First Quarterly Examination in Mapeh 9: Banga National High School

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Aside from improper eating habits, what habit

Republic of the Philippines also causes diabetes?
Department of Education a. Diabetes c. Jogging
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato b. Environment d. Sedentary Lifestyle
BANGA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 13. It is a Physical Fitness Test used for measuring
Banga South Cotabato the flexibility of the lower back and the
hamstring muscles.
b. 40m Sprint d. Curl-ups
14. It refers to the ability of the joints to move
Name:_______________________________ through a full range of motion.
a. Flexibility c. Endurance
General Direction: Read and understand the b. Strength d. Speed
statements carefully. Choose the letter of the correct 15. It is the amount of energy required for physical
answer from the choices given and write your answer to activity.
the answer sheets given. a. Thermic effect of activity c.Gaining Weight
b. Thermic effect of food d. Calorie
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 16. It is refer to the ability to deal with others at any
1. It is defined as the heat required to raise given situation.
the temperature of 1 gram of water to 1 degree a. Physical Fitness c. Physical Qualities
Celsius. b. Social Qualities d. Emotional Qualities
a. Calorie c. TEE 17. These qualities refers to the emotional
b. BMR d. Gaining Weight readiness of an officiating official to perform his
2. It is the energy required to digest and absorb or her role in a game.
food. a. Physical Qualities c. Social Qualities
a. Calorie c. Thermic effect of
food b. Emotional Qualities d. Physical Fitness
b. BMR d. Gaining Weight 18. It is the capacity of an individual to perform his
3. It is the total number of calories your body or her daily task without undue fatigue and still
needs on a daily basis. has extra energy for recreation and
a. Calorie c. TEE emergencies.
b. BMR d. Gaining Weight a. Physical Qualities c. Social Qualities
4. It is an immediate and temporary care given to a
person who has been injured or suddenly taken b. Emotional Qualities d. Physical Fitness
ill. 19. What is the Body Mass Index classification of
a. Intensive care c. Fracture 25-29.9?
b. Chest compression d. First aid a. Underweight c. Normal
5. When two bones that come together to form a b. Obese d. Overweight
joint become separated. 20. What is the Body Mass Index classification of
a. Fracture c. Sprain 18.5-24.9?
b. Dislocations d. Strain a. Underweight c. Normal
6. It is a stretch or tear of a ligament. b. Obese d. Overweight
a. Fracture c. Sprain 21. What is E in RICE Formula?
b. Dislocations d. Strain a. Energy c. Elevation
7. It is defined as the energy required to maintain b. Endurance d. Effect
your body at rest. 22. In what way will our knowledge and skills in
a. Calorie c. TEE sports officiating skills help our community?
b. Gaining Weight d. BMR a. Save money during sports competition
8. What is meant by BMR? b. Train youth in sports related activities like
a. Basal Metabolic Rate c. Body Mass Rate as athletes and sports official
b. Basal Metabolism Ratio d. Body Mass Ratio c. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the
9. EB stands for? communities
a. Exercise Balance c. Energy Body d. All of the above
b. Energy Balance d. Exercise Body 23. What system in sports is used to maintain order
10. Sports Officials mostly use their arms for and fairness in implementing rules?
signaling. What fitness component will be a. Sports Officiating c. Sports Science
developed with this regular movement? b. Sports Psychology d. Sports Youth
a. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Flexibility 24. What is the BEST value that a sports official
b. Muscular Endurance d. Muscular strength must possess?
11. It is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon. a. Fairness c. Unjust
a. Sprain c. Fracture b. Punctuality d. all of the above
b. Strain d. Dislocations
25. In games which require the official to run 7. DPWH means?
continuously, what fitness component should a. Department of Public Works and Highways
the official possess? b. Department of Population Works and
a. Balance c. Power Highways
b. Endurance d. Strength c. Department of Philippine Works and
26. Which of the following does not belong in the Highways
d. Department of Preparedness Works and
objectives of First Aid?
a. To add suffering c.To alleviate suffering
8. It is defined as a sociological group in a large
b. To prolong life d. To save lives place sharing one environment.
27. Why is it that there is a need for us to maintain a. Community Health c. Environmental Health
a healthy body? b. Health d. Community
a. To attract other person 9. Waste materials such as bottles, broken glass,
b. To have the capacity and enjoy doing our paper, cartons, discarded porcelain, etc..
daily tasks a. Waste Disposal c. Stable Manure
c. To enjoy together with friends always b. Garbage d. Rubbish
d. To be exhausted easily 10. It includes animal waste from barns, stables or
28. What lifestyle-related disease will an official the like.
have if he/she continues to smoke and eat a. Waste Disposal c. Stable Manure
without cholesterol-rich foods? b. Garbage d. Rubbish
11. Are lifeless dogs, cats, rats, pig, chicken and
a. Cancer c. Heart Disease
other animals which die from diseases or
b. Diabetes d. Stroke accidents.
29. Hydration is important in officiating especially in a. Waste Disposal c. Stable Manure
running continuously for long minutes. Sports b. Dead Animals d. Rubbish
officials do not have the luxury of a time out. If 12. Water code of the Philippines.
they want to hydrate their body, what’s the best a. P.D. 1067 c. P.D. 463
drink to take? b. P.D. 389 d. P.D. 1219
a. Energy Drinks c. Sports Drink 13. Providing for the protection of coral
b. Soft Drinks d. Water ecosystems.
30. Officiating has a high physical demand, a. P.D. 1067 c. P.D. 463
especially in sports like basketball, soccer, and b. P.D. 389 d. P.D. 1219
combative sports. What should the referee do 14. DA stands for?
a. Delivery Area c. Department Association
PRIOR to doing his/her officiating task?
b. Department of Agriculture d.
a. Warm up c. Static Stretching
Department Agency
b. Dynamic Stretching d. Instantly proceed 15. Which of the following programs of Department
to Officiating of Health promotes Community Health?
HEALTH a. Maternal Health c. Child Health care
b. Primary Health care d. Control of
1. It is a state of complete physical, mental and Communicable
social well-being and not merely the absence of Disease
disease or infinity, and the ability to lead a 16. The following are the Perennial Community
socially and economically productive life. Health Problems except.
a. Health c. Emotional Health a. Peace and Order c. Drug Abuse
b. Health Education d. Drug Education b. Human Kind d. Water Supply
2. Are the dump, food waste or discarded 17. Sweepings, dirt, leaves, catch basin dirt, etc..
materials. a. Street Refuse c. Ashes
a. Garbage c. Refuse b. Rubbish d. Garbage
b. Special Waste d. Rubbish 18. Residue from fires used for cooking and heating
3. It is the proper disposal of a discarded or from on-site incineration.
discharged material in accordance with the a. Street Refuse c. Ashes
local environmental guidelines or laws. b. Rubbish d. Garbage
a. Waste Disposal c. Stable Manure 19. What environmental problem reduces the ability
b. Garbage d. Rubbish of soil to store water and support plant growth?
4. Refers to leftover vegetables, animals, fish and a. Soil Erosion c. Illegal Mining
other food materials from the kitchen and b. Oil Spill d. Deforestation
establishments. 20. How many percent of Coral Reef degradation
a. Waste Disposal c. Stable Manure has been damaged?
b. Garbage d. Rubbish a. 16 c. 22
5. It is the excessive sound that causes hearing b. 11 d. 32
loss, stress, fatigue, irritability, tension, 21. DOH stands for?
headaches, and high blood pressure. a. Department of Highways
a. Pollution c. Air Pollution b. Department of Health
b. Deforestation d. Noise Pollution c. Department of Honesty
6. It is the destruction of big areas of forests. d. Department of Heating
a. Pollution c. Air Pollution 22. Which does not describe a healthy community?
b. Deforestation d. Noise Pollution a. A clean and safe environment
b. An environment that meets everyone’s d. Community disaster preparedness
basic needs 36. In which best describes community health as
c. An environment that promotes social art and science?
harmony a. It maintains, protects and improves the
d. An environment that is fully aware of its health of all members of the community
daily opportunities through organized and sustained
community efforts.
23. Which is not an effect of Climate Change? b. It maintains and improves the health of all
a. Dead trees from oil spillage members of the community efforts.
b. Increased risk of drought, fir and floods c. It protects and improves the health of all
c. More health related illness and disease members of the community through
d. Economic losses organized and community efforts.
24. Which of the following environmental problems d. It maintains, protects and improves the
causes climate change? health of all members of the community.
a. Oil spill c. Deforestation 37. Why do we need to ensure community health in
b. Pollution d. Flash floods planning for community development?
25. Which of the following problem is leading a. To attain a luxury life
causes of environmental destruction? b. To keep the safety of the community
a. Illegal Mining c. Oil Spill c. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable
b. Soil Erosion d. Deforestation home.
26. Which is not an effect of Illegal Mining? d. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle.
a. Water poisoning of all the living things in it 38. What environmental problem does this picture
b. Suffocation depict?
c. Destruction of beautiful coral reefs a. Water Pollution c. Improper waste
d. Barrenness of land disposal
27. How many percent of the Coral reef b. Deforestation d. Flash Floods
degradation has been completely lost? 39. Which of the following is not a result of Soil
a. 16 c. 22 Pollution.
b. 11 d. 32 a. Unhealthy methods of soil management
28. DND stands for? b. Means any alteration of the physical,
a. Department of Defense chemical
b. Department of Disaster c. Unproductive harvest
c. Department of National Defense d. Harmful irrigation method
d. Department of Drought 40. Which does not describe a healthy community?
29. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy a. A clean and safe environment
environment? b. An environment that meets everyone’s
a. Less disease, less health care cost basic needs
b. Active community involvement c. An environment that promotes social
c. More budget for health problems, increases harmony and actively involves everyone
supply of medicines d. An environment that is fully aware of its
d. More community projects for community daily opportunities
30. Unwanted cars and trucks left on public
a. Special waste c. Demolition waste
b. Garbage d.Abandoned
31. Are those leaves, branches, grass and other
similar materials made during cleaning of
gardens and typhoons. GOODLUCK and GODBLESS!!!!!
a. Garbage c. Yard cuttings
b. Rubbish d. Street night soil
32. Hazardous solid and liquid.
a. Special waste c. Construction waste
b. Industrial waste d. Demolition waste
33. Soil Erosion happens when?
a. Soil and rock are moved from one place to
b. When it has been acknowledged
c. The extraction of valuable materials
d. Sudden flood of great volume
34. The Pollution Control Law.
a. P.D. 856 c. P.D. 825
b. P.D. 984 d. R.A. 8749
35. Which does not belong to Primary health care.
a. Community participation
b. Community health care delivery
c. Oil pollution

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