Word Form 2.6 - 50Qs

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By [3T] – TPC © All Rights Reserved!


Level: B2 - FCE

Họ, tên học sinh: ______________________________________________________________

Reading the following questions and provide the correct form of the word given IN CAPITAL at the end
of each line.
Question 1: It was a complete ___________ due to poor planning. FAIL
Question 2: These ___________ has lasted a lifetime. FRIEND
Question 3: He was turned down for the job because he wasn’t ___________. QUALIFY
Question 4: In parts of the country the __________ situation is terrible. As many EMPLOY
as 20% of the working population is without a job.
Question 5: The world of computer is extremely ___________. COMPETE
Question 6: In many countries the ___________ get the dole. EMPLOY
Question 7: She left school with good ____________. QUALIFY
Question 8: The factory was __________ so the management tried to cut costs COMPETE
by making some workers redundant.
Question 9: He is completely ___________! Not only is he lazy but he is EMPLOY
dishonest too.
Question 10: Their best designer went to work for a __________. COMPETE
Question 11: It’s ___________ to know that when we retire, we will receive a COMFORT
very good pension.
Question 12: I did a very stupid thing, but ___________ nobody saw me. LUCK
Question 13: Having our passports stolen was a rather __________ start to the FORTUNE
Question 14: I’m __________ to have such good friends. LUCK
Question 15: I’d love to see you next week, but __________ it won’t be possible. FORTUNE
Question 16: She must be one of the ____________ people I have known. That’s LUCK
the fourth time her flat has been burgled this month.
Question 17: Stop complaining! There are many children much less FORTUNE
___________ than yourself.
Question 18: I’ve known __________ all my life. There have been times when I HARD
couldn’t even afford a loaf of bread.
Question 19: He became a ___________ at the age of twenty-five. MILLION
Question 20: She’s got very ___________ parents. WEALTH
Question 21: Even in a supposedly rich country like Britain, there are still POOR
thousands of people living in ___________.
Question 22: This car is really __________. LUXURY
Question 23: It’s __________ of him to lose him temper like that – he’s usually CHARACTER
very calm.

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By [3T] – TPC © All Rights Reserved!

Question 24: Considering the amount of work there was, it’s __________ that REMARK
you’ve managed to finish it all as quickly.
Question 25: So many things have been going wrong recently. That it’s REAL
__________, it seems like nightmare.
Question 26: Snow in August! How ___________! ORDINARY
Question 27: I met some tourists who asked me where they could find a TYPE
_________ English pub.
Question 28: I left early in ___________ of heavy traffic. ANTICPATE
Question 29: She’s very __________ you never know whether she’s going to be PREDICT
in a good mood or in a bad mood.
Question 30: Her last book didn’t really live up to my _________. EXPECT
Question 31: Sales forecasts indicate a poor __________ for the clothing in LOOK
Question 32: Although the police suspected him of the crime, since they had no PROVE
definite ___________ that he was involved, they could not arrest
Question 33: I spent my ___________ in the country. CHILD
Question 34: After hours of going from one which was not fully booked. EVENT
Question 35: The trouble with Mr. Brown is that he’s so ___________. One CONSIST
minute he goes mad when you come late; the next he says nothing.
You never know where you are!
Question 36: You can’t wear those trousers, Sally. There’s far too tight. You look RIDICULE
__________ in them.
Question 37: What time do you ___________ start work? USUAL
Question 38: While walking in the mountains in North Wales, we came across a USE
__________ quarry.
Question 39: How are you getting on with your __________ course in Russian? CORRESPOND
Question 40: There is ice on the pavement which made it very difficult to walk as SLIP
it was so __________.
Question 41: The __________ staff consists of ten experienced journalists. EDIT
Question 42: You are talking complete ___________. SENSE
Question 43: He seemed to be quite ___________ about the future. HOPEFUL
Question 44: The ending of the detective novel seems highly __________. PROBABLE
Question 45: The berries are _________. Don’t eat them. POISON
Question 46: He was very __________ of the work he had done. PRIDE
Question 47: There has been a _________ of 10% in the amount of money REDUCE
available for buying new books.
Question 48: He is a very __________ carpenter. SKILL
Question 49: He ___________ to hit me if I didn’t hand over my money. THREAT
Question 50: Do you know what the __________ of the river? DEEP

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