GROUP 3 - MP Internal Audit

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Influence of audit committee and internal audit on audit report lag:

Size of public accounting firm as a moderating variable
Group 3 Members

Dewi Sukmaningsih
Fifia Aryanto Putri
Flourina Novianty
Gun Gun Mugia Raspati
Henri Martha

Long audit report lag can cause delays in the

submission of annual financial statements

Delay in submission of financial statements can lead

to greater information gaps, and cause companies to
get sanctions from BAPEPAM or OJK

Reality Hope

Delays in submitting financial This research is important to do

statements has occurred every to create corporate discipline
year and to prevent sanctions that are
received by the company
Literature Review

The agent and principal relationship is the relationship that contains the
contract. Principals give authority to agents to run their companies with the
capabilities and expertise they have. This relationship gives rise to information
asymmetry and a conflict of interest between the two. A supervisory,
inspection, control and evaluation fund besides helping independent auditors
in auditing is also a way to reduce agency problems between agents and

The existence of an audit committee is seen as a monitoring mechanism that

will increase the flow of information between management and shareholders
and reduce information asymmetry.

Internal audit is an activity to provide assurance and consultation that is

independent and objective. It aims to increase value and improve company
operations through a systematic approach, by increasing and evaluating the
effectiveness of risk management, control, and corporate governance.
Literature Review

• H1 = The audit committee influences audit report lag
• H2 = Internal Audit influences audit report lag
• H3 = The size of the public accounting firm strengthens the
relationship between the audit committee and the audit
report lag
• H4 = The size of the public accounting firm strengthens the
relationship between internal audit and audit report lag

Audit Report
H3 Lag
Research and Methodology

Research and Methodology

• The study population was companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) in 2015 – 2018;
• 220 Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique;
• The data analysis method used in this research is Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) with variance-based SEM or Partial Least Square (PLS)
• The tools used to me m process the data is warpPLS 6 .0

Committee Audit Internal Audit The Size of Public

Accounting Firm.
• Members; • Internal audit members;
• Expertise in finance; • The level of education of the head Measured by a dummy
• Frequency of variable where 1 is a big
of the internal audit unit, level of
meetings; work experience four public accounting
firm and 0 is a no big four
• The percentage of
women in the audit public accounting firm
Result and Discussion

• The Outer Model Test:

Komite audit dan audit internal telah memenuhi persyaratan pengukuran karena memiliki nilai
diatas 0,7 (Tes Multikolinearitas/Goodnes Of Fit). Tes ini terdiri dari ARS, APC dan AVIF dimana
ARS dan APC telah signifikan sebesar 0,02 (<0,05) dan nilai AVIF 1.313 (<5) tealah memenuhi
sayarat bebas dari multikolineritas.
• The Inner Model Test:
Uji R-Square dan Q-Square dimana variabel independen dapat menjelaskan variabel
dependen sebesar 6,6% dengan nilai prediksi 7% sedangkan 93,4% lainnya dijelaskan dengan
faktor lainnya.
• Hypotesis Test:

Uji pertama menyatakan bahwa komite audit mempengaruhi lag laporan audit. Nilai p 0,03
(<0,05) dan nilai koefisien KA dan ARL sebesar -0,12 artinya KA memiliki efek negatif pada
Result and Discussion

Uji kedua menyatakan bahwa AI mempengaruhi ARL. Nilai p 0,28 (>0,05) artinya hipotesis
kedua (H2) ditolak. Koefisien antara AI dan ARL sebesar -0,04 artinya AI memiliki efek negatif
pada ARL. Hipotesis ini ditolak karena diduga AI tidak mampu melaksanakan tugasnya
dengan benar.

Uji ketiga menyatakan Perusahaan Akuntansi Publik ukuran sedang dengan hubungannya KA
–ARL dimana memiliki nilai p 0,006 (<0,05) artinya ukuran perusahaan akuntasi publik
memoderasi hubungan KA-ARL.
Uji ke empat menyatakan bahwa hubungan AI-ARL dengan nilai p 0,41 (>0,05) sehingga
hipotesis ini ditolak sejalan dengan uji hipotesi ke dua bahwa ukuran akuntansi publik tidak
memoderasi hubungan atara AI dan ARL.

1. The results of this study indicate that the existence of

an audit committee can shorten the audit report lag
2. The better quality of the audit committee cause the
audit report lag to be lower
3. Internal audit does not affect audit report lag
4. These results also state that the size of the public
accounting firm has moderated the relationship
between the audit committee and audit report lag

Thank You

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