Material Testing Laboratory Manual: Semester-4
Material Testing Laboratory Manual: Semester-4
Material Testing Laboratory Manual: Semester-4
Semester- 4th
Code- PCI4I201
1. Shape and size test of brick 4-6
2 Determination of water absorption of brick
3 Determination of compressive strength of brick
4 Determination of fineness of cement by dry sieving/ by air permeability
5 Determination of normal consistency of cement
6 Determination of initial and final setting time of cement
7 Determination of specific gravity of cement by using specific gravity
bottle. / by using Le- Chatelier Flask.
8 Determination of soundness of cement 28-31
9 Determination of compressive strength of cement mortar
Determination of fineness modulus and grain size distribution of fine 36-39
10 aggregate
13 Tensile strength of Steel
1. General Rules
a. Be alert and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory.
b. Do not touch any equipment, other materials in the laboratory area until you
are instructed to do so.
c. Do not operate machinery unless you have received instructions on their
correct usage
d. Students are not allowed to do any load test on test frame, without supervision
by the project supervisor.
e. Clear away the rubbish and clean up the work area and apparatusprovided for
each experiment after use.
f. Clean up the machine after use.
g. Do not abuse the equipment and tools.
h. Any damage to equipment or apparatus must be reported immediately to the
duty personnel.
i. Waste material should be disposed off properly.
j. Exercise extreme care when handling sharp-pointed or sharp-edged tools.
k. All accidents that occur in the laboratory must be reported.
l. Report all breakage, and tools and machines that are faulty.
m. Do not use tools that are blunt or in poor condition.
n. You must always concentrate/ focus on your work and know where the
Emergency switch is located.
Experiment no.-1
Bricks are the most commonly used construction material. In this test randomly collected 20
bricks are staked along lengthwise, width wise and height wise and then those are measured
to know the variation of sizes as per standard. Bricks are closely viewed to check if its edges
are sharp and straight and uniform in shape. A good quality brick should have bright and
uniform colour throughout.
For good quality bricks the result should be within the following permissible limits.
Error Calculation:
Error = Ml - Pv
Error = Mw - Pv
Error = Mh - Pv
The number of standard size brick is less or more due to randomly collected different size of
Experiment no.-2
Bricks are made up of earthen components. Therefore when exposed to moisture tend to
absorb but when this water content is evaporated from the brick, salt deposit appears on the
surface of the brick giving a white layer. The absorption of water of a standard brick (190
mm X 90 mm X 90 mm) should be less than 16% by weight in 24 hrs.
Weighing balance (sensitive to 0.1 gm), trowel, tray, oven, water bath
Take the sample of 3 bricks and dry these in the oven at a temperature of 110-1150C
for at least 48 hours. These are then allowed to cool in the oven with the oven
switched off until they reach ambient room temperature and then each weighed on the
weighing balance and the dry weight of sample is taken as W1.
Place each specimen in turn in the water bath allowing water freely to circulate on all
sidesfor 24 hours.
Remove all the specimens and allow to dry to saturated surface dried condition and
weighed on the balance. The weighing should be completed within 2 minutes from
their removal from the bath and the weight of the sample is taken as W2.
The water absorption is found to be ----- %
Hence the water absorption value is within the permissible limit.
The bricks should be collected of uniform size.
The bricks should be fully immersed in water.
IS: 5454 – Method of sampling for clay building bricks.
IS: 1077 – Common burnt clay building bricks- Specification.
Experiment no.-3
Bricks are the most commonly used building blocks used in construction works as masonry
walls, paving bricks or in floorings where these are primarily subjected to compressive
stresses. The strength of masonry wall is dependent uponthe basic strength of bricks as well
as mortar. Therefore it is important to test the bricks for their compressive strength to assess
the load carrying capacity of structural units constructed out of them. As per IS: 1077-1970,
the minimum crushing strength of bricks is 3.5 N/mm2 (50 kg/ cm2) and bricks having
compressive strength less than 5 N/mm2 (50 kg/cm2) are not used for structural works.
The common bricks are classified on the basis of their average compressive strength as
given in the following table:
The compressive strength of any individual brick tested is not to fall below the minimum
compressive strength specified for the corresponding class of bricks by more than 15 percent.
Compression testing machine, Weighing balance (sensitive to 0.1 gm), trowel, tray, damp
jute bags
Bricks as per IS: 5454, cement, coarse sand of grade 3mm and down, water
The frog and all the void spaces are to be properly filed with cement mortar so as to
give a plane surface for loading.
After filling the frog and any other voids the bricks should be fully immersed in
The testing sample should be placed with flat face horizontal and mortar face facing
upwards and the load is to be applied centrally.
Experiment no.-4
The degree of fineness of cement is a measure of the mean size of the grains in
cement. The rate of hydration and hydrolysis and consequent development of strength in
cement mortar depends upon the fineness of cement. The finer cement has quicker action
with water and gains early strength though its ultimate strength remains unaffected.
However,the shrinkage and cracking of cement will increase with the fineness of cement.
90 micron IS Sieve (conforming to IS: 460 part-I), pan, weighing balance (sensitive to 0.1
Take 500 gm of cement (W1) in a plate and weigh accurately and transfer it to a clean
dry IS test sieve by breaking down of any air set lumps.
Then sieve the cement with gentle wrist motion until most of the fine material passed
through and the residue looked fairly clean.
Take the weight of the residue as W2.
Figure 1: 90 µ IS sieve
= (W2/W1) X 100
The cement is suitable for use in construction as the fineness of the cement is less than 10%.
Any air set lump in the sample should be broken down with fingers but it should not
be rubbed on the sieve.
The sieve must be cleaned thoroughly before starting the experiment.
The care should be taken to ensure that no cement is spilled. After sieving all residue
must be taken out carefully and weighed.
The fineness of cement is measured as specific surface. Finer cement offers a greater surface
area for hydration and hence faster the development of strength (Fig. 2). Specific surface is
expressed as the total surface area in square meters of all the cement particles in one kilogram
of cement. The higher the specific surface is, the finer cement will be. Principle of air
permeability method is in observing the time taken for fixed quantity of air to flow through
compacted cement bed of specified dimension and porosity. Under standardized conditions
the specific surface of the cement is proportional to t0.5 where t is the time for given quantity
of air to flow through compacted cement bed. The number and size range of individual pores
in the specified bed are determined by the cement particle size distribution which also
determine the time for the specified air flow.
𝜌0 (1 − 𝑒0 ) 𝑒2 0.1𝜂0 𝑡
𝑆 = × ×√ 2×√ × √ × 𝑆0
𝜌 (1 − 𝑒) 𝑒0 0.1𝜂 𝑡0
Where e = porosity
𝜂0 = Air viscosity at the mean of three temperature for standard cement (Pa-s)
Place the perforated disc on the ledge at the bottom of the cell and place on it a new filter
paper disc. Place the weighed quantity of standard cement, W, in the cell taking care to
avoid loss. Place a second new filter paper disc on the levelled cement. Insert the plunger
and press it gently but the lower face of the cap is in contact with the cell. Slowly
withdraw the plunger, rotate it through 900 and press once again. The bed is now
compacted and ready for permeability test.
Test is performed on the Blaine apparatus (see Fig.). It is practically manometer in the U-
tube form. One arm of the manometer is provided at the top with conical socket to form
an airtight fit with the conical surface of the cell. The same arm has four etched lines M1
to M4 and T-joint , which lead to an airtight stopcock beyond which is attached aspiration
rubber bulb.
Manometer is filled to the level of the lowest etched line with non-volatile, non-
hygroscopic liquid of low viscosity and density.
Insert the conical surface of the cell into the socket at the top of the manometer.
Open the stopcock and with gentle aspiration raise the level of the manometer liquid to
that of the highest etched line. Close the stopcock and the manometer liquid will begins
to flow. Start the timer as the liquid reaches the second etched line and stop it when the
liquid reaches the third etched line. Record the time, t and the temperature, T.
The procedure repeats three times
Fineness S =
𝜌0 (1 − 𝑒0 ) 𝑒2 0.1𝜂0 𝑡
𝑆 = × ×√ 2×√ × √ × 𝑆0
𝜌 (1 − 𝑒) 𝑒0 0.1𝜂 𝑡0
Where e = porosity
ρ = density of the cement
𝜂0 = Air viscosity at the mean of three temperature for standard cement (Pa-s)
1. Take care to avoid loss when placing the weighed quantity of cememnt.
2. Take care when compact the cement by the plunger.
3. Carefully note down the reading.
Experiment no.-5
The object of conducting this test is to find out the amount of water to be added to the cement
to get a paste of normal consistency,i.e.,the paste of a certain standard solidity which is used
to fix the quantity of water to be mixed in cement before performing tests for setting time,
soundness and compressive strength.
1. Vicat apparatus with plunger of 10 mm dia and 50 mm long, Vicatmould with glass
plate. The vicat mould is of single piecetruncated conical form with internal dia 70±5
mm at top, 80±5 mm at the bottom and a height of 40±2 mm.
2. Gaugingtrowel, measuring jar(100 ml),weighing balance of capacity 1 kg (sensitive
up to 0.1 gm w),stop watch, non-porous plate, standard spatula.
For preparing one mould take 400 gm of cement passing 850-micron IS sieve and
prepare a paste of cement with a weighed quantity of water (100 ml) taking care that
the time of gauging is between 3 minutes to 5 minutes.The gauging time is counted
from the time of adding water to the dry cement until commencing to fill the mould.
Fill the vicat mould resting upon non-porous plate with this plate.After completely
filling the mould, smooth off the surface of the paste by single movement of palm
making it level with the top of the mould.The mould may be slightly shaken to expel
Place the test block in mould with the non-porous resting plate under the rod attached
with the plunger A.Lower the plunger gently to touch the surface of the test block and
release it quickly,allowing it to sink into the paste.
Hence the percentage of water required to produce a cement paste of standard consistency is -
---------- by weight of cement.
Experiment no.-6
To determine the initial and final setting time of a given cement sample by Vicat apparatus.
In order that the concrete may be placed in position conveniently, it is necessary that the
initial setting time of cement is not too quick and after it has been laid hardening should be
rapid so that the structure can be made use of as early as possible.The initial set is a stage in
the process of hardening after which any cracks that may appear will not re-unite. The
concrete is said to be finally set when it has obtained sufficient strength and hardness.
Therefore certain limits for initial and final setting times have to be specified.
1. Vicat apparatus with needle for the initial setting time and annular collar for final
setting time, Vicat mould with glass plate. The vicat mould is of single piece
truncated conical form with internal dia 70±5 mm at top, 80±5 mm at the bottom and
a height of 40±2 mm.
2. Gauging trowel, measuring jar (100 ml), weighing balance of capacity 1 kg (sensitive
up to 0.1 gm w), stop watch, non-porous plate, standard spatula.
For the determination of initial setting time,place the test block confined in the mould
and resting on non-porous plate under the rod attached with the needle B,lower the
needle gently in contact with the surface of the test block and release quickly,allowing
it to penetrate into the test block.
Repeat this procedure until the needle fails to pierce the block for about 5 mm
measured from the bottom of the mould.The period elapsed between the time when
water is added to the cement and the time at which the needle fails to pierce the test
block by about 5 mm is the initial setting time.
Determination of Final Setting Time:
For the determination of final setting time replace the needle B of the Vicat apparatus
by the needle with an annular attachment C.The cement is considered finally set
when,upon applying the needle C gently to the surface of the test block,the needle
makes an impression thereon,while the attachment fails to do so.
1.Time in minutes
2.Initial reading
3.Final reading
Initial setting time of cement and final setting time are found to be------ minute and --------
minute respectively.
As the cement used was Portland-pozzolana-cement the setting time found from the
experiment is greater than the setting time of ordinary Portland cement i.e.
Initial setting time – --------------------------minutes.
Final setting time - ----------------------------minutes or hours.
The experiment should be conducted at a room temperature of 27±2ºC and at a
relative humidity of 90 percent.
After a half minute from the instant of adding water, it should be thoroughly mixed
with fingers for at least one minute.A ball of this paste is prepared and then it is
pressed into the test mould,mounted on the non-porous plate.
The plunger should be released quickly without pressure or jerk,after the rod is
brought down to touch the surface of the test block.
For each repetition of the experiment fresh cement is to be taken.
Plunger should be cleaned during every repetition and make sure that it moves freely
and there are no vibrations.
1. IS: 4031 (Part- IV) -1988- Determination of consistency of standard cement paste.
2. IS : 4031 Part V ) – 1988
3. IS : 5513-1976- Specification for vicat’s apparatus
Experiment no.-7
Specific gravity is normally defined as the ratio between the mass of a given volume
of material and mass of equal volume of water. One of the methods of determining the
specific gravity of cement is by the use of a liquid such as water free kerosene which doesn’t
react with cement. A specific gravity bottle may be employed or standard Le- chartiliers flask
may be used.
Cement free from any air lump, kerosene free from water
Specific gravity of kerosene =
W5(W3 − W1)
(W5 + W3 − W4) − (W2 − W1)
W5 =Weight of cement
The dried Le-chatelier flask is taken and the kerosene is filled to a point on the stem between
zero and one ml.
(ii) The inside of the flask is dried above the level of the liquid.
(iii) The flask is immersed in a constant temperature water bath maintained at room
temperature for sufficient time.
(iv)The level of the kerosene oil in the flask is recorded as initial reading.
(v) Introduce about 60 gms of cement into the flask so that the level of kerosene rises to about
say 22 ml mark. Splashing should be avoided and cement should not be to allowed to adhere
to the sides of the flask above the liquid.
(vi)The glass nipple is inserted into the flask and it is rolled gently in an inclined position to
free the cement from air until no further air bubble rises to the surface of the liquid.
(vii) The flask is kept again in Constant temperature water both and note down the new liquid
level as final reading.
The cement is suitable for use in construction as the specific gravity of the cement is found to
be ---------------.
Experiment no.-8
AIM OF THE EXPERIMENT: To verify the soundness of cement by Le- Chetelier
apparatus method.
Cement is said to be nif it does not undergo significant volume change during
hardening process and it is presumed to be unsound, when the percentage of free time and
magnesia is more than that specified. However, the unsoundness may be reduced by limiting
the magnesia content to less than 0.5 percent, by allowing the cement to aerate for several
days and though proper mixing.
There are two methods by which the soundness of cement can be determined namely
(1) Le-Chetelier method and (2) Auto clave method. In Le-Chetelier test, the expansion in
cement should not be more than 10mm according to: 269. However, it may be noted that
expansion due to the presence of free lime only is mostly reflected in Le-Chetelier’s test.
In this method, the field condition of exposure of cement to natural weathering agent is
stimulated by accelerated hydration due to boiling of the specimen in water in the laboratory.
About 50gm (W) of cement of known normal consistency (P) is weighted for each
The amount of water equal to 0.78P * W measured with the help of measuring cylinder
(where P &W are as defined above)
The cement sample and water are mixed properly to form a paste.
The brass spilt cylinder mould is placed one glass plate and the above cement paste is
filled up in it.
Care is taken to keep the edge of the mould gently together, while filling the cement
paste is the mould.
The split cylinder with sample is covered with another piece of glass plate and the lead
weight is placed over it.
The above assembly is submerged in fresh and clean water maintained at a temperature
of 27#2”C and kept it there for 24 hours.
After curing, the distance separating the indicator points is accurately measured in mm.
Again, the mould is submerged in water at the same above prescribed temperature in a
water container or water bath.
The water in the water bath is allowed to boil for 3 hours with the mould kept
submerged in it by raising the temperature to boiling point in about 25 to 30 mintutes.
Then the mould is removed from water, allowed to cool in natural manner and the
distance between the indicator points is masured.
The difference between the two measurements represents the Le- chetelier expansion of
cement on hydration.
Average value of Le- Chatelier expansion of the cement has been found to be ______
1) I.S:4031 – Method of physical test for hydraulic cement – (Part - III) Determination
of soundness of cement.
Experiment no.-9
To determine the compressive strength of 1:3cement sand mortar cubes after 7 days
and 28 days of curing.
The compressive strength of cement mortar determined in order to verify whether the
cement confirms to IS specification(IS:269-1976) and whether it will be able to develop the
required compressive strength of concrete.
Cube moulds- 7.06 cm size (9 no.s), Vibrating machine, Enamel trough, Measuring
cylinder- 100 ml/ 200 ml capacity, Trowels, Nonporous plates, Weighing balance of accuracy
0.02 gm,Grease/ lubricating oil, compression testing machine.
Cement, water
Calculate the material required. The material for each cube shall be mixed
separately and the quantity of cement and standard sand shall be as follows
Cement =200gm
The mixture of cement and standard sand in the proportion of 1:3 by mass, on a
nonporous plate or china dish, was placed, mixed (when dry) with a trowel for one
minute was of uniform colour. Percentage of water was used ( +3.0) and time of
gauging about 3-4 minutes.
The assembled mould was placed on the table of the vibrating machine and it was
firmly held in position with clamps.
Immediately after mixing the mortar, the entire quantity of mortar was filled in the
cube mould and compacted by Vibrating machine. The period of vibration shall be 2
minutes at the specified speed of 12000±400 cycles per minute.
The mould was removed from the machine and it was kept at a temperature of 27±2ºC
on an atmosphere at least 90% relative humidity for 24 hrs after completion of
After 24 hrs, the cube was removed from the mould and immediately after submerged
in clean and fresh water and kept there until taken out just prior to breaking. The
water in which the cubes are submerged, shall be renewed after 7 days and be
maintained at temperature of 27±2ºC.The cubes were kept wet till they are placed in
machine for testing.
B) Testing
The test cube is placed on the platform of compression testing machine (by keeping
any of its transverse surfaces horizontal) co- axially without any packing between the
cube and the steel platens of the testing machine.
The test cube at a particular age is tested and the corresponding readings are recorded.
Referring to the specification of cement, the test result indicates that the cement satisfies /
does not satisfy the requirements of strength development at ages of ------------- and -----------
Experiment no.-10
Fine aggregate
The size of the fine aggregate is limited to maximum of4.75mm gauge beyond which
it is known as coarse aggregate. Sand as fine aggregate for concrete or mortar is required to
be well graded on the principle that the smaller particle shall fill the voids between larger
particles leaving minimum voids that are supposed to be filled up by the cement particle in
the resulting mass.
For normal structural purpose, the grading shall be within the limits specified in
IS:383: 1970. Standard grading zones or limits of percentages passing different sieves are
specified for proper grading of sand into grading zones I, II, III, IV as shown in the following
In order to ensure the presence of all sizes of particles, the property of aggregate called
fineness modulus is defined. The fineness modulus represents the massed average size of the
sieve on which the material is retained, the sieve being counted from the finest. The
following limits on fineness modulus may be taken as guidance.
Take 1kg of fine aggregate from a laboratory sample.Care shall be taken to ensure
that the sieves are clean before use.
Carry out sieving by using sieve shaker. Shake each in
order4.75mm,2.36mm,1.18mm,600𝜇𝑚,300𝜇𝑚,150𝜇𝑚 over a clean tray for a period
2minutes Shaking.
The shaking shall be done with a varied motion, backward sand forwards, left to right,
circular clockwise and anti-clockwise, and with frequent jarring, so that the material is
kept moving over the sieve surface in frequently changing directions.
Material shall not be forced through the sieve by hand pressure. Lumps of fine
material, if present, may be broken by gentle pressure with fingers against the side of
the sieve.
Find the mass of aggregate retained on each sieve taken in order.
Sl IS sieve mass percentage percentage percentage
No. size retained(gm) retained(gm) passing retained
i. Fineness modulus of a given sample of fine aggregate is …….. that indicate Coarse
sand/ Medium sand/ Fine sand.
ii. The given sample of fine aggregate belongs to Grading Zones I / II / III / IV.
iii. Particle size distribution or grading curve is plotted between the cumulative
percentages finer or passing vs. Particle size or sieve size on a semi-logarithimic
The experiment has an important bearing on the on the concrete mix. From the result of sieve
analysis one is able to proportion the fine and coarse aggregate in order to get combine mix
of required gradation.
1. Material is not to be forced through the sieve by hand pressure but light brushing with
a soft brush on the underside of the sieve may be used to clear the sieve openings.
2. There should be no loss of material or fines during the process of weighing, sieving
or transferring and the total weight on the sieves and bottom pan should tally with the
sample weight taken.
1. IS: 383- Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete.
2. IS: 2386-( Part-1) Method of test for aggregates for concrete, particle size and shape.
Experiment no.-11
Coarse aggregate
Aggregate larger than 4.75 mm IS sieve is called coarse aggregate. When the aggregate
contains different sizes of particles in suitable proportion, it is called a graded aggregate. This
graded aggregate improves the workability of concrete.
Sieve analysis of aggregates is done to determine the proportions smaller than the different
sizes of particles and is given in terms of percentage of total aggregates passing through each
sieve size. The results are plotted on a graph with ordinates showing percentage of aggregate
passing or finer than a particular size while the abscissa shows the sieve size on logarithimic
scale and the resulting curve is known as grading curve/ gradation curve.
In order to ensure the presence of all sizes of particles, the property of aggregate called
fineness modulus is defined. The fineness modulus represents the massed average size of the
sieve on which the material is retained, the sieve being counted from the finest.
The sample is brought to an air dry condition either by drying at room temperature or
by heating at a temperature of 1000C t0 1100C and cooled.
The air dried sample of course aggregate is then weighed accurately.
The sample of aggregate is sieved successively on the appropriate sieves starting with
the largest in order 80mm,40mm,20mm,10mm and 4.75mm over a clean tray for a
period 2minutes Shaking.
The shaking shall be done with a varied motion, backward sand forwards, left to right,
circular clockwise and anti-clockwise, and with frequent jarring, so that the material is
kept moving over the sieve surface in frequently changing directions.
Material shall not be forced through the sieve by hand pressure. Lumps of fine
material, if present, may be broken by gentle pressure with fingers against the side of
the sieve.
Lumps of fine material, if present, is to be broken by gentle pressure with fingers
against the side of the sieve.
Find the mass of aggregate retained on each sieve taken in order.
∑ 𝐶𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑+500
Fineness Modulus coarse aggregate=
The experiment has an important bearing on the concrete mix.From the result of sieve
analysis one is able to proportion the fine and coarse aggregate in order to get combine mix
of required gradation.
1. IS: 2386-(Part-1) Method of test for aggregates for concrete, particle size and shape.
2. IS: 383- Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete.
3. IS: 460- IS specification for test sieves.
Experiment no.-12
A 15-cm diameter open-ended steel cylinder, with plunger and base-plate, of the general form
and dimensions shown in Fig. A straight metal tamping rod, A balance of capacity 3 kg,
readable and accurate to one gram, IS Sieves of sizes 12.5, 10 and 2.36 mm, For measuring
the sample, cylindrical metal measure of sufficient rigidity to retain its form under rough
usage and of the following internal dimensions: Diameter 11.5 cm and Height 18.0 cm
Course aggregate
The ‘aggregate crushing value’ gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing
under a gradually applied compressive load. With aggregate of ‘aggregate crushing value’ 30 or higher,
the result maybe anomalous, and in such cases the ‘ten percent fines value’ should be determined
The material for the standard test shall consist of aggregate passing 12.5 mm IS sieve and
retained on 10 mm IS sieve, and shall be thoroughly separated on these sieves before
The aggregate shall be tested in surface dry condition. If dried by heating, the period of
drying shall not exceed 4 hours, the temperature shall be 100 to 1100C and the aggregate
shall be cooled to room temperature before testing.
The cylinder shall be filled with 3 layers of approximately equal depth, each layer being
tamped 25 times with the rounded end of tamping rod and finally levelled off using the
tamping rod as a straight edge.
The weight of material comprising the test sample shall be determined (weight A) and the
same weight of sample can be taken for the repeat test.
The apparatus with the test sample and plunger in position, shall then be placed between
the platens of testing machine and loaded at as uniform rate as possible so that the total
load is reached in 10 minutes.
The load shall be released and whole of the material removed from the cylinder and
sieved on a 2.36 mm IS sieve for the standard test. The fraction passing the sieve shall be
weighed (weight B)
The ratio of the weight of fines formed to the total sample weight in each test shall be expressed as a
percentage, the result being recorded to the first decimal place
Aggregate crushing value = X 100
A = Weight in gm of saturated surface dry sample.
B = Weight in gm of fraction passing through
appropriate sieves.
Experiment no.-13
To determine the tensile strength of steel by using UTM and the percentage of
elongation of steel.
Ultimate load is taken by the material before failure is known as failure load stress and
corresponding to this is known as tensile strength. It is indicated that the maximum stress-
strain curve and in general indicates when cracking occurs.
Its value does not depend on the size of the test specimen. However, dependent on
the preparation of specimen, temp., test environment and material.
=------- N/𝑚𝑚2
The 1st sample was failed/passedin tensile strength and.So the rod was successfully
passed/failed through tensile strength test and % of elongation was found to be --------%.