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An Information Security

By Adam Firestone
An Information Security Overview
By Adam Firestone

1 Introduction
Modern information security doctrine emphasizes multiple concentric protective rings creating
a multilayered defensive perimeter. This concept, known as defense in depth, is based on the
premise that if a single security mechanism fails, there will be a second (or third, or fourth)
already deployed to defeat an attack. In many ways, it’s an admission that the information
security scales are weighted in the attackers’ favor. There are many potential attackers, a broad
attack surface1 and an almost limitless number of attack methodologies. As a result, there is no
single way to protect a system or network, and defense in depth is intended to increase the
likelihood that even if one ring is penetrated, a subsequent barrier will stop the attack.2

Unfortunately, despite an increasing awareness of information security issues and the

proliferation of network security technologies, the total number of reported breaches continues
to grow at an alarming rate. One report from the Identity Theft Resource Center indicates a
29% rise in the number of reported3 breaches between 2016 and 2017.4 Another report, from
security hardware manufacturer Gemalto, indicates that nearly two billion data records were
stolen in the first half of 2017 alone.5 The messages in these statistics are both stark and clear:

1. While perimeter defenses are important, they do not reliably prevent successful attacks.
2. The dominant motivation for the attacks was the theft of sensitive information.

Put bluntly, the payoff for the attacker is not the successful breach – it’s the successful
exfiltration of exploitable data. The breach is nothing. It’s the data that’s everything.

This white paper explores data, or, more accurately, information security concepts and
mechanisms. While it is explicitly not intended to serve as a product guide, certain products
may be cited as examples of a particular functionality.6 It breaks with conventional information
security paradigms in that it assumes that all perimeters are permeable and that only
defenses that render data, individual devices or both inaccessible to unauthorized parties will
provide the necessary defenses and deterrent effects to keep an organization’s information
secure. Additionally, this paper’s primary intended audience comprises senior executives and
operational decision makers, as opposed to information technologists and security practitioners.

1. The attack surface is the totality of the different points or potential vulnerabilities at which an unauthorized user can
try to breach a network or system environment to enter data, extract data or disrupt operations.
2. https://www.sans.org/reading-room/whitepapers/basics/defense-in-depth-525, Page 1
3. Not all breaches are reported, despite regulatory requirements, so actual numbers are invariably higher.
4. https://www.idtheftcenter.org/Data-Breaches/itrc-and-the-2017-mid-year-data-breach-report
5. http://breachlevelindex.com/assets/Breach-Level-Index-Report-H1-2017-Gemalto.pdf
6. Nothing in this paper should be construed as particular product recommendation, and the reader is encouraged to
carefully assess his or her organization’s needs and to use formal, structured decision analysis techniques to identify
and select the product best meeting those needs.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  1

Technologists and practitioners may find it of use, but its focus and contents are deliberately
broad and tailored for the larger community of those who use technology rather than those who
implement and deploy it.

2 Information Security: Why Do You Care?

In the 21st century, information is central to the conduct of business. This fact cuts across
all verticals, markets and sectors and applies regardless of whether an organization is part of
industry, academia or government. In the end, it’s good information security that defends and
ensures an organization’s competitive advantage (e.g., the Apple culture of secrecy7), good
reputation (e.g., Target and the loss of 40 million customer credit and debit card numbers8)
and operational continuity (it takes an average of 66 days to recover from a significant data
loss9). Simply put, an organization cares about securing its information because unauthorized
disclosure of that information can existentially impact the organization.

Information security impacts both a company AND its products. For example, a SIA member
company that manufactures video surveillance equipment has both internal operational and
customer information that must be protected. However, in addition to this, the company
needs to protect the information and access inherent to its products. A networked camera
(or microphone, or physical access control mechanism for that matter) may be integrated
with back-end or cloud-based control systems. Failure to appreciate and understand both the
business benefits and the information security risks (and requirements) attendant to connected
products can create security issues just as grave as leaving endpoints or primary networks
inadequately protected.

How does an organization prioritize which information to protect? To begin, key stakeholders
might be asked to identify information, the sudden loss of which would prevent the company
from operating normally, or at all. Typically, this is information that supports critical business
processes such as revenue generation, accounting, logistics, customer service and regulatory
compliance. Loss or theft of such information could result in lost sales and customers; financial,
regulatory or criminal sanctions; and/or reputational damage.

Next, the organization ranks the information in order of importance, based on criteria such as:

• the information’s impact on revenue and productivity;

• whether there are regulations or laws speaking to the degree of protection required;
• its criticality to continued operations;
• the maximum amount of time that can be allowed to pass between the onset of a
disrupting event resulting in data loss and a maximum allowable threshold (i.e., the
“Recovery Point Objective” or RPO); and

7. https://theoutline.com/post/1766/leaked-recording-inside-apple-s-global-war-on-leakers
8. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/23/business/target-security-breach-settlement.html
9. https://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/cgi-bin/ssialias?htmlfid=SEL03130WWEN&

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  2

• the duration of time within which and a specified service level to which an information
process must be restored in order to avoid unacceptable consequences (i.e., the
“Recovery Time Objective” or RTO)10.

3 An Information Security Primer

This section is intended to provide familiarity with information and data security terminology
and concepts. It is emphatically not designed to make the reader an expert, but rather to
provide a starting point from which individuals and organization leaders can launch useful
conversations and have effective communication with their information security providers and

3.1 Identity and Access Management

Identity and access management (IAM or IdAM) are the security processes and procedures that
enable the right people to access the right resources at the right times for the right reasons.
IdAM addresses the fundamental need to ensure both appropriate and assured access to
proprietary resources across increasingly complex and diverse environments, and, critically, to
meet rigorous legislative, regulatory and compliance requirements. IdAM is a reflection of the
organization’s business needs and requirements and requires both business skills and technical

3.1.1 Authentication
Authentication is the mechanism by which an information system securely identifies its users,
answering the following questions:

• Who is the user?

• Is the user really who he/she claims to be?12

Traditionally, a user is authenticated in of three ways13, based on what are known as the factors
of authentication:

• Knowledge factor: Something the user knows (e.g., a password, partial password, pass
phrase, personal identification number (PIN), challenge response or security question).
• Possession factor: Something the user has (e.g., wrist band, ID card, security token,
cell phone with built-in hardware token, software token or cell phone holding a software
• Inherence factors: Something the user is or does (e.g., fingerprint, retinal pattern, DNA
sequence, signature, face, voice, unique bio-electric signals or other biometric identifier).

10. RPO designates the variable amount of data that will be lost or will have to be re-entered during network
downtime. RTO designates the amount of “real time” that can pass before the disruption begins to seriously and
unacceptably impede the flow of normal business operations.
11. https://www.gartner.com/it-glossary/identity-and-access-management-iam/
12. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6556522/authentication-versus-authorization
13. There are solutions that offer as many as five factors of authentication, but typically, multi-factor authentication is
limited to the three factors mentioned here.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  3

Recently, additional authentication factors have been made available in some products. These

• Location factor: Determining that the device from which the user is attempting to
authenticate is within a certain defined area (i.e., geofencing), or, in some cases, within
a predefined distance of an external locating device such as a proximity beacon.
• Machine inherence factor: Something physically unique and permanent about the device
from which the user is attempting to authenticate, such as a burned in processor board
or processor serial numbers.

Research has determined that for a positive authentication, elements from at least two, and
preferably three or more, factors should be verified.14

3.1.2 Authorization
Authorization is the mechanism by which a system determines what level of access a particular
authenticated user should have to resources controlled by the system. For example, a database
system might be designed to provide some people with the ability to retrieve information
from a database but not the ability to modify that information, while concurrently giving other
individuals the ability to change information. Authorization systems provide answers to the

• Is user X authorized to access resource R?

• Is user X authorized to perform operation P?
• Is user X authorized to perform operation P on resource R?

Authentication and authorization are related mechanisms; authorization systems depend on

secure authentication systems to ensure that users are who they claim to be, and thus prevent
unauthorized users from gaining access to secured resources.15

3.2 Confidentiality
The ISO 27001 standard describes confidentiality as “the property, that information is not
made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities or processes.” Confidentiality
guarantees are usually enforced by a number of mechanisms including authentication and
authorization (as mentioned above), encryption and the related notion of key management and
data life cycle management.

3.2.1 Encryption
The word “encryption” is derived from the Greek word kryptos, meaning “hidden.” In keeping
with that, the goal of cryptography16 is to hide a message’s meaning, not its presence. An
encrypted message is one that has been scrambled according to a predetermined protocol

14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authentication
15. https://web.archive.org/web/20121014105355/http://www.duke.edu/~rob/kerberos/authvauth.html
16. Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties
called adversaries or eavesdroppers.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  4

that has been agreed upon by the sender and recipient. With encryption, if an eavesdropper
intercepts the message and lacks knowledge of the scrambling protocol, it remains unreadable.
Modern cryptography is based on the notion that the cryptographic algorithm (which does
the scrambling) can and should be made public, whereas the key, which determines how
the scrambling is to be applied, is kept secret. This is because it’s assumed, as American
information theorist Claude Shannon put it, “The enemy knows the system,” and by making the
algorithm widely available, a broad vulnerability analysis can be conducted.

This perspective was definitively stated by Auguste Kerckhoffs von Nieuwenhof in 1883 in what
came to be known as Kerckhoffs’ Principle:

The security of a cryptosystem must not depend on keeping secret the crypto-
algorithm. The security depends only on keeping secret the key.17

Cryptographic algorithms can be divided into three types:

• symmetric cipher algorithms, in which the sender and recipient share a common key
that is required to both encrypt and decrypt the message;
• asymmetric cipher algorithms, where each party has both a public key that is used to
encrypt the message, and a private key that is used to decrypt the message; and
• cryptographic hash algorithms, which are one-way functions that produce unique output
of a fixed length.

3.2.2 Key Management

The most effective cryptosystems are known as One-Time-Pads (OTP) and rely on completely
random keys of great length that are used for only one message. OTPs are so effective that
they are said to be “information theoretically secure;” that is, unbreakable. Unfortunately, the
difficulty in generating and managing huge numbers of long, random keys is significant. That
difficulty, however, is dwarfed by the difficulty of securely distributing those keys across hostile
or insecure environments.

Key management deals with the generation, exchange, storage, use, crypto-shredding
(destruction) and replacement of keys. It includes cryptographic protocol design, key servers,
user procedures and other relevant protocols. It applies to keys at the user level, either between
users or systems. It is critical to the security of a cryptosystem. It is the more challenging side
of cryptography in a sense that it involves implementation issues such as system policy, user
training, organizational and departmental interactions and coordination between all of these
elements, in contrast to pure mathematical practices that can be automated.

3.2.3 Data Life Cycle Management

While information may remain useful to an organization for some finite period, it may remain
sensitive for a significantly longer period. As a result, it’s important to securely manage
information throughout its life cycle. An example data, or information, life cycle management
process is described below:

17. Singh, Simon. The Code Book. New York: Anchor Books, 1999. Amazon Kindle Digital Edition, Location 347

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  5

The data life cycle begins with data capture, which is the act of creating data values that do
not yet exist and have never existed within the enterprise. Data can be captured by acquiring
information that has been produced by an organization outside the enterprise, by having human
actors or devices generate new data, or capturing signal or sensor information.

Once data has been captured, it is processed in ways that include movement, integration,
cleansing, enrichment, changed data capture and extract-transform-load. It may then be
synthesized or analyzed to derive other information, or directly used in support of the
enterprise. Data values may also be sent outside of the enterprise, this is called data

After many rounds of usage and publication, the information’s end of life nears. At this point the
information is copied to an environment where it is stored in case it is needed again in an active
production environment, and is then removed from active production environments. When it is
certain that the information is no longer of value, it is purged.18

3.3 Integrity
Information integrity is the maintenance and assurance of the accuracy and consistency of
information over its entire life cycle. Information is said to maintain integrity if it is recorded
exactly as intended and upon later retrieval, is the same as it was when it was originally
recorded. Integrity means that unintentional or unauthorized changes to information are

For files or other blocks of digital information, integrity can be provided by mechanisms such as
hashing, digital signatures and checksums. Database integrity is typically enforced through a
series of integrity constraints or rules. Three types of integrity constraints are an inherent part
of the relational data model: entity integrity, referential integrity and domain integrity.

Historically, integrity has been enforced at a single point, such as a database or a file store.
If that point was breached or corrupted, the integrity guarantees were lost. Blockchain, a
distributed ledger technology most commonly associated with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency,
offers great promise with respect to data integrity. Blockchain maintains a complete record of
every transaction impacting a piece of information stored within it, and distributes that record to
every participant in the overall scheme. As a result, data stored in a blockchain mechanism does
not have a single home that can be corrupted. Additionally, blockchain relies on cryptographic
hashing to create an immutable signature for each transaction (or set of transactions) – the
“block,” upon which the signature of every following block depends, so changes are readily
apparent. Finally, blockchain introduces a distributed consensus model where no change is
permitted to propagate until it is approved by a majority of participants.

18. https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/blog/7-phases-of-a-data-life-cycle/

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3.4 Authenticity
With respect to information security, authenticity refers to the notion that the party being
communicated with is really who they claim to be. Many techniques are used to ensure this,
such as pre-shared keys, public/private key algorithms, and, recently quantum cryptography.19

3.5 Availability
For information to be useful, it must be available when required. This means that the computing
systems used to store and process the information, the security controls used to protect it and
the communication channels used to access it must function properly. Systems requiring high
availability assurance must design for unexpected disruptions such as power outages, hardware
failures, anticipated downtime associated with system upgrades and malicious activity such as
denial-of-service attacks.

Ensuring availability takes place at both design time and runtime. Redundancy, monitoring and
control mechanisms are planned and engineered at design time. System health and status
checks are continual processes during runtime. Availability is ensured through detection of fault
conditions, avoidance of storage problems, review of file system structures, monitoring file
system usage and defining disk and tape resources by sizing storage components. Activities
specific to availability assurance include:

• Backup/Restore: Backup procedures ensure that critical information is securely saved

on a consistent basis. Once saved, data must be readily available through restoration
procedures that enable users to request retrieval of any critical data. Copies of backed-
up information should be securely stored off-site as well as on-site. Options for backup
and archiving have increased significantly with the proliferation of cloud-based solutions.
• Archiving stores critical data on a long-term basis in an efficient manner. While backup
data is often readily and locally available, archived data may be saved on tape and stored
• Storage management ensures that available storage media is available as needed and
used efficiently. Continual review of stored data and resources balances availability and
cost constraints.
• Database management includes managing the database environment from initial
product selection to daily operations monitoring. As databases become more
distributed, tools supporting centralized monitoring and sound data architectures are
required. These tools detect data errors, conflicts and potential resource issues.20

3.6 Non-Repudiation
Non-repudiation in information security refers to guarantees that the author of a statement will
not be able to successfully challenge his or her authorship of the statement or validity of an
associated contract execution. It can be achieved through a service that provides proof of the
integrity and origin of the information and high levels of assurance with respect to authenticity.

19. https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/148173/authenticity-confidentiality-integrity-general-questions
20. http://www.business-esolutions.com/drav.htm

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Data integrity can be proven though the use of a cryptographic hash function (e.g., SHA-
2), demonstrating that the likelihood of data being undetectably changed is extremely low.
Additionally, authenticated encryption modes of operation, such as Galois Counter Mode, can
be used to provide non-repudiation guarantees.21

Typically, information’s origin is established using digital certificates, as discussed above.

However, certificates and newer techniques, such as blockchain, that hold great promise
with respect to information integrity remain reliant on current asymmetric cryptography
technologies. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), these
technologies will become vulnerable to quantum computing attacks within 20 years. Fortunately,
great progress is being made in post-quantum cryptography. For more information see NIST
Internal Report 8105.22

4 Information Security Imperatives and Definitions

Once the initial set of critical information is defined, the discovery process continues by
examining where the company’s critical information resides, categorizing it accordingly and
determining which information security imperatives apply.

4.1 Information Types

An organization’s critical information can be divided into four broad categories:

• Internal information comprises an organization’s operating information. This can include

employee information that may be personally identifiable information (PII23), or with
respect to medical benefits, protected health information (PHI24). It can also include an
organization’s intellectual property, operating policies and procedures, plans, business
goals, competitive intelligence or any other information that the organization uses to
remain viable and competitive. In the case of some organizations, this may include
public trust or national security information.
• Customer information includes any data that the organization maintains about its
customers. This can range from order histories to market assessments to shipping and
home addresses and financial information (e.g., credit card and bank account numbers).
Depending on the type of organization, customer PII and PHI may be held as well.
• Partner, service and tool information includes any of the organization’s critical data
that is held by a third party. This is especially relevant as more organizations adopt
cloud-based services. For example, the financial management and human capital
management service Workday has over 1,800 customers, many of whom are Fortune

21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-repudiation
22. https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/nistir/8105/final
23. PII, as used in information security and privacy laws, is information that can be used on its own or with other
information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context.
24. PHI under U.S. law is any information about health status, provision of health care or payment for health care that
is created or collected, and can be linked to a specific individual.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  8

500 companies.25 This means that an organization that uses Workday’s services
has deposited critical information outside its direct control and relies on Workday’s
information security apparatus to maintain the confidentiality of its PII and PHI.
• Information required to be safeguarded by law for national security reasons, including
that deemed for official use only, controlled unclassified information or classified

Additionally, there is a fifth category – device information – that is of interest to SIA members.
Device information may include proprietary data or trade secrets built into firmware or
embedded software, or authentication credentials. While specifics concerning device design
and architecture are beyond the scope of this white paper, the endpoint and network protection
principles described below remain applicable.

Regardless of how the information is categorized, the unifying theme is that unauthorized
disclosure can be expected to have serious negative consequences for the organization, up to
and including permanent closure. In some cases, such consequences are driven by the market’s
reaction to the disclosure, and in others they are driven by regulatory consequences resulting
from non-compliance.

4.2 Elements of Information Security

Information security is often described as comprising three discrete capabilities or attributes:
Confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA). Collectively, these are referred to as the CIA triad,
and each capability represents a key information security goal:

• Confidentiality is maintained when unauthorized access to information is prevented.

Confidentiality mechanisms range from physical access controls (e.g., guards, gates,
guns) to system and network authentication and authorization tools, to data encryption
mechanisms. Confidentiality includes means for protecting privacy and proprietary
• Integrity is maintained when unauthorized or improper modification or destruction is
prevented. Integrity assures users of information accuracy and can include assurances
of authenticity26 and nonrepudiation.27 Integrity mechanisms include tools such as
cryptographic hash algorithms, message authentication codes, digital signatures and
digital certificates.
• Availability is maintained when information is accessible, in a timely and reliable
manner, to authorized users. With respect to information security, availability means
defending against unauthorized data destruction (through means such as redundant
storage or backups) or defeating denial of service attacks by using tools such as IP
throttling and flexible scaling.

25. https://diginomica.com/2017/10/19/workday-rising-and-workday-then-now/
26. Authenticity refers to the validity of claims as to information’s origin or authorship.
27. Non-repudiation refers to a state in which the author of a communication or message cannot later validly claim
not to have originated the communication or message.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  9

There’s no simple answer as to which is most important. Different types of organizational
data require different combinations of resource allocations to achieve the proper CIA mix.
For example, when considering what type of information security resources to allocate to
information that is operationally critical but that can be easily and rapidly recreated, it may make
sense to emphasize confidentiality over integrity or availability.

5 Information Security States

Organizational information exists in one of three states. These are commonly referred to
as data-at-rest (DAR), data-in-transit (DIT) and data-in-use (DIU). Ideally, an organization’s
information is protected in each of these states. Information security in each state requires the
use of specific tools, protocols and processes.

5.1 DAR
DAR refers to inactive data that is physically stored in any digital form. Storage mechanisms
may range from databases to data warehouses to applications such as spreadsheets and word
processing documents, network archives, physical tapes, off-site backups and mobile devices.
There is no specific temporal definition for DAR. It can refer to static, unchanging information
such as historical archives, information that is subject to occasional change, such as reference
tables, or information that is regularly used, such as that stored in active databases, but that
is not currently in use. DAR is any data that is stored on media and not being moved across a
network or used by an active application.

5.2 DIT
DIT (or data in motion) refers to information actively moving from one location to another,
such as across the internet or over a local area network. Examples of DIT include information
exchanged between a browser and a server, email, instant messaging or any information
exchanged in an online manner. DIT can comprise any information of any format and is subject
to interception or eavesdropping.

5.3 DIU
DIU refers to information actively being used for computation that is temporarily stored in a
volatile digital state, such as in random access memory (RAM), central processing unit (CPU)
caches or CPU registers. It can contain sensitive data including digital certificates, encryption
keys, intellectual property (e.g., software algorithms, design data) and PII. DIU compromised
can enable the compromise of both DIT and DAR. Unfortunately, while research is ongoing,
there are few tools to protect DIU.28

28. Full memory encryption, CPU-based key storage, enclaves and homomorphic encryption are current solutions,
though most of these are not available for general purpose use yet.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  10

6 Information Security by Location
In addition to discrete states, an organization’s information exists in a finite set of location types.
Information protection mechanisms are tailored for specific location types, including endpoints,
local network storage and cloud-based storage.

An endpoint is a device connected to the local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN)
or the internet that can receive and send communications back and forth across the network.
It was originally meant to indicate networking equipment such as hubs, routers or switches
or a host such as a workstation or a server. Today, the term has expanded to represent any
device on the periphery of the network, whether inside or outside a firewall. Such devices
include laptops, tablets and mobile phones, or any other means by which people connect to
the central network. Endpoints are proliferating due to the explosion in the number of mobile
devices in the workforce. It’s estimated that more than 30 percent of organizational data now
exists outside the organizational firewall on mobile endpoint devices.29 Endpoints also include
any smart or networked devices, such as cameras, microphones or access control mechanisms.
Such endpoints, or any other non-human actor that has a digital identity, are often referred to
as “Non-Person Entities” (NPE). Note that some definitions specify that NPEs are the digital
certificates used to identify non-human actors to a public key infrastructure.30

Local network storage may refer to a file server, network attached storage (NAS) or a
storage array network (SAN). A file server provides shared storage for computer files (such
as documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images or video) that can be accessed by
workstations that are able to reach the computer providing the access through a network. File
servers and NAS devices offer similar capabilities, but file servers usually have more powerful
hardware and greater functionality than a NAS device.31 A SAN provides access to consolidated,
block-level data storage. (Block storage is analogous to space on a hard drive.) However, all
three generally refer to storage capabilities that are local, or at least proprietary, with respect to
a single organization across either a LAN or WAN.

Cloud storage refers to storage mechanisms that use securely shared (multitenanted),
remotely sited and externally owned and managed hardware to provide storage capabilities
on demand as a service. There are three types of cloud data storage, and they mirror the local
network storage types:

• Object Storage: Object storage offers great scalability and metadata characteristics that
can be used to flexibly describe the information being stored. Object storage solutions
like Amazon Web Services’ Simple Storage Service (S3) are used to build modern

29. https://www.druva.com/blog/simple-definition-endpoint/
30. NPE is the credential granted to an authorized device or software application as part of PKI functionality.
NPE certificates are issued to devices by a request process that ensures ownership and use of those devices
in accordance with guidance and directives that control an organization’s IT platforms and use of platforms. The
Department of Defense has an NPE initiative to “remove anonymity for devices on DoD networks” starting
with “workstations, domain controllers and Web servers.” See: https://www.jerichosystems.com/technology/
31. A file server and NAS device might both allow for access control with respect to files and folders, but a file server
usually has more security configuration options and more granular access controls than a NAS device.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  11

applications from scratch that require scale and flexibility, and can also be used to import
existing data stores for analytics, backup or archive.
• File Storage: This is provided by a shared NAS resource and is intended to support use
cases like large content repositories, development environments, media stores or user
home directories.
• Block Storage: Cloud block storage is intended to support enterprise applications like
databases that require dedicated, low latency storage and is directly analogous to a

6.1 Endpoint Security

Endpoints manage both DAR and DIT, and, due to the many (and often unpredictable) tasks
they are required to perform, present one of the most significant data security environments.
Fortunately, there are a wide array of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products available
supporting multifaceted requirements of endpoint security. It’s worth noting that many products
are versatile and cover many endpoint security use cases. The following sections provide an
overview of those use cases:

6.1.1 DAR Full Disk Encryption (FDE)
FDE is technology that secures an endpoint computing device by encrypting all the data at rest
on its non-volatile storage. (Non-volatile storage may be a hard disk drive, a solid state drive or,
for mobile devices, either the onboard flash memory or a removable flash memory device such
as a micro-SD card.) This is anything stored on the device, including end-user files, application
settings and application and operating system (OS) executables.

FDE is intended to protect information in the event that a device is lost, stolen or otherwise
physically accessed without authorization. Any organization of any size – to include individual
consumers and sole proprietorships – with sensitive DAR to protect will benefit from using
full disk encryption software. As long as the device is not in a booted state, FDE provides
significant security benefits. As FDE doesn’t encrypt data in use, it is often used alongside
other storage-encryption types, such as virtual disk encryption, volume encryption and file

Typically, FDE technology uses a mechanism called on-the-fly-encryption (OTFE). Also known
as real-time encryption or transparent encryption, OTFE automatically encrypts data as it is
read from or written to non-volatile storage. Put another way, all DAR on the device is always
encrypted, regardless of whether the device is powered down, powered but idle or in use. As
an authorized user uses the device, application and operating system data requests are shunted
through an OTFE engine that is loaded on startup and resides in the device’s volatile memory.

The OTFE engine and the encryption key(s) are protected through a mechanism that requires
the user to authenticate prior to accessing any information. The OTFE engine stores the relevant
encryption keys, also in volatile memory. When information is read from the non-volatile storage

32. http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/feature/The-top-full-disk-encryption-products-on-the-market-today

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  12

in its encrypted state, it is decrypted in volatile memory and then delivered to the application
that requested it. Similarly, when an application or operating system writes information to non-
volatile memory, it is routed through the OTFE engine, where it is encrypted prior to storage
on the disk. When the device is shut down, and typically when a user logs out or, in some
cases, locks the device, the encryption keys in volatile memory are destroyed and can only be
accessed by a validated user authentication. Thus, the device’s information remains secure from
unauthorized access.

With OTFE, information is accessible immediately after the encryption key is provided, and the
entire non-volatile storage volume is typically mounted as if it were a physical drive, making the
secured information as accessible as though it was unencrypted, and typically with very low
additional latency. No data stored on an encrypted volume can be read (decrypted) without a
valid authentication, and the entire file system within the volume is encrypted (including file
names, folder names, file contents, and other meta-data). OTFE usually requires the use of
device drivers to enable the encryption process. Administrative access is normally required to
install OTFE drivers, but the encrypted devices/volumes can typically be used by normal users.33

OTFE products aren’t difficult to find. They are available as native operating system components
(e.g., Bitlocker, which comes with Microsoft Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise and
Education34) and as third-party products in both open-source and proprietary formats.
When considering FDE solutions, both individuals and enterprises are urged to develop an
understanding of their unique environmental requirements and to compare them to the features
offered by different COTS products. FDE feature sets include:

• Central management: Whether the product supports enterprise management features

such as key recovery, central deployment and the use of hardware security modules or
enterprise key managers to support networked pre-boot authentication.
• Hidden containers: Whether hidden containers (an encrypted container (A) within
another encrypted container (B) so the existence of container A cannot be established)
can be created for deniable encryption.
• Pre-boot authentication: Whether authentication can be required before booting the
computer, thus allowing boot disk encryption.
• Single sign-on: Whether credentials provided during pre-boot authentication will
automatically log the user in to the host operating system, thus preventing password
fatigue and reducing the need to remember multiple passwords.
• Custom authentication: Whether custom authentication mechanisms can be
implemented with third-party applications.
• Multiple keys: Whether an encrypted disk can have more than one active key.
• Passphrase strengthening: Whether key stretching is used with plain text passwords to
frustrate dictionary attacks, usually using the password-based key derivation function 2.
• Hardware acceleration: Whether dedicated cryptographic accelerator expansion cards
can be used.

33. https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/On-the-fly_encryption.html
34. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/device-security/bitlocker/bitlocker-overview

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  13

• Trusted platform module (TPM): Whether the implementation can use a TPM
• Filesystems: What filesystems are supported.
• Multifactor authentication: Whether optional security tokens (hardware security
modules, such as tokens and smart cards) are supported.35 Partition Encryption

Disk partitions are logically separate areas on a hard disk drive or other computer storage
medium. On a Windows computer, this is often expressed in terms of different drive letters
(e.g., C:, D:, K:). The partitions are independently managed by the operating system. Partitioning
is usually done before any files or directories have been created and divides a drive’s total
available storage into different pieces (the partitions). Once a partition is created, it can then be
formatted so that it can be used to store information on a computer.36

Partition encryption software usually works best on basic disks. (Basic disks are the storage
types most often used with Windows. The term basic disk refers to a disk that contains
partitions, such as primary partitions and logical drives, and these in turn are usually formatted
with a file system to become a volume for file storage.37) Partition encryption allows for
greater flexibility than FDE as the user is free to open (i.e., authenticate to) different encrypted
partitions independently.

Partition encryption products also generally use OTFE. Partition encryption is generally available
as a feature of a disk management or encryption solution, not as a standalone capability. Volume Encryption

A volume (also called a “logical drive”) is a single storage area with a single file system, usually
(though not necessarily) resident on a single partition of a hard disk. A volume can be different
from a physical disk drive, but it can still be accessed with an operating system’s logical
interface. However, a volume differs from a partition. For example, an operating system can
recognize a partition without recognizing any volume associated with it. A volume also can be
contained within a single file, and this scheme is commonly employed for CD/DVD images
and volume encryption mechanisms.38 Since the advent of Windows NT, Microsoft Windows
has enabled users to create multi-partition volumes by combining several partitions (potentially
stored on different physical hard drives) into a large single “partition” called a volume.

Volume encryption treats the volume as a single portion of data. A volume is always in one
of two states: If the user has not properly authenticated (i.e., provided an encryption key),
the whole volume is locked/encrypted. If the user successfully authenticates and opens the
volume, everything stored in the volume, regardless of physical location, becomes accessible.

35. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_disk_encryption_software
36. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning
37. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363785(v=vs.85).aspx
38. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volume_(computing)

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  14

Generally, it is more intuitive to manage a volume than to work separately with every physical

Volume encryption is generally available as a feature of a disk management or encryption

solution, not as a standalone capability. Virtual Drive Encryption

Many endpoint information security products intended for desktop and notebook computers
running standard operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X or Linux use dedicated virtual
hard drives. Typically, these virtual drives use a file format such as Microsoft’s VHD that enables
a single file to represent a virtual hard disk drive (HDD). Such files can contain what is found on
a physical HDD, such as disk partitions, file systems, files or folders. They are addressable (on
Windows systems) with drive letters and can be managed as any other drive.

Encrypted virtual drives usually operate as part of an OTFE scheme under which any data
written to them is always encrypted and remains so until decrypted in volatile memory. Virtual
drive encryption can be found in both single capability tools and as part of a full solution disk
management and encryption solution.

6.1.2 DIT Online Data Exchange
Endpoints are frequently used as mechanisms to exchange information over the internet. Such
exchanges include accessing websites, using cloud services and any other communication that
employs a web protocol. Most online data exchanges employ a browser as the user’s front end,
or client. The browser initiates a connection to the website or desired service. It’s here that the
DIT security for online activity is created. Modern browsers such as Google’s Chrome, Mozilla’s
Firefox, Otello’s Opera, Vivaldi Technologies’ eponymous Vivaldi and Apple’s Safari support
secure connection mechanisms such as transport layer security (TLS). Users can determine
whether a browser connection is secure by looking at the URL address bar. Secure connections
will use the https prefix
TLS Handshake Protocol Overview
instead of the insecure
http prefix, and often a
secure address is shown
with an icon such as a
closed padlock or other
indicators such as green
text. Connections that do
not show these indicators
are to be avoided as the
user has no assurance
that they have connected
to the right site/server,
or that the site/server

39. https://www.jetico.com/file-downloads/web_help/bcve3/html/01_introduction/02_what_is_ve.htm

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  15

to which they have connected is legitimate. Critically, information sent across an insecure
connection is sent unencrypted, in the clear, and can be intercepted and read by anyone as it
travels across the internet.

TLS’ security40 is the result of a complex, but rapid, interaction between the browser and
the server. To initiate a secure connection, the user’s browser sends a message requesting a
secure session and indicating the cryptographic parameters it can support. The server responds
with a message agreeing to use a certain combination of the browser’s supported parameters.
Included in this message is the server’s digital certificate, which provides assurances as to the
server’s identity and authenticity. The browser verifies the legitimacy of the server’s certificate
and then the two generate a shared, but secret encryption key that will be used to secure
information sent between the two for the duration of the session. Wireless Connections - WiFi

Endpoints frequently access the internet over WiFi connections. Unless the connection is
secured, it’s trivially easy for an attacker to literally read the communications between a
wireless access point or router and an endpoint. Over time, various wireless security protocols
were developed to protect wireless networks. Among the first of these was wired equivalent
privacy (WEP). WEP is a security mechanism for IEEE 802.1141 wireless networks introduced
in 1997. Since its inception WEP has been deprecated as insecure42 in favor of WiFi Protected
Access (WPA2 and WPA2-Enterprise).

Wireless security protocols are intended to prevent unauthorized connections to a wireless

network and encrypt data as it is being transmitted over the air. It’s worth noting that wireless
networks are generally not as secure as wired networks. In an effort to make wireless
networking easy to use, the default configuration for early wireless components provided for
easy connection but no security. Much of this has been addressed, but the omnidirectional
broadcast inherent to wireless networks, intended to be received by every device within range,

Additional detail on wireless security protocols is provided below:

• WEP: The original encryption protocol developed for wireless networks. WEP was
designed to provide a level of security comparable to wired networks. However, WEP
has many well-known security flaws (e.g., the use of a relatively weak, 40-bit encryption
key and the flawed RC4 stream cipher), is difficult to configure and is easily broken. No
modern wireless network should be using WEP.
• WPA: Introduced as an interim security enhancement over WEP while the 802.11i
wireless security standard was being developed. Most current WPA implementations
use a pre-shared key (PSK, commonly referred to as WPA Personal), and the Temporal
Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP, pronounced tee-kip) for encryption. WPA Personal has one

40. TLS provides confidentiality, integrity and authentication between communicating applications.
41. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7920364/
42. No wireless network in 2018 or beyond should be using WEP for its security.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  16

set of keys for all users whereas WPA Enterprise, which uses an authentication server
to generate keys or certificates, has a discrete encryption key for each user.
• WPA version 2 (WPA2): This protocol is based on the 802.11i wireless security
standard, which was finalized in 2004. The most significant enhancement to WPA2 over
WPA is the use of the advanced encryption standard for encryption. Internal Network Connectivity

There are many mechanisms for securing information moving across an organization’s
internal network. One option is to implement internet protocol security (IPsec). IPsec is a
suite of protocols developed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of data
communications over an internet protocol (IP) network. It is also used to implement virtual
private networks (VPN)43. Unlike TLS, which is imposed on a per-session basis, IPsec is
omnipresent and transparent to the user. The IPsec administrator can provide protections to all
incoming and outgoing data.

IPsec is a powerful network security tool, offering authentication, confidentiality, integrity,

access control, protection against replay attacks and some protection against traffic flow
analysis. Additionally, it is extremely flexible. It can control whether data packets are protected
by confidentiality or message integrity (or both)44 and how much of the data packet is protected
by these assurances45. All of this capability comes at a price. IPsec is extremely complex. While
it offers great security, many options and a lot of flexibility, these same attributes make it hard
to use, and use correctly.

An alternative to IPsec is the use of dedicated network encryptors. Whereas IPsec parameters
are configured at the router level operating at the network’s datalink layer, network encryptors
are dedicated devices generally operating at the network layer (although some network
encryptor products can operate at the datalink layer). They offer confidentiality, integrity and
authenticity guarantees along with a high throughput and a reduced administrative burden. All
of this capability comes at a cost, however; network encryptors are expensive. Cellular/Mobile Communications

The good news for mobile phone communications is that both Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)46 mobile communication

43. VPNs allow users to securely access a private network and share data remotely through public networks. Much
like a firewall protects data on a computer, VPNs protect it online. And while a VPN is technically a WAN (Wide Area
Network), the front end retains the same functionality, security, and appearance as it would on the private network.
See: https://gizmodo.com/5990192/vpns-what-they-do-how-they-work-and-why-youre-dumb-for-not-using-one
44. Encapsulated Security Protection (ESP) gives both confidentiality and message integrity, whereas Authentication
Header (AH) provides only message integrity.
45. In Transport Mode, only the payload of the IP packet is encrypted or authenticated. Since the IP header is neither
modified nor encrypted, routing is intact. In Tunnel Mode the entire IP packet is encrypted and authenticated and
encapsulated into a new IP packet with a new IP header. Tunnel mode is used to create VPNs for network-to-network
communications, host-to-network communications (e.g. remote user access) and host-to-host communications (e.g.
private chat).
46. CDMA is primarily used in the U.S., but there is a substantial GSM presence as well. GSM phones will always
use SIM cards while only some CDMA phones, notably those on the Sprint and Verizon LTE networks, use SIM
cards. See: https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2407896,00.asp

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  17

standards support encrypted communications from mobile devices. The bad news is that
mobile phone voice call security is notoriously weak.

GSM phones use the A5 stream cipher family to encrypt calls:

• A5/1: Primarily used in Europe and the United States, A5/1 was developed in 1987. By
2014, it was estimated that some 7.2 billion GSM device users relied on A5/1 for their
voice call confidentiality. A number of attacks on A5/1 have been published, and it is
believed that national agencies are able to decrypt A5/1 messages at will.47
• A5/2: Developed in 1989 (and re-engineered in 1999), A5/2 was a deliberate weakening
of the algorithm for certain export regions in Asia. A5/2 was cryptanalyzed in the same
month it was published and demonstrated to be so weak that it can be broken by
commodity equipment in real time. On July 1, 2006, the GSM Association declared
that GSM mobile phones will not support A5/2 any longer, due to its weakness and the
fact that A5/1 was deemed mandatory by the 3GPP association. In July 2007, the 3GPP
association approved a change request to prohibit the implementation of A5/2 in any
new mobile phones.48
• A5/3 (also known as Kasumi): A5/3 is a block cipher derived from the MISTY1
cipher developed by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and is the successor to the A5/1
cipher used in GSM phones. Unfortunately, it didn’t fare much better than A5/1 in
terms of security. In 2010, Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller and Adi Shamir published a
cryptanalysis that recovered the full A5/3 key. Worse, the computational requirements
were low enough that a 2010 vintage computer powered by Intel Core 2 Duo was able
to complete the attack in less than two hours.49 50

CDMA phones use the Cellular Message Encryption Algorithm (CMEA), or one of its
derivatives, for encrypting voice communications. CMEA is designed to encrypt the control
channel, rather than the voice data. In 1997, a group of cryptographers published attacks on
the cipher showing it had several weaknesses that give it a trivial effective key length of a 24-
bit to 32-bit cipher. CMEA and its improved successor, CMEA-I, should be considered to be

Fortunately, there is an alternative. Secure Chat

The period between 2015 and early 2018 saw the emergence and proliferation of a class of
smartphone apps designed to ensure communications privacy. In many cases they support real-
time chat, voice and file transfer over standard mobile data and WiFi networks. In general, these
apps are intuitive and easy to use and eliminate the need for the user to understand or, in most
cases, be aware of the encryption mechanism.

47. https://yro.slashdot.org/story/13/12/14/0148251/nsa-able-to-crack-a51-cellphone-crypto
48. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A5/2
49. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KASUMI
50. https://eprint.iacr.org/2010/013.pdf
51. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_Message_Encryption_Algorithm

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  18

These encrypted messaging apps all have a feature called end-to-end encryption. End-to-
end encryption means that the message is encrypted on the sender’s device and sent to the
recipient where it is decrypted. The mechanism prevents eavesdroppers, even if they are from
the company that hosts the service, from being able to recover messages. It also means that
the service provider does not have the ability to disclose the messages even if their servers
were seized pursuant to a subpoena or breached by a malicious actor. Examples of end-to-end
encrypted messaging apps include:

• Signal
• Cyphr
• Pryvate
• Wickr
• Silence
• Viber
• Voxer
• Threema
• Chat Secure

As an example of the security guarantees offered by modern secure chat apps, the Signal
protocol provides confidentiality, integrity, authentication, participant consistency, destination
validation, forward secrecy, backward secrecy (aka future secrecy), causality preservation,
message unlinkability, message repudiation, participation repudiation and asynchronicity. (It
does not provide anonymity preservation and requires servers for the relaying of messages and
storing of public key material.)52 Secure Email

Email, with the possible exception of SMS messaging, may be the most ubiquitous electronic
communications mechanism available today. It is asynchronous and ubiquitous, spans almost
every platform imaginable and is reliable for both message and file communications. As a result
of its centrality to both personal and public life, email security is largely a solved problem.
Unfortunately, the implementation of email security solutions has lagged their availability,
with some email providers making design decisions to hamper users’ efforts to ensure the
confidentiality of email communications.53 The two primary means of securing email are through
the use of clients that make use of digital certificates and secure email services.

Digital certificates were designed as a means to provide assurance that the recipient of a
message secured using asymmetric (or “public key”) cryptography was, in fact who he or

52. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_Ratchet_Algorithm
53. For much of its existence, the price for Google’s Gmail service was that Google’s advertising mechanism “read”
each email that traversed its servers so as to better craft targeted advertisements. As a result, none of the official
Gmail clients (e.g., web or mobile) supported security or encryption. As of mid-2017, Google no longer reads Gmail
messages (see: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/26/534451513/google-says-it-will-no-longer-
read-users-emails-to-sell-targeted-ads), but the clients still do not support security mechanisms. Google claims
that messages are secured via TLS between a Gmail client and Google’s servers. However, the messages remain
unsecured when they reach Google and when they are transmitted to a non-Gmail recipient.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  19

she claimed to be. Public key cryptography solves the problem of securely sharing secrets
(i.e., encryption keys) across large distances (i.e., those large enough to frustrate face-to-face
interaction). It does this by using two distinct encryption keys: A public key, which can (and
arguably should) be distributed to anyone in the world without compromising the message’s
confidentiality, and a private key, which is kept confidential by its owner. What one key
encrypts, the other decrypts. Thus, if Alice wants to send Bob an email that only he can read,
Alice would use Bob’s public key to encrypt the email, secure in the knowledge that only Bob’s
private key is able to decrypt the email. Once it is encrypted with Bob’s public key, Alice cannot
decrypt the message.
When Bob receives the
Public Key Encryption
message, he uses his
private key to decrypt the
message. Importantly,
there is an inverse
relationship between the
keys; what one encrypts,
the other decrypts.
Consequently, messages
encrypted with a private
key can be decrypted with
a public key and vice versa.

All Alice and Bob have to exchange in order to secure their messages, or in this case, emails,
are their respective public keys. Unfortunately, Alice and Bob are still left with a problem. Alice
wants her public key to be distributed as widely as possible so that she can communicate
securely with as many people as possible. However, how do the public key’s recipients know
they’re getting Alice’s public key, and not a public key from Mallory (the malicious actor),
pretending to be Alice? If they were to encrypt messages using Mallory’s spurious key, Mallory
could read every message intended for Alice.

The answer is found in digital certificates.54 A digital certificate is a short text file that includes
its owner’s public key and identifies (among other things) the certificate’s issuer and/or creator
and the certificate owner.55 Additionally, the certificate contains a representation of the
identifying information that has been hashed56 and then digitally signed with the certificate
issuer’s private key. The recipient of a digital certificate examines its identification portion to
make sure it’s relevant, hashes the identification portion and then uses the certificate issuer’s
public key to decrypt the encrypted/digitally signed portion of the certificate. If the recipient’s
calculated hash value matches the hash value of the decrypted digitally signed hash, then the

54. At least, the answer today is found in digital certificates. Emerging technologies such as blockchain may one day
render the X.509 (or public key) infrastructure relied upon by digital certificates obsolete, or at least provide a viable
alternative. Such technology is not widely available as of the time of publication of this white paper in early 2018.
55. The widely used X.509 standard includes a number of other data elements.
56. Hashing means that the data has been run through a hash function. A hash function maps data of arbitrary
size to data of fixed size such that the result, for all possible inputs, is always the same length. In a cryptographic
hash function, it is statistically impossible to recreate the original input from the hash value output. Because of this
property, hash functions are used to verify data integrity. If two data have the same hash, they are identical.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  20

recipient knows that the certificate is valid and that the information provided with it (e.g., the
public key) can be trusted. The network of certificate issuers, or certificate authorities, that
supports this distributed
Digital Certificate Chain of Trust
trust mechanism is
called a “public key
infrastructure” or PKI.

Digital certificates provide

a means of protecting
(or merely validating)
emails when they are
used in conjunction with
email clients that have
functionality to store
and use them, generally
by supporting secure
multipurpose internet
mail extensions (S/MIME)
functionality. Such clients
include (but are very much
not limited to) Microsoft
Outlook (both thick client
Public Key Certificate
and online versions),
Mozilla Thunderbird and
eM Client.

Digital certificates can

be purchased in bulk
for an organization and
allocated to employees.
Such certificates usually
provide both public
and private keys, and
therefore support email
confidentiality, and they
support digital signatures,
message integrity,
authenticity and non-
repudiation assurances as

Digital certificates can

also be used as an
authentication mechanism
for NPEs and networked
security devices that
connect to back end and

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  21

cloud management systems. Certificate-based authentication can be used for all endpoints –
users, machine, devices and even the growing Internet of Things. In such cases, certificates are
stored locally on the NPE device and generally require no additional management once installed
at the time of manufacture.

In this case, certificates provide for mutual authentication, where both parties involved in the
communication positively identify. For example, a remote microphone must prove its identity
to a cloud-based command and control server and the server must prove its identity to the
microphone, before a connection can be made. Certificate-based authentication is flexible and
can support fine grained access control, ensuring that access is granted only to approved NPEs,
preventing the entry of unauthorized NPEs or rogue machines.57

Unfortunately, there are hurdles to digital certificate adoption. On many email clients, the setup
process is complex and can be challenging. There’s also a cost issue. Depending on the degree
of identity verification and certificate lifespan required, individual certificates can be expensive.
Finally, there’s a data ownership issue. Unless an enterprise invests in some mechanism to
securely store the private keys associated with employee certificates, encrypted emails may
not be recoverable when an employee leaves the organization.

Still, for individual use, or when the primary concern is confidentiality, certificates can provide
a powerful information security tool. For example, individual certificates are available for free at

For individuals and entities interested in securing their email communications without the
overhead of managing S/MIME (digital) certificates, there are services that provide true client-
side encryption as well as the administrative functions required by enterprise. Client-side
encryption means that an email is fully encrypted before it leaves the email client (whether
that client is a browser or a dedicated email application). Many of these services do not
require email recipients to use the service and also provide controls over functionality such as
forwarding, message time-to-live and offer data loss prevention capability.

6.2 Network and Cloud Storage

Many of the endpoint security controls discussed above are also applicable to information
stored in shared network or cloud locations:

• Individual files can be encrypted on the endpoint prior to upload.

• Encrypted volumes can be created on network or cloud locations, ensuring that all
information stored within them is protected.
• Cloud storage mechanisms can have encryption enabled such that all data stored within
them is transparently encrypted at rest.

Additionally, access control plays a significant part in providing information security on remote
storage. Sensitive information stores should not be publicly exposed. Role-based and other
fine-grained access control mechanisms are available on all major networking (e.g., Microsoft
Windows domains) and cloud platforms. For example, on Amazon Web Services’ (AWS’) Simple

57. https://www.globalsign.com/en/blog/what-is-certificate-based-authentication/

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  22

Storage Service (S3), all storage resources (e.g., buckets, the AWS equivalent to a Windows
folder), objects, and related subresources such as life cycle website configurations are private
by default and only visible to the resource owner. The resource owner can optionally grant
access permissions to others. S3 access policy options can be attached to resources (buckets
and objects) or to users. In S3, these mechanisms can be flexibly combined to manage access
to information stored in S3.58

For non-object data stored remotely, AWS’ Elastic Block Storage (EBS) service provides useful
illustrations. EBS ties its access control to that of the virtual machine controlling the storage
asset, which in turn leverages the overall AWS IAM. IAM enables AWS customers to:

• create users and groups;

• assign unique security credentials to each user;
• control each user’s permissions to perform tasks using AWS resources;
• enable users in another AWS account to share the customer’s AWS resources;
• create roles for the AWS account and define the users or services that can assume
them; and
• use existing identities to grant permissions to perform tasks using AWS resources.59

With respect to encryption, encrypted EBS volumes can be created that secure the following
types of data:

• data at rest inside the volume;

• all data moving between the volume and the virtual machines using it;
• all virtual machine snapshots created from the volume; and
• all volumes created from those snapshots.
EBS was designed to handle encryption and decryption transparently, requiring no additional
action from AWS customer applications.60

6.3 Information Security by Location Recap

6.3.1 Endpoints
Endpoints manage both DAR and DIT. DAR
• FDE is technology that secures an endpoint computing device by encrypting all the data
at rest on its non-volatile storage. FDE is intended to protect information in the event
that a device is lost, stolen or otherwise physically accessed without authorization.
Typically, FDE technology uses OTFE.

58. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/s3-access-control.html
59. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/UsingIAM.html
60. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSEncryption.html

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  23

• Partition encryption allows for greater flexibility than full disk encryption as the user is
free to open (i.e., authenticate to) different encrypted partitions independently. Partition
encryption products also generally use OTFE. Partition encryption is generally available
as a feature of a disk management or encryption solution, not as a standalone capability.
• Volume encryption treats a disk volume as a single portion of data. Generally, it is more
intuitive to manage a volume than work separately with every physical drive. Volume
encryption is generally available as a feature of a disk management or encryption
solution, not as a standalone capability.
• Virtual drive encryption tools operate as part of an OTFE scheme under which any data
written to them is always encrypted and remains so until decrypted in volatile memory.
Virtual drive encryption can be found in both single capability tools and as part of a full
solution disk management and encryption solution. DIT
• Online data exchange is generally done via a browser employing TLS, and users must be
educated as to the indicators of a secure browsing session.
• WiFi is inherently insecure and users should only connect to known WiFi networks over
authenticated connections.
• Enterprise networks should secure information moving across an organization’s internal
network using a mechanism such as IPsec or a network encryptor. External connections
to the network should be controlled and secured using a mechanism such as a VPN.
• The mechanisms for preserving the confidentiality of voice calls over a mobile phone
connection are broken.
• Secure chat provides a viable, secure alternative for mobile communications.
• Email can be secured using certificates or through a secure email service. Both have
costs and relative advantages and disadvantages.

6.3.2 Network and Cloud Storage

• Many of the endpoint security controls discussed above are also applicable to
information stored in shared network or cloud locations.
• Individual files should be encrypted on the endpoint prior to upload.
• Encrypted volumes can be created on network or cloud locations, ensuring that all
information stored within them is protected.
• Cloud storage mechanisms can have encryption enabled such that all data stored within
them is transparently encrypted at rest.
• Access control plays a significant part in providing information security on remote
• Cloud services provide extensive and flexible access control and encryption options that
should be exploited by administrators.

7 Roles and Responsibilities

Information security impacts everyone from individuals to enterprises and requires thought
and understanding at all levels. It can no longer be relegated to a dedicated security team.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  24

The conversation must be expanded and awareness raised as to how everyone plays a role in
protecting sensitive information. The dissemination of information about how to secure and
safeguard personal data and devices will create habits that extend into the workplace. When
possible, provide security awareness training to educate employees not only on phishing, social
engineering, ransomware, how to identify attacks and how to report possible attacks, but also
how to use their devices more effectively.

Ensure that individuals, enterprises and leadership view information security as a long-term
priority and that everyone supports the development of a holistic information security approach.
Information security is a blend of technology, processes and people working together.

8 Conclusion
This white paper has broadly explored data security concepts and mechanisms. It bears
repeating that all electronic perimeters are permeable and that only defenses that render
data, individual devices or both inaccessible to unauthorized parties will provide the necessary
defenses and deterrent effects to keep an organization’s information secure. Additionally, while
this paper’s primary intended readers are senior executives and operational decision makers,
this information is equally applicable to information technologists and security practitioners.

An Information Security Overview © 2018 Security Industry Association  25

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