Gravidity and Parity

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Gravidity and Parity

Gravidity is Parity is defined as

defined as the the number of times
that she has given
number of times birth to a fetus with a
that a woman gestational age of 24
has been weeks or more,
pregnant. regardless of whether
the child was born
alive or was stillborn.

The term "gravida" can be used to refer to a pregnant woman.
"nulligravida" is a woman who has never been pregnant.
"primigravida" is a woman who is pregnant for the first time or
has been pregnant one time.
"multigravida" or "secundigravida" is a woman who has been
pregnant more than one time.

Gravity- # of pregnancies including current
Term- # of pregnancies carried to 37weeks and above
Preterm- # of pregnancies carried between 20 weeks and
36.6 weeks
Abortion- #of losses prior to 20 weeks (spontaneous or
Living - # of living children/ live births

GTPAL is important to understand the woman’s
pregnancy history, which will help the providers to be
aware of things such as; concerns with many losses, if
there have been twins, or pregnancies that have been
preterm. This will help the providers to better plan

Susie is a 38wks pregnant. This is her second
pregnancy. She delivered a healthy baby boy at 39
weeks with her pregnancy. What is her GTPAL?
G-2, T 1, P0, A0, L1

A 26 yr/old 26 weeks pregnant came for visit. upon
interview, she told you that she had a miscarriage
with 10 weeks gestation five years ago. But she had a
son who was born at 39 weeks. What is her GTPAL?

Sandy has just delivered her 4th living baby. She has
had five pregnancies. Her second ended in
spontaneous loss at 24 wks. All her pregnancies has
been single tone. Two born living at 38 wks and two
born at 40 weeks. What is her GTPAL?

A 33 year old female came for 32 weeks pregnant
came for visit, she has 3 living children, one born at
35 weeks and had twins at 38 weeks, and one ectopic
pregnancy. What is her GTPAL?

A 40 year old female admitted for observation, she is
30 weeks pregnant, she had a healthy 3year old
living child born at term, one was 37 weeks still birth,
and had a miscarriage at 18 weeks. What is her GTPAL?

Thank you!!!


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