Unit 1 Vocab. Reading

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* Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.
1. A. adopt B. involve C. stroll D. follow
2. A. exist B. mind C. inspire D. provide
3. A. refusal B. music C. student D. studying
4. A. lecturer B. medium C. inventor D. president
5. A. teach B. cheer C. characterize D. watch
6. A. bought B. daughter C. cough D. sight
7. A. measure B. decision C. permission D. pleasure
8. A. give B. five C. hive D. dive
9. A. switch B. stomach C. match D. catch
10. A. study B. ready C. puppy D. occupy
* Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. actor B. commit C. fashion D. motion
2. A. education B. industrial C. intelligent D. traditional
3. A. industry B. refugee C. magazine D. Japanese
4. A. freedom B. contact C. furnish D. disturb
5. A. independence B. impractical C. education D. entertainment
6. A. facility B. characterize C. irrational D. variety
7. A. agreement B. elephant C. mineral D. violent
8. A. professor B. typical C. accountant D. develop
9. A. electrician B. majority C. appropriate D. traditional
10. A. decay B. vanish C. attack D. depend
Ex2. Rewrite each sentence using affirmative or negative of the verb(s) in the brackets.
1. I am not allowed to go out in the evening, (must)
=>I …………………………………………………………………..
2. It is a good idea for US to take an umbrella with US when we go out. (should)
=>We …………………………………………………………………..
3. It is necessary for young people to plan for their future, (have to)
=>Young people …………………………………………………………………..
4. Ms. Hoa is in charge of cleaning the floor every day. (has to)
=>Ms. Hoa …………………………………………………………………..
5. Tim doesn't get permission to use that computer. (must)
=>Tim …………………………………………………………………..
6. Smoking is not allowed in the hospital. (must)
=>You …………………………………………………………………..
7. It isn't necessary for you to book the tickets. (need)
=>You …………………………………………………………………..
8. You are not allowed to park here. (must)
=>You …………………………………………………………………..
9. It is better for parents to take time to understand their children. (had better)
=>Parents …………………………………………………………………..
10. If I were you, I would buy this house. (should)
=>You …………………………………………………………………..
11. It's forbidden to sell cigarettes to children. (must)
=>Shops ………………………………………………………………….
12. It's optional for waiters to wear a tie. (have to)
=> Waiters …………………………………………………………………
13. His doctor advises him not to drink too much alcohol. (ought to)
=> He ……………………………………………………………………
14. It's obligatory for every employee to keep the company's information secret. (have to)
=> Every employee ……………………………………………………………………
15. Teachers advise me to study English to get a good job. (ought to)
=> I …………………………………………………………………………………
Ex3. Reading:
3.1. Read Lan's letter about her family rules and select the best option for each blank.
do morning exercise keep my room tidy help around respect swear go out
88 Lang Street
Hanoi, Vietnam
June 12th, 2017
Dear Sam,
Hi! How are you? I'm overjoyed that you're going to stay with my family in one month. In the previous
letter, you asked me about our family rules and now, I will tell you about them. Each family has its own rules and
mine has a few. Here are some rules of my family. My parents want me to (1.) ____________________with the
housework and other home duties as they think that all family members should share housework. What's more,
they tell me to take my studies seriously. They said that learning is very important and it has great influence on my
future. Other rules in my family are that I should (2.) __________________ every day to stay fit and healthy and
always (3.) _______________________. Apart from these, I am not allowed to (4.) _________________ late in
the evening because this is dangerous. Last but not least, they ask me to (5.) __________________ elderly and
forbid me to (6.) ___________________. I think that family rules play an integral role in helping family members
understand one another and improve their own behaviors. If you have any questions, please let me know. I hope
you will enjoy your time in Vietnam. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Lots of love,
3.2. Fill in each blank with one suitable word.
by differences generational younger comparison history because to
A generation gap
A generation gap is a popular term used to describe big (1) __________________ between people of a
younger generation and their elders. This can be defined as occurring "when older and (2) ________________
people do not understand each other (3) _____________________ of their different experiences, opinions, habits
and behavior." Although some (4) _____________________ differences have existed throughout (5)
_____________________, during this era differences between the two generations grew significantly in (6)
_____________________ with previous times, particularly with respect (7) _____________________ such matters
as musical tastes, fashion, drug use, culture and politics. This may have been magnified (8)
_____________________ the unprecedented size of the young Baby Boomer generation, which gave it
unprecedented power, influence, and willingness to rebel against social norms.
3.3. Read and fill in the blanks.
recognize dangers generation acting understand
individuals according along control teens
(1)___________________ to the results of a survey in USA WEEKEND Magazine, there isn't really a
generation gap. The magazine's "Teens & Parents" survey shows that today's generation of young people generally
get (2) ___________________ well with their parents and appreciate the way they're being raised. Most feel that
their parents (3) ___________________ them, and they believe their parents consider family as the No. 1 priority
in their lives. Although more than a third of (4) _________________ have something in their rooms they would
like to keep secret from their parents, it is usually nothing more harmful than a diary or a CD.
Such results may seem surprising in the context of the violent events that people hear about in the media.
Maybe because of the things they hear, parents worry that their own kids might get out of (5) ______________
once they reach the teenage years. However, the facts in the survey should make us feel better. The survey shows
us that today's teens are loving and sensible. They are certainly happier than the angry people in the teenage
stereotypes we all know about. True, some teenagers are very angry, and we need to (6) ____________ their needs,
but the great majority of teens are not like that at all.
In contrast to some stereotypes, most teens believe they must be understanding about differences among (7)
________________. Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantaged people. When they talk
about themselves, their friends and their families, they sound positive and proud. Generally, these are very nice
Is this spirit of harmony a change from the past? Only a generation ago, parent child relations were
described as the "(8) _______________ gap". Yet even then, things were not so bad. Most kids in the 1960s and
1970s shared their parents' basic values.
Perhaps, however, it is true that American families are growing closer at the beginning of this new
millennium. Perhaps there is less to fight about, and the (9) ______________ of drug abuse and other unacceptable
behavior are now well known. Perhaps, compared to the impersonal world outside the home, a young person's
family is like a friendly shelter, not a prison. And perhaps parents are (10) _______________ more like parents
than they did 20 or 30 years ago.
3.4. Read an article about how to make a list of family rules and answer reading comprehension questions.
Family Rules
Would you like to have a boss who didn't specify what the rules were in your work place but punished you
if you broke these unknown rules? You would feel pretty frustrated, wouldn't you? That's how children feel when
they are punished for breaking rules that have never been explained to them. Family rules are necessary to make
clear what is expected of children and to outline punishments for misbehavior and rewards for good behavior.
When creating a list of family rules remember to be specific both in what is expected and the punishment
or reward. Gather the family together when creating the list of family rules. Involve children in the creation of the
rules and get their input as to appropriate rewards or punishments. Explain to children why youd like to include
certain rules. They'll accept them more if they understand that they are for their own benefit and safety.
You can create the list of rules in the form of a contract which all family members sign. Before completing
the contract make sure that all family members are in agreement as to the wording of the rules and the punishments
or rewards for each rule.
Once the rules have been created, remember to be consistent with their enforcement. The list of rules
doesn't mean anything unless it is consistently enforced.
1. Why do we need a list of family rules?
2. Why should we explain to children the reason behind the rules?
3. Who should sign the family rules contract?
4. What could happen if you don't consistently enforce the rules?
3.5. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Statesmen define a family as a group of individuals having a common dwelling and related by blood, adoption
or marriage, (1)…………….includes common-law relationships. Most people are born into one of these groups
and (2) …………….live their lives as a family in such a group.
Although the definition of a family may not change, (3) …………….relationship of people to each other within
the family group changes as society changes. More and more wives are (4…………….paying jobs, and, as a result,
the roles of husband, wife and children are changing. Today, men expect to (5) …………….for pay for about 40
years of their lives, and, in today's marriages (6) …………….which both spouses have paying jobs, women can
expect to work for about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This means that man must learn to do their share of family
tasks such as caring for the children and daily (7) ……………. chores. Children, too, especially adolescents, have to
(8) …………….with the members of their family in sharing household tasks.
The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having (9) …………….is as matter of choice,
not an automatic result of marriage. Marriage itself has become a choice. As alternatives (10)…………….
common-law relationships and single-parent families have become socially acceptable, women will become more
1. A. which B. that C. what D. it
2. A. must B. need C. would D. will
3. A. a B. any C. some D. the
4. A. taking B. making C. keeping D. performing
5. A. live B. work C. hope D. ask
6. A. in B. for C. with D. to
7. A. home B. family C. house D. household
8. A. carry B. deal C. cooperate D. combine
9. A. time B. families C. happiness D. children
10. A. similar to B. like C. such as D. or else
3.6. Read the passage and answer the questions below. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each of
the following questions.
We first learn about loving and caring relationships from our families. Family is defined as a domestic
group of people with some kinship - whether through blood, marriage, or adoption.
Ideally, each child is nurtured, respected, and grows up to care for others and develop strong and healthy
relationships. This does not mean that it is always easy to make and keep friends; it just means that we share the
goal of having strong relationships.
"Family" includes your parents and siblings, as well as relatives who you may not interact with every day,
such as your cousins, aunts, uncles, grand-parents, and stepparents. They are probably the people you are closest to
and with whom you spend the most time. Having healthy relationships with your family members is both important
and difficult.
It is never too late to begin the process of improving family relationships - even if they are already of good
quality. You can step back and assess the relationship, it is often hard to do this with your family. Your family may
constantly existing your life, so when an argument or issue arises, it may seem impossible to handle.
Remember that communication is key to resolving conflicts. While it may seem that your siblings
sometimes annoy you, they are also there to communicate. Use your family's presence to your advantage -
communicate with each other, develop your relationships, and build trust and respect.
(Text adapted from http://www. pamf.org/teen/abc/types/family.html)
1. According to the passage, what do we first learn from our family?
A. how to receive love from others B. how to love and take care of others
C. about our family members D. about marriage and family
2. According to the passage, what is the goal of a family?
A. to nurture a healthy child B. to respect the parents
C. to build up good family relationships D. to make and keep friends.
3. The word ‘kinship’ in paragraph 1 refers to ……………..
A. social connection B. friendship C. childhood D. family relationship
4. According to the passage, who are regarded as family members?
A. only parents and children B. parents, children and relatives
C. those who you are closest to D. relatives you often interact with
5. What is NOT TRUE about developing a healthy relationship among family members?
A. It's significant, but challenging. B. It can occur at any time.
C. It's never too late to start. D. It's difficult and hopeless.
6. It's probably impossible for a person to deal with an argument or issue that arises in his family because……….
A. his family always is by his side. B. there is a lack of communication.
C. he himself needs to handle it. D. only his family may help.
7. The word ‘resolving’ in paragraph 5 could best be replaced by …………………….
A. supporting B. improving
C. finding a solution to D. making a decision on
8. Why is communication significant in a family?
A. to solve arguments among family members B. to strengthen relationships among family members
C. to build up trust and respect among family members D. all are correct
Ex4. Vocabulary
4.1. Fill in the missing words from the word bank.
table manners generation gap junk food soft drinks
household chores family values extended family nuclear family
hairstyles homestay
1. …………….such as candy, bakery goods, ice cream and salty snacks is not healthy because they
have plenty of salt and fats.
2. It is good to learn about ……………….. of the country we are going to visit because different cultures
have different rules used while eating.
3. Children need to help their parents do ........................................ such as the washing up or laundry.
4. There is often a ……………….. between grandparents and grandchildren because their lifestyles are different.
5. The Coca-Cola company produces a wide variety of ……………….. which are attractive to young customers.
6. A(n) …………………..including parents and children tends to be more popular in a modern society.
7. A(n) ……………….. is preferable to many people because children are brought up by both their parents and
their grandparents.
8. More and more tourists to Vietnam choose ……………….. service, in which they stay in a local
house of the city they are traveling to.
9. Everybody may try long, medium and short ……………….. to find the best look for your face and hair.
10. ………………such as moral standards or discipline are traditionally learned or reinforced within a family.
4.2. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the word in brackets by circling A, B, C or D.
1. It is hard to avoid………………between parents and children because they have different interests.
A. interactions B. disadvantages C. conflicts D. similarities
2. Many people spend a huge amount of money on expensive………………clothes from Gucci or Polo Raph Lauren.
A. brand name B. trend C. company D. material
3. Parents often advise their children not to break the ……………… of Vietnam's society in choosing their clothes.
A. principle B. norm C. ability D. form
4. It is inadvisable for parents to ……………… their ideas on their children's choice of careers.
A. impress B. insist C. concentrate D. impose
5. The more cheap cars are produced in Vietnam, the more Vietnamese people can………………one.
A. affect B. effort C. afford D. import
6. Nowadays, many women work in order to share the financial………………with their husband.
A. question B. impact C. behaviour D. burden
7. Growing up in a one-child family, Anna doesn't have any ……………….. to interact with.
A. siblings B. friends C. neighbours D. parents
8. Parent-child………………is likely to get worse if parents devote too much time to work and don't
spend time talking with their children.
A. relative B. friendship C. relationship D. love
9. There is no doubt that many teenagers want to keep their personal information or stories in secret, or their….needs respecting.
A. private B. privacy C. personal D. description
10. Although Jack's parents said nothing about his plan of moving out, he realized their ………… through their eyes.
A. discrimination B. disapproval C. familiarity D. protection

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