Vocabulary Bank: Money

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Vocabulary Bank

1. Prepositions:
Would you like to pay _cash or In, by
_credit card?
I paid _ the dinner last night. It was For
my birthday.
I spent $50 _books yesterday. On
My uncle invested all his money _real In
I don’t like lending money _friends. To
I borrowed a lot of money _ the bank. From
They charged me $120 _a haircut! For
I never get _debt. I hate owing people Into

2. Nouns:
“Coin” -> a piece of money made of metal.
“Bill” -> a piece of paper that shows how much money have to pay for
“Salary” -> the money you get for the work you do.
“Tax” -> money that you pay to the government.
“Loan” -> money that somebody (or a bank) lends you.
“Mortgage” -> money that a bank lends you to buy a house.
“ATM” -> a machine where you can get money.

Phrasal verbs:
o “Took out” -> took from my bank account.
EXAMPLE: I took out 4200 form an ATM.
o “Pay --- back” -> return.
EXAMPLE: When can you pay me back the money I lent you?
o “Live off” -> depend on financially.
I have to live off my parents while I’m college.
o “Live on” -> have enough money for basic things you need to live.
It’s difficult for me and my wife to live on only one salary.

 “A material world” –> a consumer society.
(un mundo material -> una sociedad de consumo)
 “comes with a free” –> you have to pay for it.
(viene con un gratis –> Tienes que pagar por ello)
 “foot the bill” –> pay the bill.
(pagar la facture –> pagar la factura)
 “for free” –> that you don’t have to pay for.
(gratis –> que no tienes que pagar)
 “paper or plastic” –> cash or credit cards.
(papel o plástico –> efectivo o tarjetas de crédito)
 “shopping sprees” –> buying a lot of things at one time.
(compras juergas –> comprar muchas cosas a la vez)
 “with money” –> rich.
(Con dinero –> rico)

Verb Verbo Sentence Oración

I could sell my house for about Podría vender mi casa por unos
$200,000. 200.000 dólares.
Be worth Valer
- My house be worth about - Mi casa vale unos 200.000
$200,000. dólares.
I need to ask my mom to give Necesito pedirle a mi mamá
Pedir me $20. que me dé $ 20.
prestado - I need to borrow $20 from - Necesito pedir prestados $ 20
my mom. a mi mamá.
No tengo suficiente dinero para
I don’t have enough money to
No puedo comprar ese auto.
Can’t afford buy that car.
pagar - No puedo permitirme
- I can’t afford to buy that car.
comprar ese coche.
Por lo general, tengo que
I usually have to pay the
pagarle al mecánico $ 400 para
mechanic $400 to fix my car.
Charge Cargar que arregle mi auto.
- The mechanic charges me
- El mecánico me cobra 400
These shoes are very Estos zapatos son muy caros.
Cost Costo expensive. They are $200. Son $ 200.
- They cost $200. - Cuestan $ 200.
Yo trabajo en un
I work in a supermarket. They
supermercado. Me pagan $
Earn Ganar pay me $1,600 a month.
1,600 al mes.
- I earn $1,600 a month.
- Gano $ 1,600 al mes.
My uncle died and left me Mi tío murió y me dejó $
Inherit Heredar $2,000. 2,000.
o I’m going to inherit $2,000. - Voy a heredar $ 2,000.
Quiero depositar dinero en una
I want to put money in a bank
cuenta bancaria. Me darán un
account. They’ll give me 5%
Invest Invertir interés del 5%.
- Quiero invertir algo de
o I want to invest some money.
Mi hermano prometió darme
My brother promised to give
50 dólares.
Lend Prestart me $50.
- Prometió prestarme 50
o He promised to lend me $50.
Jim gave me $100. I haven’t Jim me dio $ 100. Todavía no
Owe Deber paid him back yet. le he pagado.
o I owe Jim $100. - Le debo a Jim $ 100.
Necesitamos que la gente dé
We need to get people to give
dinero para construir un nuevo
money to build a new hospital.
Raise Aumento hospital.
o We want to raise money for
- Queremos recaudar fondos
the new hospital.
para el nuevo hospital.
Guardo algo de dinero cada
I put some money aside every semana para mis próximas
Save Salvar week for my next vacation. vacaciones.
o I save money every week. - Ahorro dinero todas las
Desperdicia I often spend money on stupid A menudo gasto dinero en
Waste r things. estupideces.
(residuos) o I often waste money. - A menudo desperdicio dinero.

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