Eksāmens Angļu Valodā 9. Klasei: 2019 Skolēna Darba Lapa

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9. KLASEI Uzvārds
Lasīšana Skola

Task 1 (10 points)

Read the eight students’ opinions about learning a foreign language and do the task. Match the
statements (1-10) with the opinions (A-H). Select only one letter for each statement. You can use
some letters more than once. An example (0) has been given.


Faiz (15), Malaysia Petra (14), Germany
In the modern world people who need a foreign Apps are designed as a game, and many teens
language the most don’t have much money, but aren’t even necessarily language fans, they’re just
learning a language costs a lot. Earlier learning looking for a way to kill some time. But the game
languages was only for rich people, but now keeps them interested for a long time because it is
everyone can learn with technology. To learn with exciting and shows your progress at once. They’re
apps, users only need a smartphone or an Internet still playing some games, but at least it’s somewhat
connection. useful.
Olivia (16), Belgium Min (13), Korea
The majority of teenagers don’t have the Learning languages is my passion. Using an
self-discipline or motivation to stick to a mobile app is a fresh way of learning, they are always
language learning programme. Even if they did, up-to-date with what is happening with the language
they would never speak fluently only by using the nowadays. I do not want to learn incorrect or
app. Possibly, they could learn to read and write. old-fashioned ways of speaking. Young people are
To learn the language properly, you should attend the web generation, they can’t imagine their lives
classes or visit the country itself. without using technology.
Bao (15), China Robert (14), Estonia
Why learn a language if you don’t use it? Firstly, Learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint. I
you learn the basics of the language. And this is love learning languages, but even so, nothing else
what an application will provide. Then you have to has made me work at it as much as the app. Apps
start using the language: ask and answer, interpret don’t make you a perfect speaker, they just help
thoughts and feelings. I love apps for the numerous you understand other resources and start using the
comments made by other users on each lesson. basic language.

Andras (14), Hungary Azra (16), Turkey
All learning is useful, but an application alone is Of course, just by using an app you can’t learn a
not enough. However, it’ll give you enough words language entirely, but you can make a good start
to have a basic conversation with someone who and it can be very helpful in learning to pronounce
is willing to speak slowly and repeat if necessary. properly. I started learning German with an app,
This rarely happens in real life. In the beginning, it which improved my pronunciation, but later I had
is also good to use a dictionary. many classroom lessons to get to a conversational


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna darba lapa Lasīšana 2019 2



0. A dictionary helps when you start learning a language. D

1. The apps can teach you how to say sounds or words correctly.
1. _____

2. Teenagers are not organised well enough to study only with an app.
2. _____

3. Learning with an app is much cheaper that using other methods.

3. _____

4. Applications teach teenagers a language by playing.

4. _____

5. Not many people are ready to have a conversation with a beginner.

5. _____
6. The applications will help you to learn modern forms of a language.
6. _____

7. Many teenagers are learning a language because they have nothing to do.
7. _____

8. You should work hard to learn a language with the application.

8. _____

9. One of the best ways to learn a language is to go abroad.

9. _____

10. Using an app you can see what others think about learning.
10. _____
Kopā par
1. uzd.:


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna darba lapa Lasīšana 20193

Task 2 (10 points)

Read the text and decide whether each statement (1-10) is true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM),
according to the text. Tick (√) the appropriate box. An example (0) has been given.


The story of saving the Pere David’s deer shows us how easily something beautiful can be destroyed
by people forever.
Big herds of milu – as it is known in China – once lived there, but by the 1860s there were none of
them living in the wild. The last population of milu lived in the Emperor of China’s Imperial Hunting Park. The
park was surrounded by large walls and was well protected by the Emperor’s guards.
A French missionary, Pere (Father in French) Armand David combined diplomatic service with research
work. Once he heard about the mysterious deer kept in the Imperial Hunting Park. However, there was one
problem: the milu were so carefully protected that no one was even allowed to look into it. The punishment
was death. But Father David had to see the deer. He gave money to the guards to let him see the animals.
What could that possibly hurt? The guards agreed, but he could only look once.
The animals had a long tail and weird-branching horns unlike any other. Father David realised at once
that it was an animal new to Western science. Father David managed to buy the skin of the unusual deer
and send it to his country. The researchers confirmed that this really was a new, unknown type of deer. In
honour of their discoverer the milu were named the Pere David’s deer.
The discovery of the unknown animal led to a fashion craze among European countries. After various
diplomatic efforts two deer were sent to Europe. In 1869 the Emperor of China even presented some deer
to France, Germany and Great Britain.
In the meantime in China, the Imperial Hunting Park proved to be not such a safe place after all. First,
there was a great flood of the Hwang Ho River. The water stormed through the Emperor’s park, drowning
some deer and freeing others. As the flood brought hunger, the deer were quickly eaten by starving people.
Then, during the Boxer Rebellion, hungry soldiers killed and ate every last deer. It was the end of the Pere
David’s deer in China.
Fortunately, there were still deer in Europe. The last sixteen deer were relocated to the Duke of
Bedford’s deer park in England. By 1932 the Duke already had 182 animals in his park. The Pere David’s
deer survived World War I, but when World War II started, the Duke decided not to keep all his deer in one
place and sent many of them to zoos in other locations.
Today, the Pere David’s deer is found widely in deer parks, hunting ranches and zoos. In the 1950s
a group of deer was sent to their historical homeland - China. The best zoos of the world breed and study
these precious animals. Biologists confirm that the Pere David’s deer will not completely disappear from
our planet. It forms a stable, ever-growing population. These magnificent animals, saved by people, are still
sharing the planet with us.


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna darba lapa Lasīšana 20194

Statements T F NM

0. In the past, there were many wild milu in China. √

1. By the 1860s the Emperor of China was the only owner of the milu.

2. Father Armand David worked in China as a biologist.

3. Any person who once saw the milu in the Imperial Hunting Park had to
be killed.

4. When Father David first saw the milu, he understood that it was an
unknown kind of the deer.

5. The French government asked Father David to get the skin of the deer.

6. The new animals were named in honour of Saint David.


7. All European monarchs wished to get live Pere David’s deer for their
gardens. 7._____

8. Some deer ran away when the Hwang Ho River flooded the Imperial
Hunting Park. 8._____

9. During World War II the Duke of Bedford sent all deer to other zoos.

10. Scientists are certain that the Pere David’s deer will not die out.

Kopā par
2. uzd.:
Kopā par


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

VISC 2019


9. KLASEI Uzvārds
Klausīšanās Skola

Task 1 (10 points)

Listen to the recording and mark if the statement is true (T) or false (F), according to the skolotājs:
text. Tick (√) the appropriate box. The task begins with an example (0).


Statements T F

0. People love going for a walk for many reasons. √

1. Among other things, walking helps to lift your mood.


2. Walking may lead to finding new routes.


3. You won’t find easy and safe routes online.


4. If you do not want to get lost, walk only on the left side of the river.

5. You have to think about the distance you can walk on one day.

6. You do not have to carry both sun cream and an umbrella on the same day.

7. You should never wear new shoes even on a short walk.


8. Walking equipment should not cost a lot of money.

9. Experienced groups are very friendly towards beginners.

10. Some of the best walking areas are near big cities.
Kopā par
1. uzd.:


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna darba lapa Klausīšanās 2019 2

Task 2 (10 points)

Listen to the recording and complete the sentences with one or two words.


1. A group of engineers have made a new material to keep the buildings ___________________. 1._____

2. The engineers are all from the university in ___________________. 2._____

3. The new material can do its job even in bright ___________________.

4. The material works without any ___________________ or ___________________ to cool the 4._____


5. The new material may replace ___________________ because it is cheaper. 5._____

6. The material is about as ___________________ as cooking foil. 6._____

7. The new material makes the things stay cool because it ___________________ the Sun’s rays.
8. It also takes away ___________________ from the things that it covers.
9. The team of engineers are going to explore how the material could be used

in ___________________, aerospace, agriculture and more. 9._____

10. If the material is placed on ___________________, it will be able to cool the whole house.
Kopā par
2. uzd.:
Kopā par


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

VISC 2019


9. KLASEI Uzvārds
Valodas lietojums Skola

Task 1 (10 points)

Read the text below and choose the word which best completes each sentence. Circle A, B, C or D.
An example (0) has been given.


Australia’s __(0)__ -speed network is __(1)__ attack from thousands

of birds. The birds __(2)__ the damage are Australia’s colourful cockatoos.
They have taken a liking for chewing the broadband cables that criss-cross
Australian towns and cities. They are causing thousands of dollars in damage
to the cables. The National Broadband Network (NBN) company reports that
they spend around $60,000 each time they __(3)__ called out to fix the cables.
The birds’ handiwork is also causing great problems such as Internet outages
and painfully slow speeds across the country.
Cockatoos are __(4)__ type of parrot which normally eats fruit, nuts, wood and bark. A spokeswoman
from NBN said she was at a loss as to why the birds had started to chew the cables. She guessed that it
was the colourful plastic that was put around the cables. She __(5)__ reporters, “They are sharpening their
beaks and __(6)__ a result will attack and tear apart anything they see. __(7)__, they’ve developed a liking
for our cables.” She joked, “You wouldn’t think it __(8)__ possible, but these birds are unstoppable when
in __(9)__ group. I guess that’s Australia for you; if the spiders and snakes __(10)__ get you, the cockatoos
will.” Aizpilda

0. A quick B high C fast D tall

1. A in B an C under D the
2. A doing B making C do D make
3. A have B has C are D make 3.____
4. A the B a C nice D Australian 4.____

5. A told B said C explained D asked 5.____

6. A as B in C for D at 6.____

7. A Luckily B Unusually C Fortunately D Unfortunately 7.____

8. A could B does C will be D was 8.____

9. A a B big C an D small
10. A won’t B will C don’t D do
Kopā par
1. uzd.:


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna darba lapa Valodas lietojums 2019 2

Task 2 (10 points)

Fill each of the numbered gaps in the following passage. Use only one word in each gap.
The task begins with an example (0).


Two years ago I (0) spent three months travelling round South America. We visited

so (1) _________________ places and it was a great experience. One of the most amazing things 1._____

we saw was Iguassu Falls. The day after we visited the waterfalls we (2) _________________ 2._____

relaxing in a hotel in Brazil. My friend then suddenly noticed an advert on the wall saying ‘Skydive

over Iguassu Falls today!’ We looked at each other and decided it (3) _________________ time 3._____

to do something crazy. Today would (4) _________________ the day that we would jump out of a

That afternoon we (5) _________________ picked up and taken to the Skydive Centre. We 5._____

put on our equipment and we were (6) _________________ some instructions. After signing a few 6._____

papers, we were (7) _________________ our way to the plane! There were 14 of us in a very small 7._____

space as we took off into the air. This is when my heart started to beat very fast.

Suddenly we were 10,000 feet (3,000 metres) above the ground. Luckily, I was strapped

to an instructor so I didn’t (8) _________________ to worry about anything. He asked me if I 8._____

was ready to fall from the plane, but (9) _________________ I had time to answer, I felt the 9._____

wind rushing against my face as we fell to the ground (10) _________________ 200 km an hour! 10._____
Kopā par
Everything below me looked so small and my breath was literally taken away. 2. uzd.:

Kopā par


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

VISC 2019


9. KLASEI Uzvārds
Rakstīšana Skola

Task 1 (15 points)

You should spend about 15 minutes on this task.
Write between 40 – 60 words.

You have seen something interesting on the Internet that you would like to share.
Write a message to your friend. In your message:

• give brief information about it;

• write why you liked it.
















Vocabulary Grammar Organisation Total


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna darba lapa Rakstīšana 2019 2

Task 2 (25 points)

You should spend about 25 minutes on this task.
Write between 100 – 120 words.
Animal shelter is looking for young enthusiastic helpers.
Everyone aged 14 and over is welcome.
Your responsibilities will include taking care of the pets (dogs and cats):
taking them for walks, cleaning the area, taking to the vet, etc.
Contact: Sarah Brown, email: [email protected]

Write an email offering your help and describe

• what makes you a good volunteer,
• how you could help,
• when you can help,
• how to contact you. 



















Vocabulary Grammar Organisation Spelling Total


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

VISC 2019



Task 1 Task 2
1. H 1. T
2. B 2. F
3. A 3. T
4. E 4. T
5. D 5. NM
6. F 6. F
7. E 7. NM
8. G 8. T
9. B 9. F
10. C 10. T

Task 1 Task 2
1. T 1. cool
2. T 2. the USA/Colorado
3. F 3. sunlight/sun
4. F 4. energy (electricity), water
5. T 5. (air) conditioners
6. F 6. thick/thin
7. F 7. reflects
8. T 8. (the) heat
9. T 9. power industry
10. T 10. (the) roof/ (the) rooftop

Valodas lietojums
Task 1 Task 2
1. C 1. many
2. A 2. were
3. C 3. was
4. B 4. be
5. A 5. were
6. A 6. given
7. D 7. on
8. D 8. have
9. A 9. before
10. C 10. at


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

VISC 2019



Runa (20 punkti)

P. Task achievement Interaction Accuracy Fluency Pronunciation

A wide range of everyday
Intended meaning is vocabulary accurately used;
Task is achieved and Accurate and consistent use of
4 communicated. Initiates and large range of grammar Utterances are even and fluent.
communicated successfully. most aspects of pronunciation.
maintains interaction. structures used with a few
Although utterances are
Task is achieved though some Moderate range of vocabulary.
Communicates main ideas; sometimes hesitant, the Intonation and pronunciation is
3 of the task requirements are Quite accurate use of grammar
some difficulties in initiation. speaker is able to keep quite accurate.
lacking. structures.
conversation going.
Restricted range of Utterances halting and
Task requirements are partly Communicates main ideas in vocabulary and grammar fragmentary except for Frequent errors sometimes
achieved. limited contexts; initiation rare. structures, sufficient for basic short routine sentences and cause unintelligibility.
communication only. memorised phrases.
Great difficulty in Very restricted range of Speech is slow, exceedingly
Does not know what to do to
1 communication. Unable to vocabulary; usually inadequate halting and stumbling. Difficult Speech is largely unintelligible.
fulfil the task.
initiate. grammar. to perceive continuity.
0 Not enough to evaluate. Not enough to evaluate. Not enough to evaluate. Not enough to evaluate. Not enough to evaluate.

VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Darba vērtētāja lapa 2019

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei. Rakstīšana. Darba vērtētāja lapa.

Writing, Task 1 (15 points)
P. Task achievement Vocabulary Grammar Organisation
Fulfils the task quite convincingly; all Has sufficient vocabulary used accurately Uses frequently used constructions with few
4 content points are developed. to complete the task. errors which do not lead to communication
Completes the task only generally; all Moderate range of basic vocabulary; the Uses simple structures correctly; occasional Organisation is appropriate to the
3 content points are mentioned but may ideas are generally clear. systematic errors are possible, though the task. The text is connected.
lack development. message is clear.
Attempts to complete the task; some Restricted range of simple everyday Restricted range of grammar structures; Makes an attempt to organise the
2 of the content points are missing. vocabulary; errors may cause errors may cause misunderstandings. text; ideas might be jumbled.
Very difficult to spot any required Very basic vocabulary with frequent Generally inadequate grammar; unable Is able to link words into sentences.
1 content points, though the text has mistakes; occasionally is unable to to produce basic grammar structures and
some relevance to the task. express ideas clearly. patterns.
0 Not enough to evaluate / The script has no relevance to the task.
Task 2 (25 points)
P. Task achievement Vocabulary Grammar Organisation Spelling
Completes the task convincingly; Uses a wide range of Shows good control of different The organisation is clear and There are rare
all required content points are everyday vocabulary grammatical structures and appropriate to the task; paragraphs nonsystematic spelling
mentioned and appropriately accurately. sentence patterns. are linked; uses connectors. mistakes in more
developed. complex words.
Completes the task only generally; Moderate range of everyday Quite accurate use of frequently The organisation is quite appropriate A few spelling mistakes
all content points are mentioned vocabulary; few errors occur used grammar structures; some to the task; some evidence of linking which do not cause
4 but some of them may lack and these do not hinder the minor errors. sentences into paragraphs. misunderstanding.
development. message.
Produces a text in a list of points; Limited range of everyday Reasonably accurate use of Some evidence of organisation; Repetitive spelling
all content points are mentioned but vocabulary, occasionally basic grammatical structures and some ideas are linked; there may be mistakes which can
3 not developed. misused. patterns; systematic errors may no paragraphs. Can use the most sometimes affect the
occur. frequently occurring connectors, e.g., meaning.
and, but, because.
Attempts to complete the task; at Very limited range of Grammar sufficient for basic Little organisation present. The text Frequent spelling errors
least one of the required points vocabulary; can produce communication only; mistakes mostly consists of a sequence of are distracting and
2 mentioned; very little relevant very simple everyday appear in simple structures. separate sentences or facts. often interfere with the
information. expressions; misuse of meaning.
some words.
Very difficult to spot any of the Very basic vocabulary Shows little control of simple Shows the ability to link words or Very many spelling
required points, though the text has with frequent mistakes, grammatical structures and groups of words into sentences with mistakes cause strain
some relevance to the task. occasionally is unable to sentence patterns. very basic connectors like ‘and‘ or for the reader. Copied
express ideas clearly. ‘then‘. words are correct.
0 Not enough to evaluate / The script has no relevance to the task.

VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

VISC 2019

Eksāmens svešvalodā (angļu valodā) 9. klasei


Skola _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Intervētāja vārds, uzvārds __________________________________________________________________ Datums _______________________________

Vērtētāja vārds, uzvārds __________________________________________________________________

Task Total
N.p. Interaction Accuracy Fluency Pronunciation
Skolēna vārds Skolēna uzvārds achievement
k. (4) (4) (4) (4) (20)


























Vērtētāja paraksts __________________________________________________________________


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

VISC 2019


Mutvārdu daļa
1. diena

Paper 1
Task 1
Role play
Exchange students from Finland are visiting your school. You are planning to go to the cinema or
theatre. Together you should discuss:

• which you would prefer – the cinema or the theatre;

• what sort of film/theatre play you would like to see;
• how you should prepare;
• how you will explain your choice to your classmates;
• what you can do after the film/theatre show.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. What do you usually do in your free time?
2. Why do people need to do extra-curricular activities?
3. What leisure time activities would you like to try? Why?
4. What out-of-class activities can you do at your school?
5. Would you like to be an actor/actress? Why?

Paper 2
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend have to plan a project to make your school a better place. Together you should

• what your school looks like;

• what you like about your school;
• what you want to change about it and why;
• who can help you and how;
• what you need to do to start the project.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. What is your favourite subject at school? Why?
2. How do you imagine your school in 10 years’ time?
3. What traditions does your school have?
4. What are your future plans?
5. What qualities does a good student have?


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolotāja biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 1. diena 20192

Paper 3
Task 1
Role play
Your teacher has asked you and your friend to help to organise a visit of exchange students from
a school in Lithuania. The visit is one week long. Together you should discuss:

• why they should visit your school;

• what famous landmarks there are in your neighbourhood;
• what activities they can do;
• which is the best place for them to stay;
• how your schools can cooperate in the future.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. Would you like to take part in an exchange programme? Why?
2. Where would you like to go as an exchange student? Why?
3. How would you feel living with a different family during an exchange programme?
4. What are positive and negative aspects of exchange visits?
5. Why is cooperation between schools, students and teachers necessary?

Paper 4
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend want to take part in a quiz contest about your hometown. To get ready you
should discuss:

• people who live there and their traditions;

• where you can get information about its history and famous people;
• what other topics you should prepare to get ready for the quiz;
• what makes your hometown special;
• what you can do to make it a better place.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. Is there a place that is very special to you? Why?
2. What problems are there in your neighbourhood?
3. How has your hometown changed since you were a child?
4. In your hometown, is there much for young people to do? Why or why not?
5. Is it possible for a person to have two hometowns?


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolotāja biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 1. diena 20193

Paper 5
Task 1
Role play
The head teacher of your school has asked you and your friends to make souvenirs for your
school. Together you should discuss:

• what souvenirs you can make;

• what information they will give about your school;
• how and where you will make and sell the souvenirs;
• how you will tell everybody about your souvenirs;
• what else you need to do to make the souvenirs.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. What are the best souvenirs people can buy from your country?
2. Do you like going shopping? Why?
3. Where is the best place to do shopping in your town? Why?
4. How do you spend your pocket money?
5. Do you think people in your class spend too much money on shopping? Why?

Paper 6
Task 1
Role play
Your teacher has asked you and your friend to make a new school website. Together you should

• what information should be on the website;

• what it will look like – design, colours, pictures, etc.;
• what will make your website interesting for students and teachers;
• how you can advertise the website;
• what help you need and where to get it.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. Do you use social networks? Why?
2. How much time do you spend on the computer every day? What for?
3. What are positive and negative sides of social networks?
4. What social networks should your school use and why?
5. In your opinion, what is the most important invention of all time?


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 1. diena 20191

Paper 1
Task 1
Role play
Exchange students from Finland are visiting your school. You are planning to go to the cinema or
theatre. Together you should discuss:

• which you would prefer – the cinema or the theatre;

• what sort of film/theatre play you would like to see;
• how you should prepare;
• how you will explain your choice to your classmates;
• what you can do after the film/theatre show.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.

VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050
" Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 1. diena 2019

Paper 2
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend have to plan a project to make your school a better place. Together you should

• what your school looks like;

• what you like about your school;
• what you want to change about it and why;
• who can help you and how;
• what you need to do to start the project.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 1. diena 20192

Paper 3
Task 1
Role play
Your teacher has asked you and your friend to help to organise a visit of exchange students from
a school in Lithuania. The visit is one week long. Together you should discuss:

• why they should visit your school;

• what famous landmarks there are in your neighbourhood;
• what activities they can do;
• which is the best place for them to stay;
• how your schools can cooperate in the future.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.

VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050
" Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 1. diena 2019

Paper 4
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend want to take part in a quiz contest about your hometown. To get ready you
should discuss:

• people who live there and their traditions;

• where you can get information about its history and famous people;
• what other topics you should prepare to get ready for the quiz;
• what makes your hometown special;
• what you can do to make it a better place.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 1. diena 20193

Paper 5
Task 1
Role play
The head teacher of your school has asked you and your friends to make souvenirs for your
school. Together you should discuss:

• what souvenirs you can make;

• what information they will give about your school;
• how and where you will make and sell the souvenirs;
• how you will tell everybody about your souvenirs;
• what else you need to do to make the souvenirs.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.

VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050
" Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 1. diena 2019

Paper 6
Task 1
Role play
Your teacher has asked you and your friend to make a new school website. Together you should

• what information should be on the website;

• what it will look like – design, colours, pictures, etc.;
• what will make your website interesting for students and teachers;
• how you can advertise the website;
• what help you need and where to get it.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

VISC 2019


Mutvārdu daļa
2. diena

Paper 1
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend are making dinner for exchange students from France. Together you should

• where the dinner will take place;

• what food you and your friend like and dislike;
• what each of you can cook;
• how you will decorate the table;
• menu for the dinner and ingredients you need.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. Where do you usually have your lunch? What do you usually have for lunch?
2. What is the most unusual food you have eaten?
3. What is your attitude to junk food?
4. How can people’s eating habits influence their health?
5. Would you like to work as a chef? Why? Why not?

Paper 2
Task 1
Role play
Your classmates are organising a trip around Latvia for students from Estonia. You and your friend
are responsible for planning the trip. Together you should discuss:

• length of the trip (when it starts, finishes);

• places to take the guests to;
• who could help you plan the route, transport, etc.;
• meals on the way, including the local food;
• difficulties you may have (weather, injuries, etc.).

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. Why is it important to plan the trip?
2. Why should you show your country to people from abroad?
3. How can museums help know the country better?
4. What outdoor activities could be interesting to young people who come from other countries? Why?
5. Why do people bring souvenirs from their trips?


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolotāja biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 2. diena 20192

Paper 3
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend are discussing your chances of getting a summer job. Together you should

• jobs available in the summer time;

• working hours/time you would like to spend at work every day;
• working conditions (uniforms, tools, lunch break, working at weekends, etc.);
• getting to and from the work place;
• skills that you need.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. What would be an ideal job for you? Why?
2. What would you do with the money earned?
3. Who among the people you know has the most interesting job? Why?
4. How can what you are doing now help you in the future?
5. How do students choose their future profession?

Paper 4
Task 1
Role play
You have to create a video “A Day in a Teenager’s Life” for the English lesson. Together you should

• what and who you would like to show;

• the right music for the video;
• when and where you are going to shoot the video;
• what each of you is going to do;
• difficulties you may have.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. Do you plan your day? If yes, how? If no, why not?
2. What is the most difficult thing in a teen’s life?
3. What is the best part of your day? Why?
4. How are your weekends different?
5. How is this summer going to be different for you?


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolotāja biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 2. diena 20193

Paper 5
Task 1
Role play
The youth parliament has asked you for help to organise a night orienteering* for families in your
neighbourhood. Together you should discuss:

• the time/length of the race;

• plan which places to include in the route;
• how to inform people about your race;
• what to warn the runners about (area, equipment, weather, etc.);
• the awards ceremony and prizes.

*Orienteering - a competitive sport in which runners have to find their way across rough country with the aid of a map and compass.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. Which season is better for orienteering? Why?
2. Do you think that night orienteering is an adventure? Why/why not?
3. What is the best outdoor activity you have ever had?
4. What place in your neighbourhood should everyone see? Why?
5. What good cause can we collect money for during a race?

Paper 6
Task 1
Role play
You are waiting for a student group from England. You have to show the guests around your
school. Together you should discuss:

• where to look for information about the school;

• where to take the guests and why exactly there;
• your school’s achievements;
• what lessons they should visit, why;
• what games you could organise together.

Task 2
Questions for the teacher to ask:
1. What are the subjects that you didn’t study at school but would like to?
2. In the lessons do you prefer working in pairs, groups or alone? Why?
3. Do you think it is easier to learn when you are a child or an adult?
4. What do you especially like about your school?
5. Can you study at home? How?


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 2. diena 20194

Paper 1
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend are making dinner for exchange students from France. Together you should

• where the dinner will take place;

• what food you and your friend like and dislike;
• what each of you can cook;
• how you will decorate the table;
• menu for the dinner and ingredients you need.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.

VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050
" Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 2. diena 2019

Paper 2
Task 1
Role play
Your classmates are organising a trip around Latvia for students from Estonia. You and your friend
are responsible for planning the trip. Together you should discuss:

• length of the trip (when it starts, finishes);

• places to take the guests to;
• who could help you plan the route, transport, etc.;
• meals on the way, including the local food;
• difficulties you may have (weather, injuries, etc.).

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 2. diena 20195

Paper 3
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend are discussing your chances of getting a summer job. Together you should

• jobs available in the summer time;

• working hours/time you would like to spend at work every day;
• working conditions (uniforms, tools, lunch break, working at weekends, etc.);
• getting to and from the work place;
• skills that you need.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.

VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050
" Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 2. diena 2019

Paper 4
Task 1
Role play
You have to create a video “A Day in a Teenager’s Life” for the English lesson. Together you should

• what and who you would like to show;

• the right music for the video;
• when and where you are going to shoot the video;
• what each of you is going to do;
• difficulties you may have.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 2. diena 20196

Paper 5
Task 1
Role play
The youth parliament has asked you for help to organise a night orienteering* for families in your
neighbourhood. Together you should discuss:

• the time/length of the race;

• plan which places to include in the route;
• how to inform people about your race;
• what to warn the runners about (area, equipment, weather, etc.);
• the awards ceremony and prizes.

*Orienteering - a competitive sport in which runners have to find their way across rough country with the aid of a map and compass.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.

VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050
" Eksāmens angļu valodā 9. klasei Skolēna biļetes Mutvārdu daļa 2. diena 2019

Paper 6
Task 1
Role play
You are waiting for a student group from England. You have to show the guests around your
school. Together you should discuss:

• where to look for information about the school;

• where to take the guests and why exactly there;
• your school’s achievements;
• what lessons they should visit, why;
• what games you could organise together.

Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.


VISC Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīgā, LV-1050

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