The History of Table Tennis PE3

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PE 3

A game of Table Tennis is pressumed to have descended from the game of “ROYAL
TENNIS” which was played in the medieval (historic period) era.
In 1880’s thr upper class-VICTORIANS in Englad made “Table Tennis” as an after-
dinner amusement game played INDOOR. They line up books for their NET, the rounded top
of CHAMPAGNE cork or knot or string as their ball, and the CIGAR BOX lid as the bat.
Some sources claim that during this time, table tennis was once known as INDOOR
The earliest existing evidence of a table tennis game is a SET made by DAVID FOSTER,
patented in England, which included the table version of LAWN TENNIS, CRicket and
Since 1988, table tennis has been a Summer Olympic Sportd with severalevent
categories (Singles for Men and women; doubles and mixed doubles)
The TATAP ( Table Tennis Association of the Philippines) was founded on 1951.

Other names given to Table Tennis:

1. Ping Pong 9. Parlor Tablle Tennis
2. Gossima 10. Indoor Tennis
3. Whif-whaff 11. Royal Tennis
4. Flim-flam 12. Pom-pom
5. Ping Pang Qiu 13. Pim-pam
6. Takkyu 14. Royal Game
7. Tak-gu 15. Tennis de Salon
8. Netto


Table Tennis is an individual/dual sport in which two (2) or four (4) players hit a light
weight ball back and fourth to each other, with a racket (racquet) on a table divided by a
net, in manner similar to lawn tennis. Players must allow the ball bounce ONLY ONCE on his
side of the table and must bounce it back to the opponent’s side. If the ball does not land on
their on opposite court/side, then it is considered FAULT or violation.
Table Tennis is a GAME OF SPEED, SPIN, and STRATEGY. The rally is fast and requires
posibly the QUICKEST reaction of any sport.


I- The GRIP (how to hold the racquet)

1. Shakehand Grip
- the prevalent (common) grip of table tennis used by majority of recreational and
profesional players. The paddle (handle) is gripped with ALL FINGERS, with the TUMB
resting by itself on the opposite side as the INDEX finger. The grip is analogous to
shaking a hand at an approximately 45-degree angle.

* Advantages of using the Shakehand grip are;

A. Equally strong forehand and backhand advantage.
B. Wide selection of paddles to choose from.
2. The Penhold Grip
- The racquet is gripped as one would grip a PEN (ballpen/.pencil) with the thumb
and index finger, with the rest of the fingers being tucked away on the other side.
* Advantages of using the Penhold grip;
A. Used by predominant players using forehand stroke.
B. Since it is not as widely used, an elemegt of surprise against opponents
unfamiliar with the grip

3. The Seemiller Grip

- The seemiler grip isnamed after its developer, five time US champion DAN
SEEMILLER. This is highly UNORTHODOX (iregular) grip uses one side to hit both
backhand and forehand shots. The grip is similar to the shakehand, except that the
INDEX fingers wraps around the edge of the paddle and the thumb points “forward” to
the hitting surface.
*Advantages of using the seemiller grip;
A. A superior blocking position.
B. Chamces are more people don’t know about this grip as much as they do about
the penhold.
C. The same wide selection of paddles that shakehanders enjoy.

II- The FOOTWORK (feet coordinated movement and ready position)

* relaxed posture
* knees positioning
* Elbow/hand positioning
* Waist position
* Ankle position
- The player serving the ball commences a point. Standing behind the end of the table,
with the ball in his PALM of one hand-over the tables height and the paddle (racket) in the
other, the server TOSSES the ball without spin before bouncing it ONCE on his table (half of
the playing table) and then bounce at least ONE TIME on the opponents half (table court).


1. Drive
A. Flip
B. Smash
2. Loop
3. The Rush
4. The Hook
V- The DEfFENSIVE Stroke
1. The Slice
2. The Chop
3. The Block
4. Push-block
5. Lob
6. Stop

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