Branches of Sociology - Reference Notes

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The passage discusses the various branches of sociology including theoretical sociology, historical sociology, sociology of knowledge, criminology, sociology of religion, sociology of economy, rural sociology, and urban sociology.

The main branches discussed are theoretical sociology, historical sociology, sociology of knowledge, criminology, sociology of religion, sociology of economy, rural sociology, and urban sociology.

Sociology of religion studies the structure of religion in social systems and analyzes the social behavior of human beings in relation to religion. It also studies religious institutions and their roles in society.

06/09/2019 Branches of Sociology - Reference Notes

As sociology is considered a very popular and fast growing science came into
existence (only after 1839 AD) is vast and broad discipline. It has lots of
specialists so that we can divide it into various sub-divisions on the basis of its
The main branches of sociology are as follows:

1. Theoretical Sociologist
It includes micro theory or small/middle/large theory. The theories of Karl
Marx, August Cimte, Max Wever, Emmile Durkhaim, Sorokin, etc are studied
under the theories of sociology.
Eg. The theories of “Economic determinism” and the theory of “Class
Struggle” of Karl Marx.
Eg. “Theory of Sucide” by Emmile Durkhaim.

2. Historical Sociology
It is the study of social facts and social groups. It studies the background of
any social events. How and when different social groups or organizations
originated ?
Eg. The history of Hindu, Roman, Greek, etc. and other major civilizations
were studied by P.A. Sorkin.

3. Sociology of Knowledge
The newly emerged branch of sociology indicates that our knowledge is the
product of social phenomena. This means our knowledge is always
influenced by society. The economic religious political and other intrests
save the human belief and idea.

4. Criminology
This branch of sociology studies the criminal behavior of individuals or
groups. Origin of crime its types nature, causes as well as law, punishment,
police, etc. come under this study, The efforts for the improvement is also
Different organizations establish to control the crime as well as their role
also come under its study.

5. Sociology of Religion
This branch studies the structure of the religion in social system as no
society is free from the influence of it. It analyses the social behavior of
human beings. It also studies the religious constitutions and their role in the
Augste Comte, Emmile Durkheim, Herbet Spencer did the study of
elementary forms of religious life. 1/3
06/09/2019 Branches of Sociology - Reference Notes

6. Sociology of Economy
This branch of sociology studies production, distribution, consumption and
exchange of goods and services.
This branch also studies the economic activities of the society in which the
focus is given about the socio-cultural factors. The access in production, the
mode of distribution, the real consumers, the role of culture in such activities
are studied under it.
Eg.. “Why Hindus don’t eat Cow?”

7. Rural Sociology
This branch of sociology studies the way of life of rural people as the rural
population is higher than the urban. The patterns of life such as behavior,
belief, culture, tradition norms, values, etc. are totally different than of urban
people. So, it studies the rural society in scientific way. It also studies rural
life, social institutions, social structure, social processes, etc. of the rural

8. Urban Sociology
This branch of sociology studies the way of life of urban people. It gives
information about the social organizations and instution of urban society as
well as social structure and social interaction. It also studies the social
pathology of urban society such as discrimination) crime, corruption,
robbery, beggary, loot, theft, unemployment, prostitution, environmental
pollution, etc.

9. Political Sociology
This branch of sociology studies different political moments of the society. It
includes the study of different political ideology (view), their origin,
development and functions. In this study, different political parties are
considered as social institutions. Various activities and behavior of political
parties are studied in this branch. As they are the part of social system.

10. Sociology of Demography

Demography of scientific mathematical and statically study of population. It
studies about size, situation, composition, density, distribution, and
measurement etc. of the population.
In this branch of sociology, we study the distribution of human population
with the analysis of population change in sociological perspectives. It also
finds out the determining factors of population change and its trend. 2/3
06/09/2019 Branches of Sociology - Reference Notes

11. Sociology of Law

Sociology of law and legal system are considered as the part of society, as
social institution. Law is one of the very important means of social control.
Law is related with other different social sub systems. Such as economy,
nature of distribution, authority, structure of family kinship relationships, etc.
So, this branch of sociology is related to moral order for the society as
formulation and implementation of rules and regulations, law and order
come under this.

12. Industrial Sociology

This branch of sociology is concerned with the industrial relationship of the
human beings. It studies the different industrial organizations and
institutions. As well as their interrelationship and links with other various
institutions of society. It also studies the inter relationships of industrial
institutions with various aspects of human life such as culture, beliefs,
customs, religion or the way of life.

Besides the above mentioned various branches of sociology, other different
branches are also emerging day by day as sociology is a very broad social
science. Some of their names are listed below:

Sociology of Family
Sociology of Race
Sociology of Occupation
Sociology of Art
Sociology of literature
Sociology of Peace
Sociology of Development
Sociology of Military
Sociology of Culture
Sociology of Planning
Sociology of Moment
Sociology of Psychology
Sociology of Differentiation
Sociology of Stratification, etc. 3/3

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