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Factors Science-Based Knowledge Indigenous Knowledge Integration

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Find the missing link on the use of Indigenous Knowledge in the Philippines to
address issues on Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness ( The case of Taal Volcano Eruption).

Factors Science-based Indigenous Knowledge Integration


Terms used for Ballistics- large solid Abo-bulkan: volcanic ash Indigenous knowledge became
disasters particles of heated rock Buhag: volcanic gas a basis of science. A great
or molten blocks that are Batik-init: hotspot foundation ​to seek scientific
ejected from the opening Bulkan-putic: mud volcano conclusion​. With history
of the volcano.
recordings and old people’s
instinctive knowledge about
Caldera- depression due
to the collapse of the disasters are what made it
ground above the important to be able ​to assist
volcano’s magma vent. more people such as ethnic
groups during Taal Eruption
Earthquakes and eventually ​come up with
An onset of trembling in universal or specific terms that
the crust by the abrupt 9,000-year-old Çatalhöyük mural in can help communiation to be
release along the fault. Turkey, ​previously identified​ in the
early 1960s by archaeologist James easier​. Indigenous knowledge
Mellaart as the earliest is the key for science to be
Eruption- effusion of lava representation of such an eruption.
more apprehensive. Together
Eruption hazard- all side by side, leverage in
associated from the integration of science and
volcanic stress: indigenous terms would be
explosion, lightning, lava more known ​with the help of
flows, tremors. technology, educating, and
using “words of mouth.​”
Fissure- crack in the
A danger or risk that can
potentially cause injury,
destroy property, inflict
pain and damage to France: Chauvet cave paintings
agricultural, forestry and depict 36,000-year-old volcanic
pose economic loss.

Early warning Tremors/ Seismic Dying trees and plants With all this knowledge
signs movement combined, it would ​aid the
Birds and animals are people in determing the
Volcanic gas agitated and restless situation. Moreover, it can
help in making decisions on
Gas emission Waters drying up nearby what to do ​when red flags
shows indication for the
Magma rising from vent Fish kill potential danger imposed by
the environment, when residing
Hot springs/ hot water Ground rumbles and near the Taal Volcano.
pooling from the ground unusually hot weather

Preparedness Looking out for cracks Fleeing to a safer place, An integration of science and
inside the house with essential things at indigenous knowledge in
hand preparedness make a
Watching the news for difference by using information
updates Staying away from trees from both sides that can
due to earthquake shocks effectively confront the
Monitoring seismic and lightning brought by problems and handle the
activities by volcanic eruption situation.
seismographs set around Wetting woven/ linen
the Taal Volcano Area clothes as resourceful
Evacuation to nearby
centers Not drinking from nearby
rivers, ponds, running
Heating drinking water stream nearby the Taal
from faucet because fish kill are a sign
of toxicity in the water.
Wearing surgical masks
and N-95

Beliefs or Volcanoes are active due According to folklore, this Knowledge on all accounts
perceptions to the movement brought occurances are a sign that enlighten the citizens to be
below the crust as the mother nature is upset to cautious, attentive to their
plates collide on one people who are alledgely environment to know the risks,
another. Causing seismic destroying the planet. plus the importance of
activity. The saying is that the preserving and protecting the
‘diwata’ wakes up and land and all its fruits. By doing
brings her wrath upon all the responsible actions
people. before, during and after the

Congratulations! Now that you have discovered the missing link to address disasters in our country, what
policies can your group formulate and suggest to the concerned agencies to protect the society? Give at least

1. Grounds for Judicial Ejectment. - Residential in the Taal Volcano Island is prohibited or setting up
tents, camps, any infrastucture or any equipment(s) that will be proven illegal: Provided, further that
NDRRMC, DOH and other related agencies and department with the intention of monitoring or
assessing the condition of Taal with the intention of making the people updated on seismic activity,
level of severity, and volcanic gas emission to be able to issue evacuation to affected residents.

2. Harboring affected victims​- must be first taken into account by appropriate authorities so that all
evacuees are assessed and censused for the recording and evaluation of evacuees’ population.

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