(Opening) : Prayer and National Anthem Will Play

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V/O : Hello and Good Afternoon, Everyone! We, the Orbit Careers from BS-Psychology IV (B)
welcome you all to today’s webinar entitled: “You, Me and How Counseling aids Stress from
Academic Anxiety”. For this session, our guest speaker Mrs. Leilani F. Olores (___) will talk
about the contribution of counseling in helping us cope with different kinds of stressors; brought
about by Academic pressure and anxiety.

V/O: But before that, let us formally start this webinar with a prayer; which will be followed by
our national anthem.

*Prayer and National Anthem will play*

V/O: At this juncture, I now happily introduce to you our special hosts for today. Our very own,
Ms. ___________and Ms. __________!
MC’s: Good Afternoon once again, Normalites and Guests!
MC (1): As announced by our fellow member, Ms. ________, the talk we’ll be having this
afternoon will be about Counseling and how it can assist us in coping with academic stressors.
Personally, this topic for me is really relevant and I think it would help most of us, students,
especially during this new educational platform. Right, MC (2)?
MC (2): I agree, MC (1). The shift towards Online Class really caught us off-guard. From digital
attendances to receiving announcements through emails, this pandemic gave us a challenge to
face. Not only that, I can’t even meet you guys personally now! I can admit that chatting with
you guys can be convenient at times, but I miss actually talking to you guys and spending
vacant hours with you.
MC (1): I miss that too, MC (2). Every student right now is adjusting to different kinds of new
routines and sometimes it really can get overwhelming. Hopefully, our guest speaker can
enlighten us about the good side of counseling and just basically, reaching out to a professional
about the things that bother us in many ways.
MC (2): True, true. Again, we would like to welcome and warmly greet our participants, viewers,
our very own Practicum Instructors: Dr. Bernadette Bigcas and Mr. Martin Sentina; and our
guest speaker which will be introduced to us shortly.
MC (1): Also, we would like to inform everyone that at this point we will now be announcing our
first two winners of our raffle draw! These prizes will be given to those who signed up for the
Zoom webinar and will be picked randomly by our fellow Orbit Career members!
MC (2): That’s so exciting!! What do the winners receive as a prize for our raffle, MC (1)?
MC (1): Our first two prizes will be ……………
MC (2): Wow! I’m so excited to know who gets these prizes!
MC (1): They really are, MC (2)! But wait, there’s more! Later on after the talk, we’ll be
announcing 2 more winners for the raffle! I hope everyone stays tuned for that!
MC (2): Now, Ms. (.............) , an Orbit Career member, will announce our first two winners!

(....) : Good Afternoon, everyone. Our first winner for the raffle, which will receive a prize of (.....)
is ____. Congratulations!
(....) : The second winner, which will also receive a prize of (.....) is_____. Congratulations to
both winners!

MC (2): Congratulations, Winners! Our prize committee will reach out to both of you after the
webinar to discuss how to claim your prizes.
MC (1): I hope everyone’s all hyped up for the next two winners of the raffle! I hope I win
MC (2): We’ll see, MC (1).

MC (1): Before we proceed with our webinar proper, our very own Dr. Bernadette Bigcas, will
give her welcoming address. Take it away, Miss Bern!

*Miss Bern gives Welcoming Address*

MC (2): Thank you, Miss Bern! At this point, I think everyone is excited to finally meet our guest
speaker. So without further ado, let me welcome Ms. Nicole Galagate, an Orbit Career member,
to introduce our guest lecturer for this afternoon’s webinar.

Nicole: Our speaker for this afternoon, is a graduate of ……………..


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