DLP VIII How Land Masses and Bodies of Water Affects The Typhoon

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A Detailed Lesson Plan



At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Explain how the land masses and bodies of water affects the typhoon
B. Create an illustration of how the land masses and bodies of water affects typhoon
C. Show appreciation by participating in the activity in preparing oneself from incoming


Subject matter:

Topic: How land masses and bodies of water affects the typhoon
Reference: Science and Technology Grade 8 p. 156

Materials: Video Clip, Revised CG S8ES-IId-18, Science 8 LM pp. 138-139


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good Morning class. Good Morning Mrs. De Torres.

Okay. Let us all stand up and pray. May I ask

Mr./Ms. to lead the
prayer. Student: Let us Pray.

Pick up the pieces of papers and arrange your

chairs properly before you sit. (The students pick up the pieces of papers
and arranges the chair properly)

Say present as I call your name. (Students raise their hands and say present as
the teacher calls their name.)
1. Lesson Proper

A. Activity

Before we proceed to the next

lesson, I want you all to quietly (Students shows readiness to watch the short
watch this short video clip. video clip that the teacher presented.)

B. Analysis The video showed different land masses and

bodies of water.
1. What was shown video clip?

2. Will give examples of land masses (Students will give examples)

and bodies of water that was
shown in the video?
3. Do you think this land masses and
bodies water affect our weather
system or even typhoons?

Let us give clarify the relationship of

our weather with these land formation
and bodies of water.

C. Abstraction and Comparison

In a large body of water like oceans and seas.
 Discussion

1. As we have discussed where does Warm water.

typhoon usually form?

2. Are they formed from warm water or PAR or Philippine Area of Responsibility
cold water?

3. And what do we call area in which we

can call that the typhoon is in our
4. Correct. Let us analyze a chart of a
typhoon pattern named “Labuyo”
which hit Luzon August 2013.
(teacher will present the

5. What do you notice about the wind

speed of TY Labuyo? They are not all the same.

6. Correct. How did they vary?

The wind speed was stronger before it made
land fall in the island of Luzon but then it
decreased after passed through Luzon.
7. Good analyzation. What do you think
affected the typhoon to increase its
wind speed?
The typhoon gained wind speed while it was
still at the Philippine Sea.
8. And what made the typhoon decrease
in its wind speed.

9. Let us analyze the topography of the The land masses.

areas where Typhoon Labuyo passed?
(Teacher will show pictures)

10. Class, what do you notice about our

Casiguran Aurora?

11. Very good. What about our next place,

It is by the sea and it has mountains. More
12. Based on our images, what do you
think made the mountains.
typhoon decrease it energy and
wind speed? The mountains.

13. Why do think so? Because mountains are high and typhoons
has the lowest weather formation.

14. Very good. It is the interaction of the

typhoon with the land forms that
affected the weather. What about the
small bodies of water, how did they
affect the typhoon, like for example in It’s the temperature of the small bodies of
Baguio? water.
15. Very good. Since typhoons need warm
water to develop, it can lose energy
with cold water.

16. Do you think we can depend on our

land formations and cold bodies of
water to protect us from strong
typhoons? Why or why not?
No. because as we can see in the weather chart
the typhoon lost some of its energy but it still
remained as a typhoon with strong winds.
 Generalization

Again, how can land-forms and

bodies water affect typhoons? Typhoons gain energy with warm water but
looses energy with cold water. It will also
weaken its interaction with land-forms.

D. Application

Group activity. Group yourselves into

four. Using the Philippine Map I asked
you to bring yesterday, draw your own
weather pattern of a typhoon in a span
of 10 minutes.
Each group must assign a reporter to
explain their output. Students will do the activity and report.

E. Evaluation

in five sentences, explain how a

typhoon is formed and how land-forms
and bodies of water affect its energy.

IV. Assignment

Study more on weather patterns.

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