Wk3act3 Literature Genre

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LESSON 3 21st Century Literary Genres

After learning about different conventional and modern genres of literature, you are
now ready to explore more about these concepts by answering the activities that

Activity 1
Direction: Analyze the content of the picture below and identify its literary genre

Assessment 1
Write a 5-10 sentence paragraph describing the characteristics of Tristan Café that
qualifies it as a 21st century literary piece. Use the paragraph writing rubric as your guide.
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Points

Content At least three At least two At least two Only one

characteristics of the characteristics characteristic characterist
genre are listed and of the genre are s of the genre ic is written
explained listed and are listed but
explained not explained

Organization Details are in logical Details are in Some details All details
order and interesting logical order yet are not in are not in
less interesting logical order logical order

Mechanics No errors in One to two Three to five Six or more

and Grammar punctuation, errors in errors in errors in
capitalization, and punctuation, punctuation, punctuation
spelling capitalization, capitalization, ,capitalizati
and spelling and spelling on, and
errors errors spelling
Activity 2

Directions: Compare and contrast these modern literary genres using the
Venn Diagram

Assessment 2

Based on your answer in Activity 2, briefly answer the following questions.

1. What characteristics make these genres similar in terms of elements?

2. What characteristics make these genres similar in terms of structure?

Activity 3

Directions: Write the similarities and differences of the Doodle Fiction, Manga and

Graphic Novel using the Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer.

Assessment 3

Create a blog post based on your answer in Activity 3. Use the rubric below as your guide.

4 3 2 1
Opinions and Opinions and Opinions and Opinions and information
information shared are information shared are information shared are shared are
complete limited to 2 modern limited to 1 modern unconnected/irrelevant to
literary genres literary genre the given topic

Cited an extensive Cited an extensive Cited an extensive Information shared based
information from a information from a information from a on personal opinion
variety of reliable variety of reliable variety of reliable without sources to back it
sources correctly sources with very few sources numerous errors up
minor errors

Language and blog Language and blog Language and blog Language and blog
features are features are features are features are not
communicated in communicated in communicated in communicated in
surprising and unusual interesting ways interesting ways but surprising and interesting
ways not related to the topic ways

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. A story told using a combination of text and illustrations or without text at all.
a. Digi-Fiction
b. Doodle Fiction
c. Illustrated Novel
d. Creative Non-Fiction

2. A site of collected posts or articles written by one or more people and updated
a. Blog
b. Flash Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Digi-Fiction

3. Brief stories told in a thousand words or less.

a. Blog
b. Flash Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Digi-Fiction
4. Tales are written and presented using dialogues in social media applications.
a. Chick Lit
b. Digi-Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Text-Talk Novel

5. A factual story is written using literary devices and techniques.

a. Digi-Fiction
b. Doodle Fiction
c. Illustrated Novel
d. Creative Non-Fiction

6. Drawings enhance stories in this form where illustrations and handwritten graphics
are incorporated.
a. Digi-Fiction
b. Doodle Fiction
c. Illustrated Novel
d. Creative Non-Fiction

7. The genre of speculative fiction dealing with concepts of time, travel, parallel
universe, extra-terrestrial life, and futuristic technology.
a. Digi-Fiction
b. Doodle Fiction
c. Science Fiction
d. Creative Non-Fiction

8. It is a collection of stories presented in comic book formats.

a. Digi-Fiction
b. Doodle Fiction
c. Illustrated Novel
d. Graphic Novel

9. Literature that uses hypertext mark-up (HTM) to connect to other parts of the piece.
a. Blog
b. Flash Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Digi-Fiction

10. In English-speaking countries, these are stories with illustrations published in

a. Manga
b. Digi-Fiction
c. Graphic Novel
d. Illustrated Novel

11. A 700-word story like Angels and Blueberries by Tara Campbell is a one-shot fiction
that falls under this literary genre.
a. Blog
b. Flash Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Digi-Fiction
12. Christopher Ford’s Stickman Odyssey, which tells the story through text and
handwritten graphics, is an example of this literary genre.
a. Digi-Fiction
b. Doodle Fiction
c. Illustrated Novel
d. Creative Non-Fiction

13. Before it was adapted into an anime, Yoshihiro Togashi’s Hunter x Hunter is a
comic book series from Japan that falls under this literary genre.
a. Manga
b. Digi-Fiction
c. Graphic Novel
d. Illustrated Novel

14. Batman: The Dark Knight by Frank Miller is a popular example of this literary
genre where the story is written in comic book format.
a. Manga
b. Digi-Fiction
c. Graphic Novel
d. Illustrated Novel

15. Sophie Kinsella’s Confessions of a Shopaholic, which revolves around a woman’s

shopping addiction and her journey to overcoming it, is an example of this literary
a. Chick Lit
b. Digi-Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Text-Talk Novel

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