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Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 08

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Chapter 8: Strain Hardening and Annealing

8-5 What is the difference between extrusion and drawing?

Extrusion – the force is exerted on the larger original cross-section of the work-piece
that is pushed through a die. Drawing – the force is applied on the smaller cross-section
that has already passed through the die.

8-6 Consider the tensile stress strain curves in Figure 8–20 labeled 1 and 2 and answer the
following questions. These curves are typical of metals. Consider each part as a separate
question that has no relationship to previous parts of the question.

(a) Which material has the larger work hardening exponent? How do you know?
(b) Samples 1 and 2 are identical except that they were tested at different strain rates.
Which sample was tested at the higher strain rate? How do you know?
(c) Assume that the two stress strain curves represent successive tests of the same
sample. The sample was loaded, then unloaded before necking began, and then the
sample was reloaded. Which sample represents the first test: 1 or 2? How do you
Solution: (a) Sample 1 has the larger work hardening exponent. The slope of
the stress versus strain curve is higher for 1 than 2, indicating a
larger work hardening exponent.
(b) Sample 1 was tested at the higher strain rate. At higher strain
rates, metals typically exhibit higher strengths. Sample 1 is
stronger than Sample 2; therefore, all other factors being
identical, Sample 1 was tested at a higher strain rate.
(c) Sample 2 represents the first test because it has lower strength
and greater ductility. As the sample was loaded the first time, it
was work–hardened, imparting higher strength and lower
ductility on reloading. Since Sample 2 is weaker and more ductile,
it must have been the first test.

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8-7 Figure 8–21 is a plot of true stress versus true strain for a metal. For total imposed
strains of ε = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4, determine the elastic and plastic components of the
strain. The modulus of elasticity of the metal is 100 GPa.

Solution: The total true strain εtotal is the sum of elastic and plastic
components according to
εtotal = εelastic + εplastic,
where εelastic is the elastic component of the strain and εplastic
is the plastic component. The elastic component is given by
Hooke’s Law:
ε plastic = ,
where σ is the true stress and E is the elastic modulus. The
table below shows the components of elastic and plastic
true strain for the total true strain specified. The stress
values are read from the stress strain diagram. Answers will
vary slightly based on the selected stress values.
εtotal σ(MPa) σ εplastic = εtotal – εelastic
ε elastic =
0.1 185 0.00185 0.0982
0.2 280 0.00280 0.1972
0.3 370 0.00370 0.2963
0.4 455 0.00455 0.3955

8-9 An annealed copper sample experiences a true strain of 0.07 caused by a true stress of
164 MPa. If this is in the plastic deformation region and the strain-hardening exponent is
0.44, what is the strength coefficient?

Starting with Equation 8-1:

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164 MPa
 = 528 MPa

8-10 A 0.505 in.-diameter metal bar with a 2-in. gage length l0 is subjected to a tensile test.
The following measurements are made in the plastic region:

Force (lb) Change in Gage length (in.) (∆l) Diameter (in.)

27,500 0.2103 0.4800
27,000 0.4428 0.4566
25,700 0.6997 0.4343
Determine the strain-hardening exponent for the metal. Is the metal most likely to be
FCC, BCC, or HCP? Explain.
Force (lb) Gage Diameter True stress True strain
length (in.) (psi) (in./in.)
27,500 2.2103 0.4800 151,970 0.100
27,000 2.4428 0.4566 164,893 0.200
25,700 2.6997 0.4343 173,486 0.300
σ t = Kε tn or ln σ = ln K + n ln ε
ln(151,970) = ln K + n ln(0.1) 11.9314 = ln K – n (2.3026)
ln(173,486) = ln K + n ln(0.3) 12.0639 = ln K – n (1.2040)
–0.1325 = –1.0986 n
n = 0.12 which is in the range of BCC metals

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8-11 A 1.33-cm-diameter metal bar with a 3-cm gage length (l0) is subjected to a tensile test.
The following measurements are made in the plastic region:

Force (N) Change in Gage length (cm) (∆l) Diameter (cm)

16,240 0.6642 1.2028
19,066 1.4754 1.0884
19,273 2.4663 0.9848

Determine the strain-hardening coefficient for the metal. Is the metal most likely to be
FCC, BCC, or HCP? Explain.
Force (N) Gage length Diameter True stress True strain
(cm) (mm) (MPa) (cm/cm)
16,240 3.6642 12.028 143 0.200
19,066 4.4754 10.884 205 0.400
19,273 5.4663 9.848 249 0.600

σt = Kεtn ln 143 = ln K + n ln 0.2

ln 249 = ln K + n ln 0.6
(4.962 – 5.517) = n(–1.609 + 0.511)
n = 0.51
A strain hardening coefficient of 0.51 is typical of FCC metals.

8-12 A true stress-true strain curve is shown in Figure 8–22. Determine the strain hardening
exponent for the metal.

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Solution: σt = Kεtn
εt σt
0.05 in./in. 60,000 psi
0.10 in./in. 66,000 psi
0.20 in./in. 74,000 psi
0.30 in./in. 78,000 psi
0.40 in./in. 81,000 psi
From graph: K = 93,000 psi
n = 0.15

8-13 Figure 8–23 shows a plot of the natural logarithm of the true stress versus the natural
logarithm of the true strain for a Cu-30% Zn sample tested in tension. Only the plastic
portion of the stress strain curve is shown. Determine the strength coefficient K and the
work-hardening exponent n.

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Solution: Power law strain–hardening is described by the equation
σ = Kεn,
where σ is the true stress, K is the strength coefficient, ε is the true
strain, and n is the strain–hardening exponent. Taking the natural
logarithm of both sides:
ln (σ) = ln(K) + n ln (ε).
A linear fit of this equation to the data produces
ln (σ) = 20.569 + 0.55645 ln(ε).
Therefore, n = 0.56, and ln(K) = 20.569, such that K = 857 MPa.
Alternatively, two points on the line can be used to calculate the
slope. When ln (ε) = –1, ln (σ) = 20.0, and when ln (ε) = –2, ln (σ) =
19.45. Thus the strain–hardening exponent is given by
20.0 − 19.45
n= = 0.55 ,
−1 − (−2)
which is similar to the result from the curve fit. Using the data point ln
(ε) = –1, ln (σ) = 20.0, 20.0 = ln (K) + 0.55(–1),
ln (K) = 20.55,
such that
K = 841 MPa,
which is again similar to the result from the curve fit.

8-14 A Cu-30% Zn alloy tensile bar has a strain-hardening coefficient of 0.50. The bar, which
has an initial diameter of 1 cm and an initial gage length of 3 cm, fails at an engineering
stress of 120 MPa. At the moment of fracture, the gage length is 3.5 cm and the
diameter is 0.926 cm. No necking occurred. Calculate the true stress when the true
strain is 0.05 cm/cm.

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Solution: ε = ln(ℓf/ℓo) = ln(3.5/3.0) = 0.154
S = 120 MPa =
(π /4)(10 mm)2
F = 9425 N
9425 N
σ= = 139.95 MPa
(π /4)(9.26 mm) 2
σ = K (0.154)0.5 = 139.95 MPa or K = 356.6
The true stress at ε = 0.05 cm/cm is
σ = 356.6(0.05)0.5 or σ = 79.7 MPa

8-15 What would a strain hardening exponent of zero mean mathematically and practically?
Mathematically, raising a real number (like the strain exhibited in a material) to zero
sets it equal to 1. This means the true stress of the material would equal K.

Practically it means the stress would not be a function of strain. It does not mean the
material would never strain, only that the strain would not be a function of the stress or
vice versa.

This is not physically impossible, the same thing happens when the true strain is equal
to 1.

8-23 A 0.25-in.-thick copper plate is to be cold worked 63%. Find the final thickness.

Solution: (See Figure 8–7.) 0.25 − t f

63 = × 100% or t f = 0.0925 in.

8-24 A 0.25-in.-diameter copper bar is to be cold worked 63% in tension. Find the final
Solution: (0.25)2 − d 2f
63 = × 100% or d 2f = 0.025 or d f = 0.152 in.
(0.25) 2

8-25 A 2-in.-diameter copper rod is reduced to a 1.5 in. diameter, then reduced again to a
final diameter of 1 in. In a second case, the 2-in.-diameter rod is reduced in one step
from 2 in. to a 1 in. diameter. Calculate the % CW for both cases.
Solution: (2) 2 − (1) 2
% CW = ×100 = 75% in both cases
(2) 2

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8-26 If a 25-mm diameter steel bar is cold extruded first to 22 mm, then from 22 mm to a
final diameter of 20 mm, determine (a) the amount of cold work for each step, and (b)
compare the sum of the amounts of cold work for each step to the cold work process
from 25 mm directly to 20 mm. (See the next problem to fully understand your
a.) For the two step process (25-mm to 22-mm, then 22-mm to 20-mm) the percent cold
work for each step will be:

 [     ] "# ""

(25-mm to 22-mm): CW1 =  = = 0.2256

 [     ] "" "

(22-mm to 20-mm): CW2 =  = = 0.1736

By adding both cold work amounts together you will have the total amount of cold
working performed in the two-step process.
CW1 + CW2 = 0.2256 + 0.1736 = 0.3992 X 100% = 39.92%
b.) For the single step process (25-mm to 20-mm) the amount of cold work will be:

 [     ] "# "

(25-mm to 20-mm): CW1 =  = = 0.36 X 100% = 36%

It is clear to see that the amount of cold work is not the same even though the
initial and final diameters are the same.

8-27 If the amount of extrusion in the previous problem were expressed in true strains, (a)
determine the true strain for each of the extrusion steps, and (b) compare the sum of
the true strains for each extrusion to the true strain from 25 mm to 20 mm.
a.) Using the true strain equation:
$ %  
ε = ln = ln = ln = 2 ln ( 
$ %  
(25-mm to 22-mm): ε1 = 2 ln (   = 2 ln ("" = 0.2557
(22-mm to 20-mm): ε2 = 2 ln (   = 2 ln (" = 0.1906

By adding both true strain amounts together you will have the total true strain amount
to be
ε1+ ε2 = 0.2557 + 0.1906 = 0.4463
b.) For the single step process (25-mm to 20-mm) the amount of true strain will be:
(25-mm to 20-mm): ε = 2 ln (   = 2 ln (" = 0.4463

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It is shown that the total strain from the two-step process is the same as the single step

8-28 A 2-mm-diameter, pure copper wire is reduced to 1.75-mm diameter by cold working.
What is its tensile strength? (See Figure 8-6.)

Referring to Equation 8-5, we need to calculate the cross sectional areas of the wire
before and after the operation.
& = '( "

& = ' 2 mm"
& = ' 1.75 mm"

Inserting into Equation 8-5:

& − &
%CW = - / × 100
' 2 mm" − ' 1.75 mm"
%CW = 1 2 × 100
' 2 mm"
Factoring and cancelling the π’s.
2 mm" − 1.75 mm"
%CW = 1 2 × 100
2 mm"

4 mm" − 3.0625 mm"

%CW = 1 2 × 100
4 mm"
%CW = 23.4 %

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Repairing to Figure 8-6, we see that SUTS is about 59 ksi.

8-29 A 3105 aluminum plate is reduced from 1.75 in. to 1.15 in. Determine the final
properties of the plate. Note 3105 designates a special composition of aluminum alloy.
(See Figure 8–24.)

Solution: 1.75 − 1.15

% CW = × 100 = 34.3%
TS = 25 ksi YS = 21 ksi % elongation = 6%

8-30 A Cu-30% Zn brass bar is reduced from a 1 in. diameter to a 0.45 in. diameter.
Determine the final properties of the bar. (See Figure 8–25.)

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Solution: (1)2 − (0.42) 2
% CW = ×100 = 79.75%
(1) 2
TS = 105 ksi YS = 68 ksi % elongation = 1%

8-31 A 3105 aluminum bar is reduced from a 1 in. diameter, to a 0.8 in. diameter, to a 0.6 in.
diameter, to a final 0.4 in. diameter. Determine the % CW and the properties after each
step of the process. Calculate the total percent cold work. Note 3105 designates a
special composition of aluminum alloy. (See Figure 8–24.)
Solution: If we calculated the percent deformation in each step separately, we
would find that 36% deformation is required to go from 1 in. to 0.8 in.
The deformation from 0.8 in. to 0.6 in. (using 0.8 in. as the initial
diameter) is 43.75%, and the deformation from 0.6 in. to 0.4 in. (using 0.6
in. as the initial diameter) is 55.6%. If we added these three
deformations, the total would be 135.35%. This would not be correct.
Instead, we must always use the original 1 in. diameter as our starting
point. The following table summarizes the actual deformation and
properties after each step.

TS ksi YS ksi % elongation

(1) − (0.8) 2 25 21 6
= 100 = 36%
(1) 2
(1) 2 − (0.6)2 28 25 4
= 100 = 64%
(1) 2
(1) 2 − (0.4)2 30 28 3
= 100 = 84%
(1) 2
The total percent cold work is actually 84%, not 135.35%.

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8-32 We want a copper bar to have a tensile strength of at least 70,000 psi and a final
diameter of 0.375 in. What is the minimum diameter of the original bar? (See Figure 8–

Solution: % CW ≥ 50% to achieve the minimum tensile strength

d o2 − (0.375) 2
50 = × 100
d o2
0.5 d o2 = 0.140625 or d o = 0.53 in.

8-33 We want a Cu-30% Zn brass plate originally 1.2 in. thick to have a yield strength greater
than 50,000 psi and a % elongation of at least 10%. What range of final thicknesses must
be obtained? (See Figure 8–25.)
Solution: YS > 50,000 psi requires CW > 20%
% E > 10% requires CW < 37%
1.2 − t f 1.2 − t f
= 0.20 = 0.37
1.2 1.2
tf = 0.96 in. tf = 0.76 in.
tf = 0.76 to 0.96 in.

8-34 A rolled Cu-30 wt% Zn plate 0.500-in.-thick has a 2% elongation as-received by the
supplier. The desired specifications for the final sheet are a thickness of 0.125 in.,
minimum tensile strength of 70,000 psi, and minimum elongation of 7%. Assume that
the rolling is conducted so that the width of the sheet is unchanged. Specify all steps in
the procedure, including heat treatments. (See Figure 8-25.)

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Since the material already has a 2% elongation, the first step would be to anneal to rid
the material of any previous cold-work.
The desired properties call for a minimum tensile strength of 70,000 psi (70 ksi) which
looking at the figure provided gives a %CW of 30% and 45% for a minimum of 7%
elongation. The best solution is to choose 37%CW which is between both values and
satisfies the desired properties.
The intermediate thickness for which 37% cold-work would give the desired properties
would be 0.37 = 4 = 0.198 inches

The procedure would be as follows:

CW to CW to tf
Anneal Anneal
t=0.19" = 0.125"

8-35 A piece of cold-worked Cu-30% Zn brass is identified, but the extent to which it has been
cold-worked is unknown. Tensile testing indicates that the tensile strength is 60 ksi with
an elongation of 30%. Determine the amount of cold-work and tensile strength of the
brass in the annealed condition. (See Figure 8-25).

A 60 ksi tensile strength and 30% elongation gives an 18% CW condition. The tensile
strength in the annealed condition is 42 ksi.

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8-36 We want a copper sheet to have at least 50,000 psi yield strength and at least 10%
elongation, with a final thickness of 0.12 in. What range of original thickness must be
used? (See Figure 8–6.)

Solution: YS > 50 ksi requires CW ≥ 25%

% E > 10% requires CW ≤ 30%
to − 0.12 to − 0.12
= 0.25 = 0.30
to to
to = 0.16 in. to = 0.17 in.
to = 0.16 to 0.17 in.

8-37 A 3105 aluminum plate previously cold worked 20% is 2 in. thick. It is then cold worked
further to 1.3 in. Calculate the total percent cold work and determine the final
properties of the plate. (Note: 3105 designates a special composition of aluminum
alloy.) (See Figure 8–24.)
Solution: The original thickness (before the 20% cold work) must have been
to − 2 to = 2.5 in.
= 0.20
The total cold work is then based on the prior 2.5 in. thickness:
2.5 − 1.3 TS = 26 ksi
CW = × 100% = 48% YS = 23 ksi
%e = 4%

8-38 An aluminum-lithium (Al-Li) strap 0.2 in. thick and 2 in. wide is to be cut from a rolled
sheet as described in Figure 8–9. The strap must be able to support a 35,000 lb load
without plastic deformation. Determine the range of orientations from which the strap
can be cut from the rolled sheet.

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Solution: 35, 000
σ= ≥ 70, 000 psi
The properties can be obtained at angles of 0 to 20° from the rolling
direction of the sheet.

8-49 What is cold working? What features does a material have after it has been cold-
Cold-working is the plastic deformation of a metal below its recrystallization
temperature. A cold-worked metal exhibits higher yield strength than an annealed
metal and has very good surface finish and very close dimensional tolerances as
compared to a hot-worked part. The latter arises from having passed through working
dies with controlled tolerances.

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8-53 We want to draw a 0.3-in.-diameter copper wire having a yield strength of 20,000 psi
into 0.25-in. diameter wire. (a) Find the draw force, assuming no friction; (b) Will the
drawn wire break during the drawing process? Show why. (See Figure 8–6.)

Solution: (a) Before drawing (0% CW), the yield strength is 20 ksi = 20,000 psi.
(0.3)2 − (0.25) 2 which gives YS = 53,000 psi in the
CW = 2
= 30.6% drawn wire
The force needed to draw the original wire is
20, 000 psi = F / [(π /4)(0.3)2 ] or F = 1414 lb
(b) The stress acting on the drawn wire is:
S = 1414/[(π/4)(0.25)2] = 28,800 psi < 53,000 psi
Since the actual stress (28,800 psi) acting on the drawn wire is less than
the yield strength (53,000 psi) of the drawn wire, the wire will not break
during manufacturing.

8-54 A 3105 aluminum wire is to be drawn to give a 1 mm diameter wire having a yield
strength of 20,000 psi. Note 3105 designates a special composition of aluminum alloy.
(a) Find the original diameter of the wire; (b) calculate the draw force required; and (c)
determine whether the as-drawn wire will break during the process. (See Figure 8–24.)
Solution: (a) We need to cold work 25% to obtain the required yield strength:
d o2 − 12
= 0.25 d o = 1/0.75 = 1.1547 mm = 0.04546 in.
d o2
(b) The initial yield strength of the wire (with 0% cold work) is 8000 psi,
so the force required to deform the initial wire is
F = 8000[(π /4)(0.04546) 2 ] = 12.98 lb
(c) The stress acting on the drawn wire (which has a smaller diameter
but is subjected to the same drawing force) is
12.98 lb
S= = 10, 662 psi < 20, 000 psi
(π /4)(1 mm/25.4 mm/in) 2
Since the actual stress is less than the 20,000 psi yield strength of the
drawn wire, the process will be successful and the wire will not break.

8-55 The electrical conductance of a Cu-40 wt% Zn wire is measured. How much less
conductive is it than a 60% cold-worked pure Cu wire? (See Figure 8-11.)

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Referring to Figure 8-11 (b) we read the conductivity of the alloy as being about 18
Referring to Figure 8-11 (a) the conductivity of the worked wire is about 57 μS/m.
A simple division gives us a factor of 3.2× less conductive.

8-64 A titanium alloy contains a very fine dispersion of Er2O3 particles. What will be the
effect of these particles on the grain growth temperature and the size of the grains at
any particular annealing temperature? Explain.

Solution: These particles, by helping pin the grain boundaries, will increase the
grain growth temperature and decrease the grain size.

8-68 Samples of cartridge brass (Cu-30% Zn) were cold rolled and then annealed for one
hour. The data shown in the table below were obtained.

Annealing Temperature (°C) Grain Size (μm) Yield Strength (MPa)

400 15 159
500 23 138
600 53 124
700 140 62
800 505 48
(a) Plot the yield strength and grain size as a function of annealing temperature on the
same graph. Use two vertical axes, one for hardness and one for grain size.
(b) For each temperature, state which stages of the annealing process occurred, Justify
your answers by referring to features of the plot.

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Solution: (a) The plot below shows the grain size and yield strength as a function of
annealing temperature.

(b) The yield strength of samples annealed at 500°C is less than the yield
strength of samples annealed at 400°C. Thus the recrystallization
temperature must be less than 500°C. At temperatures above 500°C,
grain growth occurs.

8-69 The following data were obtained when a cold-worked metal was annealed.
(a) Estimate the recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth temperatures;
(b) recommend a suitable temperature for a stress-relief heat treatment;
(c) recommend a suitable temperature for a hot-working process; and
(d) estimate the melting temperature of the alloy.

Annealing Electrical Conductivity Yield Strength Grain Size

Temperature (oC) (ohm–1 · cm–1) (MPa) (mm)
400 3.04 × 105 86 0.10
500 3.05 × 105 85 0.10
600 3.36 × 105 84 0.10
700 3.45 × 105 83 0.098
800 3.46 × 105 52 0.030
900 3.46 × 105 47 0.031
1000 3.47 × 105 44 0.070
1100 3.47 × 105 42 0.120

Solution: (a) recovery temperature ≈ 550°C

recrystallization temperature ≅ 750°C
grain growth temperature ≅ 950°C
(b) Stress relief temperature = 700°C
(c) Hot working temperature = 900°C
(d) 0.4 Tmp ≅ 750°C = 1023 K
Tmp ≅ 1023 / 0.4 = 2558 K = 2285°C

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8-70 The following data were obtained when a cold-worked metallic material was annealed.
(a) Estimate the recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth temperatures; (b)
recommend a suitable temperature for obtaining a high-strength, high-electrical
conductivity wire; (c) recommend a suitable temperature for a hot-working process; and
(d) estimate the melting temperature of the alloy.

Annealing Residual Tensile Grain Size

Temperature (oC) Stresses (psi) Strength (psi) (in.)
250 21,000 52,000 0.0030
275 21,000 52,000 0.0030
300 5,000 52,000 0.0030
325 0 52,000 0.0030
350 0 34,000 0.0010
375 0 30,000 0.0010
400 0 27,000 0.0035
425 0 25,000 0.0072

Solution: (a) recovery temperature ≈ 280°C

recrystallization temperature ≅ 330°C
grain growth temperature ≅ 380°C
(b) For a high strength, high conductivity wire, we want to heat into
the recovery range. A suitable temperature might be 320°C.
(c) Hot working temperature = 375°C
(d) 0.4 Tmp ≅ 330°C = 603 K

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Tmp ≅ 603 / 0.4 = 1508 K = 1235°C

8-78 Plot the recrystallization temperatures in Table 8-4 as a function of the melting
temperatures. Are they proportional and, if they are, what is the proportionality
constant? Make sure to convert the temperatures to kelvin first.

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The graph:

Recrystallization temperature as a function of

melting temperature for some pure elements
Recrystallization temperature (K)

y = 0.3903x + 47.613
400 R² = 0.9716
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Melting temperature (K)

As mentioned in the text, there is an apparent proportionality. The proportionality

constant relating the two temperatures is about 0.4.

8-79 Add another column to Table 8-4 containing the range (°C) of warm working
temperatures. Remember to convert to and from degrees kelvin in performing your
This is best done in a spreadsheet. The melting temperature is converted to kelvins,
multiplied by 0.3 and 0.6, and the resulting temperatures converted back into degrees
centigrade. In a table:
Elements Warm working

range (°C)

Sn -122 - 30

Pb -93 - 87

Zn -65 - 143

Al 7 - 287

Mg 4 - 281

Ag 98 - 468

Cu 134 - 542

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Fe 270 - 814

Ni 245 - 763

Mo 592 - 1457

W 832 - 1937

8-80 Consider the tensile stress strain curves in Figure 8–20 labeled 1 and 2 and answer the
following questions. These diagrams are typical of metals. Consider each part as a
separate question that has no relationship to previous parts of the question.

(a) Which of the two materials represented by samples 1 and 2 can be cold rolled to a
greater extent? How do you know?
(b) Samples 1 and 2 have the same composition and were processed identically, except
that one of them was cold worked more than the other. The stress strain curves were
obtained after the samples were cold worked. Which sample has the lower
recrystallization temperature: 1 or 2? How do you know?
(c) Samples 1 and 2 are identical except that they were annealed at different
temperatures for the same period of time. Which sample was annealed at the higher
temperature: 1 or 2? How do you know?
(d) Samples 1 and 2 are identical except that they were annealed at the same
temperature for different periods of time. Which sample was annealed for the shorter
period of time: 1 or 2? How do you know?
Solution: (a) Sample 2 can be cold–rolled to a greater extent because it is more ductile
as evidenced by the larger strain to failure.
(b) Sample 1 was cold–worked more than Sample 2 as evidenced by its higher
strength and lower ductility. Because it was cold–worked more than
Sample 2, Sample 1 has the lower recrystallization temperature.
(c) Sample 2 was annealed at a higher temperature than Sample 1. The
higher annealing temperature led to either a larger reduction in the
dislocation density or larger grain sizes (or both), thereby decreasing
strength and increasing ductility.
(d) Sample 1 was annealed for a shorter period of time. It is stronger and less
ductile because its dislocation density was not reduced as much as for
Sample 2 and its grains are smaller.

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8-81 We wish to produce a 0.3-in. thick plate of 3105 aluminum having a tensile strength of
at least 25,000 psi and a % elongation of at least 5%. The original thickness of the plate
is 3 in. The maximum cold work in each step is 80%. Describe the cold working and
annealing steps required to make this product. Compare this process with what you
would recommend if you could do the initial deformation by hot working. (See Figure 8–

Solution: For TS ≥ 25000 CW ≥ 30%; For % elongation CW ≤ 30% ∴

≥ 5% required CW =
ti − 0.3 or ti = 0.429 in.
= 0.30
Cold work/anneal treatment Hot work treatment
CW 75% from 3.0 to 0.75 in. HW 85.7% from 3.0 to 0.429 in.
anneal CW 30% from 0.429 to 0.3 in.
CW 42.8% from 0.75 to 0.429 in.
CW 30% from 0.429 to 0.3 in.

8-82 We wish to produce a 0.2-in.-diameter wire of copper having a minimum yield strength
of 60,000 psi and a minimum % elongation of 5%. The original diameter of the rod is 2
in. and the maximum cold work in each step is 80%. Describe the cold working and
annealing steps required to make this product. Compare this process with that you
would recommend if you could do the initial deformation by hot working. (See Figure 8–

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Solution: For YS > 60 ksi, CW ≥ For % elongation > CW ≤ 45% For
40%; 5 cold work = 42%
d i2 − (0.2) 2 or di = 0.04/0.58 = 0.263 in.
= 0.42

Cold work/anneal treatment Hot work treatment

CW 75% from 2 to 1 in- HW 98.3% from 2 to 0.263 in.
anneal CW 42% from 0.263 to 0.2 in.
CW 75% from 1 to 0.5 in.
CW 72.3% from 0.5 to 0.263
CW 42% from 0.263 to 0.2

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