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1- The intention of brainstorming is to leverage the …………….. .

A. Design thinking
B. Collective thinking
C. Ideation process
D. Empathizing

2- Based on your knowledge of ideation , choose the Wrong statement :

A. Ideation is about generating ideas
B. Ideation not aim to have best ideas
C. Ideation needs diverge thinking
D. Ideation focus on convergent thinking

3- Convergent thinking is the state of :

A. Thinks for final solution
B. Employed in structured assessment
C. Logical thinking
D. All of above

4- Which of the following is not characteristic of a divergent thinking :

A. Fluency
B. Flexibility
C. Concentration
D. Ideation

5- Gives you copious and diverse design solution possibilities to select, develop,
and test is :
A. Ideation
B. Empathize
C. Prototype
D. Test
6- The sweet spots for innovation are called :
A. Wide spots
B. Blind spots
C. Creative spots
D. Brain storming spots

7- Which of the following statements is not wise to apply it during an interview :

A. Why questions
B. Questions that gives a story answer
C. Yes or no questions
D. Open ended questions

8- Problem domain contains :

A. Concept
B. Insight
C. Solution
D. Prototype

9- Constructing a POV that is based on user needs and insights is done during the:
A. Emphasize phase
B. Prototype phase
C. Define phase
D. Ideate phase

10- The transformation of ideas and information into images is called :

A. Visualization tools
B. Practicing tools
C. Scanning tools
D. Testing tools
11- One of the following is not true regarding sketching:
A. plays a special role in Design Thinking
B. called visualization tools
C. Simple drawing on a whiteboard will be enough
D. Needs sophisticated tool to clarify and discuss ideas

12- -------------- Is an early sample or model built to test a concept or

process .
A. Ideation
B. Testing
C. Prototyping
D. Defining

13- -------------------- is a technique that allows you to create and test user
interfaces quickly and cheaply.
A. Empathy map
B. Paper prototyping
C. Carboard prototyping
D. Big Paper sketching

14- Which of the following is a myth of entrepreneurship:

A. Entrepreneurs are not motivated by making money.
B. Entrepreneurship needs a great ideas to start the business.
C. Entrepreneurs are not gamblers.
D. Entrepreneurs are made not born.

15- Entrepreneurship orientation focuses on:

A. Individual
B. Risk
C. Management
D. Behavior
16- Which of the following does NOT Entrepreneurship orientation measure:
A. Innovation
B. Practicing
C. Self-identity
D. Risk taking

17- Top manager tends to:

A. Move with incremental wait and see changes
B. Initiate innovation after competitors
C. Actively compete to take business from competitors
D. Avoid competitive clashes

18- The operation plan focus on:

A. Customer segments
B. Goods and services
C. Developing new venture team
D. Strategy and legal form

19- The human resources plan focus on:

A. Customer segments
B. Goods and services
C. Developing new venture team
D. Strategy and legal form

___________identifies the firm’s product and service value, customers, the way
it makes a profit, and its operations.

A. Entrepreneurship
B. Management
C. Business model
D. venture team
20- Core competency include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Improvement opportunity
B. Solution
C. Features and benefits
D. Finance

21- Competitive advantage differentiate you in:

A. Core competency
B. Value
C. Finance
D. A & b

22- Organization’s purpose or reason for being is:

A. Mission
B. Vision
C. Value
D. Core competency

23- “life is a journey” this believe is for:

A. Growth mindset
B. Fixed mindset
C. Both A & B
D. None of above

24- Which of the following statements describing Strategic assets wrongly?

A. Strategic assist is important part in operation
B. It includes anything of value that contributes to your competitive
C. It means “what you own”
D. All are true
E. A and B are true

25- Improving an existing idea and putting creative touch on it is called:

E. Synthesis
F. Duplication
G. Invention
H. Extension

26- Combine different ideas into one is called:

A. Synthesis
B. Duplication
C. Extension
D. Invention

27- Critical success value are embedded in:

A. Value statement
B. Core competency
C. Mission
D. Product

28- People who take the risk are called all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Entrepreneur
B. Self employee
C. Manager
D. Business owner

29- “Setbacks defines the person” this believe is for:

E. Growth mindset
F. Fixed mindset
G. Both A & B
H. None of above

30- Innovation is about finding:

A. What people need
B. What people want
C. What people need and want
D. A&B correct

31- Entrepreneurship is:

E. Implantation + Innovation
F. Innovation + Creativity
G. Implementation + creativity
H. None of the above

32- The term used to describe how you create your products and services, and
deliver them is:
A. Delivery service
B. Markup
C. Operation
D. Core value

33- Which of the following statement is wrong:

A. You could start a nonprofit or a new venture for an existing company as a
corporate entrepreneur.
B. Entrepreneurship refers to entrepreneurial behavior in the sense of seeking
C. Being an entrepreneur need to be a business owner
D. There is no generally accepted definition of entrepreneur
34- Approach of creative activity that emerge form collaboration of many
A. Creativity
B. Innovation
C. Collective creativity
D. Implementation

35- Which of these definitions are for the old mean of entrepreneurship?
A. taking the risk of owning and managing a business
B. recognition and exploitation of new business opportunities by founding
new ventures
C. seeking opportunity
D. B and C

36- “I don’t need a boss tell me what to do” is a _________characteristic:

A. Self starter
B. Optimist
C. Tenacity
D. Persuasive

37- Operation describes:

A. Product
B. Service
C. Delivery issues
D. All of above
38- The process of starting and operating your own business is called
E. Creativity
F. Implementation
G. Innovation
H. Entrepreneurship

39- Tendency to generate ideas and alternatives that maybe useful in solving
A. Innovation
B. Entrepreneurship
C. Creativity
D. Implementation

40- One of these is creativity definition element:

A. Recombining
B. Change
C. Opportunity
D. Advantage
41- Match each entrepreneurial Characteristic with it’s example:
Tenacity a. I get excited about a good idea and I am
preoccupied with making sure the idea is
Persuasive b. I’m a positive person and believe I can
achieve the goals I set for myself But I'm
not overconfident.
Energy c. I'm good at convincing people to help me
to get what i want done
Passion d. I have ideas to start new venture
Optimistic e. I'm a go-getter that takes on responsibility
and I don't need a boss to tell me what to do.
Creativity f. I have a high level of energy to work hard
and get the job done
Self- g. When i get passionate I overcome obstacles
starter and don't give up until I accomplish the
Discovery h. I think about new products and services
and better ways of doing things
42- Keeping the venture on track is the _____ :
A. Control
B. Funds
C. Legal strategy
D. Venture plan

43- Original functional model of a new product that entrepreneur can put into
the hands of potential customers so they can see it , test it and use it is:
E. Sketching
F. Prototype
G. Survey
H. Concept statement

44- A segment of the entire customer population that a firm tries to get as
A. Customer service
B. Consumer target
C. Customer interaction
D. Market target

45- Which statement describing ENTREPREUNERSHIP is True?

A. Doing much more than seems imaginable with much less than seems
B. Doing much more than seems possible with much less than seems
C. Doing much more than seems imaginable with much less than seems
D. Doing much more than seems impossible with much less than seems
46- Info that has already been compiled and is available for use:
E. Primary research
F. Secondary research
G. Legal strategy
H. Venture plan

47- To maximize your profit, you need to:

A. High revenue , high expenses
B. Low revenue , low expenses
C. Low revenue , high expenses
D. High revenue , low expenses

48- All the methods of generating income for the business is called:
A. Revenues
B. Profit
C. Expenses
D. Startup cost

49- One of the following are not type of secondary research sources:
B. Demographic data
C. Forecast
D. Prototype

50- One page description of a business that is distributed to people who are ask
to provide feedback
I. Concept statement
J. Concept map
K. Survey
51- One-time costs are commonly called:
A. Expenses
B. Profit
C. Startup cost
D. Revenues
52- How “Merrill Lynch” interacts with customers?
A. Online
B. In person
C. At customer home
D. By phone

53- Is a group of firms producing a similar product or service.

A. Industry
B. Companies
C. Competitors
D. Venture team

54- Which statement describing markup is wrong?

A. t is expressed as a percentage over the cost
B. Markups make profits
C. Markups will vary with Volume of sales
D. All statements are true

55- “Network of all the businesses that participate in the process of producing
and delivering a product to the customer” Is called:
A. Network chain
B. Supply chain
C. Value chain
D. B & C

56- Is conducted to determine whether a proposed business has sufficient

management expertise, organizational competence:
A. Industry feasibility
B. Financial feasibility
C. Organizational feasibility
D. Product/service feasibility
57- It Is the process of determining whether a business idea is viable:
A. Feasibility analysis
B. Business feasibility
C. Studying plan
D. Business plan

58- Two components of organizational feasibility are:

A. Desirability and demand
B. Industry and target market attractiveness
C. Management prowess and resources sufficiency
D. Expenses and profit

59- Put in correct order the Design thinking process:

A. Emphasize  Define Ideateprototype Test
B. Define  Emphasize Ideateprototype Test
C. Test  Prototype IdeateDefine Emphasize
D. Prototype Define Ideateprototype Test

60- Is the process of implementation where the leader closes the gaps in an
organization to shift mindset in inspiring creative confidence and the growth
mind set:
A. Innovation
B. Leading innovation
C. Entrepreneurship
D. Collective creativity

61- During ______ mode , you have distilled all the information collected to
create user profiles
E. Define
F. Ideate
G. Empathy
H. Prototype

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