Atmopheric Pressure

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Atmospheric Pressure

1.8 Pressure
Core Supplement
• Recall and use the equation p = F / A • Recall and use the equation p = h ρ g
• Relate pressure to force and area,
using appropriate examples
• Describe the simple mercury
barometer and its use in measuring
atmospheric pressure
• Relate (without calculation) the
pressure beneath a liquid surface to
depth and to density, using appropriate
• Use and describe the use of a
Calculating pressure
1. A box on the floor has a weight
of 250 newtons. The area that
the box rests on is 0.25m2.
calculate the pressure under the

2. A hose causes a force of

8000N from the water over an
area of 0.5m by 0.5m. Calculate
the pressure.
Calculating pressure
1. A box on the floor has a weight Pressure = F
of 250 newtons. The area that A
the box rests on is 0.25m2. = 250/0.25
calculate the pressure under the = 1000N/m2

2. A hose causes a force of

8000N from the water over an
area of 0.5m by 0.5m. Calculate
the pressure.
Calculating pressure
1. A box on the floor has a weight Pressure = F
of 250 newtons. The area that A
the box rests on is 0.25m2. = 250/0.25
calculate the pressure under the = 1000N/m2

2. A hose causes a force of Pressure = F

8000N from the water over an A
area of 0.5m by 0.5m. Calculate = 8000/0.25
the pressure. =32000N/m2
Examples of Pressure

1. Increase the pressure by reducing the area.

The area under the edge of The studs on a football boot have
the blade of the knife is a small area of contact with the
ground. This means that the
very small. Beneath it the pressure beneath the studs is
pressure is very high, so sufficient for them to sink into
the blade can be pushed the ground and provide additional
easily through materials grip.
such as fruit.
Examples of Pressure

1. Reduce the pressure by increasing the area.

Skis have a large area to reduce Wall foundations have a large

the pressure on the snow so horizontal area. This reduces
they do not sink in too deep. the pressure beneath so that
the wall does not sink deeper
into the ground.
Air Pressure

Air pressure in the

atmosphere acts in all

Air pressure gets less

as you rise up through
the atmosphere. The
atmosphere is denser
at lower levels.
Air Pressure

Crushed can experiment

Air removed
by vacuum

crushes the
Air Pressure

Air pressure in the

atmosphere acts in all

Air pressure gets less

as you rise up through
the atmosphere. The
atmosphere is denser
at lower levels.

At sea level,
atmospheric pressure is
about 100 kPa
Air Pressure

We can measure atmospheric pressure using a barometer.

The sealed tube contains a

vacuum. Air pressure will
push mercury up the tube.
At sea level a column of 760
mm of mercury can be

As atmospheric pressure
changes, so does the height
of mercury in the tube.
Pressure in liquids

Pressure acts in all

Pressure in liquids

The weight of the liquid causes

pressure in the container. It also
causes pressure on any object in
the liquid.


Pressure acts in all directions.

The liquid pushes on all surfaces
it is in contact with. For a
submarine this means that
pressure is being exerted equally
on all parts of the hull.
Pressure in liquids

The weight of the liquid causes

pressure in the container. It also
causes pressure on any object in
the liquid.


Pressure increases with depth.

The deeper a liquid, the greater
the weight above and so the
higher the pressure. This is why
dams are built with a taper
towards a thicker base.
Pressure in liquids

The weight of the liquid causes

pressure in the container. It also
causes pressure on any object in
the liquid.


Pressure increases with depth. Pressure depends upon the density

The deeper a liquid, the greater of the liquid. The more dense a
the weight above and so the liquid, the higher the pressure at any
higher the pressure. This is why given depth.
dams are built with a taper
towards a thicker base.
Pressure in liquids

The weight of the liquid causes

pressure in the container. It also
causes pressure on any object in
the liquid.


Pressure doesn’t depend upon

the shape of the container.
The pressure at any particular
depth is the same whatever the
shape or width of the container.
Pressure in liquids – calculations

Pressure at any given point:

Pressure = ρgh

ρ (Greek letter ‘rho’)

g = 10 N/kg
Density = ρ h = height of liquid

Base area = A
Pressure in liquids – calculations

Pressure at any given point:

Pressure = ρgh

ρ (Greek letter ‘rho’)

g = 10 N/kg
Density = ρ h = height of liquid
eg. If the density of water is 1000 kg/m3, what is
the pressure due to the water at the bottom of a
swimming pool 3m deep?

Pressure = ρgh

Pressure = 1000 x 10 x 3

Pressure = 30 000 Pa
Base area = A
The Manometer

A manometer measures
pressure difference.

The height difference (h)

compares the pressure being
measured with the
h atmospheric pressure.

In this example, the

pressure being measured is
less than the atmospheric
Driver presses down on
jack handle here
Car is
Driver presses down on lifted by
jack handle here jack here
Car is
Driver presses down on lifted by
jack handle here jack here

Force = 10N
Car is
Driver presses down on lifted by
jack handle here jack here

Force = 10N

Area = 10cm2
Car is
Driver presses down on lifted by
jack handle here jack here

Force = 10N

Area = 10cm2

Pressure = force
Car is
Driver presses down on lifted by
jack handle here jack here

Force = 10N

Area = 10cm2

Pressure = 10

= 1 N/cm2
Car is
Driver presses down on lifted by
jack handle here jack here

Force = 10N

Area = 10cm2

Pressure = 10
The pressure, 1 N/cm2, will be the
= 1 N/cm2 same anywhere in the system.
Car is
Driver presses down on lifted by
jack handle here jack here

Force = 10N

Area = 10cm2 Area = 40cm2

Pressure = 10
The pressure, 1 N/cm2, will be the
= 1 N/cm2 same anywhere in the system.
Car is
Driver presses down on lifted by
jack handle here jack here

Force = 10N Force = Pressure x area

Area = 10cm2 Area = 40cm2

Pressure = 10
The pressure, 1 N/cm2, will be the
= 1 N/cm2 same anywhere in the system.
Car is
Driver presses down on lifted by
jack handle here jack here

Force = 10N Force = Pressure x area

Force = 1 x 40 = 40N

Area = 10cm2 Area = 40cm2

Pressure = 10
The pressure, 1 N/cm2, will be the
= 1 N/cm2 same anywhere in the system.
Using a hydraulic jack, a
Car is
small force can be
Driver presses down on lifted by
multiplied to lift a heavy
jack handle here jack here
Force = 10N Force = Pressure x area
Force = 1 x 40 = 40N

Area = 10cm2 Area = 40cm2

Pressure = 10
The pressure, 1 N/cm2, will be the
= 1 N/cm2 same anywhere in the system.
1.8 Pressure
Core Supplement
• Recall and use the equation p = F / A • Recall and use the equation p = h ρ g
• Relate pressure to force and area,
using appropriate examples
• Describe the simple mercury
barometer and its use in measuring
atmospheric pressure
• Relate (without calculation) the
pressure beneath a liquid surface to
depth and to density, using appropriate
• Use and describe the use of a

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