Week 3 & 4 Personal Qualities

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Guidance Module


Time: Week 3 & 4

Personal qualities are the personal characteristics of an individual. They are what makeup
one's personality. They help a person get along in a new situation.

a. Enumerate the strengths and weaknesses of one’s personality.
b. Strengthen the good points and improve one’s low points as one is aware of
his/her characteristics.


A. Setting the stage:

Ask the class: How do they see themselves? How do others see them especially their
family and friends? Do they know their Personal qualities?

B. Activity proper

Activity: How I See Myself… I Am (Plus Factors, Negative Points)

How Others See Me… Others Say, I Am (My Positive Traits, My Not So Good
My Personal Qualities Chart

Study yourself. Know your good points… and your bad points… Are there points in your
personality that you want to learn more about? How can you know yourselves better and
improve your good qualities as you lessen the not-so-good attitudes?

Take this exercise by writing 3 words that best describe you:

How I See Myself… I Am

My Plus Factors My Negative Points
1. 1.

2. 2.
3. 3.

How Others See Me… Others Say, I Am

My Positive Traits My Not So Good Traits
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.


What Qualities Do I Have Now?

What Qualities Do I Need to Improve?

What I Need Most to Improve My Personality?

How Much Time Do I Need to Develop my Personal Qualities?

Significant Learning:
In three sentences summarize what you have learned in today’s meeting:

1. How was the activity?
2. What are your insights/realizations about the activity?
3. Will you be able to identify your good and bad qualities?
4. What will you do to improve your personal qualities?

C. Discussion


Your personal qualities are the characteristics that make you who you are. As well as the
knowledge and skills that you can bring to your work someday, your personal qualities define
how you will go about applying yourself to a role or task.

Learning how to identify and make the best use of your personal qualities is an important part
of being able to develop both personally and professionally.


1. Be Empathetic (empathy- “The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”)

Empathy enables you to understand other people and you can use that understanding to create a
better relationship with them.

Having empathy, whether for family, friends, and classmates comes from focusing on someone
else’s needs, struggles, and feelings. It requires that you open your heart to them and put their
needs before your own. It is about standing in someone else’s shoes.

2. Be Intuitive (intuition- “The ability to understand something immediately, without the need
for conscious reasoning.”)

Having intuition is being open to the mysterious workings of your mind, seeing what is or what
might be clear in your mind’s eye.

Intuition often plays a strong role in decision-making. You rely on intuition when you must make
decisions and act on them very quickly, the problem or the solution is ambiguous, or there's no
precedent to follow.

3. Be Creative – creativity - “The use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the
production of artistic work.”).
The best moment usually occurs when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a
voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile. Optimal experience is
something we make happen.

All creativity involves improvisation—whether you’re designing user experiences, acting on a

stage, jamming with a band, doing some form of creative writing, or making up a new recipe.

4. Be Passionate – (passion –“An intense desire or enthusiasm for something”)

To sustain the level of effort and concentration that the work demands, you must have a passion
for your work. With passion, your work ceases to feel like work. Your passion keeps you
focused on your goals, enables you to get things done and take risks when necessary, and makes
it possible for you to realize your vision. Always strive to do great work! Don’t settle for less.
Don’t compromise on quality.

Love your work and you’ll have the motivation to continually hone your skills and expand your
areas of competency, as you must forever do in this field. When you work with passion, you can
reach your full potential.

5. Be a Life- long Learner – (learning “The acquisition of knowledge or skills through

experience, study, or by being taught.”)

Being a life-long learner is a quality of successful people. Having the motivation and the ability
to learn and grow throughout your life is an essential quality in today’s fast-changing world. You
can learn through reading and deep reflection but most of all you’ll learn through life experience.
You can learn by questioning things and asking the right questions enables you to solve
problems. Often, you’ll learn from your mistakes, so life-long learning requires that you dare to
keep taking risks. Sustaining your commitment to continuous learning takes curiosity about the
world in which you live and the desire to improve your mind.

6. Be a Good Listener- (“Taking notice of and acting on what someone says (responding)to
advice or request.”)

Effective listening requires both deliberate efforts and a keen mind. Effective listeners
appreciate the flow of new ideas and information. To improve your communication skills, you
must learn to listen effectively. Effective listening gives you an advantage and makes you more
impressed when you speak. It also boosts your performance.
7. Be Honest and Have Integrity – (honesty “The quality of being honest or free of deceit and
untruthfulness, sincere”. )

(Integrity- “The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral

Being honest means telling the truth and being straightforward and open with people. A very
wise man once said, “Tell the truth, but never harsh truth.” People with personal integrity always
try to do the right thing, regardless of whether anyone would ever know what they’ve done. They
have a strong moral compass. It takes courage to do the right thing whatever the consequences.
Integrity is a valuable quality in everyone, but it’s vital in every person. Your honesty and
integrity will create trust in others.

People with personal integrity always try to do the right thing. It takes courage to do the right
thing whatever the consequences.

8. Be Courageous- (“brave”)

Having courage gives you the tenacity to work through issues and disagreements without
compromising your principles. Don’t be afraid to speak out and make your opinions known
particularly if you’re the lone voice representing the group. Master your fears and insecurities
and take a stand. Live up to your values. Do the right thing. Often, you’ll derive courage from
the need to stand up for others.

You must have the courage for your convictions. For example, if you truly believe that you’ve
made the right decision, don’t be dissuaded from following through on it, unless someone makes
salient arguments against that course of action that truly persuade you that you should change
your decision.

9. Be Self-Aware -“having conscious knowledge of one’s character, feelings, motives, and


Self-awareness—knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are and acknowledging what you
have yet to learn—requires mindfulness and deep reflection on your thoughts, your emotions,
your motives in your interactions with others, and what is happening in your life. It is a valuable
quality that everyone should cultivate.

10. Be Wholehearted-( “showing or characterized by complete sincerity and commitment.”)

Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. The main concern
of a wholehearted person is living a life defined by courage, compassion, and connection.
D. Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Thank you for
refreshing and renewing my heart. Fill me with Your peace, fill me with Your strength. Help me
to do good and stand firm until I see harvest of blessings in Jesus’ name. Amen






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