Handbook On Mine Fill: Book Review by

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The ACG Handbook on Mine Fill comprises 10

Book Review by chapters spanning a diverse range of engineering

Dr David Stone, P.E.
sciences employed in the application and use of
backfills in mining. The key subjects include soil
MineFill Services, Inc.
mechanics and fluid mechanics, mineral
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processing, environmental engineering and the
Bothell, Washington
chemistry of cements and pozzolans.
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The introductory chapters 1 and 2 cover the need
for mine backfill in the mining cycle,
considerations for the selection of a mine fill
Handbook on Mine Fill system, a history of mine fill, along with a review
Published by the Australian Centre for Geomechanics of the properties of the basic materials that
Edited by Yves Potvin, Ed Thomas, Andy Fourie comprise mine fills, namely: tailings, sand, rock,
water, cement and other binders.
The Australian Centre for Geomechanics (ACG)
recently published a Handbook on Mine Fill. Chapters 3 and 4 cover geomechanics and fluid
Billed as the essential reference on current fill mechanics of mine fills. These topics span
practices in the mining industry, the book is a some of the most technically challenging, and
collaborative effort from a number of well known poorly understood, aspects of mine fills. Chapter
practitioners, primarily from Australia. 3 first walks the reader through the basic soil
mechanics parameters as they relate to mine fill
The need for such a volume is clear. The materials, such as volumetric relationships, shear
existing technical library on mine fill practices and strengths, permeability and arching in fills.
research is spread amongst a large number of Chapter 4 then covers the equally important fluid
symposia and conference proceedings such as mechanics aspects of mine fills including the
the Minefill series of symposia held every four behavior of hydraulic fill slurries and paste fills,
years. The latest Minefill symposia (Minefill reticulation designs for hydraulic fills and paste
2004) was held last fall in Beijing, China. While fills, and drainage of backfills.
the technical knowledge contained in these many
proceedings is exhaustive, there are very few The importance of these topics, and the
textbooks written on the topic. unfortunate lack of understanding by many mine
operators, is illustrated by the chronicles of
The last attempt to combine the available recent failures at backfilling operations in
references into one volume was the “Mine Australia and worldwide due to hydraulic fill
Backfill 1998” electronic textbook (CD) sponsored piping events, bulkhead collapses, and fill
by the Metal Mining Division and the Rock failures.
Mechanics Committee of the Canadian Institute
of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIMM). Chapter 5 is dedicated to hydraulic fills, starting
This volume covered a variety of topics in eight with the selection of materials. The chapter gives
chapters, ranging from backfill mechanics and an excellent overview of the preparation of
backfill designs, through to detailed chapters on hydraulic fills including desliming and dewatering
hydraulic fills, rockfills, paste fills and salt fills. of tailings, design principles, barricade designs,
The CD also contained an extensive literature and finally monitoring and performance. In
review as well as several case studies of appreciating the importance of this chapter it
Canadian operations. Being authored by should be remembered that, worldwide, the vast
university researchers in Canada, however, much majority of mine fills comprise hydraulic fills. In
of this reference was theoretical in nature and major mining regions such as Peru, hydraulic fills
was lacking in practical advice. are the norm.

The Handbook editors note the last Australian Chapter 6 covers paste fills. This chapter follows
reference on mine fills was written in 1979 by the progression from the selection of materials,
noted Australian backfill practitioner Ed Thomas. processing of components (including thickening
However, the field of mine filling has evolved and dewatering), mixing, delivery and placement
significantly in the 25 years since this volume in stopes, and monitoring/performance. The
was published and today we have a much better chapter includes an extensive discussion on the
understanding of the properties and behavior of key design principles for paste including rheology
backfill materials, as well as access to and backfill strengths. Given the ever increasing
technologies and equipment that did not exist in demand for paste this chapter will likely be
that day. popular with readers. In particular, the authors
reinforce some of the fundamentals key to the
success of paste systems such as adequate
fines, matching the rheology of the paste to the Such a system of capitalizing risks lends itself to
hydraulics of the system, and maximizing the use highlighting the cost effectiveness of paste
of gravity for delivery. These factors are critical backfill when the potential risks of surface
in that most performance failures in paste disposal of tailings are weighed against the cost
systems can be attributed to rheology. of underground disposal.

Chapter 7 presents a comprehensive overview of And finally Chapter 10 deals with emerging
rockfills. The chapter first covers some of the technologies and current research. This chapter
mechanics of rockfills based on the aggregate gives an overview of the papers presented at the
gradings, backfill density, and aggregate types. It last 3 Minefill series of Symposia, along with
then covers some of major design elements comments from international practitioners on
including aggregate gradings, binder additions, future trends in the industry.
and delivery to stopes. The remainder of the
chapter is dedicated to a discussion of several As has been noted by the editors, each chapter
varieties of composite rockfill/hydraulic fill (so in the Handbook could ideally form the basis for
called rocky paste fills) in use at Mount Isa and an entire textbook. As such the handbook tries to
Olympic Dam. These fills offer a number of strike a balance between the topics needed by
advantages to large blasthole open stoping mine fill operators and engineers, and extended
operations including remarkable backfill strengths topics that go beyond the scope of the book.
at very low bulk cement contents. Some of the topics that readers may wish to
explore beyond the handbook include limit
Rockfills are gradually being replaced by paste equilibrium design of stable fill exposures for
fills worldwide, in an effort to reduce the undercut sills and other typical geometries,
environmental impacts of mining. However, backfill instrumentation, backfill quality control
rockfills do offer important economic advantages monitoring and quality assurance programs,
over paste fills, especially when there is a large cement optimization, and costing of backfill
stockpile of readily available waste rock. systems.
Rockfills continue to be popular in Nevada in the
US for undercut drift and fill stopes, and small The real value in this handbook is that it is
longhole stopes, where a quick stope turnaround authored by practitioners in the field and thus
is needed. contains a wealth of practical knowledge and real
operational experience. This is in contrast to
Chapter 8 opens up the discussion to other uses some reference texts which have been authored
of mine fills including backfilling coal mines, using by researchers and universities and thus tended
fills to reduce surface subsidence, backfilling to be much more theoretical than practical.
open pits after closure, and co-disposal of
municipal and mining wastes. Unlike returning The breadth of topics covered by this handbook
mine wastes underground, these methods make it an ideal reference manual for mining
require extensive geochemical characterization of engineers, and the inclusion of a comprehensive
the waste products and the receiving overview of the basic material properties,
environment, in order to prevent contamination. geomechanics and fluid mechanics aspects of
In fact, regulatory and public concerns about mine fills makes this book an ideal teaching tool
contaminant transport have prevented many for universities and mining schools.
worthwhile such projects from proceeding in the
US and Canada.

The latter part of the chapter gives an overview of

some of the key aspects of cemented aggregate
fills including the ideal grading, fill quality control
parameters, fill performance measurements and

Chapter 9 introduces two new aspects of mine

filling rarely dealt with in the literature; that is risk
management and environmental risks. The
chapter presents an excellent framework for
quantifying and assessing backfill risks in a
mining environment, based on several Australian
and New Zealand standards. The reality of the
mining business today is that risks translate into
real costs, and they must be quantified in
assessing the total cost of a backfill system.

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