2021 Threat Hunting Report

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The key findings from the threat hunting report include that timely detection of advanced threats and lack of expert security staff are top challenges for SOCs. Reducing exposure to external threats is a primary goal for most organizations' threat hunting programs.

The top challenges facing SOCs according to the report are timely detection of advanced threats and lack of expert security staff to mitigate threats. Other challenges include lack of confidence in automation tools and too much time wasted on false positives.

The primary goals of organizations' threat hunting programs are reducing exposure to external threats, reducing the number of breaches and infections, and reducing attack surface.


Threat hunting continues to evolve for organizations that focus on proactively detecting and
isolating Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) that might otherwise go undetected by traditional,
reactive security technologies.

While many SOCs are struggling to cope with the current security threat workload, more
organizations are adopting threat hunting as part of their security operations. They are discovering
that proactive threat hunting can reduce the risk and impact of threats while improving defenses
against new attacks.

In 2021, Cybersecurity Insiders conducted the fourth annual threat hunting research project to
gain deeper insights into the maturity and evolution of the security practice.

Key finding include:

• The survey reveals that cybersecurity professionals see timely detection of advanced threats
(55%) and lack expert security staff to mitigate such threats (52%) as the top challenges
facing their SOC. This is followed by a lack of confidence in automation tools catching all
threats (37%) and too much time being wasted on false-positive alerts as the top challenge
for their SOC.

• Organizations highlight a broad range of goals of their threat hunting program. However,
reducing exposure to external threats was named by more than half of the organizations
surveyed (51%). This is followed by reducing the number of breaches and infections (45%)
and reducing attack surface (43%).

• Although threat hunting is still an emerging discipline, it is not surprising that most
organizations agree that threat hunting should be a top security initiative (88%).

• Threat hunting platforms provide security analysts with powerful tools to enable earlier
detection, reduce dwell time, and improve defenses against future attacks. This year, more
organizations (68% in 2021 versus 63% in 2020) highlight improving detection of advanced
threats as the main benefit of using a threat hunting platform for security analysts.

We would like to thank DomainTools for supporting this unique research.

We hope you enjoy the report.

Thank you,

Holger Schulze Holger Schulze

CEO and Founder
Cybersecurity Insiders

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 2
Organizations highlight a broad range of goals for their threat hunting program. However, reducing
exposure to internal threats was named by more than half of the organizations (51%). This is followed
by reducing the number of breaches and infections (45%) and reducing the attack surface (43%).

What are the primary goals of your organization’s threat hunting program?

Reduce exposure
45% 43%
Reduce number Reduce attack
to internal threats of breaches and surface

41% 41% 40% 39%

Reduce time to Reduce exposure Improve speed Reduce dwell time

containment to external threats and accuracy of from infection
(prevent spread) threat response to detection

Optimize resources spent on threat response 31% | Other 7%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 3
The survey reveals that cybersecurity professionals prioritize timely detection of advanced threats
(55%) and lack of expert security staff to mitigate such threats (52%) as the top challenges facing
their SOC. This is followed by lack of confidence in automation tools catching all threats (37%) and
too much time wasted on false positive alerts (36%).

Which of the following do you consider to be top challenges facing your SOC?

Detection of
The lack of expert
Lack of confidence
advanced threats security staff to assist in automation tools
(hidden, unknown, with threat mitigation catching all threats
and emerging)

36% 30% 29% 25%

Too much time Lack of visibility Slow response Lack of proper

wasted on false into critical data time to advanced reporting tools
positive alerts due to encryption threats

Working with outdated SIEM tools and SOC infrastructure 19% | Other 9%

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Threat hunting platforms provide security analysts with powerful tools to enable earlier detection,
reduce dwell time, and improve defenses against future attacks. This year, five percent more
organizations (68% in 2021 versus 63% in 2020) highlight improving detection of advanced threats
as the main benefit for using a threat hunting platform for their security analysts.

What are the main benefits of using a threat hunting platform for security analysts?

Improving detection
55% 55%
Reducing Saving time manually
of advanced threats investigation time correlating events

49% 48% 48% 43%

Discovering Reducing time Reducing attack Creating new

threats that could wasted on chasing surface ways of
not be discovered false leads finding threats

Connecting disparate sources of information 39% | Reducing extra and unnecessary noise in the system 38% |
Saving time scripting and running queries 35% | Other 3%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 5
Although threat hunting is still an emerging discipline, it is not surprising that most organizations
agree either strongly (48%) or somewhat (40%) that threat hunting should be a top security initiative.

What is your level of agreement with the following statement? “Threat hunting should be a top security

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Neither agree nor disagree
Agree that threat
hunting should be a
3% top security initiative.
Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 6
Security Operations Centers (SOCs) continually face rapidly evolving threats to secure and defend
their environments against. From a maturity perspective, only 12% of organizations claim to have
a mature cutting edge SOC for addressing emerging threats.

Which of the following best reflects the maturity of your SOC in addressing emerging threats?

We are cutting-edge,
ahead of the curve 12%
We are advanced,
but not cutting-edge 30%
We are compliant,
but behind the curve 26%
Our capabilities are
limited at this time 32%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 7
Based on feedback from organizations data analysis and reasoning skills are in high demand for
protection against security threats. For example, pattern recognition (76%), data analytics (70%), and
deductive reasoning (67%) are the most important attributes that organizations look for when hiring
threat hunters.

What are the most important skills for threat hunters?

76% 70% 67%

Pattern recognition Data analytics Deductive

58% 58% 52% 24%

Malware Data Communication Writing scripts

analysis forensics and code

Other 3%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 8
Year after year, there is not much change in how organizations are allocating their threat hunting
budget. Last year, 37% of organizations were likely to increase their budgets; this year 36% will
grow their threat hunting spend. Similarly, last year 50% kept budgets flat; this year 53% percent
will hold threat hunting budgets steady.

How is your organization’s threat hunting budget going to change in the next 12 months?

Budget will
Budget will
likely stay flat likely increase

Budget will
likely decline

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 9
Organizations claim investing in more training (45%), better endpoint detection and response
(43%), better network detection and response (43%), and better SIEM (40%) would have had the
biggest impacts on their threat hunting abilities.

What investments would make the biggest difference in your threat hunting abilities?

45% 43% 43%

More training for Better Endpoint Better Network
existing staff Detection & Detection &
Response (EDR) Response (NDR)

40% 32% 31% 29%

Better SIEM More staff Better threat Better

feeds technology

More technology 14% | Other 3 %

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 10
While there has not been much change year after year in the number of organizations that are
seeing a decrease in the frequency of security threats, five percent more organizations this year
have found a way to stabilize the frequency of threats facing their organization.

Which of the following best describes the frequency of security threats faced by your
organization compared to the previous year?

110000 110
110000 110

30% 30%

9% 9% 8%

Increased at Increased at Increased at Increased at Not changed Decreased

the rate of the rate of the rate of the rate of
2x 3x 4x 5x or more

Don’t know 9%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 11
The three most common attacks that organizations proactively discover include malware (76%),
phishing (71%), and network intrusions (46%).

What are the most common attacks proactively discovered through threat hunting?

76% Malware
71% 46%
Phishing Network intrusion

41% 2%

Ransomware Supply chain


Other 2%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 12
Sixty-eight percent of all organizations, at least occasionally develop insights into adversary
infrastructures as part of their threat hunting activities. When they glean insights from threat hunting,
organizations discover actionable IoCs, for immediate response/blocking and better understanding
adversary tendencies and trends to assist in identifying infrastructure or adversary intent.

How often do you develop insights into adversary infrastructure (domains and IP addresses) as part of
your hunt activities?

Of all organization at least occasionally
develop insights into adversary infrastructures
as part of their threat hunting activities.

21% 21% 20%
Almost Frequently Occasionally Almost Don’t know
every time never

What are the most useful insights into adversary infrastructure that threat hunting produces?

Actionable IoCs, for immediate

response/blocking 70%
Understanding adversary tendencies and trends to
assist in identifying infrastructure or adversary intent 70%
Generating rule sets or other automation
to alert on future similar activity 57%
Ralated infrastructure, for historic
or related analysis 37%
Full threat actor attribution 37%
Attributed IoCs, for law enforcement
or other actions 33%
Other 3%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 13
Organizations collect a host of data to analyze security risks. This year, endpoint activities (72%) and
system logs (71%) take the top two spots for what organizations assess. Firewall traffic is third (69%),
falling two notches over last year.

What kind(s) of data does your security organization collect and analyze?


72% 71% 69%

Endpoint System logs Firewall/IPS
activity denied traffic

64% 61% 56% 54%

Firewall/IPS Web and email Network Threat intelligence

allowed traffic filter traffic traffic sources

Active directory 53% | DNS traffic 52% | Server traffic 47% | Web proxy logs 45% | User behavior 39% |
File monitoring data 36% | Packet sniff/tcpdump 33% | Don’t know/other 12%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 14
The top three valuable data sources for investigating known threats include activity logs (31%),
threat intelligence feeds (24%), and network data (21%), followed by endpoint data (18%).

What is the most valuable data source for your organization when threat hunting or investigating
known threats?

Activity logs
Threat intelligence

Network data
Endpoint data

Other 6%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 15
Port scanning is the most used activity for reconnaissance, with 73% of organizations including
this technique in their threat hunting efforts.

Which of the following reconnaissance activities do you look for as part of your threat hunting

73% 54% 44%

Port scanning Active directory Host enumeration

42% 41% 36% 33%

Remote system LDAP queries Password policy Service

discovery discovery enumeration

Open share enumeration 31% | None 10% | Other 4%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 16
There are three active directory events organizations look for as part of their threat hunting
activities: attempts to reset admin and sensitive account passwords (67%), login failures (61%), and
domain policy changes (48%).

Which of the following active directory events do you look for as part of your threat hunting activities?

Attempt to reset
61% 48%
Logon failure Domain policy
admin and sensitive was changed
account passwords

34% 31% 30% 29%

DSRM account SID history Kerberos Kerberos policy

password change added to an account/ authorization was changed
attempt attempt failed ticket (TGT)
was requested

User requests a Kerberos service ticket 24% | Custom special group logon tracking 24% | None 10% | Other 4%

2021 THREAT HUNTING REPORT All Rights Reserved. ©2021 Cybersecurity Insiders 17
There is a diverse portfolio of technologies for threat hunting. While last year endpoint detection
and response and SIEM were equally sited (55%) as the top technologies, this year endpoint
detection and response is the clear leader with 63% of organizations integrating these tools into
their threat hunting efforts.

Which technologies do you use as part of your organization’s threat hunting approach?

63% 56% 54%

Endpoint Detection SIEM Anti-phishing or
& Response (EDR) other messaging
security software

53% 53% 50% 43%

NGFW, IPS, AV, Network IDS/ Vulnerability Threat intelligence

web application Network Detection management platform
firewall, etc. and Response (NDR)

Enrichment and investigation tools 29% | Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) 19% | Not sure/
other 12%

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This Threat Hunting Report is based on the results of a comprehensive online survey of cybersecurity
professionals, conducted in February 2021, to gain deep insight into the latest trends, key challenges,
and solutions for threat hunting management. The respondents range from technical executives to
managers and IT security practitioners, representing a balanced cross-section of organizations of varying
sizes across multiple industries.


19% 16% 12% 11% 10% 7% 4% 4% 17%

IT Manager, Director or CIO CSO, CISO or VP of Security Security Analyst Security Manager or Director Systems Administrator
Security Administrator Threat Analyst Auditor Other


17% 16% 16% 13% 10% 8% 5% 5% 10%

Director Specialist CTO,CIO,CISO,CMO.CFO,COO Manager/Supervisor Consultant Administrator

Owner CEO/President Other


32% 21% 11% 8% 6% 4% 18%

IT Security IT Operations Security Operations Center (SOC) Engineering Sales/Marketing Product Management


26% 14% 14% 16% 6% 24%

Less than 100 100-499 500-999 1,000-4,999 5,000-9,999 Over 10,000


23% 18% 11% 11% 7% 6% 4% 3% 17%

Technology Financial Services, Banking or Insurance Government Healthcare Manufacturing Telecommunications or ISP
Retail or Ecommerce Energy or Utilities Other

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DomainTools helps security analysts turn threat data into threat

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on the Internet. Those connections inform risk assessments, help

profile attackers, guide online fraud investigations, and map cyber

activity to attacker infrastructure. Fortune 1000 companies, global

government agencies, and leading security solution vendors use

the DomainTools platform as a critical ingredient in their threat

investigation and mitigation work.

Learn more about how to connect the dots on malicious activity at

www.domaintools.com or follow us on Twitter:@domaintools

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