Pelletizer Gala 12S EN S

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Pellet Processing Systems for the Plastics Industry


Gala has provided underwater pelletizers for Your benefits

the Plastics Industry since the mid-seventies
¡ Automated start-up & shutdown
for pelletizing rates from 2 kg/h to 15,000
kg/h. Gala Underwater Pelletizing Systems are ¡ Redundant safety interlocks
designed to provide solutions for our Custom- ¡ Failsafe pelletizer clamping assembly
ers’ most relevant economic and ecological ¡ Clean operation with low noise levels
needs. Our process knowledge, experience, ¡ Low energy consumption
and commitment to our Customers remain
¡ Efficient closed-loop filtered water system
the foundation of Gala’s success.
¡ Minimal start-up waste
¡ Suitable for various polymers, offering greater flexibility
with a single machine
¡ Minimal floor space
¡ Uniform pellets in sizes to customer specifications
¡ Low production costs
Function and Application

Range of applications Functioning of the Gala systems

Gala pelletizing systems are well-suited for the The process schematic shows the flow of resin through a Gala Under-
production of raw materials as well as for the water Pelletizing System. Material is fed into an extruder or melt pump,
manufacture of compounds, blends, master- which forces the molten polymer through a screen changer and/or
batches, and recyclates based on: polymer diverter, then through the pelletizer die plate. As the polymer
emerges from the die, pellets are cut by rotating blades and are solidi-
¡ Polyolefins, e.g., LDPE, HDPE, PP
fied by the process water flowing across the die face inside the cutting
¡ Styrene polymers, e.g., PS, SAN, ABS
chamber. The process water transports the pellets to a centrifugal dryer
¡ Acrylic resins, e.g., PMMA, PAN where the water is removed and the dry pellets are discharged. The
¡ Polyacetals, e.g., POM process water is contained in a closed loop, so there is minimal water
¡ Polycarbonates, e.g., PC loss and very little housekeeping involved.
¡ Polyesters, e.g., PET, PBT, PEN
¡ Polyamides, e.g., PA 6, PA 6.6, PA 11, PA 12
¡ Thermoplastic elastomers, e.g., TPE-S, TPE-E
¡ Polyurethanes, e.g., TPU 5 (LPU® System) 2 - 100
¡ Hot-melt adhesives 5 20 - 300
¡ Rubber 6 50 - 1,800
¡ Natural and synthetic resins 7 500 - 6,000
¡ Biopolymers, e.g. PLA, PHA, Bio-PA, Bio- 12 2,400 - 15,000
¡ Other plastics available upon request

Different systems to meet any challenge

Gala makes every effort to remain flexible in order to meet the demands of our customers. Traditionally, the Gala Under-
water Pelletizer rolls into the cutting chamber / upstream system system on small rails mounted on the floor. In some
situations, the floor must remain clear; therefore, we offer a top mounted (or hanging) pelletizer design. Budget is often
a consideration. We offer pelletizer models which are very simple in design.
These robust models do the job efficiently and there are thousands in operation in the field today. Gala’s Customer can
choose a pelletizer fitted with a special chassis (optional) when more room is needed between pelletizer and upstream
equipment, such as a polymer diverter valve.

Production Rate: 2 kg/h to 3,000 kg/h. The Spring Loaded Cutter (SLC)
is a cost-efficient solution for pelletizing basic polymers at lower rates.
The SLC pelletizer uses constant spring pressure to adjust the cutter
blades to the die plate, reducing the need for operator attention. The
cutter hub is connected to the motor shaft through a telescoping
spring sleeve, and the blades are automatically positioned against the
die plate using spring force. The blade force can be adjusted per ap-
plication or product by simply changing springs.
¡ Cost-efficient solution
¡ Simple to operate
¡ Low maintenance

Model SLC


Production Rate: 2 kg/h to 15,000 kg/h. The Manually Adjustable Pellet-
izer (MAP) features a manual adjusting wheel to position the blades
against the die plate. This simple blade adjustment design provides vi-
sual blade wear indication and maximum control of blade position.
The unique design of the axial advance system replaces the need for a
bearing housing assembly. The MAP design requires only one long-life
thrust bearing for accurate adjustments.
¡ Simple blade adjustment
¡ Flexibility of application
¡ Easy to upgrade to automatic blade adjustment

Model MAP


Production Rate: up to 15,000 kg/h. The Gala EAC Pelletizer offers
fully automatic control of blade adjustment, positioning and monitor-
ing, resulting in maximum blade and die face life.
Monitoring and adjustment processes are programmed in the Gala PLC
controlled system. An integrated blade position measuring system pro-
vides indication of the blade position and alerts the operator of the
need for a blade change.
¡ Fully automated blade advance
¡ Minimum operator supervision
¡ Integrated blade positioning measurement system Model EAC

Different systems to meet any challenge

Applications Pelletizing situations

Gala is a worldwide leader in the production Gala pelletizing systems are used worldwide to process a wide variety
of underwater pelletizing systems for pellet of polymers. These applications include high-additive-content, high-
rates up to 15,000 kg/h. Gala has established viscosity to very low-viscosity materials. The typical Gala pelletizing sys-
benchmarks in the development of standard- tem consists of three main components that can be customized for
ized modular pelletizing systems which permit each pelletizing situation:
economical and technical solutions for a wide 1. Pelletizer and die plate
variety of applications, e.g.:
2. Tempered Water System (TWS) with Centrifugal Dryer
¡ Compounding
3. Electrical Control and Power System
¡ Masterbatch Production
The pelletizing system interfaces with the customer's extruder or melt
¡ Virgin Resin Production
pump. The pelletizing process is performed in a closed-loop system, and
¡ Engineering Resins
the pelletized product is conveyed by the process water from the cut-
¡ Medical & Food-Grade Polymers ting chamber into the centrifugal dryer. During this process, the pellet-
¡ Plastics Recycling ized product has no contact with ambient air and there is no risk of gas,
¡ Micropellet Production dust emission or contamination of the product. The process water re-
¡ Hot-Melt Adhesives mains in the closed-loop tempered water system — another advantage
which contributes to the environmental compatibility of this process.
¡ Thermoplastic Elastomers
¡ Wood Polymer Composites
¡ Research & Development


LPU® LABORATORY PELLETIZING SYSTEM is designed for lab use or
light production at pellet rates up to 100 kg/h. The LPU® Laboratory
Pelletizing System includes an underwater pelletizer, a tempered water
system and a new and simple pellet dryer — all mounted on a single
skid with swivel casters. All necessary electrical controls are contained
in a simple modular, freestanding panel with a local touch screen for
operator convenience.
¡ Easy to clean!
¡ Simple & easy to operate!
¡ Lightweight, portable!
¡ Designed to be affordable!
¡ Requires few replacement parts!
Model LPU


Gala's COMPACT LAB SYSTEM is used downstream of an extruder or
gear pump. It is designed for use in laboratory settings and by com-
pounders when pelletizing and drying samples of polyethylene, poly-
propylene, polystyrene, ABS, flexible PVC and other polymers at pellet
rates up to 500 kg/h.
¡ Inexpensive
¡ Compact and portable
¡ Designed to simulate the function of a full production
pelletizing system Model CLS

Different systems to meet any challenge

The E-SERIES SYSTEM is designed to economically pelletize and dry thermo-
plastics - PE, PP, PS, Flex. PVC and more - at pellet rates up to 1,500 kg/h.
¡ Simple and compact
¡ Engineered to include the fundamental operational and safety con-
cepts of Gala’s more complex underwater pelletizing systems
¡ Includes a fully functional PLC-based control system with touch
screen interface, an SLC pelletizer and a skid-mounted Tempered
Water System with dryer.


The FLEXLINE PELLETIZING SYSTEM permits complex product changes
within a matter of minutes, minimizing downtime.
¡ Quick start-up – Repeatable results
¡ Minimum labor required – Low capital expenditure
¡ Flexibility to process a wider range of formulations
¡ Wear-resistant tooling
¡ Minimizes quality variations
¡ Reduced product loss
¡ Raw material savings
Flexline Pelletizing system


Glass fiber compounds have traditionally been produced by strand pel-
letizing; recent trend shows movement toward underwater pelletizing.
The true challenge does not lie in the production of the pellets but in
the downstream processing, and in particular the drying of the pellets.
¡ Permits a good integration of the glass fiber within the pellet
¡ Development of fine dust is very low
¡ Automatic start-up and minimum waste
¡ No broken strands and downtime due to extrusion process fluctuations
¡ Reduces cooling energy requirements
Wear-protected cutter hub


The LWCP System was designed to allow the user to operate the pro-
duction line on a continuous basis and increase output without inter-
ruptions. The multidirectional polymer diverter valve allows for very fast
changeover between two product flow directions or sequential opera-
tion of several pelletizers connected to one common polymer diverter
valve. Interruptions are avoided, variation in pellet rates is possible and
start-up waste is reduced to a minimum.
¡ Lower cost start-ups
¡ Less material waste
¡ Lower operating costs
¡ Fewer line shutdowns for maintenance LWCP System

Process Technology


An exciting development for the industry and The direct crystallization process offers two energy-reducing elements.
specifically for crystallizing polymers is the It retains sufficient heat in the pellets to cause the polymer to crystallize
Direct Crystallization Process. This process without any additional external heat required. It also allows the free-
avoids the use of expensive precrystallizers flowing pellets to go directly into either packaging or downstream af-
and crystallizers prior to taking the pellets into tertreatment processes, like the SSP process.
the SSP process or other downstream after-
The Gala Crystalline Pellet Technology (CPT®) process complements this
treatment processes.
direct crystallization and is superior in method of operation. The Gala
CPT® Process uses high-velocity gas injection to increase the velocity of
the water and pellet slurry and to create a water vapor mist that sepa-
rates the pellets from the water. The vapor mist insulates the pellets
from the cooling effect of the water and further enhances the internal
heat to crystallize the pellets. Gas injection produces a much lower and
safer process water temperature and flow rate. Typically, the water
temperature does not need to be above 70 degrees Celsius and the
process water flow rate does not need to be increased above standard
underwater pelletizing guidelines.

Gala CPT® Process System

The industry is experiencing significant growth Biopolymers are in a rapid state of end-product application develop-
in the biopolymers sector. Gala has been work- ment, and Gala’s leadership in micropelletizing has proven to be very
ing in this environmentally friendly field to offer beneficial for these applications. Size reduction of newly developed
innovative pelletizing and process solutions to materials can be a significant challenge for resin producers and com-
allow resin producers and compounders to fo- pounders. Gala’s dedicated micropelletizing efforts and its application
cus on their formulations and applications. It development in this globally important field offers a great resource to
has been more than ten years since Gala began any company working with such requirements. We encourage all our
producing quality biopolymer pellets for pack- customers to tap into and to benefit from our expertise.
aging and processing, and since then Gala pel-
letizing systems for biopolymer applications
have been placed in a number of companies in
Europe, North America and Asia. In addition to
our basic efficient, economical pelletizing and
drying process, Gala can provide an additional
benefit to customers whose processes include
a crystallization step. Our progressive CPT® Pro-
cess provides a direct crystallization method,
adding value to the producer’s product and sig-
nificantly reducing cost. The option to produce
crystalline biopolymer pellets at water temper-
atures below Tg is easily possible with the Gala
CPT® Process, as the pellets are already sepa-
rated from the water at a very early state of
transportation within the process water pipes. Amorphous PLA Crystalline PLA

Process Technology

I-HEAT™ PROCESS Gala’s pelletizing process is extremely versatile and can process a broad
range of base polymer grades. Other pelletizing methods suffer cutting
Gala has extensive experience working with
problems when the percent of wood filler is reduced below a certain
wood compounds.
level, when a low-viscosity polymer is required, or when the compound
is sticky or tacky. The Gala pelletizing process can minimize or eliminate
these issues.
A common concern during underwater pelletizing is the amount of wa-
ter absorbed by the wood compound pellets which must later be re-
moved for packaging or processing.
Gala’s new i-Heat™ Process maximizes the benefits of underwater pel-
letizing, greatly reducing the pellet exposure to process water and effi-
ciently optimizing the internal heat energy of each pellet to help dissi-
pate moisture. Contact Gala to discuss our efficient solutions for wood
compound pellet production process.
PP Wood Fiber cut with a Gala Pelletizer

System Components

The die plate is the heart of the Gala underwater pelletizing system. All Gala dies are custom designed to fit each cus-
tomer’s specific polymer requirements. The material of construction and wear face material are determined by the speci-
fications of the Customer’s application. All die face surface materials provide maximum wear life before resurfacing is
required. Gala’s standard electrically heated die is suitable for most applications; however, oil or steam heating can be
utilized. The dies are available in one-piece design or in our patented two-piece design. The advantage of the two-piece
design is that the center (Insert) of the die can be removed from the main body for routine maintenance. Much research
and development has been invested in our dies to ensure our customers have the most energy-efficient, operator-friendly
pellet production system available.

Multi-zone Die plate heating

A significant advancement in Gala’s underwater pelletizing technology
is the multi-zone die plate heating concept which provides local heat-
ing when and where required for the application. This innovative heat-
ing design is reactive and at the same time direct-acting to ensure that
the required energy is delivered exactly where it is most needed. It is
available for all pelletizer models and can be used for continuous pro-
duction processes with one-piece die plates, as well as two-piece de-
sign die plates, where frequent and quick changes are required.
Die Plate heating

System Components

Heat Flux Die Plate

The Heat Flux Die Plate technology can be implemented to replace conven-
tional die plate designs with minimal changes. This design does not require
high-temperature sealant during installation, which makes it more operator
friendly with minimal maintenance required. The specific insulation design of
the heat flux die, and resulting degree of thermal conductivity, allows pellets
to be cut in an elastic, soft phase, reducing potential of fines. The heat flux
die’s features help reduce or eliminate die hole freezing, which allows signifi-
cantly lower start-up rates per hole and reduces overall waste, making the
underwater pelletizing process even more attractive for many applications.
¡ Process-optimized flow channels
¡ Ideal melt distribution through radial arrangement of the holes
¡ Deflection-free melt guidance free of dead spots
¡ Direct introduction of the melt into the cooling circuit
¡ Containment of the melt until the formation of pellets
¡ Optimum heat transfer from the heating medium to the flow channels
¡ Excellent heat insulation of the die plate
Die Plates ¡ Selection of a suitable cutting face coating for sensitive polymers
¡ Selection of the suitable heating medium, depending on through-
put and polymer
¡ Reduction of wear by selecting the optimum cutting face coating
(hard metal, Stellite) and using an offset arrangement of the outlet
¡ Blade grinding during pelletizing without stopping the line
¡ Cooling of the cutter blades in the water flow

Die Plate Grinding Tool

Gala’s die grinding tool gives you the option of grinding the die plate
without removing it by simply threading the tool onto the cutter hub
holder in place of the cutter hub. This unique tool is an effective method
of removing small irregularities and grooves that can adversely affect pel-
let quality. High-quality design and diamond materials of construction
provide the user with a superior and affordable die grinding tool.

Grinding Tool

Cutting Chamber
The cutting chamber is the housing in which the pellets are actually cut.
The pelletizer is coupled to the cutting chamber, which places the cutter
blades inside the cutting chamber (often referred to as the water box),
where the blades will contact the die face. As the process water enters
the inlet of the cutting chamber, molten polymer is simultaneously cut
into pellets by the rotating cutter blades. At this point the pellets begin
to harden and are carried by the process water from the cutting chamber
to the dewatering system. From this system or centrifugal dryer, the pel-
lets are ready for downstream processing or packaging. Abrasive-resis-
Cutting Chamber tant coatings are utilized, based on application requirements.

System Components

Cutter Blades
D2 is the material of construction known as the benchmark of the indus-
try. This material will usually get the job done at a low price. The primary
element is 12% Chrome, which gives the blade good toughness and rust
M-2 material is a member of the high-speed family of tool steels. Under
most circumstances, M-2 should last 1.5 times longer than D-2.
PM (Powdered Metal) has a 9% Vanadium content which gives it a huge
advantage in both wear and toughness. Depending on conditions, this
material should last 3x to 5x longer over D-2.
440A Stainless Steel (available on special request only) has an 18%
Chrome content and is part of the stainless steel family of tool steels. This
is the best tool steel offering for knives that are used in very corrosive
conditions. This very special grade of stainless is able to be hardened to Cutter Blades
54 / 56 HRC.
Specialty blades, such as half thick or half length, or various materials of
construction, are available for special pelletizing applications.

Flow Guide
Gala provides a number of innovative tools for the operator of a Gala
Underwater Pelletizer. These tools are designed to allow the successful
performance of specific tasks.
The flow guide provides optimization of the process water flow:
¡ Patented flow guide
¡ Water flow direct to the die plate
¡ Avoidance of agglomerates
¡ Reduction of the water flow rate and of the pellet moisture
¡ Smaller dryer possible (less dewatering required)
Flow Guide

Cutter Hub
Gala’s patented self-aligning cutter hub provides precise positioning
between the die plate and pelletizer shaft, ensuring alignment of all
cutter blades against the die face. This results in uniform pellet quality
and reduced blade and die face wear.
¡ Lower force against the die plate
¡ Reduced die and blade wear
¡ Quick and efficient cutter hub / blade changes

12-spoke Cutter Hub

System Components

Polymer Diverter Valve (PoDV)

The polymer diverter valve is used to direct the polymer melt from the pump
or extruder to the floor, to the side, or directly into the die plate.
This is an indispensable function during start-up for difficult products that are
sensitive to temperature fluctuation. In underwater pelletizing, an optimized
volume flow per die hole must be ensured right from the start. Most of the
upstream equipment responds rather slowly, e.g., ramping up of the ex-
truder. The polymer diverter permits a controlled start-up of these upstream
components until the required throughput has been attained and allows a
visual control of the compounding process by the operator. The option of
diverting the melt is often used for online material or color changes.
The polymer diverter valve consists of a heated housing with an integrated
bolt that can be moved hydraulically. This bolt allows the melt flow to be
diverted from the start-up position to production position, i.e., toward the
die plate, within one second. In many cases, the inlet channel of the polymer
Polymer Diverter Valve
diverter valve is adapted directly to the extruder outlet, screen changer or to
the melt pump, eliminating the need for an additional intermediate adapter.
The integration of a nose cone on the die plate at the outlet of the polymer
diverter valve reduces the length of the flow channel and the volume of melt
dead area before the die plate. This reduction of dead area prevents exces-
sive melt flow through the die plate after extrusion has stopped so the sys-
tem can be restarted with a generally clean die plate. This helps prevent the
risk of polymer wrapping and increased agglomerate formation during start-
up. A mobile support stand simplifies the removal or backing away of the
polymer diverter valve pulling from the extruder screw.

Bidirectional Polymer Diverter Valve (BiPoDV)

With the bidirectional polymer diverter valve (Model BiPoDV), the melt is
diverted sequentially into different directions. This means that, depend-
ing on the requirements of the job, the machine operator can work with
two pelletizing heads that can be individually configured. The operator
can prepare the machine for the next task and assemble, heat and tight-
en the ideal pelletizing tools under full production conditions. All con-
necting channels are freely accessible so the most recently used channels
can be thoroughly cleaned. For product change, the polymer diverter
valve housing is rotated and lifted into the new production position so
melt flow is directed to the new fully prepared tool. The change of melt
Bidirectional Polymer Diverter Valve (BiPoDV) direction for the next production job can be readied in very little time and
without tools.

Multidirectional Polymer Diverter Valve (MdPoDV)

With the multidirectional polymer diverter valve (Gala Model MdPoDV),
the melt is diverted sequentially into different directions during produc-
tion. The MdPoDV is designed to allow a continuous operation of the
production machine and to increase output without interruptions from a
defined minimum throughput up to the maximum line throughput. The
machine does not have to be stopped and no throughput-related modi-
fications are required, so only minimum start-up waste is generated. At
least one additional diverting operation is integrated, in addition to di-
verting to the floor or production position, allowing faster changeover
between two product flow directions or the sequential operation of mul-
Multidirectional Polymer Diverter Valve (MdPoDV) tiple pelletizers connected to the same diverter valve.


Supported by 24-hour Information needed to request a Quote

Service Worldwide! Company Name: _____________________________________________
Department: ________________________________________________
Technical Support: Name: _____________________________________________________
Gala has earned its reputation for providing Title: _______________________________________________________
prompt, dependable service – before, during
and after the sale. The mobile phone number
of every technician is published on our website City: _______________________________________________________
so they are available 24 hours a day. Every Country: ____________________________________________________
Customer call is handled with priority.
Postal Code: ________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________________________
Fax: ________________________________________________________
Customers are able to order classroom and
E-mail: _____________________________________________________
hands-on training for operators and mainte-
nance personnel on all of our Gala-manufac- Website: ____________________________________________________
tured equipment, either at the Customer’s fa- Product(s): __________________________________________________
cility or at Gala’s Technical Center.
Technical Centers:
Fillers & Percent: _____________________________________________
Gala’s technical centers are available to Cus-
tomers who wish to evaluate the suitability of ___________________________________________________________
a Gala System for purchase, for assistance in ___________________________________________________________
product development, R&D, or for product
Required kg/h: _______________________________________________
market sampling.
Pellet Diameter (mm): _________________________________________
Viscosity of Material (Pas):______________________________________
Residual Pellet Humidity Percentage: _____________________________
Power Supply: ________Volts ________Hz
Operation Time:________hrs. / day
Do you already use pelletizing systems or dryers? If yes, which ones and
Upstream Equipment:
Technical Center at Gala GmbH,
Xanten, Germany ___________________________________________________________


Global contacts, see

Contact us at [email protected]
The data and illustrations refer to the date of printing. Necessary changes can be made at any time without special notice. Maag´s products and processes are protected by IP rights.

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