A Tribute To Our Beloved Father Ver 1.3

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In Loving Memory Of The Late

Mr. A. K. Nadan @ Kasinathan s/o Arunasalam
(31st January 1938 - 18th August 2021)

Table Of Contents

1. Acknowledgment 7
2. The Biography of Mr. A. Kasinathan 8
3. A Tribute To Our Dearest Papa 13
4. Tributes From The Nearest and Dearest 17
5. Hindu Devotional Songs 40
a. Thevaram 41
b. Maha Mritunjaya Manthra 44
c. Sivapuranam 45
d. Universal Prayer 51
e. Lord Muruga London Muruga 52
6. Pictures That Speak A Thousand Words 53

The family of the late
Mr. A. Kasinathan would like to extend
our sincere gratitude and appreciation to
all relatives and friends who have taken
the time and effort to convey their condolences
in person, or via beautiful heartfelt messages,
flowers, other contributions in cash and kind.
A special thank you especially to those who have
gone to a lot of trouble to send in their
sincere tributes for this e-memorial book.
Your thoughtful and kind gesture is most
appreciated and will be treasured and
remembered for a long time to come.

The Biography Of
Mr. A. Kasinathan
(31.1.1938 – 18.8.2021)

Our dad, Mr. A. Kasinathan was born in Chemor, Perak to his

parents, Mr. N. Arunasalam and Madam K. Parvathy on 31st January
1938. He was the second born son and the 6 th child of 12 siblings, 6
boys and 6 girls. At that time, his father owned rubber estates and was
a road building contractor. His mom was a housewife. They were from
Jaffna, Ceylon. His mom was from the village Uduvil and his dad from
Pannalay. He often recounted bitter sweet memories of his childhood
days, growing up during war times and under external occupation in
Chemor and he also told us stories of his playing outdoors, swimming
in mining pools in the nearby Kinding Estate, walking or cycling to
school and to his older sibling’s homes in neighboring towns. At
present, only 2 siblings remain – his sister Madam Begenespari
Arunasalam and his brother Mr. Sivanathan Arunasalam.

He attended school in ACS, Sungai Siput and the later

continued his studies at Anderson, Ipoh. Later, when his law studies at

Singapore National University was disrupted due to his family’s
financial constraints in the late 50s when his father fell ill, he took up
temporary teaching in Tapah and later Bagan Serai. It was later that he
become a trainee valuer in Ipoh City Council. He subsequently
obtained written permissions to take up the examinations from the
Royal Institute of Chartered Valuers, United Kingdom at his workplace
in Ipoh City Council and became one of the pioneer chartered valuers
in this country having successfully completed the Membership of the
Royal Institute of Chartered Valuers examinations. He was later
appointed Director of Valuations, City Council Ipoh. It was a great feat
for him at that time. He always took pride in the fact that he funded
his own education while supporting his family through hard times and
later even after the demise of his father in 1965. Often he recalled
having 2 vadais for lunch to safe up for his exams. He was optimistic
and determined that no amount of hardship deterred him. He was
later conferred the title Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered
Valuers owing to his long and successful career both in Ipoh City
Council and later in private. He retired at the age of 69 having worked
for a grand total of 50 years.

His marriage to our mom, Madam S. Rathymalar, a Tamil

primary school teacher from Kuala Lumpur was a traditional arranged

marriage at Kalamandapam Hall, in Kuala Lumpur on 25th January
1975. It was a gala event even by today’s standards and it was
attended by more than a 1000 guests. They were blessed with 3 lovely
children soon after – Dr. Premela Kasinathan the oldest who is
currently a general practitioner in Putra Care Clinic, Klang, married to
Thavanesan Selvaratnam, the General Manager at Kawalan Perwira
Sdn. Bhd. with a 3 and a half year old son, Keshava Thavanesan
followed by Dr. Nirmala Kasinathan who’s a Medical Officer at Hospital
Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh cum part-time writer and Shanmuga
Sundaram Kasinathan who’s a Service Account Manager at Data Com
Systems Asia, Kuala Lumpur. He took great pride in our education
together with my mom who later became a deputy head mistress –
they emphasized on both academic and extracurricular involvement
and the importance of us getting good basics in Tamil, Thevaram,
Sangeetham, Piano and even Tae Kwon Do aside from academic
accomplishments. They saw to it that we received good world class
undergraduate professional degrees and always encouraged us
further with our academic endeavors.

Aside from work and family, he was a man of the community.

He engaged in serving the Hindu community through his involvement
with the Ipoh Ganesha temple- the Maha Ganapathy Aalaya

Paripalana Sangam as its Vice President (1989-1999) and President
(1999-2017) for a total period of 28 years. Many evenings he spent on
meetings, fund collection and prayers at the temple. The temple was
completely rebuilt during his tenure as president and he was blessed
to be involved with the Maha Kumbhabishegam on 28th January 2007.
Another favorite pastime he had was his engagement with the
freemason movement in Malaysia via the Kinta Lodge. He derived a lot
of pleasure from its activities and from socializing with its members
who constituted elite society. He was also involved in several other
organizations such as the Ceylonese Association of Ipoh and the Ipoh
Scholarship Fund Board for a good number of years. He was conferred
the Pingat Pekerti Terpilih, PPT in 1978 by Sultan Idris Iskandar and
later Anugerah Mahkota Perak, AMP by Sultan Azlan Shah in 1987 for
his selfless contributions to society.

He travelled through most of the world both during his

working years for work and leisure and continued to travel with us on
occasional trips post retirement. He oftentimes fondly recalled his visit
to 52 countries in 56 day constituting Hong Kong, Europe, Canada and
America with our mother in 1984 when he was granted the Privilege
World Tour by the Ipoh city council. This Privilege World Tour was at
that time reserved for senior division one officers. He also

tremendously enjoyed his trips to many other countries throughout
the world over the years and times spent with his family during local
get togethers, trips and vacations too. He enjoyed fast drives on his
volvo cars and later being chauffeured by one of his family members.
He appreciated a wide variety of good food from all over the world
too, especially dining out in Ipoh, for he always had praise for Ipoh
cuisine. At the end, he always preferred being in his home in Ipoh. As
the old adage goes, home is where the heart lies.

He passed away peacefully on 18th August 2021 at the age of

83. Through out his long life, our father has been a man of many
facets. He played multiple roles at different levels with different
people and saw to everyone’s needs. He was self sufficient but loved
and gave selflessly. He was a man of his words, and honor and self
respect was of utmost importance to him. He was a good leader and
guided us well. He is an irreplaceable part of our lives and will be dearly
missed by his nearest and dearest. He is our legacy and has left us a
treasure trove of memories, advise and lessons that are sure to inspire
us on our future journeys too.We pray that he attains the lotus feet
and finds a better place in the gardens of Siva Lokha. Aum Shanthi.

A Tribute To Our Dearest Papa…

Dearest Papa In The Gardens of Siva Lokha,

To the community, you were a retired chartered valuer and Director

Of Valuations, Dewan Bandaraya Ipoh, former president of the Maha
Ganapathy Aalayam ( Ipoh Ganesha Temple), a former freemason, a
former committee member of multiple societies and organizations.
You’ve won praise and accolades, awards and rewards for your
contributions to society. You were a witty and charming person, a fine
and classy gentleman, always impeccably dressed, prim and proper in
your ways, disciplined, God fearing and righteous in every way.

To your friends and family, you have been a filial and responsible son,
brother, brother in-law and uncle, you have persevered over live’s
challenges, putting duty and family above yourself. You’ve lived long
and well, you were happy and filled with gratitude to the Gods above
for the loving family you were blessed with, your career, your
accomplishments and all the little things that put a smile to your face.
To your beloved wife and children, you were a loving husband and a
doting father. So fine a life you built for us. Took care that harm never

got in our way. We were indeed blessed with one fine head of the
family. No one can possibly take your place. Somethings we
sometimes took for granted, classes and tuitions, prayers and temple
visits, great food. Somethings we enjoyed tremendously such as
holidays and trips, parties and outings, even family gatherings. All the
while, you toiled hard and sacrificed much to provide us with nothing
but the best. You spared nothing to give us a good world class
education. Somethings annoyed and upset us like being scolded and
reprimanded occasionally when we went wrong. But, it only made us
stronger and wiser from the lessons learnt.

Not too long ago, you became weary and illness robbed you of your
will. Towards the end, it broke our hearts to see you not quite as
robust and strong as you used to be. However, we believe that God
indeed made you stronger and better than most and finally prepared
you for your new journey back to Siva Lokha when the time came.

The sky poured that evening, when you made your final exit from this
world, and transcended to a better place, to the beautiful gardens of
the heavenly abodes where you rightfully belong. Suddenly, there was
an empty chair in the living room, an empty bed in your room, an
empty spot on the dining table. No one to answer to our calling out for

you. But even then our hearts were filled with love and pride for
someone who’s been so dear. Never, did you leave us empty and void.

We believe your soul is healed and whole and freed from all suffering,
ever youthful and vibrant. We pray your onward journey is smooth and
happy and you attain eternal peace.

We miss you, dear Papa ! We miss all those happy times growing up.
Life will never be the same again. We’re adults now and yet when it
comes to bidding farewell, we’re not quite grown up. We’ll always be
your three little musketeers and we’ll always be proud of you, we will
always love and cherish all our good times with you. We will definitely
continue to miss you dearly. We will be waiting to see you again when
God takes us back. Till that time comes, we’ll continue to proudly bear
your name behind ours. We’ll strife to live upto your expectations and
be good professionals, filial children and may we be good spouses and
parents too. May your legacy live on through us, your children and

We’re sure you’re still watching over us from above, and that you’ll
always be our guiding light. You’ll always be someone very dear to us
and live on in our memories and our hearts. Your advise and guidance

will take us through life. We’ll be most blessed if we can live our lives
with as much strength and dignity and pride as our beloved father.

Thank you for everything and Farewell, Dearest Papa !

Till we meet again,

Your beloved Wife, Children, Son-in-law and Grandson

Always In Our Loving Memory :

MR. A. K. Nadan @ Kasinathan s/o Arunasalam
(31st January 1938 – 18th August 2021)

Tributes from
The Nearest and

From Thavanesan Selvaratnam ( Son in-Law ), Klang :

My FIL, Mr. A. Kasinathan.

He never looks for praises.

He's never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.
His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.
He's there...a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.


From Keshava Thavanesan (Grandson) and parents, Klang :
What makes a man a hero?
I've often thought this through.
Is it someone who is macho?
Is it someone who is true?

No, that is not a hero.

He's just a simple man.
Always there when things go wrong and Who does the best he can.

He lends a strong shoulder

To ease the flow of tears
He holds high the lantern
To drive away your fears.

His smile was just enough

To give encouragement.
His frown more than adequate
To make one soon relent.

When some had need of guidance

His ears he'd freely lend
Advice came in abundance
You chose, not him could you offend.

He had no need of medals

Or glory this is true.
That's why, dear Taata
Our hero has to be You!!



From A. Sivanathan (Brother) and A. Indira Devi (Sister
in-law), Seremban :

In remembrance of our beloved Chinnannai/ Chinnathan,

When we had gathered as a family on your 80th birthday in the grandest of

style, we wished you a long and healthy life, to be enjoyed and cherished for
a few more years. You had earned a well-deserved rest and giving us all the
joy of spending more time together reminiscing the years past with stories
untold. But GOD had other plans for you.

We are indeed thankful that we had taken the opportunity to make our last
visit to you in July 2020, in between the Covid-19 lockdowns. Now it seems as
if it was like a premonition of never seeing you again. We can recall it was a
visit that was most touching and heartfelt as we just made the time to be
together in good company, good conversation, good food and nothing more
important to attend to.

Chinnannai/Chinnathan, we may not have expressed the right words to you

but we have always held a deep love, admiration and respect for you. We
have watched you in awe, showing great wisdom, compassion and generosity
to all, unconditionally. You have always been our greatest support and well-
wisher, never failing to give your full blessings in all our undertakings. There
were times when we found your advice to be hard-hitting but we have never
wavered in holding your good thoughts and intentions in our highest esteem.
Such is your great presence and impact you had on our lives.

We are already missing you very much and there is a deep void in our hearts.
The stories of your early life struggles in Chemor and having to shoulder the
responsibility of caring for our mother and siblings will be forever be etched
in our minds. The strong will, dedication and a sense of responsibility is deep-
rooted in your very soul and this was reflected in all your actions and words.
You had to assume the role of the patriach of the family and with that came

the many sacrifices you had to make but never complaining because you felt
that GOD had rewarded you in many other ways.

Chinnannai/Chinnathan, you were an amazing brother/brother-in-law. We

are forever grateful to you for the impact you had in our lives and that of our
children. We will miss hearing these words" Ananthan is the best brother I
could have. Always gave me his full support in every decision we took for the
family." We will not hear these words again but our hearts will always
remember. The bonding was real.

Thank you Chinnannai/Chinnathan for the best times together - family

holidays will always be remembered as you made it special with your 'sense
of duty'; must go all out to have the best time ever. Will miss your presence
when you await our arrival every time we visit family in Ipoh. Will miss all the
'makan-makan' as you never fell short in entertaining us. Thank you for all the
wonderful times shared in heart to heart conversations , the tears and the
laughter. We will miss you very much.

In our hearts you will always be remembered as a great human being- loving,
compassionate and duty bound.

Till we meet again

A.Sivanathan & A.Indira Devi

From Uma Devi Gopalanathan, Melbourne (niece) :

Seeniayah , there will never be a substitute for you .Almighty ,you have
inspired Seeniayah and he has spread his love like fragrance in our lives. An
example of selfless love and the spark of light , a leader and pillar of strength
of the Arunasalam Family. All these and more you were Seeniayah Dear. May
your Soul Rest in Peace.

From Thavamalar Ishvaran, Kulim (niece) :

Mr. Kasinathan, my mama, my mother’s brother. I was gifted to have a mama
like him. He was a very loving, wonderful, kind and honest person.

He was always there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. His letters
were very consoling when I returned to college after my father’s death.

He sacrificed a lot for his family. I remember the days when I would wait for
him to come back from work to join him on his walks. We spoke of many
things during these walks. He gave me advice often and joked a lot too. Those
were very happy days. Those Sundays that you came to Sungai Siput to have
fried fish balls are most unforgettable too.

There aren’t many people like you in the world. Mama, we’ll miss you very
much. We love you but God loves you more. I’m sure he has a very special
place for you.

Your loving niece,

K. Thavamalar

From Lanka Ganesalingam, Canberra (niece) :

In Our Hearts
We thought of you today,
But that is nothing new,
We thought about you yesterday,
And days before that too,
We think of you in silence,
We often speak your name,
Now all we have are memories,
And your picture in a frame,
Your memory is our keepsake,
With which we will never part,
God has you in his keeping,
We have you in our heart.

From Ruckmanidevi Karalasingam (Ruku Gill),
Sydney (Niece) :

This my note about Englishmama. Growing up in Ipoh my sisters

and I often used to take the bus to Chemor where our grandparents
lived. Every time I went there Englishmama would say to me ‘ Ru
ku ma ni de vi why is your name so long ah?’ It was his way of
saying hello to me. Even till today Ranji would say it me
When I finished school , Englishmama got me my first job as a clerk
at Ipoh Municipality where he held his position of Director of
Valuation. I was posted at a branch office in Buntong. I had no
experience or knew how to type and the boss taught me how to put
the paper in one of those typewriters and got me to practice typing.
I had to go to the main office where Englishmama was to work for
a week. I could hear whispers ‘ that’s Kasinathan’s niece’ whilst I
was there. I must say I felt proud of my uncle holding a high
position. He was well respected by his co workers as well as by all
in the Arunasalem family. Fond memories, which will always be

From Vemila Karalasingam, Canberra (niece) :

To My Dearest Uncle (English Mama),
What a blessing for the family to have you as a Son, Brother, Uncle,
Brother-in-law, Father-in-law, Husband Father and Grandfather!
I have so many memories of the times we spent during my childhood,
as a teenager and during my adulthood. Even though you are no longer
here, I will cherish them forever.
I can never forget the times spent in Chemor ‘Palace”, where all the
cousins and my other uncles meet up during school holidays and after
dinner we have story time and you never fail in instilling laughter and
happiness all round.

I also can never forget you or Asai Mama picking me up on some
Fridays after your work in Ipoh and I spent the weekend in Chemor.
Spending time with my grandparents, uncles and aunties was so much
fun as a child.
However great or small, to have you as my uncle was the greatest one
of all. You have helped the whole family in one way or another and
that will always be remembered.
A shining example, my English Mama was the best of humankind.

Vemila & Tony

From Kamalashunee Velautham, USJ (niece) :

( Kasinathan Arunasalam, Jan 31 1938 - Aug 18 2021)
A giant, on whose shoulders I stand on.
I call him Englishmama. Apparently,he used to practice reciting Shakespeare
aloud for his school literature. My cousins, who spoke only Tamil as little kids,
used to hear the foreign sounding words. They were told that he was
speaking in English...and the name stuck.
He was my mum's younger brother, born as one of the middle children of 12
siblings. He was a natural leader, and became the defacto patriarch of the
family after his dad's demise. We all looked up to him. You just can't help it.
He cared a lot about all his family members, and relentlessly looked out for
us ......and I mean, RELENTLESSLY looked out for us.
He was born pre WW 2, and would have experienced the war as a small child.
My grandparents used to be wealthy before the war, but they had to abandon
their home and flee to a warehouse , where they took shelter during the war.
It was a shared space with other families, and times were hard. As a child of
about 5, he fell and broke his left wrist. As medical help was difficult during
the war, the fracture was never treated appropriately, and he lost his use of

the left hand. He never let that be an excuse for not living a full life. In fact, I
don't even remember his childlike hand, as he can do everything that I can
do and more. (He can drive a manual car, and change car tyre easily)

Back to the WW2, the family survived and returned to their home after the
war, but the poverty continued. While the rest adjusted to their new way,
my uncle was focused on seeking a brighter future. He knew of the power of
vision, and the Law of Attraction even back then. My mum told me how his
favourite Tamil song was the old classic, "Olimayamana ethirkalam, en
kannuku therikirathu". Translated, it means " A brightly lit future , can be seen
by my eyes". Everytime, the song played, he will rush to the radio, put the
volume up, close his eyes and savour the song.
He was focused on building a good future, not only for himself but his whole
family. He motivated us, guided us, lectured us ...sometimes scolded us. He
would take interest in every one's affair, and will give us his advice on how
we should progress. Sometimes as adults, we didn't always appreciate this,
but we always felt happy to win his approval.
He, together with my other uncles were the main reason why my own family
made it after my dad's death. He was always there for his family members,
through our trials and tribulations, and every event in the family.
He subjected himself to the strict discipline that he expected of others. I used
to think that I can set the clock based on his movements. He was a stickler for
punctuality, and took great care with his appearance. He was always very
neatly, and fashionably dressed according to the occassion. I recall his 3-piece
cream suit with matching cream shoes for his office meetings, his black tux
with bow tie for his Lodge meetings, his bush jackets that were also favoured
by the PM at the time, Dr Mahathir, his stylish batik shirts, and his "jeepa and
veshti" for the Hindu events.

He loved the Volvo car , and had a few of them. He was a government servant,
a very respected one. In addition, he was also a community leader and the
temple president.
Above all he was a loving husband and a doting father, and grandfather.
Englishmama, you will be so missed. Thank you for everything thst you have
done for me. From buying me toys as a little kid, giving me money as a teen
and supporting me through the many events in my life. Thank you for being
there for my mother when she needed the help. You are so loved and
respected. Till we meet again in another time. God bless the next phase of
your journey, and may you be enveloped in peace.
Aum Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi.

From Sivanandakumar Velautham, Kepong (nephew) :

This is my favourite pic with him…I’m not sure why we were

laughing but I know it was because something funny that he said. If
I were to show this pic to the past 10 year old me, he will probably
freak out that he is not only sitting beside his uncle but in fact

laughing his heart out with him. Growing up I used to fear my uncle.
I remember the days when my mom will take me to see him the
very next day my report cards are out and I still remember vividly
waiting at my grandmother’s house for him to comeback for lunch
from work. The moment I see his yellow volvo turn the corner my
heart would have skipped a few beats. The whole episode of me
worrying turned out to be nothing because his advice was always
“You can do better” and then he will always tell me to carry a small
note book (555 book) with pen so that I can write down stuff to
remember also to take notes of things I remember for later
reference. Thanks to his advises I always try to be a better version
of yesterday. As for the second advise I don’t carry buku 555 but
we google notes for that…Thank you mama for the wise words….my
uncle was and always be our guardian angel…

From Devanath Naddan, Singapore (nephew) :

Periayah, what a man you were. I miss you!

I am sure everyone would agree that he was a pillar of strength, hope,

and love not only for me but to the family. He has shown me how to
live life and care for the people around us. I cannot imagine the
amount of responsibility he took upon him but he succeeded with flair
(can’t forget the batik shirt & Volvo car).

I still remember whenever we arrive at "New House", that's what we

called his home, he would greet us with a smile. That would
automatically make us feel at home and energise us. Seeing him sitting
at the dining table and a wide variety of food spread across the table.
It was one of those experiences that made me realise how lucky I am
to be part of his family.

No matter what challenges life had for him, he always had a smile on
his face when solving it. I just want to say that Periayah you must be
proud of what you have built and I hope wherever you are, you are still
looking over us. We promise, we will make you proud and pass down
your values and teachings for generations to come.

To Periamma, Big Akka, Baby Akka and Shan Annai, I promise I will
always be there for you. I love you all so much.

Family always and forever!

Your favourite nephew,

Dev :)

From Sanjiv Naddan, Petaling Jaya (nephew) :

Periyayah as we call him was an ever-loving uncle to all his

nieces and nephews. Periyayah (together with his younger
brother, Asaiappu) have always been a father figure to me and
my brother after the demise of our father. His guidance,
thoughtfulness, and kindness would surely never be forgotten.

I remember, every trip Ipoh ever since we were young would be

met with an ever welcoming smile and he would always ensure
we felt right at home. Being a man of not many words, he
would express his love and kindness through various acts such
as always ensuring we are always well fed. There was never a
time when we left Ipoh not feeling full right up to the brim. His
constant check-ins while we were in Ipoh, i.e. "How are you?"
"Everything okay?" only shows how he ensured we were always

These memories will forever be cherished and he will be dearly

missed. May his soul rest in peace.

From Sivaneswaran Ishvaran, Juru (grand nephew) :

Shan, Premela and Nirmala... My deepest condolence to all of you. I

was making efforts to attend the funeral today but I don't think I will
be able to make it. Since my second shot on Sunday I have been having
high fever on and off. Last night was the same till now. I tested
negative yesterday so I'm hoping it's something else. My father's eye
situation is also fragile after the recent surgery and he can't travel. I
guess I'm not good at penning my feelings but I'm very deeply
sadened. My eyes start to tear ever time I think of him since Amma
called last Saturday. He was respectable person with great principle
and virtues. An elite few in these days which many can't match. I pray
that he will be a better place for all the great deeds he has done for all
of us and I'm sure he will be. Hope all of you stay strong. Again my very
sincere condolence and apologies.

From Dr. Manohari Balasingam, Kuala Lumpur (niece) :

Deepest condolences on the demise of your beloved father, we pray

that you and your family will have the strength to carry through in
these difficult times. Your father was a very distinguished and
remarkable man. I remember him from the time of your parents
registration and marriage in the 1970’s. He was a very caring
person,sacrificed and contributed very much to the family, community
and society as you rightly said. He will always be remembered for his
deeds and forever loved and cherished by his family, friends and all of
us. MayGod bless the family and May his soul Rest In Peace

From Pulainthiran Nadarajah, Klang (nephew) :

Uncle Kasi was a gentleman indeed. He had dignified air about him but
exuded warmth and graciousness. I’ve always had memories of him being
polite and friendly. In any meeting with him he will make it a point to inquire
about the well-being of the family. He will go on to encourage us to strive for
the best. We will truly miss his engaging and warm personality.

From Jeevaratnam Kanesaratnam, Melbourne (relative) :

Tribute to uncle Kasinathan
I’ve never met a person quite like uncle Kasinathan. He was a such special
person with a kind heart. Whenever I visited him, He proved to be an excellent
host, treating me with utmost care. It still rings in my ears the way he called
me by my name ‘Jeeva’. He was a role model to me and many others. He got
along well with everyone with humility and kindheartedness. He lived a good
life. He was an understanding man, who always had solutions for the
problems of people. He was committed to his family in all undertakings in his
life. Whenever I conversed with him, he would tell me about his life which
taught me many life lessons. I’ll miss him a lot. When I visit Malaysia next
time, it is going to be hard, not being able to see him. Even after his demise,
he’ll live on in my heart and that of many others.
Remembering uncle fondly,

From Dharshana Sivaneshwaran, USJ ( grand niece ) :

From Jayeshwarr Sivaneshwaran, USJ ( grand nephew) :

From Mr. Thoraisingham Kandiah, KMN., Kuala Lumpur
(relative) :

A tribute to Sri Kasinathan s/o Arunasalam AMP, PPT.

I became associated with the Arunasalam family during the
tenure of my service as State Director of Civil Defence, Perak
(1965-1974). Kasinathan, fondly known as Kasi, was close with
me. I had often sought his help in matters relating to Ipoh
Municipality (Dewan Bandaraya, Ipoh) and always had a
favourable response.
Kasi, an amiable person, will always be remembered for his
sincerity and his willingness to take responsibility for any task
assigned to him.
In this respect, during the tenure as President of Ipoh Vinayagar
Temple, he had the privilege of carrying out the temple
thiruppani and had successfully held the Maha Kumba
Abishegam in the year 2007.
Kasi is indeed a blessed person as not many of the presidents of
a temple have that opportunity to do the onerous task of
performing a Maha Kumba Abishegam which in normal
circumstances is done once every 12 years.
Kasi has lived a blessed life - a life with fulfillment. As the saying
goes ‘when fate summons, even the monarch must obey’ -
accordingly he has attained Sivapatham.
Let us pray that the Divine Light guide the departed soul on the
journey to attain eternal bliss.

Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti!

From Datuk V. Narayanan, DPSM, BKT, PPT. (President,
Maha Ganapathy Aalaya Paripalana Sangam), Ipoh
(friend) :

I have known Mr.. A. Kasinathan, AMP, PPT. for many years.

He was the former President of Maha Ganapathy Aalaya Paripalana
Sangam, Ipoh and later the temple’s trustee at the time of his demise.
The Maha Kumbhabhisegam of the newly built and renovated
temple on the 28th of January, 2007, was under the patronage and
presidentship of Mr. A. Kasinathan. Indeed it was a great project !
I have closely associated with him, and have observed him to
be a very polite, humble and approachable person. His extreme
honesty, sincerity and wisdom made him a good and committed
leader. The demise of Mr. A. Kasinathan is definitely a great loss to the
family, temple and community.
I sincerely pray that his soul will Rest In Peace and attain the
lotus feet of the divine.


From Datin Chella MSK Sivananthan, Ipoh (friend) :

I have known Mr. Kasi as early as in the 1950s. He was my late

brother Dato’ Dr. S. Kandiah’s classmate. Kasi hails from Chemor and he
joined my brother to go to Anderson school everyday – he cycled to our home
at No. 34, Sungai Pari Road (one of the many government quarters in Ipoh
that is still standing), and both then cycled to Anderson school. These are my
earliest remembrance of Kasi.

Time passed like lightning and the next time when I came to meet
him was when my husband took up the position of Consultant Orthopaedic
Surgeon and our paths crossed once again.

I met Kasi again with his dear wife, Rathy who coincidentally
happened to be the sister of my brother, Dato’ Dr. Sivananthan Kandiah’s very
good friend, Dr Ganeson. It is a small world indeed. We moved closely. All
functions, either good or bad in Ipoh, both our families were part of it.

Then in 1999, Mr. Kasi became president of the Pillaiyar Temple of

Ipoh. Our friendship continued and I got to see another side of Mr. Kasi. He
portrayed such magnanimous qualities of patience, calmness, humility and
tolerance. Anyone associated with any Hindu Temple will be aware how
important these qualities are. I always admired his diplomacy and quiet but
fruitful ways of dealing with all issues.

This tribute will not be complete if I do not write about his children.
All three of them were well brought up and have turned out to be good adults
– the girls are doctors and the son is an engineer. It always gave me pleasure
to greet and chat with all. This brings me to write about his better half, Rathy,
now a retired deputy headmistress- an epitome of efficiency, tolerance and
graciousness. May Lord Ganapathy be with Mr. Kasi and help and guide his
family through this period.

From Alice Fernandez, Ipoh (former staff and friend) :

I remember so vividly my first day at work reporting to my boss Mr. Kasinathan, his
tall stature, broad sunny smile, firm handshake and his friendly “Hello Alice welcome
to the Valuation Department “erased all my nervousness and made me feel
so warmly welcomed. In the 13 years that I have worked with him as my boss I can
safely say that we worked pretty well as a team.
Mr. Kasi as we fondly call him deeply values the people who worked with him, he
treated each one with utter respect no matter their rank. He made everyone feel a
sense of ownership which encompassed elements of respect, trust and commitment
to good work. As a boss, you Mr. Kasi, have always inspired me to think beyond
normal conventions. You have always motivated me to value and express my opinion.
You have always encouraged me to learn and grow. You discovered what I was really
good at, picked that skill and created my job responsibility. Thank you for your faith in
me. You have taught me well,
My past work colleagues will agree with me that Mr. Kasi was humble and
compassionate, akind human being whose favour he granted to anyone who as much
as hinted of being in need. He was a Boss who was always willing to help you out even
if it was not work related, always willing to listen and never short of advice. His fatherly
demeanor immediately springs out to nurture and comfort. We felt comfortable with
him and had a good relationship with him so much so that we were always ready to
go the extra mile whenever he called out for help.
Like everyone else he too had his share of bad days but he never vented his anger and
frustrations on his staff. He is also never afraid to admit his mistakes. That is definitely
not a sign of weakness but of strength and courage and responsibility.
Besides being a good and kind boss he was a loving and devoted husband and a
doting father to his children it was clearly evident from the way he talks about
them that his family was of utmost importance to him. Dear family, may loving
memories sooth your suffering souls. While the weight of loss bears heavily right now,
just as the cold of night breaks for daylight, know that grief too will give way to shining
rays of warm memories of your loved one.
Mr. Kasi, may your soul rest in eternal peace, one with God, who you loved and served
above all else. Certainly the precious memories of you will remain in our hearts

With much love. admiration and respect.

Alice Fernandez

From The Saminathans’ Family, Kuala Lumpur (friend)
Sincere, kind and caring. Mr Kasinathan had been a life-long friend of our
family, a continuous presence at our most significant events across the years.
A genuine friend, a trusted colleague and a caring elder for my children. It was
Mr Kasinathan whom we could count upon to visit and extend a helpful hand
whenever needed, As an accomplished professional, his advice was often
beneficial in navigating situations that arose. Deepavali was never complete
without a visit to the Kasinathans and the jovial host always brightened the
festival of lights for us. Mr Kasinathan will be dearly missed though he leaves
fond memories and a continuing legacy in his family that we will continue to
cherish. May his soul rest in peace.

From Francis Martin ( Martin Food Caterers, Ipoh) (friend) :

My deepest condolence to the late Mr. Kasinathan's family on his
untimely demise. Mr. Kasinathan and I go a long way. Since I started
my business in 1983, he has been my fervent and staunchest supporter
all these years. I remember very clearly how he used to fight with his
fellow officers in Dewan Bandaraya Ipoh to make sure I get all their
catering business. He was a steadfast man and he never expects
anything in return from me. I owe a debt of gratitude for this
wonderful soul. I pray that Almighty God takes good care of his family
and may his soul rest in everlasting peace.

From Nalini Pathmanathan, Kuala Lumpur (friend) :
Please accept my deepest sympathies on the loss of your dear
husband. He was very dear to all of us, especially my parents.
My father was very fond of him and thought highly of his character and
intellect. Mr Kasi provided great support to my mother as they both
United to build our beautiful Ganesha temple. He is like family to us,
as you are too. It saddens me that I have seen so little of both of you
in the past few years.
He was a great soul and I pray that he will be granted moksha for all
the great things he achieved in life.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

From Aran Pasupathy, Kuala Lumpur (friend) :

This is Aran, Ms Sivapoorani’s grandson. I’m very sorry to hear about

the passing of Mr Kasinathan. Please stay strong. Our thoughts are
with you during this difficult period.

From Mr. Selvarajah Nadarajah, Ipoh (close friend) :

Through thick and thin, Kasi has been a great and caring friend, the
brother to me and others known to him for the many years I have
known him. This unobtrusive brother lived well, loved all those dear
and near to him well and even successfully let it all go with so telling a
smile of contentment on his final day. A truly great soul in our midst,
which we too must slowly but surely learn to let go, for his peace.


Songs in
Tamil and English

தேவாரம் (Thevaram)
1. பிடியேன் உருவுமம ககாளமிகு கரியது
வடிககாடு ேனேடி வழிபடும் அவரிடர்
கடி கணபேிவர அருளினன் மிகுககாமட
வடிவினர் பயில்வலி வலமுமை இமைதய!

1. Pidiyadhan uruvumai kolamigu kariyadhu

Vadikodu thanadhadi valipadum avaridar
Kadigana padhivara varulinan migukodai
Vadivinar payilvali valamurai yiraiye

2. கபான்னார் தமனியதன, புலித்தோமல அமரக்கமசத்து

மின்னார் கசஞ்சமடதமல், மிளிர்ககான்மை யணிந்ேவதன
மன்தன மாமணிதய, மழபாடியுள் மாணிக்கதம
அன்தன உன்மனயல்லால, இனியாமர நிமனக்தகதன

2. Ponnaar meniyanae pulitholai araikasaithu

Minaar senjadaimel milir kondrai anindhavanae
Mannae maamaniyae mazhapaadiyul maanikkamae
Annai unnaiyallaal iniyaarai ninaikkaenae

3. ஒளிவளர் விளக்தக உலப்பிலா ஒன்தை

உணர்வுசூழ் கடந்ேதோர் உணர்தவ
கேளிவளர் பளிங்கின் ேிரள்மணிக் குன்தை
சித்ேத்துள் ேித்ேிக்குந் தேதன
அளிவளர் உள்ளத் ோனந்ேக் கனிதய
அம்பலம் ஆடரங் காக
கவளிவளர் கேய்வக் கூத்துகந் ோமயத்
கோண்டதனன் விளம்புமா விளம்தப.

3. Olivalar Vilakke Uvappila Onre !
Unarvuchuz Katan^Thathor Unarve !
Thelivalar Palin^Kin Thiralmanik Kunre !
Chiththaththul Thiththikkum Thene !
Alivalar Ullath(Thu) Anan^Thak Kaniye !
Ampalam Ataran^ Kaka
Velivalar Theyvak Kuththukan^ Thayaith
Thontanen Vilampuma Vilampe.

4. கற்பமன கடந்ே தசாேி, கருமணதய யுருவ மாகி

அற்புேக் தகால நீ டி, யருமமைச் சிரத்ேின் தமலாஞ்
சிற்பர விதயாம மாகுந், ேிருச்சிற்ைம் பலத்துள் நின்று
கபாற்புடன் நடஞ்கசய் கின்ை, பூங்கழல் தபாற்ைி தபாற்ைி.

4. Kaṟpaṉai Kaṭanta Cōti , Karuṇaiyē Yuruva Māki

Aṟputak Kōla Nīṭi , Yarumaṟaic Cirattiṉ Mēlāñ
Ciṟpara Viyōma Mākun, Tirucciṟṟam Palattuḷ Niṉṟu
Poṟpuṭaṉ Naṭañcey Kiṉṟa , Pūṅkaḻal Pōṟṟi Pōṟṟi

5. உம்பர்ேருத் தேநுமணிக் ...... கசிவாகி

ஒண்கடலிற் தைனமுேத் ...... துணர்வூைி
இன்பரசத் தேபருகிப் ...... பலகாலும்
என்ைனுயிர்க் காேரவுற் ...... ைருள்வாதய
ேம்பிேனக் காகவனத் ...... ேமணதவாதன
ேந்மேவலத் ோலருள்மகக் ...... கனிதயாதன
அன்பர்ேமக் கானநிமலப் ...... கபாருதளாதன
ஐந்துகரத் ோமனமுகப் ...... கபருமாதள.

5. Umbartharu Dhenumani Kasivagi

Onkadalir Thenamudhath Thunarvuri
Inbarasaththe Parugip Palakalum
Endhanuyirk Kadharavut Rarulvaye
Thambithanak Kagavanath Thanaivone

Thandhaivalath Thalarulkaik Kaniyone
Anbarthamak Kananilai Porulone
Ainthukarath Thanaimugap Perumale.

6. உலகலாம் உணர்ந்து ஓேற்கரியவன்

நிலவுலாவிய நீ ர்மலி தவணியன்
அலகில் த ாேியன் அம்பலத்ோடுவான்
மலர் சிலம்படி வாழ்த்ேி வணங்குவாம்

6. Ulagelaam Unarnthu Ohthurku Ariyavan

Nilavu Ulaaviya Neermali Veyniyan
Alagil Johthiyan Ambalatthu Aaduvaan
Malar Chilambadi Vaal.Tthi Vananguvaam

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धं पुनटिवधधनम ् |

उवाधरुकममव ब्धना्मत्ृ योमुधक्षीय माऽमत
ृ ात ् ||

ஆஉம் த்ரயம்பகம் யஜாமஹே ஸுகந்திம் புஷ்டிவர்த்தனம் |

உர்வாருகமிவ பந்தனான்-ம்ருத்ஹயார்முக்ஷீய மாம்ரிதாத் ||

Aum Tryambakam yajaamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam |

Urvaarukamiva bandhanaan-mrityormuksheeya maamritaat ||

The Meaning of the Mantra

We worship the three-eyed One, who is fragrant and who nourishes all.Like
the fruit falls off from the bondage of the stem, may we be liberated from
death, from mortality.

ததால்லை இரும்பிறவி சூழும் தலை நீக்கி
அல்ைல் அறுத் தானந்தம் ஆக்கியஹத – எல்லை
மருவா தநறி அைிக்கும் வாதவூர் எங்ஹகான்
திருவாசகம் என்னும் ஹதன்….

நமச்சிவாய வாழ்க நாதன் தாள் வாழ்க

இலமப்தபாழுதும் என் தநஞ்சில் நீங்காதான் தாள் வாழ்க
ஹகாகழி ஆண்ட குருமணிதன் தாள் வாழ்க
ஆகமம் ஆகிநின்று அண்ணிப்பான் தாள் வாழ்க
ஏகன் அஹநகன் இலறவன் அடி வாழ்க (5)

ஹவகம் தகடுத்துஆண்ட ஹவந்தன் அடி தவல்க

பிறப்பறுக்கும் பிஞ்ஞகன்தன் தபய்கழல்கள் தவல்க
புறந்தார்க்குச் ஹசஹயான் தன் பூங்கழல்கள் தவல்க
கரங்குவிவார் உள்மகிழும் ஹகான்கழல்கள் தவல்க
சிரம்குவிவார் ஓங்குவிக்கும் சீஹரான் கழல் தவல்க (10)

ஈசன் அடிஹபாற்றி எந்லத அடிஹபாற்றி

ஹதசன் அடிஹபாற்றி சிவன் ஹசவடி ஹபாற்றி
ஹநயத்ஹத நின்ற நிமைன் அடி ஹபாற்றி
மாயப் பிறப்பு அறுக்கும் மன்னன் அடி ஹபாற்றி
சீரார் தபருந்துலற நம் ஹதவன் அடி ஹபாற்றி (15)

ஆராத இன்பம் அருளும் மலைஹபாற்றி

சிவன் அவன் என்சிந்லதயுள் நின்ற அதனால்
அவன் அருைாஹை அவன்தாள் வணங்கிச்
சிந்லத மகிழச் சிவ புராணம் தன்லன
முந்லத விலனமுழுதும் ஓய உலரப்பன் யான். (20)

கண் நுதைான் தன்கருலணக் கண்காட்ட வந்ததய்தி

எண்ணுதற்கு எட்டா எழிைார் கழல் இலறஞ்சி
விண் நிலறந்தும் மண் நிலறந்தும் மிக்காய், விைங்தகாைியாய்,
எண்ணிறந்து எல்லை இைாதாஹன நின் தபரும்சீர்
தபால்ைா விலனஹயன் புகழுமாறு ஒன்றறிஹயன் (25)

புல்ைாகிப் பூடாய்ப் புழுவாய் மரமாகிப்

பல் விருகமாகிப் பறலவயாய்ப் பாம்பாகிக்
கல்ைாய் மனிதராய்ப் ஹபயாய்க் கணங்கைாய்
வல் அசுரர் ஆகி முனிவராய்த் ஹதவராய்ச்
தசல்ைாஅ நின்ற இத் தாவர சங்கமத்துள் (30)

எல்ைாப் பிறப்பும் பிறந்து இலைத்ஹதன், எம்தபருமான்

தமய்ஹய உன் தபான் அடிகள் கண்டு இன்று வடு ீ உற்ஹறன்
உய்ய என் உள்ைத்துள் ஓங்காரமாய் நின்ற
தமய்யா விமைா விலடப்பாகா ஹவதங்கள்
ஐயா எனஹவாங்கி ஆழ்ந்து அகன்ற நுண்ணியஹன (35)

தவய்யாய், தணியாய், இயமான னாம்விமைா
தபாய் ஆயின எல்ைாம் ஹபாய் அகை வந்தருைி
தமய் ஞானம் ஆகி மிைிர் கின்ற தமய்ச் சுடஹர
எஞ்ஞானம் இல்ைாஹதன் இன்பப் தபருமாஹன
அஞ்ஞானம் தன்லன அகல்விக்கும் நல் அறிஹவ (40)

ஆக்கம் அைவு இறுதி இல்ைாய், அலனத்து உைகும்

ஆக்குவாய் காப்பாய் அழிப்பாய் அருள் தருவாய்
ஹபாக்குவாய் என்லனப் புகுவிப்பாய் நின் ததாழும்பின்
நாற்றத்தின் ஹநரியாய், ஹசயாய், நணியாஹன
மாற்றம் மனம் கழிய நின்ற மலறஹயாஹன (45)

கறந்த பால் கன்னதைாடு தநய்கைந்தாற் ஹபாைச்

சிறந்தடியார் சிந்தலனயுள் ஹதன்ஊறி நின்று
பிறந்த பிறப்பு அறுக்கும் எங்கள் தபருமான்
நிறங்கள் ஓர் ஐந்து உலடயாய், விண்ஹணார்கள் ஏத்த
மலறந்திருந்தாய், எம்தபருமான் வல்விலனஹயன் தன்லன (50)

மலறந்திட மூடிய மாய இருலை

அறம்பாவம் என்னும் அரும் கயிற்றால் கட்டி
புறம்ஹதால் ஹபார்த்து எங்கும் புழு அழுக்கு மூடி,
மைம் ஹசாரும் ஒன்பது வாயிற் குடிலை
மைங்கப் புைன் ஐந்தும் வஞ்சலனலயச் தசய்ய, (55)

விைங்கு மனத்தால், விமைா உனக்குக்

கைந்த அன்பாகிக் கசிந்து உள் உருகும்
நைம் தான் இைாத சிறிஹயற்கு நல்கி
நிைம் தன்ஹமல் வந்தருைி நீ ள்கழல்கள் காட்டி,
நாயிற் கலடயாய்க் கிடந்த அடிஹயற்குத் (60)

தாயிற் சிறந்த தயாவான தத்துவஹன

மாசற்ற ஹசாதி மைர்ந்த மைர்ச்சுடஹர
ஹதசஹன ஹதனார் அமுஹத சிவபுராஹன
பாசமாம் பற்றறுத்துப் பாரிக்கும் ஆரியஹன
ஹநச அருள்புரிந்து தநஞ்சில் வஞ்சம் தகடப் (65)

ஹபராது நின்ற தபருங்கருலணப் ஹபராஹற

ஆரா அமுஹத அைவிைாப் தபம்மாஹன
ஓராதார் உள்ைத்து ஒைிக்கும் ஒைியாஹன
நீராய் உருக்கி என் ஆருயிராய் நின்றாஹன
இன்பமும் துன்பமும் இல்ைாஹன உள்ைாஹன (70)

அன்பருக்கு அன்பஹன யாலவயுமாய் இல்லையுமாய்

ஹசாதியஹன துன்னிருஹை ஹதான்றாப் தபருலமயஹன
ஆதியஹன அந்தம் நடுவாகி அல்ைாஹன
ஈர்த்து என்லன ஆட்தகாண்ட எந்லத தபருமாஹன
கூர்த்த தமய் ஞானத்தால் தகாண்டு உணர்வார் தம்கருத்தின் (75)

ஹநாக்கரிய ஹநாக்ஹக நுணுக்கரிய நுண்ணுணர்ஹவ

ஹபாக்கும் வரவும் புணர்வும் இைாப் புண்ணியஹன

காக்கும் என் காவைஹன காண்பரிய ஹபதராைிஹய
ஆற்றின்ப தவள்ைஹம அத்தா மிக்காய் நின்ற
ஹதாற்றச் சுடர் ஒைியாய்ச் தசால்ைாத நுண்ணுணர்வாய் (80)

மாற்றமாம் லவயகத்தின் தவவ்ஹவஹற வந்து அறிவாம்

ஹதற்றஹன ஹதற்றத் ததைிஹவ என் சிந்தலன உள்
ஊற்றான உண்ணார் அமுஹத உலடயாஹன
ஹவற்று விகார விடக்கு உடம்பின் உள்கிடப்ப
ஆற்ஹறன் எம் ஐயா அரஹன ஓ என்தறன்று (85)

ஹபாற்றிப் புகழ்ந்திருந்து தபாய்தகட்டு தமய் ஆனார்

மீ ட்டு இங்கு வந்து விலனப்பிறவி சாராஹம
கள்ைப் புைக்குரம்லபக் கட்டழிக்க வல்ைாஹன
நள் இருைில் நட்டம் பயின்று ஆடும் நாதஹன
தில்லை உள் கூத்தஹன ததன்பாண்டி நாட்டாஹன (90)

அல்ைல் பிறவி அறுப்பாஹன ஓ என்று

தசால்ைற்கு அரியாலனச் தசால்ைித் திருவடிக்கீ ழ்
தசால்ைிய பாட்டின் தபாருள் உணர்ந்து தசால்லுவார்
தசல்வர் சிவபுரத்தின் உள்ைார் சிவன் அடிக்கீ ழ்ப்
பல்ஹைாரும் ஏத்தப் பணிந்து. (95)


Namasivaya vaazhga, Nadan thal vazzhga,

Imai podum yennenjil neengaadhan thal vazhga.
Kokazhi aanda guru mani than thaal vaazhga,
Agamam aagi nindru annippan vaazhga,
Yekan anegan iraivan adi Vaazhga
Vegam keduthu aanda vendan adi velga,
Pirapparukkump injakan than pey kazhalgal velga,
Puratharkkum cheyon than poomkazhalgal velga,
Karam kuvivaar ul magizhum kon kazhalgal velga,
Siram kuvivaar onguvikkum cheeron kazhal velga.
Eesan adi Potri, Yenthai adi Potri,
Nesanadi Potri, Sivan Sevadi Potri,
Neyathey nindra nimalan adi Potri,
Maya pirappu arukkum mannan adi Potri,
Cheeraar perum thurai nama devan adi Potri
Aaratha inbam arulum malai Potri,
Sivan avan yen sinthayul ninra athanaal,
Avan arulaale avan thal vanagi,
Chinthai magizha Siva puranam thanai,
Munthai vinai muzhuthum oya uraippan naan.
Kan nuthalaan than karunai kan kaatta vandeythi,
Yennutharkettaa vezhilaar kazhal irainji,
Vin nirainthum, man niranthum mikkai vilakku oiliyaai,
Yenn iranthu yellai illathaane nin perum cheer,
Pollaa vinayen pugazhum maru ondru ariyen.
Pullagi, poodai puzhuvai maramaki,
Pal virugamagi pravayai, pambaki,
Kallai, manitharai peyai, ganangalai,
Val asuraragi, munivaraai, devaraai,
Chellaaa nindra, ithathavara jangamathukkul,
Yella pirappum piranthu, ilaithen, yem perumaane.
Meyye Un ponnadikal kandu indru veedu uthen,
Uyya yen ullathul ongaramai nindra,
Meyya, vimala, vidaipaka, vedangal,
Iyya yena vongi aazhndu agandra nunniyane
Veyyayai, thaniyaai, iyamaananaam vimalaa,

Poi aayin yellam poi akala vandharuli,
Mei jnanam aagi milirgindra mei chudare,
Yejjanam illathen inba perumale,
Agjnan thannai agalvikkum nal arrive.
Aakkam alavu iruthi illai, anaithulagum,
Aakkuvaai, kaapaai, azhippai, arul tharuvai,
Pokkuvai, yennai puguvippai nin thozhumpin,
Naathathin neriyai cheyai, naniyaane,
Matham manam kazhiya nindra marayone .
Karantha paal kannalodu nei kalanthor pol,
Chiranthu adiyar chinthanayul then oori nindru,
Pirantha pirappu arukkm yengal peruman,
Nirangal or iynthu udayai, vinnorgal yetha,
Marainthu irunthai yen peruman,valvinai yen thannai,
Marainthida moodiya irulai,
Arambhavam yenum arum kayithaal katti,
Puram thol porthu, yengum puzhu azhukku moodi,
Malam chorum onpathu vayil kudilai,
Malanga pulangal iynthum vanchanayai cheyya
Vilangum manathal, Vimalaa unakku,
Kalantha anbaagi, kasinthu ul urugum,
Nalam than ilatha siriyerkku nalgi,
Nilam than mel vanthu aruli, neel kazhalkal kaatti,
Nayir kidayai kidantha adiyerkku,
Thayir chirantha dhayavana, thatthuvane
Masatha jyothi malarntha malar chudare,
Desane, theanar amudhe, Shivapurane,
Pasamaam patthu aruthu parikkum aariyane,
Nesa arul purinthu nenjil vanjam keda,
Peraathu nindra perum karunai peraare.
AAraa amudhe, alavilaa pemmane,
Oraathaar ullathu olikkum oiyaane,
Neerai urukki yen aaruyirai nindraane,
Inbavum thunbavum illanne, ullane.
Anbarukku anbane, Yavayumai, allaiyumai,
Chothiyane thunnirule, thondra perumayane,
Aadhiyane antham naduvagi allane,
Eerthu yennai aat konda yenthai perumane,

Koortha mey jnanthaal kondu unarvar tham karuthin,
Nokkariya nokke, nunukku ariya nun unarve.
Pokkum varavum punarvum illa punniyane,
Kakkum yen kavalane, kanbariya peroliye,
Aathru inba vellame, Atha mikkai nindra,
Thotha chuddar oliyai chollatha nun unarvai.
Maathamaam vaiyakathin, vevvere vandhu arivaam,
Thethane, thetha thelive, yen chindanai ul,
Oothaana unnar amudhe, udayaane,
Vethru vikara vidakku udambin ul kidappa,
Aathen yem ayya arane oh yendru yendru.
Potri pugahndhirundu poi kettu mei aanaar
Meet ingu vandhu vinai piravi Chaaraame,
Kalla pula kkurambai kettu azhikka vallane,

Nal iruil nattam payindru aadum nadhane,

Thillai ul koothane, then pandi naattane.
Allal piravi aruppavane oh endru,
Chollarkku ariyanai cholli thiruvadi keezh,
Cholliya paatin chol unarnthu cholluvaar,
Chelvaa shiva purathin ullar, Sivan adi keezh,
Pallorum yetha panithu.

O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love !
Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.
Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient.
Thou art Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute.
Thou art the Indweller of all beings.
Grant us an understanding heart,
Equal vision, balanced mind,
Faith, devotion and wisdom.
Grant us inner spiritual strength
To resist temptation and to control the mind.
Free us from egoism, lust, greed, hatred, anger and jealousy.
Fill our hearts with divine virtues.
Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us ever remember Thee.
Let us ever sing Thy glories.
Let Thy Name be ever on our lips.
Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.

சமரச பிரார்த்தனை
கருனையும் அன்பும் நினைந்த இனைவ! எல்லா உயிர்களிலும் ஊடுருவி எங்கும் நினைந்து சர்வ
வல்லனமயும் ப ாருந்திய சர்வக்ஞ்யைாை சச்சிதாைந்த ரம்ப ாருளாம் உம்னம வைங்கிப்
ணிகின்றைாம். பமய்ப்ப ாருள் காணும் உள்ளம், சமற ாக்கு, நினலப ற்ை மைம், சிரத்னத, க்தி,
ஞாைம் இனவகனள எங்களுக்கு அருள்வீராக. ஆைவம், காமம், ற ரானச, றகா ம், பவறுப்பு
இனவகளிலிருந்து எங்கனள விடுவித்து, எங்கள் உள்ளங்களில் தூய பதய்வீக குைங்கனள நிரபூவீராக.
எல்லா உருவங்களிலும் ப யர்களிலும் உம்னமறய தரிசித்து றசனவ பசய்றவாமாக. எந்ற ரமும்
உம்னமறய சிந்திப்ற ாமாக. என்றதன்றும் உமது புலனை ாடுறவாமாக. எப்ற ாதும் எங்களது
ாவினில் உமது திரு ாமம் விளங்குக. என்றேன்றும் உம்முள்றள நினலப ற்று விளங்குறவாமாக. ஓம்

Samarasa Pirarthanai
Karunaiyum ambum niraintha iraiva! Ella uyigalilum ooduruvi enggum nirainthu sarva
vallamaiyum porunthiya sarvaknyanaana sachithaanantha param porulaam ummai
vananggi panigindrom. Meiporul kaanum ullam, samanokku, nilaipetra manam, sirathai,
bakthi, nyaanam ivaigalai enggalukku arulveeraaga. Aanavam, kaamam, peraasai, kobam,
veruppu ivaigalilirunthu enggalai viduvithu, enggal ullanggalil thooya theiveega
gunanggalai nirappuveeraaga. Ella uruvanggalilum peyargalilum ummaiye tharisithu sevai
seivomaaga. Enneramum ummaiye sinthippomaaga. Endendrum umathu pugalai
paaduvomaaga. Eppothum enggalathu naavinil umathu thirunaamam vilangguga.
Endendrum ummulle nilaipetru vilanguvomaaga. Aum Tatsath.

Lord Muruga London Muruga

Lord Muruga London Muruga x 2

In the Chambers of my Heart

A shrine I have for Thee
Come O Lord, Come O Life,
Come Thou dwell in me.

Lord Muruga London Muruga x 2

The candles of my love, are burning bright for Thee

Come O Lord, Come O Life,
Come Thou dwell in me,
The blossom of my Soul, I offer unto Thee
Come O Lord, Come O Life,
Come Thou dwell in me,
In silent communion I watch and wait for Thee,
Come O Lord, Come O Life,
Come Thou dwell in me.

Lord Muruga London Muruga x2

Two little eyes to look to God,

Two little ears to hear His praise,
Two little legs to walk His way,
Two little hands to work His will,
One little heart to love Him still.

Lord Muruga London Muruga x 2

In Thy love let me live, O My Lord of my heart,

In Thy light let me walk,O My Lord of my soul,
In Thy grace let me bathe, O My Lord of my heart,
In Thy peace let me merge, O My lord of my Soul.

Lord Muruga London Muruga x 2

In the Chambers of my Heart

A shrine I have for Thee
Come O Lord, Come O Life
Come Thou dwell in me.

Pictures That Speak A Thousand Words
A picturesque journey through a collection of memorable
photographs of the life of the late Mr. A. Kasinathan.

The younger days at Chemor

Early Career in Ipoh City Council

Marriage – When Two Hearts Unite For A Lifetime

Two’s Company and Five’s Family…

Family times - through the years

Career and more…

Proud Family Moments …

More Good Time In The Last Decade…

Notes & Jottings


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