Thesis #2: God Is A Missionary God: 3. The Mission of The Church Is Directed Ad Gentes (Non-Christians or

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1. God is missionary God.

d. Mission is firmly grounded on the life and Mission has a church; the church has no mission. The church participates in God’s
mission of the Trinity (Ad Gentes). Mission is grounded (founded) on mission.
the mission of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. there is There is only one God, one mission but realized by three divine mission.
only one mission, but three divine mission.

Thesis #2: God is a missionary God 3. The mission of the Church is directed Ad Gentes (non-christians or
God (F/M): followers of the other religions). In contemporary times described as
 God has a salvific plan (Tim. 2:4-5) global, diverse and plural, mission Ad gentes is complemented by
God wants all to be saved mission Inter gentes and mission Cum gentes.
SOURCE o Salvation is God’s attribute. It is God’s property and task
GOAL OF o Salvation is comprehensive “ALL” (humanity and Thesis #3: Mission is directed Ad Gentes (non-Christians)
creation) 1. Mission is carried out among peoples who do not know or have not heard
o This mission is universal and eschatological. of Jesus Christ and his gospel or message.
SENT It includes all human beings 2. To do this, the missionary crosses geographical boundaries (that means that
It includes cosmos the missionary should go to a foreign mission)
SON: sent to be the mediator of salvation (Jn. 3:16) God love’s the 3. What is your motive: the motive is your faith to Jesus Christ as the unique
world so much. and universal savior?
World = God loves humanity and creation so much. 4. How are we going to do our mission/mission Ad Gentes.
: Jesus Christ is the 1st missionary of God/divine mission  Witnessing
: The first human missionary of God is Mary & she was a prophet  Proclamation
: The mission of the Son and Mary is to tell the world that God is love 5. Proclamare
therefore, mission is love. (1 Tim. 2:4, Jn. 3:16) a. By Words: missionaries are the human/living word of the Word.
b. By Deeds: missionaries are the hands/feet of the Lord.
The Son went to the Father so that they could send the H.S. c. By our life: he/she who sees us, sees Jesus Christ.
HOLY SPIRIT as the 2nd missionary = the paracletus/power behind mission. 6. Today because time have changed another option is given that is, no need
Implications: to go to the foreign mission.
1. A missionary must continue the mission of the Son that is to tell the world a. The Gentes, because foreigners, are with us: co-workers, co-residence,
that God is love. students., etc.
2. A missionary must be a lover of peoples, cultures, religions, spiritualities, b. Mission Ad Gentes is our mission (inter-gentes): with/among the non-
philosophies that are different from his own. Christians.
His model: Jesus Christ and Mary c. Mission is in the city – new form of Areopagus
Holy as the 2nd missionary = as the paracletus/power d. Modality is dialogue
behind mission. 7. Mission is Cum Gentibus – social projects example. Environmental
Acts 2 Pentecost projects.
 The Holy Spirit came down to Disciples and Mary
 There were disciples gather, where the eucharist was celebrated.
 Mary and the disciples became apostles/missionaries with the participation
of the church.
What was the mission of the Holy Spirit?
 To continue the mission of Jesus Christ.
The result of the Pentecost was the birth of the church. Hence, the divine/God’s
mission gave birth to the church that is by nature, a missionary church.

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