Areas of Interest: Units

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• Deep learning | Computer Vision | Natural Language Processing | Machine Learning | Data Science

• Tools: MATLAB, Simulink,Version, ROS, LaTeX
• Languages: C++, Python,R,SQL

• Objective :Visual Question Answering:
Guide:Prof Biplab Baneerjee(Centre of Studies in Resource Engineering(CSRE) Department),IIT Bombay
◦ Objective:Develop a deep learning based model capable of extracting Semantic discriminative features for
image and question and combine Visual and textual image features to guide answer prediction
◦ OngoingWork: Training a deep learning model using CNN(UNET) architecture to get semantic features of
significant image region and using RNN(LSTM) for extracting textual features and answer prediction.
◦ Future work: Introduce feature wise attention mechanism to learn cross feature wise attention between
image and question modalities


• Control law and Path Control Algorithm for reference tracking in Differential Drive Robots (Jan’21-May’21)
(System and Control Engineering lab)
◦ Analyzed Unicycle Modelling of Differential Drive robot and Implemented open loop control and P,PI and
PID for locating its desired position.
◦ Implemented Aseem vivek Borkar Phd Thesis named Surveillance and Motoring strategies for Autonomous
Mobile Robot(IIT Bombay) for controlling linear and angular velocities of Differential Drive Robot using
Gazebo in ROS Interface and achieved more accurate reference tracking path.
◦ Implemented Non linear Controller(Springer Handbook of Robotics,Bruno Siciliano,Oussama Khatib(Eds)
for Asymptotically stabilizing the reference trajectory path(Cardiod Curve) and achieved MSE to 0.175
• Modelling and Control of Multiple Input and Multiple output System. (Jan’21-May’21)

◦ Determination of ARX,ARMAX Model and ARMAX using recursive least square estimation for Single
Board Multi-Heater System using MATLAB System Identification ToolBox.
◦ Implementation of Decentralized PI Controller, Normalized Decoupling,Inverted Decoupling(Internal Model
Control) by analysing Relative Gain Array(RGA),Condition Number(CN) and Niederlinski Index(NI).
◦ Design of linear Quadratic Optimal Controller(LQOC) for perfect set point tracking and Regulation with
specified Control Limits
• Car Object Detection

◦ Objective:
Implemented Car object detection using pretrained MobileNet Architecture with additional Convolu-
tional layers and achieved an accuracy of 99.8 with MAE of 2.72 and loss of 0.02
• Semantic Image Segmentation for CityScape Image Paris Kaggle Dataset-

◦ Objective: Performed Semantic segmentation using End to End UNet Model

* Used K-means Clustering Algorithm to give colored labels to 10 different classes of an image.
* Used "mean-square Error" and "Adam" optimizer with learning rate(lr=0.00001) to evaluate the model.
• Stock Price Prediction

◦ Objective: Implemented RNN and LSTM Models on Google Stock Price Prediction Kaggle dataset.
* ’tanh’ activations and ’Adam’ Optimizer was used in the design with ’METRICS’ accuracy
* Applying LSTM and RNN model to improve the accuracy of training
• LSTM Text Generation-
◦ Objective: Designed and trained LSTM RNN on Newyork Times Comments and headlines dataset to train
a text generation language model which can be used to generate news headlines.
* Performed tokenization of every text document in the dataset to create sequence of tokens for predic-
tion of sequence of words using LSTM Model which includes ’softmax’ activations with categorical
crossentropy loss and ’adam’ optimizer


• Machine Learning for Remote Sensing-I • Introduction to Probability and Random Processes
• Applied Predictive Analytics(Data Analytics,Deep
Learning,Predictive Maintenance) • Optimization

• Deep learning Specialisation |
Neural Networks,Hyperparameter Tuning,Regularization,CNNs,Sequence Models
• Machine Learning | Standford University(Coursera)
Classification,Linear Regression,Decision Trees,KNN,SVM
• Google Data Analytics | Google(Coursera)
Data Analytics,SQL,R,Tableau

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