Turbine Wheel Ansys
Turbine Wheel Ansys
Turbine Wheel Ansys
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ISSN: 1024-1752
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A turbocharger performance of exhaust gas turbine on the diesel engines are studied the turbine driven compressor
that is used for increasing air flow rate into internal combustion engine the angle of Blade effect on the flow field of
turbine wheel. Angle of Blade of turbine wheel analyzed Based on the theory Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
How the various blade angle of turbine wheel due to optimization on flow field along the blade and leads to
optimization in the pressure and velocity. Blade angle studied is conducted for understand the flow behavior in order
to minimize the effects blade angle. in this paper dealing The Analyses the flow field along the blade passage of the
turbine wheel for the turbocharger and study the effect flow field at different blade angle for turbine wheel outlet
blade angle, β = 650, 450 and 350.
CFD, Turbo charger, turbine wheel, Blade angle, Pressure contour, Velocity streamline
1. INTRODUCTION a turbine that extracts energy from the exhaust gas for the internal
combustion engine and after that converts that energy to shaft power. The
The turbine driven compressor that using foe increase the air flow rate arrangements are ideal because a compressor is not using power from the
into internal combustion engine. This is accomplished by used the engine drive shaft. Turbocharger is efficient in that the turbine utilizes the
compressor for compress the air and increasing the air flow into the exhaust gas energy that is typically reject to the atmosphere on the case of
cylinders of the internal combustion engine. The compressor is driven by a naturally aspirated engine. For turbocharger for operate efficiently.
Cite The Article: Mohand Mosa Mohammad, Ahmed Esmael Mohan, Hiyam Adil Habeeb (2018). Improving And Analysis Turbine Wheel Of Turbocharger For
High-Performance Engines . Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, 41(3) : 91-96.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments (JMERD) 41(3) (2018) 91-96
Geometrical Specifications:
An important problem that arises in the design and the performance of the The above-mentioned geometrical specification is same for 650,450 and
wheels of a turbocharger is the understanding, analysis and prediction of 350 outlet blade angle of a Turbine wheel. The analysis is done for each of
internal flow on the wheels of a turbocharger. The two available means of above specified outlet blade angle and is as follows:
evaluating new wheels of a turbocharger design is computational (cfd).
The advantages of computation simulation (CFD) are low cost, increase Modeling: Designing it done by PRO- E. turbine whell with above
speed, and more data, geometrical specifications with 2mm thickness throughout the blade
(Figure 2).
Through the use of advanced and accurate computer simulations, much of
the preliminary experimental testing may be eliminated. Case – I Outlet Blade Angle β = 650
All Domains 105906 519178 ❖ Solid boundary: The solid or wall, boundaries include the Turbine.
A smooth surface and no heat transfer (adiabatic flow) were assumed
for all the wall boundaries.
Cite The Article: Mohand Mosa Mohammad, Ahmed Esmael Mohan, Hiyam Adil Habeeb (2018). Improving And Analysis Turbine Wheel Of Turbocharger For
High-Performance Engines . Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, 41(3) : 91-96.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments (JMERD) 41(3) (2018) 91-96
Domain - Fluid
Domain Boundaries
Reference Pressure 1.0000e+00 (atm)
Boundary - Inlet
Stiffness Model Exponent 1.0000e+01
Heat Transfer Isothermal Fluid
Flow Regime Subsonic
Temperature of Fluid 2.5000e+01 (C) Normal Speed 1.5000e+02 [km hr^-1]
Turbulence Model [k epsilon] Turbulence Medum Intensety and Eddy Viscosity Ratio
Domain - Impellor
2.2.1 Case – II outlet Blade Angle, β = 450
Angular Velocity 1.5000e+04 [rev min^-1]
Modeling: Designing is done with the help of a PRO- E. turbine impeller
Table 3: Boundary Physics for Inlet Blade Angle β = 650 with above geometrical with 2mm thickness throughout blade.
Fine tetrahedral Meshing done, and mesh information is shown in Table 4 Figure 8: Boundary condition
and mesh generation along with section.
2.3.1 Case – Iii Outlet Blade Angle, Β = 350
Table 4: Mesh Information for Outlet Blade Angle Β = 450
Modeling: The Designing is done with help of PRO- E. turbine impeller
with above geometrical specifications with 2mm thickness throughout
Domain Nodes Elements the blade.
Cite The Article: Mohand Mosa Mohammad, Ahmed Esmael Mohan, Hiyam Adil Habeeb (2018). Improving And Analysis Turbine Wheel Of Turbocharger For
High-Performance Engines . Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, 41(3) : 91-96.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments (JMERD) 41(3) (2018) 91-96
Table 10: Mesh Information for Outlet Blade Angle β2 = 350 CFX Solver Manager is visual interface that display the variety of the result
and must be used when plotted data needs to be view during problem
Domain Nodes Elements solving. The turbulence was simulated with k- turbulence model. The
advection scheme was set to upwind. The convergence criterion was set to
Fluid 61028 328078
the residuals smaller than 10-4. The fluid time scale is set to as physical
Impellor 27972 115462 time scale which is 0.00002s. By using these values and changing the blade
angle, the model is solved and various contours are taken.
All Domains 89000 443540
2.4 Boundary Conditions Analysis of a turbine wheel for different blade angles of the turbocharger
is done, to study the behavior of velocity streamline and pressure at speed
After creating the mesh in ANSYS, the mesh is analyzed in the ANSYS CFX- 150km/hr and wheels of a turbocharger is at 15000 (rpm).
Pre for applying boundary conditions. The boundary condition is similar
to outlet blade angle, β = 650 of a turbine wheel. 3.1 Analysis of The Turbocharger Turbine Wheel
Cite The Article: Mohand Mosa Mohammad, Ahmed Esmael Mohan, Hiyam Adil Habeeb (2018). Improving And Analysis Turbine Wheel Of Turbocharger For
High-Performance Engines . Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, 41(3) : 91-96.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments (JMERD) 41(3) (2018) 91-96
4. CONCLUSION angles. for turbine wheel outlet blade angle, β = 650,450 and 350.
Depend on the above analyses for turbine wheel is the important and main The following are the conclusion drawn from the results of Computational
component of the Turbocharger. The Details of the design and geometry Flow Analysis for the turbine wheel of a turbocharger:
specifications of the turbine wheel for a turbocharger were presented. The
analysis part project is done, with the help of computational fluid ➢ By observing the velocity streamline and the pressure contours. It
dynamics (CFD) which is one of the mostly used software to analyze the is concluded that, for outlet blade angle, β = 350 is more efficient
fluid flow phenomena. In this study ANSYS-CFX is used for the analysis of then outlet blade angles, β = 650 & 450. And outlet blade angle, β =
the turbine wheel of the turbocharger to the different types of blade 450 is more fluctuating than other blade angles.
Cite The Article: Mohand Mosa Mohammad, Ahmed Esmael Mohan, Hiyam Adil Habeeb (2018). Improving And Analysis Turbine Wheel Of Turbocharger For
High-Performance Engines . Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, 41(3) : 91-96.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments (JMERD) 41(3) (2018) 91-96
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Cite The Article: Mohand Mosa Mohammad, Ahmed Esmael Mohan, Hiyam Adil Habeeb (2018). Improving And Analysis Turbine Wheel Of Turbocharger For
High-Performance Engines . Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, 41(3) : 91-96.
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