Chemistry TOPIC:-ATOMIC STRUCTURE Up To Bohr's Model: Proton The Chemistry Class

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TOPIC :- ATOMIC STRUCTURE up to Bohr’s Model

1. If ‘x’ is the radius of first Bohr’s orbit of the Hydrogen atom. Then the ratio of radius of 2 nd,
4th and 6th orbit is

(A) 1 : 2 : 3 (B) 1 : 4 : 9 (C) 3 : 2 : 1 (D) 2 : 4 : 8

2. Splitting of spectral line in the magnetic field is called

(A) Stark effect (B) Zeeman effect (C) Photoelectric effect (D) All of these

3. If the energy of an electron in 3rd Bohr orbit is –E, what is the energy of the electron in 2nd Bohr

(A) –2.25 E (B) –9 E (C) –4.75 E (D) – E

4. The distance of separation between the second and third orbits of hydrogen atom is

(A) 2.645 Å (B) 3.156 Å (C) 0.529 Å (D) 1.12 Å

5. Which state of Be3+ has the same orbit radius as that of the ground state of hydrogen atom?

(A) First orbit (B) Second orbit (C) Third orbit (D) Fourth orbit

6. The electron in Li2+ ion transit from an excited state to ground state. Then its

(A) Kinetic energy decreases but potential and total energy remains same

(B) Kinetic energy increases but potential and total energy decreases

(C) Kinetic energy and total energy decreases and potential energy increases

(D) Kinetic, potential and total energy decreases

7. The ratio between K.E. and total energy of the electrons of hydrogen atom according to Bohr’s
model is

(A) 1 : –1 (B) 1 : 1 (C) 1 : 2 (D) 2 : 1

8. Find the correct statement about Bohr’s theory

(A) The stationary orbits are arranged around the nucleus concentrically

(B) When the electron move from a lower energy state to higher energy state energy is emitted

(C) The angular momentum of electron in 3rd Bohr orbit is h/3p

(D) Electron becomes stationary in orbit so these orbits are called stationary orbits

9. The ratio of velocity of an electron present in 1st Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom to 2nd Bohr’s orbit of
He+ ion

(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 4

10. If the radius for the 2nd Bohr’s orbit is given by 0.529 Å, the unielectron species having above
radius is

(A) H (B) He+ (C) Li+2 (D) Be+3

Choradiya Chowk New Line Gangashahar, Bikaner | Contact No. 9024054989

11. Rutherford's a-particle scattering experiment proved that atom has :-

(A) Electrons (B) Neutrons (C) Nucleus (D) Orbitals

12. In 7N14 if mass attributed to electrons were doubled & the mass attributed to
protons were halved, the atomic mass would become approximately :-

(A) Halved (B) Doubled (C) Reduced by 25% (D) Remain same

13. The first three radius ratio of Bohr orbits :-

(A) 1 : 0·5 : 0·5 (B) 1 : 2 : 3 (C) 1 : 4 : 9 (D) 1 : 8 : 27

14. For Li+2 ion, r2 : r5 will be :-

(A) 9 : 25 (B) 4 : 25 (C) 25 : 4 (D) 25 : 9

15. The ratio of the radii of two Bohr orbits of H-atom is 4 : 1, what would be their nomenclature

(A) K & L (B) L & K (C) N & L (D) B & C both

16. The velocity of electron in third excited state of Be3+ ion will be :–

(A) 3/4 (2.188 × 108) ms–1 (B) 3/4 (2.188 × 106)ms–1

(C) (2.188 × 106) Kms–1 (D) (2.188 × 103) Kms–1

17. The difference between nth and (n + 1)th Bohr orbits' radii of H atom is equal to its (n – 1)th Bohr
orbit's radius. The value of n is :-

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

18. The ratio of the energy of the electron in ground state of hydrogen to the electron in first excited state
of Be3+ is :-

(A) 1 : 4 (B) 1 : 8 (C) 1 : 16 (D) 16 : 1

19. According to Bohr theory, the radius (r) and Velocity (v) of an electron vary with the increasing
principal quantum number 'n' as :-

(A) r increases, v decreases (B) r and v both increases

(C) r & v both decreases (D) r decreases, v increases

20. The energy of second Bohr orbit of the Hydrogen atom is –328 KJ/mol. Hence the energy of fourth
Bohr orbit should be :

(A) –41 KJ/mol (B) –1312 KJ/mol (C) –164 KJ/mol (D) –82 KJ/mol

21. In a hydrogen atom, if energy of an electron in ground state is –13.6 eV, then energy in the 2nd
excited state is :-

(A) -1.51 eV (B) -3.4 eV (C) -6.04 eV (D) -13.6 eV

22. First excitation potential of H atom is :

(A) 10.2 eV (B) 3.4 eV (C) 0 (D) – 3.4 eV

Choradiya Chowk New Line Gangashahar, Bikaner | Contact No. 9024054989

23. The ionisation energy for excited hydrogen atom in eV will be :–

(A) 13.6 (B) Less than 13.6 (C) Greater than 13.6 (D) 3.4 or less

24. Number of protons, neutrons & electrons in the element 89γ

is :-

(A) 89, 231, 89 (B) 89, 89, 242 (C) 89, 142, 89 (D) 89, 71, 89

25. Choose the false statement about deuterium :-

(A) It is an isotope of hydrogen (B) It contains [(1e) + (1p) + (1n)]

(C) It contains only [(1p) + (1n)] (D) D2O is called as heavy water

Q.1 Write down the conclusions of Rutherford experiment.

Q.2 Write down drawbacks of Dalton atomic model.

Q.3 Write down all three formulas of applications of Bohr’s Models.

Q.4 Calculate value of Radius, Velocity, Energy for H-atom.

Q.5 Write down postulates of Bohr’s Model.

Choradiya Chowk New Line Gangashahar, Bikaner | Contact No. 9024054989

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