The Darker Sides of The Isekai Genre - An Examination of The Power

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Spring 5-29-2020

The Darker Sides of the Isekai Genre: An Examination of the

Power of Anime and Manga
Curtis Lu
[email protected]

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Lu, Curtis, "The Darker Sides of the Isekai Genre: An Examination of the Power of Anime and Manga"
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The Darker Sides of the Isekai Genre:

An Examination of the Power of Anime and Manga

Curtis Lu

APS 650: Capstone Project

Professor Dempster

May 11, 2020



This study illustrates characteristics of the isekai genre, presents connections between this genre

and social problems commonly found in Japanese culture and society, and demonstrates the

widespread impact of Japanese popular media. By analyzing some of the most popular forms and

categories of isekai, this research pinpoints important characteristics – in the form of certain

themes, characters, and plots – that contribute to social problems like suicide and shut-ins.

Escapism is a central theme in many isekai works, and while escapism is healthy to a certain

extent, some take the concept too far, often getting lost in their own fantasies. The genre’s

character types are also uniquely Japanese, making it easy for the Japanese audience to project

themselves in the shoes of fictional characters. Overall, qualities like these demonstrate the

power that Japanese anime and manga have to reveal complex inner feelings that members of the

Japanese society harbors. Although there are positive effects we can attribute to the Japanese

media industry, these significant negative effects need further examination, so that issues can be

addressed at individual and societal levels. Through an analysis of primary source material in the

genre along with quantitative data, this project shows the deeper personal, cultural, and social

implications of isekai.

Keywords: isekai (another world), escapism, projection, nationalism, suicide, isolation,

Japanese popular media (anime, manga, light novels)


Imagine that you’re walking back home after a long day. In addition to a full workday,

you put in several hours of mentally exhausting overtime. While walking to the train station, in

the freezing cold, you hope to catch the last train of the night. You glance at those walking

beside you and notice that they have the same empty eyes that you do. They carry briefcases full

of important documents, which they are going to review once they get home, along with a plastic

bag containing takeout meals from nearby convenience stores or restaurants. You’re in the exact

same situation: you will go back to your apartment where no one is waiting for you, quickly eat,

shower, sleep, and do it all over again the next day. It’s a tough and unsatisfying way of life, and

you wonder, Is this ever going to end? A sudden wave of dizziness hits you, causing you to

stumble. You trip into the open road, a truck coming full speed right towards you, and you close

your eyes. When you open them, you find yourself surrounded by gigantic trees you have never

seen before. An unfamiliar animal scurries away from you, causing you to regain your senses.

You know it in your mind and your heart. You’ve finally escaped the concrete jungle that was

holding you captive to a mundane life. You’re in a new world with new rules where you can

begin anew. This is what’s called isekai.

The isekai genre is just one small drop in the pond of Japanese anime, manga, and

culture. Ever since the late twentieth century with the success of series like Astro Boy or Akira,

Japan has slowly transformed its own image into a cultural exporter on a global scale. The

popularity of Japanese anime and manga has taken the world by storm, resulting in an increased

awareness of Japan’s global influence. Although Japanese anime and manga were once widely

accepted as mere cartoons meant only for children in mainstream American culture, a larger

number of consumers now understand that they can showcase deep and intellectual stories.

Those who believe that Japanese anime and manga were or are devoid of any intellectual themes,

make the mistaken assumption that these works are undeserving of scholarly research. Ian Terry

provides important insight into the reasons why Americans were originally so opposed to the

idea of anime, which include the incorporation of extensive violence and sexuality.1 However,

with the spread of globalization, it is safe to say that the Japanese visual media industry acts as

an ambassador and gateway to Japan, sharing the country’s culture and thoughts with the rest of

the world. This form of “soft power” has changed the overall perception of Japan in the eyes of

Americans and the rest of the world. As a result of this “soft power,” new forms of animation,

both beneficial and harmful, have emerged in both Japan and the rest of the world.

Since 2012, one particular genre has stood out in the anime and manga world: the isekai

genre. Isekai 異世界 (lit. “different world”) has recently gained incredible steam in the anime

and manga world. Like with any other modern art form, Japanese literature, anime アニメ (lit.

“animation”), and manga 漫画 (lit. “comics”) have gone through different phases ever since

their respective inceptions. For example, although anime was a medium for wartime propaganda

in the 1940s with series like Momotaro’s Sea Eagles and Momotaro’s Divine Ocean, it soon

became an important source of entertainment for Japanese culture. Like many other popular

culture works, certain genres defined a generation in the history of Japanese anime and manga.

The 1970s saw the rise of the “space opera” genre as well as a focus on mecha メカ (lit.

“robots/machines”).2 Following that, genres like sports, martial arts, magical girl3, video game-

inspired, romantic comedy, and slice-of-life all had their time in the spotlight. Before isekai

Ian Terry. “The American Perception of Anime: Blood, Legs, and Language.” The Artifice.
Notable examples of these were Space Battleship Yamato (1974) and Mobile Suit Gundam (1979). These series
had grand and dramatic stories that took place in space or on other planets.
These series focused on adolescent girls who gain magical powers, allowing them to transform and fight evil. One
of the most popular examples is Sailor Moon (1992).

became so popular, one of the more influential genres was the “battle academy/school” genre.4

Even though there have been various genres in the history of anime and manga, they have

generally been confined within their own set of rules, leaving less room for their creators to

experiment. The isekai genre, however, is special in that the genre has no trouble juggling

multiple genres at one time. The genre focuses on ordinary characters, usually Japanese high

school students or salarymen and career women, who get transported to a new world with fantasy

and game elements.5 Think Alice in Wonderland, but in a modern Japanese setting.

This topic is timely and important because Japanese anime and manga is a lucrative genre

with deep cultural, social, and artistic implications. Its power is multifaceted and complex. On

the positive side, the author has complete freedom with whatever world they decide to create,

which means that no two stories are exactly alike. Moreover, isekai is easily accessible to those

of different backgrounds, resulting in stories that are both easy to relate to and also easy to

consume. With its heavy ties to escapism and appeal to the common people, isekai dictates what

people might believe and blurs the lines between fantasy and reality.

In order to understand the impact of isekai, it is important to look at significant scholarly

discourse. Christopher Bolton’s Interpreting Anime is an extremely important book in the current

era where so many different isekai series are being produced. As with any media, Japanese

anime, manga, and light novels cover an assortment of material and themes. As a result, being

able to properly understand and interpret the ideas presented in Japanese media is extremely

important. This thought holds true for the isekai genre as well, which can act as a window into

This genre would focus on an otherworldly school whose main goal was to teach students how to use magic or
fight with swords, resulting in a mix of action-adventure and school life that made it popular among young teens.
The “salaryman” and “career woman” are special Japanese terms that refer to types of white-collar workers
commonly seen in Japanese society. These are specific specific cultural terms, and I wanted to make that distinction

Japanese society and culture. In my view, Bolton’s argument that anime has the power to

manipulate audiences is the most insightful in explaining why the isekai genre is so popular.

Using Bolton’s stance, we can assert that popular media is powerful because it reveals

subconscious desires that one may not even know about. Since many isekai protagonists

typically struggle with life, in the form of overwork or unsatisfying relationships, a majority of

the audience can instantly relate with characters. It heightens the audience’s awareness of their

own problems because the audience has someone to relate to. Examining these ideas, Bolton

explores his research questions that ask of “what are anime’s particular powers and what are its

blind spots? Ultimately, what can anime do that other media cannot?”6 Once the audience sees

that the protagonists can also find happiness in a new world, their desire for escapism intensifies,

sometimes to unhealthy levels. The main takeaway is that the predominant Japanese visual media

has the power to dictate what the audience believes in, making it a scary medium for the modern

audience. Since isekai is so transformative and malleable, audiences can find whichever story

that suits their personal interests and needs. Qualities like these seem to suggest that isekai is a

revolutionary genre that has the power to satisfy millions.

Unfortunately, it might be acknowledged that serious underlying problems accompany

this genre. The presence of light also means the presence of darkness. Light and dark are

opposite sides on the same coin and the isekai genre has much more darkness than one might

initially believe. Ever since the early 2010s, more and more authors have been writing isekai

stories, which are flooding the industry with an overabundance of malleable and imitable plots.

One issue is that for authors, stories that draw upon tropes from isekai are an easy way to gain

recognition and get published. However, this stifles artistic innovation because authors are aware

Christopher Bolton. Interpreting Anime. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018), 6.

that isekai stories are an easier way to appeal to the masses. In fact, in 2017, Kadokawa7 banned

isekai stories from their own light-novel contest because they wanted more variety in the

submissions.8 Another more disturbing problem is that isekai has become so popular because

many in Japan, and even the world, can relate to the problems that the protagonists face to an

unhealthy extent. Furthermore, the genre allows some who are unhappy with their current lives

to, instead of facing reality, want to escape to a different world. In these new worlds, they can

become someone who is seemingly “special” and live a “happier” life.

Thus, it is important to ask why this genre is so popular and what the world can

extrapolate from this intense popularity. In particular, my research questions focus on the

cultural and psychological impact of the isekai genre.

1)What features of isekai lead the audience to disconnect from reality?

2) What are the positives/negatives of escapism as a result of isekai and are there deeper

implications we can extrapolate?

3) Finally, to what extent can Japanese anime and manga act as a lens into modern Japanese


In order to address these questions, I will first do a deep analysis on what I propose are the four

most important subcategories of the isekai genre. By examining the characteristics and traits of

isekai, this research demonstrates an understanding of how this genre works and its area of focus.

A Japanese manga and novel publishing company.
Casey Baseel. “Anime-style Novel Contest in Japan Bans Alternate Reality Stories and Teen Protagonists,”
Soranews 24, last modified May 22, 2017, accessed May 10, 2017.

These different styles of isekai are not mutually exclusive from one another overlaps in both

content and style. Establishing the genre will allow me to properly highlight the problems of this

genre and its connections to the worries and anxieties that Japan is currently facing. Ultimately,

this project uncovers how and why anime and manga are the perfect mediums to showcase the

strengths and weaknesses of modern Japanese culture and society.

“Standard” Isekai

This classification of isekai is what some consider the “cookie-cutter” format that most

early works adopted. Many of the works discussed in future sections draw inspiration from this

mold and branch out in different directions, demonstrating the strength of this category. In

addition, this is the most popular and abundant style of isekai, with numerous characteristics that

define it. For one, these works are heavily inspired by video games. As a result, they have many

similarities and references to video game mechanics and items, giving a sense of familiarity to

many viewers. This trait also helps the readability of the genre, as many protagonists can access

a “menu” where all their numerical stats like strength, intellect, and luck can be viewed. This

helps readers instantly know who the character is and gauge how strong they currently are.

Another characteristic is that the main protagonists have a specific goal in mind. This might

include defeating the ultimate evil, which is usually a demon king in some shape or form, or

saving the world. The final characteristic, which also extends to the other catergories of isekai, is

that the main protagonists have a special and often overpowering ability or skill that only they

can use. These might be abilities that they discovered on their own or were given to them by a

god or goddess in the new world. However, this trait is a double-edged sword that explains one

of the bigger problems of the genre. Possessing a special ability that sets one apart from the pack

sounds great and is definitely one of the positive reasons why this style of isekai is so popular.

But can this attitude be taken too far and possibly to an unhealthy degree? The answer is yes.

Imagine you are now in your living room, floating away from the bustle of the traffic outside

your window, the boss who yelled at you at work, the truck that just missed hitting you. Certain

viewers, like you, detach from reality and get lost in the characters. Examining this concept

throughout this essay will be critical to highlighting the problem of these commonly found genre


The isekai genre is so closely linked to video game culture likely due to the influence of

one particular work. Kawahara’s Sword Art Online is arguably one of the most influential light-

novel9 and anime about isekai, so it is fair to say that this series has influenced many future

works. Sword Art Online, set in the nearby future, is about 10,000 people who get trapped within

a virtual reality video game with no way to log out. However, it is revealed that dying in the

video game means death in real life. Defeating the final boss or clearing all 100 floors of the

game world will allow all remaining people to be freed from the program and their minds will

return to the real world, giving all inhabitants a common goal and purpose. Furthermore, the

protagonist, Kirito, is a former beta tester for the game and also receives a unique skill that only

he possesses.10 Kirito is an example of a typical isekai protagonist because he not only has extra

knowledge, which gives him an edge against his peers, but also has an incredibly powerful

ability. Sword Art Online contains one of the most important characteristics of a standard isekai

storyline: the protagonist has traits that make him stand apart from the rest. In addition, this

series was strong because it was such a pioneer into popularizing the isekai genre and as a result

Light-novels refer to a style of Japanese novel that is aimed towards the young adult demographic. They are often
shorter than a traditional novel, and include illustrations in the anime and manga art style. They can be seen as the
cross between a manga and a novel.
Reki Kawahara.. ソードアート・オンライン [Sword Art Online]. ASCII Media Works. 2009.

set the guidelines for what a proper isekai should entail. However, because of the success of

Sword Art Online, many people also saw it as an opportunity to jump on the bandwagon and

create similar stories.

Other isekai makes use of this formula but put

their own spin and flair on it. For example, Shirakome’s

Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest has

characters who can look up their own status through a

menu system like in gaming. They can see information

like skills, level, and the values of their attack, magic, or

defense.11 Other series like Tsukiyo’s The Best Assassin,

Incarnated into a Different World’s Aristocrat features an

assassin who is reincarnated into a different world but is

given powerful skills and abilities by an observing

Cover art for Sword Art Online,
goddess. Series like these, and many more, build upon Reki Kawahara

the popularity that Sword Art Online has garnered and give

their own twists on the genre. Although Sword Art Online jumpstarted and gave recognition to

the isekai genre, it also caused isekai to snowball into the monotonous genre it is now.

Romance Isekai

While the “standard isekai” focuses more on action, adventure, drama, and seeing the

protagonists use their overpowering abilities, other isekai focus on romance. In the case of

Ryou Shirakome 白米良. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou ありふれた職業で世界最強 [Arifureta: From
Commonplace to World's Strongest]. Comic Gardo. 2016.
Rui Tsukiyo 月夜るい. Sekai Saikō no Asashin, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei Suru 世界最高の暗殺者、異世界貴族
に転生する [The Best Assassin, Incarnated into a Different World’s Aristocrat]. 2019.

romance isekai, a special skill usually makes characters more attractive to the opposite or same

sex, highlighting the importance of this trait. For most of the isekai that fall under this category,

it is easy to see the target demographic. Most contain a male protagonist who finds himself in a

new world and with new powers. In this world, however, the protagonist might set out to find as

many cute girls and build himself a harem. Since different worlds have different laws as well, it

would be possible to buy slaves as well. For example, in Sogano’s A Harem in the Fantasy

World Dungeon, the protagonist, after attempting to commit suicide, finds himself in a new

world that has monsters and magic. Although the skill he receives when entering this world is

not immediately overpowered, he uses his knowledge of video games to easily traverse the

world. When he visits a slave merchant, he finds a girl that he likes and makes it his goal to save

up money and one day buy her.13 Kankitsu’s Otherworld Ruling Skill Taker: Starting a Slave

Harem from Zero is another prime example of this trope. He uses his powerful martial arts

abilities to defeat his enemies and build a harem for himself in the new world.14 Stories like these

allow the audience to explore experiences and scenarios that wouldn’t be easily achieved in the

real world. Although that may initially sound like a boon, series like the ones mentioned above

may create a dangerous precedent for certain individuals. Some might give into the darkness of

isekai and bring their fantasies into reality. Imagine you finish the last bites of your takeout meal,

stash your briefcase in the closet, along with yourself into Sogano’s or Kankitsu’s protagonists.

You begin to lose yourself in the character, gain an overblown sense of his own power, and fall

into a dangerous trap, perpetuating sexism and objectification in the real world.

Shachi Sogano 蘇我捨恥. Isekai Meikyuu De Dorei Harem wo 異世界迷宮でハーレムを [A Harem in the
Fantasy World Dungeon]. Shounen Ace. 2017.
Yusura Kankitsu 柑橘ゆすら. Isekai Shihai no Skill Taker: Zero kara Hajimeru Dorei Harem 異世界支配のス
キルテイカー ゼロから始める奴隷ハーレム [Otherworld Ruling Skill Taker: Starting a Slave Harem from
Zero]. Suiyoubi no Sirius. 2016.

In contrast to the male-centric isekai stories, the rising popularity of isekai has resulted in

authors attempting to appeal to the female audience as well. Yamaguchi’s I Reincarnated into an

Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags…15 sees the female protagonist get

transported to an otome 乙女 [lit. “maiden/girl”] game that

she is very familiar with.16 Instead of becoming the main

female protagonist, she becomes the villainess character

who is known for bullying the main character. She realizes

that if she follows the game’s original plotline, she will

eventually die in the natural course of the story. In order to

avoid that, she resolves to change her character’s fate by

befriending the main character. Interestingly, her actions

also cause the male romantic interests to become

interested in her instead of the main character.

Cover art for I Reincarnated into an
Unknowingly, she becomes the main character herself. 17 Otome Game as a Villainess With
Only Destruction Flags…, Satoru
This isekai has gained popularity in the past year for

experimenting with the genre in a refreshing way, appealing to both female and even male

audiences. Although the premise of these series is usually quite interesting, people may be

tempted to give into the unrealistic depictions of romance presented. Although most of us know

Having a ridiculously long title is a common trend in light novels and manga about isekai. It has become a
running gag in the industry but also allows readers to instantly know the plot. The current longest title is 69
characters long, including punctuation.
This is a classification of video games primarily aimed towards female audiences. They usually take the form of a
visual novel or life simulation games. The goal of the game is for the participant to make choices and develop a
romantic relationship with one of several of the male characters. This format is popular because since there are
multiple male characters to pursue relationships with, people with different tastes can enjoy it.
Satoru Yamaguchi 山口悟. Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta…
乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… [I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a
Villainess With Only Destruction Flags…]. 2015.

to separate fantasy from reality, especially in terms of romance and social situations, isekai can

shift our cognitions. Maybe you have a neighbor across the street who also gets lost in these

stories. Since it is so easy to insert oneself into the protagonist of an isekai, you might be more

inclined to practice the things that you have read about. Most of the time, this might mean

harmless romantic tricks to make their unrequited love notice them. But what if you took these

fantasies further?

Slow Life Isekai

While the “standard” isekai are mainly focused on high intensity action and battling

stronger opponents, the complete opposite form of isekai also exists, showing the strength and

versatility of the genre. “Slow life” isekai is yet another classification of isekai that can be

enjoyed by a wider audience, but is aimed at people who want to take a break and escape from

their busy and exhausting lifestyles.18 Like the protagonists, the main readers of this subgenre

might exhibit higher degrees of escapism. Although everyone shows escapism is some way or

form, there is a line that should not be crossed. One of the major differences between this and a

standard isekai storyline is that the characters in the new world usually have no interest in

becoming a hero or adventurer. Furthermore, the skills and abilities that they receive generally

do not help them with combat. Instead, they choose to take life at a slower pace and enjoy what

is around them in their new world. For example, Naitou’s Farming Life in Another World

focuses on an overworked salaryman who dies from overwork when he is 39. Before he is

reincarnated to a new world, he tells the god that he wants to be a farmer and have a body that

The term “slow life” comes from the Japanese word nonbiri [のんびり] and means carefree or leisurely. In the
context of isekai, series that usually have this word in the title focus on more laid back aspects of life, often
portraying a calm and relaxing storyline.

never gets sick. When he is reincarnated to a new world,

he is also given an omnipotent tool that can take

whatever shape he desires, whether that be an axe, hoe,

or spear. In the beginning, he uses this tool to make a

home for himself and farm so that he can survive.

However, he starts to gain followers from many

different races and creates a village where everyone can

live in peace and harmony. He aids everyone as a

responsible village chief and lives a relaxing life, which

stands in stark contrast to his previous one.19

Cover art for Farming Life in
On the other hand, there are many people who Another World, Kinosuke Naitou

want to use the knowledge and skills that they have

learned from their original world. Since they are armed with knowledge not familiar to the

isekai, their actions greatly benefit those around them. For example, Takayama’s Alternate

World Pharmacy is about a pharmacologist who dies at a young age but is reincarnated as a 10-

year-old boy in a new world. He uses his knowledge of modern medicine to bring new practices

into the kingdom and open his own pharmacy. Although the inhabitants are initially skeptical of

the new types of medicine, he soon wins over the public and creates a new age of medical

discovery.20 Other characters open up various types of stores that sell items unknown to that

world’s inhabitants. These may include a general item store, a restaurant serving modern day

cuisine, or even a Japanese-style convenience store. Mitsuwa, from FUNA’s Saving 80,000 Gold

Kinosuke Naitou 内藤騎之介. Isekai Nonbiri Nouka 異世界のんびり農家 [Farming Life in Another World].
ComicWalker. 2017.
Liz Takayama 高山理図. Isekai Yakkyoku 異世界薬局 [Alternate World Pharmacy]. ComicWalker. 2016.

Coins in the Different World for My Old Age, can travel

back and forth between Japan and a different world, so

she uses this ability to its full extent and brings items

from modern Japan to a medieval era society to sell. The

items amaze the citizens and she is able to easily sell

trivial items, like marbles and candy, for a lot of gold,

securing an easy and relaxing life.21 Ichitomo’s

Handyman Saitou In Another World presents a slightly

different take on this genre. An underappreciated

handyman in Japan is transported to a world with magic

Cover art for Saving 80,000 Gold
and monsters where he teams up with a warrior, wizard, Coins in the Different World for My
Old Age, FUNA
and fairy. Over there, his skills are incredibly useful for

safely clearing dungeons and aiding his teammates. In this new world, he is finally able to

achieve a sense of purpose and feel needed, something which he did not get in Japan.22

This trend has become more popular in isekai because it turns an individual’s

underappreciated skill set into something important in another world, making them useful. For

some readers, however, this is also a dangerous thought process because it encourages them to

continue learning their less useful skill sets, in hope that it will become useful one day. Another

example can be seen in the previously highlighted Farming Life in Another World, where the

protagonist is able to build an entire farm and village with his bare hands. Although he was just a

normal salaryman at a Japanese company in his previous life, he somehow possesses the precise

FUNA. Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu 老後に備えて異世界で 8 万枚の金貨を
貯めます [Saving 80,000 Gold Coins in the Different World for My Old Age]. Suiyoubi no Sirius. 2017.
Kazutomo Ichitomo 一智和智. Benriya Saitou san, Isekai ni Iku 便利屋斎藤さん、異世界に行く [Handyman
Saitou In Another World]. 2018.

knowledge of agriculture and architecture. Most people wouldn’t be able to use this knowledge

on the spot, much less someone who is not specialized in the field. Series like these showcase

how unrealistic the character’s abilities are, which can negatively influence individuals who get

too absorbed with isekai.

Finally, the most abundant category of slow life isekai has to do with food. Food is

universal and is also an amazing gateway into Japanese culture and cuisine. Anyone can

appreciate the feeling of sharing a country’s cuisine and culture to another. These isekai do just

that and the audience can see the reaction of people who eat Japanese food for the first time.

Semikawa’s Alternate World Izakaya “Nobu” is arguably

one of the most famous food isekai right now. The story is

about an izakaya 居酒屋 [lit. “Japanese-style bar/pub”] that

is directly linked to an alternate world. One door leads to

Japan, while the other leads to a medieval-level society.

Customers who come in have a chance to taste various kinds

of Japanese cuisine and wonder about the creation of

complex dishes. For example, they can order dishes like

yakitori 焼き鳥 [lit. “chicken on skewers”], Japanese

Cover art for Alternate World
Izakaya “Nobu,” Natsuya
Napolitan23 pasta, and even order a draft beer. The viewer
can learn about the alternate world’s problem and politics

while observing the reaction to Japanese cuisine. Most patrons get surprised by the freshness of

A Japanese style pasta dish made with spaghetti and ketchup-based sauce. It is considered Western cuisine with a
Japanese influence.

the ingredients and the ingenuity of the ideas.24 An extremely similar isekai is Inuzuka’s

Restaurant to Another World where customers are served Japanese-style Western cuisine. The

restaurant serves a varied clientele, including beast people, fairies, dwarves, and even dragons.

Since food and Japanese cuisine are so powerful, this genre can be taken in so many different

directions as well. These include stories about a former office worker opening her own café in an

alternate world,25 a couple opening a café connected to an otherworldly train station,26 or even a

businessman who goes around sampling the exotic cuisine of the other world.27

Hidden within all this food, however, is also a hint of nationalism since Japanese cuisine

is so prominently featured in these various works. The subtle underlying tone is that Japanese

cuisine is superior and that it is up to these Japanese nationals to spread their culture to societies

that have not yet experienced it. The characters who get transported to another world often talk

about how the food is bland or are saddened at the lack of innovation in their new world. Once

they introduce new recipes or present new ideas to make life more comfortable, they are instantly

lauded and praised for their abilities. This is most likely not the intention of the authors to

portray themes like this, but it is something interesting to keep in mind. Again, because of

characteristics like these, the isekai genre is dangerous and could lead to escalating thoughts.

Natsuya Semikawa 蝉川夏哉. Isekai Izakaya “Nobu” 異世界居酒屋「のぶ」 [Alternate World Izakaya
“Nobu”]. Takarajimasha. 2014.
Ringo Amasawa 甘沢林檎. Isekai de Cafe wo Kaiten Shimashita 異世界でカフェを開店しました [I Opened
Up A Cafe In A Different World]. AlphaPolis Web Manga. 2014.
Yuyu Kanna 神名ゆゆ. Isekai Ekisha no Kissaten 異世界駅舎の喫茶店 [The Coffee Shop in a Different World
Train Station]. 2018.
Kouta Amana 天那光汰. Gensou Gourmet 幻想グルメ [Gourmet in Different World]. Gangan Online. 2016.

Outlier Isekai

Along with these major types of isekai, there is a final genre that, on one hand,

incorporates crazy stories that draw from multiple aspects of the other genres, and, on the other

hand, takes nothing from the previously established mold and heads in complete opposite

directions. Like with any other genre, creators must constantly innovate and surprise consumers

so that they stay interested. In a way, this is healthy for the genre because it means that there is

an established interest in these stories from both the creators and audience. However, the authors

also have to constantly create more and more ridiculous situations to make their work stand out

from the rest. This results in very interesting isekai works that keep the genre fresh and vital. In

the past few years, this style has become one of the most popular and interesting ways to view

the isekai genre, both from the perspective of the audience and the authors. The authors get to

loosely use the basic rules of an isekai setting, allowing them to run wild with their imagination

and create fresh stories. As a result, the audience can also enjoy a wider variety of works that use

the basic rules of the classics they know and love, but taken to an even higher degree of creative


A style of isekai that is becoming more popular is about stories that deal with revenge

and having a second chance at life. Both Ononata’s The Strongest Hero Who Wants Revenge

With the Power of Darkness28 and Kizuka’s The Hero is Walking the Second Time on the Path

of Vengeance While Laughing29 feature protagonists who actually save the world and end up

defeating the demon king. They accomplish the ultimate goal that they were tasked with and

Manimani Ononata 斧名田マニマニ. Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu
Musou Suru 復讐を希う最強勇者は、闇の力で殲滅無双する [The Strongest Hero Who Wants Revenge With
the Power of Darkness]. Suiyoubi wa Mattari Dash X Comic. 2019.
Nero Kizuka 木塚ネロ. Nidome no Yuusha wa Fukushuu no Michi wo Warai Ayumu 二度目の勇者は復讐の道
を嗤い歩む [The Hero is Walking the Second Time on the Path of Vengeance While Laughing]. ComicWalker.

should be going back to their original world. However, in

the end, they are betrayed and killed, usually by royalty

and friends who they had trusted. As an act of pity,

mercy, or both, the gods and goddesses resurrect the

murdered hero and allow them to keep all of their skills,

power level and send them back in time to the moment

they were first summoned. With a second chance and a

better understanding of their own powers and events to

come, the protagonists go on a vengeful killing spree

against their enemies. These certain isekai are gruesome

Cover art for The Strongest Hero
Who Wants Revenge With the Power and usually end up with a lot of bloodshed, which appeals
of Darkness, Manimani Ononata
to a mature audience.

Another interesting trend is having a human reincarnated into a non-human creature. The

incredibly popular That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is about a man who gets murdered

one night and is reincarnated in another world. Instead of staying human, he is instead

reincarnated as a slime creature.30 He uses his powers to gain followers and creates a village, full

of different races like orcs, goblins, dwarves, where there is no prejudice against race. 31 In

contrast, there are more lighthearted works - specifically, isekai where the main character is

reincarnated as a cat and works to protect his new master.32

A common enemy in Japanese adventure games that takes the shape of a clear jelly-like creature. Usually
considered one of the weakest enemies.
Fuse 伏瀬. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken 転生したらスライムだった件 [That Time I Got Reincarnated as a
Slime]. Shounen Sirius. 2015.
Nozomi Ginyoku 銀翼のぞみ. S-Rank Monster no Behemoth Dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Erufu Musume no
Kishi (Pet) Toshite Kurashitemasu S ランクモンスターの《ベヒーモス》だけど、猫と間違われてエルフ娘
の騎士(ペット)として暮らしてます [I’m an S-Rank "Behemoth" Monster, but I’m Living as a Knight (Pet) of an
Elf Girl]. Young Animal. 2018.

Sometimes, the protagonist doesn’t get transported to an entirely new world. Instead,

someone from another world is transported to modern day Japan, reversing the established

pattern. For example, an elf could be introduced to the modern and technological wonders of

Tokyo, eat a crepe at the top of the Tokyo Sky Tree, and maybe bring back items to their home

world.33 Series like this also bring duality to the concept of the audience inserting themselves

into the shoes of the protagonists. Not only can Japanese people insert themselves into the role of

the protagonist that brings the elf to Japan, but foreigners can also insert themselves into the role

of the elf. Foreigners who are unfamiliar with Japanese culture and society might view Japan

through the same lens as the elf, turning series like these into a sort of guidebook. The

problematic aspect of lighthearted series like these is that it may affect the perception of Japan by

international audiences. A false and picturesque image of Japan are presented in works like

these, which can misinform foreigners learning about Japanese society and culture.

Other series make fun of the genre and present stories where the protagonist doesn’t

receive a unique skill and has to survive with his own power. Konosuba: God’s Blessing on this

Wonderful World highlights the realities of a person who is transported to another world. In

contrast to other series where the protagonist is essentially given a free ride to fame and fortune,

they have to work and hunt monsters everyday so that they can afford to eat. In the beginning,

they don’t even have a place to sleep, so they have to stay at a horse stable and make a bed out of

Suzuki Makishima まきしま鈴木. Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san 日本へようこそエルフさん [Welcome to Japan,
Elf-san]. Comic Fire. 2018.

hay.34 Although this series is not meant to be taken seriously, it is still important to see what

aspects the genre has explored.

Possibly one of the most unique isekai stories out there, Baba’s The Ride-On King is

about a man named Alexander Purchinov who is in charge of the Republic of Pursia, an obvious

reference to Vladimir Putin.35 The character has a desire to “tame and ride” everything, but has

already ridden everything in this world, including

machines, creatures, and even a nation. He dies as a

result of a terrorist attack and is summoned to a different

world. In this world of monsters and magic, he finds out

that there are so many new beings to “ride on,” instilling

him with a new sense of purpose and doing whatever he

can to ride new creatures and contraptions. Isekai like

this one, and the ones discussed previously, are only the

tip of the iceberg in terms of this crazy genre. However,

the success of the outlier isekai category is both positive

Cover art for The Ride-On King,
and negative. Although this style has temporarily Yasushi Baba

breathed new life into the genre, it could also mean that the isekai genre has reached its limits

and will slowly fade out of popularity in the coming decade, making way for a new genre to take

the world by storm.

Natsume Akatsuki 暁なつめ and Kurone Mishima 三島くろね. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! この素
晴らしい世界に祝福を![KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!]. Kadokawa Shoten. 2013.
Yasushi Baba 馬場康誌. ライドンキング [The Ride-On King]. Shounen Sirius. 2018.

The Problems of the Isekai Genre

In examining these four categories of isekai, I have presented an overview of positives

and negatives that the audience may experience. Moreover, based upon this genre examination, I

have found coherent and particular properties that are important to highlight and discuss further.

On the surface level, the isekai genre seems to be flourishing and constantly coming up with new

ideas to excite readers. The genre has created many successful isekai light novels, resulting in

many manga and anime adaptations. Ever since the early 2010s, isekai has had a firm grasp on

the industry and the format has become incredibly commonplace. Chances are, one will

eventually be able to find an isekai that piques their interests. There is no doubt that a lot of

positive light has been shed on the genre. Yet underneath all of the good that isekai has done for

the industry, there are many problems associated with the popularity of the isekai genre, resulting

in darker elements if one chooses to look more closely.36

The first problem is linked to characters who are reincarnated into a different world.

There is a definite trend in what types of characters get a second chance at life. The protagonists

are usually NEET’s37, hikikomori’s 引きこもり (lit. “shut-in”), suicides or murder victims, and

overworked salarymen suffering at the hands of Japanese business culture. This group of people

can be considered the outcasts of Japanese society, all of whom live a relatively unsatisfied life.

Although the isekai genre can be enjoyed by anyone, there is a very specific audience being

targeted here, which makes the popularity of the genre frightening. The protagonist of the

previously discussed Farming Life in Another World was an ordinary salaryman who neglected

his health and worked himself to death.38 Subaru, the protagonist of Re:Zero - Starting Life in

For this section, I will refer back to previously mentioned works.
Japanese acronym for describing a person who is “Not in Education, Employment, or Training.”
Kinosuke Naitou 内藤騎之介. Isekai Nonbiri Nouka 異世界のんびり農家 [Farming Life in
Another World]. ComicWalker. 2017.

Another World, is a shut-in NEET who finds himself in a new world.39KonoSuba: God's Blessing

on this Wonderful World! features yet another hikikomori whose traits of isolating himself

frequently appear in his new world.40 There are many people in Japan who are unsatisfied with

their current lifestyle but lack the means to change themselves or their current occupation.

Instead, they continue with their static lifestyle but try to find avenues of escape. Isekai is the

perfect escapist model and allows people to live out their fantasies and distract themselves from

real life, if only for moments. The characters mentioned above are all in similar situations where

they have reached a dead end, either with their life or motivation, and have resigned themselves

to suffering for the remainder of their lives. However, isekai “saves” these individuals and gives

them a second lease on life, allowing them to better themselves and also achieve goals that

wouldn’t have been possible in their previous lives. The targeted audience here wishes that they

had a second chance in life so that they can live things differently. You are one of these people.

If armed with the knowledge from your previous life, you know that they can live a more

fulfilling lifestyle. You could quit your grueling job, open up your dream restaurant, or find

romance. However, the problem here is that you and others might become too reliant on this way

of thinking. For individuals who have given up on their current life and status, they may become

fixated on the idea of isekai and avoid fixing their current problems. Since they might assume

they have another chance at life, they will instead run away from their problems, creating issues

for themselves and the ones surrounding them.

Furthermore, there are many isekai stories that make use of random pieces of

information. Examples include knowing detailed wilderness survival techniques, specific

Tappei Nagatsuki 長月達平. Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu ゼロから始める異世界生活 [Re:Zero -
Starting Life in Another World]. Media Factory. 2014.
Natsume Akatsuki 暁なつめ and Kurone Mishima 三島くろね. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! この素
晴らしい世界に祝福を![KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!]. Kadokawa Shoten. 2013.

military strategies, or the knowledge to construct complex modern inventions. To some, this

might seem like useless information that does not see use in the 21st century. However, since

isekai protagonists make full use of this random information, it validates people who have spent

time learning this type of knowledge. As previously explained, Handyman Saitou In Another

World features a handyman who is reincarnated into another world. Although his skills put him

at the bottom of the social ladder and made him feel relatively useless, Saitou’s new world

completely flips people’s perception of his abilities. His skills are incredibly prized in a

dangerous world where there could be traps and monsters around each corner, earning him the

respect and admiration of those around him. In stark contrast to Saitou’s previous world, his

isekai is the perfect fit for him and validates the skills he possesses and his meaning in life.41

Another example can be seen in Onshin’s The Villainess Will Crush Her Destruction End

Through Modern Firepower, where the main character is a first-year college student studying

humanities who is a fanatic about owning and shooting guns. She would collect model guns in

Japan, a country with strict gun laws, and would make travel plans to go shooting in Guam.42 She

is so committed to her gun hobby that her apartment lacks bare necessities and is littered with

trash bags all over the floor. Her fanaticism for her unique hobby makes her suffer in Japan, but

when she is reincarnated into a new world, it all changes. She discovers magic, which allows her

to create and shoot guns, giving her access to the fantasy that she always dreamed about. Stories

like these demonstrate how nonsensical skills and hobbies are often completely justified in the

Kazutomo Ichitomo 一智和智. Benriya Saitou san, Isekai ni Iku 便利屋斎藤さん、異世界に行く [Handyman
Saitou In Another World]. 2018.
Futsuu Onshin 園心ふつう and Dai-616 Tokubetsu Jouhou Daitai 第 616 特別情報大隊. Doushitemo Hametsu
Shitakunai Akuyaku Reijou ga Gendai Heiki wo Tenishita Kekka ga Kore desu どうしても破滅したくない悪役
令嬢が現代兵器を手にした結果がこれです [The Villainess Will Crush Her Destruction End Through Modern
Firepower]. Suiyoubi no Sirius. 2019.

new world, making people believe that they did not waste their time and previous lives on a

useless skill.

Yet another major problem is how almost every single isekai gives the protagonist a

special ability or skill. Kirito in Sword Art Online is able to wield two swords, a feat impossible

for everyone else.43 Machio in Farming Life in Another World is given an omnipotent tool that

can transform into anything that only he possesses.44 Tuatha in The Best Assassin, Incarnated

into a Different World’s Aristocrat is given skills, which only he has, that let him grow stronger

and faster than anyone around him.45 It’s obvious to see what the running trend here is. All these

protagonists are given skills, abilities, and weapons that distinguish themselves from the rest of

society, allowing them to feel like a one of a kind being. To explain why this can be problematic,

especially when referring to Japanese society and culture, it is important to understand the

differences between Eastern and Western perspectives. Japan has a collectivistic culture by

Western standards, which makes it harder for some Japanese to distinguish themselves from the

rest of the pack. It is easy to get lost in the crowd and just resign oneself to becoming another

gear in the machine. It is within human nature to feel special and important, so isekai gives

people an opportunity to experience this. By receiving skills and abilities that set characters apart

from the rest, viewers can feel special and needed. They get to be the star of the show and not get

overshadowed by others. Although it is not a problem to be part of a collectivistic society or

thought, it makes it easier for one to feel the need to differentiate themselves. An individualistic

society does not necessarily mean the perfect solution either. In such societies, people may feel

Reki Kawahara.. ソードアート・オンライン [Sword Art Online]. ASCII Media Works. 2009.
Kinosuke Naitou 内藤騎之介. Isekai Nonbiri Nouka 異世界のんびり農家 [Farming Life in Another World].
ComicWalker. 2017.
Rui Tsukiyo 月夜るい. Sekai Saikō no Asashin, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei Suru 世界最高の暗殺者、異世界貴族
に転生する [The Best Assassin, Incarnated into a Different World’s Aristocrat]. 2019.

compelled to constantly one up their peers to gain any sense of fame or notoriety. The isekai

genre is just well suited for collectivistic societies and can flourish by preying on a specific


Finally, another problem of isekai is the character design of many of the main

protagonists, before and after they reach their new world. Some series choose to keep the

appearance of the protagonist the same as their previous life. In these cases, the protagonist will

most likely resemble the average Japanese male or female. They will have an average build,

black hair, and not too many distinguishing features. Every single series mentioned earlier, with

the obvious exception of the Vladmir Putin lookalike, exhibit these distinguishing characteristics

commonly seen in Japanese males and females. With designs like these, the viewer, who is

assumed to be Japanese, can easily relate with the character and project themselves in the shoes

of the main character. They can feel like they are the ones living a new life full of new

experiences. In a lot of cases, the faces of the characters in their original world aren’t even

shown, making it even easier for the audience to step into the shoes of the protagonists. On the

other hand, some series choose to change the appearance of the protagonist completely and give

them an objectively beautiful and perfect body in the different world.46

Illustration of protagonist before and after in Alternate World Pharmacy, Takayama Liz

Liz Takayama 高山理図. Isekai Yakkyoku 異世界薬局 [Alternate World Pharmacy]. ComicWalker. 2016.

Those who are unhappy with the way they look in the real world can feel beautiful and popular

in the other world. This creates a dangerous perspective of their view regarding their own beauty

and self-confidence. Some may take more drastic measures, like extensive plastic surgery, to

correct their appearances to isekai protagonists. These traits are also dangerous because people

may become too invested in certain stories and believe that they are the main character. Although

getting absorbed in a storyline does not immediately sound like a bad thing, there may be some

who take this self-insertion to a dangerous degree, chasing after a degree of beauty that cannot be

found in the real world.

Although escapism might initially sound like a bad concept, escapism is an integral part

in maintaining the mental wellbeing of an individual. Arguably, everyone in this world exhibits a

form of escapism in their daily lives, albeit at varying levels. Individuals may be suffering from

stressful work conditions, unsatisfying relationships with their family and friends, or may be

trying to forget about a pandemic affecting the world. Everyone has different avenues of escape,

and there are those like Anime Corps who believe that it is unavoidable, especially in a digital

age.47 Books, movies, recreational activities, games, and even Japanese anime and manga are all

forms of escapism that people enjoy. However, the varying degrees that an individual may

indulge in escapism is important when viewing Japan through the lens of isekai. Japan’s NEET

and hikikomori are infamous examples of how escapism may be taken too far when running

away from reality is easier. Escapism is something that has to be taken in moderation and one

should strive not to find themselves on either side of the spectrum. Too little escapism means

that one may become overwhelmed by their circumstances, causing burnout or worse. Too much

escapism means that one is constantly running away from their problems, hoping that their

Anime Corps. “Anime Editorial: The Bliss of Escapism.” Anime Corps, accessed February 12, 2020.

problems will solve themselves. Finding the middle ground is an equally challenging and

important endeavor in creating a balanced lifestyle.

Furthermore, escapism may be one of the reasons that explains Japan’s recent trend in

terms of the number of suicides. Previously, Japan was infamous for its high suicide rates.

However, as seen in Figure 1 below, the suicide rate in Japan has steadily decreased ever since

2009. One possible explanation for this trend is that because of the Japanese government’s

intervention and policies, there are fewer “black companies,”48 resulting in less work and stress

related suicides. However, another interpretation of this downward trend is that there are more

avenues of escape readily available for Japanese society to consume. This might take the form of

video games, movies, books, and maybe even isekai. Popular media, like these examples and

especially isekai, can help a person deal with the stress that comes with living in Japanese

society, resulting in a lowered suicide rate as illustrated by Figure 1.

A “black company” (ブラック企業) is a Japanese term that refers to office work companies that improperly treat
their employees. Most notable characteristics are large amounts of forced overtime work without overtime pay and
power harassment from superiors. These are considered the sweatshops of office work.

Figure 1. Source: National Police Agency (Japan). Created by Statista, March, 2017

Even though suicide rates are at a historic low, the “the number of those under 20 who took their

lives rose by 60 from the previous year to 659, making them the only age group to see a rise.”49

As always, there are a lot of factors to consider when examining statistics like these. However,

the target demographic of most Japanese anime, manga, and light novels is aimed at young

adults. For these young adults going through difficult times in their lives, escaping reality can be

an easy and painless way of coping with stress. The isekai genre only exacerbates this trend and

is possibly inviting more young adults to take their own lives.

Finally, the Japanese anime, manga, and light-novel industry may be in a difficult

position as well. One of the biggest problems plaguing the industry right now is that there is an

overabundance of isekai works being currently made. Isekai stories are relatively easy to create,

Reuters, “Suicides in Japan at historic low in 2019 but more teens kill themselves.” The Japan Times, accessed
April 19, 2020.

so it is easy to see why so many authors are jumping on the bandwagon. Creating an isekai story

is a safe option for any aspiring author who wants to make a name for themselves. Chances are

that their isekai could get popular enough and eventually get created into an anime.50 Therefore,

isekai can be considered an easy road in getting fame and recognition. The double-edged sword

of the situation is that given the unrestrictive nature of isekai, anyone can create an isekai. This

has created an oversaturation of the market and now there are too many series focusing on isekai.

According to My Anime List, an online compendium of anime and manga, from 2012 to 2018,

the number of isekai works was on average 6 series per year. However, in 2019 alone, that

number jumped to 14 whole series that aired. This incredible jump illustrates how the authors,

publishing studios, and animation companies are vying for a piece of the lucrative pie that is

isekai. Meanwhile, the audience is both benefiting and suffering from the influx of isekai. Too

much isekai means that the industry has become stagnant in terms of ideas and experimentation.

Creating a story other than isekai is not worth the risk anymore. Why would an author take a risk

and jeopardize their career by creating a new, and possibly unpopular, genre? Many people

would rather stick with the safest option with the highest chances of success given how tough the

Japanese anime and manga industry can be. Since there are so many different isekai stories, the

works get blurred together and it is difficult for viewers to fall in love with one specific series.

For many consumers of isekai, forgetting series and moving on to new series is commonplace.

The Power of the Japanese Visual Media and Pop Culture

Japanese visual media, especially anime and manga, have evolved dramatically ever

since its inception. Popularized as a form of wartime propaganda during World War II to raise

The timeline for many authors getting their works published is web novel > light novel > manga > anime.

the morale of Japanese soldiers, anime has profoundly affected millions. Manga, which has

existed as early as the 12th century, has been an important medium in telling stories and allowing

people to express a variety of emotions. Both Japanese anime and manga have been integral

pillars in Japanese society for decades and mediums to shape minds and spread knowledge. The

isekai genre is no exception. While this newer form can be considered one of the most beneficial

genres as of late, it also is one of the most harmful. As Christopher Bolton has argued, one of the

strengths of Japanese media, like anime and manga, is its unique ability to influence and

manipulate what we might think. Furthermore, compared to before, anime and manga has

quickly evolved from a subculture into mainstream culture. It is not a form of media that only a

small portion of Japan enjoys anymore. Instead, it’s reach has rapidly grown, affecting all facets

of Japanese popular culture and society in addition to appealing to a great global audience. It is

not uncommon to use animation simply for television shows anymore. McDonald’s has used

short animations in their commercials to encourage more people to work part time at locations.

Lotte, a candy and snack manufacturer, also released a commercial done in anime style to

promote their chocolate on Valentine’s Day. As a result, more and more of us have been exposed

to the powers and abilities that Japanese animation entails. For these reasons, the influence that

Japanese animation has on Japan, and even the world, cannot be understated and may have no


A Much Needed Reset in the Industry

The Japanese light novel, manga, and anime industry has reached a very interesting point.

Since the “flavor of the month” (decade in this case) is isekai stories, it is difficult for authors

writing about different genres to gain popularity and receive the boost that they desperately need.

Furthermore, Japanese anime and manga have exploded in popularity in the past decade with no

signs of slowing down. More people from across the world are gaining a heightened awareness

of Japan and its cultural and social impact in modern times. While Japanese anime and manga

may have been viewed in a different lens before, it is now, without a doubt, an important part in

showcasing both the good and bad in Japanese society. As shown through isekai, anime and

manga can act as a lens into what a portion of Japanese society is currently feeling. While isekai

can encourage artistic freedom and provide some healthy and harmless outlets of escape, it also

poses various dangers. Those who get lost in these characters and worlds may lose sight of their

real-life responsibilities, become isolated, exhibit sexist and other problematic behaviors, detach

from their own feelings and become isolated from family and friends. No matter how one sees

isekai, it is an effective gauge to measure where the culture is headed, what themes engage

viewers. Its widespread appeal and complex impact make it an indispensable tool for future

research. Hopefully by the end of the decade, a new genre will become popular and bring a

breath of fresh air to the industry. It might just be time for the isekai genre to get a taste of its

own medicine and wake up in a different world.



Akatsuki, Natsume 暁なつめ and Kurone Mishima 三島くろね. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni
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Amana, Kouta 天那光汰. Gensou Gourmet 幻想グルメ [Gourmet in Different World]. Gangan
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Amasawa, Ringo 甘沢林檎. Isekai de Cafe wo Kaiten Shimashita 異世界でカフェを開店しま

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Baba, Okina 馬場翁 and Tsukasa Kiryuu 輝竜司. Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? 蜘蛛ですが、なに
か? [So I’m a Spider, So What?]. Kadokawa Shoten. 2015.

Baba, Yasushi 馬場康誌. ライドンキング [The Ride-On King]. Shounen Sirius. 2018.

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FUNA. Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu 老後に備えて異世界で

8 万枚の金貨を貯めます [Saving 80,000 Gold Coins in the Different World for My Old
Age]. Suiyoubi no Sirius. 2017.

Fuse 伏瀬. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken 転生したらスライムだった件 [That Time I Got
Reincarnated as a Slime]. Shounen Sirius. 2015.

Ginyoku, Nozomi 銀翼のぞみ. S-Rank Monster no Behemoth Dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete

Erufu Musume no Kishi (Pet) Toshite Kurashitemasu S ランクモンスターの《ベヒー
モス》だけど、猫と間違われてエルフ娘の騎士(ペット)として暮らしてます [I’m
an S-Rank "Behemoth" Monster, but I’m Living as a Knight (Pet) of an Elf Girl]. Young
Animal. 2018.

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