Opened Ended Tools For Project Based Learning.

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Arac, Mayumi Jane S.

Open Ended Tools for Project-based Learning

Name of the Digital Important Feature/s


1. Seesaw Creates activities and announcements that you can share

with your students.
You can also provide immediate feedback from your
student’s work through comments or voice recording.

2. Mindmeister Enables learners in the generation and organization of

ideas, and it is a powerful instrument for releasing hidden
creative ideas from their minds. This online application
provides a forum for students to communicate ideas with
one another about a project-based activity or to get vital
comments from their lecturers and instructors.

3. Glogster It has an interactive multimedia that students can really

engage and motivate their learning. Students can share
pictures, videos, graphics, sounds, and texts.

4. Dipity Enable students to interact on a project in subjects such as

Physical Education or MAPEH by building a timeline that
includes pictures, text, and other media, among other
things. It is necessary for students to utilize this tool for any
assignment in which they need to show the dates of events
pertaining to a certain topic.

5. Animoto It combines an academic classroom environment with an

element of fun to provide a unique learning experience.
Animoto is a platform that instructors and students may
use to contribute movies, images, and audio samples for
use in a project or for personal enjoyment.
Learners will be able to create a short, 30-second sharing
video of what they learnt in a class using this application.

Synthesis with supported articles:

I choose these digital tools/applications for Project-based learning because I like their
interactive features. As I read the important features of it, I watched the video on how to use it
and highlighting their features. I prefer these applications in the next school year as a Student
According to Dorr (2017), using higher thinking science standards, with technology
integration in project-based learning, it has been shown that there was a significant
improvement of elementary students.
Learners are engaged by working on multimedia projects and devote more time to the
topic at hand. There is a greater complexity to the task that they conduct. Students experience
Arac, Mayumi Jane S.
an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and success after presenting their final works to their
classmates, schoolmates, parents, and other family members. (Simkins, Cole, et al. 2002)
So it is proven that learners are more engaged when they see entertaining while
learning. Since we’re already in the 21st century, it is preferable to give a project to learners
than to seat them in a classroom and have them rehearse it for a whole classroom. By being
allowed to take responsibility and explore the issue through their own, learners have a greater
knowledge of the concepts.

Digital Applications as Instructional Tools

Name of the Digital Important Feature/s


1. MoodLe It has a modern, easy to use interface, personalized

dashboard that you can easily track your activities at your
own pace. Includes collaborative tools and activities that
enable the teacher to post a question for students to have
an interactive learning. Includes convenient file manager for
easy navigation of files from cloud storage services. You can
also check the calendar to see when the deadline of your

2. Google Sites Google also has many features when it comes to learning
(Classroom, Jamboard, and education. There’s one thing that you will also need, the
Slides, Meet, Youtube, Google Drive so that you will easily store your work and
Form, Docs, Drive) resources in your Drive account in an easy to access way. It
is also a perfect tool for the learners to finalize their projects
like through Jamboard.

3. EdModo Discussion forum, earning material management,

synchronous document sharing, content Library allows
teachers to store unlimited content for easy sharing and
re-use, secure platforms which ensures safety and privacy
for users, no private information is required from students,
students join classes by invitation only from
teacher/instructor (i.e. via a group code), teacher/instructor
has full management control, teacher/instructor can track
student progress, mobile learning - anytime, anyplace,
ability to create polls, quizzes, assignments, notes, blogs,
and award badges online)

4. TED-Ed Enables teachers to get free classroom resources to

construct lesson plans. For them, the platform is a great way
to take any instructional video that might be valuable to
them, no matter where it comes from, and quickly develop a
lesson plan around it. There are a number of ways in which
Arac, Mayumi Jane S.

teachers may customize video material to adapt how

students are learning and engage with curriculum.

5. Pear Deck A simple and easy-to-use technology that makes it possible

for students to watch their slides on their own devices,
without having to use a computer. Pear Deck provides slides
that are interactive so that you may get comments, run a
fast formative check, or just check in on your learners.

Synthesis with supported articles:

I choose these digital applications/tools for instructional learning because it has

student-friendly features and is easy to navigate for teachers. According to Gregory &
Bannister-Tyrrell (2017), resources available online give students the opportunity to be present
and useful in learning. Many schools are now using various Internet technologies, including
blogs, discussion forums, wikis, and 3D interactive experiences, to involve students in their
study. It develops their metacognitive reflection and improves higher order thinking skills.
With these digital apps as instructional tools, we can provide our students with
asynchronous activities and lenient on the schedule of activities & assessments. Through these
uncertain times of pandemic, these tools help the teachers and students to carry on to learn.
A crucial criterion for effective technology integration is the willingness to accept change.
Technology is changing and growing quickly. It is a continuing process, and as such, it
necessitates a constant commitment to learning.
Arac, Mayumi Jane S.

Dorr, Mariella, "The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Using Digital Storytelling
Technology on Improving Second-Grade Students' Performance of Science Standards" (2017).
Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019. 5664. Retrieved from

Simkins, M., Cole, K., Tavalin, F., & Means, B. (2012). Increasing Student Learning Through
Multimedia Projects. ASCD.

Gregory, S., Bannister-Tyrrell, M. Digital learner presence and online teaching tools: higher
cognitive requirements of online learners for effective learning. RPTEL 12, 18 (2017).

George Lucas Educational Foundation. (2007, 11 05). What is Successful Technology?


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