Operational Manual For 85Xx: Technical Details

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SCANNER 85XX masibus

Ref. No. : m83/om/402



This is a versatile microcontroller based Scanner with a very high performance to price ratio. The
features offered in this product are better than any other Scanner available in similar price range.

The instrument is made in 96x192x210 mm size with standard cut out of 92x188 mm. Front is sealed
membrane type to withstand dusty environment. On back plate PCB soldered 35 deg. angled terminals
and flat terminals of very good quality are used.

The programming, calibration and operation of the instrument is by nine simple keys with two
independent displays for channel and data for that channel. Channel display is of two digit to
differentiate it from Data display of four digit each of 0.56" display. Status of Run/ Program/Verify
mode, Fault, Auto/Manual mode and status of each channel for programmed set point type and limits
are displayed by 3 mm red LEDs. The operation of the instrument is menu driven with user
understandable prompts. Provision for PASS WORD is kept for unauthorised access.

The product is made to accept all 7 standard thermocouple, PT100 RTD, Linear voltage and current
inputs. The type of input can be changed in field itself. The calibration of the unit is done without
trimpots. The unit can be calibrated in installed condition itself by front panel keys at any given point
i.e. user need not feed a fixed signal. RTD inputs are linearized for 0.1 deg. as well as 1 deg. resolusion.

No. of Groups as well as no. of channels within the group are programmable.

Set point type ( LL, hL or hh ), abnormal status for alarm limit1 and alarm limit 2 ( Alarm or Trip ) as
well as Relay action type for alarm limit 1 and alarm limit 2 ( ON or OFF ) are programmable.

Latching for LED Status of alarm limit 1 and alarm limit 2 is programmable.

For each group two relays are given. (Relays with two NO/NC contacts are optional).

Scan time is programmable up to 99 seconds.

Provision for zero and span setting is made to restrict range of usage and programming. This restricts
accidental wrong setting of set point beyond the range of interest. Outside this range the unit will
indicate data as 'OVER' for some abnormal condition. This zero and span setting is used for linear
inputs for setting the range between -1999 to 9999 counts.

Serial Communication with RS 232 / RS 485 is also provided for using the scanner as backend for
Supervisory Control or for P.C. connectivity. Standard protocol for communication used is

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SCANNER 85XX masibus



• 2 digit 0.56" Red LEDs for channel no.

• 4 digit 0.56" Red LEDs for data of current channel.
• 5 mode selection discrete Red LEDs.
• Individual discrete Red LEDs to indicate channel status.


• Thermocouple types B, E, J, K, R, S & T (ANSI standard )

• RTD - Pt100 3-wire
• 4-20 mA or 1-5 V DC linear
• 0-20 mA or 0-5 V DC linear
• Other types on request
• Cold junction compensation automatic for thermocouple types
• Accuracy +/- 0.1% of span +/- 1 Count
• Input open protection – upscale /downscale programmable


• B - 450 to 1750 Deg C

• E - -200 to 1000 Deg C
• J - -200 to 760 Deg C
• K - -200 to 1350 Deg C
• R - 0 to 1750 Deg C
• S - 0 to 1750 Deg C
• T - -200 to 200 Deg C
• Cu-53 - -200.0 to 200.0 Deg C
• PT100 - -200.0 to 200.0 Deg C
• PT100 - -200 to 850 Deg. C
• 4-20 mA - Field scaleable -1999 to 9999
• 0-5 V - Field scaleable -1999 to 9999


• Up to 6 Groups with individual relay output for Output each group relay and each alarm
limit for a group rated for 2A @ 230 VAC., selectable for alarm or trip.

• Common hysteresis setting 0 to 100.

• Relay status configurable as normally ON or OFF.

• Set point type configurable as L, VL or L, H or H, VH.


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SCANNER 85XX masibus

• Zero and span adjusted by digital calibration through front panel keys. No trimpots.


• Vfy, Increase, Decrease, Auto/Man, Next, Skip/Self Check, Al1/Al2, Scan Time and Enter
keys for operation, programming & calibration.


• power supply - 110V/230V AC 50 Hz. - user selectable

24 v dc optional
• Ambient - 0 to 55 deg C.
• Humidity - up to 95% RH (Non-condensing)
• power consumption - Less than 20 VA


• case - M.S. powder coated with ABS molded bezel

• Terminals - Barrier screw type can accept up to 2.5 sq. mm wire
• Bezel size - 96 X 192 mm
• Depth behind panel - 210 mm / 250mm (with terminal plate)
• Panel cutout - 92 X 188 mm


• 24 open collector outputs

For optimum Instrument performance follow the points listed below.


• Supply voltage should be given through a good isolation transformer. This being a
microprocessor based instrument, a massive voltage spike can damage it. A good isolation
transformer shields the instrument from such voltage spikes and surges.

• All supply connections to final control devices such as contactors, solenoids etc. must be
taken directly from the supply and not from the supply terminals of the instrument.


• An effective earth is mandatory for the instrument.

• Take separate earth wires for separate instruments, avoid looping of earth wires.


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• All low level input and output such as t/c, rtd and control signal wires must be kept
separate from supply and relay output cabling.



This is a single chip microcontroller based Scanner designed for Universal input type. Instrument is
operated by nine user friendly keys. These keys are used for operation, programming and

There are four levels of protections in the instrument. The four levels decide access to verify
settings(operator level), access to set points & control parameters(supervisor level), configuration and

The manual covers all aspects of operation of the instrument. Please read instructions carefully before
altering any programming or configuration information.



Before connecting power to the instrument ensure that you are connecting right input voltage to right
terminal. The instrument is having 4 terminals for 110/230V Mains Supply. On application of proper
power, the instrument will display Scanner type set for 2 seconds and then display input type set for
two seconds.
Now, if the input signal is connected, it will display value of input in DATA window and channel
no. in Channel window on Display along with appropriate mode LED.


There are nine keys for operation of the instrument. For understanding the operation first let us see
the operation of keys.


This key is used to select desired parameter in verify, program or configuration modes. On first press
of this key, it will display appropriate mode of operation ( CNFG, PRGM, VCFG, VPGM). By
pressing inc or dec key you can select the desired mode of operation. Now if you again press the vfy
key then the instrument will come in Run mode. The corresponding mode LED will glow on pressing
this key.


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This key is used to enter the value of the selected parameter. After setting the data to proper value, if
ENTER key is pressed, the data will be permanently stored in non-volatile memory. On pressing
of ENTER key, the decimal point on last digit disappears to indicate that data is entered. Now, the
data change is not allowed until ENTER key is pressed once again. On pressing of ENTER key once
again, decimal point on last digit will glow and allow change in the data.

This key when placed during RUN MODE will be taken as a ACK key which is used to acknowledge
the relays and LED status.

INC ( )

This key will increment the selected parameter value by one count in program or configuration
mode if the units digit is flashing. Depending upon the flashing digit parameter value can be
incremented by 10 times fast up to the maximum value of that particular parameter.

DEC ( )

This key will decrement the selected parameter value by one count in program or configuration mode
if the units digit is flashing. Depending upon the flashing digit parameter value can be decremented by
10 times fast up to the minimum value of that particular parameter.


This key is used to move into next parameter in a current mode. When pressed in Run mode, the
next unskipped channel will be displayed. Normally it is used in MAN mode for fixed channel


This key is used to set the unit in either auto mode or manual mode. This is a toggle key. i.e. if it is
pressed in auto mode, the unit is switched into MAN mode and channel display will become fixed.
MAN LED will glow in MAN mode to indicate the same.
In linear input ( voltage and current), this key is also used for individual zero/span and decimal point
position setting.


This key is used to set the scan time for display of channels and its reading. It can be incremented up
to 99 using INC key or decremented up to 1 using DEC key.


This key is used to skip / unskip the channel. This is also a toggle key. i.e. if key is pressed while
channel is skipped, it will unskip the channel. On pressing this key in proper mode, skip / unskip
message will be displayed in Data window and channel no. will be displayed in Channel window.
Self Check option is kept for future enhancement.

AL1 / AL2

This key is used to change from alarm limit 1 to alarm limit 2 and vice-versa. This is also a toggle key.

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There are seven modes of operations.

1. run mode
2. auto / manual mode
3. verify program mode
4. program mode
5. configuration mode
6. verify configuration mode
7. calibration mode


Indicated by RUN LED glowing. In this mode, channel window will display current channel number
and DATA window will show its temperature. In AUTO mode, it will keep on displaying successive
unskipped channels at the programmed scan rate. In case of MAN mode, only one channel will be
displayed continuously. For manual mode separate indication of mode is provided by LED on front.

In RUN mode, alarm status of channels is indicated by discrete LEDs for both AL1 and AL2 limits. If
the LED is on, the channel has crossed that limit. If the LED is flashing, the alarm is not acknowl-
edged. When ENTER/ACK key is pressed, the LED will become steady to indicate acknowledged
alarm. The relay of that channel will be turned OFF, on acknowledging the alarm, if the alarm type is
not configured for trip logic, where relay is not turned OFF until it actually comes within limit. The
type of action and normal status of relay are programmable and are described in Configuration mode.

There is a facility for latching of alarm status. Even when the channel comes back to normal mode,
LED will be ON till acknowledged to indicate past alarms. The relay will be self clearing in this
For currently selected calibration channel decimal point on unit's digit of channel no. will glow.


Manual mode is same as normal run mode except for displaying only one channel continuously. The
channel number can be changed by NEXT key. This mode is entered by pressing AUTO/MAN key.
Pressing this key once again brings back to AUTO mode.


This mode is to verify all the configuration parameters like scanner type, input type, no. of groups, no.
of channels in each group, decimal point, zero, span etc. User can view the data but can’t change the
data in this mode. For entering into verify configuration mode, press VFY key in RUN mode and VFY
LED will glow to indicate the mode selection and display will ask to select the mode. By pressing
increment and decrement key select VCFG option and press ENTER key. Then press NEXT key to
enter in verify configuration mode. Pressing VFY key will take you out of this mode.


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This mode is to verify the alarm limits, scan time and channel skip information. User can view the data
but can not change it in this mode. For entering into verify program mode, press VFY key in RUN
mode and VFY LED will glow to indicate the mode selection and display will ask to select the mode.
By pressing increment and decrement key select VPGM option and press ENTER key. Then press
NEXT key to enter in verify program mode. Pressing VFY key will take you out of this mode.


This mode is used to display / change alarm limits, scan time and skip status of channels. For entering
in this mode, press VFY key in RUN mode and VFY LED will glow to indicate the mode selection and
display will ask to select the mode. By pressing increment and decrement key select PRGM option and
press ENTER key. By pressing the ENTER key it will ask for Password . If the Password is correct
then it will go in to Program mode and PRG LED will start glowing to indicate the current mode of
operation. Then press NEXT key to enter in program mode. Pressing VFY key will take you out of this
mode. Factory set password is '00'. If the user has programmed password in configuration mode, go to
correct password using INC key and DEC keys and then press ENT key.


• First parameter is alarm limit 1 for channel 1.
• The upper row LED ( for AL1 ) for channel 1 will be flashing to indicate channel affected by
this limit. Also a decimal point on last digit of data will glow.
• Change the limit as per requirement by INC and DEC key and press ENTER. The LEDs will
stop flashing. For changing the entry once again, press ENTER key. The decimal point on
last digit of data indicates, whether changing of data is allowed or not. If decimal point is off
and LEDs are steady data changing is not allowed.
• Pressing NEXT key will bring display to 02 limit.


• Alarm limit for 1 for channel 2.
• The upper row LED ( for AL1 ) for channel 2 will be flashing to indicate channels affected
by this limit. Other operations are identical to channel 1.
• Pressing NEXT key will bring display to 03 limit.


• Alarm limit 1 for Channel 3.

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• The upper row LED ( for AL1 ) for channel 3 will be flashing to indicate channel affected by
this limit. Other operations are identical to channel 1.
• Pressing NEXT key will bring display to 04 limit. Thus you can set AL1 limit for each
individual channel.
• For programming AL2 limit for all channel s, press AL1/AL2 key to change to AL2 limits.
Now, the lower row LEDs for AL2 will start flashing for the particular channel. Other
operations are identical to AL1 programming.


For programming Scan Time, press SCN TIME key in program mode. Display will show :

• Displays scan time for updating the channel on display.
• Maximum Scan Time is 99 Sec.
• Minimum Scan Time is 1 Sec.
• Change Scan Time by INC and DEC keys and press ENTER when correct value is set.


For changing the skip status of channels, press SKIP key in program mode. The display will show
channel skip status. If Ch-1 is skipped, display will be

If Ch-1 is unskipped, display will be

• Channel can be selected by pressing NEXT key.
• SKIP key works as a toggle key, i.e. if channel is skipped, by pressing SKIP key status will
change to unskip and vice-versa.
• After changing the skip status, press ENTER key to store the status.
• Skipping of all channels is not allowed. At least one channel has to be unskipped for
operation of unit. When user tries to skip the last unskipped channel, it will not allow.
• In program mode, user can select any parameter by using NEXT, SKIP, AL1/AL2 and
SCAN TIME keys and can abort from this mode by pressing VFY key. For Verify mode all
the parameter sequences are same except for password entry and decimal point in last digit is


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Configuration mode is used to change basic configuration of unit. The program is same for all
options and all options are configurable from front only by using various keys. No hardware changes
are necessary for changing input type. It can be changed by using just front keys.

For entering Configuration mode, press VFY key in RUN mode and VFY LED will glow to indicate the
mode selection and display will ask to select the mode. By pressing increment and decrement key
select CNFG option and press ENTER key. Now it will ask for Password. After setting correct
Password with the help of INC and DEC keys press ENTER. If the Password is correct then only you
can enter in Configuration mode. PRG LED starts glowing which indicates the mode of operation.Then
press NEXT key to go ahead in Configuration mode. Pressing VFY key will take you out of this mode.
By entering in Configuration mode, the scanner will display scanner type. The parameters in
sequence are described below. User can go to next parameter in sequence by pressing NEXT key.


no OR no OR no
8508 8516 8524
There are three options 8508 or 8516 or 8524 for this parameter. Pressing INC and DEC key you can
make it 8508 or 8516 or 8524.


Input type can be selected by INC key or DEC key. Each type is displayed by prompt as follows.

E-tc - E - type thermocouple

J-tc - J - type thermocouple

K-tc - K - type thermocouple

t-tc - T - type thermocouple

b-tc - B - type thermocouple

r-tc - R - type thermocouple

S-tc - S - type thermocouple

CU-53 - RTD CU-53, 0.1 deg. Resolution

rtd1 - RTD PT-100, 1 deg. Resolution

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rtd0 - RTD PT-100, 0.1 deg. Resolution

4-20 - 4-20 mA or 1-5 V input

0- 5 - 0-5 V input or 0-20 mA

For changing of input type, no internal hardware changes are required. If input type is 4-20mA then
you are required to connect the 250ohm Resistors supplied between the INHI and INLOW terminals of
the terminal plate,.


If open collector outputs are used then select yes (y) otherwise select no (n).


No. of Groups are minimum 1.
No. of Groups are maximum 6 ( if open collector is ‘n’) and 3 ( if open collector is ‘y’).


hh OR hL OR LL
Where hh - high, very high AL1 - high
AL2 - very high

hL - high, Low AL1 - low

AL2 - high

LL - low, very low AL1 - very low

AL2 - low
This setting is common for all groups.


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AL OR tr
Configuration of abnormal status for AL1 limit. It will toggle between ALRM and TRIP by INC and
DEC keys. In alarm type, discrete LEDs and relays are self clearing. In trip type, both are latched.
They will go off only by pressing ACK key and returning to normal status. Even if the reading has
come to normal, relay will not be turned off until ACK key is pressed. This is useful when the relay is
used for tripping the plant or device and it is not to be started once again until operator has set up for
starting once again. This is common for all groups.


AL OR tr
This is for configuration of abnormal status for AL2. Other description is same as AL1.


OF OR on
Configures normal relay status as ON or OFF for AL1 Relay. This is common for all groups.


OF OR on
Configures normal relay status as ON or OFF for AL2 Relay. This is common for all groups. If it is
configured as ON, relay will remain ON when all channels of that group are in clear status. This is
useful for specific applications where Scanner ON is used for making a contact for failsafe
operation, i.e. user wants to sound buzzer or annunciator when Scanner is turned OFF or it is not


Y OR no

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This is used to enable latching of discrete LEDs when alarm limit is crossed. This option will keep
discrete LEDs latched even after the channel has come to normal status until ACK key is pressed.
This option can be changed to Yes or no for enabling and disabling respectively. When CAL1 and
CAL2 are of trip type, this parameter will be skipped from display.


Here, X indicates no. 1 to 6.(e.g. GrP1, GrP2, GrP3, GrP4, GrP5, GrP6).

• Up to 8 channels in group 1, if no. of groups is 1, if scanner type is 8508.

• Up to 16 channels in group 1, if no. of groups is 1, if scanner type is 8516.
• Up to 24 channels in group 1, if no. of groups is 1, if scanner type is 8524.
• Minimum no. of channels in a particular group is 1.


This is used to define the state of the alarms in open sensor condition. It can be configured as UP or
DOWN by pressing INC and DEC keys. If it is configured as UP then Open condition will be treated as
alarm / abnormal condition. If it is configured as DOWN then Open condition will be treated as normal


Hysteresis for relay operation an alarm limits. This parameter is common for all groups. Minimum
value can be '0' and maximum value can be 100. Use INC or DEC keys for changing the value. For
RTD Pt100,0.1 deg. resolution, maximum setting will be 10.0 deg.


Zero value or minimum value for selected input. Up to 5% below of the total zero and span value,
OVER will be indicated on display. For out of range value, OPEN will be indicated on display.

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Minimum value is decided by input type. Maximum value will be span value. For linear inputs, this is
the zero setting for range programming. This will be treated as common Zero value for all the channels.
For linear inputs ( voltage and current ), there is provision for setting zero/ span/ dp position for
each channel individually. By pressing AUTO/MAN key here, you can enter individual zero value for
all the channels. Display will show as :


Discrete LED 1 of AL1 will start flashing .By pressing INC/DEC keys, you can set the zero
value for channel 1. If you press AUTO/MAN key here then Discrete LED 1 of AL2 will start flashing.
By pressing INC/DEC keys, you can set the span value for channel 1. AUTO/MAN key here works as
toggle key between AL1 & AL2. By pressing NEXT key here you can go to next channel and similarly
set the zero and span values of other channels. If you want to come at channel 1 from any other channel
then use SCN TIME key. VFY key will bring you back to the configuration mode ( ie. One level up ) at
common zero value setting. From here you can go to the next parameters setting.


Span value or maximum value for selected input. Up to 5% above of the total zero and span value,
OVER will be indicated on display. For out of range value, OPEN will be indicated on display.
Maximum value is decided by input type. Minimum value will be zero value. For linear inputs, this is
the span setting for range programming.
For linear inputs ( voltage and current ), by pressing AUTO/MAN key here also, you can enter
individual zero/ span values for all the channels. Display will show as :


Discrete LED 1 of AL2 will start flashing. All the functions described in the previous
description of zero value setting are applicable here.


Decimal point position is applicable only to 4-20 mA or 0-5V i/p. It can be set between 0 to 3 as per
requirement. This parameter will be skipped for all other input types except 4-20 mA or 0-5V i/p.

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By pressing AUTO/MAN key here, you can enter individual dp position value for all the channels.
Display will show as :


Discrete LED 1 of AL1 will start flashing .By pressing INC/DEC keys, you can set the dp
position value for channel 1. By pressing NEXT key here you can go to next channel and similarly set
the dp position values of other channels. If you want to come at channel 1 from any other channel then
use SCN TIME key. VFY key will bring you back to the configuration mode ( ie. One level up ) at
common zero value setting. From here you can go to the next parameters setting.

If you are using the instrument in linear input with individual scaling of zero/span and dp then
don’t press ENTER key at the main zero/span and dp parameters in the configuration mode after
setting individual values. Main zero/span and dp values are common values for all the channels.
After setting individual values if you will press ENTER key at main zero/span/dp then this will
make zero, span and dp values same or common for all the channels.


Password for entering to Program mode and Configuration mode . The value of password can be
programmed anywhere between '0' to '99'. Factory set password is 00.


This parameter is required while using the Serial Communication facility. It represents the serial
number or the ID number of the Unit. It can be configured between 1 and 99 by using INC/DEC keys.


This parameter is used to set the BAUD RATE for serial communication. Different baud rates can be
selected by INC/DEC keys.


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You can calibrate instrument after entering in configuration mode, press SCN TIME key to enter into
Calibration mode. In calibration mode three values are displayed and programmed as follows.


This is the channel where calibration input is fed. Default calibration channel at power on is 1. This
channel can be programmed to any unskipped channel where calibration input is to be connected.
Maximum calibration channel will be decided by type of scanner. This is the first parameter in
calibration mode. This channel number is not stored in EEPROM, so at power on it will always come to
default value as first channel.

If you are using the Instrument in linear input ( voltage and current ) with individual scaling of
zero/span/dp then calibrate the Instrument in the channel which covers maximum range (span –
zero) .


It will display current reading of ambient temperature. Use INC or DEC key to bring it to correct value
and press ENTER key to store ambient temperature. For coming out of calibration mode press VFY
key. When i/p type is RTD or Linear then this parameter will not be displayed.


It will display current reading of calibration channel. Use INC or DEC key to bring it to desired value
and press ENTER key to store zero calibration. On both sides 5% of total span is allowed for ad-
justment. For coming out of calibration mode press VFY key.


It will display current reading of calibration channel. Use INC or DEC key to bring it to desired value
and press ENTER key to store span calibration. On both sides 5% of total span is allowed for ad-

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• It is mandatory to reset the Instrument by switching off the Power if the input type is changed.
Calibration is also required to be done again.

• On Program, Verify, Configuration and Calibration modes, 20 Sec time out is provided i.e. if no
key is pressed for 20 seconds, it will fall back into Run mode.

• While programming value, if the INC or DEC key is kept pressed for more than 10 counts, the
speed of change will be increased by 5 times. It is the dual speed concept for changing value at
faster rate.

• On power on scanner will first display model (8508/8516/8524), then input type for some time and
then it will come to actual Run mode display.

If there is any error in EEPROM data, it will display error message and halt.

The upper two digit display will show no. of parameters having errors and lower 4 digit display will
show -err message. To see the parameter having error, scan through parameters both in Program mode
& Configuration mode. The decimal point of first digit of channel no. display will glow, if the
parameter data in EEPROM is disturbed.

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