02 Network Reference Model

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• A computer can identify only digital data consisting of 0s and 1s.

It is incapable of
reading other types of information, so the information needs to be translated into data
by certain rules.

• However, people do not have the capability of reading electronic data. Therefore, data
needs to be converted into information that can be understood by people.

• A network engineer needs to pay more attention to the end-to-end data transmission
• The Open Systems Interconnection Model (OSI) was included in the ISO 7489 standard
and released in 1984. ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization.

• The OSI reference model is also called the seven-layer model. The seven layers from
bottom to top are as follows:

▫ Physical layer: transmits bit flows between devices and defines physical
specifications such as electrical levels, speeds, and cable pins.

▫ Data link layer: encapsulates bits into octets and octets into frames, uses MAC
addresses to access media, and implements error checking.

▫ Network layer: defines logical addresses for routers to determine paths and
transmits data from source networks to destination networks.

▫ Transport layer: implements connection-oriented and non-connection-oriented

data transmission, as well as error checking before retransmission.

▫ Session layer: establishes, manages, and terminates sessions between entities at

the presentation layer. Communication at this layer is implemented through
service requests and responses transmitted between applications on different

▫ Presentation layer: provides data encoding and conversion so that data sent by
the application layer of one system can be identified by the application layer of
another system.

▫ Application layer: provides network services for applications and the OSI layer
closest to end users.
• The TCP/IP model is similar to the OSI model in structure and adopts a hierarchical
architecture. Adjacent TCP/IP layers are closely related.

• The standard TCP/IP model combines the data link layer and physical layer in the OSI
model into the network access layer. This division mode is contrary to the actual
protocol formulation. Therefore, the equivalent TCP/IP model that integrates the
TCP/IP standard model and the OSI model is proposed. Contents in the following slides
are based on the equivalent TCP/IP model.
• Application Layer
▫ Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): is used to access various pages on web
▫ File Transfer Protocol (FTP): provides a method for transferring files. It allows
data to be transferred from one host to another.
▫ Domain name service (DNS): translates from host domain names to IP addresses.
• Transport layer
▫ Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): provides reliable connection-oriented
communication services for applications. Currently, TCP is used by many popular
▫ User Datagram Protocol (UDP): provides connectionless communication and does
not guarantee the reliability of packet transmission. The reliability can be ensured
by the application layer.
• Network layer
▫ Internet Protocol (IP): encapsulates transport-layer data into data packets and
forwards packets from source sites to destination sites. IP provides a
connectionless and unreliable service.
▫ Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP): manages multicast group
memberships. Specifically, IGMP sets up and maintains memberships between IP
hosts and their directly connected multicast routers.
▫ Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP): sends control messages based on the
IP protocol and provides information about various problems that may exist in
the communication environment. Such information helps administrators diagnose
problems and take proper measures to resolve the problems.
• The TCP/IP suite enables data to be transmitted over a network. The layers use packet
data units (PDUs) to exchange data, implementing communication between network

• PDUs transmitted at different layers contain different information. Therefore, PDUs

have different names at different layers.
• TCP header:
▫ Source Port: identifies the application that sends the segment. This field is 16 bits
▫ Destination Port: identifies the application that receives the segment. This field is
16 bits long.
▫ Sequence Number: Every byte of data sent over a TCP connection has a sequence
number. The value of the Sequence Number field equals the sequence number of
the first byte in a sent segment. This field is 32 bits long.
▫ Acknowledgment Number: indicates the sequence number of the next segment's
first byte that the receiver is expecting to receive. The value of this field is 1 plus
the sequence number of the last byte in the previous segment that is successfully
received. This field is valid only when the ACK flag is set. This field is 32 bits long.
▫ Header Length: indicates the length of the TCP header. The unit is 32 bits (4
bytes). If there is no option content, the value of this field is 5, indicating that the
header contains 20 bytes.
▫ Reserved: This field is reserved and must be set to 0. This field is 6 bits long.
▫ Control Bits: control bits, includes FIN, ACK, and SYN flags, indicating TCP data
segments in different states.
▫ Window: used for TCP flow control. The value is the maximum number of bytes
that are allowed by the receiver. The maximum window size is 65535 bytes. This
field is 16 bits long.
▫ Checksum: a mandatory field. It is calculated and stored by the sender and
verified by the receiver. During checksum computation, the TCP header and TCP
data are included, and a 12-byte pseudo header is added before the TCP segment.
This field is 16 bits long.
• The TCP connection setup process is as follows:

▫ The TCP connection initiator (PC1 in the figure) sends the first TCP segment with
SYN being set. The initial sequence number a is a randomly generated number.
The acknowledgment number is 0 because no segment has ever been received
from PC2.

▫ After receiving a valid TCP segment with the SYN flag being set, the receiver (PC2)
replies with a TCP segment with SYN and ACK being set. The initial sequence
number b is a randomly generated number. Because the segment is a response
one to PC1, the acknowledgment number is a+1.

▫ After receiving the TCP segment in which SYN and ACK are set, PC1 replies with a
segment in which ACK is set, the sequence number is a+1, and the
acknowledgment number is b+1. After PC2 receives the segment, a TCP
connection is established.
• Assume that PC1 needs to send segments of data to PC2. The transmission process is
as follows:

1. PC1 numbers each byte to be sent by TCP. Assume that the number of the first
byte is a+1. Then, the number of the second byte is a+2, the number of the third
byte is a+3, and so on.

2. PC1 uses the number of the first byte of each segment of data as the sequence
number and sends out the TCP segment.

3. After receiving the TCP segment from PC1, PC2 needs to acknowledge the
segment and request the next segment of data. How is the next segment of data
determined? Sequence number (a+1) + Payload length = Sequence number of
the first byte of the next segment (a+1+12)

4. After receiving the TCP segment sent by PC2, PC1 finds that the
acknowledgment number is a+1+12, indicating that the segments from a+1 to
a+12 have been received and the sequence number of the upcoming segment to
be sent should be a+1+12.

• To improve the sending efficiency, multiple segments of data can be sent at a time by
the sender and then acknowledged at a time by the receiver.
1. During the TCP three-way handshake, both ends notify each other of the maximum
number of bytes (buffer size) that can be received by the local end through the
Window field.

2. After the TCP connection is set up, the sender sends data of the specified number of
bytes based on the window size declared by the receiver.

3. After receiving the data, the receiver stores the data in the buffer and waits for the
upper-layer application to obtain the buffered data. After the data is obtained by the
upper-layer application, the corresponding buffer space is released.

4. The receiver notifies the current acceptable data size (window) according to its buffer

5. The sender sends a certain amount of data based on the current window size of the
• TCP supports data transmission in full-duplex mode, which means that data can be
transmitted in both directions at the same time. Before data is transmitted, TCP sets up
a connection in both directions through three-way handshake. Therefore, after data
transmission is complete, the connection must be closed in both directions. This is
shown in the figure.

1. PC1 sends a TCP segment with FIN being set. The segment does not carry data.

2. After receiving the TCP segment from PC1, PC2 replies with a TCP segment with
ACK being set.

3. PC2 checks whether data needs to be sent. If so, PC2 sends the data, and then a
TCP segment with FIN being set to close the connection. Otherwise, PC2 directly
sends a TCP segment with FIN being set.

4. After receiving the TCP segment with FIN being set, PC1 replies with an ACK
segment. The TCP connection is then torn down in both directions.
• Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) is the most widely used network layer protocol.
• When IP is used as the network layer protocol, both communication parties are
assigned a unique IP address to identify themselves. An IP address can be written as a
32-bit binary integer. To facilitate reading and analysis, an IP address is usually
represented in dot-decimal notation, consisting of four decimal numbers, each ranging
from 0 to 255, separated by dots, such as,

• Encapsulation and forwarding of IP data packets:

▫ When receiving data from an upper layer (such as the transport layer), the
network layer encapsulates an IP packet header and adds the source and
destination IP addresses to the header.

▫ Each intermediate network device (such as a router) maintains a routing table

that guides IP packet forwarding like a map. After receiving a packet, the
intermediate network device reads the destination address of the packet,
searches the local routing table for a matching entry, and forwards the IP packet
according to the instruction of the matching entry.

▫ When the IP packet reaches the destination host, the destination host determines
whether to accept the packet based on the destination IP address and then
processes the packet accordingly.

• When the IP protocol is running, routing protocols such as OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP are
required to help routers build routing tables, and ICMP is required to help control
networks and diagnose network status.
• A MAC address is recognizable as six groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by
hyphens, colons, or without a separator. Example: 48-A4-72-1C-8F-4F
• The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a TCP/IP protocol that discovers the data link
layer address associated with a given IP address.

• ARP is an indispensable protocol in IPv4. It provides the following functions:

▫ Discovers the MAC address associated with a given IP address.

▫ Maintains and caches the mapping between IP addresses and MAC addresses
through ARP entries.

▫ Detects duplicate IP addresses on a network segment.

• Generally, a network device has an ARP cache. The ARP cache stores the mapping
between IP addresses and MAC addresses.

• Before sending a datagram, a device searches its ARP table. If a matching ARP entry is
found, the device encapsulates the corresponding MAC address in the frame and sends
out the frame. If a matching ARP entry is not found, the device sends an ARP request
to discover the MAC address.

• The learned mapping between the IP address and MAC address is stored in the ARP
table for a period. Within the validity period (180s by default), the device can directly
search this table for the destination MAC address for data encapsulation, without
performing ARP-based query. After the validity period expires, the ARP entry is
automatically deleted.

• If the destination device is located on another network, the source device searches the
ARP table for the gateway MAC address of the destination address and sends the
datagram to the gateway. Then, the gateway forwards the datagram to the
destination device.
• In this example, the ARP table of Host 1 does not contain the MAC address of Host 2.
Therefore, Host 1 sends an ARP request message to discover the destination MAC

• The ARP request message is encapsulated in an Ethernet frame. The source MAC
address in the frame header is the MAC address of Host 1 at the transmit end. Because
Host 1 does not know the MAC address of Host 2, the destination MAC address is the
broadcast address FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF.

• The ARP request message contains the source MAC address, source IP address,
destination MAC address, and destination IP address. The destination MAC address is
all 0s. The ARP request message is broadcast to all hosts on the network, including
• After receiving the ARP request message, each host checks whether it is the destination
of the message based on the carried destination IP address. If not, the host does not
respond to the ARP request message. If so, the host adds the sender's MAC and IP
addresses carried in the ARP request message to the ARP table, and then replies with
an ARP reply message.
• Host 2 sends an ARP reply message to Host 1.

• In the ARP reply message, the sender's IP address is the IP address of Host 2 and the
receiver's IP address is the IP address of Host 1. The receiver's MAC address is the MAC
address of Host 1 and the sender's MAC address is the MAC address of Host 2. The
operation type is set to reply.

• ARP reply messages are transmitted in unicast mode.

• After receiving the ARP reply message, Host 1 checks whether it is the destination of
the message based on the carried destination IP address. If so, Host 1 records the
carried sender's MAC and IP addresses in its ARP table.
• Twisted pairs: most common transmission media used on Ethernet networks. Twisted
pairs can be classified into the following types based on their anti-electromagnetic
interference capabilities:

▫ STP: shielded twisted pairs

▫ UTP: unshielded twisted pairs

• Optical fiber transmission can be classified into the following types based on functional

▫ Fibers: optical transmission media, which are glass fibers, used to restrict optical
transmission channels.

▫ Optical modules: convert electrical signals into optical signals to generate optical

• Serial cables are widely used on wide area networks (WANs). The types of interfaces
connected to serial cables vary according to WAN line types. The interfaces include
synchronous/synchronous serial interfaces, ATM interfaces, POS interfaces, and CE1/PRI

• Wireless signals may be transmitted by using electromagnetic waves. For example, a

wireless router modulates data and sends the data by using electromagnetic waves,
and a wireless network interface card of a mobile terminal demodulates the
electromagnetic waves to obtain data. Data transmission from the wireless router to
the mobile terminal is then complete.
• Assume that you are using a web browser to access Huawei's official website. After you
enter the website address and press Enter, the following events occur on your
1. The browser (application program) invokes HTTP (application layer protocol) to
encapsulate the application layer data. (The DATA in the figure should also
include the HTTP header, which is not shown here.)
2. HTTP uses TCP to ensure reliable data transmission and transmits encapsulated
data to the TCP module.
3. The TCP module adds the corresponding TCP header information (such as the
source and destination port numbers) to the data transmitted from the
application layer. At the transport layer, the PDU is called a segment.
4. On an IPv4 network, the TCP module sends the encapsulated segment to the
IPv4 module at the network layer. (On an IPv6 network, the segment is sent to
the IPv6 module for processing.)
5. After receiving the segment from the TCP module, the IPv4 module encapsulates
the IPv4 header. At this layer, the PDU is called a packet.
• In most cases:

▫ A Layer 2 device (such as an Ethernet switch) only decapsulates the Layer 2

header of the data and performs the corresponding switching operation
according to the information in the Layer 2 header.

▫ A Layer 3 device (such as a router) decapsulates the Layer 3 header and performs
routing operations based on the Layer 3 header information.

▫ Note: The details and principles of switching and routing will be described in
subsequent courses.
• After being transmitted over the intermediate network, the data finally reaches the
destination server. Based on the information in different protocol headers, the data is
decapsulated layer by layer, processed, transmitted, and finally sent to the application
on the web server for processing.
1. Answer:

▫ Clear division of functions and boundaries between layers facilitates the

development, design, and troubleshooting of each component.

▫ The functions of each layer can be defined to impel industry standardization.

▫ Interfaces can be provided to enable communication between hardware and

software on various networks, improving compatibility.

2. Answer:

▫ Application layer: HTTP, FTP, Telnet, and so on

▫ Transport layer: UDP and TCP

▫ Network layer: IP, ICMP, and so on

▫ Data link layer: Ethernet, PPP, PPPoE, and so on

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