GATE Online Coaching Classes: Digital Communications

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GATE Online Coaching Classes

Digital Communications
Online Class-5

Dr.B.Leela Kumari
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
University college of Engineering Kakinada
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada

6/24/2020 Dr. B. Leela Kumari UCEK JNTUK Kakinada 1

Band Pass Transmission

Binary Amplitude Shift keying (BASK)
Binary Frequency Shift keying(BFSK)
Binary Phase Shift keying (BPSK).
Objective Type Questions and Problems

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Classification of Digital Communications

Digital Communication

Baseband data Transmission Band pass data Transmission

Binary M-ary
Pulse analog Pulse Digital Transmission



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 Baseband digital signals have significant power content in the lower part
of the frequency spectrum. Because of this, these signals can be
conveniently transmitted over a pair of wires or co-axial cables.

 At the same time, because of the same reason, it is not possible to have
efficient wireless transmission of baseband signals as it would require
prohibitively large antennas, which would not be a practical or feasible

 Therefore, if baseband digital signals are to be transmitted over a wireless

communication link, they should first modulate a continuous wave high-
frequency carrier.

 Digital Modulation provides more information capacity, high data security,

quicker system availability with great quality communication. Hence,
digital modulation techniques have a greater demand, for their capacity to
convey larger amounts of data than analog ones.

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Digital Modulation Techniques

Three well-known techniques available for the

purpose include
 Binary Amplitude Shift keying (BASK)
Binary Frequency Shift keying(BFSK) and
Binary Phase Shift keying (BPSK).

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Types of Modulation

 Coherent Modulation
Non Coherent modulation

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Coherent demodulation: requires a replica carrier
wave of the same frequency and phase at the
Also known as synchronous demodulation
Carrier recovery methods
 Applicable to: PSK, FSK, ASK, etc.

The coherent detection makes the use of linear


In this ,it is assumed that the local carrier at the

receiver is perfectly Synchronized with the
carrier used in the transmitter in terms of
frequency and phase.

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Types of Synchronization:
Two forms of Synchronization are required for
the operation of coherent detection.

 Timing Synchronization : enables proper timing of

decision making operation in the receiver

Phase Synchronization: Which ensures that carrier

wave generated locally in the receiver is locked in phase
with respect to one that is employed in the transmitter.

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It is efficient performance with high SNR

Requires complex circuit

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Non-coherent demodulation: does not require a
reference carrier wave

Non-coherent demodulation: does not require a

reference carrier wave
It is less complex than coherent demodulation (easier
to implement), but has worse performance
 Example: FSK non-coherent demodulator
Applicable to: DPSK, FSK, etc.
 Example: FSK non-coherent demodulator the received
signal and replica carrier are cross-correlated

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It is Simple

Probability of error increases

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• ASK converts Digital signal into Analog signal

• The Amplitude of carrier signal( Analog carrier) is

varied in accordance with the instantaneous values
of modulating signal ( Binary data)

• In the simplest form of amplitude shift keying (ASK),

the carrier signal is switched ON and OFF depending
upon whether a `1’ or `0’ is to be transmitted
ASK is also known as ON-OFF keying (OOK).
• The signal in this case is represented by the following
s(t) = Acos ωct for bit 1
=0 for bit 0
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s(t)= A Cos ωct for Symbol 1
=0 for Symbol 0
The Power of the symbol Ps= (A/√2)2
Ps= (A2/2)
A = √ 2Ps
s(t)= A sin ωct= √ 2Ps Cos ωct for Symbol 1
√ 2Es /Ts Cos ωct

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Constellation diagram
Constellation diagram is a graphical
representation of the complex envelope of each
possible symbol state
The x-axis represents the in-phase component
and the y-axis the quadrature component of the
complex envelope
 The distance between signals on a constellation
diagram relates to how different the modulation
waveforms are and how easily a receiver can
differentiate between them.
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Constellation Diagram for ASK

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Modulation of ASK

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ASK Demodulator
ASK Coherent Demodulator

ASK A Decision
⊗ Device


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For a Symbol 1, the Acos ωct is one of the inputs
to the product modulator of Receiver section
The out put of product modulator
= Acos ωct. cos ωct
= A cos2 ωct
= A (1+cos 2ωct) /2
Demodulated out put = A /2 =logic 1

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ASK Demodulator
ASK Non Coherent Demodulator

Binary ASK Demodulated out put

Envelope Detector

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Bandwidth of ASK

 Bandwidth of ASK is proportional to baud rate of

message signal
 BW α r
 B.W = (1+d) r
= (1+d)R/n
d is Factor of modulating and filtering process
R-Bit rate or Data rate
N- number of bits per sample
For ideal modulation d=0, BW= r
For worst case modulation d=1, BW=2r
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Broadcasting of Signals
Wireless Telegraph

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• The OOK has the disadvantage that appearance of
any noise during transmission of bit `0’ can be
misinterpreted as data.

• This problem can be overcome by switching the

amplitude of the carrier between two amplitudes,
one representing a `1’ and the other representing a

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• FSK converts Digital signal into Analog signal
• The Frequency of carrier signal( Analog
carrier) is varied in accordance with the
instantaneous values of the modulating signal
( Binary data)

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In frequency shift keying (FSK), it is the frequency of
the carrier signal that is switched between two values,
one representing bit `1’ and the other representing bit
`0’ as shown in Fig Modulated carrier signal in this case
is represented by the following expression:
s(t) = Acos ωc1t for bit 1
= Acos ωc2t for bit 0

ωc1 = (ωct +Ω) Mark Frequency

ωc2 =(ωct+Ω) Space Frequency
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Modulation of FSK

NRZ binary input FSK OUT PUT

Acos ωc1t for bit 1
Acos ωc2t for bit 0


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The spectrum of BFSK may be viewed as the
sum of Two ASK spectra

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Bandwidth of FSK

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Demodulation of FSK
Coherent Demodulator

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Noncoherent Demodulator

Non coherent FSK demodulator

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• In telephone line modem used FSK to transmit
300 bits/sec at two frequencies 1070Hz &
1270 Hz

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 In case of FSK, when modulation rate
increases, the difference between the two
chosen frequencies to represent a `1’ and
a `0’ also needs to be higher.

 Keeping in view the restriction in available

bandwidth, it would not be possible to
achieve bit transmission rate beyond a certain

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6/24/2020 Dr. B. Leela Kumari UCEK JNTUK Kakinada 40
We have an available Band Width of 100 KHz which spans from 200 to
300KHz. What should be carrier frequency and the bit rate if we modulated our
data by using FSK.
0’S 1’S

Frequency (KHz)

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• PSK converts Digital signal into Analog signal
• The Phase of the carrier signal( Analog
carrier) is varied in accordance with the
instantaneous values of modulating signal (
Binary data)

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• In phase shift keying (PSK), the phase of the carrier is
discretely varied with respect to either a reference phase or to the
phase of the immediately preceding signal element in accordance with
the data being transmitted.

• For example, when encoding bits, the phase shift could be 0° for
encoding a bit `0’ and 180° for encoding a bit `1’ as shown in Fig The
phase shift could have been -90° for encoding a bit `0’ and +90° for
encoding a bit `1’. The essence is that representations for `0’ and `1’
are a total of 180° apart.

• Such PSK systems in which the carrier can assume only two different
phase angles are known as binary phase shift keying (BPSK) systems.

• We can appreciate that in BPSK system, each phase

change carries one bit of information that is the bit rate equals the
modulation rate

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The carrier signals used to represent `0’ and `1’
bits could be expressed as follows:

s(t) = Acos ωct for bit 1

= Acos (ωct+π) for bit 0
s(t) = Acos ωct for bit 1
= -Acos (ωct) for bit 0

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Constellation Diagram for PSK

The constellation diagram for BPSK displays the

characteristic of antipodal signalling.
This means that the symbols used are equal and opposite
to each other in the constellation space.
antipodal signalling is a prerequisite for achieving optimum
data detection performance in noise.

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Modulation of BPSK

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Operation of Balanced Modulator

For binary bit 1,D1 and D2 are in off state and D2 and D4 are in on
state with the polarities shown.
For binary bit 0,D2 and D4 are in off state and D1 and D2 are in on state
with the polarities shown.

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Demodulation of BPSK

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Bandwidth of BPSK
The Spectrum of BPSK is same as BASK.

Bandwidth of BPSK is same as BASK

If Rb is the bit rate, the Bandwidth of BPSK is 2Rb

The Minimum Bandwidth of BPSK is Rb

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Advantages of PSK:
 Better than FSK and ASK
Bandwidth is better than FSK
Noise Immunity
Better data rate than FSK

No Non coherent detection

In Digital Communications
 it was also used in telephone modems with data rate
2400 and 4800bps.
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Objective Type questions and Problems

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1. The detection method where carrier’s phase is given
importance is called as
a) Coherent detection
b) Non coherent detection
c) Coherent detection & Non coherent detection
d) None

2. The coherent modulation techniques are

a) PSK
b) FSK
c) ASK
d) All of the mentioned

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3. The real part of a sinusoid carrier wave is called
a) Inphase
b) Quadrature
c) Inphase & Quadrature
d) None of the mentioned

4. Which modulation scheme is also called as on-off

keying method?
a) ASK
b) FSK
c) PSK

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5. Determine the peak frequency deviation, for a binary
FSK signal with a mark frequency of 51 kHz, a space
frequency of 49 kHz, and an input bit rate of 2 .
The peak frequency deviation is
∆f =(mark frequency-space frequency)/2
=|49kHz - 51 kHz| / 2 =1 kHz kbps.

6.For the above problem 5, determine minimum

minimum bandwidth = 2( + 2Rb)

= 2(1+2) =6K
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7 .For the above problem 5, determine baud Rate

For FSK, N = 1, and the baud rate = bit rate

baud = 2000 / 1 = 2000

8. The BPSK is also known as

a. Phase Reversing Keying
b. Bi Phase modulation
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
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9. For the bit stream 1101100010, the waveforms in the following figures (a), (b)
and (c) correspond to which of the keying techniques, respectively



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10. The Minimum Band Width of ASK is equal to, if bit Rate is Rb
a. Rb
b. 2Rb
c. 3 Rb
d.4 Rb

11. Which One of the following band pass digital modulation scheme cannot be detected
a. ASK
d. None of the above

12. For a bit rate of 8 kbps, the best possible values of the transmitted frequencies in a coherent
binary FSK system are

(a) 16 kHz and 20 kHz (b) 20 kHz and 32 kHz

(c) 20 kHz and 40 kHz (d) 32 kHz and 40 kHz

As bit rate is 8 kbps, transmitted frequencies in coherent BFSK should be integral multiple of
8 kbps, that is, 32 kHz and 40 kHz

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13. In Binary FSK, mark and space respectively represent

a. 1 and 0
b. 0 and 1
c. 11 and 00
d. 00 and 11

14. The maximum bandwidth is occupied by

a. ASK
c. FSK
d. Same for all
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15. The frequency shifts in the BFSK usually lies in the range

a. 50 to 1000 Hz
b. 100 to 2000 Hz
c. 200 to 500 Hz
d. 500 to 10 Hz

16. The number of bits of data transmitted per second is called

a. Data signaling rate

b. Modulation rate
c. Coding
d. None of the above

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17. ASK modulated signal has the bandwidth
a. Same as the bandwidth of baseband signal
b. Half the bandwidth of baseband signal
c. Double the bandwidth of baseband signal
d. None of the above

18. Coherent detection of binary ASK signal requires

a. Phase synchronization
b. Timing synchronization
c. Amplitude synchronization
d. Both a and b

19. In Binary Phase Shift Keying system, the binary symbols 1 and 0 are represented by
carrier with phase shift of
a. Π/2
b. Π
c. 2Π
d. 0

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20. BPSK system modulates at the rate of
a. 1 bit/ symbol
b. 2 bit/ symbol
c. 4 bit/ symbol
d. None of the above

21. The BPSK signal has +V volts and -V

volts respectively to represent
a. 1 and 0 logic levels
b. 11 and 00 logic levels
c. 10 and 01 logic levels
d. 00 and 11 logic levels
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22. The spectrum of BPSK signal is
a. Same as BASK
b. Same as BFSK
c. zero bandwidth
d. None of the above

23. The spectrum of BFSK may be viewed as the

sum of
a. Two ASK spectra
b. Two PSK spectra
c. Two FSK spectra
d. None of the above

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24. Find the maximum bit rates of an FSK signal in bps, if the bandwidth of the medium is 12 kHz
and the difference between the two carriers is 2 kHz(given that transmission mode is full

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25. A BPSK modulator has a carrier frequency of 70 MHz and an input bit rate of 10 Mbps.
The maximum upper sideband frequency in MHz is
(a) 75
(b) 65
(c) 70
(d) 5 ( o/p )BPSK= (Sin2π fat)( Sin2πfct)
fa is Maximum fundamental frequency of binary input =fb/2
fb is input bit rate
fc is reference carrier frequency

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26. For the modulator given in the above Question 25, the
minimum lower sideband frequency in MHz is

(a) 75 (b) 65 (c) 70 (d) 5

27. For the modulator given in the above Question 25, the
minimum required baud rate (in Mbauds) of the system is

(a) 75 (b) 65 (c) 20 (d) 10

minimum required baud rate =Bit Rate = 10Mbps

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28. For the modulator given in the above
Question 25, the minimum Nyquist band width
and the minimum Nyquist Sampling rate of the
system is

The minimum Nyquist band width = USB-LSB

=75-65 = 10MHz

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29. In a digital communication system employing FSK, the 0 and 1 bits are
represented by sine waves of 10 kHz and 25 kHz, respectively. These
waveforms will be orthogonal for a bit interval of

(a) 45 μs (b) 200 μ s (c) 50 μ s (d) 250 μ s

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30. Find the minimum bandwidth (in kHz) required for transmitting an ASK signal at 2 kbps in
half duplex transmission mode.
In ASK, the baud rate and bit rate are the same.
Therefore, baud rate is 2000 bauds.
An ASK signal requires a minimum bandwidth equal to its baud rate.
Therefore, minimum bandwidth = 2000 Hz = 2 kHz

31. A communication system employs ASK to transmit a 10 kbps binary signal. Find the baud
rate required in bauds.
For an ASK system, the baud rate required is the same as the bit rate of the signal.
The baud rate = 10000 bauds

32. For the data given in the above Question, find the minimum bandwidth required in hertz

For an ASK system, the minimum bandwidth is the same as the bit rate of the signal.
Therefore, minimum bandwidth = 10000 Hz

6/24/2020 Dr. B. Leela Kumari UCEK JNTUK Kakinada 71

1. communication systems by B.P.Lathi
2. Principles of communication systems by Herber Taub.Donald & Schilling,Goutam
3. Digital Communications ,Design for real World by Andy Bateman
4. Digital Communications by Dr.K.N.Hari Bhat ans Dr.D.Ganesh Rao
5. Communication Syatems,by R.P.Singh , S D Sapre
6. Digital Communications second edition by CH. Kranthi Rekha
7. Digital Communications theory ,techniques and applications by R.N.Mutagi
8. Digital Communications by P.Rama Krishna Rao
9. Wiley Acing the GATE Examination For Electronics and Communication Engineering
11. gate

Disclaimer: The material presented in this presentation is taken from various standard
Textbooks and Internet Resources and the presenter is acknowledging all the authors.

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Thank You

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