MKTG 476

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Kayson McKenzie

Professor Flanagan

MKTG 476

January 12, 2018

How can a salesperson add value to his or her customers’ business?

A salesperson can add value to his or her customers’ business by using value-added components. Value-
added components are those that augment the product itself, such as information and service. In order to
understand customer’s needs and to provide customers with value-added solutions to their problems,
salespeople must develop close long-term relationships with their customers. These relationships are built
on cooperation, trust, commitment and information. Through this practice you built trust and loyalty even
in hard economic times.

How does relationship oriented selling differ from transaction-oriented selling?

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With transaction-oriented selling the salesperson is primarily concerned with the promotion and selling of

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the product with little or no emphasis on customer needs. While with relationship-oriented selling the

salesperson gets to know his or her customer, their needs and their wants. Then and only then does the
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salesperson even think about trying to make a sale. The book explains relationship selling as salespeople
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who concentrate their efforts on developing trust in a few carefully selected accounts over an extended
period, rather than calling on a large number of accounts. It also explains that with transaction selling,
salespersons’ focus on the immediate on-time sale of the product. Transaction-oriented selling is a short

term strategy while relationship-oriented selling is a long term strategy that focuses on building
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Why do many successful salespeople fail to become successful a sales managers?

A good salesperson has excellent people and communication skills. They focus on building relationships.
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They tend to be less detail oriented and avoid paperwork and administrative type of duties. A good
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manager needs to be well rounded with a solid skill set in all areas including administrative duties. A good
manager might not be a great salesperson or a great technical person or a great financial person, but they
are competent in all areas. In today’s age most successful sales managers are seen as team leaders rather

than bosses. They still direct and advise people, but they do so through collaboration and empowerment
rather than control and domination. To be a successful manager, like a salesperson, will need to adapt

their strategies, style, and attitudes.


It has been said, “Nothing happen until somebody sells something.” How would you explain this to a
student who is majoring in accounting, finance, or engineering?

Selling has certainly been very important to our economy. First, take a look at the number of sales jobs
out there. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are about 14 million sales jobs in the
United State and with expectations to grow a 6 percent employment growth for sales representatives by

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2024. Secondly, the United States economy has been a strong buyers’ market for many years and the
available supply of goods and services has far surpassed demands. During recession, business people
have problem selling these goods and services, so therefore they come to realize that slowdown of selling
forces the cutbacks in production. No company wants to produce an enormous amount of goods and not
able to sell those, therefore these companies spend more on professional selling than they do on
advertising. Without someone buying something nothing can happen as the quote stated. Without people
buying goods or service the financial advisor, accountant, engineer, etc. won’t have a platform to work
from so therefore “nothing happens until somebody sells something.”

Should someone who is not majoring in marketing take a course in personal selling? In sales

Yes, I strongly believe that every student should take a course in personal selling or sales management
because it relates to everyone’s career aspirations. There are more positions available in sales than in any
other professional occupation, with taking a course in this with give u knowledge and the edge over
someone who haven’t.

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Case 1-1

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Should Jen ask Damien to give up his accounts? How do you think Jen should handle this problem?

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I don’t think Jen should ask Damien to give up his accounts because based on the article Damien is really
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passionate about being a sales person even though he’s not the best at it. Asking him to give up his
accounts might result in him quitting the job. The case also mentioned that Damien wasn’t too thrilled
about being chosen for the sales manager position being that he’s not the most senior sale person. Earlier

in the article it was mentioned that the salespeople have one of two titles: assistant sales consultant or
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sales consultant. I would recommend that Damien keeps his position and accounts but only allowed to
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two mornings a week instead of three. The one morning that is being taken away from him can be given
to n assistant sales person to try and enhance their skills. Damien can use the extra morning that he won’t
be required to sell to do his paperwork. Damien was never the best salesperson, so in this effort I would
recommend that Jen have Damien work among best salespeople so he can learn how to do better in that
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Case 1-3

What are the pros and cons of each candidate?


Janice Wilson who was a former sales manager possesses sales manager skills which she obtains from her

previous sales manager position. With Janice being a former sales manager she learns how to create a
flexible learning and adapting environment. She’s young, friendly and likable; as it is mention in the case
she also runs a tight ship. She had developed an enviable reputation in the industry for building an

outstanding sales force. She demands high performance from her sales team. As for Gordon Price he has
no experience working as a sales manager but he’s well regarded throughout the company. He had sold
for the company over 20 plus years and prior to that had worked in production for 5 years. He’s a great
salesperson who outsold all other reps for the last 10 years and always exceeds quotas by 20 percent. He’s
very adept at entertaining and socializing with people. He’s determined and self taught, the case

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mentioned that he had not attended college but he accumulated an impressive library of business books
and had participated in many meaningful self-improvement programs.

Whom would you make sales manager? Explain your answer.

I would make Gordon Price the new sales manager because he been with the company 20 plus years and
has contributed a lot to company over the years. The company believes in promoting from within and this
man has been with the company for over 2 decades contributing in a very positive way. He’s one the
company’s best salesperson, very adept at entertaining and socializing with people. He took it upon
himself to be self taught, to attend self-improvement programs with the intention of being the best at what
he does. He is a very driven individual who also has an offer from a significant competitor, which he
could’ve taken silently like the previous sales manager but instead he chose to give Mrs. Ruiz a heads up.
I think he deserve the position because he really wants to be a sales manager as the case stated “he made
it clear that he did not want to leave but he would do so to become a sales manager if that opportunity was
not to be his with the Cornell Company.” Instead of risk losing a great salesperson and bringing Janice
who is an outsider that is not familiar with the team in which will be in place for her to work with, I say

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promote Gordon who is already known throughout the company and people are comfortable with. Besides

the company strongly believe in promoting from within, Gordon as self-improving as he is I believe

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would take it up on himself to find ways to be a great sales manager.

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