Unit Activity - Foundations of US Democracy Task2

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The document discusses three rights from the Bill of Rights - freedom of speech, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, and right to bear arms. It outlines current issues around gun control, abuse of law, and invasion of privacy.

The speech discusses the right to bear arms and proposes a solution of restricting gun access to the public in order to reduce gun violence and prevent further shooting incidents. The representative believes this is necessary to protect citizens.

The right to bear arms is discussed and the current issue of gun control. Reasons for conflict include weapons being available to terrorists, gun abuse, and guns providing safety.

4/6/2021 Unit Activity: The Bill of Rights

Task 2

The Bill of Rights

For the United States, the Bill of Rights serves the basic purpose of protecting individual rights and liberties.
Yet it also performs a fundamental role in establishing an environment that supports and sustains civil
society. While the Founders may not have used the term “civil society” in their writings and discussions, the
rights they protected in these rst 10 amendments to the Constitution encourage citizens to engage with
each other informally and formally in civic institutions to continually improve the nation’s democracy.

Part A
Review the amendments in the Bill of rights . Choose three rights to focus on—the rights you believe are the
most important ones in the document. Take notes in the table provided below about each right. Include the
amendment number and the name of the right, identify a current real-world scenario that illustrates con ict
around that right, and describe the reasons explaining the di erent sides of the con ict.

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4/6/2021 Unit Activity: The Bill of Rights


Right 1
Amendment Right
 2nd  The right to bear arms

Current issue
   Gun controll is being debated amoungst americans

Reasons for conflict Explanation

 weapons are easily avaliable  Since rearms are easily avablible in the US, more terrorist attacks are
to terrorist more likely

 gun abuse  gun owners use guns for illegal purposes and cost innocent lives 

 responsible gun owners use rearms to protect themselves and other

 guns provide safety
innocent people when police are not at the scene

Right 2
Amendment Right
 exessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive nes imposed, nor cruel
and unusual punishments in icted

Current issue
   these kind of cruel and unusual punishments are being abused

Reasons for conflict Explanation

 people with enough authoritative power abuse the law and can accuse
 abuse of the law 
people in order to have them punished

 Through these kind of punishments, it has been shown that suspects have
 get answers given valueable information to authorities whereas they woulnd have if
treated di erently

 Some argue that these punishments are considered inhuman for anyone
  considered inhumane
to endure and shouldnt be practiced

Right 3
Amendment Right
 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
e ects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
  4th and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath
or a rmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.

Current issue
   Many americans are debating on howo much this should be enforced

Reasons for conflict Explanation

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4/6/2021 Unit Activity: The Bill of Rights

 Many of those with enough authoritative power abuse their ability to

 abuse of the law 
search innocent people

 Many innoocent people nd this to be an invasion of privacy because they

  invasion of property
their rights to their pursuit of happiness are violated

 neccesary for the enforcement  Authorities argue that this is how they prevent crimes and gain evidence to
of the law put suspects to justice

Characters used: 2067 / 15000

Part B
Now, choose one of the three scenarios from Part A of this task. Write a speech as if you were a member of
the House of Representatives or some other government o cial speaking to a town hall meeting in your
district. In your speech, highlight this con ict and issue for your constituents. Also list potential solutions to
the issue and discuss the consequences if no solution is found. Finally, explain your own opinion, in your
role as a US representative, on how to resolve the situation. Be sure to support your viewpoint with

Review these brief speeches from Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) and former Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN) as
examples of this type of argument for a policy prescription. Once you have written your speech, ask your
teacher if he or she would like you to record the speech and submit a video of it for peer or teacher
evaluation via School Tube .

Good evening fellow constituents, I am here to address a imperfection within the US constitution that
we know nowadays. This can be a aw that takes the lives from blameless americans ordinary. This is
often due to the american right to bear and utilize arms. This may sound like a neccesary apparatus for
the security of the individuals, but it is as it were harming the country we know and adore nowadays.

For occurrence, numerous gunholders nowadays are mindful with their guns, but mischances do

happen apparently with the sum of deaths there are to weapon violence each day. Numerous also tend
to contend that guns must be kept within the hands of the individuals in arrange to maintan the
peace. However, in today's day and age, this is no longer neccessary with the new improvements to the
local law enforcements with new methods to suppress aggressive behavior against hostle groups
coming out everyday. In addition, having guns avaliable so easily to the public people also increases the
risk of fatal shooting events like terrorist attacks and school shooting all over the United States.

This can be because these individuals can easily get weapons shape any nearby store and utilize them

against innocent individuals indeed in spite of the fact that we as of now have a few directions for
the buy of guns today. The as it were genuine arrangement to the gun violence we have nowadays is to
urge them out of the hands of the open individuals to avoid any longer inncedents from occuring in
our excellent nation we attempt to protect nowadays as leaders of our individuals.

Characters used: 1585 / 15000

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4/6/2021 Unit Activity: The Bill of Rights

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