vary from object to object, depending on the values of their instance
As you can see, the static and the non-static portions of a class are very different things and serve
very different purposes. Many classes contain only static members, or only non-static. However,
it is possible to mix static and non-static members in a single class, and we'll see a few examples
later in this chapter where it is reasonable to do so. You should distinguish between the source
code for the class, and the class itself. The source code determines both the class and the objects
that are created from that class. The "static" definitions in the source code specify the things that
are part of the class itself, whereas the non-static definitions in the source code specify things
that will become part of every instance object that is created from the class. By the way, static
member variables and static member subroutines in a class are sometimes called class variables
and class methods, since they belong to the class itself, rather than to instances of that class.
So far, I've been talking mostly in generalities, and I haven't given you much idea what you have
to put in a program if you want to work with objects. Let's look at a specific example to see how
it works. Consider this extremely simplified version of a Student class, which could be used to
store information about students taking a course:
None of the members of this class are declared to be static, so the class exists only for
creating objects. This class definition says that any object that is an instance of the Student
class will include instance variables named name, test1, test2, and test3, and it will
include an instance method named getAverage(). The names and tests in different objects
will generally have different values. When called for a particular student, the method
getAverage() will compute an average using that student's test grades. Different students
can have different averages. (Again, this is what it means to say that an instance method belongs
to an individual object, not to the class.)
In Java, a class is a type, similar to the built-in types such as int and boolean. So, a class name
can be used to specify the type of a variable in a declaration statement, the type of a formal
parameter, or the return type of a function. For example, a program could define a variable
named std of type Student with the statement
Student std;
However, declaring a variable does not create an object! This is an important point, which is
related to this Very Important Fact:
You should think of objects as floating around independently in the computer's memory. In fact,
there is a special portion of memory called the heap where objects live. Instead of holding an
object itself, a variable holds the information necessary to find the object in memory. This
information is called a reference or pointer to the object. In effect, a reference to an object is the
address of the memory location where the object is stored. When you use a variable of class type,
the computer uses the reference in the variable to find the actual object.
In a program, objects are created using an operator called new, which creates an object and
returns a reference to that object. For example, assuming that std is a variable of type
Student, declared as above, the assignment statement
would create a new object which is an instance of the class Student, and it would store a
reference to that object in the variable std. The value of the variable is a reference to the object,
not the object itself. It is not quite true, then, to say that the object is the "value of the variable
std" (though sometimes it is hard to avoid using this terminology). It is certainly not at all true
to say that the object is "stored in the variable std." The proper terminology is that "the variable
std refers to the object," and I will try to stick to that terminology as much as possible.
So, suppose that the variable std refers to an object belonging to the class Student. That
object has instance variables name, test1, test2, and test3. These instance variables can
be referred to as, std.test1, std.test2, and std.test3. This follows the
usual naming convention that when B is part of A, then the full name of B is A.B. For example, a
program might include the lines
System.out.println("Hello, " + + ". Your test grades
This would output the name and test grades from the object to which std refers. Similarly, std
can be used to call the getAverage() instance method in the object by saying
std.getAverage(). To print out the student's average, you could say:
More generally, you could use any place where a variable of type String is legal.
You can use it in expressions. You can assign a value to it. You can even use it to call
subroutines from the String class. For example, is the number of
characters in the student's name.
It is possible for a variable like std, whose type is given by a class, to refer to no object at all.
We say in this case that std holds a null reference. The null reference is written in Java as
"null". You can store a null reference in the variable std by saying
std = null;
and you could test whether the value of std is null by testing
if (std == null) . . .
If the value of a variable is null, then it is, of course, illegal to refer to instance variables or
instance methods through that variable -- since there is no object, and hence no instance variables
to refer to. For example, if the value of the variable std is null, then it would be illegal to refer
to std.test1. If your program attempts to use a null reference illegally like this, the result is
an error called a null pointer exception.
After the computer executes these statements, the situation in the computer's memory looks like
This picture shows variables as little boxes, labeled with the names of the variables. Objects are
shown as boxes with round corners. When a variable contains a reference to an object, the value
of that variable is shown as an arrow pointing to the object. The variable std3, with a value of
null, doesn't point anywhere. The arrows from std1 and std2 both point to the same object.
This illustrates a Very Important Point:
When the assignment "std2 = std1;" was executed, no new object was created. Instead,
std2 was set to refer to the very same object that std1 refers to. This has some consequences
that might be surprising. For example, and are two different names
for the same variable, namely the instance variable in the object that both std1 and std2 refer
to. After the string "Mary Jones" is assigned to the variable, it is also true that
the value of is "Mary Jones". There is a potential for a lot of confusion here,
but you can help protect yourself from it if you keep telling yourself, "The object is not in the
variable. The variable just holds a pointer to the object."
You can test objects for equality and inequality using the operators == and !=, but here again,
the semantics are different from what you are used to. When you make a test
"if (std1 == std2)", you are testing whether the values stored in std1 and std2 are the
same. But the values are references to objects, not objects. So, you are testing whether std1 and
std2 refer to the same object, that is, whether they point to the same location in memory. This
is fine, if its what you want to do. But sometimes, what you want to check is whether the
instance variables in the objects have the same values. To do that, you would need to ask
whether "std1.test1 == std2.test1 && std1.test2 == std2.test2 &&
std1.test3 == std2.test3 &&".
I've remarked previously that Strings are objects, and I've shown the strings "Mary
Jones" and "John Smith" as objects in the above illustration. A variable of type String can
only hold a reference to a string, not the string itself. It could also hold the value null, meaning
that it does not refer to any string at all. This explains why using the == operator to test strings
for equality is not a good idea. Suppose that greeting is a variable of type String, and that the
string it refers to is "Hello". Then would the test greeting == "Hello" be true? Well,
maybe, maybe not. The variable greeting and the String literal "Hello" each refer to a
string that contains the characters H-e-l-l-o. But the strings could still be different objects, that
just happen to contain the same characters. The function greeting.equals("Hello")
tests whether greeting and "Hello" contain the same characters, which is almost certainly
the question you want to ask. The expression greeting == "Hello" tests whether
greeting and "Hello" contain the same characters stored in the same memory location.
The fact that variables hold references to objects, not objects themselves, has a couple of other
consequences that you should be aware of. They follow logically, if you just keep in mind the
basic fact that the object is not stored in the variable. The object is somewhere else; the variable
points to it.
Suppose that a variable that refers to an object is declared to be final. This means that the
value stored in the variable can never be changed, once the variable has been initialized. The
value stored in the variable is a reference to the object. So the variable will continue to refer to
the same object as long as the variable exists. However, this does not prevent the data in the
object from changing. The variable is final, not the object. It's perfectly legal to say
Next, suppose that obj is a variable that refers to an object. Let's consider what happens when
obj is passed as an actual parameter to a subroutine. The value of obj is assigned to a formal
parameter in the subroutine, and the subroutine is executed. The subroutine has no power to
change the value stored in the variable, obj. It only has a copy of that value. However, that
value is a reference to an object. Since the subroutine has a reference to the object, it can change
the data stored in the object. After the subroutine ends, obj still points to the same object, but
the data stored in the object might have changed. Suppose x is a variable of type int and stu is
a variable of type Student. Compare:
z = x; s = stu;
z = 42; = "Fred";
When writing new classes, it's a good idea to pay attention to the issue of access control. Recall
that making a member of a class public makes it accessible from anywhere, including from
other classes. On the other hand, a private member can only be used in the class where it is
In the opinion of many programmers, almost all member variables should be declared private.
This gives you complete control over what can be done with the variable. Even if the variable
itself is private, you can allow other classes to find out what its value is by providing a public
accessor method that returns the value of the variable. For example, if your class contains a
private member variable, title, of type String, you can provide a method
that returns the value of title. By convention, the name of an accessor method for a variable is
obtained by capitalizing the name of variable and adding "get" in front of the name. So, for the
variable title, we get an accessor method named "get" + "Title", or getTitle(). Because
of this naming convention, accessor methods are more often referred to as getter methods. A
getter method provides "read access" to a variable.
You might also want to allow "write access" to a private variable. That is, you might want to
make it possible for other classes to specify a new value for the variable. This is done with a
setter method. (If you don't like simple, Anglo-Saxon words, you can use the fancier term
mutator method.) The name of a setter method should consist of "set" followed by a capitalized
copy of the variable's name, and it should have a parameter with the same type as the variable. A
setter method for the variable title could be written
It is actually very common to provide both a getter and a setter method for a private member
variable. Since this allows other classes both to see and to change the value of the variable, you
might wonder why not just make the variable public? The reason is that getters and setters are
not restricted to simply reading and writing the variable's value. In fact, they can take any action
at all. For example, a getter method might keep track of the number of times that the variable has
been accessed:
and a setter method might check that the value that is being assigned to the variable is legal:
Even if you can't think of any extra chores to do in a getter or setter method, you might change
your mind in the future when you redesign and improve your class. If you've used a getter and
setter from the beginning, you can make the modification to your class without affecting any of
the classes that use your class. The private member variable is not part of the public interface
of your class; only the public getter and setter methods are. If you haven't used get and set
from the beginning, you'll have to contact everyone who uses your class and tell them, "Sorry
guys, you'll have to track down every use that you've made of this variable and change your code
to use my new get and set methods instead."
A couple of final notes: Some advanced aspects of Java rely on the naming convention for getter
and setter methods, so it's a good idea to follow the convention rigorously. And though I've been
talking about using getter and setter methods for a variable, you can define get and set methods
even if there is no variable. A getter and/or setter method defines a property of the class, that
might or might not correspond to a variable. For example, if a class includes a public void
instance method with signature setValue(double), then the class has a "property" named
value of type double, and it has this property whether or not the class has a member variable
named value.
Section 5.2
OBJECT TYPES IN JAVA are very different from the primitive types. Simply declaring a
variable whose type is given as a class does not automatically create an object of that class.
Objects must be explicitly constructed. For the computer, the process of constructing an object
means, first, finding some unused memory in the heap that can be used to hold the object and,
second, filling in the object's instance variables. As a programmer, you don't care where in
memory the object is stored, but you will usually want to exercise some control over what initial
values are stored in a new object's instance variables. In many cases, you will also want to do
more complicated initialization or bookkeeping every time an object is created.
An instance variable can be assigned an initial value in its declaration, just like any other
variable. For example, consider a class named PairOfDice. An object of this class will
represent a pair of dice. It will contain two instance variables to represent the numbers showing
on the dice and an instance method for rolling the dice:
The instance variables die1 and die2 are initialized to the values 3 and 4 respectively. These
initializations are executed whenever a PairOfDice object is constructed. It's important to
understand when and how this happens. There can be many PairOfDice objects. Each time
one is created, it gets its own instance variables, and the assignments "die1 = 3" and
"die2 = 4" are executed to fill in the values of those variables. To make this clearer, consider
a variation of the PairOfDice class:
public class PairOfDice {
Here, the dice are initialized to random values, as if a new pair of dice were being thrown onto
the gaming table. Since the initialization is executed for each new object, a set of random initial
values will be computed for each new pair of dice. Different pairs of dice can have different
initial values. For initialization of static member variables, of course, the situation is quite
different. There is only one copy of a static variable, and initialization of that variable is
executed just once, when the class is first loaded.
If you don't provide any initial value for an instance variable, a default initial value is provided
automatically. Instance variables of numerical type (int, double, etc.) are automatically initialized
to zero if you provide no other values; boolean variables are initialized to false; and char
variables, to the Unicode character with code number zero. An instance variable can also be a
variable of object type. For such variables, the default initial value is null. (In particular, since
Strings are objects, the default initial value for String variables is null.)
5.2.2 Constructors
Objects are created with the operator, new. For example, a program that wants to use a
PairOfDice object could say:
In this example, "new PairOfDice()" is an expression that allocates memory for the object,
initializes the object's instance variables, and then returns a reference to the object. This
reference is the value of the expression, and that value is stored by the assignment statement in
the variable, dice, so that after the assignment statement is executed, dice refers to the newly
created object. Part of this expression, "PairOfDice()", looks like a subroutine call, and that
is no accident. It is, in fact, a call to a special type of subroutine called a constructor. This might
puzzle you, since there is no such subroutine in the class definition. However, every class has at
least one constructor. If the programmer doesn't write a constructor definition in a class, then the
system will provide a default constructor for that class. This default constructor does nothing
beyond the basics: allocate memory and initialize instance variables. If you want more than that
to happen when an object is created, you can include one or more constructors in the class
The definition of a constructor looks much like the definition of any other subroutine, with three
exceptions. A constructor does not have any return type (not even void). The name of the
constructor must be the same as the name of the class in which it is defined. The only modifiers
that can be used on a constructor definition are the access modifiers public, private, and
protected. (In particular, a constructor can't be declared static.)
However, a constructor does have a subroutine body of the usual form, a block of statements.
There are no restrictions on what statements can be used. And it can have a list of formal
parameters. In fact, the ability to include parameters is one of the main reasons for using
constructors. The parameters can provide data to be used in the construction of the object. For
example, a constructor for the PairOfDice class could provide the values that are initially
showing on the dice. Here is what the class would look like in that case:
public PairOfDice() {
// Constructor. Rolls the dice, so that they initially
// show some random values.
roll(); // Call the roll() method to roll the dice.
Now we have the option of constructing a PairOfDice object either with "new
PairOfDice()" or with "new PairOfDice(x,y)", where x and y are int-valued
This class, once it is written, can be used in any program that needs to work with one or more
pairs of dice. None of those programs will ever have to use the obscure incantation
"(int)(Math.random()*6)+1", because it's done inside the PairOfDice class. And the
programmer, having once gotten the dice-rolling thing straight will never have to worry about it
again. Here, for example, is a main program that uses the PairOfDice class to count how
many times two pairs of dice are rolled before the two pairs come up showing the same value.
This illustrates once again that you can create several instances of the same class:
countRolls = 0;
} // end main()
Constructors are subroutines, but they are subroutines of a special type. They are certainly not
instance methods, since they don't belong to objects. Since they are responsible for creating
objects, they exist before any objects have been created. They are more like static member
subroutines, but they are not and cannot be declared to be static. In fact, according to the Java
language specification, they are technically not members of the class at all! In particular,
constructors are not referred to as "methods."
Unlike other subroutines, a constructor can only be called using the new operator, in an
expression that has the form
where the parameter-list is possibly empty. I call this an expression because it computes and
returns a value, namely a reference to the object that is constructed. Most often, you will store
the returned reference in a variable, but it is also legal to use a constructor call in other ways, for
example as a parameter in a subroutine call or as part of a more complex expression. Of course,
if you don't save the reference in a variable, you won't have any way of referring to the object
that was just created.
A constructor call is more complicated than an ordinary subroutine or function call. It is helpful
to understand the exact steps that the computer goes through to execute a constructor call:
1. First, the computer gets a block of unused memory in the heap, large enough to hold an object
of the specified type.
2. It initializes the instance variables of the object. If the declaration of an instance variable
specifies an initial value, then that value is computed and stored in the instance variable.
Otherwise, the default initial value is used.
3. The actual parameters in the constructor, if any, are evaluated, and the values are assigned to
the formal parameters of the constructor.
4. The statements in the body of the constructor, if any, are executed.
5. A reference to the object is returned as the value of the constructor call.
The end result of this is that you have a reference to a newly constructed object. You can use this
reference to get at the instance variables in that object or to call its instance methods.
For another example, let's rewrite the Student class that was used in Section 1. I'll add a
constructor, and I'll also take the opportunity to make the instance variable, name, private.
Student(String theName) {
// Constructor for Student objects;
// provides a name for the Student.
name = theName;
An object of type Student contains information about some particular student. The constructor
in this class has a parameter of type String, which specifies the name of that student. Objects of
type Student can be created with statements such as:
In the original version of this class, the value of name had to be assigned by a program after it
created the object of type Student. There was no guarantee that the programmer would always
remember to set the name properly. In the new version of the class, there is no way to create a
Student object except by calling the constructor, and that constructor automatically sets the
name. The programmer's life is made easier, and whole hordes of frustrating bugs are squashed
before they even have a chance to be born.
Another type of guarantee is provided by the private modifier. Since the instance variable,
name, is private, there is no way for any part of the program outside the Student class to
get at the name directly. The program sets the value of name, indirectly, when it calls the
constructor. I've provided a function, getName(), that can be used from outside the class to
find out the name of the student. But I haven't provided any setter method or other way to
change the name. Once a student object is created, it keeps the same name as long as it exists.
So far, this section has been about creating objects. What about destroying them? In Java, the
destruction of objects takes place automatically.
An object exists in the heap, and it can be accessed only through variables that hold references to
the object. What should be done with an object if there are no variables that refer to it? Such
things can happen. Consider the following two statements (though in reality, you'd never do
anything like this):
Java uses a procedure called garbage collection to reclaim memory occupied by objects that are
no longer accessible to a program. It is the responsibility of the system, not the programmer, to
keep track of which objects are "garbage." In the above example, it was very easy to see that the
Student object had become garbage. Usually, it's much harder. If an object has been used for a
while, there might be several references to the object stored in several variables. The object
doesn't become garbage until all those references have been dropped.
In many other programming languages, it's the programmer's responsibility to delete the garbage.
Unfortunately, keeping track of memory usage is very error-prone, and many serious program
bugs are caused by such errors. A programmer might accidently delete an object even though
there are still references to that object. This is called a dangling pointer error, and it leads to
problems when the program tries to access an object that is no longer there. Another type of error
is a memory leak, where a programmer neglects to delete objects that are no longer in use. This
can lead to filling memory with objects that are completely inaccessible, and the program might
run out of memory even though, in fact, large amounts of memory are being wasted.
Because Java uses garbage collection, such errors are simply impossible. Garbage collection is
an old idea and has been used in some programming languages since the 1960s. You might
wonder why all languages don't use garbage collection. In the past, it was considered too slow
and wasteful. However, research into garbage collection techniques combined with the incredible
speed of modern computers have combined to make garbage collection feasible. Programmers
should rejoice.
Section 5.3
THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS in which object-oriented concepts can be applied to the
process of designing and writing programs. The broadest of these is object-oriented analysis and
design which applies an object-oriented methodology to the earliest stages of program
development, during which the overall design of a program is created. Here, the idea is to
identify things in the problem domain that can be modeled as objects. On another level, object-
oriented programming encourages programmers to produce generalized software components
that can be used in a wide variety of programming projects.
Of course, for the most part, you will experience "generalized software components" by using
the standard classes that come along with Java. We begin this section by looking at some built-in
classes that are used for creating objects. At the end of the section, we will get back to
A string can be built up from smaller pieces using the + operator, but this is not very efficient. If
str is a String and ch is a character, then executing the command "str = str + ch;"
involves creating a whole new string that is a copy of str, with the value of ch appended onto
the end. Copying the string takes some time. Building up a long string letter by letter would
require a surprising amount of processing. The class StringBuffer makes it possible to be
efficient about building up a long string from a number of smaller pieces. To do this, you must
make an object belonging to the StringBuffer class. For example:
(This statement both declares the variable buffer and initializes it to refer to a newly created
StringBuffer object. Combining declaration with initialization was covered in Subsection 4.7.1
and works for objects just as it does for primitive types.)
A number of useful classes are collected in the package java.util. For example, this package
contains classes for working with collections of objects. We will study these collection classes in
Chapter 10. Another class in this package, java.util.Date, is used to represent times.
When a Date object is constructed without parameters, the result represents the current date and
time, so an easy way to display this information is:
System.out.println( new Date() );
Of course, to use the Date class in this way, you must make it available by importing it with one
of the statements "import java.util.Date;" or "import java.util.*;" at the
beginning of your program. (See Subsection 4.5.3 for a discussion of packages and import.)
I will also mention the class java.util.Random. An object belonging to this class is a
source of random numbers (or, more precisely pseudorandom numbers). The standard function
Math.random() uses one of these objects behind the scenes to generate its random numbers.
An object of type Random can generate random integers, as well as random real numbers. If
randGen is created with the command:
The main point here, again, is that many problems have already been solved, and the solutions
are available in Java's standard classes. If you are faced with a task that looks like it should be
fairly common, it might be worth looking through a Java reference to see whether someone has
already written a class that you can use.
We have already encountered the classes Double and Integer in Subsection 2.5.7. These classes
contain the static methods Double.parseDouble and Integer.parseInteger that
are used to convert strings to numerical values. We have also encountered the Character class in
some examples, and static methods such as Character.isLetter, which can be used to test
whether a given value of type char is a letter. There is a similar class for each of the other
primitive types, Long, Short, Byte, Float, and Boolean. These classes are called wrapper classes.
Although they contain useful static members, they have another use as well: They are used
for creating objects that represent primitive type values.
Remember that the primitive types are not classes, and values of primitive type are not objects.
However, sometimes it's useful to treat a primitive value as if it were an object. You can't do that
literally, but you can "wrap" the primitive type value in an object belonging to one of the
wrapper classes.
For example, an object of type Double contains a single instance variable, of type double. The
object is a wrapper for the double value. For example, you can create an object that wraps the
double value 6.0221415e23 with
The value of d contains the same information as the value of type double, but it is an object. If
you want to retrieve the double value that is wrapped in the object, you can call the function
d.doubleValue(). Similarly, you can wrap an int in an object of type Integer, a boolean
value in an object of type Boolean, and so on. (As an example of where this would be useful, the
collection classes that will be studied in Chapter 10 can only hold objects. If you want to add a
primitive type value to a collection, it has to be put into a wrapper object first.)
In Java 5.0, wrapper classes have become easier to use. Java 5.0 introduced automatic conversion
between a primitive type and the corresponding wrapper class. For example, if you use a value of
type int in a context that requires an object of type Integer, the int will automatically be wrapped
in an Integer object. For example, you can say
This is called autoboxing. It works in the other direction, too. For example, if d refers to an
object of type Double, you can use d in a numerical expression such as 2*d. The double value
inside d is automatically unboxed and multiplied by 2. Autoboxing and unboxing also apply to
subroutine calls. For example, you can pass an actual parameter of type int to a subroutine that
has a formal parameter of type Integer. In fact, autoboxing and unboxing make it possible in
many circumstances to ignore the difference between primitive types and objects.
The wrapper classes contain a few other things that deserve to be mentioned. Integer, for
example, contains constants Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE, which are
equal to the largest and smallest possible values of type int, that is, to -2147483648 and
2147483647 respectively. It's certainly easier to remember the names than the numerical values.
There are similar named constants in Long, Short, and Byte. Double and Float also have
constants named MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE. MAX_VALUE still gives the largest number
that can be represented in the given type, but MIN_VALUE represents the smallest possible
positive value. For type double, Double.MIN_VALUE is 4.9 times 10-324. Since double values
have only a finite accuracy, they can't get arbitrarily close to zero. This is the closest they can get
without actually being equal to zero.
The class Double deserves special mention, since doubles are so much more complicated than
integers. The encoding of real numbers into values of type double has room for a few special
values that are not real numbers at all in the mathematical sense. These values are given by
named constants in class Double: Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, and Double.NaN. The infinite values can occur as the
values of certain mathematical expressions. For example, dividing a positive number by zero will
give the result Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY. (It's even more complicated than this,
actually, because the double type includes a value called "negative zero", written -0.0.
Dividing a positive number by negative zero gives Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.) You
also get Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY whenever the mathematical value of an expression
is greater than Double.MAX_VALUE. For example, 1e200*1e200 is considered to be
infinite. The value Double.NaN is even more interesting. "NaN" stands for Not a Number, and
it represents an undefined value such as the square root of a negative number or the result of
dividing zero by zero. Because of the existence of Double.NaN, no mathematical operation on
real numbers will ever throw an exception; it simply gives Double.NaN as the result.
You can test whether a value, x, of type double is infinite or undefined by calling the boolean-
valued static functions Double.isInfinite(x) and Double.isNaN(x). (It's especially
important to use Double.isNaN() to test for undefined values, because Double.NaN has
really weird behavior when used with relational operators such as ==. In fact, the values of
x == Double.NaN and x != Double.NaN are always both false -- no matter what the
value of x is -- so you can't use these expressions to test whether x is Double.NaN.)
We have already seen that one of the major features of object-oriented programming is the
ability to create subclasses of a class. The subclass inherits all the properties or behaviors of the
class, but can modify and add to what it inherits. In Section 5.5, you'll learn how to create
subclasses. What you don't know yet is that every class in Java (with just one exception) is a
subclass of some other class. If you create a class and don't explicitly make it a subclass of some
other class, then it automatically becomes a subclass of the special class named Object. (Object
is the one class that is not a subclass of any other class.)
Class Object defines several instance methods that are inherited by every other class. These
methods can be used with any object whatsoever. I will mention just one of them here. You will
encounter more of them later in the book.
The instance method toString() in class Object returns a value of type String that is
supposed to be a string representation of the object. You've already used this method implicitly,
any time you've printed out an object or concatenated an object onto a string. When you use an
object in a context that requires a string, the object is automatically converted to type String by
calling its toString() method.
The version of toString that is defined in Object just returns the name of the class that the
object belongs to, concatenated with a code number called the hash code of the object; this is not
very useful. When you create a class, you can write a new toString() method for it, which
will replace the inherited version. For example, we might add the following method to any of the
PairOfDice classes from the previous section:
If dice refers to a PairOfDice object, then dice.toString() will return strings such as
"3 and 6", "5 and 1", and "double 2", depending on the numbers showing on the dice. This
method would be used automatically to convert dice to type String in a statement such as
so this statement might output, "The dice came up 5 and 1" or "The dice came up double 2".
You'll see another example of a toString() method in the next section.
Every programmer builds up a stock of techniques and expertise expressed as snippets of code
that can be reused in new programs using the tried-and-true method of cut-and-paste: The old
code is physically copied into the new program and then edited to customize it as necessary. The
problem is that the editing is error-prone and time-consuming, and the whole enterprise is
dependent on the programmer's ability to pull out that particular piece of code from last year's
project that looks like it might be made to fit. (On the level of a corporation that wants to save
money by not reinventing the wheel for each new project, just keeping track of all the old wheels
becomes a major task.)
Well-designed classes are software components that can be reused without editing. A well-
designed class is not carefully crafted to do a particular job in a particular program. Instead, it is
crafted to model some particular type of object or a single coherent concept. Since objects and
concepts can recur in many problems, a well-designed class is likely to be reusable without
modification in a variety of projects.
The PairOfDice class in the previous section is already an example of a generalized software
component, although one that could certainly be improved. The class represents a single,
coherent concept, "a pair of dice." The instance variables hold the data relevant to the state of the
dice, that is, the number showing on each of the dice. The instance method represents the
behavior of a pair of dice, that is, the ability to be rolled. This class would be reusable in many
different programming projects.
On the other hand, the Student class from the previous section is not very reusable. It seems to be
crafted to represent students in a particular course where the grade will be based on three tests. If
there are more tests or quizzes or papers, it's useless. If there are two people in the class who
have the same name, we are in trouble (one reason why numerical student ID's are often used).
Admittedly, it's much more difficult to develop a general-purpose student class than a general-
purpose pair-of-dice class. But this particular Student class is good mostly as an example in a
programming textbook.
A large programming project goes through a number of stages, starting with specification of the
problem to be solved, followed by analysis of the problem and design of a program to solve it.
Then comes coding, in which the program's design is expressed in some actual programming
language. This is followed by testing and debugging of the program. After that comes a long
period of maintenance, which means fixing any new problems that are found in the program and
modifying it to adapt it to changing requirements. Together, these stages form what is called the
software life cycle. (In the real world, the ideal of consecutive stages is seldom if ever achieved.
During the analysis stage, it might turn out that the specifications are incomplete or inconsistent.
A problem found during testing requires at least a brief return to the coding stage. If the problem
is serious enough, it might even require a new design. Maintenance usually involves redoing
some of the work from previous stages....)
Large, complex programming projects are only likely to succeed if a careful, systematic
approach is adopted during all stages of the software life cycle. The systematic approach to
programming, using accepted principles of good design, is called software engineering. The
software engineer tries to efficiently construct programs that verifiably meet their specifications
and that are easy to modify if necessary. There is a wide range of "methodologies" that can be
applied to help in the systematic design of programs. (Most of these methodologies seem to
involve drawing little boxes to represent program components, with labeled arrows to represent
relationships among the boxes.)
We have been discussing object orientation in programming languages, which is relevant to the
coding stage of program development. But there are also object-oriented methodologies for
analysis and design. The question in this stage of the software life cycle is, How can one
discover or invent the overall structure of a program? As an example of a rather simple object-
oriented approach to analysis and design, consider this advice: Write down a description of the
problem. Underline all the nouns in that description. The nouns should be considered as
candidates for becoming classes or objects in the program design. Similarly, underline all the
verbs. These are candidates for methods. This is your starting point. Further analysis might
uncover the need for more classes and methods, and it might reveal that subclassing can be used
to take advantage of similarities among classes.
This is perhaps a bit simple-minded, but the idea is clear and the general approach can be
effective: Analyze the problem to discover the concepts that are involved, and create classes to
represent those concepts. The design should arise from the problem itself, and you should end up
with a program whose structure reflects the structure of the problem in a natural way.
Section 5.4
In this section, we look at some specific examples of object-oriented design in a domain that is
simple enough that we have a chance of coming up with something reasonably reusable.
Consider card games that are played with a standard deck of playing cards (a so-called "poker"
deck, since it is used in the game of poker).
In a typical card game, each player gets a hand of cards. The deck is shuffled and cards are dealt
one at a time from the deck and added to the players' hands. In some games, cards can be
removed from a hand, and new cards can be added. The game is won or lost depending on the
value (ace, 2, ..., king) and suit (spades, diamonds, clubs, hearts) of the cards that a player
receives. If we look for nouns in this description, there are several candidates for objects: game,
player, hand, card, deck, value, and suit. Of these, the value and the suit of a card are simple
values, and they will just be represented as instance variables in a Card object. In a complete
program, the other five nouns might be represented by classes. But let's work on the ones that are
most obviously reusable: card, hand, and deck.
If we look for verbs in the description of a card game, we see that we can shuffle a deck and deal
a card from a deck. This gives use us two candidates for instance methods in a Deck class:
shuffle() and dealCard(). Cards can be added to and removed from hands. This gives
two candidates for instance methods in a Hand class: addCard() and removeCard(). Cards
are relatively passive things, but we need to be able to determine their suits and values. We will
discover more instance methods as we go along.
First, we'll design the deck class in detail. When a deck of cards is first created, it contains 52
cards in some standard order. The Deck class will need a constructor to create a new deck. The
constructor needs no parameters because any new deck is the same as any other. There will be an
instance method called shuffle() that will rearrange the 52 cards into a random order. The
dealCard() instance method will get the next card from the deck. This will be a function with
a return type of Card, since the caller needs to know what card is being dealt. It has no
parameters -- when you deal the next card from the deck, you don't provide any information to
the deck; you just get the next card, whatever it is. What will happen if there are no more cards in
the deck when its dealCard() method is called? It should probably be considered an error to
try to deal a card from an empty deck, so the deck can throw an exception in that case. But this
raises another question: How will the rest of the program know whether the deck is empty? Of
course, the program could keep track of how many cards it has used. But the deck itself should
know how many cards it has left, so the program should just be able to ask the deck object. We
can make this possible by specifying another instance method, cardsLeft(), that returns the
number of cards remaining in the deck. This leads to a full specification of all the subroutines in
the Deck class:
public Deck()
// Constructor. Create an unshuffled deck of cards.
This is everything you need to know in order to use the Deck class. Of course, it doesn't tell us
how to write the class. This has been an exercise in design, not in programming. In fact, writing
the class involves a programming technique, arrays, which will not be covered until Chapter 7.
Nevertheless, you can look at the source code,, if you want. Even though you won't
understand the implementation, the Javadoc comments give you all the information that you need
to understand the interface. With this information, you can use the class in your programs
without understanding the implementation.
We can do a similar analysis for the Hand class. When a hand object is first created, it has no
cards in it. An addCard() instance method will add a card to the hand. This method needs a
parameter of type Card to specify which card is being added. For the removeCard() method,
a parameter is needed to specify which card to remove. But should we specify the card itself
("Remove the ace of spades"), or should we specify the card by its position in the hand
("Remove the third card in the hand")? Actually, we don't have to decide, since we can allow for
both options. We'll have two removeCard() instance methods, one with a parameter of type
Card specifying the card to be removed and one with a parameter of type int specifying the
position of the card in the hand. (Remember that you can have two methods in a class with the
same name, provided they have different types of parameters.) Since a hand can contain a
variable number of cards, it's convenient to be able to ask a hand object how many cards it
contains. So, we need an instance method getCardCount() that returns the number of cards
in the hand. When I play cards, I like to arrange the cards in my hand so that cards of the same
value are next to each other. Since this is a generally useful thing to be able to do, we can
provide instance methods for sorting the cards in the hand. Here is a full specification for a
reusable Hand class:
public Hand() {
// Create a Hand object that is initially empty.
Again, you don't yet know enough to implement this class. But given the source code,, you can use the class in your own programming projects.
We have covered enough material to write a Card class. The class will have a constructor that
specifies the value and suit of the card that is being created. There are four suits, which can be
represented by the integers 0, 1, 2, and 3. It would be tough to remember which number
represents which suit, so I've defined named constants in the Card class to represent the four
possibilities. For example, Card.SPADES is a constant that represents the suit, spades. (These
constants are declared to be public final static ints. It might be better to use an
enumerated type, but for now we will stick to integer-valued constants. I'll return to the question
of using enumerated types in this example at the end of the chapter.) The possible values of a
card are the numbers 1, 2, ..., 13, with 1 standing for an ace, 11 for a jack, 12 for a queen, and 13
for a king. Again, I've defined some named constants to represent the values of aces and face
cards. (When you read the Card class, you'll see that I've also added support for Jokers.)
A Card object can be constructed knowing the value and the suit of the card. For example, we
can call the constructor with statements such as:
A Card object needs instance variables to represent its value and suit. I've made these private
so that they cannot be changed from outside the class, and I've provided getter methods
getSuit() and getValue() so that it will be possible to discover the suit and value from
outside the class. The instance variables are initialized in the constructor, and are never changed
after that. In fact, I've declared the instance variables suit and value to be final, since they
are never changed after they are initialized. (An instance variable can be declared final
provided it is either given an initial value in its declaration or is initialized in every constructor in
the class.)
Finally, I've added a few convenience methods to the class to make it easier to print out cards in
a human-readable form. For example, I want to be able to print out the suit of a card as the word
"Diamonds", rather than as the meaningless code number 2, which is used in the class to
represent diamonds. Since this is something that I'll probably have to do in many programs, it
makes sense to include support for it in the class. So, I've provided instance methods
getSuitAsString() and getValueAsString() to return string representations of the
suit and value of a card. Finally, I've defined the instance method toString() to return a
string with both the value and suit, such as "Queen of Hearts". Recall that this method will be
used whenever a Card needs to be converted into a String, such as when the card is concatenated
onto a string with the + operator. Thus, the statement
is equivalent to
If the card is the queen of hearts, either of these will print out "Your card is the Queen of
Here is the complete Card class. It is general enough to be highly reusable, so the work that went
into designing, writing, and testing it pays off handsomely in the long run.
* An object of type Card represents a playing card from a
* standard Poker deck, including Jokers. The card has a suit,
* can be spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs, or joker. A spade,
* diamond, or club has one of the 13 values: ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
* 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, or king. Note that "ace" is considered
to be
* the smallest value. A joker can also have an associated value;
* this value can be anything and can be used to keep track of
* different jokers.
* This card's suit, one of the constants SPADES, HEARTS,
* CLUBS, or JOKER. The suit cannot be changed after the card
* constructed.
private final int suit;
* The card's value. For a normal cards, this is one of the
* 1 through 13, with 1 representing ACE. For a JOKER, the
* can be anything. The value cannot be changed after the card
* is constructed.
private final int value;
* Creates a Joker, with 1 as the associated value. (Note that
* "new Card()" is equivalent to "new Card(1,Card.JOKER)".)
public Card() {
suit = JOKER;
value = 1;
* Creates a card with a specified suit and value.
* @param theValue the value of the new card. For a regular
card (non-joker),
* the value must be in the range 1 through 13, with 1
representing an Ace.
* You can use the constants Card.ACE, Card.JACK, Card.QUEEN,
and Card.KING.
* For a Joker, the value can be anything.
* @param theSuit the suit of the new card. This must be one of
the values
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter values are
not in the
* permissible ranges
public Card(int theValue, int theSuit) {
if (theSuit != SPADES && theSuit != HEARTS && theSuit !=
theSuit != CLUBS && theSuit != JOKER)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal playing card
if (theSuit != JOKER && (theValue < 1 || theValue > 13))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal playing card
value = theValue;
suit = theSuit;
* Returns the suit of this card.
* @returns the suit, which is one of the constants Card.SPADES,
public int getSuit() {
return suit;
* Returns the value of this card.
* @return the value, which is one the numbers 1 through 13,
inclusive for
* a regular card, and which can be any value for a Joker.
public int getValue() {
return value;
* Returns a String representation of the card's suit.
* @return one of the strings "Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds",
* or "Joker".
public String getSuitAsString() {
switch ( suit ) {
case SPADES: return "Spades";
case HEARTS: return "Hearts";
case DIAMONDS: return "Diamonds";
case CLUBS: return "Clubs";
default: return "Joker";
* Returns a String representation of the card's value.
* @return for a regular card, one of the strings "Ace", "2",
* "3", ..., "10", "Jack", "Queen", or "King". For a Joker, the
* string is always a numerical.
public String getValueAsString() {
if (suit == JOKER)
return "" + value;
else {
switch ( value ) {
case 1: return "Ace";
case 2: return "2";
case 3: return "3";
case 4: return "4";
case 5: return "5";
case 6: return "6";
case 7: return "7";
case 8: return "8";
case 9: return "9";
case 10: return "10";
case 11: return "Jack";
case 12: return "Queen";
default: return "King";
* Returns a string representation of this card, including both
* its suit and its value (except that for a Joker with value 1,
* the return value is just "Joker"). Sample return values
* are: "Queen of Hearts", "10 of Diamonds", "Ace of Spades",
* "Joker", "Joker #2"
public String toString() {
if (suit == JOKER) {
if (value == 1)
return "Joker";
return "Joker #" + value;
return getValueAsString() + " of " + getSuitAsString();
I will finish this section by presenting a complete program that uses the Card and Deck classes.
The program lets the user play a very simple card game called HighLow. A deck of cards is
shuffled, and one card is dealt from the deck and shown to the user. The user predicts whether
the next card from the deck will be higher or lower than the current card. If the user predicts
correctly, then the next card from the deck becomes the current card, and the user makes another
prediction. This continues until the user makes an incorrect prediction. The number of correct
predictions is the user's score.
My program has a subroutine that plays one game of HighLow. This subroutine has a return
value that represents the user's score in the game. The main() routine lets the user play several
games of HighLow. At the end, it reports the user's average score.
I won't go through the development of the algorithms used in this program, but I encourage you
to read it carefully and make sure that you understand how it works. Note in particular that the
subroutine that plays one game of HighLow returns the user's score in the game as its return
value. This gets the score back to the main program, where it is needed. Here is the program:
* This program lets the user play HighLow, a simple card game
* that is described in the output statements at the beginning of
* the main() routine. After the user plays several games,
* the user's average score is reported.
public class HighLow {
do {
int scoreThisGame; // Score for one game.
scoreThisGame = play(); // Play the game and get the
sumOfScores += scoreThisGame;
TextIO.put("Play again? ");
playAgain = TextIO.getlnBoolean();
} while (playAgain);
System.out.println("You played " + gamesPlayed + " games.");
System.out.printf("Your average score was %1.3f.\n",
} // end main()
* Lets the user play one game of HighLow, and returns the
* user's score on that game. The score is the number of
* correct guesses that the user makes.
private static int play() {
correctGuesses = 0;
currentCard = deck.dealCard();
TextIO.putln("The first card is the " + currentCard);
nextCard = deck.dealCard();
TextIO.putln("The next card is " + nextCard);
if (nextCard.getValue() == currentCard.getValue()) {
TextIO.putln("The value is the same as the previous
TextIO.putln("You lose on ties. Sorry!");
break; // End the game.
else if (nextCard.getValue() > currentCard.getValue()) {
if (guess == 'H') {
TextIO.putln("Your prediction was correct.");
else {
TextIO.putln("Your prediction was incorrect.");
break; // End the game.
else { // nextCard is lower
if (guess == 'L') {
TextIO.putln("Your prediction was correct.");
else {
TextIO.putln("Your prediction was incorrect.");
break; // End the game.
currentCard = nextCard;
TextIO.putln("The card is " + currentCard);
TextIO.putln("The game is over.");
TextIO.putln("You made " + correctGuesses
+ " correct
return correctGuesses;
} // end play()
} // end class
Section 5.5
The topics covered later in this section are relatively advanced aspects of object-oriented
programming. Any programmer should know what is meant by subclass, inheritance, and
polymorphism. However, it will probably be a while before you actually do anything with
inheritance except for extending classes that already exist. In the first part of this section, we
look at how that is done.
In day-to-day programming, especially for programmers who are just beginning to work with
objects, subclassing is used mainly in one situation: There is an existing class that can be adapted
with a few changes or additions. This is much more common than designing groups of classes
and subclasses from scratch. The existing class can be extended to make a subclass. The syntax
for this is
As an example, suppose you want to write a program that plays the card game, Blackjack. You
can use the Card, Hand, and Deck classes developed in Section 5.4. However, a hand in the
game of Blackjack is a little different from a hand of cards in general, since it must be possible to
compute the "value" of a Blackjack hand according to the rules of the game. The rules are as
follows: The value of a hand is obtained by adding up the values of the cards in the hand. The
value of a numeric card such as a three or a ten is its numerical value. The value of a Jack,
Queen, or King is 10. The value of an Ace can be either 1 or 11. An Ace should be counted as 11
unless doing so would put the total value of the hand over 21. Note that this means that the
second, third, or fourth Ace in the hand will always be counted as 1.
One way to handle this is to extend the existing Hand class by adding a method that computes
the Blackjack value of the hand. Here's the definition of such a class:
val = 0;
ace = false;
cards = getCardCount();
return val;
} // end getBlackjackValue()
Since BlackjackHand is a subclass of Hand, an object of type BlackjackHand contains all the
instance variables and instance methods defined in Hand, plus the new instance method named
getBlackjackValue(). For example, if bjh is a variable of type BlackjackHand, then
the following are all legal: bjh.getCardCount(), bjh.removeCard(0), and
bjh.getBlackjackValue(). The first two methods are defined in Hand, but are inherited
by BlackjackHand.
Inherited variables and methods from the Hand class can also be used in the definition of
BlackjackHand (except for any that are declared to be private, which prevents access even by
subclasses). The statement "cards = getCardCount();" in the above definition of
getBlackjackValue() calls the instance method getCardCount(), which was defined
in Hand.
Extending existing classes is an easy way to build on previous work. We'll see that many
standard classes have been written specifically to be used as the basis for making subclasses.
Access modifiers such as public and private are used to control access to members of a
class. There is one more access modifier, protected, that comes into the picture when subclasses
are taken into consideration. When protected is applied as an access modifier to a method or
member variable in a class, that member can be used in subclasses -- direct or indirect -- of the
class in which it is defined, but it cannot be used in non-subclasses. (There is one exception: A
protected member can also be accessed by any class in the same package as the class that
contains the protected member. Recall that using no access modifier makes a member accessible
to classes in the same package, and nowhere else. Using the protected modifier is strictly
more liberal than using no modifier at all: It allows access from classes in the same package and
from subclasses that are not in the same package.)
When you declare a method or member variable to be protected, you are saying that it is part
of the implementation of the class, rather than part of the public interface of the class. However,
you are allowing subclasses to use and modify that part of the implementation.
For example, consider a PairOfDice class that has instance variables die1 and die2 to
represent the numbers appearing on the two dice. We could make those variables private to
make it impossible to change their values from outside the class, while still allowing read access
through getter methods. However, if we think it possible that PairOfDice will be used to create
subclasses, we might want to make it possible for subclasses to change the numbers on the dice.
For example, a GraphicalDice subclass that draws the dice might want to change the numbers at
other times besides when the dice are rolled. In that case, we could make die1 and die2
protected, which would allow the subclass to change their values without making them
public to the rest of the world. (An even better idea would be to define protected setter
methods for the variables. A setter method could, for example, ensure that the value that is being
assigned to the variable is in the legal range 1 through 6.)
The term inheritance refers to the fact that one class can inherit part or all of
its structure and behavior from another class. The class that does the inheriting
is said to be a subclass of the class from which it inherits. If class B is a
subclass of class A, we also say that class A is a superclass of class B. (Sometimes the terms
derived class and base class are used instead of subclass and superclass; this is the common
terminology in C++.) A subclass can add to the structure and behavior that it inherits. It can also
replace or modify inherited behavior (though not inherited structure). The relationship between
subclass and superclass is sometimes shown by a diagram in which the subclass is shown below,
and connected to, its superclass.
In Java, to create a class named "B" as a subclass of a class named "A", you would write
class B extends A {
. // additions to, and modifications of,
. // stuff inherited from class A
Let's look at an example. Suppose that a program has to deal with motor vehicles, including cars,
trucks, and motorcycles. (This might be a program used by a Department of Motor Vehicles to
keep track of registrations.) The program could use a class named Vehicle to represent all types
of vehicles. Since cars, trucks, and motorcycles are types of vehicles, they would be represented
by subclasses of the Vehicle class, as shown in this class hierarchy diagram:
The Vehicle class would include instance variables such as registrationNumber and
owner and instance methods such as transferOwnership(). These are variables and
methods common to all vehicles. The three subclasses of Vehicle -- Car, Truck, and Motorcycle -
- could then be used to hold variables and methods specific to particular types of vehicles. The
Car class might add an instance variable numberOfDoors, the Truck class might have
numberOfAxles, and the Motorcycle class could have a boolean variable hasSidecar.
(Well, it could in theory at least, even if it might give a chuckle to the people at the Department
of Motor Vehicles.) The declarations of these classes in a Java program would look, in outline,
like this (although in practice, they would probably be public classes, defined in separate
class Vehicle {
int registrationNumber;
Person owner; // (Assuming that a Person class has been
void transferOwnership(Person newOwner) {
. . .
. . .
Suppose that myCar is a variable of type Car that has been declared and initialized with the
Now, in the real world, cars, trucks, and motorcycles are in fact vehicles. The same is true in a
program. That is, an object of type Car or Truck or Motorcycle is automatically an object of type
Vehicle too. This brings us to the following Important Fact:
The practical effect of this in our example is that an object of type Car can be assigned to a
variable of type Vehicle. That is, it would be legal to say
or even
After either of these statements, the variable myVehicle holds a reference to a Vehicle object
that happens to be an instance of the subclass, Car. The object "remembers" that it is in fact a
Car, and not just a Vehicle. Information about the actual class of an object is stored as part of
that object. It is even possible to test whether a given object belongs to a given class, using the
instanceof operator. The test:
myCar = myVehicle;
would be illegal because myVehicle could potentially refer to other types of vehicles that are
not cars. This is similar to a problem we saw previously in Subsection 2.5.6: The computer will
not allow you to assign an int value to a variable of type short, because not every int is a short.
Similarly, it will not allow you to assign a value of type Vehicle to a variable of type Car because
not every vehicle is a car. As in the case of ints and shorts, the solution here is to use type-
casting. If, for some reason, you happen to know that myVehicle does in fact refer to a Car,
you can use the type cast (Car)myVehicle to tell the computer to treat myVehicle as if it
were actually of type Car. So, you could say
myCar = (Car)myVehicle;
and you could even refer to ((Car)myVehicle).numberOfDoors. As an example of how
this could be used in a program, suppose that you want to print out relevant data about a vehicle.
You could say:
System.out.println("Vehicle Data:");
System.out.println("Registration number: "
+ myVehicle.registrationNumber);
if (myVehicle instanceof Car) {
System.out.println("Type of vehicle: Car");
Car c;
c = (Car)myVehicle;
System.out.println("Number of doors: " + c.numberOfDoors);
else if (myVehicle instanceof Truck) {
System.out.println("Type of vehicle: Truck");
Truck t;
t = (Truck)myVehicle;
System.out.println("Number of axles: " + t.numberOfAxles);
else if (myVehicle instanceof Motorcycle) {
System.out.println("Type of vehicle: Motorcycle");
Motorcycle m;
m = (Motorcycle)myVehicle;
System.out.println("Has a sidecar: " + m.hasSidecar);
Note that for object types, when the computer executes a program, it checks whether type-casts
are valid. So, for example, if myVehicle refers to an object of type Truck, then the type cast
(Car)myVehicle would be an error. When this happes, an exception of type
ClassCastException is thrown.
5.5.4 Polymorphism
As another example, consider a program that deals with shapes drawn on the screen. Let's say
that the shapes include rectangles, ovals, and roundrects of various colors. (A "roundrect" is just
a rectangle with rounded corners.)
Three classes, Rectangle, Oval, and RoundRect, could be used to represent the three types of
shapes. These three classes would have a common superclass, Shape, to represent features that
all three shapes have in common. The Shape class could include instance variables to represent
the color, position, and size of a shape, and it could include instance methods for changing the
color, position, and size. Changing the color, for example, might involve changing the value of
an instance variable, and then redrawing the shape in its new color:
class Shape {
void redraw() {
// method for drawing the shape
? ? ? // what commands should go here?
Now, you might see a problem here with the method redraw(). The problem is that each
different type of shape is drawn differently. The method setColor() can be called for any
type of shape. How does the computer know which shape to draw when it executes the
redraw()? Informally, we can answer the question like this: The computer executes
redraw() by asking the shape to redraw itself. Every shape object knows what it has to do to
redraw itself.
In practice, this means that each of the specific shape classes has its own redraw() method:
If oneShape is a variable of type Shape, it could refer to an object of any of the types,
Rectangle, Oval, or RoundRect. As a program executes, and the value of oneShape changes, it
could even refer to objects of different types at different times! Whenever the statement
is executed, the redraw method that is actually called is the one appropriate for the type of object
to which oneShape actually refers. There may be no way of telling, from looking at the text of
the program, what shape this statement will draw, since it depends on the value that oneShape
happens to have when the program is executed. Even more is true. Suppose the statement is in a
loop and gets executed many times. If the value of oneShape changes as the loop is executed,
it is possible that the very same statement "oneShape.redraw();" will call different
methods and draw different shapes as it is executed over and over. We say that the redraw()
method is polymorphic. A method is polymorphic if the action performed by the method depends
on the actual type of the object to which the method is applied. Polymorphism is one of the
major distinguishing features of object-oriented programming.
Perhaps this becomes more understandable if we change our terminology a bit: In object-oriented
programming, calling a method is often referred to as sending a message to an object. The object
responds to the message by executing the appropriate method. The statement
"oneShape.redraw();" is a message to the object referred to by oneShape. Since that
object knows what type of object it is, it knows how it should respond to the message. From this
point of view, the computer always executes "oneShape.redraw();" in the same way: by
sending a message. The response to the message depends, naturally, on who receives it. From
this point of view, objects are active entities that send and receive messages, and polymorphism
is a natural, even necessary, part of this view. Polymorphism just means that different objects can
respond to the same message in different ways.
One of the most beautiful things about polymorphism is that it lets code that you write do things
that you didn't even conceive of, at the time you wrote it. Suppose that I decide to add beveled
rectangles to the types of shapes my program can deal with. A beveled rectangle has a triangle
cut off each corner:
To implement beveled rectangles, I can write a new subclass, BeveledRect, of class Shape and
give it its own redraw() method. Automatically, code that I wrote previously -- such as the
statement oneShape.redraw() -- can now suddenly start drawing beveled rectangles, even
though the beveled rectangle class didn't exist when I wrote the statement!
A redraw message is sent here, but which object is it sent to? Well, the setColor method is
itself a message that was sent to some object. The answer is that the redraw message is sent to
that same object, the one that received the setColor message. If that object is a rectangle, then
it is the redraw() method from the Rectangle class that is executed. If the object is an oval,
then it is the redraw() method from the Oval class. This is what you should expect, but it
means that the "redraw();" statement in the setColor() method does not necessarily call
the redraw() method in the Shape class! The redraw() method that is executed could be in
any subclass of Shape.
Again, this is not a real surprise if you think about it in the right way. Remember that an instance
method is always contained in an object. The class only contains the source code for the method.
When a Rectangle object is created, it contains a redraw() method. The source code for that
method is in the Rectangle class. The object also contains a setColor() method. Since the
Rectangle class does not define a setColor() method, the source code for the rectangle's
setColor() method comes from the superclass, Shape, but the method itself is in the object
of type Rectangle. Even though the source codes for the two methods are in different classes, the
methods themselves are part of the same object. When the rectangle's setColor() method is
executed and calls redraw(), the redraw() method that is executed is the one in the same
Whenever a Rectangle, Oval, or RoundRect object has to draw itself, it is the redraw()
method in the appropriate class that is executed. This leaves open the question, What does the
redraw() method in the Shape class do? How should it be defined?
The answer may be surprising: We should leave it blank! The fact is that the class Shape
represents the abstract idea of a shape, and there is no way to draw such a thing. Only particular,
concrete shapes like rectangles and ovals can be drawn. So, why should there even be a
redraw() method in the Shape class? Well, it has to be there, or it would be illegal to call it in
the setColor() method of the Shape class, and it would be illegal to write
"oneShape.redraw();", where oneShape is a variable of type Shape. The compiler would
complain that oneShape is a variable of type Shape and there's no redraw() method in the
Shape class.
Nevertheless the version of redraw() in the Shape class itself will never actually be called. In
fact, if you think about it, there can never be any reason to construct an actual object of type
Shape! You can have variables of type Shape, but the objects they refer to will always belong to
one of the subclasses of Shape. We say that Shape is an abstract class. An abstract class is one
that is not used to construct objects, but only as a basis for making subclasses. An abstract class
exists only to express the common properties of all its subclasses. A class that is not abstract is
said to be concrete. You can create objects belonging to a concrete class, but not to an abstract
class. A variable whose type is given by an abstract class can only refer to objects that belong to
concrete subclasses of the abstract class.
Similarly, we say that the redraw() method in class Shape is an abstract method, since it is
never meant to be called. In fact, there is nothing for it to do -- any actual redrawing is done by
redraw() methods in the subclasses of Shape. The redraw() method in Shape has to be
there. But it is there only to tell the computer that all Shapes understand the redraw message.
As an abstract method, it exists merely to specify the common interface of all the actual, concrete
versions of redraw() in the subclasses of Shape. There is no reason for the abstract
redraw() in class Shape to contain any code at all.
Shape and its redraw() method are semantically abstract. You can also tell the computer,
syntactically, that they are abstract by adding the modifier "abstract" to their definitions. For
an abstract method, the block of code that gives the implementation of an ordinary method is
replaced by a semicolon. An implementation must be provided for the abstract method in any
concrete subclass of the abstract class. Here's what the Shape class would look like as an abstract
Once you have declared the class to be abstract, it becomes illegal to try to create actual
objects of type Shape, and the computer will report a syntax error if you try to do so.
Recall from Subsection 5.3.3 that a class that is not explicitly declared to be a subclass of some
other class is automatically made a subclass of the standard class Object. That is, a class
declaration with no "extends" part such as
is exactly equivalent to
This means that class Object is at the top of a huge class hierarchy that includes every other
class. (Semantially, Object is an abstract class, in fact the most abstract class of all. Curiously,
however, it is not declared to be abstract syntactially, which means that you can create
objects of type Object. What you would do with them, however, I have no idea.)
Since every class is a subclass of Object, a variable of type Object can refer to any object
whatsoever, of any type. Java has several standard data structures that are designed to hold
Objects, but since every object is an instance of class Object, these data structures can actually
hold any object whatsoever. One example is the "ArrayList" data structure, which is defined by
the class ArrayList in the package java.util. (ArrayList is discussed more fully in
Section 7.3.) An ArrayList is simply a list of Objects. This class is very convenient, because an
ArrayList can hold any number of objects, and it will grow, when necessary, as objects are added
to it. Since the items in the list are of type Object, the list can actually hold objects of any type.
A program that wants to keep track of various Shapes that have been drawn on the screen can
store those shapes in an ArrayList. Suppose that the ArrayList is named listOfShapes. A
shape, oneShape, can be added to the end of the list by calling the instance method
"listOfShapes.add(oneShape);". The shape can be removed from the list with the
instance method "listOfShapes.remove(oneShape);". The number of shapes in the list
is given by the function "listOfShapes.size()". And it is possible to retrieve the i-th
object from the list with the function call "listOfShapes.get(i)". (Items in the list are
numbered from 0 to listOfShapes.size() - 1.) However, note that this method returns
an Object, not a Shape. (Of course, the people who wrote the ArrayList class didn't even
know about Shapes, so the method they wrote could hardly have a return type of Shape!) Since
you know that the items in the list are, in fact, Shapes and not just Objects, you can type-cast the
Object returned by listOfShapes.get(i) to be a value of type Shape:
oneShape = (Shape)listOfShapes.get(i);
Let's say, for example, that you want to redraw all the shapes in the list. You could do this with a
simple for loop, which is lovely example of object-oriented programming and of
The sample source code file uses an abstract Shape class and an ArrayList to
hold a list of shapes. The file defines an applet in which the user can add various shapes to a
drawing area. Once a shape is in the drawing area, the user can use the mouse to drag it around.
You might want to look at this file, even though you won't be able to understand all of it at this
time. Even the definitions of the shape classes are somewhat different from those that I have
described in this section. (For example, the draw() method has a parameter of type Graphics.
This parameter is required because of the way Java handles all drawing.) I'll return to this
example in later chapters when you know more about GUI programming. However, it would still
be worthwhile to look at the definition of the Shape class and its subclasses in the source code.
You might also check how an ArrayList is used to hold the list of shapes.
If you click one of the buttons along the bottom of this applet, a shape will be added to the screen
in the upper left corner of the applet. The color of the shape is given by the "pop-up menu" in the
lower right. Once a shape is on the screen, you can drag it around with the mouse. A shape will
maintain the same front-to-back order with respect to other shapes on the screen, even while you
are dragging it. However, you can move a shape out in front of all the other shapes if you hold
down the shift key as you click on it.
In the applet the only time when the actual class of a shape is used is when that shape is added to
the screen. Once the shape has been created, it is manipulated entirely as an abstract shape. The
routine that implements dragging, for example, works only with variables of type Shape. As the
Shape is being dragged, the dragging routine just calls the Shape's draw method each time the
shape has to be drawn, so it doesn't have to know how to draw the shape or even what type of
shape it is. The object is responsible for drawing itself. If I wanted to add a new type of shape to
the program, I would define a new subclass of Shape, add another button to the applet, and
program the button to add the correct type of shape to the screen. No other changes in the
programming would be necessary.
Section 5.6
A static member of a class has a simple name, which can only be used inside the class definition.
For use outside the class, it has a full name of the form class-name.simple-name. For example,
"System.out" is a static member variable with simple name "out" in the class "System". It's
always legal to use the full name of a static member, even within the class where it's defined.
Sometimes it's even necessary, as when the simple name of a static member variable is hidden by
a local variable of the same name.
Instance variables and instance methods also have simple names. The simple name of such an
instance member can be used in instance methods in the class where the instance member is
defined. Instance members also have full names, but remember that instance variables and
methods are actually contained in objects, not classes. The full name of an instance member has
to contain a reference to the object that contains the instance member. To get at an instance
variable or method from outside the class definition, you need a variable that refers to the object.
Then the full name is of the form variable-name.simple-name. But suppose you are writing the
definition of an instance method in some class. How can you get a reference to the object that
contains that instance method? You might need such a reference, for example, if you want to use
the full name of an instance variable, because the simple name of the instance variable is hidden
by a local variable or parameter.
Java provides a special, predefined variable named "this" that you can use for such purposes.
The variable, this, is used in the source code of an instance method to refer to the object that
contains the method. This intent of the name, this, is to refer to "this object," the one right here
that this very method is in. If x is an instance variable in the same object, then this.x can be
used as a full name for that variable. If otherMethod() is an instance method in the same
object, then this.otherMethod() could be used to call that method. Whenever the
computer executes an instance method, it automatically sets the variable, this, to refer to the
object that contains the method.
In the constructor, the instance variable called name is hidden by a formal parameter. However,
the instance variable can still be referred to by its full name, In the assignment
statement, the value of the formal parameter, name, is assigned to the instance variable, This is considered to be acceptable style: There is no need to dream up cute new
names for formal parameters that are just used to initialize instance variables. You can use the
same name for the parameter as for the instance variable.
There are other uses for this. Sometimes, when you are writing an instance method, you need
to pass the object that contains the method to a subroutine, as an actual parameter. In that case,
you can use this as the actual parameter. For example, if you wanted to print out a string
representation of the object, you could say "System.out.println(this);". Or you could
assign the value of this to another variable in an assignment statement. In fact, you can do
anything with this that you could do with any other variable, except change its value.
Java also defines another special variable, named "super", for use in the definitions of instance
methods. The variable super is for use in a subclass. Like this, super refers to the object
that contains the method. But it's forgetful. It forgets that the object belongs to the class you are
writing, and it remembers only that it belongs to the superclass of that class. The point is that the
class can contain additions and modifications to the superclass. super doesn't know about any
of those additions and modifications; it can only be used to refer to methods and variables in the
Let's say that the class that you are writing contains an instance method named
doSomething(). Consider the subroutine call statement super.doSomething(). Now,
super doesn't know anything about the doSomething() method in the subclass. It only
knows about things in the superclass, so it tries to execute a method named doSomething()
from the superclass. If there is none -- if the doSomething() method was an addition rather
than a modification -- you'll get a syntax error.
The reason super exists is so you can get access to things in the superclass that are hidden by
things in the subclass. For example, super.x always refers to an instance variable named x in
the superclass. This can be useful for the following reason: If a class contains an instance
variable with the same name as an instance variable in its superclass, then an object of that class
will actually contain two variables with the same name: one defined as part of the class itself and
one defined as part of the superclass. The variable in the subclass does not replace the variable
of the same name in the superclass; it merely hides it. The variable from the superclass can still
be accessed, using super.
When you write a method in a subclass that has the same signature as a method in its superclass,
the method from the superclass is hidden in the same way. We say that the method in the
subclass overrides the method from the superclass. Again, however, super can be used to
access the method from the superclass.
The major use of super is to override a method with a new method that extends the behavior of
the inherited method, instead of replacing that behavior entirely. The new method can use
super to call the method from the superclass, and then it can add additional code to provide
additional behavior. As an example, suppose you have a PairOfDice class that includes a
roll() method. Suppose that you want a subclass, GraphicalDice, to represent a pair of dice
drawn on the computer screen. The roll() method in the GraphicalDice class should do
everything that the roll() method in the PairOfDice class does. We can express this with a
call to super.roll(), which calls the method in the superclass. But in addition to that, the
roll() method for a GraphicalDice object has to redraw the dice to show the new values. The
GraphicalDice class might look something like this:
Note that this allows you to extend the behavior of the roll() method even if you don't know
how the method is implemented in the superclass!
Here is a more complete example. The applet at the end of Section 4.7 shows a disturbance that
moves around in a mosaic of little squares. As it moves, each square that it visits becomes a
brighter shade of red. The result looks interesting, but I think it would be prettier if the pattern
were symmetric. A symmetric version of the applet is shown at the bottom of Section 5.7. The
symmetric applet can be programmed as an easy extension of the original applet.
In the symmetric version, each time a square is brightened, the squares that can be obtained from
that one by horizontal and vertical reflection through the center of the mosaic are also
brightened. This picture might make the symmetry idea clearer:
The four red squares in the picture, for example, form a set of such symmetrically placed
squares, as do the purple squares and the green squares. (The blue square is at the center of the
mosaic, so reflecting it doesn't produce any other squares; it's its own reflection.)
The original applet is defined by the class RandomBrighten. In that class, the actual task of
brightening a square is done by a method called brighten(). If row and col are the row and
column numbers of a square, then "brighten(row,col);" increases the brightness of that
square. All we need is a subclass of RandomBrighten with a modified brighten() routine.
Instead of just brightening one square, the modified routine will also brighten the horizontal and
vertical reflections of that square. But how will it brighten each of the four individual squares?
By calling the brighten() method from the original class. It can do this by calling
There is still the problem of computing the row and column numbers of the horizontal and
vertical reflections. To do this, you need to know the number of rows and the number of
columns. The RandomBrighten class has instance variables named ROWS and COLUMNS to
represent these quantities. Using these variables, it's possible to come up with formulas for the
reflections, as shown in the definition of the brighten() method below.
Constructors are not inherited. That is, if you extend an existing class to make a subclass, the
constructors in the superclass do not become part of the subclass. If you want constructors in
the subclass, you have to define new ones from scratch. If you don't define any constructors in
the subclass, then the computer will make up a default constructor, with no parameters, for you.
This could be a problem, if there is a constructor in the superclass that does a lot of necessary
work. It looks like you might have to repeat all that work in the subclass! This could be a real
problem if you don't have the source code to the superclass, and don't know how it works, or if
the constructor in the superclass initializes private member variables that you don't even have
access to in the subclass!
Obviously, there has to be some fix for this, and there is. It involves the special variable, super.
As the very first statement in a constructor, you can use super to call a constructor from the
superclass. The notation for this is a bit ugly and misleading, and it can only be used in this one
particular circumstance: It looks like you are calling super as a subroutine (even though
super is not a subroutine and you can't call constructors the same way you call other
subroutines anyway). As an example, assume that the PairOfDice class has a constructor that
takes two integers as parameters. Consider a subclass:
The statement "super(3,4);" calls the constructor from the superclass. This call must be the
first line of the constructor in the subclass. Note that if you don't explicitly call a constructor
from the superclass in this way, then the default constructor from the superclass, the one with no
parameters, will be called automatically.
This might seem rather technical, but unfortunately it is sometimes necessary. By the way, you
can use the special variable this in exactly the same way to call another constructor in the same
class. This can be useful since it can save you from repeating the same code in several
Section 5.7
THIS SECTION simply pulls together a few more miscellaneous features of object oriented
programming in Java. Read it now, or just look through it and refer back to it later when you
need this material. (You will need to know about the first topic, interfaces, almost as soon as we
begin GUI programming.)
5.7.1 Interfaces
Some object-oriented programming languages, such as C++, allow a class to extend two or more
superclasses. This is called multiple inheritance. In the illustration below, for example, class E is
shown as having both class A and class B as direct superclasses, while class F has three direct
Such multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java. The designers of Java wanted to keep the
language reasonably simple, and felt that the benefits of multiple inheritance were not worth the
cost in increased complexity. However, Java does have a feature that can be used to accomplish
many of the same goals as multiple inheritance: interfaces.
We've encountered the term "interface" before, in connection with black boxes in general and
subroutines in particular. The interface of a subroutine consists of the name of the subroutine, its
return type, and the number and types of its parameters. This is the information you need to
know if you want to call the subroutine. A subroutine also has an implementation: the block of
code which defines it and which is executed when the subroutine is called.
In Java, interface is a reserved word with an additional, technical meaning. An
"interface" in this sense consists of a set of instance method interfaces, without any
associated implementations. (Actually, a Java interface can contain other things as well, but we
won't discuss them here.) A class can implement an interface by providing an
implementation for each of the methods specified by the interface. Here is an example of a very
simple Java interface:
This looks much like a class definition, except that the implementation of the draw() method is
omitted. A class that implements the interface Drawable must provide an implementation
for this method. Of course, the class can also include other methods and variables. For example,
Note that to implement an interface, a class must do more than simply provide an
implementation for each method in the interface; it must also state that it implements the
interface, using the reserved word implements as in this example: "public class Line
implements Drawable". Any class that implements the Drawable interface defines a draw()
instance method. Any object created from such a class includes a draw() method. We say that
an object implements an interface if it belongs to a class that implements the interface. For
example, any object of type Line implements the Drawable interface.
While a class can extend only one other class, it can implement any number of interfaces. In
fact, a class can both extend one other class and implement one or more interfaces. So, we can
have things like
The point of all this is that, although interfaces are not classes, they are something very similar.
An interface is very much like an abstract class, that is, a class that can never be used for
constructing objects, but can be used as a basis for making subclasses. The subroutines in an
interface are abstract methods, which must be implemented in any concrete class that implements
the interface. And as with abstract classes, even though you can't construct an object from an
interface, you can declare a variable whose type is given by the interface. For example, if
Drawable is an interface, and if Line and FilledCircle are classes that implement Drawable, then
you could say:
Drawable figure; // Declare a variable of type Drawable. It can
// refer to any object that implements the
// Drawable interface.
A variable of type Drawable can refer to any object of any class that implements the Drawable
interface. A statement like figure.draw(g), above, is legal because figure is of type
Drawable, and any Drawable object has a draw() method. So, whatever object figure refers
to, that object must have a draw() method.
Note that a type is something that can be used to declare variables. A type can also be used to
specify the type of a parameter in a subroutine, or the return type of a function. In Java, a type
can be either a class, an interface, or one of the eight built-in primitive types. These are the only
possibilities. Of these, however, only classes can be used to construct new objects.
You are not likely to need to write your own interfaces until you get to the point of writing fairly
complex programs. However, there are a few interfaces that are used in important ways in Java's
standard packages. You'll learn about some of these standard interfaces in the next few chapters.
A class seems like it should be a pretty important thing. A class is a high-level building block of
a program, representing a potentially complex idea and its associated data and behaviors. I've
always felt a bit silly writing tiny little classes that exist only to group a few scraps of data
together. However, such trivial classes are often useful and even essential. Fortunately, in Java, I
can ease the embarrassment, because one class can be nested inside another class. My trivial
little class doesn't have to stand on its own. It becomes part of a larger more respectable class.
This is particularly useful when you want to create a little class specifically to support the work
of a larger class. And, more seriously, there are other good reasons for nesting the definition of
one class inside another class.
In Java, a nested class is any class whose definition is inside the definition of another class.
Nested classes can be either named or anonymous. I will come back to the topic of anonymous
classes later in this section. A named nested class, like most other things that occur in classes,
can be either static or non-static.
The definition of a static nested class looks just like the definition of any other class, except that
it is nested inside another class and it has the modifier static as part of its declaration. A static
nested class is part of the static structure of the containing class. It can be used inside that class to
create objects in the usual way. If it has not been declared private, then it can also be used
outside the containing class, but when it is used outside the class, its name must indicate its
membership in the containing class. This is similar to other static components of a class: A static
nested class is part of the class itself in the same way that static member variables are parts of the
class itself.
For example, suppose a class named WireFrameModel represents a set of lines in three-
dimensional space. (Such models are used to represent three-dimensional objects in graphics
programs.) Suppose that the WireFrameModel class contains a static nested class, Line, that
represents a single line. Then, outside of the class WireFrameModel, the Line class would be
referred to as WireFrameModel.Line. Of course, this just follows the normal naming
convention for static members of a class. The definition of the WireFrameModel class with its
nested Line class would look, in outline, like this:
} // end WireFrameModel
Inside the WireFrameModel class, a Line object would be created with the constructor "new
Line()". Outside the class, "new WireFrameModel.Line()" would be used.
A static nested class has full access to the static members of the containing class, even to the
private members. Similarly, the containing class has full access to the members of the nested
class. This can be another motivation for declaring a nested class, since it lets you give one class
access to the private members of another class without making those members generally
available to other classes.
When you compile the above class definition, two class files will be created. Even though the
definition of Line is nested inside WireFrameModel, the compiled Line class is stored in a
separate file. The name of the class file for Line will be WireFrameModel$Line.class.
Non-static nested classes are referred to as inner classes. Inner classes are not, in practice, very
different from static nested classes, but a non-static nested class is actually associated with an
object rather than to the class in which it is nested. This can take some getting used to.
Any non-static member of a class is not really part of the class itself (although its source code is
contained in the class definition). This is true for inner classes, just as it is for any other non-
static part of a class. The non-static members of a class specify what will be contained in objects
that are created from that class. The same is true -- at least logically -- for inner classes. It's as if
each object that belongs to the containing class has its own copy of the nested class. This copy
has access to all the instance methods and instance variables of the object, even to those that are
declared private. The two copies of the inner class in two different objects differ because the
instance variables and methods they refer to are in different objects. In fact, the rule for deciding
whether a nested class should be static or non-static is simple: If the nested class needs to use any
instance variable or instance method from the containing class, make the nested class non-static.
Otherwise, it might as well be static.
From outside the containing class, a non-static nested class has to be referred to using a name of
the form variableName.NestedClassName, where variableName is a variable that refers to the
object that contains the class. This is actually rather rare, however. A non-static nested class is
generally used only inside the class in which it is nested, and there it can be referred to by its
simple name.
In order to create an object that belongs to an inner class, you must first have an object that
belongs to the containing class. (When working inside the class, the object "this" is used
implicitly.) The inner class object is permanently associated with the containing class object, and
it has complete access to the members of the containing class object. Looking at an example will
help, and will hopefully convince you that inner classes are really very natural. Consider a class
that represents poker games. This class might include a nested class to represent the players of
the game. This structure of the PokerGame class could be:
If game is a variable of type PokerGame, then, conceptually, game contains its own copy of the
Player class. In an instance method of a PokerGame object, a new Player object would be
created by saying "new Player()", just as for any other class. (A Player object could be
created outside the PokerGame class with an expression such as " Player()".
Again, however, this is very rare.) The Player object will have access to the deck and pot
instance variables in the PokerGame object. Each PokerGame object has its own deck and
pot and Players. Players of that poker game use the deck and pot for that game; players of
another poker game use the other game's deck and pot. That's the effect of making the Player
class non-static. This is the most natural way for players to behave. A Player object represents a
player of one particular poker game. If Player were a static nested class, on the other hand, it
would represent the general idea of a poker player, independent of a particular poker game.
In some cases, you might find yourself writing an inner class and then using that class in just a
single line of your program. Is it worth creating such a class? Indeed, it can be, but for cases like
this you have the option of using an anonymous inner class. An anonymous class is created with
a variation of the new operator that has the form
This constructor defines a new class, without giving it a name, and it simultaneously creates an
object that belongs to that class. This form of the new operator can be used in any statement
where a regular "new" could be used. The intention of this expression is to create: "a new object
belonging to a class that is the same as superclass-or-interface but with these methods-and-
variables added." The effect is to create a uniquely customized object, just at the point in the
program where you need it. Note that it is possible to base an anonymous class on an interface,
rather than a class. In this case, the anonymous class must implement the interface by defining all
the methods that are declared in the interface. If an interface is used as a base, the parameter-list
must be empty. Otherwise, it can contain parameters for a constructor in the superclass.
Anonymous classes are often used for handling events in graphical user interfaces, and we will
encounter them several times in the chapters on GUI programming. For now, we will look at one
not-very-plausible example. Consider the Drawable interface, which is defined earlier in this
section. Suppose that we want a Drawable object that draws a filled, red, 100-pixel square.
Rather than defining a new, separate class and then using that class to create the object, we can
use an anonymous class to create the object in one statement:
The semicolon at the end of this statement is not part of the class definition. It's the semicolon
that is required at the end of every declaration statement.
When a Java class is compiled, each anonymous nested class will produce a separate class file. If
the name of the main class is MainClass, for example, then the names of the class files for the
anonymous nested classes will be MainClass$1.class, MainClass$2.class,
MainClass$3.class, and so on.
Classes, as I've said, have two very distinct purposes. A class can be used to group together a set
of static member variables and static member subroutines. Or it can be used as a factory for
making objects. The non-static variables and subroutines in the class definition specify the
instance variables and methods of the objects. In most cases, a class performs one or the other of
these roles, not both.
Sometimes, however, static and non-static members are mixed in a single class. In this case, the
class plays a dual role. Sometimes, these roles are completely separate. It is also possible for the
static and non-static parts of a class to interact. This happens when instance methods use static
member variables or call static member subroutines. An instance method belongs to an object,
not to the class itself, and there can be many objects with their own versions of the instance
method. But there is only one copy of a static member variable. So, effectively, we have many
objects sharing that one variable.
Suppose, for example, that we want to write a PairOfDice class that uses the Random class
mentioned in Section 5.3 for rolling the dice. To do this, a PairOfDice object needs access to an
object of type Random. But there is no need for each PairOfDice object to have a separate
Random object. (In fact, it would not even be a good idea: Because of the way random number
generators work, a program should, in general, use only one source of random numbers.) A nice
solution is to have a single Random variable as a static member of the PairOfDice class, so
that it can be shared by all PairOfDice objects. For example:
import java.util.Random;
public PairOfDice() {
// Constructor. Creates a pair of dice that
// initially shows random values.
As another example, let's rewrite the Student class that was used in Section 5.2. I've added an ID
for each student and a static member called nextUniqueID. Although there is an ID
variable in each student object, there is only one nextUniqueID variable.
Student(String theName) {
// Constructor for Student objects; provides a name for the
// and assigns the student a unique ID number.
name = theName;
ID = nextUniqueID;
The initialization "nextUniqueID = 0" is done only once, when the class is first loaded.
Whenever a Student object is constructed and the constructor says "nextUniqueID++;", it's
always the same static member variable that is being incremented. When the very first Student
object is created, nextUniqueID becomes 1. When the second object is created,
nextUniqueID becomes 2. After the third object, it becomes 3. And so on. The constructor
stores the new value of nextUniqueID in the ID variable of the object that is being created.
Of course, ID is an instance variable, so every object has its own individual ID variable. The
class is constructed so that each student will automatically get a different value for its ID
variable. Furthermore, the ID variable is private, so there is no way for this variable to be
tampered with after the object has been created. You are guaranteed, just by the way the class is
designed, that every student object will have its own permanent, unique identification number.
Which is kind of cool if you think about it.
The import directive makes it possible to refer to a class such as java.awt.Color using its
simple name, Color. All you have to do is say import java.awt.Color or import
java.awt.*. But you still have to use compound names to refer to static member variables
such as System.out and to static methods such as Math.sqrt.
Java 5.0 introduced a new form of the import directive that can be used to import static
members of a class in the same way that the ordinary import directive imports classes from a
package. The new form of the directive is called a static import, and it has syntax
to import all the public static members from a class. For example, if you preface a class
definition with
then you can use the simple name out instead of the compound name System.out. This
means you can use out.println instead of System.out.println. If you are going to
work extensively with the Math class, you can preface your class definition with
This would allow you to say sqrt instead of Math.sqrt, log instead of Math.log, PI
instead of Math.PI, and so on.
Note that the static import directive requires a package-name, even for classes in the standard
package java.lang. One consequence of this is that you can't do a static import from a class
in the default package. In particular, it is not possible to do a static import from my TextIO class
-- if you wanted to do that, you would have to move TextIO into a package.
5.7.6 Enums as Classes
Enumerated types were introduced in Subsection 2.3.3. Now that we have covered more material
on classes and objects, we can revisit the topic (although still not covering enumerated types in
their full complexity).
Enumerated types are actually classes, and each enumerated type constant is a public, final,
static member variable in that class (even though they are not declared with these modifiers).
The value of the variable is an object belonging to the enumerated type class. There is one such
object for each enumerated type constant, and these are the only objects of the class that can ever
be created. It is really these objects that represent the possible values of the enumerated type. The
enumerated type constants are actually variables that refer to these objects.
When an enumerated type is defined inside another class, it is a nested class inside the enclosing
class. In fact, it is a static nested class, whether you declare it to be static or not. But it can
also be declared as a non-nested class, in a file of its own. For example, we could define the
following enumerated type in a file named
This enumerated type represents the four possible suits for a playing card, and it could have been
used in the example from Subsection 5.4.2.
Furthermore, in addition to its list of values, an enumerated type can contain some of the other
things that a regular class can contain, including methods and additional member variables. Just
add a semicolon (;) at the end of the list of values, and then add definitions of the methods and
variables in the usual way. For example, we might make an enumerated type to represent the
possible values of a playing card. It might be useful to have a method that returns the
corresponding value in the game of Blackjack. As another example, suppose that when we print
out one of the values, we'd like to see something different from the default string representation
(the identifier that names the constant). In that case, we can override the toString() method
in the class to print out a different string representation. This would give something like:
* Return the value of this CardValue in the game of Blackjack.
* Note that the value returned for an ace is 1.
public int blackJackValue() {
if (this == JACK || this == QUEEN || this == KING)
return 10;
return 1 + ordinal();
* Return a String representation of this CardValue, using
* for the numerical cards and names for the ace and face cards.
public String toString() {
switch (this) { // "this" is one of the enumerated type
case ACE: // ordinal number of ACE
return "Ace";
case JACK: // ordinal number of JACK
return "Jack";
case QUEEN: // ordinal number of QUEEN
return "Queen";
case KING: // ordinal number of KING
return "King";
default: // it's a numeric card value
int numericValue = 1 + ordinal();
return "" + numericValue;
} // end CardValue
Remember that ACE, TWO, ..., KING are the only possible objects of type CardValue, so in an
instance method in that class, this will refer to one of those values. Recall that the instance
method ordinal() is defined in any enumerated type and gives the position of the enumerated
type value in the list of possible values, with counting starting from zero.
(If you find it annoying to use the class name as part of the name of every enumerated type
constant, you can use static import to make the simple names of the constants directly available -
- but only if you put the enumerated type into a package. For example, if the enumerated type
CardValue is defined in a package named cardgames, then you could place