Principles of Marketing A South Asian Pe

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NAME: Dr. Pantelis Ioannou

OFFICE: 5th Floor, CDA Central, Evagorou Str.
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment
EMAIL: [email protected]


An introductory course designed to explore the marketing mix ingredients. Emphasis is also placed,
on the analysis of the external factors of the business environment that influence marketing


By the end of the course, students are expected to:

• Understand Marketing and the marketing process;

• Be able to evaluate how Marketing contributes to business success;
• Be able to develop marketing opportunities and strategies;
• Be able to develop the Marketing Mix; and
• Be able to demonstrate an ability to manage Marketing, based upon an understanding of the
Principles of Marketing in business.


Title: Principles of Marketing

Author(s): Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong
Edition/Year: Twelfth / 2008



Title: Marketing Management (Analysis, Planning. Implementation and Control

Author(s): Philip Kotler
Edition/Year: Eighth / 2006

Title: Strategic Marketing

Author(s): David W. Cravens & Nigel F. Piercy
Edition/Year: Tenth / 2006

Title: Strategic Marketing Management.

Author(s): Wilson R., Gilligan C. and Pearson D.
Edition/Year: Ninth / 2001

Web sites



• Marketing Business
• Strategic Management
• Journal of Management


• The Marketer
• Business Week
• The Economist



1 Managing Profitable Customer Relationships Discussion Questions
What is marketing? The marketing process,
Understanding the market place, customer needs,
wants and demands, Selling and marketing concept,
The societal marketing concept, Preparing a marketing
plan and programs, Building customer relationship
(CRM), The new digital age, Globalization, Ethics &
social responsibilities

Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to

Build Customer Relationships
Strategic planning, Mission, Steps in strategic
planning, Market-oriented business missions, Setting
company objectives, Analysing the business portfolio –
BCG, Ansoff’s product/market expansion matrix,
Partnering with other companies, Marketing strategy
and the marketing mix, Market segmentation.

Chapters 1 and 2
2 The Marketing Environment Discussion Questions
The Company’s Microenvironment, The Company’s
Microenvironment, Explain how PESTEL forces affect
marketing decisions, Discuss how companies can react
to the marketing environment. Guidelines for the Assignments

and Project.
Managing Marketing Information
Definition of a marketing information system and of
marketing research; relationship between marketing
information systems and marketing research; scope of
marketing research activities; Procedure in marketing
research. MIS, Components of the MIS, The marketing
research and process, Ethics in marketing research.

Chapters 3 and 4
3 Consumer Markets And Consumer Buyer Behavior Discussion Questions
Define the consumer market, Name the four major
factors that influence consumer buyer behavior.
List and understand the stages in the buyer decision
process. Describe the adoption and diffusion process
for new products. Psychological – motivation
Maslow’s hierarchy, Beliefs and attitudes, Buyer
decision process.

Business Markets And Business Buyer Behavior

Define the business market and explain how business
markets differ from consumer markets. Identify the
major factors that influence business buyer behavior.
List and define the steps in the business buying-
decision process. Business markets characteristics,
Business buyer behaviour. Major influences on
business buyer behaviour. Stages of the business
buying process

Chapters 5 and 6
4 Segmentation, Targeting, And Positioning: Discussion Questions
Building The Right Relationships With The Right
Define the three steps of target marketing: market
segmentation, market targeting, and market Outline the Methodology that
positioning. List and discuss the major bases for will be adopted for the project.
segmenting consumer and business markets. Market
segmentation, Segmenting variables, Targeting,
Micromarketing, Positioning maps, Positioning

Chapter 7
5 Product, Services, and Branding Strategies Discussion Questions
Define product and the major classifications of
products and services. Discuss branding strategy—the
decisions companies make in building and managing
their brands. Assignment

New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle

Strategies - Explain how companies find and develop
new-product ideas. List and define the steps in the
new-product development process. Describe the stages
of the product life cycle.

Chapters 8 and 9
6 Pricing Considerations and Approaches Discussion Questions
What is Price? Factors affecting price decisions, define
costs, External factors affecting pricing decisions, The
market and demand, Price elasticity of demand, Major
consideration ns in setting price, Pricing approaches, Test
Cost-based pricing, Break-even, Value-based pricing,
Competition based pricing

Pricing Strategies
Describe the major strategies for pricing initiative and
new products. Explain how companies find a set of
prices that maximizes the profits from the total product
mix. Discuss how companies adjust their prices to take
into account different types of customers and
situations. Discuss the key issues related to initiating
and responding to price changes. New-product pricing

Chapters 10 and 11
7 Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Discussion Questions
The nature and importance of marketing channels.
Discuss how channel members interact and how they Case Study: “Kanko Ltd”.
organize to perform the work of the channel. Identify
the major channel alternatives open to a company.
Discuss the nature and importance of marketing
logistics and integrated supply chain management.
Number of channel levels, Vertical marketing system
(VMS), Horizontal Marketing system (HMS), Major
logistics functions, Integrated logistics management

Retailing and Wholesaling

Explain the roles of retailers and wholesalers in the
marketing channel. Describe the major types of
retailers and give examples of each. Identify the major
types of wholesalers and give examples of each.
Explain the marketing decisions facing retailers and

Chapters 12 and 13
8 Revision

Mid-term Examination.
9 Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Discussion Questions
Name and define the tools of the marketing
communications mix. Discuss the process and

advantages of integrated marketing communications
(IMC), Explain the methods for setting the promotion
budget and factors that affect the design of the
promotion mix.
Advertising, Sales Promotion, And Public Relations
Define the roles of advertising, sales promotion, and
public relations in the promotion mix. Describe the
major decisions involved in developing an advertising
program. Explain how sales promotion campaigns are
developed and implemented.

Chapters 14 and 15
10 Personal Selling and Direct Marketing Discussion Questions
Personal selling, discuss the role of a company’s
salespeople in creating value for customers and
building customer relationships. Discuss the personal
Case Study
selling process, distinguishing between transaction-
oriented marketing and relationship marketing. Define
direct marketing and discuss its benefits to customers
and companies.

Creating Competitive Advantage

Discuss the need to understand competitors as well as
customers through competitor analysis. Assessing
competition, Competitive strategies – Porter’s

Chapters 16 and 17
11 Marketing In The Digital Age: Making New Discussion Questions
Customer Connections
Identify the major forces shaping the new digital age.
Digitalization and Connectivity, Explain how
companies have responded to the Internet and other
powerful new technologies with e-business, and how
these strategies have resulted in benefits to both buyers
and sellers.

The Global Marketplace

Discuss the international trade system, PESTEL, and
international marketing decisions. Describe key
approaches to entering international markets.
Economic blocks: NAFTA, EU, The global marketing

Chapters 18, 19

12 Marketing and Society: Social Responsibility And Discussion Questions
Marketing Ethics
Identify the major social criticisms of marketing.
Define consumerism and environmentalism and
explain how they affect marketing strategies. Describe
the principles of socially responsible marketing.
Explain the role of ethics in marketing.

Chapter 20
13 Project Presentations, Revision Deliver the Final Project


Class Participation/Tests: 5%
Assignments: 15%
Mid-term examination: 30%
Final examination: 50%

Assignments: The students will be assigned to carry out a theoretical research in the existing
literature over the topics covered in the course outline, or to carry out an exercise using the Internet.
The faculty member will determine the character of the assignment. The students are requested to
deliver their assignments on an individual or group basis and on time. Although collaboration
among the students for the preparation of the assignments is encouraged, students should avoid
copying. Presentations and discussions over the assignments will follow.
Mid-term examination: The mid-term examination will be of two and a half hours. It will mostly
be essay questions and/or multiple-choice questions.
Final Examination: The final examination will be of two hours. It will be comprehensive and it
will test the students on the material covered during the semester.

• Class attendance and participation in class discussion is expected and absences will affect
your final grade.
• The due dates for assignments are non-negotiable and late work will be penalized.
• All assignments are to be professional in appearance and type.


Class attendance: Students are expected to attend the classes regularly and be punctual.
Office hours: Students are encouraged and advised to visit regularly their instructor during the
office hours and discuss promptly any issue that seems to be important for the student and his/her
Humane matters: Inform your faculty member for any un-expectancies that may occur, thus not
allowing you to carry out your responsibilities.
Library: You are advised to visit regularly the library of our College and read articles published in
academic journals. I recommend you studying regularly among others, articles of your interest,
published in international journals.

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