Present Perfect Tense Just Already Yet Esl Printable Exercises Worksheet

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JUST: Means that something ALREADY : Means something YET : Means “until now”.

It is
happened a short time ago. happened earlier than you used at the end of negative
A: Have you bought the or someone expected. sentences or questions.
tickets for the plane? A: Don’t forget to water the A: Have you finished your
B: Yes, I’ve just bought them. flowers, Jane? homework yet?
Look! That man has just B: Oh,mum. I’ve already B: No. I haven’t finished it
stolen a lady’s purse. watered them. yet. I’ll finish it soon.

A) Make sentences using Present Perfect Tense D) Answer the questions using just, already, yet
1. my father-just-come-home. 1. Have you written the final English essay yet?
__________________________________________ . (yet) _____________________________________ .
2. we-finish-already-project-science. 2. Have you studied for the Geography exam yet?
__________________________________________ . (already) __________________________________ .
3. yet-the students-enter-the gymnasium.
3. Have you finished painting the living room?
__________________________________________ .
(just) _____________________________________ .
4. find-I-new idea-just-for-English essay.
__________________________________________ . 4. Have you eaten anything for breakfast yet?
(yet) _____________________________________ .
5. Meg-breakfast-already-finish-her.
__________________________________________ . 5. Have you taken the trousers to the tailer’s yet?
(already) __________________________________ .
6. our-yet-teacher-into-classroom-come.
__________________________________________ . 6. Has your dad bought the bread and milk yet?
(just) _____________________________________ .
7. Has Mr. Perez watered the vegetables yet?
B) Fill in the blanks with just, already or yet (yet) _____________________________________ .
1. I have _____ heard that Mr.Brown had an 8. Has your grandmother flown to Liverpool yet?
accident. His wife called me a minute ago. (already) __________________________________ .
2. A: You can’t go out before you finish your
homework. 9. Have you and your mum cleaned the house yet?
B: Oh, mum! I have _____ finished my homework. (just) _____________________________________ .
3. Teacher: Have you finished answering all the 10. Has Patricia done the grocery shopping yet?
questions _____? (yet) _____________________________________ .
Student: Yes, teacher. I have _____ completed
them. I will write my name and give the exam paper
to you.
4. A: Do you want met o help you with the washing up? E) Answer the questions using already
B: Too late. I have _____ done the washing up. 1. When will the film “A Beautiful Mind” start?
5. A: Where is your father?
B: He has _____ arrived home. He is taking off his It ________________________________________ .
coat. 2. When are you going to finish reading that book?
6. A: Has your father come home _____? I _________________________________________ .
B: Yes,he has _____ come.He is sleeping now.
7. An accident has _____ happened. A man with a 3. When are you going to buy the T-shirt you saw?
mustache is calling the ambulance. The police I ________________________________________ .
hasn’t come yet. All the injured people are lying on
the pavement. They are in pain. 4. When is Sammy going to have his hair cut?
He _______________________________________ .
C) Make questions using yet 5. When are your parents going to sell their car?
They _____________________________________ .
1. you-finish-the puzzle-yet-doing
_________________________________________ . 6. When will Mrs. Smith have the operation?
2. anybody-bring-a bunch of flowers-yet She ______________________________________ .
_________________________________________ .
7. When will your friends come back from holiday?
3. your father-buy-the bicycle-for you-yet
They _____________________________________ .
_________________________________________ .
4. she-find-her-new yellow shoes-yet 8. When will the kids plant flowers in the garden?
_________________________________________ . They _____________________________________ .

Copyright © 14/05/2021 All rights reserved.

A) Make sentences using Present Perfect Tense
1. My father has just come home.
2. We have already finished the science project.
3. The students haven’t entered the gymnasium yet.
4. I have just found a new idea for my English essay.
5. Meg has already finished her breakfast.
6. Our teacher hasn’t come into the classroom yet.

B) Fill in the blanks with just, already or yet

1. just
2. already
3. yet/just
4. already
5. just
6. yet/already
7. just

C) Make questions using yet

1. Have you finished doing the puzzle yet?
2. Has anybody brought a bunch of flowers yet?
3. Has your father bought the bicycle for you yet?
4. Has she found her new yellow shoes yet?

D) Answer the questions using just, already, yet

1. No, I haven’t written it yet.
2. Yes, I have already studied for it.
3. Yes, I have just finished painting it.
4. No, I haven’t eaten anything for breakfast yet.
5. Yes, I have already taken them to the tailor’s.
6. Yes, he has just bought the bread and milk.
7. No, he hasn’t watered the vegetables yet.
8. Yes, she has already flown to Liverpool.
9. Yes, we have just cleaned the house.
10. No, she hasn’t done the grocery shopping yet.

E) Answer the questions using already

1. It has already started.
2. I have already finished reading it.
3. I have alread bought it.
4. He has already had his hair cut.
5. They have already sold it.
6. She has already had it.
7. They have already come back from holiday.
8. They have already planted flowers in the garden.

Copyright © 14/05/2021 All rights reserved.

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