Minilink - Xpic Link

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Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1


The purpose of this document is to describe the implement procedure of XPIC link using MLTN
This document will provide the step by step instruction for XPIC Link Implementation with
practical as well as in theoretical aspects.

S.No. Contents Page

1 Revision Information 2

2 Technology 2

3 Implementation XPIC 1+0 3

4 XPIC Hardware 4
4.1 XPIC Outdoor Hardware
4.2 XPIC Indoor Hardware

5 Implementation XPIC 1+1 Link. 8

6 XPIC Procedures. 9
6.1 XPIC Alignment Procedure
6.2 XPIC Commissioning
6.3 2+2 XPIC Configuration

7 Dual polarized antenna alignment. 23

7.1 Aligning Integrated Dual Polarized Antennas
7.2 Aligning Separately Installed Dual Polarized Antennas
7.3 Transforming the Alignment Value

8 XPD Alignment Practices. 31

Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

1 Revision Information
Revision Impacts Prepared Date
PA1 Documents based on earlier XPIC ESSPGGA 28-06-2012
Implementation document.

2 Technology
XPIC (Cross Polar Interference Canceller) uses a type of Cross Polar (XPOL) Spectrum Reuse
techniques i.e. use of the same frequency with both H and V polarization which enable the link
to have double BW (2x STM-1) using same frequency.

Important aspects of XPIC links

 In Cross Polar Spectrum Reuse dual polarized antennas are required.
 The dual polarized antenna will radiate both H and V polarization but in same frequency.
Each polarization will carry one separate data stream (STM-1 in this case). So two STM-1
streams can be sent using only one antenna and single frequency.
 The cross polarization generates an intra-system interference and the antenna should
be able to cancel out that interference. This capacity of antenna is called Cross
Polarization Discrimination (XPD). In addition the cross polar interference is affected by
a depolarization factor (DF) generated by propagation phenomena, like multipath and
rain, which rotate the transmitted signal from V to H or vice versa.
 In practice in normal propagation condition the Co-channel Interference (C/I) due to
cross polarization is C/Ix=XPD, while in rain/multipath propagation condition
C/Ix=XPD-DF. In XPIC the XPD value for the dual polarized antenna is 27dB. We will see
later how to check and fine tune this parameter in a link
 As the typical XPD of standard antennas ranges from 27 to 32dB, only the low-medium
capacity systems, with robust modulation schemes, can implement the cross-polar
spectrum reuse with no or negligible degradation of performances. For higher order
modulation such 128QAM we need to use XPIC and Space Diversity along with XPOL
Spectrum Reuse
 XPIC is a special DSP algorithm running in MMUs that helps to detect and cancel out the
cross polar interference at the baseband (i.e. IF) level. If we try to use only Cross Polar
Spectrum Reuse without XPIC algorithm then apart from many other limitations, high
XPD antennas will be required and the hop length will also be limited.
 In the XPIC link we are using XPIC DSP algorithm, XPOL Spectrum Reuse and Space
Diversity, all three techniques. With these we have brought down the XPD to 27dB
which is the minimum for dual polarized antennas and also increase the hop length.
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

3 Implementation XPIC (1+0)

 In XPIC two ODUs are connected to a dual polarized antenna through waveguide or
directly. One will radiate in V pol and other in H pol. The specially designed antenna
hardware makes that possible.
 The ODU frequency sources work in master slave configuration. ONE ODU is the
frequency source and other is locked to its synthesizers
 The ODU cables are connected to two MMU2F 155+2 modems. XPIC is defined in the
radio link configuration.
 XPIC cable is connected between the MMUs for frequency source synchronization that
is necessary for the modems to cancel the alternate channel interference.
 MMU A receives vertical channel and interference from the horizontal channel.
 MMU B receives horizontal channel and interference from the vertical channel.
 Since the MMUs are connected between them so interference is known and can be
cancelled out.
 The difference between the length of two IF cables for V and H radios should not exceed
10m otherwise the link might not work.
 The XPIC cable connected between the modems should not exceed 3m.
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

4 XPIC Hardware

1. Outdoor Hardware.
2. Indoor Hardware.

4.1 Outdoor Hardware

15GHz 0.6m HOP

 Antenna FEED HORN have two ports one is marked V and another is marked H.
 XPIC splitter has ports that match and meet with feed horn ports.
 The splitter is loaded with two radios.
 The polarization adjuster plates that come with the splitter must be used. For more
information please see attached doc.
 In this arrangement no flex waveguide is used.
 Coming photographs explain the outdoor hardware.

Pic -1 Pic -2 Pic -3

Pic1 - 1+1 XPIC 0.6m antenna with splitter and two radios. The other antenna for 1+1 not
shown in the photograph.

Pic 2- XPIC splitter showing RADIO1 side. Radio installed in this side will radiate in H
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

Pic 3-XPIC splitter showing two ports that meet with the antenna feed horn.

Pic4 Pic5

Pic 4 -Antenna and feed horn of 0.6m antenna. It has two ports for dual polarization as

Pic 5- One side of the complete 0.6m 1+1 XPIC.

Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

15 GHz 1.2m HOP

 Antenna feed horn have two ports but no V or H is marked on them.

 Port at the center of the feed horn is V and the other is H.
 Splitter is the same as 0.6m hop.
 Splitter to be mounted to a mast using separate mounting hardware.
 Two flex waveguide will connect the splitter ports to the antenna feed horn ports.
 Please see the photographs

Pic 6 Pic7 Pic8

Pic6- Waveguide connection to 1.2m antenna. Two waveguides for H and Polarization coming
from the splitter (splitter not shown).
Pic7 - Same splitter as of 0.6m antenna but separately mounted.
Pic 8- Flex waveguide connected to splitter.

7 GHz 1.8m HOP

 Antenna feed horn have two ports but no V or H is marked on them.

 Port at the center of the feed horn is V and the other is H.
 No splitter is used in this arrangement.
 Each radio is separately mounted to the mast and waveguide connects the radio to the
antenna feed horn directly.
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1


 For each 1+0 XPIC two MMU2F 155 and one XPIC cable is required.
 For each 1+1 XPIC four MMU2F 155 and two XPIC cable is required.

Each pair of modems placed in adjacent BPI-2 sharing slots (for AMM 20p, 2&3 and 4&5, 6&7
and 8&9, etc.) is related to the same polarization of the transmitted signal over the same
wireless channel. Therefore, the front panel XPIC cross-cable shall connect modems in alternate
slots (2&4 and 3&5, etc.).
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

5 Implementation XPIC 1+1 Link

One end of a complete1+1 XPIC HOP. The MMUs should be placed in adjacent BPI slots only. It
is possible to implement XPIC in 20P, 20PB, 6PC, 6PD, 2PB (1+0).
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

6 XPIC Procedures

6.1 XPIC Alignment Procedure

 Install link in XPIC configuration.

 Power up V link and align to obtain planned RX level.

 Verify XPD to be greater than 27dB.

1. Turn on far end V transmitter
2. Turn on near end V and H transmitter,
3. Measure the RX level of both H and V in near end. The difference between them is XPD
and should be greater than 27dB.
4. Follow the same procedure by turning on both V and H transmitter in far end and only V
transmitter in near end.
5. If the XPD is less than 27dB then XPD optimization to be performed. Go through the
attached doc for optimization procedure of dual polarized 0.6m antennas.
6. For 1.2m and 1.8m antennas the four screws that holds the feed horn with the antenna
are to be loosened and a sprit level to be placed over the feed horn. Rotate the feed horn
until it completely leveled and then tighten the screws. This step is called mechanical
7. In near end antenna rotate the feed horn until the XPD value goes
above 27dB, this step is called XPD optimization
8. These steps need to be followed with each of the antennas at both the
sides one at a time so that signal from 1 antenna does not interfere with
the signals from other antenna.

 When the optimization is over check BER of V link only

 Check BER of H link only
 Connect XPIC cable and power up both links
 Check BER of both V link and H link.
 Check XPIC recovery (disconnect IDU-ODU cable, power down, mute)
 When everything is ok and link has no alarm, it is ready for traffic loading.
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

6.2 XPIC Commissioning

 Connect all the cables

 Login through ML-TN LCT
 Considering that the link is 1+1 and MMUs are placed at slot numbers 18,19,20,21 of
AMM20P and radios are connected as-
 18=V1
 19=V2
 20=H1
 21=H2

Let us configure the horizontal link first, right click on the MMU in slot 20 and select
“Configure Radio Link”

Define following: Step by step Screen shot

1. Near end IDs

2. Modulation (STM1+E1 128 QAM)
3. Radio protection mode (1+1HS or 1+1WS)
4. Line protection mode (Select among five available option)
5. Keep the default DCN values
6. Turn the transmitter ON
7. Define far end ID
8. Define transmit RF power
9. Enable XPIC
10. Define XPIC companion positions
11. SAVE
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Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

The screen shot explains the process

1. General Configuration
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Sandeep Gupta
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Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

2. Define far end ID

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Sandeep Gupta
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Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

3. Define RF Power
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Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

4. Define XPIC and Companions

 Right click on the MMU at slot 18 select Configure Radio Link and follow the steps 1 to
 Follow the same procedure in far END
 XPIC definition is complete.
 Check for any alarms
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

5. The screen shot shows the V link in slot 18,19 and its far end in 2,3

 When there are no alarms then the link is ready for traffic loading.
 Connect two optical patch chords from ADM (AXX or OMS) carrying STM-1 traffic to
MMUs at 18 and 20.
 Drop the STMs in the far end from corresponding MMUs (I.e. MMU at slot 2 and 4 in the
far end)

XPIC commissioning is complete.

Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

6.3 2+2 XPIC Configuration

1.Go to “Configure Radio Link Page” via Minilink Craft to related MMU2F.
2. As shown below figure , enter radio link id at the Terminal ID and Far End ID.

Figure -1 Link IDs

Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

3. If you would like to work your radio link as 2x(1+1) then you must set the Protection part
“1+1 Hot” as shown Figure-2.

Figure- 2 Protection
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

Note: If you would like to use 2+0 XPIC configuration instead of 2+2, Then you must set
Protection part as “1+0” as shown Figure-3.

Figure -3 Protection (2+0)

Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

4. Set the “Line Protection” part as “ELP” because of the line protection. ELP provides
protection of the SFP’s which are located on MMU2F’s and also protection of MMU2F’s.

Figure-4: Line Protection

Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

5. Set “Capacity-Modulation” part as ahown in Figure-5 “STM-1 +E1 – 128-QAM”.

Figure -5 Capacity –Modulation

Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

6. Set the radip link Frequency as Shown at Figure-6

Figure -6 Tx Frequency
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

7. Click “Enable XPIC” and For 2’nd slot at MMU2F , Set “Companion Pos.” To 4, For 3’nd slot
at MMU2F , Set “Companion Pos.” To 5 as shown Figure-7

Figure -7 XPIC
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

7 Dual polarized antenna alignment procedure

7.1 Aligning Integrated Dual Polarized Antennas

This instruction is valid for integrated dual polarized antennas, 0.3 m (1 ft) and 0.6 m (2 ft).

The polarization alignment of integrated dual polarized antennas is performed in two steps:

 Mechanical optimization: A primary, rough alignment performed at the far end

 Cross Polarization Discrimination Optimization: A fine-tuning performed at the near
end antenna to assure the best possible communication.

These two steps are described below.

Mechanical Optimization

This procedure is only performed at the far end antenna.

Figure 220 Mechanical Adjustment

1. Loosen the two horizontal screws G on the polarization adjuster.

2. Use a spirit level and turn the nuts H on the link screw until the antenna is levelled.
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

3. Tighten the screws and the nuts.

4. Turn on the transmitter at far end, using vertical polarization.

Cross Polarization Discrimination Optimization

This procedure is only performed at the near end antenna.

Figure 221 Rotational Alignment of the Antenna

1. Loosen the two horizontal screws G on the polarization adjuster.

2. Measure at near end on the RAU with horizontal polarization.
3. Use the alignment nuts H to rotate the antenna in the polarizational plane. The
rotation is performed to minimize the leakage between the two polarizations, that is,
to maximize the cross polarization discrimination.
4. Record the measured value.
5. Measure at near end on the RAU with vertical polarization and record the value.

A cross polarization discrimination of at least 27 dB (AGC 0.675 V) must be reached.

The value is the difference between the signals measured on the two radios.

If the reached value is less than 27 dB, perform step 2–5 again.

Note: The maximum discrimination is reached within a narrow band, see Figure
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Sandeep Gupta
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Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

Figure 222 Polarization Discrimination

6. Tighten the alignment nuts when maximum discrimination is found.

7.2 Aligning Separately Installed Dual Polarized Antennas

This instruction is valid for separately installed dual polarized antennas, 0.3 m (1 ft.) and
0.6 m (2 ft.). For larger antennas, refer to the enclosed separate instructions.

For 0.3 – 0.6 m antennas, an alignment according to Section 9.1.2 must first be performed.

The polarization alignment of separately installed dual polarized antennas is performed in

two steps:

 Mechanical optimization: A primary, rough alignment performed at the far end

 Cross Polarization Discrimination Optimization: A fine-tuning performed at the near
end antenna to assure the best possible communication.

These two steps are described below.

Mechanical Optimization

This procedure is only performed at the far end antenna.

Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

Figure 223 Loosening the Feeder

1. Remove the screw in the non-slotted hole. The screw is not used when aligning
separately installed dual polarized antennas.
2. Loosen the feeder at the far end antenna to allow rotational movement.

Figure 224 Leveling the Feeder

3. Use a spirit level and turn the feeder until it is leveled.

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Sandeep Gupta
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Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

Figure 225 Tightening the Feeder Screws

4. When the feeder is in level, tighten the screws to lock it in position.

5. Turn on the transmitter at far end, using vertical polarization.

Cross Polarization Discrimination Optimization

This procedure is only performed at the near end antenna.

Figure 226 Loosening the Feeder Screws

1. Remove the screw in the non-slotted hole.

2. Loosen the feeder at the near end antenna to allow rotational movement.
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Sandeep Gupta
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Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

Figure 227 Rotating the Feeder

3. Measure at near end on the RAU with horizontal polarization.

4. Rotate the feeder to minimize the leakage between the two polarizations, that is, to
maximize the cross polarization discrimination.
5. Record the measured value.
6. Measure at near end on the RAU with vertical polarization and record the value.

A cross polarization discrimination of at least 27 dB (AGC 0.675 V) must be reached.

The value is the difference between the signals measured on the two radios.

If the reached value is less than 27 dB, perform step 3–6 again.


The maximum discrimination is reached within a narrow band, see Figure 228.
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

Figure 228 Polarization Discrimination

Figure 229 Tightening the Feeder Screws

7. Tighten the feeder screws when maximum discrimination is found.

Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

7.3 Transforming the Alignment Value

The figure below shows an alignment curve that transforms the alignment level in volts into
RF input level in dBm.

Figure 230 RF Input Level as a Function of the Alignment Level

Table 9 Accuracy with Voltmeter

-25 dBm to -30 dBm ±0.075 V / ±3 dB
-30 dBm to -60 dBm ±0.065 V / ±2.5 dB
-60 dBm to -80 dBm ±0.075 V / ±3 dB


Table 10 Accuracy with LCT, MSM or Displayed on the MMU

-25 dBm to -30 dBm ±3 dB
-30 dBm to -60 dBm ±2 dB
-60 dBm to -80 dBm ±3 dB


1. Transform the alignment value into RF input level.

2. Compare the RF input level with the one specified in the installation data form
(calculated for the system during path calculation) and check that the desired level is
Prepared No.

Sandeep Gupta
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference

Subhanshu Tiwari 28-06-2012 PA1

8 XPD Alignment Practices

1. Alex Library MiniLink TN 4.0 EN/LZN 712 0233/1 R1C
2. XPIC Implementation.

Note: Intend for document is to converge all the topics related to XPIC.

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