Youth Livelihood Project Proposal

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Merkato child and Family Charitable Society

Youth Livelihood project for Wereda 6 and 7 of Addis Ketema

Sub City
July 1st, 2012-June 31st, 2015

June 2012

Table of content

1 Project summary………………………………………………………3
2 Projectrational…………………………………………………………4
3 Problem statement causes………………………………………...5
4 Location and target group………………………………………....6
5 Project strategy…………………………………………………………7
6 Project strategy statement……………………………………….....7
7 Project strategy justification………………………….....................9
8 Description of project objective………………………………….10
9 Result frame work……………………………………………………10
10 Project logical frame work…………………………………………11
11 Monitoring and evaluation plan…………………………………16
12 Project implementation plan……………………………………..20
13 Staffing and capacity……………………………………………..21
14 Project management structure………………………………….21
15 stakeholder analyses……………………………………………….22
16Activity schedule……………………………………………………23
16 Financial plan……………………………………………………….25

List of acronyms

ASP……………………….Area Strategic Plan
BDS……………………….Business Development Service
CBO………………………Community Based Organization
CDF……………………….Community Development Facilitator
DVE_R…………………….Deprived Excluded vulnerable Resilience
FBO……………………….Faith Based organization
FGD……………………….Focused Group Discussion
FI………………………….Finance Institution
GTP………………………Growth Transformation Plan
HIV/AIDS…… Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Ant immunodeficiency Syndrome
IGA……………………….Income Generating Activity
LQAS………………………Lot Quality Assurances Sampling
MCFCS…………….. Merkato Child and Family Charitable Society
M&E………………………Monitoring and Evaluation
MSE………………………Micro and Small Enterprise
MOE………………………Ministry of Health
MOFED…………………..Ministry of Finance& Economic Development
RH…………………………Reproductive Health
SACA……………………..Saving and Credit Association
STI ………………………. Sexually Transmitted Infection
TOT………………………..Training of Trainer
WCYA……………………Women children youth Association
YC………………………..youth Center

1. Project Summary

 Project Name: Youth livelihood project for Wereda 6 and 7 of Addis Ketema Sub

 Project Objective: - To improve the livelihood of youths by strengthening youth

capabilities and enlarge access to opportunities in Wereda6 and 7.
 Core Program Area: Skilled and involved youth.
 Location of Project: Addis Ketema Sub-City, wereda 6 and 7.
 Type and Number of target groups by life stage and gender: 673 direct
beneficiary & 1000 indirect beneficiary youths /age 15-24/ are benefited from the
project among them 1450 are female and the rest are male.
 Project start and end date: July 1st 2012-June 31st 2015.
 Implementation partner(s) or groups responsible for project implementation:
Youth groups, parents, community representatives, MSE Office, WCYA Office,
Health Office, school clubs and teachers).
 Total budget by year and source of funding:- 2,185,000ETB ( 2,170500.00
from ChildFund and 14500.00 community contribution).
 Signature of the program Manager who reviewed the proposal: Getachew
Tesfaye, ChildFund Program manager
 List of those on project design team including proposal writers and technical
reviewers (names, titles, main contribution). Include a very brief description
of the project design process: The workshop has been conducted on project
design. It was aimed to design the project for specific problems of respective
areas. The participants internalized the project design tools, identified basic
problems and most affected target groups based on the results captured during
situational analysis, and developed the project proposal on “Youth livelihood” for
the target youths living in wereda 6 and 7 of Addis ketema sub city. The project
will be able to address the R-DEV of the target youths in wereda 6 and 7. The
following participants were involved in proposal writing and technical review:
Genet Abie (MCFCS Manager), TefsayeWolde (MCFCS ECD officer), Teferi
Degefu (MCFCS Youth Development officer), Assefa Balcha (ChildFund
Ethiopia M&E officer), Zewdu Deneke (Basic Education Officer), AlemTamene
(Sponsor Relation Officer), Getachew Takele (Community Development Officer).

2. Project Rational

2.1 problem statement and causes

A high level of unemployment and underemployment in Addis Ketema sub city is one of
the critical socio economic problem facing the labor force in general and the youth group
in particular. The employment opportunity created by different bodies couldn’t
adequately absorb the increasing proportion of youths that continuously enter the labor
market. As result unemployment and under employment are current outstanding
problems adversely affecting the youth development.

Evidences show that most of the dwellers in Wereda 6 & 7 of Addis ketema sub city
particularly women & youth (age 15-24) live below poverty line. Hence, they earn
meager income which doesn’t in any way let those secure basic necessities to satisfy their
needs, which is always associated with certain health risks especially on orphan’s youths.
The FGD conducted with youths during ASP development revealed that many youth lives
with their parents as dependent until age of 40 without creating any income. According to
“Addis Ketema sub city socio-economic assessment of households 2010”, 70.4% of the
dwellers had no income and either depends on father or mother income. Even the feeding
status of childrenand youth is very poor & most of them miss their breakfast or lunch like
elder people did.

Moreover, the participants explained that Infants siblings are also eating what the adult
used to eat; no supplementary or nutritionally enriched food is prepared for children
which lead them to malnutrition. This fact can be substantiated by regular anthropometric
measurement conducted by MCFCS recently. Of which, for 250 malnourished children
were provided supplementary food. Besides, most households are deprived of other basic
needs like shelter, clothing, medication, safe environment, education, recreation center
etc due to inadequate house hold income.

According to Socio-economic assessment of HHs in Addis ketema sub city June 2010,
55.58% of the youths earns their livelihood from informal sector of the economy. They
are engaged in baking “Injera”, petty trading, washing clothes, prostitution, ‘bed renting’,
and ‘child renting’, taxi conductor, porter and micro and enterprise activities. Although
some of the youths always struggle to improve their income, they couldn’t succeed and
make a significant change in their life due to lack of working capital, market information,
start up kit, technical and vocational skill and their poor cope up mechanism. According
to the information collected from Wereda 6 & 7 of Addis ketema sub city and the survey
conducted by MCFCS, only 27.6% youth are employed. Also the consultation held with
the community confirmed that access to employment is very limited. Lack of
entrepreneurship skill, startup capital, and work places have been raised as major
problems. Besides, some of the dwellers don’t come across in any income generating
activities rather they are simply sitting idle with the belief that there is no way of
obtaining jobs that can demand their labor. This brought large impact on the better living
condition of the households.

Parallel with the aforementioned problems, the youth lacks access to reproductive health
services. As a result, most youths and women in the area are vulnerable to unwanted
pregnancy, early marriage, sexual harassment, unsafe abortion, HIV/AIDs and STI.
Moreover, it is taboo for the community particularly youths to discuss on reproductive
health issues openly which is left to peer groups. This is clearly seen during the FGD.
The youths involved in focus group discussion remained silent to comment on their early
pregnancy experiences and they revealed that those who had been pregnant at early age
prefer to hide the happenings, leave the area or undergo unsafe abortion. According to the
LQAS survey of MCFCS, 2011, contraceptive practice is relatively low in the catchment
area, the percentage of youth who are using one or more than one method of family
planning techniques to delay pregnancy is only 25%.

The consultation result also shows that if the pregnant girl is unmarried and at younger
age, she does not go to health centers for pre and post natal services rather goes to
traditional service providers or kept silent till birth. This contributes a lot for maternal
and child mortality which is resulted from lack of awareness and open discussion.

All these facts show that the community lack quality reproductive health services like
awareness creation training, STI prevention and treatment , HIV prevention ,
contraceptive supply particularly for young people’s and life skills related to reproductive
health decision making. Moreover, recreational centers are almost not available in the
area so these force the youths to spend their time in risky areas.

2.2. Location and Target group

MCFCS, a Local Non-Governmental Organization registered under Charities and
Societies Agency proclamation number 621 as an Ethiopian Residents Charity on 28 July
2010 E.C and certified with #1910. The Charitable Society has been working on
integrated child and family development project in Addis Ketema sub city, Addis Ababa
city administration at weredas 6 and 7 (formerly kebeles 13/15 and 14/21). The current
funding agency for the charitable society is ChildFund through sponsorship program. The
operational area of MCFCS located about 2.5km west of Addis Ababa Municipality near
the bus station.

Fig. 1 Map of the project area. Source: 2007 CSA data

The total population of the catchments is estimated to be 53866 (Socio-economic

assessment of HHs in Addis ketema sub city June 2010). Among the total households,
about 53.6% are female headed. Currently, MCFCS is serving 2660 enrolled children and
8402 families and siblings as direct beneficiaries with integrated programs on this project
673 enrolled youths directly and more than 1000 youths indirectly benefited from the
project. The project on “integrated youth development” is designed to serve the target
groups youthsmainly unemployed or under employed youths.

3. Project Strategy

3.1 project strategy statement

 Business and vocational skill training:-
To improve the employment opportunities of target youths, MCFCS will organize
intensive technical and business skill training to needy families. Prior to any skill training
the Charitable Society assesses whether employment opportunities are sufficiently
available in the local and national level. Then, the Charitable Society provides the

identified marketable skills both in government and private institutions with the required
quality standards. Moreover, the Charitable Society will organize those who have interest
to form their own self help micro and small enterprises and provide the necessary
working kits. To maintain the sustainability of the business, MCFCS works in
collaboration with wereda and sub city micro and small enterprise development office,
youth associations, women, children and youth offices. Also the Charitable Society will
participate these partners in screening, organizing and monitoring of each business
enterprises. To boost up the enterprises, capacity building training will be arranged for
skill trainees, petty traders and potential family groups so as to engage them in income
generating activities. To realize their dream, the Charitable Society, supports them by
providing working kits and startup capital in line with the government small and micro
enterprise development policy.

 Reproductive health services

MCFCS will capacitate service providers both in technical and material supports to make
sure that service providers would offer reproductive health services to the community
under one roof. So TOT on the RH will be arranged for health center staffs, extension
workers, club leaders and community development facilitators in collaboration with
potential training providers. After the training, the trainees will deliver awareness raising
sessions on a regular bases to the community. Also training is provided on population
policy of the country for wereda administrator, religious leaders, CBO, FBO, others who
are capable to influence the community & spear heading in mobilizing the community.
In addition, to address the whole community BCC/IEC material will be produced &
posted on public area.

 Training on saving and credit

Focusing on unemployed youth and women, MCFCS in partnership with Addis ketema
sub city cooperative promotion office will develop instruction manual on the importance
& benefits of saving and credit, book keeping. Then organizes series training and
arranges experience sharing visits among pioneer saving and credit cooperatives.

 Door to door business development services

To achieve the intended goal with in the project period, the Charitable Society will train
community development workers on business development services /BDS/ so that they
can provide door to door the services to each target youths and families engaged in
private or group business. Besides, to minimize the project cost and to address the

community at large, CDFs will organize series business skill development training to
each target youths and families found under their supervision area.

3.2. Project strategy justification

This intervention would enable target groups to develop self-reliance and reduce the
depending degree of vulnerability to unemployment, unwanted pregnancy, HIV/AIDS
and exposed to stimulants. Similarly it fosters significantly to social gains that comprises
of lower fertility, better house hold income, and reduced infant mortality. Therefore
improving youth health and social welfare has multi–dimensional advantages it also
improves the health and well-being of children and the whole family.

Hence investing in highly vulnerable youth especially youth headed house hold and
highly vulnerable youths who had face unemployment/under employment is a model for
other sister charitable societies. It improves children survival and reducing fertility as
well as enhancing target groups awareness rising about HIV/AIDS and family planning
practices. It produces significant social returns in undertaking these projects, which
would in turn benefit local communities in the project implementation monitoring,
evaluation as well as facilitating marketing opportunities and create good net working
among stakeholder and disseminating further information on reproductive health services
and enhancing child participation.

Therefore approving and carrying out this project is a stepping stone for attaining
sustainable development in the area and breaking poverty impacts on the society at large.

4 Description of project objective

4.1 Result frame work

Goal:- Improved wellbeing of Youth in wereda 6 & 7 of Addis ketema

sub city

Objective: - To improve the livelihood of youths by strengthening youth

capabilities and enlarge access to opportunities in Wereda 6 and

Outcome 1: Youths non Outcome 2: Youths Outcome 3: Youth

exploitative employment participation on social demonstrate positive
opportunity increased engagement improved behavioral change in RH
8 practice
Outputs Outputs Outputs
1. Youths have marketable vocational 1. Youth lead association 1. Family planning practice
and business skills established of the youth in the
2. Youth based self help business 2. In school youth clubs operational area increased
enterprises established strengthened 2. Health institutions
3. Organized self helpbusiness groups 3. Youths have provided reproductive
have adequate working kits/capital communication and health services to the
4. Youths and families developed good interpersonal skills youths and families
business plan 3. Organized in school & out
5. The community attitude towards job of school reproductive
and work engagement enhanced health clubs effectively
6. Target groups organize saving and operate on RH services
credit association or have bank
account which enable financed their
business need

5. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

5.1. M&E plan and Logical Framework

5.1.1. Logical Framework

Objective Indicator Measurement Assumptions

Goal:-The wellbeing of
Youth in wereda 6 & 7
of Addis ketema sub city ----- ------- -------
Objective: - To improve % skilled ,involved and Baseline and end line Government
the livelihood of youths by engaged youths at the survey results, commitment to create
end of the project period periodic reports of the job opportunity at
strengthening youth
project. large &fairly distribute
capabilities and enlarge
the existing resources
access to opportunities among the
Wereda 6 and 7. community.

Outcome 1: Youths non % of target groups Project records and Federal and A/A city
exploitative employment engaged in different periodic administration MSE
opportunity increased income generating reports(monthly, development strategy
activities in 2015. Quarterly and annual
Outcome 2:Youths % of youths and Project records and The existence of
participation on social families created linkage periodic private & public
engagement improved with financial reports(monthly, micro /macro financial
institution. Quarterly and annual institution in the area
Outcome 3:Family and % of unwanted Case studies, periodic Family planning
Youth demonstrate pregnancy and reports and policy & urban
positive behavioral incidence of HIV/AIDS assessment reports extension program by
change in RH practice decreased the government
Output 1.1 Youths have # of youths and families Physical observation, Existence of potential
marketable vocational trained on marketable case studies training providers
and business skills vocational and business
Output 1.2 Youth based # of self help business Physical observation, Respective Wereda
self help business enterprises established quarter and annual office staff
enterprises established reports. commitment
Output 1.3 Organized # of organized self help Project records, Working materials are
self help business business enterprises physical observation, available in the local
enterprises have provided with working check list. market
adequate working kit/capital
Output 1.4 Youths and # of quality business Business plan
families developed good plan developed developed
business plan

Output1.5 Target groups # of people participated Reports, annual

organized in saving and in SACA/FI report, terminal The district office
credit association or have report. official commitment
bank account which
enable financed their
business need
Output 2.1Youth lead # of youth associations Reports, annual District office staff
associations established strengthened report, terminal commitment
Output2.2 Youth clubs # clubs supported Reports, annual Existence of

strengthened report, terminal community based
report. SACOs and micro and
macro financial
institution in the area
Output 2.3 Youths have # youths trained on life Reports, annual Existence of
communication and skill report, terminal community based
interpersonal skills report. SACOs and mico and
macro financial
institution in the area
Output 3.1 Family # of people who use Review meeting, Health institution &
planning practice of the different contraceptive Reports, annual youth center work on
youth in the operational methods report, terminal their full power.
area increased report.
Output 3.2 Health # of youths and families Review meeting Health institution &
institutions/YC which who get RH services Reports, annual youth center work on
provide reproductive report, terminal their full power.
health services to the report.
Output 3.3Organized in # of clubs participate Physical observation, Youth forum, youth
& out of school on RH education annual& terminal association & school
reproductive report. clubs initiative to
health clubs effectively serve the community
operating on RH services

1.1.1 Youths trained on # of families and youths Monthly, quarterly,
marketable vocational trained on marketable annual report.
skills. skills.
1.1.2 Business & #Number of trainees Monthly, quarterly,
vocational skill trainees/ organized in micro annual report.
families & youths/ enterprises & equipped
organized in micro with material with
enterprise and equipped startup capital.
with material and
provide startup capital.
1.1.3 Existing micro # Of existing micro Monthly, quarterly,
enterprises/petty trader/ enterprise/supported in annual report.
supported in materials, materials, seed money

seed money and business and training.
skill training.

1.1.4,Youth trained on # of people have Monthly, quarterly,

customer handling , knowledge and skill on annual report.
employment related and employment preparation
life skills and life skill

1.1.5 Youth trained on # of quality business Monthly, quarterly,

business plan plan developed annual report.

1.1.6Community # of work shop Monthly, quarterly,

Sanitization on work organized. annual report.

2.2.1 Youth lead # of youth lead Monthly, quarterly,

associations established association established annual report.
2.2 .2 In school youth # of clubs strengthen Monthly, quarterly,
clubs strengthened. annual report.
# of youths have Monthly, quarterly,
2.2.3 Youths have interpersonal skill annual report.
communication and
interpersonal skills
3.1.1Youths provided # Youths uses Monthly, quarterly,
awareness creation contraceptive methods. annual report.
training on reproductive
health & Conduct
incessant community
3.2.2, Health # of health institution, Monthly, quarterly,
institution /centers/, VCT youth centers & clubs annual report.
centers at district youth equipped with materials.
center & clubs equipped
with necessary materials
essential contraceptive
3.3.1TOT training # trainee Monthly, quarterly,

organized on RH, life annual report.
skill & leader ship for
voluntarily organized in
school & out of school
club leader, CDFs,
Health personal.

5.1.2. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Indicato Definition of the Sources Methods Who to Frequency
r indicator (short of of data collect, of
explanation of informat gathering analyze reporting
indicator) ion data & to whom
Goal: The well being of Youth in wereda 6 & 7 of Addis ketema sub city Improved
Objective: - To improve the livelihood of youths by strengthening youth capabilities and
enlarge access to opportunities in Wereda 6 and 7.
Outcome 1: Youths non exploitative employment opportunity increased
Youths Train the youths and Training Manager, Monthly,
trained families on vocational Home Quarter Youth quarterly
on and business skills visit, report develop annually,
marketab which have market in Physical ment Terminal
le local & national level. observati officer, Childfund,
vocationa This enable the youth on, CDFs, MOFED,
l and and families to secure review M&E
business their livelihood meeting, officer,
skills check Board
list, members
video ,
Self help Unemployed or under Physical Training CBO Monthly,
business employed youth observati report & staffs, & quarterly
enterpris create job and able to on, Review partners annually,
e cover their review meeting end of the

Indicato Definition of the Sources Methods Who to Frequency
r indicator (short of of data collect, of
explanation of informat gathering analyze reporting
indicator) ion data & to whom
establish expenditure meeting, project
ed check period.
list, Childfund,
video , MOFED,
Organize Working materials Physical Physical CBO Monthly,
d micro provided to improve observati observatio staffs, & quarterly
business their efficiency and on, n& partners annually,
enterpris effectiveness. review document end of the
e meeting, review project
provided check period.
with list, Childfund,
working video , MOFED,
kit/capita activity
l picture
quality Business plan is Physical CBO Monthly,
business important to get credit, Physical observatio staffs, & quarterly
plan support and lead their observati n& partners annually.
develope business as intended. on, document Childfund,
d review review ,MOFED,
video ,
People People who create self Physical Training CBO Monthly,
engaged or group enterprises & observati report & staffs quarterly
in IGA enable to support their on, document annually.
activities family review review Childfund,
meeting, ,MOFED,
Indicato Definition of the Sources Methods Who to Frequency
r indicator (short of of data collect, of
explanation of informat gathering analyze reporting
indicator) ion data & to whom
video ,

# of People who start Physical Training CBO Monthly,

people observati report
saving to finance their staffs, & quarterly
participat business on, partners annually.
ed in review Childfund,
SACA/FI meeting, ,MOFED,
video ,
Outcome 2: Youths participation on social engagement improved
youth Youth lead Physical Document CBO Quarterly,
associati associations (forums, observati review staffs, & annually,
ons clubs etc) to mobilize on, partners end of the
strengthe community; They review project
ned exercise leadership. meeting, period.
check Childfund,
list, MOFED
video ,

school Children and youth Physical Document CBO Quarterly

clubs enhance their talent observati review staffs, & annually,
supporte and skills through on, partners end of the
d participation in clubs review project
meeting, period.
check Childfund,
list, MOFED,
video ,
Indicato Definition of the Sources Methods Who to Frequency
r indicator (short of of data collect, of
explanation of informat gathering analyze reporting
indicator) ion data & to whom

Trained Youths and families bring Trainee list & CBO staffs quarterly end
youths and behavioral change. They can Physical report of the project
families on develop communication skill, observation, period.
life skill decision making, set their review Childfund,
future career meeting, ,MOFED,
check list,
video ,

Outcome 3:Youth demonstrate positive behavioral change in RH practice

people who The community motivated to Review Impact CBO staffs, Monthly,
use different use contraceptive products & meeting, assessment & partners quarterly
contraceptiv fertility decrease check list, report annually, end
e methods home visit. of the project
youths and Diversify reproductive health Physical Physical CBO staffs, Monthly,
families services & increase the observation, observation , & partners quarterly
who get RH community awareness. review document annually, end
services meeting, review & of the project
check list. check list period.

clubs In school and out of school CBO staffs, Weekly,

participate club members awareness on & partners Monthly,
on RH RH enhanced & enabled quarterly
education discharge their responsibility. annually, ends
Document of the project
review period.
check list.

Indicato Definition of the Sources Methods Who to Frequency
r indicator (short of of data collect, of
explanation of informat gathering analyze reporting
indicator) ion data & to whom
produce Those who are not attending CBO staffs, Quarterly
IEC/BCC regular training program & partners annually, end
material on addressed through leaflets & of the project
reproductive posters poster. Sample period.
health & Childfund,
check list
related ,MOFED,MOE
and sample.
Provide life Youths and families bring CBO staffs, Monthly,
skill training behavioral change. They can & partners quarterly
such as such develop communication skill, annually, end
as work decision making, set their Review of the project
place future career meeting, Check list period.
behavior & check list Childfund,
applied ,MOFED,
Psychologic Vulnerable group’s /children/ CBO staffs, Monthly,
al & social has get counseling service & partners quarterly
support for and provided necessary Physical annually, end
DEV materials. observation, of the project
observation &
children review period.
through meeting, Childfund,
material, check list. ,MOFED,
training &
Youths Youth lead clubs engage in CBO staffs, Monthly,
trained on disseminate RH in & partners quarterly
Music and information & provided Physical annually, end
Drama in working materials. observation, of the project
spreading review Physical period.
RH meeting, observation & Childfund,
education check list, document ,MOFED,
message & video & review
equipped activity
with picture.

6. Project Implementation plans

6.1. Implementing agency
Merkato child and family charitable society is responsible at its all-structural levels for
the complete implementation of the project and for the strong monitoring and evaluation
endeavors. MCFFC is going to exert maximum efforts that would help for successful
implementation of the proposed project. Within the range of development objectives
MCFCS has undergone many useful development activities and had achieved many
results which have helped it to acquire appropriate capacity and practical experiences.
From the project over 10,000 people has benefited. Currently the association
implementing three programs, healthy and secure infant, Educated and secure infants &
skilled and involved youth.
It has one manager, 10 program staffs, 19 supportive staffs also general assembly and 7
board members monitor the implementation of the program. The organization structure of
the association presented as follow.

General assembly


Executive Board

General Manager

Youth Development Basic ECD & Health Sponsor relation M&E Finance unit
Officer Education officer Officer officer head

Cashier Accountan
Admin Assistance
Community Development
Facilitators Purchaser
Messenger Store Driver
6.2 Partners and Roles Guards Cleaners

As already known, childfund is a very crucial element to come up with the intend goal.
So the fund for the successful implementation of this project is thought to come from
child fund Ethiopia. It also gives technical support and regularly monitors the project
progress. For effective implementation of the project MCFCS can participate any
potential stakeholder during the project life, for the time being the society identified
major implementing partners & their role is summarized in the following table.

Stakeholder analyses
Stakeholders and Interests and how Capacity and Possible actions to
Basic affected by the motivation to bring address
Characteristics problem(s) about change stakeholder
Sub city and * large number of *They have energetic *Provide office
woreda micro and unemployment & staffs from sub city to equipment which
small enterprise low income is district offices. enables them to
office , the rampant among the *Have authority and discharge there
enforcement of the community so the responsibility to responsibility
MSE policy and respective offices organize business *Create good net
strategy laid on give much emphasis enterprises. working among the
their shoulder to mitigate the *have high commitment partners.
problem & arrange to support the institution *O organize staff
different strategies and they have the TOT training by
opportunity provide identifying their
working places and link gaps.
with credit provider &
potential customers

District women, The dweller is *Have offices from city *Create good net
children and youth highly exposed to to district level. working among the
offices, these deferent *They are budgeted partners.
offices are mainly vulnerable/DEV-R/ * They demonstrate *O organize staff
works on DEV-R. condition so to positive attitude to TOT training by
Groups. minimize this, they implement the project. identifying their
can place favorable gaps.
working condition
District health Communicable *Have professional * create good net
offices & health disease, unwanted staffs. working
centers, their pregnancy, *A lot of extension * provide the
mission is to HIV/AIDS and poor worker engaged in this necessary working
implement the sanitation is a work. materials
health policy. common problem in
the area.

6.4. Activity Schedule

Objectives, Outcomes, Uni Targets Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Outputs and Detailed t Q1 Q2 Q Q Q Q Q3 Q Q Q Q3 Q
Activities 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 4
Objective: - To improve the livelihood of youths by strengthening youth capabilities and enlarge access to
opportunities in Wereda 6 and 7.
Outcome 1: Youth non exploitative employment opportunity increased
1.1.1 Youths trained on
marketable youth 202 18 44 20 - 15 30 25 - 10 2 15 -
vocational skills. 5
1.1.2 Business skill youth
training is provided 250 - 30 30 30 30 30 40 - 3 30
for needy target 0
1.1.3 Business &
vocational skill youth
trainees organized -
in micro enterprise 150 - 20 - - 20 25 20 20 25 2 -
and equipped with 0
material and
provide startup
1.1.4 Strengthen existing enter
micro enterprises prise -
supported in s 150 - 25 25 25 - - 25 10 2 15
materials & seed 5
1.1.5 Youth trained on youth - -

business plan 60 20 - - - - 20 20

Assist target youths youth 100

1.1.6 attending higher -
institution. 20 10 - 10 35 10 - - 15 - -

1.1.7 Provide BDS Enter 50 5 5 8 6 5 5 10 6 - -

service to business prise
enterprises s
Outcome 2: Youths participation on social engagement improved
Youth sanitization
work shop
organized on
HIV/AIDS, work Familie
2.2.1 culture, Saving & s&
credit and provided youth
15 10 2 -
the necessary 500 75 50 50 - 50 - - -
0 0 5
materials and
startup capital
2.2.2 Leader ship training youth
conducted for
club/association/rep 75 - 30 - - 30 - - - 15
2.2.3 Experience sharing Familie
visit for families, s&
youths, staffs, youth 75
boarded members - - - 25 - - - 25 - - - 25
2.2.4 TOT training for youth
staffs, health staffs,
personal, Teachers, stake
on basic business holderst 35 - 15 20 -
skills, RH, etc… afsl,
2.2.5 Psychological &
social support for
DEV children

through material, Childre 50 - 10 5 - - 15 - - 10 1
training & n/youth 0
counseling. s/
2.2.6 Provide life skill
training such as
such as work place 100 30 - - - 40 - - - 30 - - -
behavior & applied youth
business ethics…
Outcome 3: Youth demonstrate positive behavioral change on RH practice
3.3.1 Families and youths
provided awareness yout
creation training on h 600 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 5 50 50
reproductive health. 0
TOT training
organized on RH
for voluntarily
organized in school
3.3.2 & out of school 50 - 25 - - - 25
clubs. Health
Personal & CDF,

produce IEC/BCC
material on copi 20 25 25 30
3.3.3 10,000 - - - -
reproductive health es 00 00 00 00
& related issues
Youths trained on
Music and Drama
in spreading RH
3.3.4 You
education message
th 30 -
& equipped with 30
working materials.
Capacity building Offi
line offices, youth ces/
centers, health club -
10 2 - - 3 2 - - 3
centers, sport clubs. s/


Poor house hold income problem Tree


High medical
School dropout
Streetzem Pure School Riptide
performance sickness
Expose to pregnancy
Prostitution Malnutrition Communic

Lack of basic need
Poor house hold income solution tree

reduced HVC reduced Reduced
School dropout
Addiction minimized
minimized # of abortion
decreased Riptide
School sickness
Streetzem performance
reduced decreased
Expose to Unwonted
HIV/AIDS pregnancy
reduced Productivity
Decreased Increased
Prostitution reduced Reduced Communic
Malnutrition able

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