Conceptualizing Empathy Competence: A Professional Communication Perspective
Conceptualizing Empathy Competence: A Professional Communication Perspective
Conceptualizing Empathy Competence: A Professional Communication Perspective
Empathy competence is considered a key aspect of excellent performance
in communication professions. But we lack an overview of the specific
knowledge, attitudes, and skills required to develop such competence in
professional communication. Through interviews with 35 seasoned com-
munication professionals, this article explores the role and nature of
empathy competence in professional interactions. The analysis resulted in a
framework that details the skills, knowledge, and attitudinal aspects of
empathy; distinguishes five actions through which empathy manifests itself;
and sketches relationships of empathy with several auxiliary factors. The
framework can be used for professional development, recruitment, and the
design of communication education programs.
University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands
Corresponding Author:
Melissa Fuller, University of Twente, Enschede 7500, the Netherlands.
Email: [email protected]
334 Journal of Business and Technical Communication 35(3)
communication professionals, competencies, empathy, higher education,
interpersonal communication, professional communication
A quick glance through job postings or academic literature will reveal that
empathy is a highly desired competence for professionals and that being
empathetic improves performance in the workplace (Fuller et al., 2018;
O’Boyle et al., 2011). Empathy is critical for understanding people, which
in turn supports typical communication tasks such as developing effective
communication tools, promoting attitudinal change (Bartsch et al., 2018), and
boosting audience engagement (Yang et al., 2010). But research suggests that
empathy skills, however sorely needed, are in decline (Konrath et al., 2011).
Professional writers, for instance, have difficulty using perspective-taking
and empathy skills and often make assumptions about readers based on
merely their own personal preferences (De Jong & Lentz, 1996, 2007; Lentz
& De Jong, 1997, 2009). Empathy seems an important, if not necessary, skill
for communication professionals (e.g., those tasked with internal or external
communication, public affairs, or public relations) because effective inter-
personal interactions are intrinsic for reaching organizational goals. Ample
research has been conducted on the role of empathy in other professional
settings, such as health care and social work (Gerdes & Segal, 2011; Peder-
sen, 2009), but research is sparse in the professional communication context.
Recently, Calloway-Thomas (2018) urged communication scholars to
develop a “pedagogy for empathy” to ensure that future professionals will
develop this competence. An important first step in this direction is to analyze
what empathy competence entails for a communication professional. In this
article, we use interviews with prominent communication professionals to
explore the role and nature of empathy in oral professional communication.
Theoretical Framework
Competencies can be seen as the factors “needed to effectively perform a role
in the organization and help the business meet its strategic objectives” (Lucia
& Lepsinger, 1999, p. 5). Competence models often include three aspects
(Lizzio & Wilson, 2004): knowledge (understanding of the concept), attitude
(internal drivers of behavior), and skills (specific abilities to show behavior).
Research has pointed out that empathy competence is important for commu-
nication professionals (DeKay, 2012; Seeger, 2006) and in the workplace in
general (Cherniss et al., 1998; Lamm & Kirby, 2002; Weisinger, 1998;
Fuller et al. 335
Young et al., 2000) and that organizations should consider emotional skills as
an important factor when making decisions for hiring and promotions (Gole-
man, 1998). Empathy has been found to be an asset during negotiations and to
increase creativity in teams, enhance cooperation, raise employee commit-
ment, and strengthen leadership abilities (Carmeli, 2003; Galinski et al.,
2008; Gentry et al., 2010; Hoever et al., 2012; Morelli et al., 2014; Ruderman
et al., 2001). It is especially crucial for professionals working in intercultural
settings, conducting difficult workplace conversations, or working in turbu-
lent environments such as organizations in times of crisis (Alon & Higgins,
2005; Bradley & Campbell, 2016; Claeys et al., 2013; Roebuck et al., 2016).
But even in routinely short-term interactions between customers and call
centers, empathy plays an important role (Clark et al., 2013). For instance,
Clark et al. (2019) showed that communication efficiency (conversational
control) can be best combined with creating rapport (solidarity building).
Design-thinking methodology, implemented widely in various professional
contexts including professional and technical communication, stresses
empathizing as a vital first step in creating user-centric products and services
(Pope-Ruark, 2019). Research also suggests that emotional communication
skills can be beneficial for employee well-being and interemployee relation-
ships (Jia et al., 2017), but when professionals’ management of emotions is
codified or prescribed, it could cause personal tensions and stress (Hoch-
schild, 1983).
Defining Empathy
To the layperson, empathy might seem to be a simple concept: the ability to
understand what someone else feels, thinks, and believes. But scholars’
perspectives on the concept remain divergent and conflicting, and there is
no consensus in the literature on a definition (Verducci, 2000). As far back
as 300BC, Chinese scholars debated the role of empathy in human interac-
tions, and since then, references to empathy can be found in the work of
many philosophers (Nowak, 2011). Early 20th century psychologists
debated whether to see empathy as a predominantly affective or emotional
construct (Lipps, 1903; Titchener, 1909) or as a more cognitive one (Koh-
ler, 1929; Piaget, 1932).
Cognitive empathy refers to the intellectual processes a person uses to
ascertain another person’s emotional state. These processes help us to assign
meaning to the information we receive from others and can be learned
through observation and experience. One aspect of cognitive empathy is
“perspective taking,” or the ability to perceive a situation from someone
336 Journal of Business and Technical Communication 35(3)
Our overall research strategy was to interview seasoned professionals and
elicit meaning from their professional experience. Although we used cur-
rent literature to develop our interview topics, this research was explora-
tory: intended to collect and examine professional perspectives on empathy
rather than test a specific theory or prove predetermined hypotheses. Our
research approach, then, was inductive, an approach in which “the
researcher begins with an area of study and allows the theory to emerge
from the data” (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 12). Using this approach, com-
mon patterns and dominant themes emerge from participants’ accounts. Our
goal was to use evidence found in the data in order to generate a rich
conceptualization of empathy competence and any relevant auxiliary fac-
tors. Approval for this study was granted by the Ethics Committee of the
University of Twente (190928).
This research aimed to explore the individual experiences of communica-
tion professionals who have extensive backgrounds working in a variety of
sectors and organizations, so it was important for us to interview partici-
pants who have made communication their profession and not those who
execute communication tasks sporadically. We purposefully selected our
participants from a Dutch communication association’s database of profes-
sionals using the following criteria: Participants needed to have (a) more
than 10 years of professional communication experience; (b) a position in
internal or external organizational communication, communication consult-
ing, public relations, or marketing communication; and (c) involvement in a
wide variety of communication projects, both on operational and on stra-
tegic levels. Our selection process resulted in a list of 95 potential partici-
pants, who we approached, five at a time, via email. Scheduling continued
Fuller et al. 339
Prior to the interviews, each participant received a letter explaining our
research objective. For this research we used a fairly broad definition of
empathy, namely, the capacity to recognize, comprehend, and suitably
respond to the thinking, feeling, and perspective of another person. We then
asked participants to ponder two questions:
We first discuss our results regarding the applicability of empathy compe-
tence in professional communication and then detail the various aspects of
empathy competence (skills, knowledge, and attitudes). After that, we pro-
vide an overview of empathy-enacting behaviors. Finally, we discuss aux-
iliary factors that influence communication professionals’ ability and
willingness to empathize. Our references to data or quotes from individual
participants’ transcripts are indicated by listing the participant (P) number.
Table 2 provides an overview of which participants provided information
regarding our various research themes, showing the degree of each theme’s
saturation in our data. Although not all participants mentioned all elements
of our empathy framework, we found ample support for each category
contained in it.
P Skills Knowledge Attitudes Appraise Facilitate Collect Interpret Clarify Professional Recipient Organization
1 X X X X X X X X X
2 X X X X X X X X X X
3 X X X X X X X X X X
4 X X X X X X X X X
5 X X X X X X X X X
6 X X X X X X X X
7 X X X X X X X X X X X
8 X X X X X X X X X X
9 X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X X
11 X X X X X X X X
12 X X X X X X X X
13 X X X X X
14 X X X X X
15 X X X X X X
16 X X X X X X X X
17 X X X X X
18 X X X X X X X
19 X X X X X X X X X
Table 2. (continued)
P Skills Knowledge Attitudes Appraise Facilitate Collect Interpret Clarify Professional Recipient Organization
20 X X X X X
21 X X X X X X X X X X X
22 X X X X X X X X X
23 X X X X X X X X X X X
24 X X X X X
25 X X X X X X X X X X
26 X X X X X X X X X
27 X X X X X X
28 X X X X X X X X X
29 X X X X X X X
30 X X X X X
31 X X X X X
32 X X X X X
33 X X X X X X
34 X X X X X X X
35 X X X X X X
Skills. The data revealed several skills necessary for empathizing. A funda-
mental skill is the ability to listen attentively to the vocal expressions of
other persons (P10) and respond appropriately to the information received
(P16). “Listening actively, listening to understand and offering room to let
someone tell their story,” (P21) creates a feeling of trust that is integral to
information sharing (P8). But participants noted that communication pro-
fessionals often find listening difficult (P22) because “communications
people are often big talkers” (P19) who tend to dominate the conversation
in their desire to provide solutions and look for results (P35). Data revealed
that identifying emotional cues involves more than just understanding what
the other person is saying. Being able to recognize nonverbal cues is critical
344 Journal of Business and Technical Communication 35(3)
because people rarely verbalize all that they are feeling and reveal much of
their emotional state through facial expressions and other nonverbal beha-
viors. As one participant noted, “You can tell a lot about someone by
studying their posture . . . . You’ll know if they don’t want to tell you some-
thing or don’t feel comfortable. But at the moment their posture is open and
they look you in the eye, you’ll know they feel safe and trust you” (P8).
In addition to being able to recognize these cues in another person,
communication professionals need to be adept at applying this skill to their
own communication processes. Having dialogic skill, participants often
stated, is key for doing so. One aspect of dialogic skill is the ability to
paraphrase, continuously checking “whether what has been said is what
was heard” (P21) and thus opening the door for elaboration. According to
one participant, “after they speak, you summarize what they said, then the
other person can confirm or sharpen your understanding” (P8). Further-
more, communication professionals must be attune to how they speak in
Fuller et al. 345
terms of tone, speed, and intonation (P2). Listening and responding take
place in the context of an interaction, and keeping a conversation active is
important to the empathizing process. Several participants mentioned that
applying techniques related to dialoguing, questioning, interviewing, and
persuading is necessary in empathizing and integral for achieving organiza-
tional goals.
Action Description
awareness does not have to take place days before an interaction occurs:
Even moments before an interaction, communication professionals can
gather information to inform their understanding of the other person’s cul-
ture and context. This action involves more than forming a stereotype or
developing a persona; it involves preparing an accurate precursory under-
standing from within. In the words of one participant, “What kind of person
is this? How do they want to be spoken to? What is the best way to work
with this person? . . . I really have to pay attention to the person sitting
across from me” (P4).
someone is, angry or tense, and then you can play into that” (P34). This
facilitation continues during the interaction, as a communication profes-
sional must constantly attend to making the other feel as comfortable as
Action 3: Collect data. From the beginning to the end of an interaction, whether
face-to-face or mediated, a communication professional collects data in
order to understand the other person. These data can be verbal (the actual
words and their meaning) or nonverbal (intonation or body language). The
communication professional collects information as objectively as possible
and uses dialogic skills to elicit detail and depth. Such information is “not
only about what is being said, it is also about how you say things and also
how much room you give the other to express themselves” (P10). Commu-
nication professionals often sense that information is withheld or unspoken
that could give a more accurate understanding of a person’s affective state.
A communication professional should be able to “make the undercurrents
open for discussion. Then you have a completely different conversation,
and the other person thinks, ‘Oh yes!’ So bringing feelings out in the open, I
find that the strongest aspect of communication” (P32). To uncover this
unspoken information, communication professionals need to pay sincere
attention to the other person. They must authentically want to listen to
others and learn about their experience. “It has to be sincere, people feel
if it is. If I overdo it, that scares people away. They think, ‘This person is
trying to sell me something.’ They have to get the feeling that you mean it,
that you are seriously paying attention” (P25).
A communication professional must also be able to “switch gears
quickly” (P13) in response to others. While collecting emotional data,
communication professionals move back and forth between collecting or
receiving data and the following two actions, interpreting signals and clar-
ifying understanding.
person says. Such reactions are often beyond the control of the communi-
cation professional, but they can influence interpretation. Therefore, com-
munication professionals must recognize these reactions in order to temper
their effect on the sensemaking process.
Professional communication is an interactive process of human understand-
ing, and the manner in which people interact in professional settings influ-
ences the outcome of their work. This study explored the role and nature of
empathy competence in the interactions of professional communicators.
Participants described aspects of empathy competence and how these
aspects were applied in the process of empathizing. They also described
auxiliary factors that influence both empathy competence and the empathiz-
ing process. In answer to our research questions, we found that
Theoretical Contributions
First and foremost, our findings support the assertion that empathy is a
foundational competence for communication professionals (Fuller et al.,
2018; Seeger, 2006) and underline the notion that empathetic competence
consists of a broad set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that can be devel-
oped to demonstrate competence. In line with the literature, we found that
Fuller et al. 355
Practical Implications
This study makes clear the specific aspects and related factors of empathy
competence in order to design relevant vocational training for communica-
tion professionals. With its list of components, our framework serves as a
foundation for educators to develop specific and suitable initiatives for
teaching empathy competence. Again, much of the current literature around
teaching empathy competence centers on the “helping” professions, so the
framework’s effectiveness in this professional context needs further testing.
Comparing these pedagogy initiatives to a competence framework could be
an important step in assessing their efficacy. Further, we recommend that
358 Journal of Business and Technical Communication 35(3)
Empathy as a professional competence is lacking in the academic literature of
the various communication disciplines and does not seem to get the attention
it deserves in academic communication programs. In this article, we used
interviews with seasoned communication professionals to examine empathy
competence. The professionals confirmed that empathy plays a crucial role in
oral communication processes. Based on their input, we developed a frame-
work, highlighting the transparency of the competence and its complexity. At
the core of this framework are specific types of skills, knowledge, and atti-
tudes that constitute communication professionals’ empathy. In addition, it
includes five actions of empathetic behavior. Finally, our framework includes
auxiliary factors that might affect communication professionals’ ability and
willingness to behave empathetically—aspects of the communication profes-
sional, the recipients, and the organization. This framework can serve as a
starting point for highly needed academic research on empathy within the
communication professions. It can also support the curriculum design of
academic communication programs. Understanding not only the components
of empathy competence but the behavioral instances through which they are
demonstrated in practice is important for developing a vocational pedagogy
and didactical interventions.
360 Journal of Business and Technical Communication 35(3)
Overview of the Participants
We would like to thank the interview participants who took part in this research for
their time and valuable input.
The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was made possible with the
financial support of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Doctoral
Grant for Teachers, under Grant #023.005.094.
Melissa Fuller
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Author Biographies
Melissa Fuller is a researcher and fellow in the Professorship of Excellence in
Higher Education and Society at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences
368 Journal of Business and Technical Communication 35(3)