Module 2 Oblicon Cutie
Module 2 Oblicon Cutie
Module 2 Oblicon Cutie
- Obligations in law are not presumed There’s no contract unless the ff occurs: *CONTRACTS makes a reciprocal obligation –
unless there’s a basis for it. where events happen vice versa.
- Crimes should have a basis or source. 1. Consent – the agreement of two
- If there is no law, there is no right. parties.
2. Object – the subject matter of the
Art. 1159. Obligations arising from contracts have contract.
the force of law between the contracting parties 3. Cause – the reason of the obligation.
and should be complied with in good faith.
In addition to the mentioned, it should not
- When you invoke a right, make sure there be in contrary to law, morals, good customs,
is a legal basis. public order and public policy.
- there should be a basis, or else will not be