Introduction To Philosohy of The Human Person: Schools Division of Sorsogon Bulacao National High School
Introduction To Philosohy of The Human Person: Schools Division of Sorsogon Bulacao National High School
Introduction To Philosohy of The Human Person: Schools Division of Sorsogon Bulacao National High School
A. Pre Test
COMPLETE THE TABLE. Determine the possible consequences and obligations of the actions listed
below. You assume that intention and voluntariness existed in every happening.
pg. 1
B. Let Us Study
An act that is performed only by a human being and thus is proper to man. Not every
act that a human being does is a distinctively human act. Some acts that human beings do
are performed also by animals, e.g., vegetative acts and acts of perception and emotion.
When a human being does such acts, they are called acts of man but not human acts. Acts
of man are actions shared by humans and other animals while human acts refer to the
appropriate actions of human beings. What makes an act performed by a human being
distinctively a human act is that it is voluntary, that is, an act in some way under the
control or direction of the will, which is proper to man. One can therefore identify the
human activity with the voluntary act. A voluntary act continues either by the will - like an
act of love or choice - or from another human power that may be motivated by the will,
either by an act of intellect or by the sense of reasoning or emotion; even a gesture
commanded by the will can be a voluntary act.
Voluntary Actions - these are acts originating from the individual performing the act using
knowledge about the situations of the act.
Involuntary Actions – are acts done under a) force or coercion and b). ignorance where the
doer failed to understand the effect and feels sorry on the result.
A. Under Compulsion – circumstances which are beyond the control of the agent and
contributes none to the action. Example: A person was kidnapped, hence impossible to
pg. 2
In several meta-ethical traditions obligation usually follows or arrives from freedom.
Freedom can be said to be present if the human person is free in making choices in the
realm of morality – that is, in making choices with regards to determining what is the right
thing to do in situations and circumstances in his own life. This can be summarized in our
Filipino saying, “Buntot mo, hila mo!” It is taking full responsibility for your actions and
being obliged to do so. Hence, an action is not in the full extent of morality if a person does
something while his or her freedom and rationality is altered or modified. This event can
happen if the person’s environment highly affects his judgement.
When was the last time you see yourself escaping from the consequences of your
actions? When was the last time you hide from the problems brought about by your
irresponsible actions? We have the tendency to blame others for their choice of a course of
action. At present times, several marriages – most especially in the Philippines – are being
brought to different courts of law to be annulled. What is the main reason for this? Atty. Jim
Lopez in one of his books says that most of the marriages which are tried in civil courts are
sagas of unending throwing of blame and accusations between two lovers. Which can be
simply be solved had one of the parties make himself accountable for a problem which sit
between them.
C. Let Us Practice
List down five Human Acts and Acts of Man that you have done this week.
Human Acts Acts of Man
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
D. Let Us Remember
pg. 3
Freedom always entails responsibility.
F. Evaluation
SOLVE THE TROLLEY PROBLEM. There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks.
Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed
straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you
pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there
is one person on the sidetrack. You have two options:
1. Do nothing and allow the trolley to kill the five people on the main track.
2. Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the sidetrack where it will kill one person.
Which of the two options is more ethical? Or, more simply: What is the right thing to do?
Justify your answer using the lesson above. Write your answer on a whole paper.
Processing Questions:
Bajaro, Gerry A. “Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person” (Quarter 1, Module
4: Freedom and Responsibility, DepEd, Philippines, 2020).
Prepared by:
pg. 5