Energy Audit Pproposal by Festus Wanyony

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Department of Mechanical Engineering




2. FESTUS WANYONYI E023-0819/2009

Research proposal for a project to be submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for an award of a degree of
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering of Dedan Kimathi University of Technology

We declare that this thesis entitled “Energy Audit in Dedan Kimathi University ” is the result of our own research
except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted
in candidature of any other degree.

Festus Wanyonyi (E023-0819/09)

………………………………………… ………………………….

Signature Date


Michael Mwangi Mbugua (E023-0823/09)

………………………………………… ………………………….

Signature Date

School of Engineering Dedan Kimathi University of Technology.

Declaration by supervisor

This proposal has been submitted to the school of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering department, D.K.U.T, with
our approval as the supervisors:

……………………………… ………………….. …. …………………..

Name of supervisor Signature Date

……………………………… ………………….. …. …………………..

Name of supervisor Signature Date

Praise to God for His help and guidance that we are able to complete the task of the Final Year Project 1. I am
thankful and grateful to my supervisorS, Mr. Patrick Kimari and Eng. Machira for their advice and knowledge that
he shared in the completion of the project. I appreciate their help for us while we were doing the Final Year
Project 1 from start up to now and expect more help them as we still progress with project.

We also would like to thank all our friends who have been really helpful during the course of the conducting the
Project. We also would like to thank the class advisor who has helped us in sharing knowledge in conjunction with
the project that we are conducting.

We are sincerely grateful to my parents for they love and sacrifice that they had for us throughout our life
and their support for us in all our activities that we have done. We would also like to pass our gratitude other people
who have directly or indirectly helped in the completion of my Final Year Project.

We sincerely appreciate all your help.

Energy is one of the most important parameters in life which needs correct harnessing and usage. Moreover people
are more concerned about energy efficiency, energy consumption and conservations in buildings which comprises of
industries institutions and homesteads. Energy audit is considered as one of the elaborate and comprehensive
methods in checking the energy usage and wastage in institutions. This paper proposes to carry out an energy audit

An energy audit seeks to document things that are sometimes ignored in the institution, such as the energy being
used on site per year, which processes use the energy and the opportunities for savings. In so doing, it assesses the
effectiveness of management structure for controlling energy use and implementing changes. The energy audit
report establishes the needs for plant metering and monitoring, enabling the plant manager to institutionalize the
practice and hence, save money for the years to come. The energy audit action plan lists the steps and sets the
preliminary budget for the energy management program.

4 Table of contents

1 DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................................... ii
2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................................... iii
3 ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................................... iv
4 Table of contents .................................................................................................................................................. v
6 Table of figures ...................................................................................................................................................vii
7 Table of tables.......................................................................................................................................................vii
8 Table of charts ......................................................................................................................................................vii
9 List of abbreviations. .............................................................................................................................................viii
1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Background ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Problem Statement ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Problem Justification ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Project Objective ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Project Hypotheses......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Project Scope................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.8 Proposal Outline ............................................................................................................................................. 6
2 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 A study on energy wasting ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Energy Audit ................................................................................................................................................ 10
2.3.1 Commencement of Energy Audit.................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 The Site Surveys .......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 Energy Sources............................................................................................................................................ 11
2.4.2 Energy Utilization ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.3 Energy Control ............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.5 Energy Efficiency .......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Efficient and Effective Lighting .................................................................................................................. 12
2.6.1 Indoor Lighting................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6.2 Outdoor Lighting ............................................................................................................................... 14

2.7 Energy Efficiency with Lighting ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.8 Idea of Energy Concept................................................................................................................................. 15
2.9 Power Factor................................................................................................................................................ 16
3 Chapter 3: Methodology. ..................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 17
3.2 Methodology ................................................................................................................................................ 17
3.3 Gantt chart ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Table 3:2:1 : Gantt chart ....................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 FLOW CHART ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Chart 3:2-2 flowchart ........................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5 Phase I –Pre Audit Phase Activities ................................................................................................................ 22
3.5.1 Initial Site Visit and Preparation Required for Detailed Auditing .............................................................. 22
3.5.2 The main aims of the visit are: - ................................................................................................................. 22
3.6 Phase II- Detailed Energy Audit Activities........................................................................................................ 22
3.6.1 The information to be collected during the detailed audit includes: -....................................................... 23
3.7 Identification of Energy Conservation Opportunities ......................................................................................... 24
4 Chapter 4: RESULT, ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................. 25
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2 Technical and Economic feasibility ................................................................................................................. 25
4.3 Classification of Energy Conservation Measures ............................................................................................. 26
Table 4:2 PROJECT PRIORITY GUIDELINE ................................................................................................ 26
4.4 Energy Audit data analysis. ........................................................................................................................... 26
5 Chapter 5: Financial Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Budget Table................................................................................................................................................ 29
6 Appendices ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
6.1 Key instruments for energy audit are listed below. .............................................................................. 31

5 Table of figures
Figure 1 lights on with sufficient sunlight ........................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: lights on enough sunlight ................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Energy saving bulbs ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4:LED BULB ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5: CFL BULB ..................................................................................................................................................... 13

6 Table of tables
Table 3:2:1 : Gantt chart ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Table3.2:2: Ten Steps Methodology for Detailed Energy Audit .......................................................................................... 20
Table 4:1 Sample Worksheet for Economic Feasibility .................................................................................................... 25
Table 4:2 PROJECT PRIORITY GUIDELINE ........................................................................................................ 26
Table 4:3 PROJECT PRIORITY GUIDELINE ........................................................................................................ 26
Table 4:4 Energy saving analysis ................................................................................................................................... 27
Table 4:5 Types and priority of energy measures............................................................................................................. 27
Table 6:1 Budget Table ................................................................................................................................................ 29

7 Table of charts
chart 2-1 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Chart 3:2-2 flowchart ................................................................................................................................................... 19

8 List of abbreviations.
DKUT…………….Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology
JKUAT……………… Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


CFLs…………..compact fluorescent lamps,

LEDs …………light-emitting diodes
kW……………….Kilo Watts / (Real Power)
kWh………………Kilo Watts per Hour
Pf…………………….Power factor

The abbreviations otherwise comply with SI standards and thus need not to be clarified.


1.1 Introduction
This project‘s title is to carry out an energy audit in Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology, DEKUT. An energy
audit is a preliminary activity towards instituting energy efficiency programs in an establishment. It consists of
activities that seek to identify conservation opportunities preliminary to the development of an energy savings

The Role of an Energy Audit to institute the correct energy efficiency programs, you have to know first which areas in
your establishment unnecessarily consume too much energy, e.g. which is the most cost-effective to improve. An
energy audit identifies where energy is being consumed and assesses energy saving opportunities so you get to
save money where it counts the most.

In an institution, doing an energy audit increases awareness of energy issues among institutional personnel, making
them more knowledgeable about proper practices that will make them more productive. An energy audit in effect
gauges the energy efficiency of the institution against “best practices”. When used as a “baseline” for tracking yearly
progress against targets, an energy audit becomes the best first step towards saving money in whichever set up
from schools to companies.

An energy audit seeks to document things that are sometimes ignored in the institution, such as the energy being
used on site per year, which processes use the energy, and the opportunities for savings. In so doing, it assesses
the effectiveness of management structure for controlling energy use and implementing changes. The energy audit
report establishes the needs for plant metering and monitoring, enabling the head of institution to institutionalize the
practice and hence, save money for the years to come. The energy audit action plan lists the steps and sets the
preliminary budget for the energy management program.

After passing the cost benefit test, an action plan should be developed to ensure that the opportunities identified are
implemented. The action plan should include all the major steps for implementing the opportunity as well as the
people responsible. Furthermore, there should be a plan for monitoring the results.

1.2 Project Background
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology is a technological university located in Nyeri county, approximately six
kilometers from Nyeri town on Nyeri –Mweiga road. It is one of 24 public universities in Kenya, having been a
constituent college of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology since the year 2007 until it was
chartered to become a fully fledged public university on 14 December 2012.

It started as a middle-level national technical and business-oriented learning institution in 1972 and was upgraded in
2007 to a constituent university college of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture

The main campus is basically divided into two sections. The University Centre where the library, departmental
offices, academic block, advanced manufacturing Centre and resource Centre and what was the home of Kimathi
Institute of Technology consisting of lecture rooms, workshops, hostels facilities, kitchen equipment and modern
mess and the sections are separated by pitches for various sporting activities.

DKUT offers a large range of course ranging from management to engineering. The many buildings and workshops
herein discussed therefore draw a lot of energy and power consumption hence the need for an energy audit.

Doing an energy audit increases awareness of energy issues among plant personnel, making them more
knowledgeable about proper practices that will make them more productive. An energy audit in effect gauges the
energy efficiency of your plant against “best practices”. When used as a “baseline” for tracking yearly progress
against targets, an energy audit becomes the best first step towards saving money in the production plant or in

1.3 Problem Statement

Energy wastage has increasingly gone high at alarming rates. Electric power is being wasted by leaving electronics
and electric gargets running for a very long period of time even when they are not being utilized such as lights, air
conditioning systems, computers, heavy machines among others. Environmental pollution and waste deposition has
also increased which represents energy wastage. In addition the cost of energy is day by day rising which calls
effective usage of energy or implementing use of renewable energy sources. However with efficient usage and
monitoring of used energy the cost of the energy can be reduced to manageable levels. In addition exergy levels of
energy are low thus making an energy crisis. The Energy Efficiency is of paramount importance in view of the

1.4 Problem Justification
Case studies have shown that energy wastage is present globally which can be reduced. An example is the US
where only 16% of all commercially produced energy flowing through performs useful work. The remaining 84% of all
commercial energy used in the United States is wasted. About 41% of this energy is wasted automatically because
of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. That leaves 43% of the commercial energy used in the United States that is
unnecessarily wasted. An important point here is that efficiencies vary.
In DKUT context, the institution has installed automatic control system to lights, which ensures that light is used only
when rooms are engaged. However this has turned into an energy wastage opportunity since the rooms are rarely
empty and the lights are on even when there enough natural lighting in the rooms as shown in the pictures below.

Figure 1 lights on with sufficient sunlight

Figure 2: lights on enough sunlight

1.5 Project Objective

The main goal of this engineering project is to compute energy efficiency t in (DKUT). This project targets to
calculate the energy efficiency and to reduce the energy consumption with engineering techniques and suggest and
analyze recommendations mathematically showing the benefits and payback period

The objective of this project is:

1. To study and understand the energy consumption in DKUT.

2. To find out which form of energy is takes the largest expense and why it costs are very high compared to
other energy forms DKUT.
3. To come up with energy conservation measures in DKUT.
4. To propose the energy efficiency project for DKUT.
5. To find how forms energy are polluting environment in DKUT and look for ways to combat this.

1.6 Project Hypotheses
With the intend of carrying an energy audit in Dekut, the following hypotheses can be formulated which serve as
guidelines and research questions to the project.

1. Electric energy contributes the largest percentage on the annual energy bill.
2. Wood energy is the least efficiently used energy in DKUT.

1.7 Project Scope

There are several scopes of work for this project; study and identify how energy is being used in DKUT, how much,
where and how energy is used and identifies energy saving opportunities. This project can be divided in twenty-
seven phases:
Scope of Energy Audit:

1. Analysis present consumption and past trends in detail.

2. Review lighting requirements
3. Consider sub-metering
4. Compare standard consumption to actual
5. Produce an energy balance diagram for the firm.
6. Review existing energy recording systems.
7. Compare consumption with other locations, other firms, previous period and budget, institution
norms and foreign companies.
8. Check records against invoices.
9. Compare meter reading against records.
10. Review records of maintenance supervisor.
11. Check capacities and efficiencies of equipment.
12. Examine need for automatic controls.
13. Check working of controls.
14. Determine adequacy of maintenance.
15. Review fuel storage and handling.

16. Examine need for improvement instrumentation.
17. Consider setting up or training energy management staff.
18. Review new projects with respect to energy use.
19. Examine need for improved instruments.
20. Introduce life cycle costing.
21. Consider changing the management information system to include energy parameters.
22. Develop energy use indices to compare performance/ productivity.
23. Introduce energy use monitoring procedures.
24. Check frequency of energy reporting systems.
25. Examine and monitor new energy saving techniques.
26. Examine need for energy saving incentives.
27. Consider publicity campaign and incentives.

1.8 Proposal Outline

This proposal contains five chapters which is every chapter have its own purpose. After reading the entire chapter
in this project hopefully the reader can understand the whole system design for this project.
Chapter 1 contains of the introduction or the overview of this project, the problem statement, problem justification,
the objectives, the scopes of the project, the outline of this thesis for every chapter, a Gantt chart and flow chart.
Chapter 2 contains all the literature review. This chapter will explain the information about the article that related to
the project design and the research on energy efficiency that is done by other research. This chapter also describes
the journals and others important information regarding this project.

Chapter 3 is chapter for the methodology of this project. This chapter will explain about the detail of the project. It
also includes the project progress that have block diagram, flow chart and also the explanation in detail about the
project. The project explanation will be explained through block by block that refer to the block diagram.

Chapter 4 discusses the result and the analysis for this project. This chapter will explain on the results and analysis
of the project. The analysis includes the existing system and the improved on proposed system. Both values will be
compared to justify the theory.
Chapter 5 will explain the conclusion of the project. It also includes the future recommendation of the project.


2.1 Introduction
The cost of energy is a significant factor in economic activity, on major with factors of production such as land,
capital and labour. The imperatives of energy shortage and wastage call for energy conservation measures, which
essentially mean using less energy for the same level of activity. In this chapter we discuss the conservation,
efficiency, audit fundamentals, scope, short term, medium term and long term measures to be taken for
The term energy management can be defined as“The judicious and effective use of energy to maximize
profits (minimize costs) and enhance competitive positions” as defined in (Cape Hart, Turner and
Kennedy, Guide to Energy Management Fairmont press inc. 1997)

The fundamental goal of energy management is to produce goods and provide services with the least cost and
least environmental effect. One of the strategies to reduce energy wasting and electricity cost is by periodically
reviewing schedules to ensure the equipment run only when needed, and by maximizing the use of a control system
to operate the equipment and systems in an energy efficient manner while maintaining a comfortable and safe
building environment.

2.2 A study on energy wasting

From research the energy bills distribution is generally found shown in the below pie chart (2010 Buildings Energy
Data Book, Table 2.1.1 Residential Primary Energy Consumption, by Year and Fuel Type.)

chart 2-1

some of most common energy wastages include:

Air leaks can waste a lot of your energy . One of the quickest energy- and money-saving tasks you can do is caulk,
seal, and weather strip all seams, cracksand openings to the outside.

Heating and cooling your rooms uses more energy and costs more money than any other system in most places
typically making up about 45% of your utility bill. No matter what kind of heating and cooling system you have in your
house, you can save money and increase your comfort by properly maintaining and upgrading your equipment.

Windows can be one of your home’s most attractive features. Windows provide views, daylighting, ventilation, and
heat from the sun in the winter. Unfortunately, they can also account for 10%-25% of your heating bill by letting heat

Average household dedicates about 6% of its energy budget to lighting. Switching to energy-efficient
lighting is one of the fastest ways to cut your energy bills. Timers and motion sensors save you even more money by
reducing the amount of time lights are on but not being used.
The most popular light bulbs available are halogen incandescent, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light-
emitting diodes (LEDs). Although they can initially cost more than traditional incandescent bulbs, over their
lifetime they save you money because they use less electricity.

Figure 3: Energy saving bulbs

2.3 Energy Audit
Energy audits are a systematic study or survey to identify how energy is being used in a building . It is also a
useful procedure to find out the best options for energy conservation. Energy audits provide an analysis of the
amount of energy consumed during a given period in the form of electricity, gas, fuel, oil or steam. Using that
information, it is also possible to list how the energy was used according to the various processes in a plant or at the
various outlets in a building. The next step in an energy audit then is to identify the potential for energy savings
Energy audit, similar to detectives investigating a crime scene will collect a lot of information, develop a list of
suspects, organize the information, and present the findings along with recommendations.
Energy audit cannot be successfully carried out without the commitment from the top management.
Management must be firstly convinced of the necessity of implementing energy management and hence energy
audit. The basic reasons are:

(i) Potential money returns

a) The probable energy and thus the cost saving after implementation.

(ii) Energy is expansive

a) Traditional energy resources, e.g. fossil fuel ,are diminishing,
b) There is a tendency of increasing unit cost for consuming electricity or other form of energy;
(iii) Probable destruction to environment
a) Burning of fossil fuel in power generation results in increase of CO2, which contributes to global
warming, etc.

2.3.1 Commencement of Energy Audit

Energy audit is started with a review of historical energy use. A set of 3 to 5 years historical data on energy
consumption can be compiled from energy bills and plant records. From these data we can understand the past
patterns of energy use and their trend. This is also a base reference for future comparison after the energy audit
programmer is implemented.

It is often useful at this stage to compare the average energy use of the institution being studied with other institution
with similar function and obtain some idea whether the building is apparently efficient or inefficient in the past few

2.4 The Site Surveys
After obtaining the information on historical energy use and on how much we spent for the past few years on energy,
the next step is to set up an energy audit program. This program should be undertaken jointly by the auditors and the
building management. This program should start with site surveys.

Site surveys are necessary to provide information on present energy use.

They should be carried out to check and record the following:

(i) Energy sources

(ii) Energy utilization and
(iii) Energy control

2.4.1 Energy Sources

Different sources of energy supplying to the building should be recorded, whether they are in the form of electricity,
gas, diesel oil, etc. Total energy cost of all inputs can subsequently be calculated in terms of a common unit, so that
their individual efficiencies can be compared.

2.4.2 Energy Utilization

Site surveys on energy utilization are more complicated and time-consuming.
They may include the following :

i) Running hours of air conditioning and length of pre-cool period.

ii) Internal comfort conditions, e.g. temperature, humidity, lighting levels.
iii) Locations of unnecessary air- conditioning and lighting, e.g. unoccupied areas.
iv) Chillers/pumps scheduling and setting.
v) Any energy efficient light fittings and control being used.
2.4.3 Energy Control
It records the ways the management has handled or controlled the energy use within the building.
Typical information required are the name of the person responsible for energy management, how and when
energy consumption is reviewed, how often meter readings are taken, whether additional sub- meters are required,
any energy forecast, comparison on energy consumption internally and/or externally, how well is the system
operated and maintained, any energy efficiency improvement schemes in hand, whether employees are aware of the
need for energy conservation.

2.5 Energy Efficiency

Efficiency is defined as the proportion of usable energy that remains after each step of a transfer process. If each
part of a system worked as efficiently as possible, the least amount of energy required to get the job done would be
used. Although it is seldom achieved, this ideal is the ultimate goal of any energy management program and of this
project. There three methods of reducing energy use:
 Reduce the use of the system.
 Use the system more wisely.
 Make the system more efficient.

The function of an energy audit is to expose all the different ways in which energy consumption is affected and to
create numerous options (choices) -- some more effective than others -- that can be implemented to reduce energy
consumption. This means identifying numerous potential energy savings options then picking and choosing among
those options to reduce consumption in a manner that is most compatible with the time, people, and budget
available. Identifying sources of energy loss, then choosing alternatives to save energy is the goal of an energy

2.6 Efficient and Effective Lighting

2.6.1 Indoor Lighting
In door lighting has to be sufficient and elaborate to accommodate the various indoor operations. There are
many choices in energy-efficient lighting. The most popular light bulbs available are halogen incandescent, light-
emitting diodes, LEDs and compact fluorescent lamps, CFLs. Despite the energy saving bulbs having initially cost
more than incandescent bulbs, over their lifetime they save you money because they use less electricity.

Energy-Saving (also called Halogen) Incandescent Lighting Halogen incandescent light bulbs are simply energy-
efficient incandescent bulbs and can last up to three times longer than traditional incandescent light bulbs.
Halogen incandescents come in a wide range of shapes and colors and can be used sensors.

Figure 4:LED BULB

Figure 5: CFL BULB

CFL Lighting

CFL bulbs last approximately 10 times longer and use about one-fourth the energy of traditional incandescent
bulbs. A typical CFL can pay for itself in energy savings in less than 9 months and continue to save you money
each month.

CFLs can offer the same brightness and colors as traditional incandescent bulbs. Some CFLs are encased in a cover
to further diffuse the light and provide a similar shape to traditional incandescent bulbs. CFLs contain a very
small amount of mercury and require special handling if they are broken. CFLs should be recycled at the end of
their lifespan. Many retailer recycle CFLs for free.

LED Lighting

LED bulbs are rapidly expanding in household use. ENERGY STAR-qualified LEDs use only about 20%-25% of the
energy and last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. They come in a variety of colors, and
some offer convenient features such as daylight and motion sensors. In addition to standard screw-in bulbs, LEDs
can be found in desk lamps, kitchen under-cabinet lighting, and even holiday light strings.

2.6.2 Outdoor Lighting

Many institutions use outdoor lighting for decoration and security. A variety of products are available from low-
voltage pathway lighting to motion-detector floodlights. LEDs work well indoors and outdoors because of their
durability and performance in cold environments. LED products such as pathway lights, step lights, and porch
lights can be installed for outdoor use. Solar powered outdoor lighting can be used

2.7 Energy Efficiency with Lighting

Electric lighting is a major energy consumer. Enormous energy savings are possible using energy efficient
equipment, effective controls, and careful design. Using less electric lighting reduces heat gain, thus saving air-
conditioning energy and improving thermal comfort. Electric lighting design also strongly affects visual
performance and visual comfort by aiming to maintain adequate and appropriate illumination while controlling
reflection and glare.

Lighting is not just a high priority when considering hotel design; it is also a high-return, low-risk investment. By
installing new lighting technologies, institutions can reduce the amount of electricity consumed and energy costs
associated with lighting.

2.8 Idea of Energy Concept
Energy is a property of matter that can be converted into work, heat or radiation. Energy takes various forms
which have discussed below.

Work: When an object is lifted from one level to another its considered that work has been done, we expend our
energy by doing work to increase the energy stored in the object In this transformation, the chemical energy
stored in our muscles is converted to work, or more precisely to mechanical energy, and work is converted into
the potential energy stored in the object.

Heat: It’s usually depicted when water filled in electric kettle and placed on an electric stove; the temperature of
the water increases. In this transformation, electric energy is expended, it is transformed into heat, which in turn
is transferred to the water. On a larger scale, in an electric power plant, the water is heated (for example, by
burning coal) to a much higher temperature and thus acquires sufficient energy to produce electricity (by turning
the turbines within the magnetic field of an electric generator). In this transformation, the chemical energy
stored in coal is converted to thermal energy of water vapor, which in turn is converted to mechanical energy
(work) of the rotating turbine, which is finally converted to electricity.

Nuclear energy is an enormous quantity of energy is stored in the fundamental particles which make up all
matter, atoms. The splitting of their nucleus is called fission. The nuclei of identical or different atoms can also
join together. This process is called fusion. In both these processes, part of the atomic mass is converted to

Solar Energy: Energy that travels in waves that possess a characteristic wavelength. The number of wave crests
that pass by a given point in space in a second is called the frequency of the wave. The shorter the wavelength of
radiation is, the higher its frequency and the more intense the radiation will be.

Chemical Energy. Life on earth is the consequence of many chemical processes. Forexample, carbon dioxide and
water combine in green plants with the help of sunlight to form more complex molecules such as carbohydrates
and proteins. This process is called photosynthesis. A typical example is the formation of a sugar (glucose).

Electric Energy (Electricity). Electricity is an intermediate energy form. Once it is produced, its usefulness resides
in the fact that it can be converted easily to other energy forms. It is a remarkable fact that as much as 70% of the
energy that society uses to produce electricity is wasted. Quite a bit of air pollution is produced in the process
too. Only the remaining 30% of the energy expended is actually utilized, and sometimes squandered, in our
homes, offices and factories.

Laws governing energy

After research and analysis thermodynamics laws were developed which govern energy. The first law asserts that
“When a system undergoes a thermodynamic cycle then the net heat supplied to the system from the
surroundings is equal to net work done by the system on its surroundings” or “No machine can produce energy
without corresponding expenditure of energy, i.e., it is impossible to construct a perpetual motion machine of
first kind”(Engineering thermodynamics 3rd edition, SI unit version by R.K. RAJPUT, chapter 4. ) and the second
law which states that “It is impossible to construct an engine, which while operating in a cycle produces no other

effect except to extract heat from a single reservoir and do equivalent amount of work ”. ”(Engineering
thermodynamics 3rd edition, SI unit version by R.K. RAJPUT, chapter 5.)

2.9 Power Factor

The ratio of real power to apparent power is known as power factor. Apparent power refers actual power applied and
real power is the required power to do the work. Low power factor is expensive and inefficient. Many utility
companies charge you an additional fee if your power factor is less than 0.95. Low power factor also reduces your
electrical system’s distribution capacity by increasing current flow and causing voltage drops. This fact sheet
describes power factor and explains how you can improve your power factor to reduce electric bills and enhance
your electrical system’s capacity.

3 Chapter 3: Methodology.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter contains the stepwise procedure on how the energy audit will be also has flow chart and
Gantt chart of the flow of events

3.2 Methodology
Methodology is the stepwise description of events that will be carried out during the energy audit. The methodology
of the Energy Audits need is flexible.

This methodology audit provides a detailed energy audit plan since it evaluates all major energy using systems.
The audit will offer the most accurate estimate of energy savings and cost. It considers the interactive effects of all
projects, accounts for the energy use of all major equipment, and includes detailed energy cost saving calculations
and project cost. In a comprehensive audit, one of the key elements is the energy balance. This is based on an
inventory of energy using systems, assumptions of current operating conditions and calculations of energy use. This
estimated use is then compared to utility bill charges. To achieve this we target to caryy out the audit in phases:
Phase I, II and III.

3.3 Gantt chart
The Table blow shows the Gantt chart of the project. In this table, the duration for the planned timing for each
task and the actual time used during completing the project is shown.

Table 3:2:1 : Gantt chart

PROJECT Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Discussion PLANNING
review ACTUAL

Survey of PLANNING
electronics per
Walk through
audit ACTUAL

Tests set up

presentation ACTUAL

Test, analysis
and discussion ACTUAL

presentation ACTUAL

Final report

The flow chart shows the steps that is carried out during planning and carrying out the project. It includes all
the steps from gathering the information till writing the final report.

Chart 3:2-2 flowchart START

Gather related information

Enough Information









Table3.2:2: Ten Steps Methodology for Detailed Energy Audit

Step No
Phase I –Pre Audit Phase

Step 1 • Plan and organize  Resource planning, Establish/organize an energy audit team
• Walk through Audit  Organize Instruments & time frame
• Informal Interview with  Macro Data collection (suitable to type of industry.)
departmental heads and  Familiarization of process/institution activities
administrators  First hand observation & Assessment of current level operation and
Step 2

• Conduct of brief meeting /  Building up cooperation

awareness program with all
 Issue questionnaire for each department
divisional heads and
Persons concerned (2-3 hrs.)  Orientation, awareness creation.

Step 3
Phase II –Audit Phase
 Historic data analysis, Baseline data collection
 Prepare process flow charts
• Primary data gathering, Process
 All service utilities system diagram (Example: Single line power
Flow Diagram, & Energy Utility
distribution diagram, water, compressed air & steam distribution.
 Design, operating data and schedule of operation
 Annual Energy Bill and energy consumption pattern (Refer
Step 4 manual, log sheet, name plate, interview)

 Measurements :
Motor survey, Insulation, and Lighting survey with portable instruments
• Conduct survey and for collection of more and accurate data. Confirm and compare
monitoring operating data with design data.
Step 5

• Conduct of detailed trials Trials/Experiments:

/experiments for selected 24 hours power monitoring (MD, PF, kWh etc.).
Step6 energy guzzlers - Load variations trends in pumps, fan, compressors etc.

Step 7

• Energy and Material balance & energy loss/waste analysis

Analysis of energy use

 Identification & Consolidation ENCON measures

• Identification and development of  Conceive, develop and refine ideas
Energy Conservation (ENCON)  Review the previous ideas suggested by unit personal
Step 8
opportunities  Review the previous ideas suggested by energy audit if any Use
brainstorming and value analysis techniques
 Contact vendors for new/efficient technology

• Assess technical feasibility, economic viability and prioritization of
ENCON options for implementation
• Cost benefit analysis • Select the most promising projects
• Prioritize by low, medium, long term measures

• Documentation, Report Presentation to the top Management.
• Reporting & Presentation to the Top

Phase III –Post Audit phase

Assist and Implement ENCON recommendation measures and Monitor
the performance
• Implementation and Follow up  Action plan, Schedule for implementation
 Follow-up and periodic review

3.5 Phase I –Pre Audit Phase Activities
A structured methodology to carry out an energy audit is necessary for efficient working. An initial study of the site
shall always be carried out, as the planning of the procedures necessary for an audit is most important.

3.5.1 Initial Site Visit and Preparation Required for Detailed Auditing

An initial site visit may take one day and it will give us an opportunity to meet the personnel concerned, to familiarize
him with the site and to assess the procedures necessary to carry out the energy audit.

During the initial site visit the Energy Auditor/Engineer should carry out the following actions: -

• Discuss with the site’s senior management the aims of the energy audit.
• Discuss economic guidelines associated with the recommendations of the audit.
• Analyze the major energy consumption data with the relevant personnel.
• Obtain site drawings where available – building layout, electricity distribution etc.
• Tour the site accompanied by head of that department.

3.5.2 The main aims of the visit are: -

• To identify the main energy consuming areas and items to be surveyed during the audit.
• To identify any existing instrumentation/ additional metering required.
• To decide whether any meters will have to be installed prior to the audit e.g. kWh, steam or gas meters.
• To identify the instrumentation required for carrying out the audit.
• To plan with time frame
• To collect macro data on plant energy resources, major energy consuming centers
• To create awareness through meeting.

3.6 Phase II- Detailed Energy Audit Activities

Depending on the nature and complexity of the site, a comprehensive audit shall take from several weeks to several
months to complete. Detailed studies to establish, and investigate, energy and material balances for specific
departments or items of process equipment are carried out. Whenever possible, check of operations shall be carried

out over extended periods of time, at nights and at weekends as well as during normal daytime working hours, to
ensure that nothing is overlooked.
The audit report will include a description of energy inputs and product outputs by major department or by major
processing function, and will evaluate the efficiency of each step of the process. Means of improving these
efficiencies will be listed, and at least a preliminary assessment of the cost of the improvements will be made to
indicate the expected payback on any capital investment needed. The audit report shall conclude with specific
recommendations for detailed engineering studies and feasibility analyses, which must then be performed to justify
the implementation of those conservation measures that require investments.

3.6.1 The information to be collected during the detailed audit includes: -

1. Energy consumption by type of energy, by department, by major items of process equipment, by end-use

2. Material balance data (raw materials, intermediate and final products, recycled materials, use of scrap or waste
products, production of by-products for re-use in other industries, etc.)
3. Energy cost and tariff data
4. Process and material flow diagrams
5. Generation and distribution of site services (eg.compressed air, steam).
6. Sources of energy supply (e.g. electricity from the grid or self-generation)
7. Potential for fuel substitution, process modifications, and the use of co-generation systems (combined heat and
power generation).
8. Energy Management procedures and energy awareness training programs within the establishment.

Existing baseline information and reports will be useful to get consumption pattern, production cost and
productivity levels in terms of product per raw material inputs. The baseline data that shall be collected will

o Technology, processes used and equipment details

o Capacity utilization
o Amount & type of input materials used
o Water consumption
o Fuel Consumption
o Electrical energy consumption
o Steam consumption
o Other inputs such as compressed air, cooling water etc
o Quantity & type of wastes generated
o Percentage rejection / reprocessing
o Efficiencies / yield

3.7 Identification of Energy Conservation Opportunities
Fuel substitution: Identifying the appropriate fuel for efficient energy conversion

Energy generation :Identifying Efficiency opportunities in energy conversion equipment/utility such as captive
power generation, thermic fluid heating, optimal loading of DG sets, minimum excess air combustion with
boilers/thermic fluid heating, optimizing existing efficiencies, efficient energy conversion equipment, biomass
gasifies, Cogeneration.

Energy distribution: Identifying Efficiency opportunities network such as transformers, cables, switchgears and
power factor improvement in electrical systems and chilled water, cooling water, hot water, Etc.

Energy usage by processes: This is where the major opportunity for improvement and many of them are hidden.
Process analysis is useful tool for process integration measures.

4.1 Introduction
This chapter contains a simple mechanism of the results, the analysis process and recommendation basing on the
mathematical relations. It ascertains the needy of the recommendation implementation through showing the
immediate and long term benefits.

4.2 Technical and Economic feasibility

The technical feasibility shall address the following issues

• Technology availability, space, skilled manpower, reliability, service etc.

• The impact of energy efficiency measure on safety, quality, production or process.
• The maintenance requirements and spares availability

The Economic viability often becomes the key parameter for the management acceptance. The economic analysis
can be conducted by using a variety of methods. Example: Pay back method, Internal Rate of Return method, Net
Present Value method etc. For low investment short duration measures, which have attractive economic viability,
simplest of the methods, payback is usually sufficient. A sample worksheet for assessing economic feasibility is
provided below:

Table 4:1 Sample Worksheet for Economic Feasibility

Name of Energy Efficiency Measure

1. Investment 2. Annual operating costs 3. Annual savings
• Equipment • Cost of capital • Thermal Energy
• Civil works • Maintenance • Electrical Energy
• Instrumentation • Manpower • Raw material
• Auxiliaries • Energy • Waste disposal

4.3 Classification of Energy Conservation Measures

Based on energy audit and analyses of the institution, a number of potential energy saving projects may be
identified. These may be classified into three categories:

1. Low cost – high return;

2. Medium cost – medium return;
3. High cost – high return

Normally the low cost – high return projects receive priority. Other projects have to be analyzed, engineered and
budgeted for implementation in a phased manner. Projects relating to energy cascading and process changes
almost always involve high costs coupled with high returns, and may require careful scrutiny before funds can be
committed. These projects are generally complex and may require long lead times before they can be implemented.
Refer Table 3.1 for project priority guidelines.



Priority Economical Feasibility Technical Feasibility Risk / Feasibility

A - Good Well defined and attractive Existing technology No Risk/

adequate Highly feasible
B -May be Well defined and only Existing technology Minor operating
marginally acceptable may be updated, lack risk/May be
of confirmation feasible
C -Held Poorly defined and Existing technology is Doubtful
marginally unacceptable inadequate
D -No Clearly not attractive Need major Not feasible

4.4 Energy Audit data analysis.

The following Worksheets (refer Table 4.3& Table 3.3) can be used as guidance for energy audit assessment and

Table 4:4 Energy saving analysis

S.No. Annual Annual Annual difference Simple

Energy (Fuel Expenditure Expenditure observation
& last year (in this year (in
Electricity) kwh or units kwh or units
Savings 0r ksh) 0r ksh))
(or) kl/MT)
1 electricity
2 Wood
3 Gas fuel
4 Petrol n diesel

Table 4:5 Types and priority of energy measures


Type of Energy Annual Annual
Saving Options Electricity Savings Priority
/Fuel savings
kWh/yr (or) (ksh or
ksh /yr units)
A No Investment
- Operational
- Housekeeping
B Low Investment
(Short to
Medium Term)
- Controls
- Equipment
- Process change

C High Investment
(Long Term)
- Energy efficient
- Product
- Technology

Reporting Format for Energy Conservation Recommendations

A: Title of Recommendation : Install axial blowers(fans) in the kilns in the

B: Description of Existing System : The kilns in the kitchen rely non normal
and its operation supply of air for combustion of wood during
boiling and cooking of meals. This results in
incomplete combustion wood fuels which is
mostly deposited as garbage

C: Description of Proposed system : Installing air intake fans to the kilns will
and its operation ensure adequate supply of oxygen to the fuel
in combustion process thus will ensure
complete combustion, generation of more
heat energy per given time thus reduce on
time of cooking and reduce the quantity of
waste and reduce environmental pollution.
D: Energy Saving Calculations
Capacity of 1 kiln = 50 kgs/ hr
Temp reached for optimal operation = 450 oC
Present capacity = 38 kgs /hr
Temperature (operating) = 300 oC

% optimal operation efficiency = (300X 38)/(450X 50 ) X 100%= 50.667%

Calorific value of fuel = 180MJ/kg
Power = 50kW
Power supplied by kiln system

No of kilns and their rating = 6 x 50 kW

No of fans and its rating = 2 Nos x 2 kW (synchronized in parallel)
Power consumption@ 50.667% load = (6X50-2X2) x.5066 = 149.95 kW
Energy capable of being harnessed = 6X50-2X2 =296 kW

Net Energy savings capacity = 296- 149.95 =146.05 kW per hour

E: Cost Benefits
Annual Energy Saving Potential = 146.05 kWx 8400hr= 1,226,820 Units/Year
Annual Cost Savings = 1,226,820 x ksh. 20 = ksh 2.454 m per year
Investment (approximate cost of = Approximately ksh. 400,000
piping and fans and installation )
Simple Pay back Period = Less than 3 months

5 Chapter 5: Financial Plan
5.1 Introduction
This section documents the costs of the project proposal. The Financial Plan consists of a budget table and an
explanation of contingency arrangements if the necessary funding for the project is not acquired. The items
that would cost anything have been included though with a cost of Ksh. 0.

5.2 Budget Table

Table 5:1 Budget Table

No. Item No. Price(Ksh.) explanation

1. Printing papers 3 rims 3X500 For printing questionnaire used in data
2. Fare n allowances 2 4000 To enable the process of comparing energy
consumption with other institutions with similar
3. Digital Camera 1 8000 For taking snap shorts and video recording the
situation in the field which would serve as
evidence during reporting and recommendation
4. Printing and 0 To enable printing questionnaires but it shall be
photocopying catered for by the audit team
5. total Ksh.13500


a. How to Conduct an Energy Audit: A Short Guide for Local Governments and Communities by New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Planning and Sustainable Communities. May 2007,
Developed by: Jorge Reyes, Martin Rosen and Athena Sarafides.

b. Oppenheim, D. 2000. “A Participatory Approach to Energy Efficient Design” in Environment Design Guide
August 2000. Royal Australian Institute of Architects, Sydney, Australia.

c. Thuman, A. and Hoside, R. 1994. Energy Management Guide for Government Buildings. Fairmont Press,
Lilburn, GA.

d. Cleaner Production – Energy Efficiency Manual for GERIAP, UNEP, Bangkok prepared by National Productivity

e. Energy management handbook, John Wiley and Sons - Wayne C. Turner

f. Energy Audit Workbook and Training Manual Modified from Department of Energy Free Library 2009

g. Energy R&D Programme of the Commission of the European Communities and Energy Conservation in Industry
-Applications and Techniques by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht / Boston / Lancaster.
h. Engineering thermodynamics SI version 3rd edition by R. K. Rajput
i. Published by : LAXMI PUBLICATIONS (P) LTD, 113, Golden House, Daryaganj. New Delhi-110002

6 Appendices
6.1 Key instruments for energy audit are listed below.

The operating instructions for all instruments must be understood and staff should familiarize
themselves with the instruments and their operation prior to actual audit use.

Electrical Measuring Instruments:

These are instruments for measuring major

electrical parameters such as kVA, kW, PF,
Hertz, kVAr, Amps and Volts. In addition
some of these instruments also measure

These instruments are applied on-line i.e on

running motors without any need to stop
the motor. Instant measurements can be
taken with hand-held meters, while more
advanced ones facilitates cumulative
readings with print outs at specified
Combustion analyzer:

This instrument has in-built chemical cells

which measure various gases such as O2,
CO, NOX and SOX.

Fuel Efficiency Monitor:

This measures oxygen and temperature of

the flue gas. Calorific values of common
fuels are fed into the microprocessor which
calculates the combustion efficiency.


A hand bellow pump draws the flue gas

sample into the solution inside the fyrite. A
chemical reaction changes the liquid
volume revealing the amount of gas. A
separate fyrite can be used for O2 and CO2

Contact thermometer:

These are thermocouples which measures

for example flue gas, hot air, hot water
temperatures by insertion of probe into the

For surface temperature, a leaf type probe is

used with the same instrument.

Infrared Thermometer:

This is a non-contact type measurement

which when directed at a heat source
directly gives the temperature read out.
This instrument is useful for measuring hot
spots in furnaces, surface temperatures etc.

Pitot Tube and manometer:

Air velocity in ducts can be measured using

a pitot tube and inclined manometer for
further calculation of flows.

Water flow meter:

This non-contact flow measuring device

using Doppler effect / Ultra sonic principle.
There is a transmitter and receiver which
are positioned on opposite sides of the
pipe. The meter directly gives the flow.
Water and other fluid flows can be easily
measured with this meter.
Speed Measurements:

In any audit exercise speed measurements

are critical as they may change with
frequency, belt slip and loading.

A simple tachometer is a contact type

instrument which can be used where direct
access is possible.

More sophisticated and safer ones are non

contact instruments such as stroboscopes.

Tachometer Stroboscope

Leak Detectors:

Ultrasonic instruments are available which

can be used to detect leaks of compressed
air and other gases which are normally not
possible to detect with human abilities.

Lux meters:

Illumination levels are measured with a lux

meter. It consists of a photo cell which
senses the light output, converts to
electrical impulses which are calibrated as


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