8347 Tender Document
8347 Tender Document
8347 Tender Document
Ser Pages
No. From To
1 Contents 1
4 Tender and item rate contracts for works IAFW – 1779A [Revised 1955] 15 33
5 General Conditions of Contracts IAFW – 2249 [1989 Print] &
Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages
6 Special Conditions 35 43
9 Relevant Correspondence
10 Acceptance Letter
11 Total Pages
M/s. ______________________
Dear Sir[s],
1. Tender documents in respect of above work are uploaded on the site https://defproc.gov.in. The tender
is on single stage two cover e-tendering system. The contents of Cover I & Cover II are specified in NOTICE OF
2. Bids will be received online by Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam upto the date
and time mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT). No tender/ bid will be received in physical form and any
tender/ bid received in such manner will be treated as non bonafide tender/ bid.
3. Bid will be opened on due date and time fixed for opening in the presence of tenderers/ bidders or their
authorised representatives, who have uploaded their quotation bid and who wish to be present at the time of
opening the bids.
4. Your attention is also drawn to instruction on filling and submission of tender attached herewith.
5. Un-enlisted contractors are required to submit the scanned copies of documents (in pdf file) required as
per eligibility criteria mentioned in instructions for filling the tender documents and Appendix 'A' to NIT along
with EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) and tender fee on e-procurement portal and submit the physical
documents in the office of Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam within time limit specified
in NIT. Inadequacy/ deficiency of documents shall make the bid liable for rejection resulting in disqualification for
opening of finance bid.
6. (a) Contractor having not executed standing security bond and standing security deposit in any MES
formation shall upload scanned copy of EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) mentioned in Notice of Tender
and shall ensure receipt of hard copy of EMD in the office of tender issuing authority before date & time
fixed for this purpose. In case of failure to abide by any of these two requirements, the finance bid will
not be opened.
(b) The successful bidder shall within 28 days of receipt of the letter of acceptance, deliver to the
Accepting Officer a Performance Security in any of the forms given below for an amount equivalent to 3%
of the Contract Sum:
(i) A Bank Guarantee Bond in the prescribed form issued by Nationalized/ Scheduled Indian
Bank (but its confirmation shall be done only from the Head Office of the Bank).
(ii) Government Securities, FDR or any other Government Instruments stipulated by the
Accepting Officer.
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Failure of successful contractor to comply with the requirement of Clause 6(b) herein before shall
constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award of work and forfeiture of the Earnest Money. In case of
MES enlisted Contractor, amount equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice Inviting Tender, shall be
notified to the tenderer/ bidder for depositing the amount through MRO. Bids of such Contractors/ bidders shall
not be opened till the aforesaid amount equal to the earnest money is deposited by him in Govt. Treasury.
7. Enlisted contractors of MES shall submit the scanned copies of enlistment letter (in pdf file), tender fee
and such other documents as mentioned in Appx ‘A’ to NIT on e- procurement portal and submit physical
documents in the office of Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam before date & time fixed
for this purpose .
8. The contractor must ensure that the tender/ bid on the proper form is uploaded in time as the Accepting
Officer will take no cognizance of any quotations/ offers received in any other electronic or physical form like
email/ fax/ by hand/ through post from tenderers/ bidders even if they are received in time.
9. In view of delays due to system failure or other communication related failures, it is suggested that the
tender/ bid be uploaded, if necessary, sufficiently in advance of the last due date and time fixed.
10. General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print) and errata and amendments thereto, Schedule
of minimum fair wages and MES SSR (Part -I and Part -II) are not enclosed with these documents. These are
available for perusal in any of the MES Offices, which can be seen during working hours on any working day, with
prior notice. The tenderers are deemed to have made themselves acquainted with the contents of the above
mentioned documents before submission of the tender / bid and no claim whatsoever on this account shall be
11. Tenderer’s attention is invited to employee’s provident fund and miscellaneous provision Act 1952. As
per this act, the Contractor or his authorised Agent shall have provident fund code number. The Contractor who
is not in possession of provident fund code number shall be disqualified in ‘T’ bid evaluation and his financial bid
shall not be opened. It is mandatory to upload copy of EPF registration certificate along with application for
12. Tenderers shall also be required to upload their GST Registration Number. The Contractor who is not in
possession of GST registration shall be disqualified in ‘T’ bid evaluation and his financial bid shall not be
Yours faithfully
Signature of Contractor
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Contractor(s) who are not enlisted with MES/ who are enlisted but have not executed the Standing
Security Bond shall submit Earnest Money Deposit as detailed in Notice of Tender in one of the following
forms, along with their tender/ bid :-
(a) Deposit at Call Receipt from a Scheduled Bank in favour of Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL
(b) Receipted Treasury Challan, the amount being credited to the Revenue Deposit of Assistant Garrison
Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam
It is advisable that Earnest Money is deposited in the form of deposit call receipt from an approved
Schedule Bank for easy refund. In case the tenderer/ bidder wants to lodge 'EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT' in
any other form allowed by MES, a confirmation about its acceptability will be obtained from the
Accepting Officer well in advance of the bid submission end date and time. Earnest Money Deposit shall
be submitted in the name of Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam.
NOTE: Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of cheque/ Bank Guarantee, etc. will not be accepted.
NON-SUBMISSION OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) (scanned copy along with Technical Bid & hard
copy before the date & time fixed for opening of BOQ) WILL RENDER THE BID DISQUALIFIED FOR
The successful bidder (irrespective of whether enlisted or un enlisted) shall within 28 days of receipt of
the letter of acceptance, deliver to the Accepting Officer a Performance Security in any of the forms given
below for an amount equivalent to 3% (As per GOI MOD letter No 66546/P-2/ES /21 1/2 020/ DMA
(Wks-ll) Dated 16th Feb 2021) of the Contract Sum:
(i) A Bank Guarantee Bond in the prescribed form issued by Nationalized/ Scheduled Indian
Bank (but its confirmation shall be done only from the Head Office of the Bank).
(ii) Government Securities, FDR or any other Government Instruments stipulated by the
Accepting Officer.
Work Order No. 1 shall be placed only after submission of Performance Security of adequate
value by the contractor. Failure of successful contractor to comply with the above requirement shall
constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award of work and forfeiture of the Earnest Money.
In case of MES enlisted Contractor, amount equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice Inviting
Tender, shall be notified to the tenderer/ bidder for depositing the amount through MRO. Bids of such
Contractors/ bidders shall not be opened till the aforesaid amount equal to the earnest money is
deposited by him in Govt. Treasury. {See Condition 19 of GCC (IAFW-2249)}.
Defect liability period for this work shall be twenty four calendar months from the certified
date of completion of the work and the Performance security shall be released on successful
completion of defect liability period.
Contractors whose names are on the approved list of any MES formation i.e. other than ADG (P) Chennai
and who have deposited Standing Security and have executed Standing Security Bond may tender/ bid
without depositing Earnest Money with the bid and if their bid is accepted, such tenderer shall be
required to lodge Performance Guarantee as per Condition 19 of GCC (IAFW-2249).
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5.1 The bids received only in the electronic form will be considered. All bids shall be submitted on
'https://defproc.gov.in' portal. Documents should be scanned and forwarded in 'pdf’ form and '.xls' form
as indicated.
5.2 Bids shall be uploaded on 'https://defproc.gov.in’ portal on or before the bid closing date mentioned in
the tender. No tender/ bid in any other electronic or physical form like email/ fax/ by hand/ through post
will be considered.
5.3 Bid should be DIGITALLY signed using valid DSC. All pages of tender documents, corrections/ alterations
shall be signed/ initialled by the lowest bidder after acceptance.
5.4 Drawings, if issued in physical form must be returned duly initialled by the tenderer/ bidder in separate
envelope indicating his name and address.
5.5 The tender shall be signed, dated and witnessed at all places provided for in the documents after
acceptance. All corrections shall be initialled. The Contractor shall initial every page of tender and shall
sign all drawings forming part of the tender. Any tender/ bid, which proposes alterations to any of the
conditions whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
5.6 In the technical bid, a scanned copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the person uploading the bid using
his/ her DSC shall be uploaded. In case the digital signatory himself is the sole proprietor, scanned copy of
an affidavit on stamp paper of appropriate value to this effect stating that he has authority to bind the
firm in all matters pertaining to contract including the Arbitration Clause, shall be attached in 'pdf’ form.
In case of partnership concern or a limited company, digital signatory of the bid/ tender shall ensure that
he is competent to bind the contractor (through partnership deed, general power of attorney or
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company) in all the matters pertaining to the contracts
with Union of India including arbitration clause. A scanned copy of the documents confirming of such
authority shall be attached with the tender/ bid in 'pdf’ form, if not submitted earlier. The person
uploading the bid on behalf of another partner(s) or on behalf of a firm or company using his DSC shall
upload with the tender/ bid a scanned copy (in 'pdf’ form) of Power of Attorney duly executed in his
favour by such other or all of the Partner(s) or in accordance with constitution of the company in case of
company, stating that he has authority to bind such other person of the firm or the Company, as the case
may be, in all matters pertaining to the contract including the Arbitration Clause.
5.7 Even in case of Firms or Companies which have already given Power of Attorney to an individual
authorizing him to sign tender in pursuance of which bids are being uploaded by such person as a routine,
fresh Power of Attorney duly executed in his favour stating specifically that the said person has authority
to bind such partners of the Firm, or the Company as the case may be, including the condition relating to
Arbitration Clause, should be uploaded in 'pdf’ form with the tender/ bid; unless such authority has
already been given to him by the Firm or the Company. It shall be ensured that power of attorney shall be
executed in accordance with the constitution of the company as laid down in its Memorandum & Article
of Association.
5.8 Hard copies of all above documents should be sent by the contractor to the Tender issuing authority well
in advance to be received before the date & time fixed for the same.
5.10 The contractor shall employ Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty. Attention is
also drawn to Special Condition 4 referred hereinafter and also conditions 24 & 25 of IAFW 2249 (General
Conditions of Contracts).
5.11 Tenderers/ bidders who uploaded their priced tenders/ bids and are desirous of being present at the time
of opening of the tenders/ bids, may do so at the appointed time.
5.12 The tenderer/ bidder shall quote his rate on the BOQ file only. No alteration to the format will be
accepted; else the bid will be disqualified and summarily rejected.
5.13 In case the tenderer/ bidder has to revise/ modify the rates quoted in the BOQ (excel sheet) he can do so
only in the BOQ, through https://defproc.gov.in site only before the bid closing time and date.
In the event of lowest tenderer/ bidder revoking his offer or revising his rates upward/ offering voluntary
reduction after closing of bid submission date & time, his offer will be treated as revoked and the Earnest
Money deposited by him shall be forfeited. In case of MES enlisted Contractors, the amount equal to the
Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice of tender, shall be notified to the tenderer/ bidder for depositing
the amount through MRO. Bids of such Contractors/ bidders shall not be opened till the aforesaid
amount equal to the earnest money is deposited by him in Govt. Treasury. In addition, bids of such
tenderer/ bidder and his related firm shall not be opened in second call or subsequent calls. Reduction
offered by the tenderer/ bidder on the freak high rates referred for review shall not be treated as
voluntary reduction.
7.1 The planning for work covered in the scope of tender is based on CPM.
7.2 The tenderer/bidder is expected to be fully conversant with the CPM technique and employ technical
staff who can use the technique in sufficient details. Sufficient books and other literature on the subject
are widely available in the market which the tenderer/ bidder may make use of.
7.3 The tenderer's/ bidder's attention is drawn to special condition of the tender regarding preparation of
the detailed network analysis and time schedule for the work and his liability for employing sufficient
resources to adhere to this schedule. Any inability on the part of the tenderer/ bidder in using the
technique will be taken as his technical inefficiency and will affect his class of enlistment and future
prospect/ invitation to tenders for future works.
8. Tenderers attention is invited to employee’s provident fund and miscellaneous provision Act 1952. As per
this act, the Contractor or his authorised Agent shall have provident fund code number. The Contractor
who is not in possession of provident fund code number shall be disqualified in ‘T’ bid evaluation and his
financial bid shall not be opened. It is mandatory to upload copy of EPF registration certificate along with
application for tender.
9. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all the workers engaged by him/them are having
universal account number (UAN) duly allotted by the Provident fund dept and their contributions are
properly credited into their account. A certificate to this effect shall be furnished by the contractor while
claiming the Final Bill.
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10. Department may issue amendments/ errata in form of CORRIGENDUM to tender/ revised BOQ to the
tender documents. The tenderer/ bidder is requested to read the tender documents in conjunction with
all the errata/ amendments/ corrigendum, if any, issued by the department.
11. In case the BOQ is revised through Corrigendum to tender documents, bidders shall be required to
quote their rates in the Revised BOQ only. A tenderer is supposed to check if any revised BOQ has been
uploaded by MES, before uploading their BoQ. In case any bidder uploads pre-revised BOQ, it shall be
considered as willful negligence by them and their bid shall be considered non-bonafide.
1. A tender is invited for the work as mentioned in Appendix 'A' to this NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT)
2. The work is estimated to cost as indicated in aforesaid Appendix 'A'. This estimate, however, is not a
guarantee and is merely given as a rough guide and if the work cost more or less, a tenderer/ bidder will
have no claim on that account. The tender shall be based on form/type of contract as mentioned in
aforesaid Appendix 'A'.
3. The work is to be completed within the period as indicated in aforesaid Appendix 'A' in accordance with
the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender from the date of handing over site, which will be on or about
two weeks after the date of Acceptance of tender.
4. Normally contractors whose names are on the MES approved list for the area in which the work lies, and
within whose financial category the estimated amount would fall, may tender/ bid; but in case of term
contracts, contractors of Class ‘SS’ to ‘E’ may tender/ bid. Contractors whose names are on the MES
approved list of any MES formation and who have deposited standing security and have executed
standing security bond may also tender/bid without depositing Earnest money along with the tender/bid
and if the tender/ bid submitted by such a tenderer/ bidder is accepted, the contractor will be required to
lodge with the Accepting Officer Performance Security in terms of Condition 19 of GCC (IAFW-2249),
failing which the award of work will be cancelled and the Earnest Money will be forfeited. In case of MES
enlisted Contractor, amount equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice Inviting Tender, shall be
notified to the tenderer/ bidder for depositing the amount through MRO. Bids of such Contractors/
bidders shall not be opened till the aforesaid amount equal to the earnest money is deposited by him in
Govt. Treasury. {See Condition 19 of GCC (IAFW-2249)}. Not more than one tender/ bid shall be
submitted/ uploaded by one contractor or one firm of contractors. Under no circumstances will a father
and his son(s) or other close relations who have business dealing with one another be allowed to tender/
bid for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this condition will render the tenders/
bids of both the parties liable for rejection.
5. The Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam will be the Accepting Officer here in after
referred to as such for purpose of the contract.
6. The Technical Bid and Financial Bid (Cover-1 and Cover-2 respectively) shall be uploaded by the tenderer/
bidder on or before the date & time mentioned in NIT. A scanned copy of DD with enlistment details/
documents shall be uploaded as packet 1/ cover-1 (T bid) of the tender/ bid on e-tendering portal. DD is
refundable in case T bid is not accepted resulting in non-opening of ‘Q’ bid. The applicant contractor shall
bear the cost of bank charges for procuring and encashing the DD and shall not have any claim from
Government whatsoever on this account.
6.1 Tender form and conditions of contract and other necessary documents shall be available on
https://defproc.gov.in site for download and shall form part of contract agreement in case the tender/
bid is accepted.
6.2 In case of contractor who has not executed the Standing Security Bond, the Cover-I shall be accompanied
with by Earnest Money of amount as mentioned in Appendix ‘A' in the form of deposit at call receipt in
favour of Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam (see Appendix 'A') by a scheduled
Bank or in receipted treasury Challan the amount being credited to the revenue deposit of Assistant
Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam (see Appendix 'A').
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6.3 The Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam will return the Earnest Money wherever
applicable to all unsuccessful tenderers/ bidders by endorsing an authority on the deposit-at-call receipt
for its refund.
6.4 The Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam will either return the Earnest Money to
the successful tenderer/ bidder by endorsing an authority on the deposit-at-call Receipt for its refund on
receipt of an appropriate amount of Performance Security.
6.5 Copies of the drawings and other document pertaining to the work signed for the purpose of
identification by the Accepting Officer or his accredited representative, sample of materials and stores to
be supplied by the contractor will also be available for inspection by the tenderer/ bidder at the office of
Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam during working hours.
7. The tenderers/ bidders are advised to visit the site of work by making prior appointment with Assistant
Garrison Engineer (I) R&D, NSTL Visakhapatnam who is also the Executing Agency of the work (see
appendix 'A'). The tenderers/ bidders are deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant documents,
samples, site etc., whether they have inspected them or not.
8. Any tender/ bid which proposes any alteration to any of the conditions laid down or which proposes any
other condition or prescription whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
9. The uploading of bid implies that bidder has read this notice and the Conditions of Contract and has made
himself aware of the scope and specifications of works to be done and of the conditions and rates at
which stores, tools and plants, etc. will be issued to him and local conditions and other factors having
bearing on the execution of the work.
10. Tenderers/ bidders must be in possession of a copy of the MES Standard Schedule of Rates (see appendix
'A') including amendments and errata thereto.
11. Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of 'T' bid and subsequent opening
of finance bid of any applicant/ bidder, even of enlisted contractors of appropriate class, merely by virtue
of enclosing DD. Accepting Officer reserves the right to reject the ‘T' bid and not open the finance bid of
any applicant/ bidder. ‘T' bid validation shall be decided by the Accepting Officer based on, inter alia,
capability of the firm as per criteria given in Appendix 'A' to this NIT. The applicant contractor/ bidder will
be informed regarding non-validation of his 'T' bid assigning reasons thereof through the
https://defproc.gov.in website. The applicant contractor/ bidder, if he so desires, may appeal to the next
higher Engineer authority viz. Chief Engineer R&D Secunderabad on email id [email protected]
with copy to the Accepting Officer on email id [email protected] before the scheduled date of
opening of Finance Bid. The decision of the Next Higher Engineer Authority (NHEA) shall be final and
binding. The contractor/ bidder shall not be entitled for any compensation whatsoever for rejection of his
12. The Accepting Officer reserves the right to accept a tender submitted by a Public Undertaking, giving a
purchase preference over other Tender(s)/ bids which may be lower, as are admissible under the
Government Policy. No claim for any compensation or otherwise shall be admissible from such tenderer/
bidder whose tender/ bid is rejected.
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13. Accepting Officer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender/ bid or to give any reason for
not doing so.
14. This Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) including Appendix 'A' shall form part of the contract.
1 2 3
10 Executing Agency : AGE (I) R&D NSTL Visakhapatnam.
11 Earnest money : Rs. 19,000.00 in favour of AGE (I) R&D NSTL,
Visakhapatnam in the form of Deposit at call receipt.
FDR not acceptable.
1. In case after opening of Cover 1, the number of MES enlisted contractors of eligible class as well as
eligible un-enlisted contractors, if any, fulfilling the other eligibility criteria given in NIT are less than 7 (Seven),
applications in respect of MES contractors of one class or two classes (in case of remote and difficult areas to be
decided as per list circulated by CE command/ADG) below the eligible class shall also be considered subject to
fulfillment of other eligibility criteria given in NIT. Therefore MES contractors one class below (two classes
below in case of remote and difficult areas) may also bid for this tender. Such contractors (Contractors
of one/two classes below the eligible class) shall not be considered in case their present residual work
in hand is more than FIVE times their present tendering limit. However in case Such contractor fulfill the
criteria of upgradation to the stipulated eligible class based on past experience of completed work (Individual
work experience and / or average annual turnover, as applicable) and financial soundness (solvency / financial
soundness and working capital), the ceiling of present residual work will not apply and they will be considered for
issue of tender . Such bidders shall upload in their Cover-I bid details related to residual work in hand like
details of works in hand showing names of work, name of Accepting Officers, Contract amounts, dates of
commencement and completion (stipulated) and progress as on bid submission date. Such contractors, if
claim to fulfill the criteria of upgradation shall also upload the requisite information / documents in support of
upgradation . These details shall be verified by the Tender Issuing Authority from concerned formations in
case bids of such contractors are considered for evaluation.
2. In case after opening of Cover I, the number of MES enlisted contractors of eligible class as well as
un-enlisted contractors, if any, fulfilling the other eligibility criteria given in NIT, are 7 (Seven) or more,
applications of only those one class below the eligible class bidders shall be considered, who have
previously completed similar works satisfactorily and are meeting the criteria of upgradation
in respect of past experience of completed works (individual work experience and/or
average annual turnover as applicable) and financial soundness (solvency/financial
soundness and working capital) as per details given in Manual on Contracts. Therefore such
contractors shall upload the requisite information/documents in the Cover-I.
3. Unenlisted contractor shall be considered provided he meets the criteria. Foreign firms shall not be
eligible for this tender. However Indian Firms having foreign national/Indian nationals staying abroad/Indian
national having taken foreign citizenship, as director(s) shall be considered subject to security clearance from
the concerned authorities.
4. Contractors enlisted with MES will upload following Scanned copies of documents in Cover 1 for checking
(a) Application for tender on Firm’s letter head.
(b) Enlistment letter issued by the Registering Authority duly renewed for the cycle period in vogue.
(c) DD/Bankers Cheque toward cost of tender and EMD instrument in case SSD bond is not signed
at the time of registration.
(d) GST Registration Certificate.
(e) Any other document required as described in this Appendix.
5. Contractors not enlisted with MES will be required to upload following documents in Cover 1 for
checking eligibility.
(a) Application for tender on Firm’s letter head.
(b) Scanned copy of DD/Bankers Cheque toward cost of tender and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
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(c) Copy of Police verification Report/Police Clearance certificate/Character Certificate from the
Police Authority of the area where the registered office of the firm is located/notarized copy of valid
passport of Proprietor/each Partner/each Director.
(d) All documents required for enlistment in MES for the class mentioned in Para 8 (b) above as per
Para 1.5 of section 1 of MES Manual on contract 2020.
(e) Details of works being executed in MES, if any.
(f) Any other document required as described in this Appendix.
6. Tenders not accompanied by scanned copies of requisite DD/Bankers Cheque towards cost of tender
and earnest money (as applicable) in Cover 1 shall not be considered for validation of "T" bid and their Financial
Bids will not be opened.
7. Contractors should ensure that their original physical DDs and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) instruments
(as applicable) reach the office of Accepting Officer within 05 days of bid submission end date failing which
following action shall be taken.
(a) In case of tenders from an enlisted contractor of MES, where scanned copies of requisite
DD/Bankers Cheque towards cost of tender have been uploaded in Cover I but physical copies are not
received within the stipulated period, their financial bids (Cover 2) will be opened. However non-
submission of physical copies of cost of tender shall be considered as willful negligence of the tenderer
with ulterior motives and such tenderer shall be banned from bidding for a period of six months
commencing from the date of opening of Financial Bid (Cover 2).
(b) In case of tenders from unenlisted contractor, where scanned copies of requisite DD/Bankers
Cheque towards cost of tender have been uploaded in Cover 1 but physical copies are not received within
the stipulated period, their financial bids (Cover 2) will not be opened. Name of such contractors along
with complete address shall be circulated for not opening of their bids for a period of six months
commencing from the date of opening of Financial bid (Cover 2).
(c) In case of tenders from enlisted and unenlisted contractors, where scanned copies of instruments
for Earnest Money Deposit (as applicable) have been uploaded in Cover 1 but the same are not received
in Physical form within stipulated period, such tenders shall not qualify for opening of financial bid (Cover
8. Contractor will not be allowed to execute the work by subletting or through power of attorney to a third
party/another firm on his behalf. However a contractor can execute the work through power of attorney to
sons/daughters/spouse of Proprietor/Partner/director and firm’s own employees, director, project manager
provided they are not having a separate enlisted firm in MES in their name as Proprietor/Partner/Director.
9. After opening of Cover I and during its technical evaluation, in case any deficiency is noticed in the
documents required to be uploaded by the tenderers as per NIT, a communication in the form of e-
mail/SMS/Speed Post etc shall be sent to the contractor to rectify the deficiency within a period of seven days
from date of communication failing which their financial bid(Cover 2) shall not be opened and contractor shall not
have any claim on the same.
10. Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of Technical bid and subsequent
opening of financial bid of any applicant/bidder merely by virtue of enclosing DD. Accepting officer reserves the
right to reject the Technical bid and not to open the financial bid of any applicant/bidder. Technical bid validation
shall be decided by the Accepting Officer based on eligibility of the firm as per criteria given in the Appendix.
Tenderer/bidder will be informed evaluation report which shall be uploaded on the website. Such tenderer, if
desires may appeal to [email protected] with copy to the accepting office on email before the scheduled date
of opening of Cover 2. NHEA shall decide the matter within a period of seven working days from the date of
receipt of appeal. The decision of the NHEA shall be final and binding. The tenderer/bidder shall not be entitled
for any compensation whatsoever for rejection of his bid.
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11. In case an unenlisted contractor is already executing works in MES, he shall not be considered eligible for
the subject tender if the total value of such works is more than twice the tendering limit of the MES Class of
contractor for which it is eligible. For this purpose, details of the works being executed by such a contractor shall
be uploaded in the Cover-1 of the bid and shall be checked/verified by the Accepting officer.
12. In case of BOQ is revised through the corrigendum and the bidder has failed to quote on revised BOQ
(ie he has quoted on pre revised BOQ), such bid shall be treated as willful negligence by the bidder and his
quotation shall be considered non-bonafied. In such cases the lowest tender shall be determined from amongst
the valid/bonafied bids only. Accepting officer may decide whether to re-tender or consider the lowest bonafied
tender for acceptance.
13. Revoking the offer or revising the rates upward or offering voluntary reduction by the lowest tenderer
after opening of Cover 2 shall be considered as a willful default. For this default a penalty of an amount equal to
Earnest Money shall be levied. In case of an unenlisted tenderer, Earnest Money deposited by him shall be
forfeited. In case of MES enlisted tenderer having deposited the Standing Security Bond, an amount equal to the
earnest money stipulated in the NIT shall be notified to the tenderer for depositing through MRO and
consideration of such tenderer in tender evaluation for future works shall remain suspended till the
aforementioned amount is deposited in the Government Treasury. No other disciplinary/administrative action
shall be taken against such tenderers. In such a situation, the next lowest offer shall not be considered for
acceptance. Instead, retendering shall be resorted to in a transparent and fair manner and the defaulting
tenderer and his related firm if any shall not be eligible for the tender in second call or subsequent calls.
14. Tender to related firms shall not be issued simultaneously. Firms shall be termed as related if
Proprietor/one or more Partners/Directors are common. Decision of Accepting Officer on issue/deny the tender
to any one of the related firms shall be final and binding.
8347/ 03 /E8
Dated: 01 Sep 2021
1. A tenderer/ bidder who is qualified as per the eligibility criteria mentioned in the tender documents and
has interalia sound past record is hereby authorized to tender for the above work. The tender / bid [both
COVER-1 & COVER-2] shall be submitted/uploaded on the MES website portal [https://defproc.gov.in] as
per time and date mentioned in tender documents.
2. Any correspondence concerning this tender shall be forwarded to the address as indicated at the top of
this sheet, quoting the reference as given.
1. The tenderer is required to quote “UNIT RATE” in the relevant column provided in BOQ.
2. The quantities given in BOQ are provisional and are inserted as a guide only. They shall however not be
varied beyond the limits laid down in Condition 7 of General Conditions of Contracts - IAFW-2249. The
work done against various items will be measured on completion and priced as per the rates quoted
against the respective items by the tenderers [as accepted]. Approved work will only be measured and
paid for.
3. The total amount of BOQ is not firm but will be treated as the CONTRACT SUM [after deducting Schedule
of Credit if any] referred to in General Conditions of Contracts, IAFW-2249.
4. The rate quoted shall cater for cost of new material and labour or supplied and fixed including testing (as
applicable) complete, unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the description of items.
5. Description of items of work given in Schedule ‘A’ are in brief. These are deemed to be amplified and read
in conjunction with special conditions, particular specifications, specifications for materials, workmanship
and conditions in relevant trade section of MES SSR Part-I & MES SSR Part-II.
6. PERIOD OF COMPLETION: The period of completion of all items of works mentioned in BOQ is 180 Days
from the date of commencement as per Work Order No. 1 placed by Assistant Garrison Engineer (I),
which is about a fortnight from the date of acceptance of the tender.
7. The contract shall run for a period as mentioned in Para 6 herein before and the work under this
contract is required to be carried out as and when required by the Department during the period of
contract. The contractor shall be in a position to complete the repair/ maintenance jobs ordered by the
Engineer-in-Charge within a time frame as fixed by him.
8. The unit rates quoted by the tenderer shall be deemed to include for any minor details items of work
which are obviously and fairly intended and which may have not been included in these documents but
which are essential for the execution and entire completion of the work. In the event of any disputes, the
decision of the Accepting Officer as to whether any minor details / items of work included in the contract
shall be final, conclusive and binding.
9. In case of any class of works for which there is no specification in the tender documents including SSR,
such work shall be carried out in accordance with Indian Standard specification, where Indian Standard
specification do not cover the same the work should be carried out as per standard Engineering practice
subject to the approval of the AGE (I) and otherwise as per local practice.
10. The contractor shall make precautionary measures not to damage existing assets to the extent possible. If
it becomes inevitable to execute the work, he shall make good disturbed/damaged surfaces/Assets to
match with the existing without any extra cost to the Government.
11. The rates quoted by tenderer shall be inclusive of all applicable taxes like GST on works contract, other
levies & cesses, labour welfare cess etc. as prevailing on the closing date for submission of the bids.
However, in this connection attention is invited to special condition No. 25.
C. A. No. AGE (I) R&D/ VIZ/ TOKEN/ 22 OF 2021-2022 Serial Page No. 17
12 Excavation and earthwork items included in the schedule ‘A’ shall be applicable for the items for which
excavation and earth work not included in the description of items of schedule ‘A’.
13. Any damage caused to existing structure, fitting and fixtures etc. due to bad workmanship/ negligence of
the workers, the same shall be rectified/ replace by the contractor at his own expenses to match with the
existing surfaces. Decision of AGE (I) in this regard is final & binding.
14. The contractor shall be responsible to remove all unserviceable materials from site or work at their own
arrangement. No claim of transportation, labour etc. shall be admissible on this account.
15. All materials (unserviceable) obtained from demolition / dismantling which are included in the Schedule
of credit shall become contractor’s property. Necessary credit thereof as per schedule of credit shall be
recovered from contractor’s running bill as and when processed. The contractor shall have no claim
whatsoever on the rates fixed by the department. The rate of credit fixed by the department item wise is
firm. Any old retrieved material which is not included in Schedule of Credit shall be handed over to the
AGE (I) R&D NSTL store yard.
16. The details of work to be executed in the particular building shall be decided by Engineer-in-charge and
contractor shall execute the items in respective building after written order of Engineer- in- Charge.
17.1 The following old materials which are expected to be replaced under this contract shall become the
property of the contractor subject to recovery of their salvage value indicated against each:
Sl. No Description of old materials Unit Approximate Rate/ unit Amount in
quantity in Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Old unserviceable point wiring with accessories Pont 185 25.00 4,625.00
retrieved from Item No. 1 of BoQ
2 Old unserviceable switch/ socket/ bell push/ Each 680 1.00 680.00
regulator/ ceiling rose/ face plates/ plug top of any
type retrieved from Item No. 5 to 21 (except 15)
and 36 of BoQ
3 Old unserviceable electronic bell of any type Each 10 5.00 50.00
retrieved from Item No. 15 of BoQ
4 Old unserviceable security light fitting retrieved Each 8 80.00 640.00
from Item No. 22 of BoQ
5 Old unserviceable tube light fitting retrieved from Each 180 20.00 3,600.00
Item No. 23/ 24 of BoQ
5 Old unserviceable tube rod & bulb retrieved from Each 150 2.00 300.00
Item No. 25/26 of BoQ
6 Old unserviceable sub main wiring including RM 230 5.00 1,150.00
conduit retrieved from Item No. 27& 28 of BoQ
7 Old unserviceable items/ material retrieved from Each 10 2.00 20.00
Item No. 32 to 35 of BoQ
8 Old unserviceable brass stop valve retrieved from Each 4 20.00 80.00
Item No. 37 of BoQ
C. A. No. AGE (I) R&D/ VIZ/ TOKEN/ 22 OF 2021-2022 Serial Page No. 18
Notes: [a] All quantities shown under column 4 are provisional and may vary during execution.
Actual amount of credit shall be worked out based on rates inserted under Col. 5 of
Schedule of credit.
[b] Tenderers are advised to inspect the old material/ items at site and ascertain their
condition. It shall be deemed that the contractor has made himself well aware and
ascertained the condition of these items whether he inspects them or not. No claim
whatsoever on this account shall be admissible by the Government.
[c] The items as indicated in Schedule of credit shall be the property of the contractor and
shall not be used in new work. The total amount of Schedule of credit shall be deducted
from total of Schedule ‘A' [BOQ] to arrive at Contract Sum.
[d] Amount of credit shall be recovered from the contractor's RARs & then only retrieved
material under schedule of credit be allowed to be removed by the contractor.
Serviceable material/ items other than shown here-in-above obtained from demolition/
taking down if any, shall remain the Govt. property and the contractor shall deposit the
same with Engineer-in-Charge as directed and debris/ unserviceable material shall be
disposed off the site as per his direction without any extra cost to Government.
[e] The AGE (I) reserves the right to retain any or the full quantity of demolished/ dismantled
materials which in his opinion is serviceable. However, the recovery shall be affected only
for the quantities issued to the contractor.
[f] The rates inserted under Column 5 are firm and the contractor shall have no claim what
so ever against the department if the actual value of dismantled materials turns out to be
different from the cost given by the department.
1 2 3 4 5 6
[See condition 15, 34 and 35 of IAFW – 2245]
Details of Hire charges Place of
Ser charges per
Quantity Particulars MES crew per unit per issue Remarks
No unit per off
supplied working day [by name]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[See condition 16 & 35 of IAFW – 2249]
1 2 3 4 5 6
4. MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2009 [Part – I+ “Specifications” together with amendment No 1 to 3 and
MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2020 [Part – II+ “Rates” here in after referred as the MES Schedule.
5. General Conditions of Contracts IAFW – 2249 [1989 Print] together with amendments No 1 to 48 and
errata 1 to 20
Water will not be supplied by MES to the contractor and the contractor shall make his own arrangement
for water required if any for the work as well as for his labourers.
[b] To execute all the works referred to in said documents upon the terms and conditions contained
or referred to therein at the item rates contained in the aforesaid Schedule “A” or at such other
rates as may be fixed under the provisions of Condition 62 of IAFW – 2249 and to carry out such
deviations as may be ordered vide Condition 7 of IAFW – 2249 up to a maximum of 20 [TWENTY]
percent and further agree to refer all disputes as required by Condition 70 to the Sole Arbitrator
of serving Officer having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having passed final / direct final
examinations of Sub Division II of Institution of Surveyors [India] recognised by Government of
India to be appointed by Chief Engineer (R&D), Secunderabad or in his absence the officer
officiating as Chief Engineer (R&D), Secunderabad whose decision shall be final, conclusive and
C. A. No. AGE (I) R&D/ VIZ/ TOKEN/ 22 OF 2021-2022 Serial Page No. 33
TENDER [Continued]
Postal Address:
Telephone No ___________________________
_________________ Alterations have been made in these documents and as evidence that these alterations
were made before the execution of the Contract Agreement; they have been initialed by the contractor and
Shri Akash Agrawal [IDSE], AEE [Civil].
The said officer[s] is/are hereby authorised to sign and initial on my behalf of the documents forming part of this
The above tender was accepted by me on ___________ day of __________________ on behalf of the PRESIDENT
OF INDIA at the item rates contained in the Schedule “A”.
1. A copy of the General Conditions of Contracts [IAFW – 2249], 1989 Print, with errata 1 to 20 and
amendments No 1 to 48 has been supplied to me/us and is in my/our possession. I/We have read and
understood the provisions contained in the aforesaid general conditions of contracts before submission
of this tender and I/We agree that I/We shall abide by the terms and conditions therefore, as modified, if
any, elsewhere in these tender documents.
2. It is hereby further agreed and declared by me/us, that the General Conditions of Contracts [IAFW –
2249], 1989 Print, including Condition 70 thereof pertaining to settlement of disputes by arbitration,
containing 33 pages, with errata 1 to 20 and amendments No 1 to 48 form part of these tender
Notes: [a] The documents mentioned above can also be seen in the office of the AGE (I) R&D , Vigyan Nagar,
NSTL Complex, Visakhapatnam – 530 027 or in any other MES office during working hours.
[b] In case of difference in interpretation due to wordings of English and Hindi versions, the English
version will prevail as per Article 348 of Constitution of India.
1. It is hereby agreed that the “Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages” as published vide Government of India
Notification dated 10 March 1992 and further Notification till date of receipt of tender, forms part of these
tender documents.
2. My/Our signature hereunder amounts to my/our having read and understood the provisions contained
therein and I/we agree that I/we shall abide by the same and that aforesaid documents form part of this tender.
3. It is also agreed by me/us that although latest notification, as available with the Accepting Officer, has
been formed part of the contract, in case the Government has further revised the wages, the latest revised wages
for labour shall only be applicable.
Notes: [a] The documents mentioned above can also be seen in the office of the AGE (I) R&D , Vigyan Nagar,
NSTL Complex, Visakhapatnam – 530 027 or in any other MES office during working hours.
[b] In case of difference in interpretation due to wordings of English and Hindi versions, the English
version will prevail as per Article 348 of Constitution of India.
1. GENERAL: These Special Conditions shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of contracts
[IAFW – 2249] and IAFW – 1779A including errata and amendments thereto. Any provision in these
Special Conditions if at variance with the provision in the above mentioned documents the provisions
made hereinafter shall be deemed to take precedence there over.
2. INSPECTION OF SITE BY THE TENDERER: Reference Para 8 and 11 of notice of tender [IAFW – 2162] and
Condition 4 of IAFW – 2249.
2.1. The tenderer is advised to contact the Assistant Garrison Engineer (I) for the purpose of inspection of
site[s] and relevant documents other than those sent herewith, who will give reasonable facilities for the
purpose. The tenderer shall also make themselves familiar with the working Conditions, accessibility of
site[s], availability of materials and other cogent Conditions, which may affect the entire completion of
work under this contract.
2.2. The tenderer shall be deemed to have inspected the site[s] and made themselves familiar with the
working Conditions, whether they have actually inspected the site[s] or not.
3. COORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES: Contractor’s attention is invited to the fact that during the
currency of this contract, works on other services which are outside the scope of work of this contract
may be entrusted for execution to other agencies. The contractor shall permit free access and afford
normal facilities and usual convenience to other agencies or departmental workmen to carryout
connected works of services under separate arrangements. The contractor shall not be allowed any
extra payment on this account.
4.1. Contractor shall employ only Indian Nationals as his representatives, servants and workmen after
verifying their antecedents and loyalty. He shall ensure that no person of doubtful antecedents and
nationality is in any way, associated with the work. If for the reasons of technical collaboration or other
considerations the employment of foreign national[s] is unavoidable, the contractor shall furnish full
particulars to this effect to the Accepting Officer at the time of submission of the tender. As a proof, that
the contractor has employed only Indian Nationals, he shall render a certificate to the AGE (I) within one
month from the date of acceptance of tender to this effect. In case the AGE (I) desires; contractor will
have the police verification done of personnel employed by him.
4.2. The AGE (I) shall have full powers and without giving any reason to order the contractor immediately to
cease to employ, in connection with this contract, any agent, servant or employee whose continued
employment is, in his opinion, undesirable. The contractor shall not be allowed any compensation on
this account.
4.3. In this connection, the contractor’s attention is also drawn to Condition 25 of IAFW – 2249.
6. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER: The tender shall remain open for acceptance for a clear period of 60 days clear
[Excluding the DRT] from the last due date specified for its submission.
7.2. During currency of the work the contractor is expected to adhere to the time schedule and this
adherence will be a part of the contractor’s performance under the contract. During the execution of
work, the contractor is expected to participate in the reviews and updating of the network, undertaken
by the AGE (I). These reviews may be undertaken at the discretion of the AGE (I) either as a periodic
appraisal measure or when the quantum of work ordered on the contractor is substantially changed
through deviation orders or amendments. Any revision of the schedule as a result of the review, will be
submitted by the contractor to AGE (I) within a week who will approve it after due scrutiny. The
contractor will adhere to the revised schedule thereafter. In case of contractor disagreeing with the
revised schedule, the same will be referred to the Accepting Officer whose decision will be final,
conclusive and binding. AGE (I)’s approval to the revised schedule resulting in a completion date beyond
the stipulated date of completion shall not automatically amount to a grant of extension of time.
Extension of time shall be considered and decided by the appropriate authority mentioned in Condition
11 of IAFW – 2249 and separately regulated.
7.3. The Contractor shall mobilise and employ sufficient resources to achieve the detailed schedule within the
broad framework of the accepted methods of working and safety.
7.4. No additional payment will be made to the contractor for any multiple shift work or other incentive
method contemplated by him in his work schedule even though the time schedule is approved by the
8.2. Materials brought to site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and those already
recorded in Measurement book shall be suitably marked for identification.
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8.3. Contractor shall produce vouchers/invoices from the manufacturers and/or their authorised agents for
the full quantity of the following materials, as applicable as a pre-requisite before submitting claims for
payment for advances on account of the work done and/or materials collected in accordance with
Condition 64 of General Conditions of contracts IAFW – 2249.
[a] All electrical accessories like Switches, sockets, cables, DBs, switchgears, light fittings/ energy
meters and other accessories etc.
[b] Any other proprietary materials as directed by AGE (I).
8.4. The contractor shall on demand produce to the AGE (I), original receipted vouchers/invoices in respect of
the materials other than as stated herein before. Vouchers/invoices so produced and verified shall be
stamped by Engineer-in-Charge indicating contract number. The contractor shall ensure that the
materials are brought to site, in original sealed containers/packing, bearing manufacturer’s marking
except in the case of the requirement of material[s] being less than smallest packing.
8.5. The vouchers/invoices will clearly indicate the contract number, the IS No, specific alternative to which
the material conforms in case of various alternative in IS.
9.3. The materials and articles, which have not been specified in tender documents by makes /
manufacturers, shall be as under:
[a] If ISI marked materials are being manufactured, the same shall be ISI marked. For list of ISI
marked manufacturers refer BIS website i.e. www.bis.org.in.
[b] If ISI marked materials are not being manufactured, the same shall be conforming to IS
9.4. The contractor shall not procure materials & articles unless the samples are first got approved by the AGE
9.5. Materials of local origin shall be as specified and conforming to samples kept in AGE (I)’s office. The
tenderer is advised to inspect sample of materials which are displayed in the office of AGE (I), before
submitting his tender. The tenderer shall be deemed to have inspected the samples and satisfied himself
as to the nature and quality of materials, he is required to incorporate in the work irrespective of whether
he has actually inspected them or not.
10. HANDING OVER OF SITE: Site for execution of work will be available as soon as the work is awarded. In
case it is not possible to make the entire site available on the award of work, the contractor will have to
arrange his working programme accordingly. No claim whatsoever, for not giving entire site on award of
work and for giving site gradually, will be tenable.
11. DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING STRUCTURES: Any damage to the existing structures, any existing road etc.,
during the execution of work shall be made good by the contractor at his own expense. Rectification,
replacement, making good and touching up etc. shall be carried out, conforming to the materials and
workmanship originally provided and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. In case of any dispute
on this account, the decision of the AGE (I) shall be final, binding and conclusive.
C. A. No. AGE (I) R&D/ VIZ/ TOKEN/ 22 OF 2020-2021 Serial Page No. 38
12. APPROACHES: The contractors shall make arrangements for and provide at his own cost all temporary
approaches, if required to the site[s], after obtaining approval in writing of the AGE (I) to the layout of
such approaches.
13. QUARRIES: Reference to Condition 14 of IAFW – 2249. Quarries are not available on Defence land for use
by the contractor to remove material for use in the works.
24 of IAFW – 2249]. No land shall be allotted for storage of materials, and temporary sheds.
[Refer Condition 24 of IAFW – 2249]. No land shall be allotted for labour, canteen and workshop.
16.1. The Contractor shall not pay wages lower than minimum wages for labour as fixed by the Government of
India / State Government / Union territory, whichever is higher.
16.2. Contractor’s attention is also drawn, amongst other things to the ‘explanations’ to the schedule of
minimum wages referred to above.
16.3. The fair wages referred to in Condition 58 of IAFW – 2249 will be deemed to be the same as the minimum
wages, referred to above as up to date from time to time.
16.4. Schedule of minimum wages is not enclosed along with tender documents. However contractor shall be
deemed to have verified the minimum fair wages payable as on the last due dates of receipt of tender.
16.5. The contractor shall have no claim whatsoever, if on account of local factor and/or regulations, he is
required to pay the wages in excess of minimum wages as described above during the execution of work.
17.1. Electric supply shall not be provided by MES and the contractor shall make his own arrangements for the
electric supply required if any for carrying out the works. No extra claim on this account shall be
18. WATER:
18.2. Water will not be supplied by the MES. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the water
required for the works, workmen etc at his own cost. The water so arranged shall be got tested from
Government Engineering College / Government Lab and got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge
before using in the work.
19.1. Work under this contract lies in restricted Area. The restrictions for entry to work site and Conditions of
working in restricted area shall be as under:
C. A. No. AGE (I) R&D/ VIZ/ TOKEN/ 22 OF 2020-2021 Serial Page No. 39
19.2. ENTRY AND EXIT: The contractor/his agent[s]/representatives/workmen etc. and his materials, carts,
trucks or other means of transports, machineries etc. will be allowed to enter through and leave only
from such gate or gates and at such times as the AGE (I) or authorities in charge of the restricted area
may at their sole discretion permits. The contractor’s authorised representative is required to be present
at the places of entry and exit for the purpose of identifying his carts, trucks, machineries etc. to the
person in charge of the security of the restricted area and shall stick to only the specific route directed for
them to follow.
[a] Every workmen shall be in possession of an identity card. The identity card shall be issued after a
thorough investigation of the antecedents of the labourers by the contractor and attested by
Officer – in – charge of the unit concerned in accordance with the standing rules and regulations
of the unit. Contractor shall be responsible for conduct of his workmen, agents or
[b] IDENTITY CARDS OR PASSES: The contractor, his agents and representatives are required
individually to be in possession of an identity card or pass. The identity card or pass will be
examined by the security staff at the time of entry into or exit from the restricted area at any
time or number of times inside restricted area.
[c] Passes may also be issued for the transport engaged by the contractor. Contractor shall submit
the list of transport with the name of driver and license No to the Engineer-in-Charge well in time
for issue of passes. The transport, its driver and crew and the consignment carried shall also be
subjected to search at entry as well as at exit.
[d] Passes shall be surrendered at any time on demand by Engineer-in-Charge and in any case
immediately after completion of work or termination or cancellation of contract.
19.4. SEARCH: Thorough search of all persons and transport shall be carried out at each gate and for as many
times the gate is used for entry or exit and may also be carried out any time or any number of times
within the restricted area.
19.5. FEMALE SEARCHER: If the contractor desires to employ female labour for works to be carried out inside
the restricted area of factory, depot, park etc, and a female searcher is not borne on the authorised
strength of the factory, depot, park etc. at the time of submission of tender, he shall be deemed to have
allowed in his tender for pay and allowances etc. for a female searcher [Class IV servant] calculated for
the period female labourers during any month and female’s searcher*s+ has/have to be employed in
addition to the authorised strength of the factory, depot, park etc. the salary and allowances paid to the
additional female searchers shall be distributed on equitable basis between the contractors employing
female labour taking into consideration the value and period of completion of their contracts. The AGE
(I)’s decision in regard to the amount payable on this account by any contractor shall be final and binding.
[a] The unit controlling restricted area, usually work during five days in a week [Monday to Friday]
and remain closed on the Saturday & Sunday. The working hours available to the contractor’s
labour and staff are however appreciably reduced because of the time taken in security check,
procedures observed at the time of entry, exit and during working hours, No claim whatsoever,
shall be admissible on this account.
C. A. No. AGE (I) R&D/ VIZ/ TOKEN/ 22 OF 2020-2021 Serial Page No. 40
[b] The exact working hours, working days and non-working days observed for the restricted area,
where works are to be carried out, shall be deemed to have been ascertained by contractor
before submitting his tender. The tenderer’s attention is invited to the fact that the number of
working hours for a unit is prescribed in regulations and that they cannot be increased by the AGE
(I) or authorities controlling the restricted area.
[c] The definition of “Working Days” as given under Condition 1 *t+ of IAFW – 2249 does not apply in
case where the works are carried out in restricted area.
19.7. WORKING ON HOLIDAYS: The contractor shall not carry out any work on gazetted holidays, weekly
holidays and other non working days except when he is specially authorised in writing to do so by the AGE
(I). The AGE (I) may at his sole discretion declare any day as holiday or non working day without assigning
any reason for such declaration.
[a] The contractor, his agents, representatives, workmen etc shall strictly observe the order[s]
pertaining to fire precautions prevailing within the restricted area.
[b] Motor transport vehicles, if allowed by the authorities to enter the restricted area, must be fitted
with serviceable fire extinguishers.
[c] No entry of any explosive, inflammable material, matchboxes, cigarettes, etc., will be permitted.
[d] No excavation work by blasting or using explosives of any kind will be permitted.
[e] Welding without adequate fire fighting precautions will not be permitted.
[f] There will be no use of naked flame in project site.
[g] At site no inflammable material is to be left behind unattended.
[h] Against the outbreak of fire he shall provide amongst other things, adequate self contained fire
fighting arrangements to the entire satisfaction of the AGE (I). No extra amount shall be
admissible to the contractor on this account.
[i] Notwithstanding to the above, the site is liable to be inspected by representative of Depot to
verify that the precaution is being strictly observed.
[j] No claim whatsoever shall be admissible for any loss of man-hours, idling of machineries &
transport etc, on account of observance of the above restrictions.
20. LOCATION OF BUILDING AND WORKS: There may be some changes in location/siting of work shown in
site [layout] plan[s] to suit local Conditions and/or departmental requirements. The contractor shall have
no claim what so ever consequent to such changes in the location/siting of works.
21 WATCH/LIGTHING: The contractor shall at his own cost take all possible precautions to ensure safety of
life and property by providing necessary fencing, barrier, light, watchmen etc., during the progress of
work and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
22 CLEANING DOWN: [Refer Condition 49 of IAFW – 2249] The contractor shall clean all floors, remove
cement, lime or paint drops, clean joinery, glass panels etc., Touch up all paint work and carry out all
necessary items of work in connection therewith and have the whole premises clean and tidy to the
entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge before handling the items/works. No extra payment shall be
admissible to the contractor for this operation.
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23.1. Particular attention of the tenderer is drawn to the fact that all machinery, plants, spares components
etc. required to be supplied under this contract shall be from ready stocks or such as would be available
within India except for such items of plant and equipment which are not of indigenous manufacture and
are not otherwise totally banned for import by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. No import
license will be obtained by the department as such item will have to be arranged by the contractor
against their own import quota.
23.2. All equipments and materials to be used in the work shall be new and of the best of their respective kind.
23.3. No foreign exchange shall be provided for by MES for any equipment.
24. INTER STATE MIGRANT WORKMAN ACT 1979: The tenderer shall be fully conversant with the above act
and take necessary steps to implement the same effectively. The tenderer shall intimate the number of
workmen [skilled / unskilled] to be inducted / imported and total number of labour employed locally at
site immediately after issue of work order. Immediately after completion of the work, workmen inducted
from other state shall be repatriated. Prior permission shall be obtained if the imported/ inducted
workmen are required to stay back for rectification of work if any after the date of completion and
handing over the work to the department. The tenderer shall produce necessary documents as necessary
for verification and authentication of having repatriated the imported labour. Suitable amount shall be
retained in the final bill and will be released only after the Accepting Officer is fully satisfied for the return
of the imported labour to main land. Decision of the AGE (I) shall be final and binding on this account.
25.1. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all applicable taxes [including GST
on works contracts, Labour welfare cess/tax etc], cess, duties, Royalties & other levies payable under the
respective statutes. No reimbursement/refund for variation in rates of taxes, duties, Royalties & other
levies, and /or imposition/abolition of any new/existing taxes, duties, Royalties & other levies shall be
made except as provided in sub Paras 25.2 [a], [b], [c] & [d] herein below.
25.2. [a] The taxes which are levied by Government at certain percentage rates of contract sum / amount
shall be termed as “taxes directly related to contract value” such as GST on works contracts, Labour
welfare cess/tax and like but excluding income tax. The tendered rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of
all “Taxes directly related to contract value” with existing percentage rates as prevailing on last due date
of submission of the bids. Any increase in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to contract value”
with reference to prevailing rates on last due date for submission of bids shall be reimbursed to the
contractor and any decrease in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to contract value” with
reference to prevailing rates on last due date for submission of bids shall be refunded by the contractor
to the Govt/deducted by the Govt from any payments due to the contractor. Similarly, imposition of any
new “taxes directly related to contract value” after the last due date for submission of the bids shall be
reimbursed to the contractor and abolition of any “taxes directly related to contract value” prevailing on
last due date for submission of the bids shall be refunded by the contractor to the Govt/ deducted by the
Govt from the payments due to the contractor.
[b] The contractors shall within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of variation in percentage
rates and / or imposition of any further “taxes directly related to contract value” give written notice
thereof to the AGE (I) stating that the same is given pursuant to this Special Condition, together with all
information relating thereto which he may be in a position to supply. The contractors shall also submit
the other documentary proof/information as the AGE (I) may require.
[c] The Contractor shall, for the purpose of this Condition keep such books of account and other
documents as are necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorised representative of
Government, and shall further, at the request of the AGE (I) furnish, verified in such a manner as the AGE
(I) may require, any documents so kept and such other information as the AGE (I) may require.
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[d] Reimbursement for increase in percentage rates/imposition of “Taxes directly related to contract
value” shall be made only if contractors necessarily and properly pays additional “Taxes directly related to
contract value” to the Govt, without getting the same adjusted against any other tax liability or without
getting the same refunded from the concerned Government Authority and submits documentary proof
for the same as the AGE (I) may require.
26. SITE CLEARANCE: Refer Condition 49 of IAFW – 2249, General Conditions of contract. The contractor shall
remove from the site all in used stores and materials, tools plant equipment, scaffolding, temporary
buildings, huts and the like belonging to the contractor provided for the execution of work under this
contract and the site of works shall be cleared of rubbish and all waste materials by the contractor and
delivered in clean and tidy manner to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge on or before the date of
completion. Nothing extra, whatsoever will be paid to the contractor for such clearance of site.
27. TESTING: Unless otherwise specified in these tender documents, the cost of all tests shall be borne by the
contractor. In case any implementation and equipments for the testing at site of work are required, the
same shall also be provided by the contractor without any extra cost to the Govt.
28. SIGNING OF TENDER: The person signing the tender on behalf of another partner or on behalf of a firm
shall attach with the tender a proper power of attorney duly executed in his favour by such other person
or by all the partners, stating that he has authority to bind such other person[s] or the firm as the case
may be in all matters pertaining to the contract including arbitration clause.
29. OFFICIAL SECRET ACT: The contractor shall be bound by the Official Secret Act – 1923.
30.1. The contractor may be paid advance on account to the full value of the under mentioned materials only,
brought on the site, on his furnishing guarantee bond(s) from a scheduled bank for the amount of the
retention money, should otherwise be recoverable from him under the contract:
[a] All electrical accessories like Switches, sockets, cables, DBs, switchgears, light fittings/ energy
meters and other accessories etc.
[b] All other non-perishable materials as decided by the AGE (I).
30.2 The Bank Guarantee Bonds shall be executed for a period and on a form as directed by the Accepting
Officer. The contractor shall further arrange to extend the period of Guarantee Bond if and when
necessary, as directed by the Accepting Officer or shall furnish fresh guarantee bond of similar value. It
will be noted that advance on account to the full value to materials brought on the site is permissible only
in respect of fittings and fixtures and other manufactured items which do not lose their identity.
Materials like bricks, aggregate, precast concrete and similar items shall not be taken in the list.
31.1 Mobile phones, Cameras, Computers, Laptops, Memory storage devices etc. are strictly prohibited within
the premises of NSTL Technical area Visakhapatnam. If any contractor or his representative, staff, labour
found violating the above instructions, the contract will be terminated and the firm will be black listed.
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1.1 The work under this contract shall be carried out in accordance with Schedule ‘A’, Particular
Specifications, drawings and General Specification and other provisions in MES Part I of SSR 2009 and Part
II of SSR 2020 including all amendments and errata thereto.
1.2 The term "General specifications" referred to here-in-before as well as referred to in IAFW-2249 (General
condition of Contracts) shall mean the specifications contained in the MES Schedule.
1.3 General Rules, Specifications, Special conditions and all preambles in the MES Schedule shall be deemed
to be applicable to the work under this contract, unless stated otherwise in these documents, in which
case, the provisions in these documents shall take precedence over the aforesaid provisions in the MES
1.4 Particular Specifications given here-in-after are in brief and are only to particularize, amend or emphasize
the aforesaid specifications which are not repeated here. In case of any discrepancy between the two,
specifications mentioned here-in-after shall take precedence over SSR.
1.5 The unit rate quoted by the tenderer shall be deemed to include for any minor details/ items of work and
/or construction which are obviously and fairly intended and which may not have been included in the
description of any item but which are essential for the execution and entire completion of the work. In
the event of any dispute, the decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final conclusive and binding.
1.6 The IS mentioned in the MES Schedule and in the tender documents shall deemed last changed/modified
as per latest amendments issued to IS up to date of receipt of tender.
1.7 The installation shall strictly comply with the provisions contained in the latest edition of the Indian
Electricity Rules, Code of Practice for electrification and IS-732 (as applicable to these works) excerpt
where such regulations and rules are modified by these specifications.
1.8 All electrical works shall be executed properly by skilled and licensed electricians under the supervision of
suitable, qualified electrical supervisors and engineer. The contractor shall produce to AGE(I), evidence of
such qualifications of his workmen & supervisors (s)/engineer at the time of commencement of the work
and if required by the department, at any time thereafter during contract period, on demand by
1.8.1 For execution of electrical works/ electrical component of works requiring electrical license in accordance
with Rule 29 under Part III of Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply)
Regulations – 2010, the contractor shall have valid Electrical license issued by the concerned State/ UT in
the name of the firm or get the work executed through an agency having valid Electrical license.
1.9 The layout of external electrification network & system shown in plans/drawings is tentative and may
need modification on ground. The work shall finally be executed as per approval of AGE(I) in writing
and no price-adjustment what so ever shall be admissible to the contractor on this account.
1.10 The tenderer shall be responsible for supplying, installing, laying, connection, testing and commissioning
of the items covered in the tender all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
1.11 Wherever the cable crosses the existing path/road, the contractor shall dig only half the width of
path/road at a time. If required, necessary diversion shall be provided. Proper warning signs and red
lights shall be displayed and watchman posted to prevent any accident at crossing and diversions.
After the cables are laid, tested and trenches refilled, the road/path disturbed shall be made good to
conform to the original specifications. No extra payment shall be made to the contractor for the
aforesaid incidentals. The contractor shall be deemed to have visited site of works made himself familiar.
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1.12 The entire installation shall run continuously for 24 hours under normal operating conditions and
contractor’s engineer, fully familiar with the system and equipment, shall be available at the site during
this period for proper setting of relays, instruments etc and rectification of any defect.
1.13 All arrangements and equipments required for testing of individual equipments and the installation as a
whole, shall be the responsibility of the contractor. His quoted rates are deemed to include for the same
and no extras shall be admissible to him on this account.
1.14 Before laying of cables or excavating for poles/earthing etc, the detailed map of the area showing existing
underground services alignment of water/gas/sewage pipes, telephone and electric cable shall be
studied. Care shall be taken to avoid infringing on or intercepting the existing network and damage
1.15 The items covered in this tender and incorporated in work shall be capable of delivering satisfactory
service/operation without detriment to its life under the climatic conditions of the proposed site.
1.16 The contractor shall provide his workmen with all requisite safety devices and appliances. All electrical
equipment shall satisfy the requirements laid down in IS 1446 ‘Code of practice for fire safety of buildings
(general) electrical installations’ and IS-3034 ‘Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings,
electrical generating and distributing stations’ to the extent applicable.
1.17 Proper phase sequence and colour coding/marking will be maintained throughout the installation and
suitable marking/pointing (cable markers) shall be provided.
1.18 Rate quoted for a particular item by the tenderer shall be deemed to include for any minor details/items
of work and /or construction which are obviously and fairly intended and which may not have been
included in these documents but which are essential for the execution and entire completion of work.
1.19 Decision of the Accepting Officer as to whether any minor details of work and/or construction is obviously
and fairly intended to be included in the contract or not, shall be final, conclusive and binding.
2.1 The contract includes for the full, final and entire completion of all works described in schedule ‘A’,
specified in these particular specifications or specified in other documents forming part of the tender.
3.1 In case where materials are specified to conform to samples the tenderer is advised to inspect samples of
the materials which are displayed in the office of the AGE (I) before submitting his tender. The tenderer
shall be deemed to have inspected the samples and satisfied himself so as to the nature and quality of
materials he is required to incorporate in the work irrespective of whether he has actually inspected
them or not. The materials to be incorporated in the work by the contractor, shall conform to or shall be
superior in quality to the sample displayed and shall comply with the specifications given herein after.
3.2 The contractor shall produce sample of materials and get them approved by the AGE (I) before
commencement/incorporation in the work.
(a) ISI marked materials From any make/ brand listed in Appendix ‘A’ to
Particular Specifications/ BOQ after getting the sample
approved by the AGE (I).
(b) Items not covered in Appendix ‘A’ to Written approval of AGE (I) shall be obtained
Particular Specifications & BIS
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3.4 For ISI marked materials, contractor shall download list of manufacturers having valid BIS license from
www.bis.gov.in and propose name of one manufacturer out of this list to Engineer-in-Charge, who will
process it to AGE (I) for approval after verification from BIS site. Material will be procured after approval
of AGE (I).
3.5 Where no licensee exists for a particular item as per BIS web site, AGE (I) will permit procurement of
materials conforming to IS from manufacturer to be decided by AGE (I).
(a) The work shall be executed as per approved lay out by the AGE(I) and no price adjustment what
so ever shall be admissible to the contractor on this account.
(b) The wire runs shall be marked on the walls and soffits of roofs/floors slabs and approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be obtained in writing before fixing plugs, cables & fittings etc.
(c) All electrical fittings & wiring shall be laid/fixed clear of doors and windows and other openings.
(d) Wiring shall be done strictly in conformity with IS rules, specifications and lay outs shall be in
conformity with modern engineer practice. Loop-in type of wiring shall invariably be adopted
throughout the installation.
(e) No twisting/jointing in earth wire is allowed. All continuous earth wires shall be connected to
main earth/switch boxes/DBs/MCCB, socket outlets, fitting etc by use of suitable size lugs/sockets
and application of crimping tools only.
(f) Cables shall be connected to a terminal only by crimped lugs using suitable sleeve, lugs or ferrules
and application of proper crimping tools. In case where this is not feasible, the ends may be
soldered together. Cables in each circuit shall be bunched together.
(g) Proper phase identification code should clearly be provided at the main in-coming switch.
(h) The name of functions of each distribution board like ‘POWER’ ‘LIGHT’ or ‘SUB MAIN DB’ as
applicable shall be clearly and neatly painted on the distribution boards with white synthetic
enamel paint.
(j) The height of the incoming & distribution switch boards and various electrical fittings/sockets
outlets/switch boards etc shall be as per E-in-C’s TI. However, the height of the distribution
boards shall not be less than one metre. Socket outlets may be installed at the height of one
metre from the finished floor level.
(k) General conditions and specifications as given in clause 19.2 of MES SSR (Part-I) shall be
(m) All manufactured articles required for incorporation in work shall be brought to site in the
manufacturer’s original packing with the seal intact. The materials shall be procured from the
manufacturers or their authorised dealers only and original purchase vouchers (duly machine
numbered & bearing the ST/CST number) and manufacturer’s test certificates shall be submitted
by the contractor to the department for inspection and perusal before approval of material.
Incorporation shall be done after material is approved by AGE(I) in writing.
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(n) Executives and the contractor are to clearly understand the “sample approval” and “material
approval” are two distinct activities & phase and proper record for both these activities in a
proper sample & material approval register is to be kept.
(p) Notwithstanding, the fact that an equipment has passed the inspection carried out during the
stage of manufacture, the contractor is not relieved from his obligations to conform to the
quality, workmanship, guarantee of performance etc.
(q) Any defective materials, equipment or workmanship which may come to the notice of the AGE(I)
or his representative after installation shall be liable for rejection and the contractor shall to
replace such materials, equipments etc or rectify the defects at his own cost.
5.1.1 Wiring shall be of the type with conductor size as described in Schedule ‘A’.
5.1.2 Cables used for point and sub main wiring shall be of FR/ FRLS variety with multi-stranded copper
conductors as indicated in BOQ and invariably be IS: 694 marked.
5.1.3 Wiring shall be done without any junction or connection boxes on line.
5.1.4 Special attention is drawn to termination of cable ends of point and sub main wiring cables. All exposed
ends of multi-stranded cables, whether terminating at MCBs or switches (including piano switches) or at
electrical fittings shall be crimped together with suitable lugs using proper crimping tools. In exceptional
cases where the Engineer-in-Charge is convinced that crimping/provision of lugs is not possible these
ends shall be soldered together.
5.1.5 Looping back system of wiring shall invariably be used throughout the installation.
5.1.6 Proper colour coding viz red/yellow/blue wire for phases, black wire for neutral and green wire for
earthing shall be adopted strictly in point wiring.
5.1.7 The conduits shall be ISI marked and proper accessories at junctions, bends and successive lengths shall
be provided. For fixing of conduits and their accessories etc, PVC sleeves and cadmium plated screws
shall invariably be used.
5.1.8 Joint between conduits and accessories shall be securely made to ensure earth continuity.
5.1.9 All the fan boxes shall be covered with 3mm thick plastic laminated sheet white and contractor’s rate for
the point wiring for fan shall be included for these provisions.
5.2.1 Each circuit shall have its separate neutral conductor originating from neutral bus bar in DBs.
5.2.2 IS-732 provides that in a lighting circuit not more than 10 points shall be connected and maximum load
shall be 800 watts. Similarly two power plugs may be connected to one circuit with a maximum load of 2
Kw and power and light sub-circuits should be separate.
5.2.3 (a) All circuits and sub-circuits shall be designed by making a provision of 20 percent increase in load
due to any future modification.
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(b) It is advisable that while planning/execution not more than 8 light/fan points (etc) are connected
to one circuit within the maximum load ceiling. This will allow scope of extension without over-loading
and piecemeal changes. The incoming MCB should be a closely graduated one instead of indiscriminately
putting a 6 Amps SP MCB in a lighting circuit. A spare way should always be kept in the DB to cater for
(c) The power circuits with 2 normal power plugs be controlled by a 10 Amps SP MCB, thereby
limiting the load to 2 kw approximately.
(d) In case of equipment like geyser, air-conditioners, water coolers etc only one power plug shall be
connected to the circuit and protected by a suitable graded MCB.
(e) Lights and fans may be wired on a common circuit. In installations requiring the use of group
control for switching operations, circuits for socket-outlets may be kept separate from lights and fans.
Even these may be wired to separate circuits if further separate group control is required on ground.
5.2.4 Cable markers/identification sleeves shall be provided in DBs to identify the cable leading to a particular
circuit to avoid trial and error method for circuit identification during fault rectification. Proper colour
code shall be followed so that phase, neutral and earth conductors can easily be identified.
5.2.5 In case of single phase circuits, it shall be ensured that the phase conductor is taken on the single pole
switches so that with switches in ‘OFF’ position there should be no live conductor at the outlet controlled
by that switch.
5.2.6 Power circuit and lighting circuit which have three pin type socket outlets shall have a separate earth wire
for each circuit brought upto the earth terminals on the control boards from where the circuit originates.
5.2.7 Sub bus bar chambers shall be connected with two distinct cables with lugs and nuts/bolts.
5.2.8 All circuits shall be planned in advance and got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before execution
and fixing the controls and fittings.
5.2.9 PVC insulated copper conductor cable as mentioned in Schedule shall be run in the conduit/ casing
capping (as applicable) as continuous earthing and connected to all light fittings, ceiling fans, sockets
points and regulators. The cost of the same shall be deemed to be included in the quoted unit rate of
point wiring.
5.2.10 It shall be ensured that as per NEC-85, the size of earth continuity conductor shall be equal to the size of
main current carrying conductor subject to a minimum of 1.5 sq mm for copper and 2.5 sq.mm for
5.2.11 The terminal points for switches, sockets outlets etc for all wiring shall terminate in sunk type mild steel
sheet terminal boxes covered with 3 mm thick plastic laminated sheet (white) with brass screws. Boxes
shall be earthed. The cost of the above arrangement is deemed to be included in rates for respective
items of point wiring.
5.3.1 Switches, socket-outlet, bell push and buzzer shall be snap type, white finish and shall be of the makes
specified in the tender. Switches shall invariably be ISI marked.
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5.4 MCB & DISTRIBUTION BOARD: Provide distribution board and MCBs as indicated in Schedule ‘A’.
Miniature circuit breaker shall comply to the requirement of IS-8828. The terminals of MCBs should be
brought out sufficiently to connect cable lugs directly. No adopter should be used for terminating the
cables. The MCBs should have quick-break-trip free mechanism to ensure that contact cannot be closed
against persistent fault. Bus bars shall be electroplating copper tin plated and rated 200Amps minimum.
Exposed faces of sheet steel enclosures shall be with epoxy polyester powder coating at factory. Neutral
has same number of outgoing holds as the number of MCBs. Unit rate quoted shall also be deemed to
include for all internal connections in the distribution board and bus bar system shall be completely
insulated and fitted in PVC channel to avoid accidental toner. Bus bar available in single phase and 3
phase shall be colour coded suitable for both flush and surface mounting.
5.5 END TERMINATION: All cable terminations for internal electrification for various switches, light fittings,
MCBs, switch fuse units, junction boxes, connectors etc. shall be provided with suitable crimped lugs/
studs/ sleeves as required to avoid any possibility of loose connections and sparking. The loose screwing
and without providing suitable lugs/ studs/ sleeves will be strictly prohibited.
5.6 SITING OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: The siting of cable conduit, controls, distribution boards, fittings and
accessories etc. shall be as laid down in IS 4648 “Guide for electrical layout in building” or as directed by
5.7 CONTROL AT POINT OF ENTRANCE OF SUPPLY: There shall be a linked main switch gear with MCB on
each live conductors of supply main at the point of entrance. No fuse shall be inserted in the neutral.
5.8 TYPE OF SWITCH BOARD: Standard Sheet metal enclosure for mounting MCB shall be of 16 gauge MS
Sheet supplied by the manufacturer.
5.9 TESTS ON COMPLETION: The following tests shall be carried out by the contractor after completion of the
work in presence of Engineer-in-Charge. The results of such tests shall be recorded and signed by the
contractor and Engineer-in-Charge. All testing equipment required to carry out the tests shall be
arranged by the contractor without any extra cost. The work which does not withstand satisfactory test
shall be re-executed by the contractor at his own expense.
(a) (i) POLARITY TEST: A test shall be made to ensure all switches are connected to correct
phases or line conductor of supply.
(b) RESISTANCE OF EARTH CONTINUITY PATH: Maximum continuity resistance from any point in the
installation including earth continuity wire and earth lead to earth plate shall not exceed one ohm or as
specified in Schedule ‘A’.
(c) INSULATION TEST: The insulation resistance shall be measured between all conductors connected
to neutral and phases of supply and result shall be less than those specified in IS/IEE rules and shall be
such to ensure reliable operation of protection devices.
6.2.2. Security Deposit against the Guarantee for effective functioning and continuous glowing of LED Light
Fittings for 70 months calculated @ 2% of the value of LED Light Fittings at contract rates enhanced by
25% and rounded off to next hundred rupees [Subject to a minimum of Rs. 3,000.00] shall be retained by
the Government from the contractor’s dues. This Security Deposit shall be released after successful expiry
of the guarantee period from the certified date of completion of the entire work by AGE(I), provided
always that the contractor shall first have been paid the Final Bill and have rendered “No Demand
Certificate [IAFA – 451+”. Alternatively, the contractor may furnish Fixed Deposit Receipt in lieu of
Security Deposit from a Schedule Bank in favour of AGE(I) for the above said Guarantee Period.
6.2.3. Should the AGE(I) at any time during the Guarantee period, finds defective performance of the LED Light
Fittings, the contractor shall, on demand in writing from the AGE(I) specifying the location complained of
notwithstanding that the same may have been inadvertently passed / certified and paid for, undertake to
carry out such repairs / rectification / replacement of spares including LED bulbs as may be necessary
forthwith to rectify the defects to the full satisfaction of AGE(I) and render complaint, free from any type
of defects. In the event of his failure to do so, within the period as specified by the AGE(I) in his aforesaid
demand, the AGE(I) may undertake such defective work through other agency at the risk and cost of the
contractor in all respects. The liability of the contractor under this condition shall not extend beyond the
period of 70 months from the certified date of completion, unless the AGE(I) had previously given notice
to the contractor to rectify the defects. Condition 46 of General Conditions of Contracts [IAFW – 2249]
shall be deemed to be amended to the extent mentioned above.
7.1 TAKING DOWN FANS FROM POSITION: Ceiling/ exhaust/ wall mounted fans from the installed position
shall be carefully removed along with down rods (in case of ceiling fans) to work site. Proper care shall be
exercised during dismantling of fans and while removing from position. If any damage takes place to fans
during taking down from position, the same shall be got rectified by the contractor at his own cost.
7.2. All the fans removed from position shall be opened for servicing by opening the Blades. All the stages
shall be passed by Engineer-in-Charge. Any bearing in the existing fans which is required to be replaced
shall be replaced by new one and payment will be made under relevant items of Schedule "A".
7.3. RE-ASSEMBLING OF FANS: The fans shall be re-assembled, aligned and shall be fit in to original position
and shall be got tested for smooth functioning. In case any fan does not function smoothly the same shall
be opened and entire parts shall be re-checked and got repaired without any extra cost to Government.
7.4 BUSH BEARING/ BALL BEARING: All the bush bearing and ball bearing shall be of suitable size to the
existing fan and of any approved make.
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8.1 Earthing shall be provided of the types as mentioned in Schedule ‘A’ and shall be executed as per IS-3043
and clause 19.137 to 19.146 of MES SSR Part-I. The overall earth resistance of the earthing system
(electrode) shall not exceed one ohm. Earthing shall be done in a manner that the inner edges of earth
pit is at least 2 metre from the foundation (extreme outside end) of building/poles etc and the minimum
distance between any two earth electrodes shall be regulated as per IS-3043. All pipes used in earthing
shall be of medium grade.
8.2 RCC cover for earth pit shall be 40 mm thick mix of concrete for cover shall be (1:2:4) type B-1 using 20
mm graded crushed stone aggregate and reinforced with 8 mm dia high strength TMT steel bars @ 150
mm c/c both ways. Handle shall be of 8 mm dia high strength deformed TMT steel bars and shall be fixed
in such a way that the gap between cover and handle is at least 150 mm. Cover shall be placed on cast
iron frame embedded in concrete.
8.3 Concrete chamber shall be PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate. All internal
surfaces of the chamber shall be given 15 mm thick plaster in cement mortar (1:4). Funnel in chamber
shall be made out of CI. It shall be leak proof and provided with wire gauge duly soldered.
8.4 Charcoal dust and salt filling shall be done in layers as shown in electrical plate. Surplus soil shall be
disposed off and site left clean and tidy on completion.
8.5 For checking the efficiency of earthing, the following test shall be carried out, preferably during the
summer months :-
(a) The earth resistance of each electrode is measured.
(b) The earth resistance of earthing grid is measured.
(c) All electrodes are connected to the grid and the earth resistance of the entire earthing system
is measured.
(a) Prior to commencement of work, inventory of all existing items of works, materials and fittings to
be demolished shall be prepared and signed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(b) Proper care shall be taken while demolition, that the demolition work shall be carried out
without disturbing other nearby existing structures which are not to be dismantled. Demolition shall be
carried out all as specified in the MES SSR Part-I.
4 Modular Switches, Socket outlets, face Roma (Anchor)/ Crabtree (Havells)/ Legrand
plates, fan regulators
5 MCBs , Sheet Steel Enclosures ABB/ Siemens / legrand / L& T/C&S/
Schneider / Havells
6 PTMT taps/ valves/ fittings Prayag/ Polytuf/ Water Tec/ Shakti Enterprises
(i) Before placing the bulk supply order on any of the above listed firms/ manufacturers, copy of same shall
be endorsed to AGE(I) for reference.
(ii) The make / manufacturer of different materials/ items are given in Appendix ‘A’, the makes of certain
items were also given in Schedule ‘A’ and particular specifications. The procurement of items shall be
from the makes given in Schedule ‘A’. If no make is given in Schedule ‘A’ the same shall be procured from
the makes given in particular specifications. In case no make is specified either in Schedule ‘A’ [BOQ] or in
particular specifications, the make shall be as per Appendix ‘A’ to particular specifications.